Amelia & Andrew: The Diamond Legacy Ch. 08


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Kirk started for the door to get into the room with Andrew and Christina when Amelia grabbed his arm and requested," Kirk please wait Andrew is in full control he is just trying to force her to confess."

Andrew flew across the table, grabbed Christina by the neck and slammed her into the wall his eyes were now lifeless orbs. His nails were imbedded into her neck and he applied enough pressure to make her very uncomfortable but not enough to do any real damage. "Tell me now or I will rip you apart a piece at a time." He threatened.

"I am sorry I didn't know he was going to try to kill her. Please forgive me all Amsu told me was to forward the file on Amanda and you so that Antonio Munoz could avoid you two." Christina pleaded.

Andrew knew she wasn't totally honest but he had what he needed for now. He let her fall to the floor where she curled up in a ball and hugged herself. "I will finish interrogating you after I am done with my appointment. I would suggest that you decide to cooperate fully with me if you don't it will get very painful very quickly." Andrew threatened in a cold tone.

Andrew then picked her up from the floor and shoved her towards the door. A moment later kirk walked in and grabbed her by the back of her neck. "What do you want me to do with her?" He asked.

"Please put her in a cell and chain her to the wall I want two guards on her at all times. She is to have no visitors," Andrew requested firmly.

Kirk glanced at Emma and saw her nod. He then lead Christina to a holding cell and chained her up as ordered. Meanwhile Andrew and Amelia quickly went and got dressed to go to Sanguinem and meet with Sam's friend. They arrived at the club around Seven forty-five and were shown right to the VIP room. Charles, Susan, Sam and Cindy were waiting for them. The two of them greeted the others warmly. "Sorry, we were running close but we had to conduct an interview with Ms. Morehouse," Amelia said casually.

"Was Christina able to satisfy your concerns?" Susan asked out of curiosity. She was sure whatever they thought they had found was either a mistake or a misunderstanding, she had known Christina for almost seventy years and had never had cause to doubt her.

"She is as guilty as all hell. She was the one who passed on our files to Munoz." Andrew responded with a snarl.

Susan was surprised but hid it well she managed to keep her expression neutral. The only sign that Charles was affected by Andrew proclamation was a slight darkening of his eyes. "How do you know she was the one who sent the information to him?" Charles asked his voice tightly controlled.

"The fax came from her desk and Andrew scared her into admitting her involvement. She claimed that she didn't know he was going to kill us. Once we are done here we will finish interrogating her and see how much damage she has done," Amelia replied with a bit of anger in her voice.

About that, time Helen and David was lead into the room and introductions were made. Cindy Susan and Helen moved off to get to know each other since David didn't want Helen involved in this conversation. He hoped her lack of knowledge would help to keep her safe.

"Sam I am sorry I had to cut you off so abruptly but if anyone overheard your question it could have been dangerous for all of us. Someone in the federal government wants to keep a tight lid on this. All of the evidence including the bodies has been seized and everyone with any knowledge was given the national security speech along with given a comprehensive list of friends and family as an implied threat if we talked," David explained.

"David are you and Helen safe?" Sam asked concerned for his friend.

"I'm not sure I am doing everything I can to protect Helen. I think I am already on their radar because I questioned the legality of what they were doing and it was quickly explained that national security trumped my legality arguments and if I persisted I would be taken into custody and held for security of the United States." David nervously answered.

There was a knock on the door and Paul Ryrie entered. He bowed slightly and waited until Charles acknowledged him. "What do you need Paul?" Charles asked.

"I apologize for disturbing you sir but there is something that you need to be aware of, Mr. Black," Paul whispered to Charles leaning in close.

"You can speak freely Paul." Charles said.

"Sir we have humans that have just entered the club they look like feds and are asking for the owner. What do you want me to do?" Paul asked.

"Have security stand-by. I will meet them in the conference room in a couple minutes." Charles ordered. He then addressed the others in the room, "Susan please see to our guest while Amelia, Andrew and I take care of the feds. Amelia I may have need your abilities with these gentlemen."

