American Girls Down Under


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As they drew near to the umbrella, they steered up through softer sand towards it. There was still no sign of Adam, just a pile of clothing folded neatly under the umbrella, a pair of sunglasses on top. They looked back out to sea, and saw, nearer the water, a dropped towel.

"Adam!" Leslie gasped, as she spotted him far out amongst the breaking waves, a hundred yards off shore.

Quinn turned to see their host take several strong strokes along the crest of a swell and then ride the breaking wave, body surfing into the shallows. He pulled up, the tumble of white water running on in front of him. He waved, then turned back towards the ocean, swimming out with strong strokes.

"Come on, let's join him!" Quinn dropped her bag to the ground, and shimmied out of her sun dress, revealing her long, tanned legs rising high into the elegant lines of a fashionable black one piece. The swim suit accentuated her leanness, and its deep vee neckline focussed the eye on the long flat line of her belly and torso, rather than the smaller mounds of her breasts.

"But..." Leslie stammered. "But... sharks... irukandji..."

"Adam wouldn't go in if it wasn't safe."

Leslie shifted from one foot to the other, twisting her fingers awkwardly, not entirely sure that was true. Watching Quinn jog towards the surf in nothing but a long cut of black cloth barely covering her ass and nothing of her back, Leslie desperately wanted to chase after her lover. But her irrational fears held her feet rooted firmly in place.

Adam missed a swell and as he waited for the next, he looked to shore and spotted Quinn wading knee deep into the surf. Her bare skin was tanned a gorgeous Asian darkness. Further up the beach he saw poor Leslie, clearly conflicted about being left out of the fun.

Catching the next swell, Adam rode the surf in towards the shore until he stood waist deep. "Come on, Leslie, there's nothing to be afraid of," he shouted up to the nervous girl on the beach.

"The water's heavenly, Leslie," Quinn called out. "Pleeease come in."

Adam turned to see Quinn crouching down in the water, her hair streaming long in the surf behind her. To show Leslie just how safe it was, Quinn turned and dove into an oncoming wave, and began to swim towards Adam, further out.

Back on shore, Leslie had managed to force herself down to the edge of the tide line, but when a wave rolled in a little further and caught her toes, she squealed and backed up a step. Her eyes frantically scanned the breaking water for fins or any other telltale signs of danger.

Quinn waded back to the shore and extended her hand to Leslie. "Come on, why don't you just put your feet in the water. I'll stay right by your side. Nothing will hurt you, I promise."

Taking Quinn's hand at last, Leslie took little steps into the surf, jumping up each time a wave broke at her feet. With slow tentative steps, she walked forward into knee deep water.

"You're doing great, Leslie!" Quinn encouraged. She knew just how to push Leslie's buttons.

"Bryan told me you'd be too scared to go in the ocean, but I knew you could do it."

At the mention of her cousin's name Leslie's expression turned from hesitant to fierce. "I know what you're doing," she scowled. "That's not fair."

But Leslie let go of Quinn's hand and waded defiantly into the surf, her pale breasts heaving with each determined breath, almost spilling from her bikini top.

Quinn was so focused on the supple curves of her lover that she didn't notice the wave that broke immediately behind her. In a rare moment of awkwardness, Quinn screamed as she was knocked off balance and into Leslie's arms. Both girls tumbled into the rolling foam and emerged sputtering and laughing.

Her fears conquered, or at least forgotten for the moment, Leslie chased after Quinn, breasts and buttocks bouncing wantonly through the breaking waves. With her longer legs, Quinn easily kept her distance, turning to splash and taunt Leslie now and again. Quinn dove towards deeper water, but Leslie lunged and caught her by the ankle. Rolling over, Quinn turned on Leslie, and pulled her down laughing into the water.

"I knew you could do it," Quinn panted, pushing a sodden tress of hair from her face. "I'm proud of you." And she took Leslie's face in her hands and kissed her passionately.

"It still wasn't fair, using Bryan like that," Leslie chastised Quinn with a gasp, breaking her kiss.

"I know. Forgive me?"

"I will. But not yet... Bitch!" Leslie dunked Quinn under the water and sloshed away through the surf laughing. Quinn spluttered to the surface and gave chase.

When Adam looked back towards the girls, Quinn was chasing Leslie through the shallows, while Leslie held her off with a barrage of splashes. As Quinn sought an advantage on the other girl, Adam finally had a clear view of the dancer's curves. He knew Quinn was slender, so Adam wasn't surprised at just how small her breasts actually were, but oh so sexy.

