An Unexpected Reunion Ch. 04


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It doesn't take me long to find her, she's stood a little way apart from others in the lounge looking glorious in skinny jeans and one of my old sweatshirts. Her thick chestnut hair pulled back into a high pony tail and a megawatt grin plastered across her face. My heart stops in my chest as I take in the sight of the woman I'm going to marry, how the fuck did I get so lucky? Every cell in my body reacts to the sight of her as my feet carry me forwards, I let my body fall trap to the pull I always feel towards Lexie. The raw magnetism and want leading the way. It feels like an age before I'm stood in front of her and pulling her into my arms and pressing my lips to hers firmly, laying claim to her. I feel her arms snake around my waist and she grips my backside firmly, when I pull away I quirk an eyebrow and I'm rewarded with a wry smile and a wink that makes me want to melt into a puddle.

"I've missed you..." I murmur as I run my nose along the length of hers before resting my forehead against hers. I feel the expel of her breath warm against my face as she sighs in what sounds like contentment.

"Not nearly as much as I've missed you, come on let's get you home and out of these clothes. I've made stew and I imagine you want a bath?" My heart beats double time as I look at the woman in front of me, her soft smile and gentle eyes filling me with a warmth I've only ever felt around her. She wants to take care of me, as much as I want to strip her naked and ravish her I want to let her take care of me.

"That sounds perfect."

Sitting in the passenger seat of Lexie's car I'm listening to her tell me about her morning at work, offering bits of advice where due but mostly I'm just loving the way it feels to have her close to me. To listen to her voice and watch her facial expressions, the way her smell fills the car. Home. This is home, she is home.

She pulls into the driveway next to my Range Rover and helps me with my luggage, I laugh as she struggles with the alarm and curses profusely at it. "I fucking hate this alarm Callie." I'm barely over the threshold when she makes this remark and I roll my eyes.

"Lexie, we're not having this argument again. The alarm stays." I walk up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist, my lips press against the soft skin below her ear and I feel her relax "now, I believe there was a promise of bath and food and lingerie?" I feel her laughter through my embrace and kiss her hair before releasing her.

"One track mind, sit. I'll go run you a bath." I pat her arse as she walks off and move to the drinks cabinet to open a bottle of red before pouring myself a glass and throwing myself down on the sofa. Just as I begin getting comfortable my mobile phone begins to chime and I groan loudly. I half-heartedly contemplate ignoring it, it's probably the office and there's nothing there that won't wait until Monday. But a piece of me feels inclined to check it and I'm glad I did, it's Ben, my PI.

I click answer quickly and hold it to my ear "one moment Ben" I poke my head out of the living room door to make sure Lexie isn't around before walking into my home office quickly and locking the door shut, I sit in the chair at the desk and continue talking "what's up?"

"Ms. Jenkins I have some information on the subject I thought you might want to hear." I roll my eyes at his formalities before picking up a pen and twirling it around my fingers.

"Go on..." I urge impatiently, my stomach's in a knot as I wait for him to impart this information.

"Well, does the name Melissa Fletcher mean anything to you?" I frown at the name as I try and cast my memory back.

"No, should it?"

"Well she's the subjects half-sister. I saw the two of them meet in a bar in Soho last night, they traded envelopes and sat talking for a while. I did some background checks, found out who she was and discovered you used to work with her. Does "the Black Bull Inn" ring a bell?"

"Yeah. I worked there when I was at university." Neither of us speak for a moment and that's when the penny finally drops "holy shit, Mel. I know her. I need to know what was in those envelopes Ben."

"I know Ms. Jenkins but it's not going to be easy..." I'm pretty sure he means to say that it's not going to be cheap.

I take a calming breath and sit up straight, I try to give my voice a strong edge as I utter the next sentence "I don't care what it costs Ben, get me those envelopes by any means necessary am I making myself clear?"

"Crystal Ma'am."

"Good, call me when you have more." I hang up before he can reply and move back into the living room where I'm greeted by Lexie. I can feel my whole body relax when I see her standing there waiting for me, she's here with me and she's safe.

"Everything ok love?" She asks in concern, her eyebrows are furrowed as she watches me walk back into the room. I choose not to answer her straight away, instead I walk to the table where my neglected wine glass is set down and I pick it up to drain the glass quickly.

