Supernatural Earth Pt. 10


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He smiled and craned his head forward, kissing her lightly on the lips. It was a sensation that she'd never felt with a man before that she found surprisingly pleasant. She reached over and stroked his cheek and reciprocated the kiss. Warmth swelled within her chest and she felt her bosom go flush. She wanted more and she wanted it now. Helena nudged him over to his back and he went willingly this time. She swung a leg up and over his body. His cock was already rising back to the occasion and she slid her pussy down his length easily, taking him back up inside of her. As she rode his magnificent cock, she reached down to guide his hands up her body to cup her breasts, an act that he was all too eager to engage in. Bobby sat up, wrapping one arm around her waist to hold her as she gyrated against him. His mouth latched onto one tit as his hand cupped and played with the other. Helena was soon chanting his name in pure bliss as she quickly rode him to another orgasm, feeling his seed blow up into her like Vesuvius of old. Helena clutched him tightly as they shared their climax together before they dropped back onto the bed for more tender kissing.

When she was ready to go again, he was ready with his cock standing on end for her as if it was anticipating her need... her want. Throughout the night they coupled in a variety of positions, some that Helena never even heard of or even thought possible. He called it "The Karma Sutra" and she was eager to learn more. By the time the two of them were drifting off to sleep, Helena lay curled beside him with his arm draped possessively over her body. For some odd reason, she didn't mind it, and she fell asleep to dream of him.


The next morning when Bobby emerged from the hut with Helena by his side, both of them naked per Amazonian custom, Reiyne was there waiting for him along with all of the women of the tribe, each of them equally naked. Each of them had warm smiles on their faces. "Good Morning, you two," Reiyne said happily. "I trust you two had an enjoyable evening."

"Yeah, I think that's safe to say," Bobby admitted, smiling down at Helena who hugged him and smiled back up at him.

"Good, because now we have business to attend to." Reiyne said, eying Helena. "Are you ready to submit to the will of the tribe, sister?"

Helena let out a defeated sigh. She craned her neck up and kissed Bobby passionately on the lips before stepping away from him and kneeling down before her Queen. "I am ready," she said with determination. Whatever happened, she would face her fate as a Daughter of Artemis and not some simpering pup.

"A life had been taken and a life is still owed," Reiyne proclaimed in a loud voice for all of their sisters to hear. She then pointed to Helena and then pointed to Bobby. "Woman, behold your husband whom you will honor," then she dropped her hand and used her other hand to reverse the gesture, pointing from Bobby to Helena. "Man, behold your wife whom you will keep. We charge the two of you to be joined to usher in the next generation of daughters for us. While your husband will be allowed to lay with your sister to ensure the most powerful and potent seed goes to the good of the tribe, your loins and your womb will be reserved for him and him alone until such time you produce a daughter." Reiyne crossed her arms and stared down at Helena. "This is your penance. Accept and submit or be banished forever."

Helena flinched. Outside of death or exile, it was one of the harshest punishments that could be exacted onto an Amazon; she'd just been married off to a man and she had to be submissive only to him. Furthermore, unless Bobby dictated otherwise, she wouldn't be allowed to lay with anyone else, man or woman. Once she bore him a daughter to be taught their ways and to grow up to be a warrior for the tribe, she'd be free of that stipulation even though she'd still be married to him. Who knows? Maybe in that time she'd grow to love him. It wouldn't be the first time and she could think of a worse fate... like the one that nearly befell her last night. Above her the clouds seemed to part just for her as a ray of sun bathed her in its warm light. Somehow, she knew that she was being tested here and now.

Accepting the consequences of her reckless actions, Helena bent forward, placing her hands on the ground and touching her forehead to her Queen's bare feet. "I accept this punishment as one that I justly deserve and swear on my life... on my soul... that I will be deferent and submissive to my husband." The sunbeam seemed to warm her up even more as she continued in her penitent apology. "May I fulfill the bargain struck or may I be banished into Hades' care." She felt as if a heavy weight had been lifted from her chest and shoulders as she rose back up to face her Queen.

