Arian's Pool Ch. 04


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Theresa had taken Ceri and a whole collection of expressed bottled breast milk and nappies and clothes – enough for 24 hours. It was a real struggle to leave Ceri, it was the very first time I had, but seeing him with my sister, his loving Auntie and Godmother I knew it would be fine. Benny stayed with Dad in his hotel room, both content with the arrangement.

I stripped out of my wedding dress and just went with a T-shirt, and Mike appeared in his boxers. We just knew where we were spending our wedding night, and walked across our stream and out into the woods.

We held hands and walked, not talking just staring into each-other's faces. We reached our pool, and rolled out our sleeping bags.

I took his hand and walked into the pool. I felt a tingle in my left hand and Mike too was looking at the silver ring on his left hand. We had gone for wedding rings of Arian's own metal.

I looked at Mike and we both grinned, knowing that we had nothing to fear in this place. I think it was just Arianrhod giving us her very own blessing. We laughed and cried and I jumped into Mike's arms we kissed again, passionately.

We stepped out of the water and walked across to the glade and lay down. I thought about making love, but it had been such a long day we were both totally wasted. Instead he just pulled me into his arms and held me until we both fell asleep under the protection of the full moon, the silver disc, Arianrhod.

We woke the next morning as the sun came up and I jumped on him and we spent that morning shagging like rabbits, drinking coffee and we had a great time.

We walked home, had a shower and breakfast and put on jeans and T-shirts, and headed to the hotel and collected Ceri. Dad took Benny to Bristol with him while we headed for Heathrow and two weeks in the Caymen Islands. It was paradise and we all got a tan, ate too much and had a ball.

Once home Mike still had his work to do but was able to share his medical expertise between Wales and London. We turned my office into a nursery and Ceri had his own room. My two up-two down quickly became a family home and thanks to cloud storage and laptops and tablet PC's we spent our time between Number Seven and our place in London.

During one long stay in London, I did some research on our little house, just checking that there was nothing on line about our secret, and expanding the search to my village I happened to see that the holiday let next door was up for sale, and I made an enquiry. We took out a mortgage and bought it outright, unseen. We installed a couple of doorways and suddenly we had a four bedroom house, with a big kitchen and a dining room. We invited family to stay and had huge family barbecues and my nephew and niece could play in the woods to their hearts content, as long as Auntie Maggie or Uncle Mike were around of course.

But our pool's location remained a secret, and we kept it that way. We still spent lots of days and many nights by it during the spring, summer and autumn and our lovely, strong handsome boy Ceri grew up there, and learned to swim in its clear clean water. I know in my heart that one day he'll take his own woman there when the time is right and Arian calls them.

I woke one night with an irresistible urge and found myself walking down the garden, telling a worried looking Benny that tonight he had to stay here and watch after Ceri and Mike. In just my thick dressing gown (I normally sleep naked) I walked down the garden, popped across the stepping stones and after walking through the woods I missed my large log where I used to hide my clothes but trusting in Arianrhod I carried on walking until suddenly the pond was before me and the standing stones were either side of me.

Already in the water, was a young girl I recognised from Jess's bar, and I guessed she had dipped her hand in the font around the time of Ceri's christening, and I slipped off my gown and stepped in, feeling the warmth around my nether regions and remembering how it had calmed me down that night almost a year ago.

"Hi Abi," I said stepping down and remembering what Jess had prophesied when I was the one sat on the polished stone seat in the middle of the hot spring. I brushed her hair back from her worried face and smiled what I hoped would be a comforting smile.

"Hi Maggie," said Abigail, "I don't know how I got here, Carl we be so worried when he finds..."

"Arianrhod will take care of all of that Abi," I grinned and kissed her cheek; I don't know what gave me the confidence to say that, other than the strange occurrences when my Ceri was born a year gone, "Before you know it you'll be back in bed and of this will seem like a dream."

"Yes," said a voice and I turned to see Sue, removing her T-shirt with a Mr Man character on it, "Don't worry our Abigail, in a few moments it'll all be done."

And so it was. Following another birth overseen by Myra we were soon walking Abigail and her daughter Rachel back through the stones, along a winding track and into her ground floor flat, and settling her down, and Sue and I just waved and slipped back into the woods to reappear in our own gardens, while Myra phoned for the ambulance that would take her to the Maternity ward at Maerbont for a few days' rest, telling Carl how lucky it was that Abi had Myra's number on speed dial.

Three months later, I had the strangest dream; that I woke in the night, climbed out of bed and walked down the stairs and walked out into our shared garden, like the one that Hugh Grant and Julia Roberts characters in 'Notting Hill' loved so much. Before I knew it I was walking through the standing stones, and taking off my dressing gown to step naked into the pool and delivering a gorgeous baby boy, with Jess and her sister-in-law's mother-in-law Martha as midwife.

