All Comments on 'Amy and Brian Ch. 04'

by laf199

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bystander13bystander13over 8 years ago
Good Story

Congratulations on a great followup to Exploring Feelings. As I often wish was the case on OHW, a story is so much better when all the aspects of a situation are taken into account (reaction of others when extramarital activities come to light being one of the big ones). Thanks for sharing.

- bystander

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

WACC minus

impo_61impo_61over 8 years ago
A better ending that...

A better ending that the one in the first story...I can understand the other ending, because maybe the other woman couldn't see herself alone, having to go to work again and taking care of her children...It's easy to forgive and go on with the marriage...But I believe that every time they have a mild fight, she will use that issue on him, making him feel guilty every single day of his life...Their marriage can be strong but he will be a man with a burden, all his life, always afraid she brings his cheating to the discussion, always thinking twice before he says any thing...And when some movie is about cheating and his wife is seeing it with him, he just want to be out of the room, but have to stay and pretend...Or in church, if the sermon is about fidelity, and so on...That wasn't shown in his story, but he will be an haunted man all his life...that will be his punishment....3*

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Two sets of stories about a pair of cheaters . Both after some time with happy endings . Okay, thats your prerogative .

About "Amy and Brian " laf199 ,dialogue between the characters was good . Following their train of thought . Their actions stayed true to their personalities.

One sour note was Amy . It didn't make sense that her self-destructive actions would just stop . It just did not fit .

I gave you 3*s and look forward to your next story . Thanks


javmor79javmor79over 8 years ago
Great story

This entire series felt real. The emotions of all three characters involved were thoroughly explored. No one was all evil or all good. Everyone was 3 dimensional.

Very few authors take the time to explore the real feelings of both the cheater and the victim. They spend all of the story trying to get redemption for aggrieved spouse that they make the cheater look inhumanly cruel. This serves as a justification to heap a lifetime of misery upon them in the epilogue. This author has told a story of two real people who made a series of bad choices. The consequences of those choices were very different. Chris got to keep his marriage, though it is going to be broken for a long time. Amy lost hers. But she, as real humans do, go through the anger and the pain and find redemption on the other side. She didn't spend her years pining away in false hope for Brian. She eventually moved on.

In my opinion, Amy got the better end of the deal. Chris will forever be trying to make up with his wife for what he did. He will have to earn her trust a little at a time. His behavior will have to be near perfect for years to come. Every little slip up will cause a regression. His marriage will be filled with land mines of bad memories. Every time Liz steps on one she will relive the pain all over again.

On the other hand, Amy paid the ultimate price for her crime. She no longer has to make it up to Brian. He's moved on and is happy. This allowed her the opportunity to do the same.

Great story with the only ending that makes sense. Full marks from me.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
what a pro

cunt story written by a bitch.No man forgives a bastard child..oh except in stories written by a bitch.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

no way that this could happen this way. I do believe that the father Chris would owe a whole bunch of back child support Old friend or old enemy. i would have put the screws to him. And yes I would have told Johnny so he knew he had a father out there somewhere. That would be another thing to bring his old friend grief. Or joy. maybe Liz would not want him around. But if she could stay living with an asshole. Then she could put up with his illegitimate kid also' It would probably only be occasionally anyway. After all they did have 3 of their own. But in a way all 6 kids should know that they have other siblings out there Even if they are only held together by JohnnyI just dont like this ending at all

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

beware. cuck shit. just rate 1* and move on.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Modern family?

More like a group set for the looney bin. Even for fiction this was implausible. Add to that you wrote about characters that are thoroughly unlikeable and you end up with a mess. Just no fun to read. 1 star.

tiger46tiger46over 8 years ago
excellent series

Well done. I hope there are more stories to come. 5*

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Grewat LW and cuck story, I loved it. gave you a 5

for the assholes annony and those who hate these stories I say WHT THE FUCK DO YOU READ THEM> Don't go away mad just go the fuck away! God annony is a cock suck asshole

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
@javmor: Amy and Chris aren't evil?

