Amy Says Yes


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Amy set a course for Jackie, but Mike intercepted her. "Um, Amy, do you think you'd want to . . ."

"Later, Mike," she said. "Come with me." She caught his hand and hauled him over to where Jackie was sitting.

"Do you know this guy?" she demanded.

"Yeah. Hi, Mike." Jackie smiled at him shyly as he shifted from foot to foot.

"Hi, Jackie," said Mike, looking at his feet.

"Did you ever fuck him? Big cock, upturned?"

"No, he never asked," said Jackie.

Mike shook his head.

"Tell us about the Jackiebang, Mike," said Amy.

Mike glanced left and right, as if looking for an escape route. "She's not supposed to know," he said. "It's a surprise."

"Not anymore," said Amy.

"It's like a combination going away party and April Fools' thing."

"And fundraiser."

"Well, yeah. We go through a lot of beer here. We gotta hold fundraisers now and then."

"You should raise your dues, then," said Amy. "So you're luring Jackie here on some pretense . . ."

"They told me they're having a dinner in my honor," Jackie whispered. "On April first."

"And then you gangbang her."

"I should have guessed it," said Jackie, eyes filling with tears.

"Will said she'd love it," said Mike.

"Mike," said Amy with an exasperated sigh, "she'd hate it. She doesn't want to be a slut, she's never wanted that. She wants to be a girlfriend."

"Really?" said Mike, wide eyed.

"Yeah," breathed Jackie, gazing at him soulfully.

"Why don't you two go upstairs and get acquainted," said Amy. "I'll stay here and entertain the troops. We'll talk more about this Jackiebang tomorrow."

5. April Fools' Day

Natty in a tuxedo, Will strutted to the front of the common room and addressed his assembled brothers and the guests of Alpha Eta Pi in his most sonorous voice and grandest manner.

"Welcome to the celebration of our beloved slut Jackie. Most of us have known her (in the various senses of that word) since she alighted on our doorstep as a mere freshman nearly four years ago. She dated a few of our brothers early on, but soon discovered that, for her, the more satisfying relationship was with the fraternity as a whole. Few indeed are the Alpha men for whom she has not, at some time or other, relieved the loneliness of a night when a girlfriend was out of town, soothed the pain when a sought-after date failed to materialize, or calmed the nerves before an exam or a big game.

"She is a shining exemplar of womanhood, selflessly giving of herself to satisfy the needs of the men she loves. Tonight, to show our appreciation and our love, we are going to give her what her heart most desires - the opportunity to achieve a deeper satisfaction by serving a much larger number of men.

"She knows nothing of this: her native modesty might have kept her away if she'd known what we were planning on her behalf. Indeed, that same modesty may prompt her to pretend to resist our desire to honor her in the way she'll appreciate most. But knowing her heart and mind as we do, we can proceed with our celebration in the confidence that what we do for her tonight will meet her needs much more than it does ours.

"She will come through that door at any moment, and I will prepare her for the celebration." He held up a pair of handcuffs and a whip, and the crowd applauded. "All you need to do is follow my lead. Now let us wait respectfully for our guest of honor."

Will stood by the door and surveyed the crowd. It was a satisfaction that so many had turned out: around fifty, if he guessed rightly, paying fifty a head. That would come to around twenty-five hundred dollars for the chapter - pure profit, since they were providing no food or drink, nothing but the slut, who was free. He considered passing the time by taking a head count, but what was the point? Mike, who was collecting the money at the door, would give him an exact accounting later.

He glanced at his watch. It was two minutes after eight. The fucking slut was always late. He probably should punish her for that, but what would be the point? Bitches like that were wired for getting decent grades, but not for learning the important lessons of life. The new slut, Amy, would be much more satisfactory, even if she was a dog - the way she always said yes promised great things. She'd probably be just as stupid as Jackie, but at least you wouldn't have to argue her into a butt-fuck.

Eight-fifteen. The guys were getting restless. "Don't worry," Will announced. "Jackie's sometimes late, but she's reliable. I personally guarantee she'll be here soon. In the meantime, we'll break out some beers from our ample stock." He nodded at Theo and George, who ran to the kitchen and returned a couple of minutes later pushing a cart laden with cases of Miller, which they distributed among the brothers and guests.

Eight twenty-five. Will went to the house office to call Jackie. There was no answer. He left an urgent message: "Babe, get your ass over here."

