Angels Have Horns Pt. 06


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"Why? Why? He's a fucking cunt," I hissed, my voice quivering with rage. "Plus, he's old, fat, ugly and a fucking woman hating twat!"

Looking at me with anger in her eyes " you think I should only suck young, good looking guys off do you David?" she spat. "Asaf's not that young and you love him fucking me. Andrew isn't young either and you were happy enough holding my head so he could fuck my mouth right in front of you."

God! Where did that come from? I tried to interrupt, but she was in full flow

"And there's Ken. You've asked me to suck him AND let him fuck me." Yes I had, but......

"And let's not forget David, you even want me go fuck my cousin!" she goaded. "What fucking difference does what they look like make anyway? I like older men. They have more experience. THEY know how to treat me."

I'd never seen her react so ferociously to something I'd said before. "But baby......"

"But baby fucking nothing David!" she screamed. "So what if he's old and fat and ugly?"

I stood there in shock, open mouthed, trying to validate what I'd said. I couldn't.

"But Chloe," I said, trying to placate her. "Don't you find it degrading? Someone like him? He'd have no chance dating a girl like you. You're way too attractive for him. You're too good for him."

It worked. The fire in her eyes slowly disappeared. "I think it's you who might be feeling degraded," she explained with her usual maturity. "Haven't you considered I might actually enjoy the fact he's ugly?"

No. No I hadn't considered that. Why would I?

"Do you honestly think that every guy I've sucked off has been good looking?" she asked as she took hold of my hands.

"I.....I hadn't really thought about it Chloe," I confessed. "I don't know what I thought really."

"Well they haven't baby," she said softly. "And I do get a big turn on with guys like Mickey. I dunno. Call it beauty and the beast or something," but tears were forming in her eyes. "And yes, I find it degrading."

I held her as she burst into tears, sniffling and sobbing into my shoulder. Her body shook for a few minutes until she began to recover a little.

"I do find it degrading," she repeated through intermittent sobs. "I'm so sorry baby. I can't help it"

I was confused and stroked her hair. "I don't understand what you mean Chloe. Why are you sorry?"

She looked at me and fought back her tears. "Sometimes I pick ugly guys on purpose," she told me and for the first time I saw shame in her eyes. "Most of them are grateful, like they can't believe I've asked to suck them off. Like I've given them the best time of their lives."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. She chose ugly men? On purpose? She asked them?

She continued. "Then there's the ones like Mickey."

I shook my head. "Ones like Mickey?" I questioned, still not able to take in what she was telling me.

Tears began to stream again as she lowered her eyes. "Yeah, you know. Ugly and bastards," she said. "Men like him don't care that I'm pretty. He enjoys making me feel degraded, like he knows I love it and he gets off on it."

"And do you?" I asked, adding. "Love it I mean."

She couldn't look at me. "Yes," she admitted softly. "It's like a drug baby. I've tried so many times to stop myself, but I always end up failing......especially with men like him."

Men like him? Bastards like Mickey? How many had there been for her to know how much she loved it. How did he degrade her? Had he fucked her? Was he one of the 2 men at work who had? My heartbeat increased with sick images of Mickey plunging his cock in her mouth, filling her stomach with his......

"How many times?" I asked her, trying hard not to lose control of my emotions.

"Just once," she replied, still unable to look at me. "Before my birthday. And only to suck him," she added. Finally she raised her eyes. "You hate me don't you."

God, she was so vulnerable at that moment, as if she'd opened her soul and was waiting for the death blow. I still didn't get it though.

"Hate you?" I said gently. "I could never hate you Chloe. I've loved you from the moment I saw you," I told, hugging her tightly. "It's just hard to get my head around what you're saying."

She kissed me saying. "Then don't try. Just accept it," adding weakly. "Sick fucking perverts together?"

"I don't know how I'll react if I ever see someone treat you like that baby," I said, adding. "Degrading you I mean."

She led me towards the bedroom. "You'll find a way sweetheart."

Would I though? Did I want to? Seemingly, I was going to have to.

I tried not to watch her the next day at work. I tried not to spy on her as I watched her interacting with Mickey. I wasn't usually like that. I rarely showed too much interest, just in case I was accused of favouritism, but that day I made excuse after excuse to find a way to be near her. Maggie noticed.

"Are you ok Romeo?" she asked at one point. "We don't usually see this much of you." I doubted she knew about Mickey, so I came up with some story that I can't remember. I stayed clear for the rest of the day.