Then what on earth do you have to do to be evil? OK, they didn't murder anyone, but what they did to Brian comes damned close. Or maybe it's supposed to be OK because she had family issues and they 'couldn't help it?' I'm not saying either one should be burned, or deprived of having their say, and the author does a good job of depicting their emotions. However, they're both pretty rotten people, even for LW.

MitchFraellMitchFraellover 8 years ago
Maybe not a modern family

But still like present day living. Couples break up and some find new partners others don't. Do parents who split still remain friends like this pair? I don't know any but then this is just one couple out of millions.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Well, the end of a miserable tale of miserable characters. Can't even like Brian. The cheaters were definitely evil. Of course they were evil. When lying and betrayal become a way of life, it defines the character of the liars and cheaters. Lies, betrayal, does anyone admire that? Has anyone, other than the weird and sick boney/vastly/annon, ever admired lying and stabbing all the people that love you in the back?

Not only that, the writing was bad. Just to pick one sentence, ""You need to do what you think will make you happy, Brian. After everything, that's all I ever want for you." How does this happen? After being a psychotic bitch for years, suddenly, overnight, there's all this remorse and nobility? It's preposterous. Just totally contradictory characters. They become new people overnight. Thank God it's over. Pleas don't write anymore.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Great story!

One of the best I've read on Literotica. I think, though that Chris got off too easy. A few kicks in the nuts would help. However, after all those years of betrayal, neither deserved their families. They both should have been kicked out of their homes.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
I felt miserable after reading this.

Sorry too wimpy

EddboyEddboyover 8 years ago

in that the wife who was cheated on stayed with her husband while the cheated upon husband left. Hard to find any characters to like and whether or not Chris or Amy was evil is up for debate. The were aware of what they were doing and Amy showed no remorse as even when she was sure that the one kid was probably not her husbands she still carried on her affair and then started with another. She basically used her husband all those years as a means of living comfortably because i dont believe you can love someone and do what she did.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Miserable ending

All became cheaters, no moral high ground here. A cheater is a cheater whether he cheats first or only after he's cheated on.

starmanfivestarmanfiveover 8 years ago
Fantastic story!

It is rare that we get a complexed serious story like this. I am grateful for the opportunity to read such a true to life story as this. I suppose this reflects on the human trait of forgiveness. It is harder for a man to forgive adultery and lies than for woman as evidenced by Chris and Liz's reconciliation, as opposed to Brian and Amy's divorce. Thank you for greatness. *****

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
I find it so odd, that Amy fucked up her life and her marriage because she couldn't resist fucking other men.

But now that she's divorced she hardly fucks any men, or maybe none? You would think she could have invoked that discipline when she needed it most, before she ruined all their lives. Yeah, Brian has rebounded and regained a happy marriage. But Amy and her and Brian's children will never have the lives they would have had if Amy had kept her marriage vows. And whatever quality of life they recover, it will always be overlayed with an atmosphere of regret, remorse, and some animosity.

Of course when Johnny gets told of just how complete his mother's betrayal was, all hell will break loose. Amy and Brian are whistling past the graveyard if they think they can finesse that catastrophe. The longer they can delay that revelation the better.

So you made a really pungent shit sandwich here. So I can congratulate you on your recipe, but I can't stand having taken a bite. The whole story just leaves me feeling dirty. If Amy had killed herself Cat and Brian could have taken over raising the children and given them a complete solid home life. Maybe that would have been best. A terrible thought, but it has its appeal.

Thanks for your time and effort in writing this story. I'm glad its over!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Being a doctor he must make a good living but he should of sued Chris for child support for all the years and put it in johnnys account for his future. That dick deserves to at least take some responsibility for his actions. Cheating sucks but it hurts worse when your long time love and wife has been fucking you best friend ( their best man for as long as you have . They had a kid together a held those secrets all those years behind his back. You don't get worse than that . There could never have been I'll try because it was bad beyond repair. He would always think about how many times the snuck around while he was there and what they were thinking while they were all together. Than after all those years of doing something that horrible and humiliating to the whole family she goes and fucks a young kid . He suffered the ultimate abuse skid from the neighborhood , his best friend for as long as he's been with his wife and the cherry on top raising another's kid. At least in the end he made the best decision with a loving wife and kid on the way.

