April's Fool Pt. 02


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That was the thing about Jonesy, sometimes he went off into his own world and you just had to wait for him to come back.

He snapped back and shook my hand then left. I did my usual routine in dealing with my drunk girlfriend and sat down while watching her sleep. I couldn't do this. I know she would probably be sorry. She would give me an excuse and tell me she loved me. Then she would do it again. I had seen her surrounded by guys who ended up groping her. I had seen her making out with her friend. I had experienced her leaving me on the dance floor with a guy I obviously didn't care for. I loved this woman but I knew she was going to break my heart. I expected a flood of fears and worries about breaking up with her but I had none.

I am not ashamed to admit that I cried myself to sleep that night.

Check out was a somber affair. So was the ride back down state. I kept looking over at April trying to burn her face and presence in my head. I knew that when the ride was over so were we. I kept expecting a bunch of doubts and fears to creep up but none were coming.

I pulled into her driveway and parked. She looked at me with tears in her eyes.

"We are done aren't we?" She asked softly.

My eyes were teared up as well.

"Yeah, I love you April but I can't be with you right now. If we stay together I know that one day you will get drunk and cross the line that can't be uncrossed. I can't be in a relationship that I think is doomed. I am truly sorry." I said.

A look of anger flashed across her face when I mentioned her drinking.

"You are going to regret this. I am the best thing that could have ever happened to you." She said bitterly.

"I know." was all I could reply.

I leaned over and kissed her cheek. She got out of the car and I watched to make sure she got inside. I put the car in drive and headed home.


So began the longest six months of my life. The feud with the sales people seemed petty and ended more with a whimper than a bang. I know I was miserable for two weeks until I got a call from Jonesy telling me that his bitch wife had decided to skip town and leave him with the kid. He was overjoyed. Hearing my friend be so happy raised my spirits a little as did his final words.

"Thomp, life is too short to be miserable brother. Plus you don't want to hear it now but soon you will realize there are other fish in the sea. Go get your line wet." With a laugh he hung up.

I met Trina at a one day seminar a couple days later. She was a tall Asian beauty with purple hair and a nose ring. Her legs were so long and she had just enough of a chest and ass to give her a curve. In a room full of nerds she was a knockout. We struck up a conversation probably because I was the only guy in the room who could carry on a conversation while looking her in the eyes. I hate to stereotype my companions but this particular seminar was full of nerds. She gave me her email and phone number.

Two weeks later I asked her out and she accepted. We had dinner and great conversation about comic book movies. I dropped her off and could tell she was surprised when I went to leave her at the door.

The next week we went and watched the local dirt bike circuit races. We had both rode motocross when we were 14 and 15 so it was fun to talk and watch some of the guys come and go. This time I tried to perform a tonsillectomy with my tongue on her front porch before I decided to leave. I didn't want to move too fast.

I hadn't heard anything about April in the month since we broke up. I had boxed up the few things she had at my place and left it on her porch two weeks after we split. I noticed her trash bin lid was open and there were a lot of empty vodka and rum bottles. I hoped she had just had a party the night before. I thought many times about calling her but I knew that it would be too painful. A clean break is best.

Over the next month things progressed nicely with Trina. I told her everything about my relationship with April along with the reason I was trying to go slow with her. She said the right things and gave the right answers.

After our seventh date she jumped my bones and damned if it wasn't great. She was an enthusiastic lover who liked getting tied up and spanked when the mood struck her. She could do something with her hips that drove me wild when I was banging her. She was the first girl I dated who had her hood pierced. That added something to the mix. Basically she was exactly what I needed to get over April. I found it ironic that it was the confidence from being with April that allowed me the chance to get with this girl.

After four months with Trina we both knew we weren't going to be together forever. We had fun and the sex was great but there wasn't that deep love. She got asked out by another guy and told me up front that she wanted to date him. I really didn't care and for a couple weeks I was flying solo. I found that I didn't really mind being alone and felt myself returning to center. I went on a couple dates with different women but it was mainly to get out of the house more than anything. Trina called and said she broke up with her guy and wanted to know if I wanted to have sex. I had never been a friend with benefits but it was kind of a nice arrangement.

