Anne's Conception


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"Honey, it will be over soon. Don't be upset," she whispered.

He acknowledged her words with a small nod, then accepted her quick kiss. Seconds later, with a bottle of water in her hand, he watched as her lovely rear disappeared to the back of the house. Finally, deciding the best way to deal with the situation was to avoid it, he went to the guest room with his laptop and closed the door.

The truth was that it hadn't been about the preparation of her body, but rather her mind. All day, her anxiousness had grown and she was now at a point that she had to consciously direct herself to be still. Intuitively, she knew it was more than the excitement of being made pregnant, as despite her efforts the previous night, she had been truly aroused by the man's looks and the way he used his body. She was excited by the thought of more sex, and it shamed her, making it difficult to be around her loving husband. The last few minutes ticked by slowly, and in that time, Anne's thoughts once again returned to way, the very easy way actually, that Bill had put her on fire. It was so unlike her, as amongst her friend she was usually the calm, rationale one, and even in the bedroom, with a trusted lover, part of her always needed to be in control. But, this man had broken through most of her barriers, and it was only her final vestiges of willpower and luck, that kept her from being reduced to a wailing, panting and orgasming mess.

He knocked lightly like before, and Anne moved swiftly to the door, feeling a fresh flow of secretion burst forth. When she opened it, there his was, looking into her eyes in a knowing way that made her shiver. After only a perfunctory hello, she turned and led him to her bedroom.

Greg could see that she had put effort into getting ready for him, much more than the previous night. He closed the door behind them expecting a repeat of the awkwardness, but this time, the young wife dropped her robe revealing her lovely body, and climbed onto the center of the bed. It energized him, and he quickly removed his simple attire, and joined her.

"Did you have a good day?" he asked while he rested on his knees between her long legs and stroked his hard cock.

He had purposefully taken the position, as he felt the previous night she had shown interest in his size. In addition, he thought a few words might soften the tone and make the encounter less formal.

"Yes...uhhhh...yes...I...we did some errands and shopping," she replied.

He could tell she was trying hard not to look, but curiosity won out and she took a quick glance that was then followed by several more. He gave her ample time, pretending he wasn't aware before proceeding.

"You ready?" he asked gently.

"Yes..." she answered in a whisper, while her head nodded rapidly several times.

As she watched, Bill closed the distance until his cock was just inches from her pussy. She could see that it was leaking fluid, and it made her want to go faster as she didn't want any of his contents to be wasted. Her hips rocked a bit, which was not lost on the man, and when she settled, he moved to her opening. Like before, he used his cock to tease and fully lubricate her until he thought she was prepared, then he pushed down, forcing the fat head to penetrate.

The feeling was intense, even more so than before, and Anne bit her lip to keep from crying out. He was looking between them as he fed his cock into her, and it caused her to watch too until she realized he was fully inside and her legs were spread lewdly. They made eye contact, but a feeling of embarrassment suddenly coursed through her and she closed her eyes.

He started more forcefully than the previous night, encouraged by the way she had responded and her wetness, and soon he was taking her with full stokes. Although her eyes were shut and her mouth was closed, it was with less intensity, and he hoped she would give in to the feelings more quickly. In addition, her arms were out to her side, seemingly relaxed. Then, there were her breasts, which were near perfect, and danced in front of him in a way that was mesmerizing. He longed to take one of her little nipples in his mouth and suck on it hard.

As soon as Jason arrived at the door, he could hear the bedsprings squealing. They had proceeded faster this time, which pleased him, although he was still tortured to not know the details of what was occurring. He assumed it was simple missionary coupling, that's certainly what his wife preferred, but there was no way to know for sure.

"Ohhhh..." Anne suddenly sighed sensually.

It took both of them by surprise, and the young wife's eyes shot open for a moment, with a shocked look, and then quickly closed. She had been surprised to find her surrogate expressionless, and wondered how he could remain so detached in these situations. Certainly, he must feel something she thought, as the end result was his release.