ForbiddenTemptationForbiddenTemptationover 8 years ago
Disappointed at the divorce.

Overall it is a very well written series. But I liked the first story better because it ended in a repaired marriage. I feel stories where the cheating wife gets punished are too cliche. And I know many here disagree but I think divorcing is a bigger sin than cheating. For all her faults, Amy never left, never quit, never gave up. I wish it had led to them bonding and staying together.

And I feel a little frustrated at the probably unintended inequality of the cheating man being forgiven while the cheating woman gets punished so much more for the same crime.

Having said all of that, despite my problem with the resolution, I give it 4/5 for the quality of the writing.

carvohicarvohiover 8 years ago
A Shit Sandwich...

That's what one 'anon' said, and he wasn't far from the truth. Allow me to digress.

First I fived every chapter of both stories. You had some very unimportant mechanical problems; none of which were really wrong.

Now for the good stuff.

Liz was true to form. Women do tend to be more willing to reconcile - once. Brian fit the statistical pattern too. Most men would never have been able to overcome such a deep seated level of betrayal. My God Amy was weak! Also the record indicates children of infidelity and divorce tend to repeat the mistakes of their parents. Amy was right on there.

That's what makes the thing a 'shit sandwich'. Brian just couldn't reconcile. I didn't want him to. And yes, as one comment writer said Amy's future would forever remain incomplete, and a shit storm was brewing when the youngest boy would be told.

There was one irrationality and that was Cat. Brian's leap into her bed would have been more likely out of anger. Worse, and here's where you missed a little. This second, immediate follow up relationship almost never turns into anything. I say you missed only a little; Cat was twenty-six and he was forty. She had the maturity and he wasn't too far gone chronologically.

I have one last remark. Have you ever seen the movie "Shakespeare in Love"? Wonderful movie. Recall at the end when Queen Elizabeth tells Shakespeare, "Next how about 'The Twelfth Night', something light and funny.

OK, here's the deal; next time not quite so heavy. Look at it this way; Stang can have reconciliations because his women are all stupid. I can have reconciliations because my men are all stupid wimps. Next time I want a 'feel good'. How about it.

Jedd Clampett

icebreadicebreadover 8 years ago

I started reading both stories last night and could not put it down. It started well and ended the same. I look forward to your next one. Thank you. I need to sleep now.

gatorhermitgatorhermitover 8 years ago
Credible and Appropriate Ending

In terms of plot, this painful series was credible. I really appreciate that we did not have a RAAC ending; others have also noted that forgiving this wife would be almost impossible. Writing isn't perfect but is good enough.

patilliepatillieover 8 years ago
Really well done!

Very emotive writing, brought me close to tears a couple times, which isnt easy (at leat I dont think so).

laf199laf199over 8 years agoAuthor
Re: Shit Sandwich

I always found that if you put a little basil pesto on a shit sandwich it tastes better,,,I kid of course. I can understand the comments, its not a light and breezy story. But I guess I didn't see how I could make this story light and breezy.

I personally think all of these people are in the best place I could possibly leave them, and I do think its a somewhat happy ending for most, but since these characters are in my head I may not be the most unbiased opinion.

The Johnny thing I knew would be controversial, and I don't disagree with those who say that won't be an easy conversation for them to have. Its just my personal opinion on how I would handle it; I wouldn't put that on a young kid or pre-teen, I would wait until he was an adult and could comprehend it. Others would probably handle it differently.

On to Cat, I admit the Cat thing was a bit of a leap, and Jedd's point is valid that most "rebound" relationships don't work out. What I would say is I think they took their time once Brian decided his marriage was over; they didn't get married in 6 months. It's why he says "I don't know" about loving Cat; he needs time to figure things out and learn to trust again. Having him ultimately choose Cat left it on a happy note for me, but would that happen in real life, who knows?