Reiyne was smiling down at her and she nodded pointedly downwards. Helena followed her gaze and she gasped as her forearms were glowing with the power of Artemis flowing through them again. "It would seem that the gods have accepted your apology, as have your sisters," she said, waving her hand to indicate the tribe who were all bowing their heads in holy deference at Helena's powers returning. Reiyne reached down to take Helena's hands to guide her back to her feet. "Arise, Daughter of Artemis, and be welcomed home." Helena's cheeks were wet with her tears of joy as Reiyne gathered Helena's face in her hands, kissed each cheek, then kissed her tenderly on the lips. One by one, each of the Amazons filed by Helena to repeat the gesture.

Bobby had the good sense to wait until the last lady filed by to say something. "Well, I have no idea what just happened here, but I'm now horny because of it," he quipped.

Helena couldn't help but roll her eyes and laugh at that remark. Typical Male. But, to be fair, he had earned the right to say after everything she'd put him through over the past few days. That, and he was the only man in the area surrounded by hundreds of naked women. Even Helena was aroused at being kissed by each of her tribal sisters. Glancing back at her 'husband' she saw that he was indeed aroused as his manhood was standing upright. She cleared her throat of the choked-up emotion that had swelled within it as she reached down to stroke his cock. "How about we go back into our home... husband... and I will explain it to you in great detail." She eyed Reiyne, remembering that his seed was to go to the tribe as well. "Unless my Queen wants that honor first?"

Reiyne smiled and held up her hand. "Thank you, but no. I have something that is called a 'date' with the Governor and his First Lady for his seed. There will be plenty of time in the future for Bobby to lay with me. Enjoy this new day that the gods have given you, Sister."

Overjoyed, Helena took Bobby by the hand, led him back inside, and proceeded to do just that.



Aden Parker glared at Raymond Tillis via the video conference feed. The two traded verbal barbs so often over this thing that they now had each other on speed-dial. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't invalidate the treaty and come level your ass," Aden challenged him, crossing his arms irritably. "You had people camped out inside the hundred-mile zone waiting for a supernatural to go outside the city walls, which... I might add... they promptly attacked and attempted to capture."

Raymond shrugged it off as if Aden had demanded water pistols at twenty paces. "How were they supposed to know that they were engaging a supernatural?"

"So... you admit, then, to open kidnapping?" Aden gave him a withering, incredulous look.

"I'm admitting to my men attempting to detain a potential threat to the United States who was observed leaving your borders illegally," He gave Aden an innocent shrug as he opened his hands in askance. "One could argue that they were merely protecting America's borders."

"Whatever..." Aden let the subject drop since they were getting so good at their verbal fencing to the point that they could argue forever on it. "I didn't call you up to talk about semantics."

"Then why did you call, Parker?"

"I called to let you know that in that engagement we captured a good portion of your people in retrieving our errant Amazon who strayed over the border," Aden said. "We captured thirty of your men and ten of your vehicles. Since you have extended the courtesy of releasing our women from your Prison Creature, I'm repaying that right now by releasing your people and equipment back to you. Your people; both the living and dead, are loading up onto our Valors as we speak and will be there within a couple of hours. We're driving your vehicles down to Metro where your people can pick them up there."

Raymond arched his eyebrow suspiciously. "Just like that?"

"Yeah, just like that. Just without, ya know, all of the rape and torture that you did to our women and despite the fact that you still kept one of them," Aden said. He then reached for the disconnect button. "We're even now, now if you'll excuse me, I have a date with my wife. Goodnight Raymond," he added quickly before Tillis had a chance to respond.

Rubbing his eyes at having to deal with his nemesis yet again, Aden checked the time. It was getting late and he was keeping Beth waiting. He shot off a quick text telling her that he'd be right home and went for the car. The moment he was in the house he saw a note from Beth telling him that she was waiting for him up in the bedroom. She could wait for a moment as he took the time to go to his daughter's room to check on her first. Five-year-old little Tina was curled up in her bed, sound asleep in her PJs, while her star and moon music maker was still going in it's lazy, circular pattern by displaying the shapes on the walls and ceilings. Aden smiled at her as she yawned and turned in her sleep, looking every bit the angel that he regarded her as. He made sure she was tucked in tight, refreshed the timer on the music maker, restarted the soft music, and then kissed his daughter on her forehead before quietly retreating from the room, closing the door behind him. If Beth did have something special planned, he didn't want Tina hearing it and waking up.