"Love I need you to convince David and Helen to allow us to send them to a place of safety so we can protect them. It is our fault that he is in danger," Charles telepathically said as he was addressing the others.

"I will do my best love. Should I alert Emma and have her get everyone else ready to leave?" Susan responded with her mind.

"I do not think it is necessary yet but have Paul get one of the vans ready to go encase we need to make a quick exit," Charles requested finishing the telepathic communication.

"Andrew are you and Amelia armed?" Charles asked.

"No we didn't think we would need to be. I hope that wasn't a mistake," Andrew replied calmly.

"No, if you were armed I was going to ask that you give your weapons to one of the security personnel," Charles replied quietly.

"We rarely carry anymore between Amelia's and my ability guns are almost useless." Andrew replied confidently.

"While that is most likely true just remember that becoming overly depended on your abilities can get you in trouble. Remember what happened when Amelia tried to erase Catherine's mind. I guess what I am trying to say is to keep your options open and don't get so set in the way you do things that it bites you in the ass," Charles advised seriously. He chuckled as he continued, "Besides my mate would be highly pissed at me if I let something happened to you all."

The three friends entered the office and Charles took a seat at the head of the table. Amelia was seated to his left and Andrew was to his right. The two feds walked into the office and stood at the other end of the table. "I am special agent Mathews and this is Agent Thomas of the FBI," Said Agent Mathews smugly.

"I am Charles Black the owner of this club and these are two of my associates Amelia and Andrew Barnes. They are members of my staff and Ms. Barnes will be acting as my legal counsel. Now how may I assist you gentleman?" Charles replied coldly not in the least intimidated by the two feds in front of him.

Amelia upon seeing Agent Thomas stiffened slightly but enough that both Andrew and Charles immediately noticed. "He knows me from when I was in the agency he was a junior agent assigned to the team that stopped the attack on Pearl." Amelia mental said to Andrew.

Andrew forced himself not to react to what Amelia had just told him. They watched as Agent Thomas stared at Amelia for a few seconds more then slowly moved his hand towards his weapon. "You are Special Agent Amelia Hensley but you are supposed to be dead." Agent Thomas nervously announced. His eyes filled with terror as he started to draw his weapon.

Agent Mathews immediately went for his weapon he had worked with Jerry Thomas to know he was a good agent with a level head and if he said he knew this woman and she was supposed to be dead. He was going to take them all into custody until this mess could be hashed out.

Amelia immediately locked eyes with the two agents and took control of them. "You will stay your weapons and not move until I tell you to." Amelia ordered.

Both of the agents stopped going for their weapons and stood perfectly still awaiting further orders. Everyone could see and smell the fear emanating from the two of them. The four security men that were outside of the door came rushing into the room. Charles raised his hand indicating for them to stop.

"You will answer my questions honestly and will not hold anything back do you understand?" Amelia demanded.

"Yes mam." Agent Mathews replied immediately.

"I understand." Agent Thomas replied after a brief pause during which Amelia gave him a slight push with her abilities.

"Why are you here?" Amelia started the interrogation. The agents answered each of questions quickly and honestly. After thirty minutes of her interrogating them, she had managed to find out all that, they had known and that they were going to take Sam, David, Cindy and Helen into custody and deliver them to the Langley. She also found out that all of the information and evidence that was collected from the bombing was turned over to them. Amelia had made them both give her their username and password for the FBI and DOJ computer systems. Amelia then used her compulsion to have them keep her abreast of any information they find out relative to the case. She order them to remember that they searched the club from top to bottom and didn't find their suspects here and that owner and staff of the club were cooperative. Amelia made sure that they understood her instructions then turn them over to Charles so he could get them the hell out of the club.

"Thank you for your cooperation, Mr. Black," Agent Mathews said offering his hand.

"Glad we could assist you Agent Mathews. If I can be of any future assistance please feel free to call me." Charles shook the offered hand then handed him his card. He continued, "My personal cell number is on the back."