"How's London Maggie?" said Jess.

I woke the next morning in bed in our place in Kennington where I'd gone to sleep the night before; I felt relaxed as if I'd been in the pool. Did I travel hundreds of miles? Did I deliver my second Arian's child? I really don't know but chances are, as my mate Jess once said, "that's probably just how Brigid and Arian want it".

The following Christmas, our first one as parents, we travelled across London to deliver presents I was the first to notice the bulge in Theresa's normally flat belly.

"Your bloody fault," said John, "she got all broody when she was maid of honour at your wedding. I guessed that being that close to Ceri, and holding him while he was christened with water from Pwll Arianrhod, it was only going to be a matter of time.

In June, Theresa and John were delivered of their third child Holly and they brought her to our little village and St Brigid's church for her christening.

In light of the number of children arriving, a few weeks afterwards Mike invited his brother Hugh and his lovely wife Jen to our cottage and we took them camping in our woods. It was a wonderful warm, clear starry night and our tiny fire glowed around the clearing and we made them coffee from the pool. The place was technically open to the world but we both knew that you'd never find it unless you were meant to, and at least an hours walk and they both quickly relaxed.

This was pure devilment on the part of Mike who knew that his brother wanted to have a baby being still captivated by his nephew Ceri and his invite to Holly's christening, but Jen wasn't minded to and was too busy with her career at that moment and according to my reading of her, a bit scared of the whole process. They had been married for five years, and Mike was worried that this couple that were so perfect for each other could start to drift apart through their busy lives.

They drank their coffee and after a few moments it became clear that they were sharing some secret through their body language. It was almost like my new sister in law was the tiniest bit tipsy, not silly but like some of the barriers she'd built to protect the busy business woman in her had fallen a bit. Just to help out Arianrhod a bit more I made more coffee and suggested that we turn in.

In the intervening year Mike and I had built some slightly different shelters; raised platforms with a kind of a thatched covering that was enough to keep off the rain and with the addition of a tarp sheet over the open front, any dew or mist. We would lay out the cheap supermarket air beds that we pretty much left there all summer, along with some pans and cheap plastic mugs and our eternal sachets of coffee, milk and sugar. Despite our minor changes to our overnight holiday home we still often slept under the stars with just a blanket mind you.

Despite our insistence Hugh and Jen slept in their tent, afraid of bugs and nightly noises but as Mike and I stretched out, listening to Ceri's contented snores from his netted cot in his shelter we could hear that our visitors had started to get slightly passionate.

As for me, I never would have believed that it was possible to feel horny listening to two relatives shagging in a tent not ten feet away, but it was unbelievable. Jen was apparently a quiet wispy little kitten but as Mike and I lay spooning we could see in the light from the waning but still full moon that the walls of their thin tent were moving in and out like a pair of lungs and Jen was encouraging Hugh to do his worst to her without shouting out to the world.

As for me, I felt my knickers pulled down slightly and Mike's huge erection pushed into my sopping pussy and we had the most wonderful gentle and silent fuck, listening to our guests doing the same but with more energy. I reached back and rested a hand on his that warmly held me by the hip so he could push in and pull out of me. I leaned back into him and twisted my face so we could kiss and as I heard Jen encouraging Hugh to a final push to her fulfilment, I whispered, "We can't let them beat us Darling..."

I felt his hand between my shoulder blades pushing me forward bending me at the waist and as Jen started to groan to her orgasm, I felt mine stir in the pit of my loins and my face erupted in smiles as Mike pounded into me. It was paradise and I came hard timing my groans to match those of my sister in law just across the glade. I felt Mike's warmth pour into me in three long spurts. I remembered taking my contraceptive pill, I wouldn't have put it past Arianrhod to have helped me to forget! I held on to my pendant and whispered an almost silent, 'one for Jen and Hugh Arian?'

The following morning Mike and I were up and preparing breakfast for us all. Mike has asked me if I wouldn't mind going naked with him this morning. I looked up at the glorious sunshine that boded well for a fine day, and then thought about the younger Jen and younger Hugh and figured I wouldn't mind seeing them naked this morning. So I removed my panties, had a pee, washed my hands and prepared the tea with water from the pool. I started the pan heating and soon the bacon rashers were frying and I was cutting open the bread rolls.

Mike unzipped the front of their tent and placed two mugs of tea in front of it. I could see that Jen was being held by Hugh, spooning as his brother and I had been, his hand protectively around her tits, and they were both naked as well, only covered with their sleeping bags.

"So you two had a good night then?" said Mike rolling up the flap of their tent.

Hugh and Jen looked straight up at the sight of their naked brother, then across to me bare breasted and cross legged in front of the cooker and last night's re-vitalised fire.