Thinking back on the clothes she wore, Adam realised how carefully Quinn coordinated her wardrobe to draw attention away from her breasts to her long legs and back, and wondered why she took such pains. She was spectacular, and here in the surf, like some fabulous water nymph.

"Wow, look at that, how Adam catches those waves. I want to try that." Quinn struck out towards Adam, stopping to yell, "Adam, teach me how to surf, will you?"

"Of course," he shouted back, "get yourself out here where the waves are breaking. I'll show show you how to count, and launch yourself."

"Count what?" she gasped, as she swum nearer to Adam, treading water as the swells rose and fell. Quinn could just touch the bottom as the higher waves passed by, and realised Adam was probably standing on the sand, as only his head and shoulders were visible above the water.

"There's always a cycle of several smaller waves, and then a bigger one. You count the waves, figure out the cycle, and then go on the big ones. Here, come on, hold on to me. It's a cycle of eight at the moment, that one was number three."

Quinn came over to Adam, her cheeks flushed with the excitement of the water, her heart pumping from the tussle with Leslie in the rolling surf. She placed an arm around his neck and felt his arm around her waist, holding her tight as the next few waves rose over them.

"See how you can tell, the next one's bigger? Are you ready for it?"

"No, not yet. Let me get used to it myself. You just swim like hell, right?"

"Yup. Down the face of the wave, so it breaks behind you. Take a few strokes, and then stiffen your body like a board as you feel the water push. Straighten your arms down your sides so you're stiff, and don't forget to take a breath! You can steer, by rolling your body. Like riding a bike, only lying down."

"I think I've got it: stroke, big breath, stiff like a board, go!" She was determined now, to do this. "Wait, how do I stop?"

"Just put your feet down, and slow down behind the wave. Or tumble." Adam tilted Quinn's body, pointing her towards the shore. "Okay, the next one!"

Quinn looked at him, bright excitement in her eyes. And as the wave rose up behind her, she felt Adam's firm grip on her sides as he pushed her onto the wave, giving her that first acceleration to match her speed to the water. She was away, zooming down the face of the wave at what must have been a hundred miles an hour, it seemed so fast. She felt the power of the water rushing her along, just her and the water until she forgot to breathe.

Speeding towards the shore, she saw the wide eyes of Leslie staring at her, spellbound. Then, all of a sudden, the wave was rushing away in front of her, white water tumbling as she slowed behind its break.

She staggered to her feet, and rushed towards Leslie, bowling her over in the water. "Ohh, Lessie, you've got to try. Sooo much fun. I'm doing it again."

"Quinn, wait!" But she was gone, swimming back out towards Adam.

"Makes you feel alive, doesn't it?" He reached his hand out to her, drawing her body to his, holding her steady as they counted the next waves. She wrapped her long legs around his waist and clung to him, her heart pounding with excitement.

"Adam, it's sooo good. No wonder you love it!" And again, she was away, hurtling down a wave.

After half a dozen goes, she didn't need Adam to launch her any more. She found the rhythm of the water and no longer needed him to help. So he went in towards the shore, where he found a smaller break. He called over to Leslie, "Come on honey, your turn. You can do it."

"No, it's too deep."

"No it's not, come on, I'll show you too. Look at Quinn, she couldn't do that twenty minutes ago, so you can do it too. Just like riding a bike downhill, really fast."

"But ... "

"The only butt I want to see is yours, out here, now!"

"Adam!" Leslie was delightfully shocked by him, but equally delighted being told what to do. "How do I..."

So Adam repeated the instructions, how to quickly stroke just as the wave broke, how to hold her body rigid. Because they were closer to the shore, and the waves were breaking a second time, he didn't need to tell Leslie about the wave cycle, just how to judge when they'd break. The water was shallower here, and Adam could stand more firmly on the bottom, his chest exposed above the water line. Leslie clung to him, both arms tight around his neck as each wave came along and buffeted them.

Finally, she was brave enough to try, failing the first time because she didn't get going soon enough.

"Here, lie flat on your tummy, I'll just give you a huge shove when the wave comes." Adam held her floating, one hand holding her up, the other on her back, holding her steady. "Ready... okay, now!" And he unceremoniously grabbed her firm little ass and pushed her through the water, matching her speed to the wave, and this time...

"Woohoo, baby, that's it, way to go!"