Eight thirty-five. The guests were grumbling about rip-offs. Will sent Theo to find a number for Amy Marsh. It took him ten minutes to find it, but at least she answered her cell on the first ring.

"Babe!" Will exclaimed in relief. "Can you get over here ASAP? We totally need a slut, and we can't find Jackie."

"Sorry, Will, I've got a date."

"But you're the girl that always says yes!"

"I already said yes to somebody else."

"Look, if you want to be the Alpha house slut . . ."

"I don't."

Amy ended the call with a sense of satisfaction. It was her twenty-first birthday: it was a pain, being an April Fools' baby, but this had been a good one. She had celebrated by going to a beauty salon, where she'd said, "Do whatever you can." The stylist had swallowed hard and set to work, and Amy thought the result not half bad, really. Then she'd bought a tiny black fuck-me dress. She picked up her purse, made sure she had her driver's license and some other things, and headed for the door. Rob had invited her to a party at Sigma Upsilon Kappa, and she didn't want to be late.

Back at Alpha house, Will said, "Where's Mike?"

"Dunno, dude," said George.

"Check his room. We're gonna have to refund these guys their money."

But Mike wasn't in his room, wasn't in the games room, wasn't anywhere. Neither was the gray steel cash box in which Mike had been keeping the day's receipts.

Nine o'clock. Will drooped back to the common room, followed by George and Theo. Some fifty horny and angry men turned to stare at him. He opened his mouth to speak, but what was there to say?

"Where's the slut, dude?" asked a beefy guy, big as a fullback.

Will took one step backwards towards the door.

"Where's our fuckin' money," said another even bigger jock.

Will, George, and Theo turned in unison, like water ballerinas, and ran.

Amy was puzzled that there was no one checking IDs at the door of Sigma house and no people coming and going. There didn't seem to be a party. Well, maybe it was a little one - either that or she'd gotten the date wrong and trekked all the way over to Fraternity Row for nothing. She tried the door, and finding it unlocked, let herself in.

The house was quiet. She passed a big empty living room, a dining room, and a kitchen before she heard indistinct male voices from somewhere farther along. She came to an intersection in the hallway and listened. The voices were coming from the right. She followed the sound to a closed door, which she put her ear to, but couldn't make out what they were saying. She opened the door and stepped inside.

Four boys turned and gave her a stony look. Rob and three Alphas, Will, George and Theo, stood in a cluster near a big pool table, looking as if they'd been deep in conversation. She thought about running, but decided it would do no good.

"Where's Jackie?" Will demanded. "Where's Mike?"

"Where's the party you invited me to?" Amy asked Rob.

"Where's our fucking money?" snarled Theo.

"So many questions," said Rob. "Let's take 'em one at a time. Let's see. The party. That was gonna be an April Fools' Day joke. You would come here looking for a party, but instead you'd find me here by myself because my brothers were all out being silly here and there. You would comfort me in my loneliness."

"Kind of a lame joke," said Amy, "but it would have been fun."

Rob continued, "My plan got derailed when these Alphas came running in with a mob of like fifty pissed off guys on their tails, all with hard-ons. I helped calm things down, and when the four of us laid our heads together we figured out you'd be able to tell us what the fuck is going on."

"So tell me where our slut is," said Will, "and Mike."

"They're your people. I hardly know them."

George said, "Been chatting with my homies, hearing you've been seen around a lot with Mike and Jackie the last few days." He held his phone up as if it were evidence.

"We hung out a little. So what?"

"Fuck this," said Theo. "Let's just beat the shit out of her till she coughs up our money." He clenched his fists and did a totally convincing impression of a thug.

Amy took a step backwards. "You guys are nuts."

George grabbed her wrist and hauled her into the room. Theo made a run at the door, slammed it shut, and wheeled to face her. "You think you were ugly before, wait till we're done with you."

Amy looked at Rob. "Are you going to let this happen in your frat house?"

"Hey," Rob shrugged. "The Alphas are a brother house, and the honor of the Greek system is at stake. Just give them their money, and nothing bad will happen."

"I don't have it."

Will said, "Punch her in the face, Theo, and see if that changes her mind."

Theo grinned and raised a hand.

Terrified, Amy blurted, "I'll pay you back!"

"Now we're getting somewhere," said Will.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "The money's gone, and I can't get it back for you, but I'll pay you in kind."