On top of everything, Asaf failed to show up. Not even a phone call and that upset Chloe. I tried to convince her that maybe he couldn't get away as planned, that there would be a good reason. In a way, I felt relieved. What with Martin and Mickey, my head wasn't in the right place anyway. I was still trying to come to terms with what Chloe had beautiful fiancée got a kick from being degraded. It was very hard to deal with. I wondered if I ever could.

On Friday morning Martin cornered me. "Morning Dave," he said cheerily. "I've been thinking about that 'little chat' we had on Wednesday."

That was all I fucking needed. "Oh right," I said cautiously.

"Yeah," he said with a smile. "You and me are going for drink after work today. Meet me in the car park at 5," he said, then turned away. So that was that then was it?

Fridays were usually quiet as we ran down for the weekend. Most of the workforce were done by 3.30pm. We had a skeleton crew in on a Saturday, but that was more to set up for the following week. It was my turn to run the Saturday shift that week.

I managed let Chloe know I'd be home late that evening, but with Mickey hovering around, I couldn't say why. Just before her shift ended I went looking for her hoping to catch her before she left. She wasn't at her station so I wandered around, watching staff leaving for home. It was a large site and missing her would be easy, so I tried to be methodical. Then I caught the back Mickey's fat frame disappearing through the one of the large swing doors that led to the stores. It was the earliest part of the building and was no longer used for the day to day operations. Instead, it was used as a dumping ground for old equipment, machinery, office furniture, filing cabinets and the like. More to the point, not many people went in there for no reason.

Curious to see what he was up to, I followed him through quietly after about 10 seconds or so. I could hear him talking, so I slipped to the perimeter using whatever I could to hide my presence. That's when I heard Chloe's voice and although I couldn't make out details, I followed their voices until they came to a standstill. I had a perfect view of them, about 6 feet away from hiding place behind a line of tall filing cabinets. Chloe turned to face him as he settled back to rest his meaty arse against a defunct conveyor belt.

"Same spot as last time then Chloe," he said with a smarmy edge to his tone. "Bet you've sucked a few fucking cocks in here."

"Shut up Mickey," she hissed. "Anyway, I've heard on the grapevine that you've been bragging."

He laughed at her. "Who's told you that?"

She was clearly unimpressed. "It doesn't matter who Mickey. What matters is you've been shouting your mouth off and I told you not to."

"What's up? You worried that 'Mr Uptight' will find out you're a dirty cocksucking slut?" he fired back at her.

"Don't call him that Mickey," she spat. "But if you carry on with your big mouth David will find out and this will have to stop."

Holding his hands up. "Ok, ok. I promise to keep it shut," he said with a grin. "You can't blame me though. Chloe fucking Cassidy. The girl everyone wants to fuck and I've shot my load in that pretty fucking mouth. I mean THAT'S worth bragging about."

Her face turned a deep shade of red and she shifted her feet anxiously. "Yeah......well......don't," she told him.

Ignoring her and stroking his crotch obscenely. "And if you ask nicely, I'll give you another big fucking load to swallow. That's what you want isn't it?"

I could hardly breath, but the anger I felt was threatening to explode. What a condescending fucking twat. He should feel like the luckiest man alive, not acting like he was doing her a favour. God, he looked even uglier with his fat gut hanging over his belt, stretching his company polo shirt with his wispy ginger hair sticking to his sweaty forehead.

It cut me to my core when I heard her softly say "Yes."

His grin turned to a wide toothy smile. "Well go on then," he goaded, pushing his groin forward. "Ask me."

Chloe faltered and hesitated. She looked uncomfortable and I was hoping she was having seconds thoughts. Maybe she'd just tell him to fuck off and walk away. Her cheeks turned beetroot red.

"I want to suck you off," she said, forcing the words through gritted teeth, but she meant it. Oh, she meant every fucking syllable.

I felt sick. My stomach knotted up and a lump formed in my throat. Mickey wasn't satisfied with that.

"That's not asking," he snapped. "You need to fucking ask me you slut! Tell me you're a dirty fucking cocksucking slut and ask if I'll let you suck my cock."

Fury swept through my body. I was physically shaking with anger. Who the fuck did he think he was? I clenched my fists and had to force myself not to stroll over to him and smack him right in his fat mouth. What I didn't expect was my sudden erection and it left me confused. That was nothing compared to how I felt when she actually said the words though.