Quinn cheered her friend on, and quickly followed Leslie towards the shore. Leslie's ride was short, but enough to show she could do it, and in ten minutes, she too was getting the hang of the surf, not quite with Quinn's confidence, but with a small pride all her own.

After another five minutes, Adam started for the beach. "Right, you two. I'm bloody exhausted here. Throwing you two down waves isn't easy, you know. I'm going in." He grinned. "Oh, I forgot. If you're easily shocked, you might want to look out to sea."

"What? Why, Adam?" Leslie asked the question first, but he was gone on the next wave. The girls watched him take two strong strokes and he disappeared into the foaming wave, to emerge ten seconds later when he stood up in the shallow water and began walking towards the shore.

"Oh my," Quinn said, "no wonder he was staying in deeper water. How did we not know?"

"I guess we only hung on to his neck," said Leslie, "and never looked down into the water."

Adam, as naked as the day he was born, walked from the water to his towel, picking it up and tying it around his waist before turning back to look for the girls. They were easy to spot, standing side by side in the water, staring back at him with the widest eyes.

"Look out!" he yelled, but it was too late. An incoming wave knocked the girls over, sending them tumbling into the rushing surf. A moment later they reappeared, spluttering and laughing. "Adam, why aren't you wearing trunks? Shouldn't you..."

"Never do, on deserted beaches. An all over tan looks much better, don't you think?" He stood confidently on the sand, protected from their inquisitive eyes by the towel wrapped around his waist. "But I thought I'd better have this towel nearby, so I didn't shock you both. Young American girls, you know..."

"Adam," said Leslie primly, wading out of the water, "is this what Australian girls do, on deserted beaches?"

And she reached between her breasts and unclipped the catch of her bikini top, pulling the cups away from her breasts. She wasn't quite ready to forgive Quinn for using her cousin against her, and if Quinn knew how to push Leslie's buttons, Leslie knew how to push back.

Quinn pursed her lips at her lover's brazen audacity, but she wasn't going be out done. There was no one else around, and Adam made her feel confident. Flipping her hair back, Quinn reached behind her neck to untie the top of her suit.

"You mean like this?" Quinn asked coyly, tying the top of her suit off around her hips as she walked up next to Leslie. She rolled her shoulders forward and pushed her arms into her chest, pressing her barely-there breasts together to give them some more definition. Leslie smirked knowingly at Quinn's bravura, and Quinn blushed coquettishly, biting her lower lip.

"That's how Australian girls do it, alright," Adam agreed, shamelessly enjoying the sight of the exposed flesh presented before him. "You two have gone native."

Standing proud and with her back straight, her firm breasts high on her chest, Leslie moved towards Adam, her ass a seductive wiggle. Surprised by her own confidence she walked right up to him, stood up on her tip toes and kissed him all salty full on the lips, then reached down and pulled the towel away.

"Thank you for teaching me to surf," she said, and walked on up the beach, dragging his towel behind her on the sand. Quinn dashed up next to Leslie and they walked away from Adam, giggling together, hand in hand.

Adam smiled at Leslie's audacity. So much for American modesty he thought as he too walked up to their camp under the umbrella, enjoying the sway of his cock, semi-hard against his thigh, enjoying the bare backs and firm bottoms of the girls as they walked ahead of him.

"Come on Adam, you're so slow," Leslie teased as she coquettishly looked over her shoulder at him. Her eyes widened and she blushed, seeing what she saw. She whispered to Quinn, who also turned to see. Her eyes narrowed, as if to focus more clearly, and then she looked into Adam's eyes and smiled, almost shy, almost not.

Leslie held her eyes on his cock a little longer, not so shy. Looking down, to make up for not doing so while clinging to his neck in the water. She smiled to herself. Goodness, I was clinging onto a naked man. I could have reached down and touched him! The thought of it made her a little wet, and her nipples grew tight.

She flipped Adam's towel down on to the sand and straightened it for him, before unfolding her own towel and lying on her back, comfortable in herself and her topless, slightly aroused state. Quinn, more self-conscious, lay on her belly, but left her back bare, long and lean. She was hiding herself, and didn't see her friend's arousal. Adam did, but perhaps it was the water. He too thought it best to lie on his front, to make his naked presence more comfortable for the girls.

"Is this what it's like on all Australian beaches?" Quinn asked. "Topless girls and nudity?"

