Anything Ch. 03


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I grit my teeth together. "Please Mistress Celine, fuck my ass!" "I want you to cum inside me."

She moved her hand down where it could be hidden from view. I felt her/him grasp her cock between my ass and his pubic mound. He was trying to jerk himself off into me in order to help hasten this agony. Finally, I felt Celine take my waist in both her hands. She pulled me onto her cock, harder. I remember her cum squirting into my ass just before I passed out from the pain.

I was brought back to consciousness with smelling salt. The first sound I heard was from Mrs. Haverhill.

"Everyone, now that Bridget is back amongst us, THE SHOW MUST GO ON!"

Everyone clapped and Mrs. Haverhill continued, "Joseph, we have decided to show our appreciation for your splendid service these last several years." "We plan to show you our gratitude!"

She turned away from me and looked directly at Becky. "Becky, I think it is time you showed your father how much you appreciate him."

I could tell Becky was choking back tears. She couldn't speak and just nodded. I watched dumbfounded as she undressed for her father. She was down to her bra and panties when she moved her hand down the front of her tummy. She was masturbating in front of her dad. I could tell she was trying to make herself wet.

"Becky," Mrs. Haverhill said. "You don't need to make yourself wet for your father." "Bridget will be happy to do it for you."

She turned to me, "wouldn't you Bridget?"

"Yes Mrs. Haverhill, I would be happy to make Becky wet for Mr. Joseph."

I went over to Becky and took my lead from what Celine did early. I stood behind her and unfastened her bra. I let it slide of her arms. I reached into the waist band of her panties, hooked my thumbs over her waistband and pulled them down. She had not stopped touching herself so she stood facing everyone with her legs slightly parted and he hand over her mound. I cupped her breast from behind. She leaned back into me as I pinched her nipples.

I took her by the hand and laid her down on the carpeted dais. I kissed her lips softly, my tongue gliding inside her mouth. I was determined to make this experience as easy for her as she had made mine on a previous occasion. My hand crept over her tummy and down to where her hand was working. I slid underneath her hand with mine. My finger rolled across her lips. Becky was not wet at all! This was going to be a task.

I moved down her stomach kissing her. My tongue went inside her belly button and played there while I tried to find her clit. Finally I just decided to use my tongue on her. I widened her legs. My tongue snaked between her vaginal lips. My tongue still searching for her clit. She was not responding at all. Finally after about five minutes, I gave up and decided to work on Mr. Joseph.

I took her father's cock in my mouth. I stroked his half erect shaft with my hand as I took him into my mouth. I thought of the few times he was able to help me in the past weeks. I tried to move on him more enthusiastically. He was responding slowly but not with a huge degree of vigor. I finally stood up, kissed his lips and whispered, "You need to get hard or we'll be here all night."

He kissed me back on the lips and pulled me tighter to him. I kept stroking his cock while he kissed. He responded in my hand. When I had him hard, "It is time, Mr. Joseph."

He went over to his daughter. He knelt between her half parted legs. I watched her face as her dad slowly entered her. I could tell by her facial expressions that she was to dry. She wasn't ready. She finally took a breath, gathered in reality and through her legs around her father's legs. She pulled him into her. Her hips arched up to meet him. Mr. Joseph started to move his hips so that he was not only inside her completely but was actually having intercourse with her.

Becky turned her face away from the crowd. She encouraged her father to keep fucking her with her legs pulling him rhythmically into her. I watched her. She turned her face to me making eye contact. I looked at her quizzically. She was trying to tell me something. I watched as her father arched his back seconds before he was going to deposit his seed inside her. Then it dawned on me! Oh My God! Becky loved her father! I mean not just loved him but was IN LOVE with him!

When the two had finished there show, Mrs. Haverhill stood up and announced, "That was very nice!" "Would anyone else like to see Bridget put on a show with one of you?"

Two or three immediately raised their hands, (including Mr. Haverhill). I knew in my heart that this was going to happen. I knew there was no end to this.

Mr. Takato came up behind. He roughly pulled my shoulder to him in a very possessive gesture.