As to the age difference, I don't feel it matters. I know plenty of 40 year old who act like total children, and plenty of mature 26 year olds. Someone also made a comment about the cheating man being forgiven while the cheating woman is not. I didn't go into this story wanting to make that point; honestly it was more that I already explored the reconciliation with Chris and Liz and wanted to go the other way here.

But to me, Jedd's point does ring true that a man is more likely to have his pride wounded and be unable to forgive. Hopefully this doesn't make me a male chauvinist pig.

Finally, as to how could Amy stop cheating now, I would just say she's human. Sometimes you need a sobering moment to stop things, and it doesn't mean you won't fall down again.

If I could go back and change one thing, I would have tried to develop Amy more. Most people who reached out to me have pretty consistently said they didn't like her, and that was not my intention going in. I wanted all of them to be complicated, but I didn't want anyone to be hated. I'm not saying its not valid for you to feel that way, just that I consider it a failure by me if you feel that about Amy or any other character. Lessons learned for next time.

As to the next story, I have an idea, but I want to take my time with it. And unfortunately for Jedd, its probably not light and airy. But I'll think of some ideas for that kind of story as well. Thanks for all the comments, especially to all who stuck with this through 9 chapters. Even if you ultimately didn't like it, I appreciate that you took the time to read it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
"If I could go back and change one thing, I would have tried to develop Amy more. Most people who reached out to me have pretty consistently said they didn't like her"

laf199 ... first thank you for a well written, thought provoking story. Having said that, I must agree with many of your readers when it comes to your character Amy ... she is an easy woman to dislike! Why you (or anyone else) would be surprised at the negative feedback is confusing! A wife who claims to love her husband and yet betrays him over and over are actions that are hard to reconcile much less defend. Her actions were both selfish and narcissistic and deserving of scorn (the same goes for Chris). To put it simply ... most readers saw her as the villain and reacted accordingly. To paint her as anything else as the saying goes would be like "putting lipstick on a pig"!

Again, thanks for your effort!

sdc97230sdc97230over 8 years ago
Don't think it would have been possible to make Amy "likeable"

You managed to portray her as someone damaged who did inexplicable things without any understanding of why she did it. At times one can feel a bit of sympathy for her even without liking her at all. Probably the best you can do for a cheater.

ohyessssssohyessssssover 7 years ago

Amy was a total piece of shit. She should have been swirling down the toilet the day he found out she was a demented whore. Period

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
One thing

I'm not sure why you seem surprised that people didn't like amy.

What was to like ?

payenbrantpayenbrantover 7 years ago
Not bad at all.

You did a wonderful job making Amy an almost sympathetic villain. Cat was great. Brian was a very good average guy. You even wrote a believable attempt for him trying to make peace with Amy Glad you didn't turn him into a cuck. And honetly....He probably shoukd have kneecap per Chris but that is just the desire for Justice talking lol

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
9 chapters

In which two of the most despicable characters I can imagine-amy and chris commit the most insidious betrayal best friend

and wife have child during 16 year affair and you end up with them having wonderful lives

In the end I had to chuckle though and will be contacting you on your profile n hopes of engender a bff relationship

Schwanze1Schwanze1about 7 years ago
First of all

yeah I'm hot for Cat. Second, I think anyone who offers anything harsher than friendly constructive criticism needs to give us a link to their stories where they did it right.

notredame43notredame43about 6 years ago
not bad but to those who seem annoyed about the women forgive men dont deal

