Annie: Valentine Mine


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"But she's really good at analysis and stuff, and what it came down to was, there were several things we were going to have to admit, and to work with. And the biggest one was, I don't own you. And neither does she. And she gradually got me to see that seducing you into de-virginizing me kind of set up in my mind that you were now mine. I've loved you for a very long time, Brian, and I've desperately wanted to be yours since I got an idea of what romantic love was. And she's right that I got my head into a kind of twisted position. And don't interrupt me..."

She said this last because I started to protest her calling it 'twisted'. But she was on one hell of a roll so some smarter side of me just shut up and let her go.

"So anyway, I don't own you and neither does she. You get to be who you want to be. It's just, we both want in on it. So the huge leap I've got to make is to trust her that she isn't going to work against my relationship with you, and me to commit to letting you two have what you're going to have, and trust you to do what you think is right for you. It's a huge 'whatever will be' thing. I'm scared, but I think I'm up to it.

"The second biggest elephant is what about her and me? Before meeting her, I would have said I was solidly heterosexual. Now I know I'm bi. But the way I found out I'm bi is by falling in lust with Jill. Love, later, but lust first. I don't want to give up my relationship with her, either. And honestly, she's not very keen on giving up on me, too. But the only way that's going to work is if she and I treat our relationship casually... sort of opportunistically. We can enjoy each other when we're with each other and not worry about it when we're not.

"Which means you and she are going to be the dominant relationship in the household, but you'll include me and account to me, physically, mentally, emotionally... the whole thing. And with that attitude, we should be able to make it work until the next major life change comes along, which will be you getting your degree, or her getting hers. Mine is a few years down the road. But we've got time to figure out where we're going from there. And right now, both of us are thinking 'we're'. Where we're going." Annie paused for a moment to give me a smile.

"So after Christmas, we go back to school, move her in with us, and wing it. You may now speak."

I couldn't. At least, not immediately. If Annie's new attitude was because of their talk, Jill was in the wrong major. She should have been in Psych.

Something felt too good to be true. It was probably whether or not we could actually pull it off. If we could, Annie was right. We should be able to make it work. I decided to agree with Annie and stay out of the details until I could talk with Jill. For the moment, though, problem tentatively solved.

"Wow..." is what I told Annie. "That's a whole lot of 'talk'... and you seem pretty positive we can make a go of it. I mean, I'm sure willing to try. You and Jill happen to be the two most important women in my life right now. If my faculty sponsor was female, I'd have to add her, too, but he isn't." That got the smile from Annie I was hoping for.

"That's awesome, Bro'," she told me. "Yes, I really do think we can make this work. And just to throw some administrivia at you, we can give Jill January free, so she can wrap up her commitment to Abby, Barb and Becca. And it gives us some time to sort basic shit out. I do have something I want you thinking about, that isn't an issue for the foreseeable future."

"And that is?..."

"How would you feel about me fucking another guy? That's not you..."

That caught me out of left field. I mean, I'd sort of thought about it when I was thinking about jealousy issues in general, back in September, but there hadn't been any reason to think about it recently. When I didn't say anything right away, Annie decided to clarify.

"The question came up when Jill and I were talking. Since she has had other balling buddies, mostly in the ONat group, she figures the two of you will work out whether you're going to have an open or closed relationship. She's okay with either but I think she'd prefer open with veto. I know, for me, anybody other than me you bed has to be on my Pre-Approved list. But I have no idea where you're at. So I'd like you to think about it. I don't need an answer now... just, in case."

"I will take the question under advisement," I told her, half-joking, "and give you an answer in the future. Probably around the same time you find some hunk you want to screw into oblivion."

She smiled and shook her head. It was a serious question, and I was going to take my time answering it.

"So when we're done here," she asked, "what shopping have you got to do?"

* * * * *

Knowing that Kerry and Joel would both be in for Christmas, Annie and I hit the mall and got presents for them, plus I picked up some things for Jill, Abby, Barb and Becca. And Jimmy, too. Nothing hugely fancy... just thinking-of-you kinds of stuff. Annie caught me paused in front of a jeweler's, though... window shopping rings. And unfortunately, she picked right up on it.

"See something you like?" she asked, sidling up from behind me. She'd been across the way, in a women's boutique. I was surprised to find out I felt embarrassed.