"Not all beaches, no. Topless is very common, especially just lying on the sand, but there's sort of a protocol to cover up boobs near the flags and where young families and kids are swimming. Most cities have some designated nudist beaches, and on deserted beaches like this, it's no big deal. It's generally pretty relaxed, though, so far as bare breasts are concerned. It's not considered pervy, coz women of all ages will go topless. Men do, so why not women?"

"It's not so common back in the States, that's for sure," replied Quinn.

"It's nice though, the sun on my breasts," commented Leslie, "especially when the salty water's evaporating. My skin's gone all kind of tight and crusty."

Adam glanced over at the girl, liking her unexpected and naked confidence, and admiring the curves on her breasts and the little mound of her belly. "You'd better put some cream on, honey, so you don't burn. Your pale skin, we don't want that."

"You're right. Quinn, can you rub it in on my back?"

They lay together on the sand, enjoying the heat and each other's presence. It seemed completely natural, and quite okay, to be mostly naked together. For the girls, it was kind of sexy in a safe way, but not sexual. For Adam, it was an accepted part of his world.

Time passed, and the sun rose, higher and hotter in the sky. "We'd better get in," said Adam, "before we cook. Besides, I want to grab the weekend paper, it'll be at the resort by now."

"Wait, is it the weekend already?" Leslie asked with a frown. "I lose track without a schedule."

"Saturday," Adam replied, noting the position of the sun. "A bit past noon, I'd say."

"Shit! Star Crash dropped on Steam this morning!" Clutching her bag to her chest, Leslie took off down the beach at a run.

"Leslie, wait!" Quinn called after her with a groan.

"Did I miss something?" Adam asked. "I know what those words mean, but the sentence made no sense." He pulled on his jeans, and bundled up the umbrella.

"It's a hot new video game that Leslie's been waiting for," Quinn explained, slipping back into her sun dress and gathering up the towels. "It's been delayed twice already, and I guess it's being released today."

"A video game?" Adam asked incredulously. "Surely she's not going to spend the rest of her holiday playing video games?"

"She'd better not! But she's not going to wait until we get home, either. We've probably lost her for the rest of the day."

"It's just a game, surely she can get away?"

"You have to understand," Quinn sighed. "Leslie takes her video games really seriously. Like, as seriously as I take dancing. And if you ever watch her play, she's really good. Really, the only difference is that people take ballet seriously but think video games are a waste of time."

"Mmmm, I suppose. When you put it that way... Do you play them as well?"

"Oh, God no," Quinn laughed. "I play about as well as Leslie dances. Once, I got totally lost in an empty room with one door. And I always seem to jump off of things I shouldn't for no reason. Leslie says she can use me to test the accuracy of a game's physics."

They arrived back at the resort, and Leslie was already gone, eager to go find the game.

Adam turned to Quinn. "Well, you've had a big morning. Why don't you take the rest of the day for yourself. Visit the spa if you like. I'll catch up with you and Leslie for dinner... if we can pull her away from the game."

"Alright," Quinn agreed. "Meet you in the dining room? Dressed for dinner?"

"There's a cafe down by the pool that serves lighter food—sandwiches, croissants and such. Not as stuffy and formal as the main dining room. Why don't we eat there tonight? It's casual dress."

Quinn realized it wouldn't be as expensive either. She wondered if Adam had anticipated the girls' intention to pay for dinner tonight. "Okay, but not too casual," she teased, giving him a sidelong glance. "You know I like a dress. Come get us around seven?"

* * * *

But just after four, Adam got a call from Leslie.

"Adam, can you come over to our apartment? I've... I've sort of got a question I need to ask you. It's, um, it's a bit personal. Very personal, actually. But really important."

Adam heard whispering over the phone. "Sshh, Quinn, I don't have time, not now." Leslie paused. "Adam, please? It's..."

"Okay, I'll be there in a sec. Hold your horses!"

A minute later, Adam knocked on the door to the girls' suite. Quinn answered, holding a finger to her lips. "This will be easier if you remember that she's serious," she whispered. Turning towards the bedroom she called out, "Leslie, Adam's here."

A moment later, Leslie rushed out of the bedroom barefoot in a rumpled T-shirt and cotton pajama bottoms printed with her university logo. Damp curls of hair were clipped loosely away from her face. "Hi Adam, um... " She looked down at herself. "Sorry, I'm not dressed... but... can I ask you a kinda... really personal question?" she asked, fidgeting awkwardly.