When a woman cheats most of the time its for some emotional reason it seems. That means somehow the man isn't enough for her and is lacking somehow. It that is the case we cut bait and walk away, She is saying that the husband is lacking, so most guys say ok F U and off they go. Right or wrong that's how the logic goes. Women usually forgive(once I agree most times) because its usually a stupid reason, bored or just a hey youre cute lets fuck deal. Its not about the wife being deficient its about the guy being an asshole for a short time hopefully and being a complete as by not keeping it in his pants. But nowadays women are more cold, calculating and downright cunty, Just read the ones who were caught on Ashley Madison, :" hey men did this kinda stuff for decades. Its out turn and fuck you if you don't agree" I heard that on satellite radio show from a call in, the lady got caught and her hubby booted her ass out the door. NOT one OUNCE of remorse, shame contrition nadda, ANd she admitted to fuckin 5 guys 19 times total in 6 months. SO that's how it seems to go. Good story, but I wouldn't take her back either, and as mean as it sounds, id tell the kid he wasn't mine biologically. She did this for a LONG time in this story, I'd be damn sure hard pressed to cover up for even a second. ANd that is more about the continuation of a persons family line. I know you can say you shape the kid with how you raise them and that's true. But the purpose of having kids is in part to pass on out genes, Its a driving force, as such anyone who lies and denies or damager our ability to do that. a guy would understandably, even if he consciously didn't admit it , feel the need to destroy the betrayer. Not saying its right or wrong. That's your call to make, but I have seen it happen first hand to a friend of mine. And he wasn't theone who told the boy the mother did out of spite. He cut off all contact with the man who raised him, 10 years later when he tried to make amends,, lets just say it didn't go well. That's what irks me with some of the RAAC and cuck stories, suspension of disbelief goes so far, and then theres the disgusting part of Letting someone else unman you and sitting there doing nothing. Sorry I couldn't do that. I might end up in jail but my pride and self respect.. that's to high a price to pay.. Hmm perhaps theres a story for me to write there

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Feedback on Amy to Iaf199

"but I didn't want anyone to be hated."

Unfortunately, you went too far with Amy to make her in any way redeemable. Here's a few points:

1) She cheated on her husband for the entirety of their marriage.

2) She had an affair with his best friend for years.

3) She had another man's child.

4) She was still cheating on him with Josh when her affairs were discovered.

Number 1 shows her complete lack of respect for her marriage to Brian.

Number 2 she chose to betray him with the worst person possible.

Number 3 is utterly appalling and should, imo, grant instant-divorce unless there's extreme mitigating circumstances (rape baby etc).

Number 4 shows her total lack of contrition.

Now if you hadn't included 4, and had Amy devoted to being the most dedicated wife she could be, to make up for the affair with Chris, she might be a redeemable character. As it is, you wrote her as a habitual cheater... a total slut of a wife. Which is probably why people hate her.

I thought the "Amy and Brian" story was well written, I just wanted to give you some hopefully useful feedback as to the reaction people had to your characters.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Laf199 has a new story. So I thought to see what he has written. 😲 Oh may goodness, I couldn't remember Brian and Amy and Chris. Not one word, scene, nothing... So I re-read the whole story. Wow, I'm glad I only have it 3*s.

The Amy character is nonsense. The whole series is mundane, with nothing memorable. I can get the same watching lawyers at the courthouse doing divorce.

Okay, I'll admit it, I have seen more excitement there, than here😅.

This isn't a shitsandwich, it's just boring 😞.

Now, on to a new and better post by laf199.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
1* Wimpy Cuck Crap

Brian the loser punching bag.

Wimp husband character = Wimp author.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
A Very Needy Bunch

Amy needs pain and punishment delivered by the Sapanish Inquisition.

Chris needs a long stay on Devils Island.

Liz needs a miracle or two for sainthood status.

Brian needs a brain transplant and a new shot med school.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

I've now read Exploring Feelings and Amy and Brian and feel I've possibly stumbled onto one of a rare breed -- a truly great writer on Literotica.

I liked Exploring best. Partly because I like reconciliation (although I've read stories where reconciliation did not fit and can see how many think Amy's story is another). There was something about the adventure, the freshness of Exploring that I did not feel in the heaviness and angst of Amy and Brian. Also, I did not like introducing Josh into the mix -- I wanted to see how it would play out with the two original couples, but that's just me.

Some comments feel that Chris getting forgiveness is inconsistent with Amy not getting forgiveness. BUT she had affairs with two people. PLUS she and Brian had the history of a cheating parent -- which they went through together -- that made it more heinous in Brian's eyes. PLUS she had the lesson of Chris's exposure but pigheadedly went forward with another fling.

