Are You My Husband? Pt. 02


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Dina's usual attire was yoga pants, which was very distracting for Scott. Kathleen teased him mercilessly about it. When Kathleen and Dina both wore them, it was torture if he was in the office.

It had been a cool spring in Atlanta, and after one of the ladies' weekend shopping trips, Scott was outside on their beautiful stone patio heating up the grill, when he heard the ladies return. As he entered the house, he could hear Janie and Dina complaining about the cool and wet weather.

Dina said to the other women, "This is March? It's this weather that makes me want to move back to Miami or Puerto Rico. This is crazy." Then she started muttering in Spanish.

Scott pipped up, "Don't even kid about that. If you do, I'll be there the next day to drag your ass back here."

They hadn't heard him come in, so all of their heads whipped around to look at him...smiles were on all their faces.

Dina said, "I'm not serious. I'm just frustrated with the cold spring."

He replied, "Then let's get in the hot tub after the kids go to sleep." That was something they had been cautioned against while pregnant.

Janie and Kathleen were very eager to get in, but Dina said, "We'll see."

Later as they were getting the kids ready for bed, Scott began getting what they would want and need for some time in the hot tub and he asked Dina, "are you going to join us?"

"I believe I will."

"Beer, wine, or something else?"

"Red wine, please. Thank you."

Shortly thereafter, Scott had the gas-log firepit working to warm the area and had a beer for himself, and three big plastic goblets and a bottle of red wine for the ladies.

He was already in the tub and watched as his ladies eased in, with bikinis on. A few minutes later, Dina walked out the patio door in her robe. When she dropped it, she was wearing the only bikini she dared to wear around anyone else. It was very modest but still struggled to contain her ample chest.

Several minutes in, Janie asked, "Dina, would it embarrass you if I removed my top? We're glad you're out here with us, but don't want to scare you away."

Dina laughed and replied, "Mind? I'd like to do the same thing. I didn't want to upset Scott or the two of you by freeing my personal flotation devices, but I'm sure my girls" she nodded down towards her chest, which was hidden underwater, "I'm sure the girls would appreciate it."

Kathleen asked, "Scott?"

"Dina, you shouldn't even have to ask. All I want, all we want, is for you to be comfortable. If for some reason I happen to see your breasts while in the hot tub, or at any other time, I'd like to think that I'm mature enough to handle it without embarrassing anyone, including myself. You're a beautiful woman, and I suspect that includes a lovely set of breasts. However, I know that as attractive as you are on the outside, your true beauty is on the inside. So whatever makes you comfortable enough to be here, sitting with us, is what I want."

Dina looked at Janie, and asked, "Is he always this smooth? He could talk the panties off a nun with lines like that."

"That wasn't a line." Scott rumbled.

"I know it wasn't and thank you."

Seconds later all three ladies were topless, with just their shoulders out of the water. They enjoyed their time together, and if possible, they all felt a little closer at the end of the evening. When it was time to get out, Scott got out first and after drying himself off, he held out the towels for his ladies and helped them climb out. When it was Dina's turn, he held her robe and said, "Come on. I'm closing my eyes for you."

Kathleen gave her a hand, and after she had the robe wrapped around herself, she pulled Scott down for a kiss on the cheek.

Scott turned everything off and went to his bedroom, where he was very pleased to join Janie and Kathleen.


For Kathleen's first Mother's Day, Scott wanted to do something nice for her and included the other women as well. Wade and Beverly were coming in to visit, also.

One of the great things about running his business was that Scott could get out and run a few personal errands when he needed to. Earlier in the week, he made arrangements to pick up some flowers for all four mothers in his life, including Dina.

From the jeweler that had known the Winters for decades and from whom he purchased Janie's engagement ring, he picked up some beautiful Tahitian pearl, drop earrings for each of them. The four styles were slightly different, so they were not exactly the same. They each had very small diamonds affixed to the part of the earring that dangled from the ear, ending with a beautiful black pearl. He knew Janie would like hers. He hoped the other ladies liked them, also.

The trepidation he felt the previous Mother's Day was completely gone now. All that was left was the joy of being with Janie and Kathleen and all his kids. Having Dina to keep the house running was almost over the top.