"I'm a dirty fucking cocksucking slut, Mickey. Please can I suck your cock?"

Fuck! The blood drained from my head and I felt dizzy, but my hand was already on my cock.

"That's better," he gloated. "Show me your tits. If you want to suck my prick, I want to see your tits."

"Mickey," she started uncomfortably. "I......"

"I don't give a flying fuck how pretty you are or how 'special' you think you are," he barked. "You're nothing but a cheap fucking slut. Now show me your fucking tits."

This wasn't happening. I shook my head, trying to force down the rage. Chloe wouldn't let him talk to her like that. Not my Chloe. So why was she undoing the poppers at the front of her work dress? Why was I so hard and why was I quietly unzipping my trousers?

"Get 'em out then," he ordered, when her uniform was open to her waist.

She looked numb as she lifted each breast from her bra and dropped her hands to her sides. Jesus, my cock was streaming as he leant forward. I watched open mouthed as his grubby, sweaty, fat fucking fingers yanked at her nipples with the finesse of an elephant.

"Nice," he said, mauling her breasts like a fucking animal. "I always thought you'd have good tits under that uniform."

He noisily sucked and slurped on each nipple, biting down on them and leaving strings of his spit clinging to them when he leant back against the conveyor belt. I hated him with a passion. I hated what he was doing, but I was stroking my cock furiously.

He grabbed her hair, roughly forcing her to look down at his crotch. "Get him out then slut," he told her, licking his lips in anticipation with a smug look of satisfaction on his fat face.

She fumbled with the zip, then reached inside and withdrew his cock in red faced silence.

"Balls as well you dirty whore," he demaned. "They'll be sweaty and in need of a good tongue bath," he added as she reached inside his trousers and hooked them out.

Ugly he might be, but he had a pretty impressive dick. Thick, uncut and around 7 or so inches long. The skin was really pale and taut and it throbbed in the air, beckoning for attention. I could just make out the bush of his ginger pubic hair. His equally impressive large balled scrotum was similarly pale skinned, covered in a mass of wiry ginger hair. He yanked her head down and she tried to balance herself by using her hands on his thighs.

"Get your hands behind your back you fucking dumb bitch," he hissed as he shoved her face onto his genitals.

She had to spread her stance to keep her balance, but she obediently put her hands behind her back as he used her hair to grind her face against his cock and balls. The sight provoked a simultaneous rush of pure hatred and immense excitement that shook me. The conversation Chloe and I had had on Wednesday came flooding back. Was she really enjoying this? Was she really enjoying having her face washed with his genitals? My thoughts were broken when he spoke, but my hand continued to pull on my cock.

"That's it," he sneered down at her. "Get Mickey's cock sweat all over that pretty fucking face you cheap slut," adding "You like it don't you bitch."

To my amazement she looked up at him with glazed eyes, the same expression I'd seen with Andrew, only this time it was much more intense. My questions were answered.

"Yes Mickey," she said breathlessly.

"You better wash your whore face before you see Dave," he grinned down at her. "You don't want him smelling my cock scent do you slut."

It was like she'd been brainwashed or something. I'd never imagined she would act like this for anyone, let alone someone like him.

"No Mickey," she responded and winced as he tightened his grip on her hair.

"Best get on with sucking my sweaty balls clean then," he told her, using a big pudgy hand to lift his scrotum up to her mouth. "Fucking slut," he mused, under his breath.

And she did exactly that, moaning as she rolled his big balls around inside her mouth. I could see them bulging her cheeks, followed by the popping sound as they plopped from her lips, before sucking them back in. She was actually doing it. She was actually sucking his big balls clean.

"That's it you dirty slut," he told her. "Get all that fucking sweat off," he groaned, rolling her head around like a mop.

He closed his eyes and his head rolled back, basking in the sensations Chloe was causing. For a few minutes he was silent, her moans and slurping the only sounds to be heard. I stopped wanking and held my breath, careful not to make my presence known.

Yanking her head up, his balls slipped from her mouth and for another few seconds there was deathly silence. We all heard it. A solitary drop hitting the floor and I looked to see a small wet spot on the dusty floor.

"Is that your cunt dripping?" he asked, pulling her head to one side to look between her feet.

Chloe's head was gone. Hypnotised. Brainwashed. Whatever it was, she wasn't the same Chloe I loved. Any shame she may have felt was completely absent.