Greg was thrilled by her show of arousal, especially coming so soon in their mating. It acted to reenergized his thoughts on conquering her and turning her into a lost, whimpering vixen. Soon, he thought, he would begin moving the way she liked, but for now he would just maintain the deep, steady rhythm

Jason felt foolish and small standing outside the door, hearing nothing, and left to guess what his wife was experiencing. So, he turned to leave, but halfway across the living room, a surge of emotion hit. He had to find out what was happening and how she was reacting. He knew he could easily live with a quick penetration with no emotion that allowed her to become pregnant. That wasn't asking too much given his condition and their financial situation. But, what if it was more? Would or could his sweet wife act that way? He went to the back door, and quickly he was outside in the darkness, moving towards the bedroom window where he hoped he would find an opening to see.

The window was covered by wooden shutters with bed only a few feet away. Rapidly, he worked back and forth trying to find an out of place slat or a crack that was sufficient to provide a view, but the first level was tight. Not ready to give up, he took a patio chair and used it to check the next level, however it yielded nothing either. He went back to the first level and tried again, and expecting more closely, he was able to locate a small vertical seam that allowed a very restricted view. It took him several tries to find how to position to get the best look, which still proved to be minimal, as all he could make out were the legs of the man and his wife open knees that were moving slightly. It did inform his that they were in the missionary position, but little else.

Deciding it was time, Greg began to push upwards during each stroke in a way that had elicited the best response from the Anne the previous night. Instantly, he felt her body stiffen and the sound of a stifled moan escaped. Smiling to himself, he maintained the movement and with each cycle he could practically feel her body succumbing to the feelings. He noticed her hands, which were resting at her sides, begin to stir and slowly they moved more until she began to grip, and then release, the bedspread. Then, without a sound, he felt her hands move to his arms, and at the same time, her knees pulled up an opened wider giving more of herself. Although her eyes were still shut, the way she constantly licked her lips provided another sign that she was close to letting go.

"Ohhhh...mmmm..." Anne sighed in a low, sensual voice. Her eyes fluttered open and a look of panic appeared on her face as she whimpered, "I...I'm sorry...I can't help it."

For the first time, Greg let a smile come to his face, although he stayed silent. Regardless, it was a sufficient signal to the deeply aroused wife, and she moved her hands from his arms until they were resting on his shoulders. Now staring into each other's eyes, she was certain that the man was interested in more than merely inseminating her. The knowledge excited her and slowly her legs wrapped around his waist while her arms looped over his muscled neck.

Jason could tell something had changed by the more pronounced movement from the man and the fact his wife legs had disappeared from his view. He sensed what must be occurring, and the silence that surrounded him made it all seem unreal. He thought about pounding on the window or rushing inside and entering the bedroom, but in the end, he just walked back to the guest room and sat on the bed.

Greg's heavy cock pummeled the beautiful woman's pussy forcing sighs and mews of pleasure to pass her lips. All pretenses had fled the room, and they were now fucking like experienced lovers, but Greg wanted more and knew he could get it.

"Are you okay?" he whispered, wanting to get her talking.

"Yes..." she groaned while shaking her head rapidly.

"I'm going to give you a son," he declared boldly.

"Yes...oh yes..." she moaned loudly.

"Do you want that?" he asked, knowing his teasing words would affect her.

"Yes..." she replied instantly.

Then, he dropped onto his elbows and forced his mouth onto hers in a powerful kiss. There wasn't even a tiny bit of reluctance in the way she accepted his lips and returned the passionate, probing connection. When they finally broke, it was Anne that pulled him back after a moment of looking into each other's eyes.

Greg knew the time had arrived, so he began moving even faster while forcing his cock high in her opening. Within seconds, her soft sounds morphed into louder, more desperate wails, while she lifted her body and hung from his neck. He knew she wouldn't last much longer, and in fact it only took a few seconds.

"" she cried out, begging for his semen.

It was what he had been waiting for, and pushing her flat onto her back, he slammed his body into her, pulled all the way out, and then with a guttural roar pushed deeply inside as the contents of his heavy balls was deposited.

"Ahhhhhhhh..." he groaned loudly from the intensity of the feeling, and then he took several rapid thrusts, before pushing deeply again, "Oh yeah...yeah..."