When he and Wade got home that Saturday afternoon, they brought in a large, open box. Inside were four large pottings of orchids. They all loved them knowing that their blooms would last for months.

That night, after Dina returned to her apartment, and his parents were sleeping in the guest bedroom, Janie and Kathleen snuggled on the couch with Scott, with a woman under each of his arms. Scott didn't think his life could get any better.

In the morning, everyone was up and moving to get to church on time. With Beverly there, Dina would be going with them to church. He gave the women their cards and gifts. They each gasped at the earrings and hugged him. Kathleen had a little cry.

"They are beautiful gifts for the most beautiful women I know, inside and out. I'm humbled and thrilled to have each of you in my life."

Dina didn't want to let him go, but when she did, she put the earrings on immediately. She wasn't planning to remove them until she went to bed. Each of the women wore them to church, even if they didn't exactly match their outfit. They didn't care. They loved them and wanted to show them off.

On their way out of the church, Janie made a point to show them to Brother Leo. He laughed, "let me guess, a set for each Parker woman."

Beverly said, "exactly."

Both, Kathleen and Dina, loved hearing that, though for different reasons.


The next Friday night, at dinner, Scott brought up the idea of using the hot tub again. It had been a tiring day for everyone. Dina had bought groceries that day, and including transporting the little ones to the office, she was worn out from all the running around and cooking that evening.

Scott asked, "Dina, would you care to join us?"

"I don't think so. I appreciate the offer, but I'm pooped. Maybe another night."

"It's an open invitation. You know it's yours to use even if we aren't in it."

"I know and thank you. G'night."

"G'night, Dina."

Five minutes later, with the baby monitors activated on their tablet, the three of them were letting the bubbles and heat of the hot tub melt away their tensions. Without Dina, it didn't take them long to shed their swimsuits. Heck, without her, they shouldn't have worn them at all. After a few minutes of relaxing, Kathleen eased over to Scott and started stroking him.

She said, "You know since I was pregnant, I never got to have a hot tub orgasm. I think it's only fair that I get a chance to experience one, or two, or three."

Scott was all for that. Soon they were making out, and a few minutes later, Kathleen was floating on top of the water with a floating pillow to support her head, while Scott was dining at her Y. Between the tingles from the hot tub bubbles, the tingles that Scott was giving her, and the tingles that Janie was administering to her breasts, she was in heaven.


Dina had begun to prepare for bed. She had brushed her teeth and put on her PJs and planned to read a little on her tablet before sleeping. She did a quick check on the baby monitor app to look at the beautiful children sleeping and smiled at her current situation. She was as happy as she could remember being since her kids were little. The Parkers had been a godsend to her.

Thinking about that for a second, even though she had felt worn out, earlier, she decided she would accept their offer to join them in the hot tub.

After putting on the bikini she had previously worn with them, she looked at herself and sighed. She needed a new one, this one was nearly a decade old and didn't quite support her forty-two-year-old boobs the way it once did. However, if this hot tub experience was like the last one, she hoped the top wouldn't stay on very long, anyway.

Then she mischievously thought, "Maybe one night while they are playing in one of their bedrooms, she'd relax in the tub in only her birthday suit."

Throwing on a robe for the short trip to the house, she quickly walked to the kitchen, entering through the door from the garage, because it was the quickest entry from her apartment. She found a plastic wine goblet and filled it to the brim with a nice red from the fridge. Then she took a long sip.

She began padding her way towards the double sliding patio doors. The only lights that were on were the night lights inside the house, and the patio lights which were not much brighter than the night lights. They were more like mood lighting.

As she opened the sliding door, they were all surprised. There in the hot tub, was Kathleen floating on her back while Scott was still pleasing her orally. Janie was caressing and nibbling on Kathleen's breasts, and Kathleen was purring with continuous "Mmmm. Mmmm. Ohhh."

Janie and Scott turned towards the door, and even in the relative darkness, could see the surprise on Dina's face. She turned to walk back inside, and Janie jumped out of the tub to go get her. With nothing but a towel wrapped around her, she caught her in the kitchen.