"I am sorry, Mrs. Haverhill," he said. "I asked for Mrs. Martino this evening and I will not be sharing her anymore." "This cunt owes me an apology that will be conducted by me in PRIVATE!"

Mrs. Haverhill nodded and I was pulled naked from the room. Mr. Takato pulled me into an ornate guest bedroom. He pushed me in a sitting position on the bed. "STAY," he ordered.

I sat there for several minutes while he was in the bathroom. He had the water running. I knew I had probably gone too far with my insult. I dreaded what was about to happen. He took my hand, pulled me to the bathtub and said, "GET IN!"

I got in the bathtub, frightened. The tub was full, soap suds in it and very hot. I was gestured to sit in the tub. I got in as fast as I could reasonably acclimate to the water temperature. Mr. Takato knelt next to me and began sponge bathing me.

"Mrs. Martino, what you did today, was very dangerous." "I recognized that we could push you but that you were also willing to fight back when a line was crossed." "I admire what you did tonight but I also admonish you to be careful."

I soaked in the bathtub for thirty minutes while Mr. Takato bathed me. He kept putting fresh hot water in the tub when he thought it was too cool. I got shampoo and washed my hair using a ceramic ewer that was meant for a decoration in the bathroom. I was getting very drowsy.

As I began to fall asleep, he pulled me out of the bathtub into the wrapping arms of a large towel. He dried me off then put a large fluffy robe over me. I was led to a vanity chair. He brushed my hair.

He brushed my hair for over an hour. We talked about Michael my husband, my children and our home. He told me about his wife who had died several years ago. How he missed her beyond words. His great pleasure in life was giving his wife a bath, shampooing her hair and brushing it while they talked about anything.

He finished, leaned over me and kissed the back of my neck.

"Amai kodomo o zehi, (come sweet child)," he said.

He pulled the sheets down on the bed. He took the robe off me and helped me under the covers. He got in the other side of the bed, naked. He pulled my body to him. I could feel him behind me.

"Sleep." "I have two hours before I have to leave." "I will wake you up when it is time, sweet child."

I fell asleep instantly. I slept for the better part of ninety minutes. My body unwinding from the abuse. I turned over and faced Mr. Takato. He was asleep. What came over me, I am not sure. I shuffled my way down the bed. I took him in my hand and began to make him hard. My lips wrapped around his cock as I sucked him into my mouth. My head moved up and down on him. I felt him stirring out of his sleep.

"You do not need to do this, little child," he said.

I just kept sucking on his cock. My tongue washing over his head and tasting the precum he leaked from his slit. He arched his hips up into my mouth. His hands grasped my head tightly. He pushed one more time into my mouth and I felt his cock tense in the first reflex of orgasm. He kept cumming inside my mouth. I swallowed it all. I felt safe for the first time in this terrible house.

"Mrs. Martino, you did not need to do that." "I have been as happy these last two hours as I have been in years." "This is not something I wanted you to do," he said.

I scooted back up the bed. I kissed him on the lips. "I wanted to, Mr. Takato."

He grasped my head between his hands and shook his head no.

"Mrs. Martino, nothing you do in this house is of your own will." "Even when you think you want to do something it is not so," he stated. "You are a hostage, Mrs. Martino." "Stockholm syndrome!" "You are the hostage." "You are beginning to relate to your hostage takers."

"Be careful Mrs. Martino," He warned sternly. He then kissed my forehead. "There is a difference between wanting to do something and something you do to avoid the displeasure of your keepers, Mrs. Martino."

He got up and dressed. As he was leaving, he held an object out to me.

"This is an Omamori." "Keep it with you." "the amulet will keep you safe." "If you come to Japan, give this to anyone in any airport and mention my name," he went on. Someone will pick you up in minutes. He kissed me and left.

I changed into the clothes that I came from the house with. I finished putting my blouse on when Mrs. Haverhill came in.

"Bridget, Are you going somewhere," she asked?

I looked curiously at her.

"You do remember that I told Becky to go home as you would have another engagement after the main party?"

I had forgot. I just crawled into a shell and forgot all about it.

