An Unexpected Reunion Ch. 04


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My throat is dry and scratchy, I try to speak out and wake her but I can't talk through the thickness there. I run my tongue across my lips in a vain attempt to moisten them and take a quick glance down to my left to see the IV line in the back of my hand, the dull ache in my chest makes me think about heavy shoes kicking me repeatedly. The throbbing in my head bring back memories of sneers "not so fucking clever now are you bitch."

Slowly, I lift a hand to her hair and let my fingers run through her silky tendrils. My fingers touch her scalp and she leans into my caress, and for just a moment she stays peaceful. That is until her eyes snap open and she sits up abruptly, blinking at me dumbly.

"You're awake!"

I smile at her and nod gently, I cough and immediately regret it. "I'll fetch a doctor." I grab her hand to stop her sudden movements, shaking my head I point to my throat "do you need a drink?" I try my best to grin at her but I think it came off a little feeble. She lifts my hand to her mouth and skates her lips across the cool skin "I'll be back baby." Again she tries to leave but I hold her tighter and point to my lips, I'm hit by her luscious smell as she leans across and places a soft, tender kiss to my bruised lips before resting her forehead against mine briefly. "I thought I'd lost you..." her voice is hoarse and I can feel a hot tear fall on my cheek. I want to tell her I'm going nowhere, but I can't seem to make any sound so instead I just shake my head and kiss the tip of her nose.

Lexie leaves soon after composing herself and quickly returns with the doctor, nurse and water. I satisfy my thirst and go through the motions of being checked over, having vitals taken, bloods drawn. It's all very tedious, but they eventually leave having given me the all clear and mentioning that all being well I should be home by the end of the week.

And that's when it hits me, because I was in the wrong place at the wrong time I'd royally fucked up. When Lexie and I are alone I look at her apologetically "I'm sorry..." the first words I say to her is the apology she should've had from me days ago "I fucked up..." I can feel tears burning a trail down my cheek as I bury my head in my hands and sob.

I'm vaguely aware of the bed shifting as Lexie sits down next to me and gathers me in her arms. She doesn't speak, she just holds me fast to her as I sob and mutter apology after apology. My mind flits to the two dress bags in our closet, the venue we'd chosen, the music and the flowers we'd spent days discussing. "Why are you crying love?" her voice is soft as she cradles my head against her breast, her fingers tracing delicate patterns over my tearstained cheeks.

"I missed our wedding. I was late home. I was hot headed and stubborn and I hid things from you. I'm sorry for everything." I barely recognise my own voice as the words spill from my lips, I tell Lexie about the private investigator, about how I couldn't get rid of this nagging feeling in my gut that something was going on. She doesn't interrupt me, she just listens and smooths my hair down, planting soft kisses against my temple sporadically.

Only when I'd finished did she speak again "do you want to know how I see it Cal?" I nod and she tips my face up so I'm looking at her "I've spent the last three days waiting for you to wake up, and in that time I've gone through every single of my worst nightmares. I don't care if I marry you today, tomorrow, next week or in ten years from now. A wedding is just a day, I want a life with you. And for a moment I thought I'd had that taken away from me. Stop apologizing."

"I love you..." is all I say before we fall into a content silence, comforted by the weight of Lexie next to me in the bed. The familiar warmth of her body next to mine, the soothing rhythm of her fingers in my hair makes me doze off.

I was kept in hospital for a further five days, subjected to regular checks and scans and confined to bedrest. By the time I left I felt like I was losing my mind, Lexie barely left my side. I eventually had to send her home to shower and change on the promise that I'd call if they took me anywhere or if I needed anything, my sister brought the children by one day to see me. They came in full of life, with homemade cards in their hands and a million and one questions.

The police came by to take my statement and deliver an update regarding what had happened. Turns out Torie and her sister Mel had waited for me to leave work that evening, they'd gotten wind that Lexie and I were due to get married and had chosen that day to act. They were well and truly kicking the shit out of me when something caused them to flee the scene, thankfully they didn't take note of the CCTV in the parking garage at work so the whole thing was caught on camera making prosecution a lot easier.

I figured once I was home things would get a little easier, how wrong I was. Lexie all but confined me to bed to rest and would hear no arguments about how I was fine. As much as I love that woman, I sure as shit hate being coddled and it was only a matter of time before I lost my temper and snapped.