"Yes Mickey," she panted, picking stray pubic hairs from her mouth before returning her hands behind her back.

"Fucking hell Chloe," he said sarcastically. "You are such a dirty fucking whore and dirty fucking whores get their mouths fucked."

Manoeuvring her head above his thick, pale cock. "Open up slut," he ordered. "And keep it wide open. No sucking. I'm gonna fuck your slut throat."

Gripping her head with both hands, he rammed his cock into her mouth and proceeded to fuck her head brutally, with no respite. He pistoned his cock in and out for a full 5 minutes nonstop, grunting like a rhino. Spit and saliva were spilling from her mouth like a stream as she gasped for air, shuffling her feet to keep her balance while her head bounced from the onslaught. The glugging sounds were disgusting, amplified by the surroundings, echoing around my ears........and Chloe moaned, appreciating every deep, hard, throat fucking thrust. It was difficult to comprehend that she could enjoy it. How he was treating her. How he was degrading her.

But my comprehension was completely turned inside out when I saw her knees buckle slightly and saw the small splash juice hitting the floor. God, she was actually cumming! And he just rammed her mouth, telling her what a "dirty fucking cocksucking slut" she was and she loved it. I mean she REALLY loved it. I came instantly, my knees shaking with the intensity.

His hips began to jerk erratically, then he held the back of her head with his cock fully embedded in her throat and grunted. "Fuck yeah," he moaned, "Fucking dirty slut," pumping his groin forward in short staccato thrusts. I could hear her gulping his semen down as his fat belly shuddered in time with his climax.

He slipped his deflating cock from her mouth and told her to clean up her mess. "Make sure you get it nice and clean slut. I don't want any of your fucking spit or my spunk left,"

Leaning back on his hands, looking down at his semi flaccid cock, he leered at her. "Put him away then slut." The self satisfied grin on his ugly fat face was sickening. Chloe could have told him to do it himself, but instead she carefully tucked his cock and balls back inside his trousers and zipped him up.

He strolled away with Chloe chasing to catch him up, still trying to cover herself. "I always knew you were a dirty fucking slut Chloe," he told her.

"Yeah, well don't forget Mickey," she reminded him as they pushed through the swing doors. "Keep your mouth shut please."

"Yeah whatever," he said dismissively. "You know where I am when you want some more." And then they were gone.

I stood at the doors until they disappeared, then made my way out and took the opposite route from them. Shit. I was reeling from what I'd witnessed, so I wandered around for a while trying to get a grip of my emotions. By the time I got back to the offices it was 4.45pm.

I called Chloe's mobile. "Hey baby," she said cheerfully, no hint of the abuse she'd just subjected herself to.

"Martin wants to have a drink when I'm finished," I explained. "So I'll be home late."

She didn't even ask why, but I guessed her mind was elsewhere. "Ok baby," she said. "See you when you get home. Love you."

We went to the nearest pub and Martin bought the drinks. We found a table and I sipped my coke, still replaying what had happened.

"Look Dave," Martin began, bringing my attention back to reality. "You were right on Wednesday. I shouldn't have collared you at work like that," he said apologetically. "But, well, it was a fucking shock to see Chloe with another guy and I really did think she was cheating on you."

I stared at him blankly for a few seconds. "Yeah, I understand Martin," I said weakly.

"I mean Chloe's hot as fuck, you know," he continued. "Haven't stopped thinking about what I saw. She's a proper slut." He was straight at it. Not even a couple of minutes of friendly chat.

Yes, yes she was a proper slut. If it wasn't clear before, it was then and he was the third man I'd heard call her a slut. Even Chloe referred to herself as a slut, as had Maggie. If it wasn't a problem for her, then why did it still make my stomach churn when other men did the same. The effect was always the same though and made my cock hard.

"Never would have believed it until I saw it," he continued, like he was chatting about the football or something. "Throats cock like a fucking pornstar. Mickey said she liked her mouth fucked, but seriously, I never believed him. I mean.......Mickey?" he said with mild astonishment. "He might be a mate, but fuck, he's one ugly fucker. Chloe is way out of his league, but you obviously get something from it."

Oh yes, Mickey was way, way out of her league, but I'd just watched him fuck Chloe's mouth so good it had made her cum.....right in front of my fucking eyes on the warehouse floor. Now my boss was casually twisting the knife again. Talking about the woman I loved like a piece of prized meat. I realised I was leaking precum and took another sip from my glass.