"Yes...oh yes...yes...ohhhh..." Anne let out in the final throes of her climax.

The seconds became minutes as their sweaty, heaving bodies remained joined. For his part, the thought of impregnating the beautiful married woman was an incredible rush. Similarly, Anne's mind was consumed with thoughts of Greg as her partner and how perfect their child would be. At that moment, it seemed ridiculous to her that anyone would ever utilize a frozen donation

"No," the young wife whispered, when minutes later he attempted to move off of her.

Her arms and legs pulled him even closer, and with a smile, he accepted the needs of the woman. He knew that in forcing his way over the imaginary line that he was now much more to her than a simple surrogate. In the brief act, they had become passionate lovers and she needed time to process her feelings.

A few minutes later, when he felt her body relax, he knew it was time to disconnect. Gently, he moved away, feeling her arms and legs drop to the bed, until his now mostly flaccid cock left her. He stood next to the bed and the couple stared at each other, both still naked, with neither in any particular hurry. The young wife, with her pussy still throbbing deliciously, took in the sight of the organ that had brought her so much pleasure. It hung over his fat balls, glistening with her juices, and had a slight twist that made it look unsettled.

Unable to hold back, Greg reached out and started stroking her tummy, providing an unspoken message Anne understood. He let his hand move upward and soon he was gently massaging her near perfect breasts, while he felt a stirring in his groin.

"We could do it again," he whispered.

"I...I...well...I better not," the young wife answered, although it was clear she wanted to.

Reluctantly, Greg broke their connection and he began to gather his clothes. Just as he finished dressing, Anne rose from the bed and found her robe, but before she could put it on, her lover pulled her into a deep kiss.

"If it doesn't work, I hope you choose me again," he said softly into her ear.

"Oh, yes," she sighed, and pulled him into another embrace.

Jason was focused on his laptop, and at first didn't realize his wife was at the door.

"Finished?" he asked, unable to think of anything else to say.

"Yes," she answered, forcing a smile.

"Did he leave? I didn't hear the door," the young husband asked awkwardly.

"Yes," she responded and crawled onto the bed next to him.

He could see her disheveled appearance and smell the aroma of their sex. It was a clear message that no matter how clinical the undertaking might be viewed, in the end it was two people fucking. Unlike the previous night, for some reason he didn't have the overwhelming desire to take his wife. Instead, he felt exhausted and fell back until they were both sharing the same pillow.

"How was it?" he asked.

"Same as before. I hope it worked," she answered, trying to sound matter-of-fact.

"Big like before," he said more than asked.

"Honey..." she protested.

"Did you have an orgasm?" Jason asked, intuitively feeling he already knew the answer.

"Honey! Do we really need to talk about it," she replied and her lack of an answer confirmed his suspicions.

"Yes. Did you orgasm?" he countered, not willing to drop the subject.

There followed several seconds of silence in the small room before his wife let out in a tiny voice, "Yes."

"How many times?" he asked.

"Just once," she replied quickly, but in the same soft voice.

"What else?" he followed.

"What do you mean?" she tried to clarify.

"Well, did you suck him? Did he go down on you? Did he play with your nipples? Did you kiss him? Did you do it in a bunch of different positions?" he fired back, with some emotion flaring.

There was another pause before she answered, "We kissed once."

"Really?" he replied, and his voice registered some surprise.

"Yes, I'm sorry. I got carried away, but it's over. Hopefully, we're pregnant, and this can all be behind us," Anne stated.

Although he was deeply confused and quite irritated, he knew he loved his wife dearly, so without further words, he pulled her into his arms. As they began to cuddle, he could feel her body relax, and for the next twenty minutes they kissed and held each other until he could tell she was drifting off. Jason waited another fifteen minutes, then quietly got up and went to their bedroom. Turning on the light, it was easy to see the two-foot diameter wet spot on the dark fabric of the bedspread. It left no doubt in his mind that his wife had once again been thoroughly fucked by the man they paid.

"I understand the Mattsson's are pregnant," Dr. Rabinowitz said to Gretchen.