I had gotten out of bed to run a bath, I'd finally gone the allotted amount of days for keeping my stitches dry and the only thought keeping me going was that of a long hot soak in the tub. I figured Lexie had either gone out to run errands or was downstairs doing whatever she'd been keeping herself busy with whilst I'd been under bed arrest. What I wasn't expecting was her reaction when she walked in the door and saw me walking out of our bathroom "what are you doing out of bed?" was her first question.

By this point I'd had enough of doing as I was told so I rolled my eyes at her and chose to ignore her question as I moved to the ottoman to take out one of my favourite bath towels. Bending down made me wince slightly and as I clutched my side I heard her tut and mutter something under her breath "what was that?" I moved a little too quickly when I spun round to glare at her.

With her hands on her hips she glared right back, her mouth in a tight unattractive line as she watched me "I said, why do you always have to be so fucking stubborn?"

"Why do you always have to be so fucking annoying?" In hindsight probably wasn't the most intelligent thing to say, but I was pissed off and tired and all I wanted was a fucking bath.

"So because I don't want to see you hurt I'm annoying? You know what Callie... fuck you." As she turned on her heel and stormed out the room I abandoned my plans of a bath to follow her.

"Don't walk away from me Alexa, this conversation isn't over."

She walks away quickly and storms down the stairs at a pace I'm sure she knows is too quick for me but I follow anyway to find her pacing back and forth in the living room. "What's your problem?" I ask as I run my fingers through my hair in frustration.

She stops and eyes me carefully "you, you're so fucking stubborn. Why won't you let me help you?"

"Lex, all you've done for the last week or whatever is take care of me. I'm sick and tired of being coddled. I love you and I'm thankful for what you've done, but... I've taken care of myself for a long time..." I try to take a softer tone and it obviously hasn't worked because the expression on her usually kind face is cold and stoic. "I just wanted a bath babe..." I take a step forward and take her fingers in mine, lacing them together. "You've done enough..." I squeeze her fingers with mine and risk a small smile when I feel her reciprocate.

Her eyes dart up to meet mine and that warmth, the kindness, the way she looks at me then makes my heart flutter. "I want to take care of you."

"You have forever to do that..." I promise, stepping closer to her my free hand cups her cheek and I bring her lips to mine. Sealing the promise, showing her that no matter what happens there will always be me, there will always be an us.

When we part she leans her forehead against mine for a fleeting moment before pulling back and quirking one of her perfect brows "go get your bath, I'll make you some breakfast."

I smile dopily at her and leave one last lingering kiss on her lips. Before I leave the room I pause in the doorway and look back at her "Lexie..."


"I'm still going to marry you, you know."

The smile she gives me makes me melt on the spot and leaves me breathless "Good, you'd better."

Epilogue - 1

January 2016 -- Lexie

Walking in the door of the new home Callie and I share I toss my keys onto the hallway cabinet and pick up the mail "babe?" I call out loudly as I shrug out of my coat and kick off my shoes.

"In here Lex." I hear her reply from the living room. Walking in I stop and take in the scene before me, my very pregnant wife sprawled on the sofa with her e-reader in her lap smiling goofily as I walk through the door. I never thought I'd witness the day Callie not only brought up having children, but volunteered herself to carry our first of what is hopefully many.

I quickly take a seat next to her and lift her feet into my lap, leaning over I brush her lips softly with mine and rest my hand on her stomach "how are my girls today?"

She groans and rolls her eyes at the question "if she hasn't been performing her own Olympic standard gymnastic routine, she's been tap dancing on my bladder. I cannot wait to give her her eviction notice."

I chuckle at her response and rub her stomach feeling the small flutter of my daughter pressing against my hand "have you been a monkey for your mama baby girl?" I cooed before dipping my head and placing a kiss on her swollen stomach. When I look back up I meet the adoring gaze of my wife "how are you feeling?"

"Fat. I've been thinking..."

"That's a dangerous pass time if I've ever heard one..." that remark gets me a sharp nudge in the ribs and I can't help the loud laugh that comes out when I see her give me a look that tells me how much she tolerates me sometimes "go on..."

