Annie: Valentine Mine


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"I had to fib a little, to calm her down, and tell her I was around you enough to know if you were out partying and that I was sure you weren't. That you were, really and truly, working on work and on your thesis. And not cavorting among the wicked, nor debauching the young and impressionable at ONat bacchanals or anything.

"The reason for asking you if it was okay to stay over was because she bottom-line asked me to move in with you and keep an eye on you. Setting the fox guarding the henhouse, as it were. And I don't operate like that. Especially if you are cavorting or debauching."

"Okay, so my sister has gone all paranoid on me," I decided. "And it doesn't matter that, in fact, I really am working on work and my thesis. So what's the deal? You know you're welcome here, 24/7 if you want. Excellent dinner by the way. Do we cave to Annie's fears and designate you Big Brother Guardian? You're going to be bored silly."

"I doubt I'll be bored," she told me. "I've got my own load of crap to deal with. I wish there was some way to make it look like you're being 'monitored', for Annie, without it looking like we're caving. I don't think giving her everything she wants is a good idea."

"Agreed. But unless I want to put in a video feed she can stream at will to keep tabs on me, or start wearing a body-cam or something, I'm never going to convince her that what isn't happening, isn't happening. Unless..." I'd had a scary brainstorm.

"Unless?" Jill prompted.

"Yeah, unless," I told her. "This is completely off the top of my head and hasn't been thought through and has the potential to be really scary..."

"And?..." she prompted again.

"What if you were to move in with me? With us? As my girlfriend..."

There were several moments of silence as we both mulled it over.

"A very large part of me thinks that would be a great idea, Brian..." she broke the silence. "I really feel like I've been growing into love with you. But a smaller part realizes that means a fundamental change in the relationships between you and me and Annie. And there's enough uncertainty to make that small part stand up and shout, 'Be Careful!' And I think I need to listen to her."

She made a lot of sense and I realized I was pretty much in the same place.

"I agree, totally," I told her. "The large part that's growing into love with you and the small part that's yelling 'Be Careful!' And I have no idea how to fold Annie into this. If she gets jealous of you, there's going to a whole lotta shit flying, because I do not want to give you up."

"Damn, it's nice to know you feel the same as me," Jill smiled. "I was hoping, anyway."

I had to smile at that... I was realizing just how much we'd been dancing around our attraction to each other, especially since back at Thanksgiving when she'd first laid it out.

"Yeah, it is kind of nice to be able to admit it," I smiled back. "And it doesn't solve my Annie problem. Since the float trip, she's been the top of my people list and I do, really, love her. That doesn't mean I can't love you, too. But if we move to boyfriend-girlfriend like most couples do, that's going to put Annie in the backseat and she will not like it."

"Well, I could always try girlfriend-girlfriend with her and see if that works," Jill told me, and I couldn't tell if she was teasing or not.

"Of course," she mused, "you and I would have to get married -- a marriage of convenience, so you could be my beard -- and we'd have to have children to maintain the illusion. It would get a little weird if Annie wanted kids..."

Okay, she had to be teasing... I hoped.

"Please tell me you're joking," I told her.

"Why?" she asked. "Would that make you feel better?"

"Alright, alright... I'm teasing," she told me before I could answer her. I must have looked like I was panicking. "But we do have a sort of polyamory thing going, if you haven't noticed. We'd need to figure out how the three of us make a plural marriage work, in a country that doesn't support plural marriage."

"I kind of pointed that out to her earlier," I told Jill. "It mostly got back-burnered while she worked on her jealousy issues. Which she seems to think she's got sorted and I am not at all sure about that."

"Okay, so do we want to talk possible strategies tonight?" she asked. "While you're fucking my brains out? I may have forgotten to mention that I'm crawling-the-walls horny."

"Yeah, you sorta didn't mention that," I chuckled. "Not that it makes a difference. But give me a few to let this excellent dinner settle."

"Not a problem," she told me. "Take your time. I'm going to go grab a shower, anyway. I'll see you in bed." She came over, kissed my forehead and headed off for the bath.