An unexplored concept is that maybe her lack of forgiveness toward her Dad warped her into becoming like him. I actually liked all 4 main characters, including Amy. Unlike Brian, she actually SAW her Dad during sex, cheating. Also, different than Chris, she had to contend with the deprivation and isolation that stereotypically goes with being a doctor's wife. So I could see her side, although she of course handled it all wrong. She was contrite, admitting she screwed her own marriage. Recognizing her hypocrisy and finally reaching out to her Dad also gains her a star.

Too often (and I've read thousands? of Lit. Stories) I find myself thinking "that is just not realistic," or "too over-the-top.". Not here. Although when Brian had a convenient interaction with a groupie on the very day Amy's cheating came out so that he fell into bed with her the same day -- well, it gave me hesitation and now, writing it, it does seem over-the-top. OK. One instance. Overlooked.

I've seen good stories that were too wordy -- descriptions of menus, landscapes and scenery, rooms and building, repetitive depictions of emotions -- that had me skipping and scanning to keep to the plot. Fortunately, laf199 has tight writing that gives enough background to enhance the plot but avoids the ho-hum.

If you're sensing I'm kinda enthused over these two series, you're right.

Paul in Oklahoma

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago
Great story

Really a good, well written story, but totally unlikable people in Amy and Chris. I couldn't avoid hoping they would come to terrible ends. Author didn't see it that way and he wrote his story. Would like a sequel to see them suffer the fires of hell.

Just_WordsJust_Wordsalmost 5 years ago
Powerful and sad story! 5*****

It really couldn't end any other way. Betrayal for so long and then with a second man was too much to undo. Well told - I really felt for him.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Great series

Now that’s threading the needle . Great story telling taking all involved feelings into account. The guy always gets the hottest girls waiting in the wings in these stories

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Although the author hasn't published anything for a few years I decided to add a comment. The series is very good and well written. However, they don't really address Amy's obvious emotional problems stemming from her fathers cheating on his wife. If this had been real life I would have expected Amy to have undergone some form of therapy early on in her life to help deal with the emotional turmoil her father's cheating would have caused her. That way maybe this story would have been the same....

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

As a guy there's no point whatsoever in continuing the marriage. The woman will find her justification. Her having Chris child and carrying on the affair shows ahe has zero respect for you as a man.

Walking away is how you keep your sanity.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Wow, nice to see everyone so forgiving of her not one BUT TWO affairs. I could see things happening this way if she only cheated with one guy, but nope. She didn’t stop. Then to basically shift all the blame to her past with her dad and basically absolve her of all responsibility? The author says they were still mad at her but none of them acted like it so it didn’t really matter, did it? The new guy Amy is dating better watch out. She’ll cheat on him too.

InfosaugerInfosaugerabout 2 years ago

As soon as her second affair was mentioned I was sure they would split up.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Only a one...bcos Chris was not given the physical rveenge and destruction he deserved !

ScorpioJJScorpioJJabout 2 years ago

Amy and Chris deserved nothing but pain and regret. They both got off way too easy. Liz and Brian were both chumps. At least Brian dumped his cum dump wife and found a better woman. Maybe Liz will finally dump Chris once all the kids are grown and out.

mattenwmattenwalmost 2 years ago

If you mean they are a "modern" family and you want to tell us that modern families are broken families, then I can't agree with you. For me, your whole story with Amy and Brain is just a palaver of excuses and glossing over why a "normal" adult person does terrible things. If your view were correct, then our world would be a mess down to the last detail. Thank God I know a lot of people who had bad to terrible childhoods and yet became very good, morally strong and upright people. Everyone has the opportunity to choose between good and evil. If he didn't have them, there would be no heroic people risking their lives for justice. You degrade these people with your story! 1*!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

They're all fucked in the head. She deserved burning at the stake, not forgiveness. Brian is just another weak assed man so often portrayed in these shit stories by these mentally ill authors.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

“ He thought briefly of his former friend Chris, as he did from time to time. They were no longer in contact, but he wished him no ill will, at least anymore.”