"Everything's fine Lex." I answer quietly before I turn to pull her to me and capture her lips with mine. I kiss her hard and furiously, pouring evert ounce of anxiety, need, desire and love I have for this woman into the meeting of our lips. I feel her tangle her fingers into my hair and hold my face to hers as she reciprocates the kiss with an equal fervor.

When I pull away we're both breathless and grinning at each other "your baths ready" she whispers to me as I run my nose along the length of hers before placing a soft kiss on its tip. "Go get in and have a soak, dinner will be ready when you get out. Let me look after you tonight baby." She murmurs, my heart swells at her words as I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

"Yes boss." She kisses my chin and untangles herself from me and takes my hand to lead me out of the room. In the hallway she turns me to face the stairs and give my backside a good whack as a hint to get moving.

The bath is hot and filled with bubbles, sliding into the tub I relish the way the hot water hits all my tightened muscles caused by a long haul flight. The water feels hydrating and relaxing and if I wasn't so damn distracted I could probably fall asleep. Images of crazy ex-girlfriends haunt my mind as I soak, I need Lexie to see my perspective. To understand that everything that's been happening isn't just one great big fucked up coincidence. Let's reflect; I hit her ex and then suddenly hours later my car gets trashed, we run into her at a Gala, get engaged and then a month later our home gets broken into where every single photo of me is destroyed? It's all too coincidental and there are times when I feel like I'm going insane from paranoia.

Try as I might to push these thoughts from my mind they're never far away, I've tried to immerse myself with wedding planning and work and well Lexie. She's the best distraction I could possibly want, but no matter what I do I'm plagued by these thoughts. "Stop it..." I mutter to myself, I need to let myself relax for the night. Tomorrow Lexie's Mum will be here, and that's terrifying in itself. I haven't seen her mother since I was nineteen and I was getting choked by her ham handed ex-husband.

Fuck it, I'll worry about that tomorrow, for now I'm going to get out of this bath. Eat dinner and ravish my girlfriend until she can't walk straight.

By the time I get out of the bath and wrap myself in a silk robe to go downstairs the house is filled with the smells of home cooking. It's something I still find myself struggling to get used to, learning to share my space with Lexie has been one of the easiest changes I've ever had to make. Getting used to having someone want to take care of me is something I haven't had since before my mother died. As much as it's a welcome change, it's one I still have to adjust too having been self-sufficient for most of my life. Learning to let go of that stubborn independence has been difficult but I'm getting there slowly.

As I walk into the kitchen I flop into one of the chairs at the table and watch as Lexie moves around effortlessly. I've always admired her easy grace in each of her movements, she catches me watching her and flashes me a winning smile and it takes everything I have not to melt into a puddle there and then. "I trust you had a nice bath?" She asks whilst she plates up two steaming bowls of stew and places on in front of me. It smells amazing and my stomach growls in response.

I take a mouthful whilst she pours us both a glass of wine and takes the seat next to me "yeah it was great, I always forget how dehydrating flying can be." I take a mouthful of wine to clear my mouth "what time is your mother arriving tomorrow?"

I watch as her body stiffens at my question and she glances over at me sheepishly "her train gets in after lunch time, I said I'd pick her up." I peak over her shoulder at the clock behind her and grin widely.

"Well my love, that gives you nineteen hours to show me just how much you missed me." I love watching the slow blush that creeps across her cheeks when I drop my voice to a sultry whisper, her eyes flash up and she meets my gaze. Her pupils dilate and I watch as her teeth close around her bottom lip.

I drop my eyes to the food in front of me and continue eating in an attempt to remain nonchalant, however the look she's currently giving me is making me squeeze my thighs together under the table.

We continue to eat in a charged silence, our eyes meeting sporadically throughout. She'll flash me a shy smile or chew her lip all I can focus on is fighting the urge to lift from that chair and throw her across this table. Time drags on and eventually plates are clear and we stay in that same charged silence we had been all evening just watching each other, our eyes meet and it's as though we're communicating exactly what we want to happen next just through that one look.