That was one of the things I really loved about her... she was very easygoing. Life just kind of was, and she didn't get ruffled or flustered. I don't remember ever seeing her angry. A little irritated, maybe, about classwork or trivial stuff like that, but not really angry. She was soothing, and accepting, and a refreshing change from Annie's high-energy approach to Life. As far as possible strategies went, I was seriously clueless.

On one hand, we could keep just doing what we were doing. Even if she moved in. She could share a bedroom with Annie for appearances' sake, and sleep wherever she wanted. Annie would have to accept the fact that Jill would probably spend more time in my bed than she had been. And unless I wanted to trade out my California King for an Alaskan King or something, we weren't all three going to be sleeping together every night.

If we were going to become a threesome, or throuple, or whatever you want to call it, Annie was going to have to have a major maturity spurt, and take on much more responsibility to the group. And that would include physically, mentally and emotionally. That could conceivably get us through our 'college years' without raising too much suspicion. But then there was the after-college set of problems.

I was musing on the after-college problems when I noticed her heading from the bath to my bedroom, wearing her hair wrapped in a towel and nothing else. I got up and followed her. What was I going to do? Sit there and gawk?

"Don't bother with the foreplay," she told me as I stripped off and climbed into bed with her. "I'm ready to hump the bedpost. You want top or bottom?"

"Whichever you don't want," I told her, attempting to exercise my diplomatic skills.

"Okay," she decided. "On your back."

Not a problem for me... I just slid towards the middle, hiked up towards the head to get some pillows under my neck and shoulders, and waited. She hadn't been joking about not bothering with the foreplay. She moved up, straddled me, aimed me at her dripping slit and impaled herself, all the way to my root.

Our simultaneous "Oh, God!" was heartfelt, for both of us, believe me. Jill was amazing.

At this point, I would usually add second to Annie, to myself. But really... they both felt wonderful, in slightly different ways. That might be a problem in the future, but for right now, I was going to relish every second. Thrusting my cock into her was like pushing into a slippery, hot glove that fit me perfectly. When she was all the way down on me, I was "hitting her backboard", but just barely -- and she liked it. And she would do this rocking thing that drove her clit against the root of my cock. From the sounds of it, she loved it.

And I loved how I could reach around her butt with both hands and hold onto her cheeks while she fucked me... and it was her fucking me... and kind of help set the pace, although in this position, she was in charge there, too.

She built herself up to her first crashing cum. Experience had taught us that she'd get there first, and roll them over -- usually three or four before I came. Like with Annie, I had a fairly short refractory period with Jill, up until about cum number three or four for me. After that, it took me a lot longer to get there, but Jill could still roll them over as long as the stimulation was right.

Which made for an incredible night -- or morning -- of lovemaking. Fucking, yes, but lovemaking, too. It was around three a.m. when we finally gave up, sated for the time being. We had changed positions several times, but had ended up back where we'd started, with her straddling me from on top. She slowly eased off me, tucking in beside me, under my arm.

"That's enough for tonight, Champ," she told me as she got her breathing under control. We were both soaked with sweat and I figured showers and changing the linens was on the docket for later. "You fuck me so fucking good."

"Welcome to the Department of Redundancy Department," I told her and got bopped with a pillow for it. "Crashing here... but gotta hit the head first."

"Well, move it," she chided me. "I'm right behind you."

I moved it, she moved it and we both crawled into bed together, rehydrating with some water and snuggling in for what sleep we could snag before we had to get functional.

* * * * *

For some mysterious reason, Jill and I woke to the sound of her cell going off. I knew I hadn't set an alarm on her phone and I was pretty sure she hadn't, either. And especially not for eight in the morning. She managed to dig her phone out of her purse and answer it.

"Hello?" (pause} "Yes, I'm still here. Why are you calling at eight in the morning?" (pause) "It would have been nice to get more sleep. I need to use the bathroom. We'll call you back." (pause) "Bye."

"Let me guess..." I told her. "Annie."

"Yep," she confirmed. "And I do have to use the bathroom..." She pulled the covers the rest of the way off her beautiful body, rolled out of bed and waddled out of the room. I lay there thinking -- mostly about why was Annie calling so god-awful early?... And damn! Jill had a nice ass... and you know? I needed to hit the head, too...

I managed to hold it long enough to go fire up the Keurig, then get to the bathroom just as Jill was flushing. I sat down as she washed up and headed out, telling me, "see you in the kitchen..."

