An Angry Man


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She was a good fuck. Didn't really say a lot and did her job pretty damn good. She sauntered into the bathroom and I heard the shower start up. We had gotten kind of sweaty so it made sense she would want a shower. I felt the need for one also so I joined her. We soaped each other up and I made sure she got something other than cash tonight with my soapy fingers. We dried each other off and sat and chatted for a little bit as I poured us a shot of whiskey. I gave her the brief version of my story. She nodded at the right places and made the right remarks at the right time. Soon enough my cock started rising again so she grabbed it and started sucking on it. When it got hard I pulled her head off my dick and moved her into missionary position. I am sure she thought she could get away with another blow job but I wanted some more pussy and I was the paying customer. It took a good twenty minutes but I finally felt my balls tighten up and I filled another condom.She slid out from underneath me and started getting dressed. She checked her makeup in the mirror and fixed her hair a bit then took the money off the nightstand and wished me well. I got the condom taken care of then hit the sack. I slept the sleep of the dead.

The following morning as I sat in my cramped coach seat I thought back to last night's rendezvous. It was good, no doubt about it. I have had a lot of paid for girls and she ranked right up there. But something was off. I decided not to think about it too much and as the plane touched down I was thinking of what I could get Laura. My little girl had adjusted well and she was going to be ready to go to second grade this fall. I made sure that Gwen had enough money to buy her any clothes or toys she needed. Was she to young for one of those new tablets that you could draw on? And what about a cell phone? She was going to be nine years old. Do nine year olds need a cell phone? I would have to ask some friends. Who was I kidding? I had no friends. My assistant had kids, maybe she would know. I picked out a stuffed frog from the airport gift shop for my little girl. I was loving this new dad gig.

When I arrived home the smell of dinner cooking was divine, but even better was the squeal and big hug I got from my daughter. She had a new dress and and a ribbon tying up her hair.

"Mom bought me a new dress so I could look pretty for you when you got home. She also says I have enough hair that I got a new haircut. Do you like it daddy?" she asked.

I couldn't help it. I got a huge case of the feels and my eyes started tearing up. This little girl was what I was missing in my life.

"You are absolutely beautiful honey, that dress is really pretty and your new haircut makes you look like you're a princess." I responded, as I gave her a big hug and a kiss.

"I have something for you," I continued as I opened the store bag and brought out the frog, "The woman at the counter said this guy needed a name and I knew you would have the perfect one for him."

She almost squealed in delight and looked at him for a few seconds.

"It's Randy. Hi Randy I am going to introduce you to Charlie the bear. You guys are going to be good friends," she said to the toy.

She started heading to her room then turned around and gave me another big hug.

"Thanks Dad!"

That little girl was great. I looked at her mom who also had tears in her eyes. I almost lost my good feeling as I realized that Gwen had kept this from me. I could have had this all the time for the past eight years. I stamped that thought down. My mother was a bitter bitch about life and I was not going to let the bitterness I had for Gwen poison my relationship with my daughter. I pasted a smile on my face. Gwen must have sensed my mood swing because she all of a sudden became very subdued.

I put a fake smile on my face.

"Dinner smells good," I tried to say in a normal voice.

"Thanks Julian, I found my old batch of recipes and tried to get the chicken parmesan just how you like it," she replied.

This was going to be a treat as her chicken parm was to die for.

"I'm sure it will be," I responded with unfeigned enthusiasm. She was doing her best to present as normal a home life as possible for Laura's sake. I could do the same. Besides, I had to admit it was nice having my clothes taken care of and the house cleaned. My daughter and her mother had been with me about three months at this point. Laura was such a treat and if I had to put up with Gwen I could do that. I didn't want her to leave because I knew she would take Laura. I had talked about getting primary custody of my daughter but my lawyer pointed out that with my work schedule and general lack of parenting experience, it was going to be a long uphill fight. Also a girl needs her mother.

It was about a year after they moved in and Laura had gone back to regular school. Gwen had done a great job teaching her not only the needed facts but also how to study and pay attention and she was constantly on the honor roll. I was living in high cotton. I was getting my ashes hauled once or twice month on my out of town trips. My house was clean and my clothes were taken care of. Dinner was on the table and my little girl was the apple of my eye. Gwen and I had settled into a comfortable existence. She was coming out of her shell she shocked me by asking if she could use the car to try and get a job. I had bought a newer/used Subaru wagon for her to shuttle Laura around in and pick up groceries and whatnot. It ran good and had a great safety rating.

"Gwen, as far as I am concerned that car is yours. I will never use it if you move out, and it is old enough the resale value will be nothing. Why don't I just go put the title in your name? If something happens to me I have it set up where everything goes to Laura. It will be held in trust until she turns eighteen then she can do whatever she likes. You should have a car to help her out until she's able to get around by herself," I replied.

I could see her start to tear up.

"Thank you Julian, you have been so good to us and I am not sure why. You have to know by now that I wouldn't stop you from seeing Laura even if I could. And child support wouldn't be much more than what you are paying for the two of us to be here. Why are you being so nice to us, or rather, me?" she asked

I thought about how I wanted to word this. This was also the first time I realized that i wasn't angry at her any more. Before I had been holding it back, trying to not let it show for Laura's sake but now I really had no animosity for her. I let out a big breath and gathered my thoughts.

"My mother poisoned me and my sister with her vitriol and hate. I didn't want to pass that on to Laura so I stamped it down. Make no mistake, if Laura hadn't come into my life I would probably have hated you right up until the day I died. But it's different now. The short answer to your question is that Laura likes you so I like you. I think we can go forward being friendly if not friends." I replied.