"Well, if you're quite finished being a dick, I'd like to discuss potential names for our darling daughter." I nod and encourage her to go on as I take one of her feet in my hands and begin rubbing it. Callie's eyes leave my face and she looks down at her stomach rubs lazy circles over it "I can't seem to get the name Lily out of my head. Lily Maria... Maria after my mother? If that's ok..."

I don't have the words to express the love I have for her in that moment "Lily Maria Jenkins... I love it babe." Callie just beams at me beaming at her. "We're still pretty hopeless aren't we?"

Callie just laughs at me and nods "completely pathetic."

March 2016 -- Callie

"Get this fucking thing out of me!" I scream as another contraction wracks through my body, every nerve ending my body feels as though it's on fire. Everything south of my waist clenches as my muscles tighten and expand, I would literally give my left leg away if I thought it would stop this pain.

"It's nearly over baby, you're doing so well." My eyes snap up to my wife's face, and I glare at her. My frosty look doesn't stop her from pushing away the sweaty hair from my forehead as I grit my teeth and push my way through the pain. Lexie grips my hand and I squeeze on tight, relishing when she winces slightly. That's it bitch, if I'm hurting you are too!

"One more big push Mrs. Jenkins, baby's almost with us." My breath comes in in short sharp pants as I ride the ebbing tide of my contractions. I savor the momentary rest bite before I feel as though I'm being ripped in two. I scream myself hoarse, it's as though I'm being repeatedly beaten with a white hot fire poker. I'm convinced there's no end to this pain, this awful feeling of being torn apart from the inside. Between the pain and the sheer physical and mental exhaustion I'm on the edge of giving up.

I feel a strange sensation between my legs and the pain has gone, and I'm replaced by an overwhelming sense of emptiness. A loud wail fills the room and I crane my neck to the end of the bed and focus on the area between my sheet draped thighs as they're still propped up and open by stirrups. If you're familiar with the act of child birth, you're probably well aware of how dignified it is!

The sound around me almost sounds as though its coming from underwater. My whole focus is on the pink swaddled bundle in the nurses arm as she says something to me and hands me my baby. The sense of love and pride that fills me in the instance she hands me that child is like nothing I ever imagined possible. As I gaze down at my daughter, all pink and wrinkly as she screams her tiny but perfect little lungs down, I realise that I will love no one the way I love this sweet little girl. I'm overwhelmed by the surge of protectiveness that runs through me as I smile down at my baby. I'm distracted by a hand on my arm and I look up at my perfect wife as she stares down at us with tear filled eyes brimming with love.

We exchange no words, we don't need to, everything we want to say and everything we're feeling is communicated through that one look we share. She leans down and kisses my lips, my nose, my forehead before her delicate fingers run over the dark hair of our baby. "Our baby..." She murmurs. I simply nod and press my lips to her head before looking back up at Lexie.

"Our Lily... I love you so much Lex..." Her lips press into my sweaty hair again.

"I love you..." Her voice is thick with raw emotion "I love you, and I love our daughter."

Epilogue -- 3

February 2017 -- Lexie

"I'm telling you Callie, she isn't about to start walking." I call to my wife over my shoulder as I leave the front room. Lily is one next month and Callie is obsessing over how close our baby is to taking her first steps, I however am not convinced. Even though she hasn't got my DNA, she certainly shares my lazy streak.

"Babe, you said that about her first word..." her voice gets louder as she gets closer walking into the kitchen behind me with Lily on her hip "and we both know how wrong you were about that, isn't that right Lilypad. Mummy needs to learn that Mama's never wrong." She coo's as she tickles Lily's belly causing an eruption of girlish giggles that never fails to make my heart flutter.

I fuss at the kitchen sink for a moment before turning back to her and quirking an eyebrow "she's not even one yet, stop forcing her to grow up so fast. Before you know it she'll be bringing home boyfriends and/or girlfriends and you'll be begging for the day that we were back changing her nappy and watching her take her first steps, just enjoy it darling." I dry my hands on the kitchen towel and toss it onto the work surface, stepping towards Callie she opens her free arm out and I gladly step into it. Lily is the image of Cal, auburn hair, blue eyes and is going to be clever like her Mama too if Cal's got anything to do with it.