By the time I caught up with her, Jill had coffee and toast for both of us. We sat and ate quietly, until we both felt we had resumed our human forms.

"Damn, you're a good fuck," she commented offhandedly. "What do we want to do about Annie? Somehow, we didn't get to the 'strategy' part of the discussion last night."

"Thanks and I don't know?" I answered. "I'm leaning towards you moving in and you and me being boyfriend-girlfriend. That's going to blow up a whole lot of crap, because I have no idea how to tell Annie to just deal with it, other than 'grow up'... and she won't take that well."

"Okay, let's break this down a little bit," Jill told me. "Being romantically involved doesn't necessarily mean putting on a couple-front twenty-four-seven. We've both got lives and can probably be pretty happy just winging it. Which means some of the time I can be with Annie, but it will be a lot less than before. She's going to have to understand that. Which means she and I are going to have to have a very serious heart-to-heart about the future.

"Which also means, when I call her back, I'm going to have to do a two-pronged approach kind of thing. I... or we, if you want to be on speaker... can tell her we've decided to be a couple and I'll be moving in here. And in the same breath, I'm going to have to tell her that she and I have to work out some things best done between just her and me. You're planning on going up to your folks' for Christmas, right?"

"Yeah, that's the plan," I told her. "Drive up Christmas Eve day, stay over Christmas and drive back the day after, or maybe the next day. And I'll probably be heavy one Annie, since she's as much as said she intends to come back down here with me, rather than wait until the end of the Break."

"Okay, so I'm going up to my parents' for Christmas, too. How about I go up a day early and swing by yours and take Annie out for a Girls' Day Out or something, and try to get everything smoothed out before you get home? If it works, we just move forward after Christmas. If it doesn't, at least you'll know what you're walking into."

I looked at Jill for a long moment while I turned it over in my head. If she was right, and it worked, it could simplify a whole bunch of stuff. If it didn't, and Annie went ballistic, I'd have to have the confrontation with Annie that had been sitting in the wings since the float trip... specifically, that I had a life separate from her, just as she had one separate from me, and we needed to account to that.

"Sounds like the best shot we're going to get," I decided. "I'll let you take the lead, though, until we find out if it works or not. If it doesn't, Annie and I are going to have a serious problem."

"Okay. You want a refill before I call her back?"

I decided that was a good idea, then we sat at the kitchen table while Jill called my sister.

"Hey, Annie, it's Jill," she started when Annie answered. "Brian's here. Can I put him on speaker?"

Annie must have said yes because Jill turned on her speakerphone setting and put her phone between us.

"Okay, we're all here," Jill told her. "So, what's up?"

"I was just wondering how things had gone last night," Annie told us -- with quite a bit of hesitation in her voice.

"Girlfriend, have I got a lot to tell you!" Jill answered brightly. More so than we'd been feeling up to that point. "I hope you're sitting down... Brian and I have decided to be a couple, and I'm moving in with you two. Which means, to keep all three of us happy -- or as happy as can reasonably be expected -- you and I have some stuff to hash out. But it doesn't have to involve Brian, or at least not to start. So, how about I stop at yours on Wednesday, on my way to my parents' house, and you and I can have a Girls' Day Out or something? Away from prying eyes and ears, and maybe figure out how we're going to make this work... everybody knows it's we women that make the decisions, right? So, are you free Wednesday?"

I was totally amazed at Jill's ability to lay everything out in nearly one breath, without Annie having a chance to blow up. She'd just crammed all my hopes and fears into one almost run-on broadside. And there was a distinct silence on Annie's end.

"So you two are going to be boyfriend-girlfriend?" Annie finally asked, I'd say almost timidly.

"Well, yeah," Jill confirmed. "With the weird twist that we're actually a throuple, like boyfriend-girlfriend-girlfriend, and we're going to have to figure out how to make that work. You know, like all the practical crap of how to live our lives, separately and together, and setting reasonable expectations and all that. I figure we can hash through that when I can see you."

There was another long pause before Annie asked, "so you're not kicking me to the curb..." The question was implied in the statement.