She had called the counselor into her office to probe her about how it had occurred, and when she saw the panicked look, she knew there was a story. For the next hour, she interrogated the woman until she finally came clean, explaining what she knew and pointing the finger at Greg.

"I'm going to ask a few questions and I want truthful answered. If I don't get them the first time, I will call the police and let them sort it," the doctor informed them after Greg had joined the meeting.

At first, the young Lothario tried to be cagey, but it wasn't long before he turned and started acting cocky. With that, it was easy for the older woman to find out what she wanted to know, while the counselor looked on terrified.

"So, you used the clinic as a means to give you credibility," she stated.

"I guess you could say that," he replied.

"I'm fairly certain a clever prosecutor could make it a rape case," she told him, intentionally trying to wipe the smug look off his face.

"No one was hurt, and they got what they wanted," he declared, although he now showed some nervousness.

"What did you charge?" the doctor asked, suddenly considering the monetary angle.

"Five hundred and fifty," he responded.

"I see. Certainly not an amount worth risking the clinic. Wouldn't you agree?" she queried, and when he simply shrugged, she continued, "Well, I don't want this to get out, so you need to keep it quiet. Also, anything like this again, and I will call the police."

"Got it," Greg said, starting to rise.

"Oh, and you owe the clinic $275," the doctor stated, just as he reached the door.

It wasn't difficult to keep tabs on Anne. She had called the clinic to report the procedure had worked, so he was aware of the pregnancy, and of course, he knew where she lived. Thus, it was just a matter of waiting, then staking her out on a few weekends to learn her routine. Now, he was parked down the street, and if she held to the norm in the next hour she would be making a trip to the grocery store.

Right on time, her car went past, and he discreetly followed her then parked on the next row over. He watched as she unloaded her baby, their baby, from the back seat, and after giving her a ten-minute head start, he went inside. He had seen her several times during his stakeouts, but now much closer, he was taken once more by her beauty. She had shed any sign of her pregnancy and looked exactly as he remembered. Purposefully, he had dressed in the same manner she had last seen him, and he timed their encounter so they would meet on the pet food aisle that was currently empty.

"Uhhh...ohhh..." Anne gasped when they made eye contact just feet away from each other.

Greg forced himself to show momentary confusion, then gave his best warm smile and said, "Hi...I mean hello."

An instant later, he looked at the four-month-old child in the car seat, and when he returned to the woman he was showing the faintest hint of a smile. The young mother was clearly stunned and confused, but she collected herself quickly.

"This is Josh," she announced with pride.

"Beautiful boy," he replied, seeing the happy child had his eyes.

"Yes, he is," she said.

"Uhhh...can I ask...I mean would it be okay to hold him," he asked, trying to come across as nervous.

"Ohhh..." she started, then after a brief pause said, "Sure, I guess so."

With that, she started to unbuckle the straps, as the tyke gurgled and cooed. Lifting him from the carrier, she handed him to his father who held him gently as he swayed back and forth. "I've never been able to do this," he said, which brought a sympathetic look from the mother.

Soon, he handed the baby back, and they said their goodbyes. Anne had mixed emotions about the encounter, with her thoughts running the gamut from the fear of problems to the remembrance of the nights that produced her precious baby. She was at her car and had just finished putting the sacks inside when she turned and saw Bill standing a few feet away.

"Look, I don't want to cause any problems...I just thought...I mean...if you are considering another child at some point, I would like to help," he said, then handed her a card with his number on it, before adding, "I'm not with the clinic anymore."

"Okay," she replied, unsure how to respond, and with that he turned and left.

Greg thought that it would be weeks or months before she contacted him, if she ever did at all. He knew it was a low probability idea, but he had been uniquely aroused by knocking up the beautiful married woman, so it was worth the few hours he put into it. Thus, when his phone rang just thirty minutes later, he had no expectation it would be from the young mother.

"Would it...I mean...could you come over and talk about what you said?" she asked nervously.

"Yes, of course. When?" he said.

"Now," came her quick reply.

He actually had several things planned for the day, but on the drive over, he canceled them and twenty minutes later his car was parked on the street in front of the small house. Anne met him at the door, still dressed as he had seen her at the store, and let him inside.

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