Amelia & Andrew: The Diamond Legacy Ch. 08


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"I am friend of Erik's. He called me and asked me to stop by," The vampire replied in a soothing voice.

"He is in the bedroom, just a minute while I get him." Misha replied trying to hide the nervousness in her voice.

Andrew sent Misha to the bedroom. Amelia realized the vampire in the hall had no idea that Andrew and her were there and quickly informed Andrew of that fact through their link. Andrew wondered why that was but decided to talk to Charles or Susan later. Andrew moved to beside the door and turned invisible hoping to get an advantage. He told Amelia that he would tackle the vampire at the door and try to give her the opportunity to take control of the vampires mind. Andrew really wanted him alive. Once Andrew was in place Amelia quickly ripped off Erik's shirt and unbuckled the belt on his pants. Then she had him take off his shoes and socks, before he answered the door. As soon as he opened the door, the assassin stabbed him in the chest with a large Bowie style knife narrowing missing his heart. Andrew seeing this happen quickly grabbed the vampires arm and forced him to let go of the knife breaking the arm in the process. The vampiric assassin was surprised and before the assassin could recover, Andrew unleashed a couple powerful blows that dazed him just before he could recover Andrew had slammed the assassin to the floor. The assassin tried to struggle against Andrew, but was at a disadvantage because of his broken arm and Andrew quickly subdued him and used the other set of cuffs they had been given to restrain him not caring about the other vampire's broken arm.

While Andrew was, busy with the vampire that had attacked Erik. Amelia went to assist Erik. She quickly dragged him out of the way and checked him over. The wound was far from fatal but she imagined it was painful. She went to quickly retrieved a couple of towels from the bathroom and by the time she had returned Andrew had the other vampire in custody and was trying to keep a very distraught Misha calmed and away from her mate so that Amelia would be able to tend to him.

Amelia looked into Misha's eyes as she returned to aid Erik and forced her to calm down. Misha was stunned how easily Amelia was able to circumvent her mental defenses and push into her mind. It fascinated and worried her at the same time. Andrew released Misha now that she was calmed and she set down on the couch trying to stay out of their way. She nervously watched as Amelia treated her mates wounds.

Amelia quickly removed the knife from Erik's chest and covered the wound with the towels applying pressure to lessen his loss of blood. Andrew had found ten units of blood and handed Amelia a couple of them to feed to Erik once his wound was sealed. Amelia let Erik drink the two units of blood she knew that he wanted and most likely needed more to regain his strength but she decided that it was better to keep him weakened. Amelia locked eyes with the assassin and ordered him not to move or talk until she ordered him to then cared for his broken arm.

While Amelia tended to her charges, Andrew started get rid of any evidence of the altercation thankfully there had no broken furniture to hid or replace. After he was done with that, he gathered up the anything that may look suspicious like empty blood bags or the blood soaked towels. Andrew made sure that Erik's laptop and files were packed to go with them. They would have another team return in the morning to go over the room with a fine toothcomb looking for anything that Amelia and Andrew may had missed. Andrew led the group out to the vehicles just in case one of their prisoners tried anything but thanks to Amelia's abilities the two of them obediently followed the directions they were given. Andrew restrained the two prisoners in the back most seats. Amelia and Misha were seated in middle seats and Andrew was driving. The trip was uneventful. Once they arrived at the building where they all were staying, the two prisoners were taken to holding cells and Misha was shown to a guest room. Amelia and Andrew called it a night after giving Charles, Emma, and Susan a quick rundown of the events that had happened before heading to clean up and catch a few hours of shuteye.

The next morning Amelia and Andrew were introduced to Anatoly and Faina Aaronic. They had been updated about the previous day's events. The only thing Amelia and Andrew had not disclosed as of yet was the fact that the assassin target was Misha, Amelia wanted a chance to confirm that fact before she deliver that kind of devastating news. Charles and Anatoly were going to try to come up with a way to insulate Misha so that Erik could be punished without harming Misha. While Susan and Faina were going to try to help Misha to regain the strength, she once possessed.