Now he walked down the dark hallway to the master bedroom that occupied the upper corner of the cabin-esque house that overlooked the lake. He opened the door, stopped, and smiled. Beth was lying in bed, naked, with Reiyne from the Amazon village. They were already smiling at him as their hands rested over each other's mounds. It was a lovely sight to come home to. He closed the door behind him and started taking off of his clothes. He even noted that while Beth was idly petting Reiyne's pussy, that Reiyne had shaved from when he'd last seen her. His lips quirked in a smile as his eyebrow shot up in a questioning gesture. Reiyne smiled at him. "I'm told that this is quite the fashion now," she said by way of simple explanation, moving her other hand on top of Beth's to rub with her. "Do you like?"

"I do like," Aden smiled with approval. "I must say that I do enjoy social calls like this," he mused as he moved to the bed now that he was naked and his cock standing on end for them both.

"Oh this is business as well as pleasure," Reiyne assured him with a wicked smile. "As the respective leaders of our people, it only makes sense that I couple with you to produce a daughter for my tribe."

Aden's eyebrows shot up in surprise at that and his eyes darted to Beth, who merely smiled back at her. "We've been talking about having another baby now that Tina is in kindergarten," she said, rubbing her free hand over her own belly. "I want to have another one now and there's no time like the present if you're going to knock Reiyne up."

"Impregnating two women at once, this'll be fun," Aden quipped as he crawled up onto the bed between them, kissing Reiyne first, and then Beth. "I love you, how'd I get so lucky to get a wife like you?" he told her.

"I stalked you and tricked you into fucking me, remember?" Beth laughed as she kissed him back. Then she pushed him away. "I prepared a nectar cocktail for you. Go drink the pink one first and then do our guest. That mixture will guarantee that you'll get her pregnant with a girl," she said, pointing to the dresser. "The blue one is for us after you've cum into Reiyne. We've both already drank our fertility cocktails, so we are horny and have eggs waiting for you."

Reiyne managed to look both put out and confused as Aden got up to quickly drink the pink liquid. "But I have already done the necessary prayers to Artemis to give me a daughter and have mentally prepared myself. You don't need that."

"Genetics 101," Aden said after he drained the pink nectar bottle. "It's the male sperm that decides whether or not you have a boy or girl. If nothing else, think of this as extra insurance that I'll give you a daughter," he said, already feeling his balls swell with the newfound production of seed within them. He crawled back onto the bed, heading for Reiyne, who was already spreading her legs wide for him. Beth slid her hand down to Reiyne's pussy, spreading the Amazon's labia wide for her husband. Aden slid his arms under Reiyne's calves, lifting her legs up slightly, and slid his cock into her already wet and waiting pussy. He let out a grunt of pleasure while Reiyne moaned deeply in acceptance of his manhood. Then he watched as Beth cozied up to Reiyne, sliding her hand up to Reiyne's right breast to play with, as she leaned in to make out with the Amazon Queen. Reiyne moaned again as Aden started to fuck her hard and deep while Beth was kissing her and playing with her breast.

Aden never could resist watching two women go at it like this, especially when they were in his own bedroom. Already his balls felt heavy and aching as if he had the worst case of blue balls ever. He continued to pump his cock in and out of Reiyne's pussy, groaning deeply as his cock then swelled within her and then blew forth its seed. "EeeeeArrrgh!" he snarled as the orgasm took over. He slammed his cock deep into Reiyne and kept it planted there as he shot rope after thick rope of semen into her womb.

"Oh my gods!" Reiyne exclaimed in shock as she felt herself get filled up. "Already?" She wasn't expecting it to be that fast and to be left hanging with no orgasm.

"Not... done... yet..." Aden gritted out through clenched teeth. He let out a sigh of relief as the pressure ebbed within his scrotum before starting to build back up again. Once the last spurt shot out from his cock as he held her in place, he continued fucking her.

"You're still hard and ready to go again?" Reiyne now asked with surprise. "OH!" she then cried out as one of Aden's hands drifted down her thigh, down to her pussy, to start playing with her clit with his thumb.

"It's the nectar..." Aden explained as he thrust his cock in and out of her rhythmically while his thumb worked on her sensitive little nub. "Its producing semen inside of my balls at an exponential rate while keeping me hard," he panted as he fucked her. He glanced over at Beth. "How many times can I get off before the nectar is done."

"Three," Beth said, smiling sweetly at him as she kissed her way down to Reiyne's left breast to suck on her nipple. "Then you take the blue bottle and it's my turn for three rounds with you."