"Dina, we're so sorry. Obviously, based on what you told us, we weren't expecting you. Please join us."

"I didn't mean to interrupt the three of you. I'll just go back to my room."

"No! Please... Come with me. We'll behave. We invited you earlier because we want you to enjoy the tub with us. What you saw was because we thought we were alone."

Janie positioned herself so that Dina was between her and the patio door and was being guided back towards the hot tub.

Janie pulled the glass of wine from her so it would be easier for her to get in. Once free of Janie and the wine glass, she hesitated just a moment, wondering if she should leave.

Kathleen patted the top of the tub, above where Dina would sit as an invitation. There were no lights on in the tub, and the bubbles made it so that she couldn't see under the surface of the water, above which she could only see Scott and Kathleen's shoulders.

Dina removed her robe, easing herself into the tub, and Janie set her wine by her so it would be easy for her to grab. Then Janie dropped her towel, revealing that she had nothing on underneath, and quickly jumped into the tub.

Dina saw this and chuckled, "Well, ever since Kathleen announced she was pregnant, I kind of suspected that there weren't any labs involved. I guess what I saw a minute ago removes all doubt about that."

Kathleen said, "I'm really sorry about that Dina. Scott owed me a hot tub orgasm, and we didn't know you were coming."

Everyone kind of chuckled at that.

Janie asked, "Dina, do you want us to put our swimsuits back on?"

"No. No. I'm good. It's not like I can see anything. I was just a little surprised. That's all. I don't know why. I suspected the three of you were, uh, oh, how do I even say this.... together. I've never witnessed anyone having sex before. I'm sorry."

Scott said, "As we've said before, we just want you to be comfortable. We want you out here with us, which is why we invited you earlier. I'm sorry about what you saw. Had you said you were going to join us, obviously, we wouldn't have been doing that."

Dina smirked and asked, "So Kathleen, may I ask what is so special about a hot tub orgasm?"

Kathleen explained to her and Dina replied, "Damn. I guess I need to get me a waterproof vibrator."

They all laughed at that.

Janie said, "That's too bad. Scott's really good at giving them."

Dina replied, "From the sounds that Kathleen was making, I could tell."

That brought a blush from Scott and a smile from Kathleen and Janie. Scott was wondering if Janie just volunteered his services to Dina. Oh, Lord. He'd have to speak to her about ensuring that didn't happen.

Like the previous times they enjoyed the hot tub together, she eased down into the tub and undid her top, and set it outside the tub.

Janie said, "Since you wore your robe over, I don't know why you even bother to wear your top. Besides, if Scott gets a glimpse of your boobs, it just means he's going to ravage one of us later."

Dina smirked at that. It had been a long time, and she could use a little ravaging herself.

They had a good night in the tub, and Scott knew it would mean a good night in the bedroom shortly.

When it was time to get out of the tub, Dina made a point of being the first one out. She rose slowly, languidly, as she climbed from the tub. Scott knew she was doing that purposefully, so he did not turn away. She bent over to retrieve her top and robe in such a way that her ass was facing the tub, and Scott specifically.

It was the first good look Scott ever had at her chest and it was as impressive as he was expecting. Rather than looking like someone stuck a couple of large honeydews to her chest, her breasts were quite wide, almost pillowy. They looked to be nice, soft, plushy boobs, that sagged a bit, but her nipples still pointed out and not down. He thought they were amazingly lush to look at. He couldn't help but wonder what they would feel like. If given the chance he wouldn't be able to decide if he should suck on them, motorboat them, titty fuck them, or take a long inviting nap on them. To have had two children and be over forty, he thought they were magnificent. He was hard, instantly.

Once her robe was on, she said, "I thought I would help Janie and Kathleen out with a little show. Maybe, I've had too much wine. I don't know. I'd be pretty interested in knowing if this old body had any effect on Scott."

Janie leaned over and felt under the water for Scott. She smiled and said, "Why Dina, I believe you got quite the rise from Scott with that display. I'll thank you for that in the morning."

Dina cackled, saying, "Goodnight. I'll see you in the morning." She gave herself two orgasms before going to sleep, wishing someone was giving them to her rather than herself.