During all this time I had managed to put April in the back of my head where all my pleasant memories were stored. I honestly felt that I was a better man for having known her so I bore her no ill will. I wondered what would happen if I saw her again. Almost six months after we broke up I found out.


Trina and I had just got done fucking like rabbits and decided we were hungry. We threw our clothes on and hit up a small sandwich shop that had just opened a couple weeks ago. As we sat down and started munching I saw something from the corner of my eye. April and Beth were across the restaurant staring at us. I really didn't know what to do so I waved. They both turned red and waved back. Trina noticed and gave me a quizzical look.

"That is my ex and her best friend over there." I said.

Trina looked at them and waved then looked at me.

"Damn boy, you really reached high on that one. I have no interest in girls but I would do her." Trina said.

"You would do a Doberman Pinscher if you were in the mood." I said causing her to throw a french fry at me.

"I must have low standards if I am with you today." She laughed. Then she got serious.

"That girl is going to call you within the next couple days. When she asks to get back together please don't let what we do enter your thought process okay?" She asked.

Now it was my time to look at her quizzically.

"What makes you think she will call me to get back together and what do mean about us?" I asked

"Bill both of us know we are good fuck buddies and that is it. If you have a chance for a real relationship you should go for it. As for how I know she will call you? Let's just chalk it up to women's intuition. Plus I heard her in the bathroom talking about you." She grinned.

As we paid our bill and got up to leave I looked over and gave them what I hope was a warm smile. I met April's eyes and she smiled back. Damn she was pretty.

Trina and I had one long fuck session that evening then she got up to leave.

"This was the last time Bill. If I was the settling down type I would do everything I could to make sure that she couldn't get to you. As it is I am tempted but right now I want to have some more fun. Listen to her when she calls and be open to forgive. We all make mistakes." She smiled and kissed me then left.

That night I couldn't get to sleep so I was awake for the text that came through at 12:30 in the morning.

U up? It came from April's phone.

Yup I replied.

Can u talk? She asked.

Sure, when and where? I replied.

IHOP in 15 minutes? She asked.

Sure I replied.

I found myself drinking coffee when she walked into the restaurant. I was nervous as all get out but I found I could keep a straight face. I waved her over and stood up when she came over. I gave her a kiss on the cheek and invited her to sit. She looked at me intently. Then wordlessly reached into her purse and slid a coin over to me.

"That is my 90 day sober coin." She said quietly, still looking at me.

I picked it up and looked at it. All types of thoughts were swirling in my head. I put it down and looked her in the eyes.

"I am so happy for you. That is a great accomplishment and you should be proud of yourself." My emotions almost overcame me and I know my eyes were watered up. I could only imagine how tough it must have been for her to go through that then to come to me and tell me. She was a strong person.

"Thank you Bill, of all the people I have showed that too and all the comments I have gotten, your words mean the most to me." She said.

"So how have you been and what brought this about?" I asked, trying to regain my emotional stability.

"You really don't know?" She asked me incredulously.

"I deliberately avoided keeping tabs on you after we broke up April. There are still a ton of feelings and I figured it was best t make a clean break." I responded gently.

"You are probably right. Well let me fill you in. I was embarrassed and angry when you left that evening after the trip. I ranted and raved and drank until I passed out. I couldn't really remember what I did that was so wrong but I knew it must have been bad for you to act like you were. I basically drank myself to sleep for two weeks until my father threatened to fire me if I didn't start showing up for work. I pulled myself together enough to perform but at night I would get lonely and drink to try to forget you. Two weeks after we broke up I decided to start moving on with my life so I went to a bar and hit it off with a random guy. I got drunk and went back to his place. We did it once then he wanted to stick it in my ass and all I could think about was how that was supposed to be Bill's only. I ran out of there and hopped into the car. I was going to call you and ask if I did something about my drinking could we get back together. Two blocks after pulling out I got busted by a cop and thrown in jail for a DUI. I was sitting there drunk with cum running down my leg from a lousy fuck and all I wanted was you Bill. Not Dad. Not Beth. I wanted you. I decided then and there to prove how much I loved you and sober up." She took a swig of coffee and ordered pancakes and sausage. I stuck with coffee.