"Good morning," I said seeing Hugh's bleary eyes skip fleetingly across my boobs, his gaze distracted from lower down by the toddling appearance of Ceri running to be picked up by his father, then the gentle furry presence of Benny trotting behind to make sure all was well.

Hugh and Jen shared a look and wondered what to do next.

"Don't let your tea get cold." I said, and they sipped - I knew Arian had them.

They sipped, smiled and within twenty minutes were sat opposite me eating bacon and egg rolls, as naked as I was, Hugh with a weapon only slightly smaller than his brother's, and Jen's lovely pussy waxed clear of any vestiges of pubic hair. Her boobs were on the small side but I said another quiet word to Arian and just knew that they would sprout in size just as mine had. We were chatting and laughing, our lack of clothes a minor detail and it was amazing how quickly they got used to it and ignored it.

I'd never been tempted by my own sex but Jen was gorgeous, and on reflection Arianrhod and St Ffraid were about love and fertility, not something two girls could really be involved in Mike and I had learned that to our cost, and five months of loneliness. Jen was only a year or so younger than me but just as sexy, and with Arian's help she could only improve.

We finished our rolls and tea, and Ceri padded over to me saying "Mummy swim!" so I stood and walked with him to the pool feeling three pairs of eyes on my still shapely bum. Within a short while, there were five of us splashing around in the wonderful refreshing water of Arianrhod's pool with Mike and me playing with Ceri while Hugh and Jen splashed around, looking happier than I ever remembered seeing them. Jen seemed to paying particular attention to her boobs almost in surprise, and I knew precisely what she was feeling. I thought to my first swim in this pool more than two years ago when my every sexual fibre was vibrating! I felt good that another woman, one that I cared about, was getting that same buzz.

Soon they were in each other's arms and fooling around, singing some favourite song, sharing that special feeling that all lovers get. Next they were kissing and just beaming at each other. I whispered to my lover that all was going according to plan.

Mike smiled and looked over to them,

"Oi, you two," he said with a grin, "the quiet shady, leafy, grassy glade is just through that arch of trees, we promise we won't bother you."

Embarrassed but outrageously horny, Jen led her husband by the hand and both walked naked from the pool through the heart shaped arch to the grassy glade were Ceri was conceived. Her nipples were hard while his erection was every bit as impressive as the one I currently had my hand on under water.

"Is it me or have her boobs got bigger since she got in the pool?" said Mike moving slightly to enjoy my wanking of him.

"Definitely bigger," I said, "and I reckon his cock has put on some girth since he climbed in as well." I put my hand on my necklace. In the distance we heard a faint sigh that could only have been Jen.

"There," said Mike, "That'll do it; another coffee," he paused, "Auntie Maggie?"

"That would be nice," I said, "then we can put Ceri down for an hour and you can fuck me... Uncle Mike!" I giggled at his smiling face.

That night was a repeat of the night before, Hugh and Jen choosing to sleep naked under the stars in the glade through the heart shaped gap in the trees and, of course, under the full view of the 'Arianrhod' – the silver disc.

As I lay there in my husband's arms with our son sleeping in his travel cot guarded by Benny, I could hear Jen's voice, dripping with emotion and telling Hugh how much she loved him.

"This time Arian," I said. Mike smiled and kissed me.

I did think about learning Welsh in honour of our guests and what we hoped for them, but I figured that as a Celtic Goddess, she must have had a fair understanding of English after all.

The following morning they reappeared for breakfast, naked and looking soppy and making big eyes at each other. I held my pendant and smiled. They thanked us for a wonderful weekend and from that moment Jen couldn't stop hugging Ceri, who didn't object in the slightest – it boded well.

Their daughter Rhianwen, Welsh for 'fair maiden' (my idea after a prompt from Jess) was born nine months later and Hugh and Jen have never been happier or closer. I'll confess that it came as a bit of a surprise to them at least, and Jen still blames the fact that she forgot her contraceptive pills that weekend in the woods. Their weekend of love around Arianrhod's pool had brought then back together at a time when they had perhaps lost sight of what it was that had attracted them in the first place.

We've said we'll give it another couple of years until we invite them back to the pool. After all, I stopped taking the pill a few weeks back and as soon as the spring climbs high enough up into our valley to fill our little glade with sunshine, we'll go back to our little house in Wales and with Ceri asleep and Benny on guard, at the full moon, the 'Arianrhod', we'll ask for Arian's help once more.

I'll ask Arian for a girl this time, seeing as she seems to be listening to me at the moment!

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AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Romance, hot sex and magical realism… Brilliant!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

A fantastic love story with a bit of everything, thank you for writing it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Loved the magic, family caring, women's caring and support for each other.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Great story. Thank you!

wretched_youthwretched_youthover 2 years ago

Brilliant story, look you!

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