He then shook Agent Thomas's hand as he escorted the two of them out the door. Andrew and Amelia were standing in shadows in case something went wrong. Once the two agents left, Charles called the other enforcers to inform them about federal investigation. He had requested Amelia and Andrew to help Susan get Sam, David, and their wives to safety. They were going to Gloria's land in Scotland. The land was secluded and was outside of the United States Jurisdiction.

Andrew and Amelia returned to finish their interrogation of Christina. She wanted to make a deal she would cooperate fully if they would guarantee that she wouldn't be encased in concrete. Andrew wasn't inclined to give into her request but Amelia pointed out during their mental debate that it would far easier to retrieve the information they wanted with her cooperation. Emma and Susan both agreed with Amelia and since they had, no intention of encasing her anyhow quickly agreed.

Christina provided them with a complete list of everything she had passed onto Amsu .She had also given them all of her drop points and list of her contacts. She told them that Erik Ferranti was her intermediary. She claimed to have evidence that Erik was the one who found and recruited Alex Maslin. Amsu had convinced him that Charles had ordered his parents deaths. Christina had arranged for the press to be there. She had even hedged her bets by tell Catherine about the big sale at the baby store in the mall. Erik procured the bomb that Alex had used at the mall to kill Kirk and Linda. The original plan was to kill Emma hoping to expose vampires to humans. Amsu was sure if the humans found out about vampires they would restart the witch-hunts of old forcing vampires to have to defend themselves.

When asked why she would help with such a horrendous plan she casually said it was the millions she was promised. She had thought that she was too smart to be caught. Even when someone would notice her sending information to Amsu, she was just sending a report to Amsu for Charles, Emma or Neil and no one would question it. She didn't know where Amsu was or what he was planning to do. Christina asked what would happen to her and Andrew gladly informed her that she would have to face Charles and he most likely order her put to death. Andrew stated that he would like to be able to select her punishment because he would just lock her in a room and throw away the key. That is when Christina realized she had not escaped a slow painful death just changed the circumstances and she finally showed some remorse not for her actions but for her fate. Amelia did read her mind and made sure to scan all of her memories so she could be sure that Christina hadn't lied to them. Once they were done with their interrogation Emma ordered that Christina be placed in a secured cell, she was to be stripped naked and chained so that she couldn't hurt herself or escape. Lastly, there was to be a minimum of four guards on her at all times.

Amelia Called Charles and had him and Susan come join them for a full briefing on they had found out. Once the two of them had arrived, Andrew and she gave them a full report. Both Charles and Susan were beyond pissed once they found out who the target of the attack was both of them wanted to tear her to piece right then but Andrew suggested they wait until they had talked to the other enforcers. He rightly pointed out that they may want the option of talking to Christina themselves. Charles and Susan both reluctantly agreed to wait.

Charles went to deal with the other enforcers while Susan talked with Andrew and Amelia about how best to deal with Erik Ferranti. No one cares about Erik but Misha and her parents were old friends and allies. Misha unlike Erik would most likely go rogue if Erik were killed. Amelia suggested that perhaps they should talk to Misha family and try to come up with an agreement on how best protect Misha from Erik's guilt and punishment.

"The question is does anyone know where Erik relocated to?" Emma asked.

"They are in a hotel in Wilmington. Anatoly had asked your father if he would request you to reconsider allowing Erik to stay in the area for Misha sake. Your father agreed to talk to you but wanted to give you a couple days to cool off." Susan explained. After seeing Emma's face she added, "I was there and your father firmly stated that it was totally up to you and the only reason he would even ask was because of the respect he held for Anatoly and Faina."

Emma relaxed after she had gotten over the initial shock of her father overriding her without talking to her she did admit to herself that she would of did the same thing. "Amelia and Andrew do you think you two could go fetch Erik and drag his ass back to me. Please invite Misha here as my guest." Emma asked sweetly.

"Be our pleasure." The two of them said in unison. Susan handed them a slip of paper with the address and room number of the motel where the two of them were staying. They headed to where the Hummer was parked since they hadn't had a chance to go buy a new vehicle yet. When they got to the garage, Thomas was there waiting for them. He handed Andrew a couple sets of restraints and a gun for each of them.