Will gave her a suspicious look. "What do you mean?"

"Mike took fifty each from forty-eight guys," said Amy. "Twenty-four hundred dollars. What do you think you'd have to pay for a four-on-one? I'm not talking about shares in a rape; I mean a real gangbang with a willing girl."

"A whore," said Rob.

"Yeah, if you want to put it that way. It'd cost you a lot more than fifty. Make it, let's see, six hundred a head. That sounds about right."

Rob stared. "You're saying . . ."

Heart thumping, Amy said, "I'll pay you in sex."

The boys watched glassy-eyed as Amy set down her purse, reached behind her, unhooked her dress, and wiggled out of it. Underneath she wore a black bra and panties, which she took off and dropped on the floor. If she was no beauty, she was plenty good enough: her hair was done in a cute bob, her pretty lips red, her face smooth and round, eyebrows sculptured, breasts swelling, pussy shaved. Everything about her screamed "Fuck me!"

She picked up her purse, went to the pool table, and shook its contents out onto the felt: half a dozen condoms, a little bottle of lubricant, a driver's license. She put the license back along with her glasses and set the purse on the floor.

"You know I'm a good fuck," she said. "Anyway, my body is all I've got to give you, so you'll have to take it or leave it."

"It's a good offer, brothers," said Rob, staring at Amy's prominent nipples. "She's right that the price is a lot fairer than what you were asking for Jackie."

"What do we do about paying back fifty bucks to all those guys?" said Will.

"Not my problem," said Amy. "Dig into your treasury. I'm sure you've got it. Or do what I'm doing and let them fuck you for it."

"Very funny," said Will.

Amy scanned the boys quickly - their crotches, not their faces. Yes! Theo had a hard-on. Her heart was still pounding: her body wanted to make a dash for the door, but she willed herself to be calm. She closed the space between them, moving smoothly, a cat stalking a bird, and stroked his cock through his pants. He stood still, face expressionless.

"Here I am," she purred, reaching for his belt buckle, "just a weak little girl shut up in a room with four big strong men, and I need a fuck so bad!"

In another second Theo's pants were around his ankles and she was on her knees, sucking his cock.

Unbuttoning his shirt, Rob said, "I thought I'd have this bitch to myself tonight, but if I've got to share her, well, what the fuck." Naked, he pressed in beside Theo, and Amy turned to suck him, holding Theo in her hand to make sure he didn't get away.

Amy's ploy seemed to be working, but she was still terrified. Sure, she had decided to be a slut and was happy with her decision, but her other exploits so far - even the three blowjobs in the Alpha kitchen - were a walk on the beach compared to what she was setting out to do now. She'd invited these four boys, three of them seriously pissed off, to gangbang her: what would they do? She'd watched gangbang videos and wondered how some of the girls got through the scene, the men were so rough.

Still, Rob's cock was heavenly - its olive tone, the foreskin, the big glans, all the details she'd lovingly recorded in her journal. She remembered how good it felt in her pussy; sucking it was like greeting an old friend.

At the edge of her vision, Will and George were stripping: four votes for a gangbang, then, and none for a beating. Soon all four of them were crowded around and she was deep throating them one after the other as they pulled her to them by the hair and fondled her breasts and bottom. So far so good. No one was hitting her - not hard, anyway - and she'd done this before. Four cocks were thirty-three percent better than three!

Amy was sucking Theo again when suddenly he pulled out of her, scooped her up with strong arms under her back and thighs, and carried her to the pool table, where he tossed her onto the felt. She landed on her back with a thump, heart still pounding, but with excitement now rather than fear as Theo leapt onto the table, got to his knees, hoisted her by the waist, and rammed into her.

Rob protested, "Look out for the felt, man," but Will and George, ignoring him, climbed on and half-knelt on either side of Amy's head. She turned towards Will, who shoved between her lips and fucked her throat in a kind of frenzy.

Rob stared at the pretty creases in Amy's tummy; his gaze roved up past her fleshy, jiggling breasts, heaving with excitement, to her face, so sexy with Will and George pummeling her. She reminded him of that plump Italian porn star, Valentina something - so hot! Well, they'd have to replace the felt whether he joined in or not. With a sigh, he climbed onto the pool table, straddled Amy's head as Will and George backed up to give him room, and squatted, pushing his cock into her shapely mouth.