"Yes, Mrs. Haverhill, I remembered," I lied.

"Then why are you dressed in street clothes instead of your cocktail dress," she asked?

"I, ah... It got soiled earlier." "I thought this would be more appropriate," I blurted out.

She signaled for me to follow her. We went down the long winding corridor to Mr. Haverhill's library. When we got there, Mr. Haverhill was sitting in front of the fireplace looking blankly at the wall. A door opened from the adjacent room. I turned quickly to see who it was when Mrs. Haverhill turned me around by the arm roughly and said, "You remember Mr. Santiago from a previous occasion, Bridget?"

I stared at Mr. Santiago who threw back daggers with his eyes. My legs were starting to turn weak. A searing pain welled up into the pit of my stomach. I realized, that for the first time in my life, I was really terrified.

"Bridget, answer my question please!"

"Yes Mrs. Haverhill, I remember Senor Santiago," I softly whispered.

"Excellent," she said! Senor Santiago then interrupted.

"This is the first time I have ever had to come back to assist Mrs. Haverhill with a problem pet," he spit out. "Dumb cunts like you always get the message the first time." "You must be really fucking stupid not to understand what I told you on my first message?"

I fell to my knees and pleaded. "I got the message, Master Santiago." "I understood," I begged. "I didn't mean to cause any offense to the Haverhills or their guests."

Four more hoodlums entered, (I didn't know what else to call them because that is what they appeared to be." Mr. Haverhill stood up and explained how things were going to be. I was an irritant that no one needed. I was someone that was not worthy of their time. Tonight I would be allowed to show my remorse.

I listened to his explanation and gave in. I did not have the nerve to tell them no. I was too frightened to do anything but crawl on my hands and knees to him. "Mr. Haverhill," I said. "I beg you to forgive me." "I promise I will never be a problem again." "I will never offend you in anyway." "I will do ANYTHING you demand of me, sir." "I promise!"

By this time I was crying. I tried to hold my stomach down. I felt like I was going to vomit at any moment. I just knelt/sat on the floor and begged.

Senor Santiago pulled me to my feet. "Take drink orders," he commanded. I literally ran to each person for their orders. I filled each order and personally served them.

"Now, cunt, strip down to your underwear!"

I nodded anxiously. I unhesitatingly unbuttoned my blouse and pulled it from my jeans. My fingers trembled but I finally was able to get my pants unbuttoned. I unzipped my jeans and pulled them down my legs. I was shaking uncontrollably by now. I could hardly control my bowels.

Mrs. Haverhill was the next to speak. "Bridget, explain to everyone what you are and why you should be punished."

I stood up. "Mrs. Haverhill," I recited. "I am a useless, dumb, slut who cannot follow the simplest of instructions." "I want to beg you for forgiveness." "Please, I know I need to be punished and I am willing to suffer for my errors." "I accept whatever punishment is appropriate?"

"Take the rest of your underwear off, lay on the floor and prove to us that you should be given this opportunity," Mrs. Haverhill ordered.

I quickly reached behind my back and unhooked my bra. I threw it to the floor. My hands ripped my own panties off my legs. I went to lay on the floor. I spied a champagne bottle and grabbed it from the table. I plunged it between my legs without ceremony. I began to masturbate using the bottle. I put a show on for them.

"Bitch get the hassock that you adore and lay over it," Senor Santiago commanded.

I hurried across the floor as I could. I pulled the heavy hassock into the middle of the floor and placed my body across it. I looked up expectantly at them all. They looked back as if I was supposed to do something. It took me a moment but I understood.

"Please, spank your slut." "Punish me!"

With that, Mr. Haverhill pulled a riding crop from under his chair. He whacked me full force across my buttocks. I was sure he must have drawn blood but he never hesitated. He kept spanking me until I lost track of how many times he hit me.

"Stand up Bridget, and ask for it again."

I pushed myself off my knees into a standing position. I finally caught my breath. "Mr. Haverhill, please whip my butt again, sir."

With that, he made me stand straight. "Count them Bridget." "Thank me for giving you the opportunity for you to make amends."