Andrew programed the address into the GPS unit and the two of them headed towards their destination. The trip took them just over two hours. The hotel was extravagant to say the least Andrew was sure that Erik would insist on the presidential suite. "Andrew, how are we going to work this?" Amelia asked.

"I can think of a couple ways first we go in and you use your wonderful abilities to convince the man behind the desk that we are feds and we are looking for Erik in connection with a case," Andrew replied.

"While I like that way it isn't very discrete and may cause Charles and Susan's friends some embarrassment." Amelia said interrupting Andrew.

"True, then I guess you will have to use your abilities to convince the man behind the desk to give you there room number. Then we will give him the option of surrendering and walking out with his dignity intact or being handcuffed and marched through the hotel in front of everyone." Andrew finished his reply.

Amelia and Andrew walked to the front desk and Amelia quickly seized control of the woman behind the desk. Within a couple of minutes, Andrew and Amelia had the information they needed and a key to Erik's room. They took the elevator to the suite. Both Andrew and Amelia carefully shielded themselves so that Erik wouldn't pick up that they were vampires. Once they got to Erik and Misha's suite. They knocked and waited for someone to answer the door. Erik opened the door complaining that it had taken to long for room service he had ordered. He got the surprise of his life when Andrew rushed him and had him pinned on the floor. Misha seeing her mate was in trouble; quickly attempted to attack Andrew but was intercepted by Amelia. Amelia gently restrained Misha as she explained they were sent by Susan Dorchester to take Erik into custody.

Andrew handcuffed Erik and set him on the floor. He then went and closed the door to the suite while Amelia calmed Misha down. Erik struggled against the restraints to no avail while demanding to know the meaning of this. He promised Andrew that he would have his head if he didn't release him. Misha begged to know what was going on she was more than a little concerned that Susan had ordered Erik to be taken into custody. "Would you please tell me what is going on?" Misha pleaded as tears started running down the sides of her face.

"Your mate plotted with others to assassinate Emma Black and to expose vampires to humans. He was one of the people behind the attack at the mall." Amelia gently explained as she held Misha's hand.

"How could you?" Misha demanded angrily. She stared at Erik who had a smug look on his face.

"If I did do this there is nothing they can do to me because of you and your family. Don't worry we will come out of this just fine," Erik replied with a large grin on his face.

"Erik do you really think just because you are mated to me will protect you this time. Did you try to kill Emma?" Misha asked in horror.

"They can't prove anything, there is no evidence," Erik stated avoiding her question.

Misha just bowed her head and cried. She knew her mate was a bastard and only loved money but she never thought he would destroy her in this way. This could destroy her family; Charles was well within his rights to order not only Erik and her to be put to death but also her parents. "What will Charles do to us?" Misha whispered the question softly in between sobs.

"We are to take him into custody and return him to Philly for questioning. We were requested to ask you to join us please as Emma guest." Andrew responded honestly.

"What is Charles planning to do with my parents?" Misha queried nervously.

"The last we heard he was going to talk to them and let them know what was going on and make sure that the three of you were kept safe." Andrew answered her question trying to reassure her.

Misha relaxed after hearing Andrew's answers. She could sense no deception in his voice and somehow seeing how concern he was for her comfort reassured her. She studied the two of them there was something familiar about Andrew even though she had never meant him. Misha was sure that they were young but she could sense their strength. She was trying to figure out how she knew Andrew. Amelia noticed that Misha had more than a passing interest in her mate but determined it was not romantically motivated so she would tolerate it.

Andrew called Emma and let her know they had Erik in custody and were going to be returning with him shortly. He had just hung up the phone when there was a knock at the door. They all sensed the visitor was a vampire. Erik looked relieved and Amelia sensed he was about to yell out for help so she quickly took control of Erik's mind ordering him to remain quiet. "Who is it?" Misha asked when Andrew prompted her.

Amelia quickly read Erik's mind and found out that the vampire at the door was an assassin sent here to kill Misha and help Erik to escape. Erik had made killing her part of the deal when he agreed to help Amsu. "Andrew he is here to kill Misha." Amelia quickly warned Andrew through their bound.