"Oh, hell, no!" Jill came back. "It's just, we're going to have to get creative. I've never done this before. I figure I'm going to make some mistakes... hell, I think we all will... but we'll cope. We'll figure out what's right for us. For now, and for after school if we get that far." There was another long pause.

"Actually, that sounds pretty good," Annie finally told us in a somewhat subdued way, but still kind of upbeat. "When did you think you'd be moving in?"

"After Christmas," Jill told her. "If you're coming back down with Brian, you can help me move. I'll have to square it with Abby, Becca and Barb. Maybe I can find someone to sublet my part of it. And we three will have to work out my part of the bills and all that. I'm not looking for a free ride."

"No..." Annie drawled and I could hear her imp emerging. "Just a long, rock-your-world one..."

"You bet!" Jill smiled. "Already got that one. That's why I was trashed when you called. Damn, your brother's a great fuck!"

"You do realize I'm sitting right here, right?" I decided to interject.

"Yep, and you know she's right, and I know she's right," Annie told me. "I think you just caught the brass ring, Bro'... you almost deserve her."

This, coming from Annie, was surprising me. But Jill gave me a silent thumbs up and I decided to let it go. Having Annie happy about the situation would make future adjustments easier.

"Okay, so this probably isn't what you meant when you said to keep an eye on him," Jill told her and actually got a laugh out of Annie. "But I hope it meets with your approval."

"Yeah, it does," Annie conceded. "I'm just pissed I'm here instead of there. But it's only a few more days. You've got my folks' address. Just make sure to ping me when you're on your way so I can let my folks know. Are you going to want to stay over?"

That's one I hadn't thought about, but apparently Jill had.

"We'll play it by ear," she told Annie. "My parents aren't expecting me until Thursday, so we can do it either way, depending on who's comfortable with what."

"Okay, that works," Annie decided. "Guess I see you Wednesday."

"Wednesday it is. Anything else we need to cover before Brian and I finish waking up and figure out this isn't all a dream?"

"Not really, I guess. Just you two take care, okay?"

"Not a problem, Sis," I told her. "Say hi to Mom and Dad for me. I'll see you Thursday."

"I love you, Brian."

"Love you, too, Sis."

"And I love you, too, Jill."

"Same here, Annie. See you soon."

"Okay, bye."


Jill rang off and we sat looking at each other.

"Dare I say that it looks like this might work?" she asked after a bit.

"You can dare," I told her. "I hope you're right."

"If you want something more than toast and coffee for breakfast, you're going to have to make it," she told me. "I'm going to have to get ahold of Abby, Becca and Barb and let them know what's happening."

"Well, you've got me for whatever you need today," I told her. "Tomorrow's a work Sunday for me. Then Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. My vacation starts after work Wednesday and I don't have to be back until the Monday after Christmas. Unfortunately, I'm working through New Year's."

"Classes don't start up until the sixth," Jill pointed out. "We should have plenty of time to get acclimated. A lot of what we do is going to depend on my conversation with Annie."

"Then have at your day," I told her. "I'm having some cereal and heading back to bed. Somebody tired me out last night..."

That got the smile I was looking for and in the end, that's what we did. She headed off to clue in her housemates while I went back to bed.

* * * * *

It was around six o'clock when Jill called.

"Hey, Brian... want to get laid? A lot?"

"Always, I think," was my smart-ass response. "At the moment, though, you've caught me studying network forensics and wondering what I can nuke for dinner. So I'll ask... what the fuck are you talking about?"

"Abby, Becca and Barb all want to fuck your brains out one more time before you and I become official."

"And covering up the smoking crater when Annie finds out?"

"She's said it's okay... as long as we video it so she can watch it later."

There was dead silence on my end. My brain and my mouth simply would not engage. The concept of my sister okaying me fucking the competition was like blowing up the trunk line connecting the two.

"Hey, Brian?... You there?..."

"No," I managed to tell her. "Mind officially blown into some other dimension... are you serious???"

"Yeah. I know it's hard to believe, and you're probably going to have to talk to her directly, but seriously. The girls wanted to fuck you and I pointed out not without Annie's okay, and they... they, not me... called her and asked permission. They're sort of treating it like the guessing game at the party, except no guessing involved. Annie wants to watch it, though, so that's why we have to video it."