"Mmmff," said Amy as Rob's balls pillowed over her nose. She stared into his crack, at his hairy anus. Her stomach lurched and she turned her head, losing Rob for a moment; but she recovered quickly, spat out a mouthful of drool, and went back for more of him.

Amy wasn't afraid anymore. She was still getting some of the buzz you get from fear, but it had morphed into arousal - not an impulse to flee, but a desperate need for more excitement, more intensity! So when Rob pulled out of her, she gasped, "Somebody fuck my ass!"

George shouted "Me!" and lay on his back, holding his thick erect cock. The others hauled Amy upright, and she stepped over him, facing his feet, and eased herself down on him, gasping with the momentary pain and then letting him stretch her slowly, slowly, till he was all the way in.

She rocked on George's cock to stimulate herself, let her legs fall wide open, and rubbed her clit. "Oh, yeah!" she sighed as Will's cock loomed on one side of her and Theo's on the other. She sucked them both.

Rob stared, mesmerized, at Amy's pussy. He loved a shaved mound, fat outer labia, inner lips hot pink and floppy: Amy's, now gaping at him hungrily, was the pussy of his dreams. For a moment he felt dizzy; he shook his head to clear it, hunkered down between her legs, and pushed into her.

Nothing was happening to Amy's body that hadn't happened already in the last few days, but now it was happening all at once. Her sensory input circuits were so overloaded she couldn't sort out the feelings, and it seemed, somehow, to be adding up to way more than four fucks as the boys crowded in, their hot and sweaty bodies suffocating her; they pawed her, pushed her, pulled her, spanked her breasts and bottom, called her bitch and cunt - so fucking exciting. For the better part of an hour they took turns in all her holes, till she was sore and dreamy with tiredness.

She didn't know how or when it happened, but somehow it seemed to her she was out of her body, a camera looking down on the action from a corner of the ceiling, seeing herself, plain little Amy, pudgy Amy, red and sweaty Amy, nipples puffed out, snatch dripping, every hole stuffed with these boys who, fucking her, believed they were controlling her and running this show.

But no, no, no! This was her movie, she was the star, and the boys were nothing more than extras, brought on to play her worshipers. All the women she'd seen in her favorite porn videos flashed through her mind. How many of them were great beauties? Not fucking many. It was the ability to create sexual excitement that made a porn star, not an actress's beauty, and she knew she could do that.

She gazed into the lens that was her own disembodied eye, and through it into the transported faces of thousands of men watching her fuck, wanking in their home offices while their wives, slaving in the kitchen, thought they were doing the taxes - and all at once the sensations went supernova inside her, way beyond anything she'd known with her dildos and vibrators, with what's-his-name in her pussy or Mike in her ass, and she reared back from the cock she'd been sucking and howled out her orgasm, coming and coming, who knows how long, till she was spent and numb and back in her perforated body again.

"Fuck," said Rob, whose cock she'd been sucking when her orgasm struck. Understanding that he'd witnessed a seismic event, he watched, struck dumb, cock pulsing in his hand.

Will, who'd been fucking her pussy, stood up, grabbed her by the neck, and pulled her up to him.

"Yeah, give it to me!" she shrilled, and he put the end of him into her mouth and jerked himself off, just a few rapid strokes before he filled her with his cum - it was thicker than last time, but still sweet. Below her, Theo pulled out of her ass, and his cum fountained up onto her belly and breasts while George gave her face a liberal coating of milky, runny spunk.

Finally Rob woke from his trance. Overcome with lust, he jammed into her mouth and, holding her head in two hands, banged her savagely, balls slapping her chin. He stared down at her, taking in her open eyes, his shaft pistoning in her face as her lips and nose crashed into his belly over and over, the sensation of his cock in her narrow passage, impossibly deep, the loud fluid slopping inside her. Her beauty was inconceivable, unbearable: in a spasm of passion, he held her to him tightly, face smashed against him, and pumped his huge load into her, flooding her throat, her mouth and sinuses; it streamed from her nose.

They stood and watched as she spluttered and coughed and finally sneezed a glob of Rob's cum into the valley between her breasts. It ran over her stomach and onto her mound.

"God damn," said Rob reverently.

Many miles away, Jackie and Mike cuddled together, blanket over the two of them, as the 787 leveled off at thirty-five thousand feet. Under the blanket, Mike toyed with Jackie's pussy through her tight yoga pants.