Amelia and Andrew quickly excused themselves so they could go interrogate Erik and their mystery guest. The two of them had been promoted to head of security for all of the black's interest without them even being aware of it. Faina and Susan followed the two of them out. "Excuse me," Faina called out. She waited until Both Andrew and Amelia had turn to face her before continuing, "I do not mean to be forward but what are the two of you holding back. Please don't try to hide it, I can sense that you are holding back and it has to do with my daughter."

"Ms. Aaronic we left no facts out of our report. I am hesitant about passing on unsubstantiated information that could do more harm than good." Andrew explained in a cool almost indifferent tone.

"Love she is just concerned for her daughter. Is everything all right with you? You seem a bit edgy." Amelia telepathically said her mental voice full of concern.

"I am ok but you are right something has me a bit on edge." Andrew replied to Amelia with his mind as he said in a softer tone, "Ms. Aaronic I am sorry if I seem a bit short with you I am just bit on edge. My mate sensed that the unidentified vampire was there to kill your daughter but we want to get all of the facts before we say something wrong."

"You think that Erik wanted my daughter killed?" Faina asked shocked and horrified.

"That is what we are going to find out Ms. Aaronic and I promise we will let you and your husband know what we find out. Andrew responded in a reassuring tone.


Andrew asked the guards to bring in Erik first. Andrew and Amelia agreed Erik would be the easier one to interrogate. A shackled Erik was lead into the interrogation room. He wore a smug smile on his face and confidently set in the chair acting as if he was going to business lunch and not an interrogation that could garner him a death sentence.

"I take it you know I was helping Amsu and want to know what I told him." Erik smugly said.

"So you admit to treason and attempting to expose vampires to the humans." Amelia asked surprised at his admission.

"I think it was a bit more than an attempt. However, yeay I do, after all it isn't like you can do anything more than lock me up. If you kill me poor little Misha would be destroyed," Erik stated with a mixture of distain and arrogance.

"You do realize there are worse things than dying," Andrew threatened.

"That may well be true but I will just open my mind to Misha to make sure she feels everything I do. How long do you think it will take her to lose what little bit of sanity she has the poor weak pathetic creature she is." Erik taunted never changing his smug smile.

Andrew's eyes flashed in anger, he couldn't comprehend not doing everything in his power to protect his mate, and this piece of shit was using his mate as a shield. Before Amelia could react, Andrew lashed out with his telekinetic abilities. He threw Erik across the room he went through the wallboard and smashed into the brick wall behind it. Andrew had managed to turn right shoulder and upper arm into a maraca. The guards stationed outside of the room came pouring in to see what the loud crashing sound was while Amelia quickly wrapped her arms around Andrew while used her mind to attempt to settle him down and to her surprise, Andrew was in full control of himself.

"I bet you won't be so smug now," Andrew said with a smug smile of his own. He then directed the guards to reseat Erik in his chair and leave the room. Unfortunately, for Erik there was no Miranda Rights to protect him from being tortured. Erik was reseated in the chair and the guards left the room. Erik looked at Andrew with more than a bit of fear in his eyes waiting for Andrew to speak.

"Erik you think that you can hide behind your mate and will be safe, however I am sure that if I ask real nice my lovely mate will be most glad to use her mind to shield your mate from you then I can do most anything except kill you." Andrew stated in a soft but firm tone.

"Andrew I am not sure I can do that." Amelia quickly told Andrew with her mind while keeping her expression carefully neutral.

"He doesn't need to know that." Andrew replied mentally while he was studying Erik.

Erik tried to gauge if Andrew was serious or not but decided not to challenge him. He wondered if he had gone too far this time. Misha had always been his get out of jail free card even when he had the occasional run in with the Blacks but it wasn't protecting him this time. As he was setting there, he became aware of a presence in his mind and tried to force it out of his mind unsuccessfully.