"They have a lot of nice stuff here," I tried to cover.

"Yeah... especially engagement rings," she pointed out. "And wedding band sets."

"Annie..." I kind of muttered in warning.

"Yes?..." she drawled, looking up at me and batting her eyes all faux-innocent.

"We're not going there," I told her.

"For now," she agreed. "Out of curiosity, though, which of the engagement rings strikes your fancy?"


"Just asking theoretically, Bro'. I'm curious which way your taste runs. Seriously."

I took a breath and decided to treat her question fairly and seriously.

"First off, it has to be in my price range," I told her, "which right now is not more than three thousand. As far as style goes, I'm mostly partial to a single flawless Solitaire in white gold or platinum. But I can be talked into others, like a Marquis cut. If I didn't think it would be insulting, some of the Lab diamonds can look really good. All of which means nothing at the moment. Seriously."

"Okay," she smiled. "Nice to know you have good taste. I already know you taste good."

"Have you got everything you need? We should probably head home soon and see if Mom needs any help."

"I think I'm good to go," she told me. "Dibs on the wrapping paper when we get home."

"Just leave me some," I agreed. "Let's go."

* * * * *

We did, and when we got home Mom was back from her errands and in the kitchen. Not surprisingly, she had everything under control. Dad had just gotten back from work and was sorting his stuff away in his office, so Annie and I headed off to wrap our presents and put them under the tree.

Christmas tradition at ours was an early wake-up and stockings, then a huge breakfast, then presents. Mom told us we'd run it a little later this year so that Kerry could join us, so we could feel free to sleep in or be lazy or whatever. She was doing a ham with the usual trimmings for Christmas dinner and didn't have anything special planned for Christmas Eve, other than she and Dad wanted to go to the midnight service. She made a point of telling us we didn't have to go if we didn't want to. The implication was she would really like it if we did.

Joel made it in around ten o'clock and damn, did he look good! All kinds of buffed up, with that All-State charming smile that used to have the high school girls swooning all over him. He probably had the college women doing the same, now. He got hugs all around and we fell into talking about how life was going. He apologized profusely to Annie for missing the float, but commented on how grown up she was looking. Definitely a college woman now.

Annie and I carefully kept our mouths shut about anything close to the nature of our current relationship, beyond her living with me and adjusting to college life. Mostly, we encouraged him to talk about what was happening in his corner of the world.

It got to be eleven-thirty or so and Mom reminded us that she and Dad were headed to the church. The three of us 'kids' looked at each other and decided not to disappoint Mom. We got bundled up and headed out. I'm not big on church-going, but the service was nice, with a bunch of Christmas carols to liven up the retelling of the Nativity. The old pastor had retired and the new one, a Pastor Brooks, was a pleasant man to listen to, with a sense of humor that was refreshing. After the service, we all headed home and got ready to knock it off for the night.

Dad surprised us with a gallon of Coquito he'd made up and somewhere he'd scored a box of pasteles. He'd spent some time in the Navy at Roosevelt Roads in Puerto Rico and gotten fond of the traditional combo. I wasn't going to complain... I liked them, too. Annie was included, even though she was technically underage for alcohol.

We finished off our nightcap snack and headed to bed, Joel and Annie to their usual rooms, me to mine. I was hoping Annie would behave herself with Joel around, but I wasn't counting on it. Turns out, my fears were unfounded.

* * * * *

'Sleeping in' lasted until about 8am when Annie came to get me. Uncharacteristically, she was in a long nightgown with a robe over it. I felt her climbing in my bed where I'd been dozing and daydreaming about Jill and Annie.

"I hope you brought breakfast," I mumbled into the pillow. She climbed up next to me, rolled me onto my back and told me, "something better to eat." I realized what was about to happen as she was doing it. Her leg swung over me, the nightgown got hiked up and she planted her pussy in my face.

And she was already soaking.

I wasn't about to waste any of her ambrosia, but I did have to comment as I moved my mouth to her pussy, "damn, girl! You're flooding!"

"Yep," she told me as she settled down onto me. "All because of you. Didn't get much sleep last night, between really sexy dreams and waking up and jilling off and really sexy dreams and waking up and -- Oh, my GOD!!!" She grabbed a pillow and slammed it to her face. If she wanted to run the risk of us being found out, that was up to her. For my part, I intended to use all the tricks I knew about her by now to make her cum her brains out.