"Three?" Reiyne asked incredulously even as Aden was blowing his second load into her. "OH GODS!" she cried out. She still hadn't come yet but she was right there on the edge. "Oh you cruel people! Why are you not letting me obtain my passion?"

"Because this last one is gonna blow your mind," Aden grinned savagely once he was done with his second orgasm. While keeping his cock deep inside of her, Aden moved further up, putting Reiyne's body in a folded position with her hips now pointing up that made her pussy inverted. He put her ankles on either side of his head and smiled down at her before he started driving his cock down into her, the head slamming into her cervix each time.

Reiyne lost all ability to speak coherently as she locked eyes with Aden and her face contorted as she felt the orgasm build within her loins. Her nipples were two hardened, sensitive nubs that Beth attacked gleefully with her mouth while she slid a hand down to finger Reiyne's clit. This time, when Aden blew his load into her, Reiyne's body shivered and shook as the orgasm exploded within her. Her pussy gripped Aden's cock, squeezing it from base to tip, as she screamed her pleasure to Mount Olympus with all of her might. Aden held her there as his cock continued to pump his seed into her while her pussy quivered, milking his cock for every drop. Reiyne's eyes rolled back into her head as she rode the orgasm out before finally falling limp. "Oh Gods..." she then moaned deeply as she came down from her climax. "That was amazing..."

"Here, grab your knees and hug them to your chest," Aden urged her. "It'll keep your pussy inverted so all of my semen will flow into your womb." Once she did that, he gingerly pulled out of her and staggered over to the dresser to down the other nectar cocktail. His cock rose to the occasion as his balls swelled up once again. He came back to the bed where Reiyne was curled into a ball, humming contently in the afterglow, and Beth was already waiting for him on her back with her legs spread wide.

Beth gave her husband a come-hither look and Aden obliged her. She brought her legs up as he mounted her, arching her back and sighing with pleasure the moment she felt his cock plow deep into her. Then she wrapped her legs around his body, locking her ankles, and allowing him to invert her hips into the proper position. Their lips mashed together as she threw her arms around his neck and their bodies rocked together as one. Even though they've had many different lovers over the course of their marriage, sex was still best with each other as they could, literally, read each other's minds and anticipate each other's needs.

Aden brought his hands up to the sides of her breasts to brush his thumbs up and down her nipples. He fucked her hard and fast while she bore down onto his cock. He then let out a deep grunt and she squealed with pleasure as he had his first orgasm with her and she followed him right over the edge. Their bodies shuddered in passion together as he came hard and deep inside of her, filling her up with his newly generated potent seed to seek out her eggs. In the back of his mind he could see that he impregnated her with the first load as he pumped more and more cum into her. The next two orgasms would be purely academic.

Beth moaned in pleasure as her womb twinged and tingled. Being an immortal caretaker along with her husband made her so sensitive to his seed to the point that she could feel the impregnation and she'd soon be feeling the implantation. It was a feeling that she'd felt only once before in her life before she even knew what she was feeling. This time she welcomed the sensation as her body hummed with ecstasy. She smiled up at her husband, blinking tears of joy from her eyes as she then stroked his face before kissing him.

He kissed her right back and then took her two more times to new heights of pleasure between them.


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AlexClaytonAlexClayton10 months agoAuthor

@ Anon Annoying: stuff you find free… like on this site? Hm? 😆

All of these stories of mine that you read here, for free, are my throwaway stories. I don’t put a lot of effort into them. These are just stories that I don’t take too seriously but just write them to get them out of my head so I can focus on some of my more serious paid work. So, sorry that I gave up my time, resources, and energy to give you a story that you were able to read here for free.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Annoying. Bobby is a complete prick, very hard to like yet the author gives him an powers and an amazing body and huge cock(is there any other type on this website?) Women submissive and happy to get preggas through coercion and non consent, in fact it should be in this category!! Men will wank to the stories and most women will go meh and nah...typical male fantasy and even the lesbian, sorry bi sex sounds like a badly written porn find free on the Internet!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Please continue the story. Great plot, well written, and we need more.

Fred_the_NukeFred_the_Nukeover 1 year ago

Please, sir, may we have some more

AlexClaytonAlexClaytonover 1 year agoAuthor

Yeah, I know, I need to finish this series. It hasn’t been high on my priority list since I’m doing more professional, paid work these days in my writings.

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