I kiss my wife, and pull back laughing when Lily starts clapping her hand and gurgling loudly at us. We've learnt to interpret that this is her telling us off for not giving her our undivided attention twenty four hours in the day. I feign shock and purse my lips "sorry baby, did I forget you too?" I close the distance and pepper her chubby little face in kisses, when I lean back I look up at Cal and back at our daughter "Mama's turn to kiss Lily now" Callie just grins at me goofily and blows a raspberry on her cheek causing another fit of giggles.

February 2017 -- Callie

"Well she's down for the night" I sigh before falling onto the sofa next to Lexie, I place the baby monitor that's in my hand on the end table and rest my head on the love of my life's shoulder. "I love her, but she's exhausting."

This causes Lexie to giggle before she places a kiss on my temple "it was your idea to procreate dear" this makes me laugh and I nod in agreement "I want another one though" my head snaps up and I look at her pointedly. I'm a little shocked, we hadn't talked about having more than one and I didn't know how to bring it up with her without her looking at me like I'd lost the plot.

We sit in silence looking at one another, our eyes meet and there's a sudden flash of desire in hers that I react to instantly. Before she can stop me I lunge at her and knock her backwards onto the sofa, propping myself above her with my hands. She snakes her arms over my shoulders and her legs instantly wrap themselves around my waist "so you want another baby?" I ask softly, running my nose up and down the length of hers.

My hair falls down in wavy tresses around our faces and I watch as she nods slowly "I want lots of babies..." she murmurs against my lips.

"Define lots love?" I press my lips to hers a little firmer and break off to wait for her answer.

"Oh... at least three more..." My eyes widen and I think my jaw falls a little slack, clearly the sight amused my wife because she starts laughing beneath me "I'm kidding! One more... I don't want Lily to be an only child like me and I want to carry this time." I just look down at the woman below me in equal parts love, awe and adoration as I listen to her speak.

"Ok, but before we begin reproducing again why don't we make the most of our child sleeping and have a little grown up time?" I ask as I wiggle my eyebrows suggestively at her and arch my hips to rub against her in a delicious way.

She kisses me hungrily and tangles her fingers in my hair "it's hard to resist when you put it like that, fucking romantic you..." my laughter is cut short when she pulls my lips back to hers hard.

Christmas 2017 -- Lana

Seeing my sister with her family is something I never thought I'd see. She's grown into a person she never thought she'd become and in the process has become and outstanding mother and wife. I never had my doubts that if she ever found that one person that would make her want to settle down, she'd throw herself into it whole heartedly. Naturally I had my reservations about Alexa given the way she just disappeared and broke my sisters heart so many years ago. But she has more than proven me wrong over the last few years, she dotes on Callie and their daughter and I can tell she'll dote on their new addition when she drops in a few months.

"Venite a sedere sorella" Callie calls out to me and gestures to a seat at the table next to her and my husband, who's sat grinning dopily at me.

"What are you saying Aunty Callie?" Becca says earning me a disapproving stare from my sister.

"I'm telling your mummy to sit down baby, you want to learn how to say it?" I've been trying to teach Rebecca how to speak Italian but it's harder than I ever thought it would be. Robert places his hand on my thigh and gives it a warm squeeze, instilling a sense of calming reassurance before chaos reigns over the table. Between Callie winding all three children up and Lexie telling Callie off for being worse than the kids, it's by far one of my favourite Christmas's.

New year 2017/18 -- Callie

"Come to bed Lex, Lily's fine. You however look exhausted." I pull the covers back for my beautiful, pregnant wife before taking off my glasses and putting my book on the bedside table. We'd just gotten home after spending Christmas with my sister and her family it but as much as I loved every second of it, it was fucking exhausting.

Lexie looks almost dead on her feet, waddling around in one of my old oversized t-shirts. She leans over to put her moisturizer away and I take note that she's wearing no underwear, a familiar desire spikes in my groin and I have to look away for a moment. "That's a very safe way of saying I look like shit" she points out and I roll my eyes at her.

When she climbs into bed I scoop her in up in my arms and kiss her entire face before taking her ear lobe in between my teeth and tugging gently on it. I enjoy the way she draws her breath in through her teeth and I allow myself a little grin before leaning in and pressing my mouth back against her ear "you my darling are the most beautiful woman in the world, in fact..." I trail off as my fingers trace up and down the inside of her thighs "I might just have to show you how beautiful you are..." I kiss the length of her jaw and the corner of her mouth before claiming her lips with mine in a hungry kiss.