Scott finished Kathleen's hot tub orgasm from earlier, before going to the bedroom and trying to screw Janie's brains out, or was it the other way around.



That Fall Eva was old enough to attend Kindergarten, but the adults, especially Dina, had been reading to her, and with her, since she was three, and she could now read better than most second graders. It didn't make sense for her to go and be bored. They would wait and send her to first grade the following year.

With the landscaping business, one thing that never changed was the amount of churn on his crews. He tried to pay the better workers a little more per hour, but even with that, sometimes they would get on with another company. It was just the nature of the business.

The following spring, a relatively new worker, which had worked for Stennis suggested a manager there was looking to leave. Scott interviewed and hired Marco, who was a third-generation Cuban and had been a manager of Stennis' landscape maintenance crews for several years. Given his business' recent growth, having another manager would be helpful, and hiring away from Stennis was a bonus.

The only concerning bit was the background check revealed a drug arrest for marijuana seven years earlier, which according to his application and background check, meant he was twenty-five at the time. His record was clean since then. Scott didn't even have to question him about it. Marco brought it up during their interview and told Scott that he was young and stupid and didn't do it anymore.

Scott said he understood that mistakes can be made but made it very clear that if he ever smelled it on him, for any reason, including if he was around others who had been smoking it, he would be gone. Marco agreed.

He worked out well. He rearranged Scott's landscape maintenance crews from teams of three into teams of two, which made some jobs a little tougher for the crews, but it brought instant attention to anyone who was slacking off. Scott was quickly pleased.

Being a manager, he spent quite a bit of time in and out of the office, and one of the things that Marco definitely noticed was Kathleen and Dina, when she was there. He was a good-looking, hardworking guy, and over time, he began to pay more attention to Dina, which was no chore with her wearing those yoga pants. She was flattered that a much younger and very attractive man was interested in her. Eventually, he asked her out and she agreed.

At first, the Parkers were pleased for her, even if it meant that more and more weekend nights were spent away from her home and the Parkers. Marco seemed nice enough. Since Dina was truly part of the family, they allowed him to attend family barbecues on the weekend. He and Scott had no difficulty finding things to talk about because they mainly talked about work, workers, clients, and prospects.

The first sign of trouble was at the last block party of the summer to which Dina had invited him as her guest since she was officially a member of the neighborhood. Marco was always on good behavior around Scott, but he let his guard down around some of the other neighbors. Some questions and comments he made to other neighborhood men got back to their wives, then Janie and Kathleen, and then to Scott.

Marco was asking questions about the nature of Scott's relationship with Kathleen. He also made some inappropriate comments regarding Kathleen and several other ladies in their swimsuits. They all wondered if Marco misread their type of neighborhood or simply questioned his manners, as it isn't polite to talk about how fine someone else's wife or girlfriend is in their bikini, nor is it good to say that he would like to 'tap that.' It did not sit well with the neighbors, nor Scott.

Dina was oblivious to the comments, and the Parkers didn't want to tell her because she seemed happy with Marco. They decided that they would try to monitor the situation a little more closely.

By the holidays, she was spending at least one night at his place on the weekends, and occasionally during the week also. She was open with Janie and Kathleen regarding her enjoying having a sex partner, but the ladies didn't share her enthusiasm regarding Marco.

Two events caused a rift to open in the Parker home.

The first was at the beginning of the year, as soon as Scott had paid out the end-of-year bonuses to the managers, Marco announced he was leaving. Marco told him that Stennis had hired him back at a higher salary.

Scott was conflicted about seeing him go, but he understood the business side of it. He wouldn't try to match what Stennis was paying because the difference was too great. Dina was disappointed in that decision, and it put an even greater strain on Marco's relationship with the Parkers, especially since it stopped their work conversations, which were nearly 80% of what he and Scott would normally talk about.

When Marco left, he enticed a couple of Scott's employees to go with him.

The second event was in the spring. At Scott's house, they were having a Friday night barbecue, and Dina had invited Marco. Dina had suggested they enjoy the hot tub after they put the kids down. They didn't know that Marco had put her up to it, so they reluctantly agreed.