"Long story short My dad's lawyers were able to get me off practically scot free but I had done another terrible thing. I had disappointed my daddy. Even Beth was calling me a moron. I am only saying this because I want you to know that the primary motivation to get my life straight was so I could have a chance with you again. I was going to wait a little longer before I talked to you about this but when I saw you with that Asian Barbie I knew I had to stake my claim. I won't try to break you guys up but if you become single I am going to come hard for you." She said with some fire in her eyes.

"You better start coming hard for me soon" I grinned.

Asian Barbie as you call her was just a friend with benefits thing. She already ended it so we could be together." I continued.

It took a second for her to realize what I had said. Her eyes grew wide and she squealed as she wrapped her arms around me and gave me one of those soul searing kisses that I only get from her.

"April I want to be with you so much it hurts. If we can get through this drinking issue I will be your fool forever, I swear. But let's take it slow okay? I am going to be your sober buddy from now on. No drinking for me. Let's stay out of bars for a while. We might have to eventually spend the time in bed instead." I smiled.

"But I need you to answer a serious question." I said spoiling the mood a little.

"Anything Bill." she said

"Are you not drinking to get me back? Or are you not drinking because you think you have a problem?" This was important to me. If it wa just to get me back then it might not last.

"Bill I have a problem with booze. I want to be a better person and not drink because I recognize that I have lost a lot of things in my life because of alcohol. Getting you back might have been the push I needed to get the help but ultimately I am doing this for me."

That was all I needed to hear. We were inseparable after that. We became the couple that didn't drink. It was an adjustment for some of our friends but for the most part everyone was cool. Her dad even made all the company outings booze free.

There really is not that much more to tell. April continues to be sober. We moved in together and got along swimmingly. We got engaged. I surprised her with a 10,000.00 dollar ring. I had written some code before I went in the army and it was picked up by a few major security firms. The licensing royalties went into a brokerage account that was coming close to being worth a cool million. So I had my own money. Her dad insisted on a prenup which I gladly signed. If things went south with us I had no problem doing my thing and having her do hers.

We got married on a warm spring day on her father's property. I was surprised to see Jonsey and almost all of the unit make it out. There was some grumbling about it being a dry reception but I opened up a tab at the Red Horse Saloon and told them to drink up. That cost me a pretty penny.

All of which leads me back to tonight. Spooned against my wife with the knowledge that she loves me and is good and fucked. Tomorrow she wants to give me her anal cherry. I will gladly take it. She said she wants to do it enough so that by the end of our honeymoon she will be able to handle it with no hesitation.

Damn I love this woman.


Thanks for reading!

Feel free to let me know what you think because I tried for some specific character development and I want to know if I succeeded or not.

Now it is back to Martin and friends.

Again Thanks!


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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Alcoholism sucks. Some tough btb rhetoric on her. Yes she is an alcoholic, but getting to the point to take it seriously is not a simple thing. And her saying he was giving up the best test ciukd ever happened to her is not a big thing. It wasn't arrogance. It was spoken out of pain and anger of what she lost while hung over and her heart breaking. She doesn't even remember what she did or said the previous night. He did the right thing breaking up with her. She did the right thing admitting she had a serious drinking problem and went to AA. If alcoholism is the core problem and it can managed then why not able to trust. It is alcoholics who do not admit they have a serious problem and do nothing but drink more who ate a lost cause. They have to hit bottom first. She hit her bottom. Hence her change of heart. Of course relapse is always a risk.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

And he'd trust her WHY? I'm fine with forgiving her. Even one day being friends. But never taking her back.

Her arrogance about never finding someone like her again? My answer would be "THANK GOD!!!!"

underdog1underdog1about 2 years ago

A serious issue covered, and an excellent story in how it was told, very realistic. Unless you've dealt with an alcoholic, especially one that insists he isn't even though his blood alcohol was .47 when they pulled him from the wreckage, you can't imagine the hell it causes. Thanks for taking on a real-life issue.

oldmanbill69oldmanbill69about 2 years ago

Sounds like a true lire story.

Dry_opinionDry_opinionover 2 years ago

Much better than ch.01. 5*

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