Without a word passing between us I push my chair out from the table at the same moment Lexie moves from her seat to straddle my lap, her hands twist into my hair and I grip her hips tightly holding her to me. Our lips meet almost instantly, I kiss the woman in my lap with nothing but sheer passion. Our mouths move against each other hungrily, I feel her trace her tongue across my bottom lip, asking for entry. With a groan I open my mouth to her and meet her tongue halfway with my own, the way she feels in my arms, the way she tastes. It sets every single one of my nerve endings on fire.

She breaks away from me long enough to stare into my eyes with a quirked brow and ask "here or the bedroom?" Her voice is breathless and I can't help the grin that breaks out on my face.

"Bedroom. Now."

September 2014 -- Lexie.

Callie practically chases me into the bedroom, somewhere between there and here my clothes come off and I'm left sprawled across the bed in the underwear I purchased a few days ago.

Propping myself up on my elbows I watch her stand in front of the bed staring down at me, it's not very often I see my fiancé speechless. This is one of those rare occasions that I relish, her mouth is opened slightly, her chest rises and falls quickly as her breaths come in quicker. I feel as breathless as she looks but I have the control at the moment it seems and I'm refusing to be quick in relinquishing it. So with all the sexy I can muster, I pout my lips at her and motion for her to come to me with the index finger on my left hand.

I watch as she quickly regains composure and chews her bottom lip, her hands move to the tie on the silk robe she has on and she quickly unfastens it and drops it to the floor revealing her nakedness underneath.

I draw my breath in with a hiss as my eyes roam over the naked woman before me, if my underwear was damp before, it's fucking drenched now. I'm sure she got sexier over time, she has perfect curves and a tone stomach. Her breasts are high and firm, just the perfect size for my hands, her nipples are taut and clenched tightly from the cool air in the room. "Holy shit." I whisper, a predatory grin stretches over her perfect features as she crawls up the bed to part my thighs and settles her hips between them. Her hands rest on the mattress on each side of my head as she stares down at me.

"You are so beautiful..." she murmurs, I can't help but quirk a brow and grin dopily at her. I trace my hands up her sides slowly and cup her breasts in my hands.

"I love you, and I love it when you get cutesy. But right now Cal, I need you to make me forget my own name." I watch as her expression changes and she looks down at me amused.

"Forget your name? I think I can do that..." I close my eyes and wait for her lips to meet mine, but it doesn't happen. In fact they flutter open when I feel her weight shift off of the bed. "Keep them shut Lex..." She wants to play? My stomach tightens at the thought of whatever sexy game she's thinking up.

I can hear my heart begin to race, my skin heats at the thought of what's about to happen. Butterflies in my stomach feel as though they're performing their own air show just for her, I can hear her rustling around in our closet as I lie there silently with my eyes closed. The only other sound in the room is my panting breath.

It feels as though I'm laid there for an age before I feel her weight move back on the bed, I feel something silky against my hand "head up baby..." I hesitate before doing as she asks, my eyes stay closed tight all the while. I feel her slip something that feels like a sleep mask over my eyes, I almost open my mouth to object but she stops that notion when she presses her lips to mine "trust me Lex..." I can only nod, words don't make sense to my dopamine addled brain right now.

I squirm when I feel her trail her fingertips up along my arms, such a simple touch but yet it sets each and every one of my nerves on fire. No one's ever had the reaction on me that Callie has and still does. "Lift your arms up baby" her voice is barely above a whisper but I do as she asks and raise my arms above my head. I almost jump when I feel her tie something soft around both my wrists, I'm not frightened of being left helpless to her whim. In fact something about relenting all control to the glorious woman above me makes me wetter than I've ever been. So when I can hear her fasten the other end of whatever it is she's using to restrain me to the headboard above me and pull up until my arms are stretched out I can't hide the small moan that escapes my lips.

Everything goes still and silent for a moment and I can just picture her eyes traveling over the length of my body. Her hands trail down my taut stomach and my breath catches momentarily "do you have any idea how much I love you Alexa?" Callie's voice is nothing more than a husky whisper as she speaks out loud breaking this static filled silence that's surrounding us.

I want to answer her, I really do. But words seem to fail me so instead I just nod my head in reply. This obviously amuses the woman between my legs because I can hear her utter a dry laugh "I want to tell you all the things I love most about you..." Her hands move from my stomach and hook into the waist band of the panties I have on. "I love your body, you have the most delicate curves" her hands move from my hips causing my underwear to snap against my skin as she walks her fingers up my abdomen and over my sides "even though your curvy in all the best ways, you have a figure to die for. Toned stomach, strong arms I like knowing I can take care of you. But when you hold me... I feel safe. It's like coming home when I'm wrapped up in your arms."