The tears started up in force and she walked over and gave me a hug. For some reason my allergies started acting up and my eyes were watery also. It felt good to let go of the anger and hurt. Don't get me wrong there was still resentment but it wasn't at the forefront any more. Laura came down to the kitchen and saw us hugging and crying. She decided she needed to get in on the hugging action and the three of us held each other for for a long time.


Epilogue: My heart was about bursting with pride when my daughter crossed the stage to get her diploma. Gwen was sitting next to me holding my hand and had tears in her eyes. Laura had gotten into Harvard and was going to leave us in a couple months. It was all she could talk about. Thankfully she had gotten some scholarships so her education fund would cover the rest. I didn't want to tell my girl she couldn't go to her school of choice but I wasn't sure I could swing full tuition to an Ivy league school. As for the hand holding with my ex wife. She had gotten a job and moved out of the house about 6 months after we had talked. We finally sat down and she explained as best she could what drove her to leave me. It was a combination of us being away from our friends and family along with a bunch of new friends that made her long for her carefree days.Shit head saw that and got into her pants. Once that happened she decided she wanted the single life again since she knew I would drop her when I found out.

She only married him because she was pregnant and she was scared of being a single mom. He only married her because his parents bullied him into taking responsibility. She claims she never even thought that Laura wasn't his until the test. I am thinking she is living in denial about that one but I'm not making a big deal about it.

As for the shithead, sometimes karma serves up a nice softball that you can just belt out of the park. Our company bought his company out. Guess who they sent in to check productivity? It gets even better shitheads father had worked at the company for 19 years and gotten his little guy into the job. Both father and son were handed their walking papers along with 10 other employees. They didn't make the connection for about a month and then we got all types of threatening calls and emails. My decisions had been backed up by my past practice and performance reviews. They sued my company but we just dragged it out long enough that their attorney got tired of waiting for his money. Shithead shouldn't have treated my daughter so poorly on his way out and shitheads father should never have called my daughter a mistake.

Speaking of mistakes, I might have made a biggie last night. Gwen was feeling sad about Laura leaving and came over to talk. We were good friends by this point and looked out for each other. She had dated a little and found what she thought was a decent guy. Turns out he was married. I helped her pack his shit and dropped it off at his house to a surprised wife. We got to talking and flirting and the next thing I know I have her bent over the couch and she is begging me to go harder and deeper. I could have lived with that. A one time lonely zip fuck between two people who share a lot of history. No, where I may have made a mistake is inviting her to stay the night and making love to her for two hours before we went to sleep. All types of questions are going through my head right now. Today though is about my Laura. Tomorrow? I guess we'll see.

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ImNotanAnonImNotanAnon10 days ago

I wanted to score this higher, but your xenophic and racist line about hispanics shot that down.

PondLife2023PondLife2023about 1 month ago

Let the little bastard die! Just an unfortunate accident by a cheating bitch!

TrainerOfBimbosTrainerOfBimbosabout 1 month ago

People talking about the second husband and child support - I think Julian would have filed to have his paternity established over Laura, effectively ending the child support. If anything, the other man could have sued Gwen for making him pay anything for Laura when he thought it was his kid. Anyway, it was obvious that they established paternity pretty early on so that he could get Laura on his health insurance and it was obvious that the other guy wouldn't have fought it at all.


Personally, I don't think this is an "RAAC" story. Gwen wasn't evil, just immature - she just wanted out of her marriage and as she said, "was too chickenshit to ask for a divorce". She made a selfish stupid choice to not face Julian and she paid for it pretty heavily and grew the fuck up in a hurry. I know the BTB crowd don't like to acknowledge it - but people do change. Most people, frankly, get worse over time, but a few get better. Hell, I know that pre-kids me and current me are like two completely different men with different value systems and different views on a whole host of subjects. I suspect most people can look back at the "them" from 10-15 years ago and either be embarrassed or not recognize that person at all. That's pretty normal.


Overall, it was a decent story. I think Julian was a bit too angry and cynical for too long and the story didn't do a great job of developing his character and showing his character growth as opposed to Gwen, who was basically reintroduced into the story as an almost different character due to her experience in the intervening 7 years.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Way to have a man with virtues and integrity trade it all in for a cheating whore, 5star down to 1star not just because of the reconciliation though I hate 99% of stories with cowardice cucks, but because none of you authors have the women take responsibility for their evil actions nor face any consequences for them, few will write about how life pays the wives back with bad karma but not only is that mumbo jumbo bs but it still doesn't teach the cheating whores a God damb thing about how self-entitled and narcissistic they are/were or have them suffer enough direct consequences so they can actually repent, then and only then should any of these whores be granted any forgiveness. In 98% of the stories that forgive the adulterous wife rarely if ever have her deserving of it, with no real consequences, no real repentance, they learn nothing and won't change their evil ways and these idiot men take them back!

DukeofPaducahDukeofPaducahabout 2 months ago

This story packed plenty of emotional punch. It also had complex, realistic characterization. Nice. I liked that Julian took his ex in despite his resentment over not being told he had a daughter. He was a bit of a

butt-nugget at the start, but his subsequent relationship with his daughter acted as a catalyst to temper his cynicism and soften his outlook. Over time, he became a much more empathetic person, but his relentless attitude as a hatchet man shows that he still has a way to go. Perhaps a good stool softener would be effective.

This tale was well crafted. It brought a tear to my eye more than once. “Are you not entertained?” I am.

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