Amelia wanted the complete story and wasn't willing to play anymore games with him no matter how much fun her mate was having decided to use Erik moment of indecision to her advantage and sneak into his mind. When she had tried to slip in earlier, she had meant a wall of defenses and she was unwilling to risk damaging Misha well-being decided to wait and let Andrew take the lead. Now that his defenses were done, she had managed to push through his defenses and by the time, Erik had realized she had breached his shield, she had him. She ordered Erik to lower his defenses and allow her complete access to his mind, which he reluctantly allowed. Amelia quickly and non-to gently tore through his memories she had ordered him to block off his link with his mate to protect her. Amelia was sickened by some of the plans he had for his mate and her family. He was the one who had insisted that Amsu have his mate and her family killed as part of his compensation for helping Amsu with his plans. Amelia now knew that Amsu had been planning to cause a war between the vampires for almost a quarter of a century according to Erik's memories.

Andrew was just about to restart the interrogation when he realized that Amelia had taken control of Erik's mind and was in the process of reading his mind. He could see the pain on Erik's face and was enjoying watching his lovely mate rip though Erik's mind. He wondered whether Amelia would leave Erik's mind intact or would he wind up a breathing husk like Victor Stone. He stood ready just in case Erik broke her control but knowing that normally once Amelia had someone, they were hers for as long as she wanted them. Once Amelia was done, he escorted Erik to his cell with orders to have him chained to the wall and watched by no less than two guards at all times. Andrew decided to take a break to give Amelia a chance to regain her strength he could feel her weariness through their bound.

Amelia rested while Andrew made the arraignments to have Erik properly detained and watched. Erik had resisted her mental probes and the resulting battle had tired her. She needed a few minutes to regain her strength in order to be able to assist in the next interrogation. She knew that Faina Aaronic would be demanding to know what they had found out but she wanted to let Charles or Susan decide how much to tell her and her husband. She picked up the phone, called Charles, and asked him to come down to the interrogation room without his guest so she could go over what she found out. Just as she hung up the phone, Andrew returned and she filled him in on what she had found out from also letting him know she had requested Charles to join them alone. While the two of them waited, she wondered who the Aaronic were, as Charles seemed to hold the family in high regard and went out of his way to accommodate them.

A short time later Charles joined, the two of them in the interrogation room to hear the report of Erik's interrogation. As Charles listened to the report he could hardly believe just how freely Erik used his mate to shield his wrong doings he almost didn't want to believe that Erik not only threatened to allow Misha to be harmed but had actually threatened to cause harm to her himself. Charles could not help to wonder just what kind of monster he was. After Amelia finished giving Charles the report, he requested that they share in the information with Faina and Anatoly. As the three of them were leaving the room, Charles' cell started to ring. Charles waved them to go on. "How in the hell did it happen?" Andrew and Amelia heard Charles shout into the phone.

Charles listened, as the other person must have spoken. "I will have my investigators out there as soon as possible... No, you don't know them but they are very good at their job... I will send Gloria along with them is that acceptable? ... I don't wish to discuss this on an unsecure line. I will call you back soon." Charles ended the phone call his rage barely contained. He mentally sent Susan a brief synopsis of the telephone conversation he had just had and asked that Gloria and her join him in his office in ten minutes. He then called his private jet and put it on stand-by telling them to ready to fly in thirty minutes. When they asked, where they would be going he answered San Diego, California and make arraignments to have rental vehicles.

Charles started to go ask Andrew and Amelia to join him when his phone rang again. He was slightly surprised at the identity of the caller Walter Astin. "Hello Walter, what can I do for you?" Charles answered the phone in a business like tone.

"First of let me express my sincere regrets. I tried to get men there to assist your people but they got there too late. I didn't realize it was a problem until my man that was monitoring your teams failed to check in. Fortunately he was just disabled and not killed so I will make sure he is available to answer any question your team has I would also like to offer my full assistance in this matter. I have already provided your people here with three vehicles equipped and stocked for your investigators and if you wish I will provide Marsha as a liaison and three drivers that know the area." Astin offered.

Charles was surprised by Astin's offer he hadn't expected such a generous offer. If Astin was going to support him, it would make the job of locating who was responsible much easier. "Thank you Walter I appreciate and accept your offer. May I request one last thing from you? A copy of any information that you have already gathered so my team can review it on the trip out." Charles replied grateful for his help.