I can feel the smile on my lips, I can't see her but I can almost picture her face, her perfect face. Callie's hands skim down my legs to my knees and she pushes them further apart "I love your legs, when they're wrapped around my waist or parted like this. You have the sexiest legs Lexie..." She pauses as her head moves down and she plants hot kisses up the insides of each of my thighs, each time she stops at the crook of my legs. Just where my thigh meets the line of my underwear and I groan in frustration "patience baby, you won't be disappointed I promise." Her fingers begin pulling my underwear down, I lift my hips to make the job easier for her and soon enough I'm naked from the waist down.

"I love you face the best though, your lips, your cheeks bones. How perfect and expressive your eyes are. I could look at your eyes all day..." She dips her fingers into my sex and I groan loudly "I don't need to see your eyes though to see how turned on you are." Her fingers pull out and she plunges them back in a little rougher than before "you're so fucking wet baby. I wonder if you taste as good as you feel?" I can't say anything before I feel her mouth on me. Her tongue is lapping away voraciously, all I can do is move my hips against her mouth eagerly. I pull at my restraints hard, I've never wanted to touch her so bad but knowing I can't, It's maddening. My head is thrashing back and forth as I relish the way her mouth on me is making me feel, I can feel the familiar build up as Callie takes me to the precipice quickly, I'm close to the edge when she stops.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me?" My voice is low and whiny as I protest, Calle says nothing. She only laughs at me, she doesn't need to say anything because I can feel something probing at my slick entrance.

"I told you it would be worth it" is all she says before she plunges into me.

"Oh fuck..." instinctively I wrap my legs around her waist, thrusting my hips up higher forcing the toy further into me. Callie stills for a moment, her hands are shaking on the mattress next to me. I want to ask her if she's ok, ask her to keep going but I don't get chance before she starts thrusting into me, her hips moving fast and furiously.

I can hear her panting above me, my moans sound like they're coming from someone else. My voice is almost unrecognizable as she pushes me to that edge again "come on baby..." Callie pants at me as she thrusts into me hard and fast "come for me."

I clench my fists hard and grit my teeth as I crash into that wall, my orgasm rips through me like a tidal wave and Callie slows down. When she stops she falls on top of me and reaches out to unfasten whatever it is she has me tied up with. Silently I throw my arms around her neck and hold her to me, I can feel the dildo in me still and every time Callie moves it shifts inside of me causing a delicious friction. "Oh Christ." I murmur.

With those two simple words I feel Callie push the mask off of my eyes and she looks down at me, her hair is stuck to her forehead in sweaty tresses, her cheeks are stained pink and her lips are parted as she gathers her breath. She's fucking perfect, and she's mine. She says nothing as she sits up and pulls me with her, my legs straddle hers as she kneels on the bed. Her hands cup my backside as I twist and wrap my legs around her hips. The way the cock is buried in me at this angle is incredible, I throw my head back and moan loudly as she pulls my hips in a rocking motion. "Look at me Lex..." my eyes snap open at her request and we watch each other as I rock my hips against her each time she tilts hers up.

"Fuck..." I moan, she's going to make me come again and I'm helpless to stop it. Every time she thrusts up she's hitting the bundle of nerves inside of me, her eyes never leave mine. My finger nails dig into the soft skin on her back and I press my lips firmly against hers capturing the moan that escapes her mouth.

I ride her lap for all it's worth, lifting my lips from hers to close my teeth around the soft skin on her neck. She pushes into me deeply forcing me down harder with every move, when I eventually climax it hits me hard. My entire body stiffens when the orgasm passes through me, my nails dig harder into her back and I can feel my jaw clench. My breath is coming in quickly and I can feel sweat bloom on my chest. I feel Callie unclasp my bra and toss it to the side before she lies me back flat against the mattress, I can feel her pull the strap on off and hear the soft thud as it hits the floor. When she's next to me I gather her in my arms and kiss her entire face. "That. Was. Fantastic" I manage to say between kisses.