The crack of the riding crop fell across my butt. "That was one," I said. "Thank you Mr. Haverhill."

I was dancing around the room before the spanking ended.

The hoods had undressed by this time. One held his cock out for me to suck on. I crawled over to him and took him into my mouth. He was already hard. He started fucking my face. I was placed over the hips of another one of the hoods. I immediately took his cock in my hand. I lowered myself on top of him. I pushed myself onto his shaft and began to fuck him. He reached up and twisted the nipples on my breasts. It just added another degree of pain to my body that was already suffering.

I was forced to bend over his prone position. Mr. Santiago came over the both of us. "Beg for it cunt."

I don't think I could have done anal after what happened earlier but I did it anyway. "Please, Mr. Santiago." "Please fuck my ass, sir."

With that he plunged into my back side. I was speared between the one below me and Mr. Santiago splitting me in two from the top side. A cock slid into my mouth. I began sucking on it. I was being used by three guys at the same time! I just closed my eyes and begged silently for the night to end with me home.

Photos were being taken. Flashes from cameras kept going off in my eyes. At one point, I was made to pose for a video. I lost it. I let them do whatever they wanted to me. I just wanted to be allowed to go home.


Joseph answered the door at the mansion. Standing in front of him were four people dressed in business attire. "May I help you," he asked?

Mrs. Haverhill approached her valet and asked, "What is the problem Joseph?"

Joseph was not allowed to answer as one of the group stepped forward. "Mrs. Haverhill, I am Agent Warren of the FBI," flashing credentials. "This is Lt. Lisa Black from the State Bureau of Investigation," Pointing to one of the Officers with him. "This is Ms. Hampton who is an auditor from the Internal Revenue Service and Mr. Clayton who is an auditor representing the Securities and Exchange Commission." They all nodded to Mrs. Haverhill.

The FBI agent handed over a legal document. He explained that it was a search warrant for both the house and the downtown company offices.

Lt. Black from the State Police stepped forward. "Mrs. Haverhill this is a warrant for your arrest on charges of abduction." "I feel certain that these charges will expand in the next few days as we sort this all out," she smiled at Mrs. Haverhill.

"Mrs. Haverhill, we are investigating the disappearance of a Mrs. Bridget Martino," the FBI agent continued. "She disappeared from this house two nights ago." "Prior to her disappearance," he added, "Mrs. Martino sent me two shoe boxes." "The first shoe box contained a very precise and accurate journal that Mrs. Martino maintained all her life." "It also contains a phone conversation that you had with her two days ago." "She taped your entire conversation, Mrs. Haverhill. "I believe your incriminating conversation is the basis for your arrest."

The State Police Lieutenant read her the Miranda rights, handcuffed her and led her from the house. The FBI agent interrupted the Lieutenant for a moment.

"Mrs. Haverhill, the second box was a present for you from Mrs. Martino." "This is somewhat unusual but I feel compelled to give this to you."

Mrs. Haverhill took the box in her handcuffed hands. She opened the box and moved the tissue paper covering her present. Inside the box was a dildo with a note attached.

"Please go fuck yourself, Mrs. Haverhill." "Sincerely, Mrs. Martino," the note read.


I hope you enjoyed the series. Any ratings you care to give me is always appreciated. Many, (if not all), of the comments have been helpful. I like writing because it gives me a break away from work. I usually mention Literotica in my fiction because this site gives me a venue to take that brake. Be gentle and Thank you!

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

great, but left us hanging on what happened to her...did she go to cabo?

BastardenBastardenalmost 5 years ago

This is a very well thought and written story, even I, personally, had hoped for a better outcome for the woman. But loved it anyway :-)

Thank you

danny_33usdanny_33usabout 8 years ago
Meanwhile in Mexico ...

Bridget is, for than a year now, serving Mr. Santiago. This to great satisfaction of his very demanding customers.

Joseph needed to look for a new job. Lucky Becky had by now enough experience to convince Joseph's new potential employer to hire him.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

I know the story ends here, but you MUST have at least thought about what happened to poor Bridget. What happens to her? Atleast tell me if she never gets to see her home or family again, I just need some closure!

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