"I will be glad to fax it to you just give me the number and I have sealed off the scene until your people arrive also I have the victim's body. Is it true that it is the family of one of your people?" Astin replied

"Yes do you recall the hearing about the two people that were turned by diamond?" Charles asked.

Yes, one was a homicide cop Andrew Martin and the other was a federal agent named Amelia something or other. Is it true that they killed her while still being human?" Astin answered curious to see where this was going.

"Yes Andrew killed Diamond while he was still human. It is his ex-wife, child and her new husband. Andrew and his mate Amelia along with Gloria will be leading the investigation. Before you ask yes the two of them are young but they are very good at this type of work." Charles explained earnestly.

"Charles are you sure it is a good idea to have Andrew involved in this matter he may be too close to this to think objectively. I mean after all it is his child that is missing." Astin replied concerned. He knew that Charles normally was good at staying objective but he had to wonder about Charles judgment in this case.

"I appreciate your concern but I can think of no better people to have on the case and I am confident that as long as Amelia is with him he will be able to control himself. I have never seen a mating bond quite like theirs they seem to balance each other perfectly. Secondly one of the reasons I am sending Gloria along with them is to monitor the two of them and act as a safety in case I am mistaken," Charles answered. He was positive that Andrew would have no trouble containing himself but wanted Gloria there in case he was mistaken.

"Ok Charles then I am looking forward to meeting the two of them and renewing my friendship with Gloria. O' by the way I understand congratulation are in order. Please extend them to your wonderful mate." Astin finished with a couple less important items they needed to discuss and hung up right after Charles gave him the fax number.

Charles went to his office and found Susan and Gloria waiting for him he quickly explained to Gloria what had happened in California and what he needed her to do. She quickly agreed to help in whatever way she could and would try to help keep Andrew calm. All three of them knew that if Andrew found Amsu all bets were off and he and Amelia would Attack him on sight no matter what they promised. Charles made Gloria promise to get away from them and call for back --up to hopefully save their friends they all knew that Andrew and Amelia were no match for Amsu and unless he was toying with them their lives would be over quickly.

After Charles was satisfied with everything he went over with Gloria, he requested that Amelia, Emma, Andrew and Neil to join them in the office he hoped that all of them being there would help Andrew to keep control of his baser self. Emma and Neil enter his office almost immediately followed by Neil and a very pregnant Catherine. Scott was at work and wouldn't be home for a few hours. "Catherine it may be better if you weren't in here when I talk to Andrew." Charles suggested worried that if Andrew reacted badly he could inadvertently hurt the baby or Catherine.

"Charles, Andrew would never hurt me or my child. You know this," Catherine argued.

"Catherine I didn't mean he would lash out against you I meant he may lose control of his powers and lash out with them." Charles explained.

"Hun she will be a reminder to Andrew to stay in control. I think you should let her stay." Susan reasoned hoping to prevent an argument.

Charles nodded his acquiesce and hoped that Susan was right. A couple moments later Andrew and Amelia came through the door and were a bit surprised to see everyone there. "What's up?" Andrew asked while smiling. He quickly lost his smile when he saw Charles expression. Andrew immediately went on alert followed very quickly by Amelia.

"Andrew it is no immediate threat I just have some bad news to relay to you and I need you to remain as calm as possible. Last night your ex-wife Shannon was attacked and killed in her home. We haven't been able to locate your son or Tony as of yet. Andrew I cannot tell you how sorry I am. I had two teams on them at all times but whoever did this managed to kill all of the men I had on them." Charles said sincerely.

Andrew set down heavily on the edge of the coach by him and Amelia quickly wrapped her arms around him and pulled his head to her chest. Andrew started to shake as tears of rage and sorrow started to flow. He closed his eyes, and fought for control knowing that the time to grieve would come; but first he had to keep his mind focused so that he could find his son and then once he was safe he would find the person or persons who had done this and they would pay dearly very dearly. "Charles I need all information you have so far and how soon can we get a plane to San Diego and we will need to know the location of the blood suppliers by Solana Beach area." Andrew quietly queried.