Sucking her clit deep into my mouth and butterfly flicking it with my tongue was a big one. So was rimming and tonguing her ass. Add tongue-fucking her pussy and rotating between the three and I was pretty much guaranteed to drive her nuts. Plus getting my hands up over her thighs so I could keep her clamped down to me.

"NgdBrn!Gddmgddmgdnfkcmmn! Fkncmmn! Nnnfffkkk!!!" That was one...

She tried lifting off me when she was coming up on number four. I let her dismount after number six, whereupon she collapsed next to my and weakly punched my arm.

"You're a sneaky, rotten, dominating, pain in my ass, awesome cunnilinguist..." she bitched. "Now I gotta go shower again before I can go downstairs. And by the way, Kerry's here and Mom has breakfast laid out. Whenever you want to get your sneaky, rotten, dominating, awesome, lazy ass downstairs."

"I don't know..." I told her, trying to act serious. "That was a pretty amazing breakfast right there... I don't know that I need anything more."

"You just keep that in mind when we're back at school," she groused, then eased herself out of bed. I figured I'd better clean up a bit the head on down, despite that being a great way to kick off Christmas.

* * * * *

"So life is getting interesting," Kerry told me over coffee and Danish. I'd ease into the bacon, eggs and sausage in a bit. "Mom said you're ending up with Annie and your girlfriend living with you."

"News travels fast," I told her. "Jill and I getting serious about being a couple just happened recently, though we've known each other since the float last summer. And Jill and Annie get along great. Jill's kind of a Big Sister to Annie, helping her not screw up with college life."

"She's lucky, then," Kerry nodded. "Hope you can deal with all that extra estrogen."

"I'm pretty sure we'll do fine... I've got work and my thesis to keep me busy, Jill's in her Senior year and Annie of course is the struggling Freshman -- except she isn't struggling. She's a lot smarter than I ever knew. How about you? What's happening at your end of the world?"

And so we were off into sharing stories about what was happening in our lives. Joel joined us and after a while, Annie did, too. It was mostly familial catch-up crap, although the news that Kerry was being considered for a promotion to Associate was a great surprise. Joel was still completing his undergrad and NROTC path and of course, I was the serious academic harbouring the wild, party animal Frosh. I almost got away with that one.

Mom decided we should do the stockings before we sat down to (her huge) Christmas Breakfast. It was an old tradition that for some reason we kept going. There were trinket-type gifts "from Santa" as well as the usual mix of fruit and nuts. It was a familiar sharing that strengthened our feeling of Family. Breakfast was up next and we all pigged out. That was followed by opening presents and a long break before Christmas Dinner.

I chose to disappear to my bedroom for a nap. I was hoping for a lot of peace and quiet -- R&R time, if you will -- and it almost worked. Mom sent Annie to get me when dinner was ready. She, of course, chose to blow me out of bed. As in, suck me awake. It must be a testimony to our familiarity with each other that waking up with her mouth around my hard cock didn't seem unusual at all.

"Mom says cum and get dinner," she told me when she realized I was awake.

"In that order?" I asked, being flip.

"If you want," she shrugged. "Or you can have dinner and then get blown. Or get off now, then eat, then get off again... I'm pretty flexible."

I decided to leave 'flexible' alone and get up, get dressed appropriately and go down to dinner. It was a relaxed, good feeling, nothing special, no drama... the way Christmas used to be. Another tradition surfaced after dinner -- that of calling our various aunts and uncles and cousins to check in and wish them a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Given the drama in my life since the float trip, it was absolutely boring. And I was loving it.

Joel was staying over, but Kerry was heading back home that evening. She caught me on the side before she left.

"I guess Big Brother is keeping things exciting at school," she told me. It went over my head and she realized that, so she added, "Annie seems to be pretty high on you. I hope you two are okay."

"Maybe I'm befuddled from Mom's dinner," I told her, "but I'm not sure what you're saying, Kerry."

"You can't have missed that every time she spends time with you, she comes away, um... excited."

I suddenly realized where she was going with it and decided to play dumb and give her a confused look.

"I can't?" I asked.