He wished no ill on the man who was his beat friend who f’ed his wife for decades and fathered his kid? Terrible.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Saccharine, maudlin horseshit. Sentimentalizing paternity fraud is dishonest. "Johnny" is Chris's son raised by a cuck. The MC was stuck in a hard position with the kid and decided to continue being a caregiver and financial support for the bastard, but IRL genetics are more powerful than nurture.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

When is The Hallmark Channel going to air the movie?

ironman1017ironman1017about 1 year ago

You let Amy and Chris off wayyyyyyyy too easily.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Two things I don't' buy about this story, as well-written as this author's are. That the ex-husband Brian had so many "happy memories" he reviewed during gatherings. The same years 15 during which the wife fornicated repeatedly with Chris? More likely that would poison those memories fatally. That is where the bitterness of such divorces come from: tainted memory. Can't imagine that would fade with time. Second, that the illegitimate son Johnny would somehow be okay with the circumstances and deception when he finally learns his origins. If he were truly close to his defacto 'father', that would surely lead to deep anger against his mother. And rightfully so. Not to mention the confliction of her actions and deceit even as it created him. Just don't buy it. But I have to say this author does an excellent job of relating this kind of story in a sympathetic light, no matter how despicable the offending characters. I don't believe that spouses who would do what they did for 15 years and only confessed once exposed would learn the lesson the wife Amy did, There is usually something wired wrong within such adulterous spouses to do what they do. Even with remorse, one would question whether they really learn. Cannot imagine a future S.O. considering such a person worthy of the weighty trust of marriage

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Reread this story cycle (including parallel ones) again out of curiosity and reflection. Human beings do have an enormous plasticity of character for better or worse. They can become monsters or saints if the circumstances demand and mold them that way. But can they be both in the same life? The author relates this question very, very well. Standing against this are the concept of principles or what some might call 'bedrock values'. That is why I am a traditionalist, albeit not a modern so-called "Conservative" who cannot match their means and ends. Those "Conservatives" are just moral bigots. Traidition does demand one judge the offender, but ultimately give them the space to rehabilitate themselves as best they can. The character Amy here clearly had remorse, but would it shape her future behavior beyond her children? I don't think so. Can you imagine a potential future partner trusting her after knowing the real story? So one would imagine she would use her time-tested strategy of deception again. And imagine just how her adult kids would be towards a second marriage with an unknowing, deceived husband? The author should continue exploring this cycle, maybe along the lines here. It's a useful excercise of the moral imagination.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Amy was mentally diseased. Her long affair with Chris for 15 years was execrable but then we open to her having an on again, off again affir with a recent college graduate. She is sick and any potential suitor should be cautious as she has no control over her hideous actions nor why she did them. Hard to imagine her kids having much to do with her when they hear she had an affair during virtually her entire marriage with Brian. Johnny will.blow up at her when told at 18. This "only one mother" mentality only goes so far. Yeah she seems remorseful now but only after being caught after so many years. Her remorse.would not mean much. And except for the kids (and even that is obviously impacted) there is no way that the betrayal of 15+ years by Chris and the young neighbor asshole doesn't erode all of his positive personal memories of Amy. Brian needs therapy to move on.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

A wife who screws your best friend for 15 years and has his kid for you to raise opens only a single question: Which rosebush does she fertilize?

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

This whole set of 9 stories about the self serving narcissist slut Amy, the back stabbed Chris was an exercise in justifying extra marital affairs. The soft corner the writer seems to have for cunts and home wreckers shows clearly. Must be the writer can place himself in Chris’ position? How many marriages has Laf destroyed?…

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

This mess had to be written by a shrink or therapist. The only way to get over a cheating whore is to avoid her. I doubt the husband would be able to look at the bastard kid without wanting to dump him at his ex friend's house. Once he's told he's the result of his whore mother's cheating, he'll never talk to either of them anyway, for keeping secrets and will likely end up in prison. The husband definitely should have made his ex friend pay for support. That greedy fucker got away with murder.

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