"Brian, to be blunt, she's reeking of sex -- or sexual excitement, anyway. And you appear to be the trigger. So if you two aren't doing anything, you need to be watching your butt because she seems to have it serious bad for you. You don't need to be blindsided. And if you are... I didn't say anything."

"Uh, thanks? I think?" I told her. "I didn't think we had a problem. And you're right... I'd rather not get blindsided."

"Maybe you don't have a problem," Kerry told me, "but you do have a Little Sister who's giving off all the signs of being infatuated with you. So be careful, okay?"

"Sure, no problem," I told her. "And thanks for the warning."

"You're welcome. I need to find Mom and Dad and tell them I'm leaving. I'll be in touch with you guys later. Good luck with school and for God's sake, drive safe."

I smiled and we hugged, and I let her go find Mom and Dad. I decided to go fire up the Xbox One and chill with some gaming. A little while later, Joel joined me. We split-screened some COD: Black Ops until Annie finished helping Mom and joined us. I decided to turn mine over to her and crash on the couch while she and Joel teamed up for some Zombies. I'm not sure when I zoned out but it was nearly midnight when Annie woke me, gently pulling on my leg.

"We're knocking off, Brian," Joel told me. "I'm going to go crash. I've got to leave tomorrow, so I'll tell you good-bye now, in case I don't see you in the morning."

"Hey, you take care," I told him, struggling to wake up. "Drive safe and all that. Maybe we can hook up sometime this term... you're not that far from us."

"True," he agreed. "We'll see what happens. Take care of the Wild Child, okay? She's a mean zombie killer." Annie bopped him on the arm, then gave him a melt-your-soul hug. I struggled to my feet to give him a 'manly hug' before he headed off to bed.

"You want to play some more, Brian?" Annie asked, indicating the Xbox.

"No, I'm good," I told her. "I'm going to head for bed."

"I know you're good," she smiled. "That's why I'm going with you." She turned off the TV and console while I was trying to figure out a reply.

"Annie, I don't think it's such a good idea to keep advertising," I told her.

"Advertise what?"

"The fact that I sexually excite you." What I got was a look of utter confusion.

"Every time you spend time around me, you get excited," I told her. "Reek was the way Kelly put it."

"I do?" She sniffed under her arms but I think it was dawning on her that that wasn't where the scent was coming from. "Oh..." There was a long pause and I just let her think it out.

"Well, shit. That sucks," she decided.

"So maybe tonight you sleep in your bed?" I suggested. "We've got tomorrow to bum around. We're not going back down until Sunday."

"I was hoping to be going down significantly sooner than that," she told me, her Imp surfacing.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah... and they say guys have a one-track mind!"

"Are you complaining?"

"Three-point-five GPA," I countered.

"Doing it," she countered back.

"Goodnight, sweetheart," I told her. "I'm going to bed. Alone."

"Meanie," she faux-pouted. "See you in the morning."

We headed off to bed, separately, and I figured she'd get her alone time sometime during the day.

* * * * *

We did manage to find some time on Saturday to quell some of her sexual desire. A blowjob for me and three oral orgasms for her while watching the video had to make do. We were up early enough in the morning to say goodbye to Joel on his way out, then spent time helping Mom clean house and do laundry. She wanted to go do some errands like grocery shopping and the cleaners and like that, so that's when Annie and I took care of each other. We were starting to get very practical about seizing opportunities.

Shortening things up a bit, we behaved ourselves Saturday night and had my car packed and mostly ready to go, so Sunday we could get up, have breakfast and hit the road. We weren't two minutes onto the Interstate when Annie asked me if I wanted a six-hour blowjob. And she was serious.

I begged off, pointing out I needed to conserve my strength, since it was a five to six hour drive and we were moving Jill in once we got down there. She bought it. She wasn't happy about it, but she bought it. I suggested she just zone out into her music, or snooze or something. I was planning on stopping every couple of hours to stretch my legs and gas up. She decided a quickie at each stop would be okay.

Joel had no idea how right he was when he called her Wild Child.

We rolled into town a little before 3 o'clock and Annie was on her cell, texting Jill to find out what was going on. Jill had most everything of hers loaded in her truck and was waiting for us, whenever it was convenient. Abby was at the house, too, and had volunteered to help move her. We made arrangements for her and Abby to meet me and Annie at our apartment. Having Abby along made schlepping everything upstairs a whole lot easier.