Aristippus - Lauren's Story


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Exiting the shower, I wrapped myself in a towel and returned to the bedroom. The room smelled of sex, and as I stood there savoring the pungent odor, I dropped my towel, flopped back down on the bed, and resumed my sensual fingering. After my solo flight to the stars, I think I must have fallen back asleep, for it was now almost noon when I finally got up and dressed to leave the room.

Upon my second rising, I walked to the dresser to get out a bathing suit, where I realized Eric had again left me a note.


I can't begin to express how wonderful it is to have you here this week. I don't think I could have done it without you. I've left you some more money for shopping. Please have a relaxed and safe day. I'll see you around 5:00. Love you.


He had again left me two hundred dollars. After quickly counting it, I tucked it safely in my rollaboard secret compartment and resumed dressing.

I put on a different bikini than the one I'd worn yesterday and headed for the pool. Sitting at the outdoor pool bar, I had their fish tacos and a beer for the second day in a row. A true vacation breakfast, I told myself. An hour or so later, I walked down to the beach and splashed in the surf for a while. And after flirting with a couple of German tourists, I simply relaxed and worked on my tan. About four o'clock, I returned to the room, changed into a sundress, and then went down to the lobby to wait for Eric.

As the production company bus pulled up under the hotel portico, thirty or so tired souls filed down the steps and into the lobby. One of the last ones off the bus was Eric, and he looked exhausted. I rushed to meet him and grabbing his bag; I offered my shoulder for support. "Are you okay?" I asked.

"Sure," he mumbled. "Just tired - fucking exhausted."

I guided him to our room and helped him get undressed. "I don't see any fishhooks in you," I said, trying to cheer him up.

He gave me a feeble laugh and said, "Well, at least that's one good thing."

I was still trying to cheer him up as he headed for the shower. "You didn't throw the gringo fisherman overboard, did you?"

That actually did get a laugh from him, and as he stepped into the shower, he shouted back, "No, but I damn sure wanted to."

After dressing, I said, "Why don't we just go down to the bar and get a quick dinner? There's no reason to leave the hotel tonight."

"Sure," he said. "That sounds great."

At the bar, Eric had a couple of beers, and I had a Tequila Sunrise. It's basically the same ingredients as a margarita, but it's a lot prettier. We also split a plate of fish tacos. I know that was what I'd had for brunch, but Eric didn't know that when he ordered it, and I didn't say anything. Besides, these were a little bigger, and they had a fantastic jicama slaw and a delicious mango salsa. If this was the same taco I had eaten earlier in the day, I just didn't remember it.

"So, a long day?" I asked.

"Yes," he said, wiping his lips with a paper napkin. "The scene where the gringo hooked my shirt was much harder to film than I expected. It took almost half a day, plus there were three other scenes the director wanted to get. It was just a long day all around."

"Why do they shoot the same scene so many times?"

"I don't know. I think it's for the benefit of the film editors, so that they have more to work with," Eric theorized. "Plus, once we're back in California, there's no way to come back and shoot more takes."

All of that made sense to me, and after finishing our tacos and Eric's second beer, we headed back upstairs. I helped him again get undressed, and we both snuggled naked together under the sheets. The room was dark, with only the light filtering in through the sheer curtains covering the sliding glass balcony door.

I could feel that he was still tense from the grueling day. "You feel like a Wigwam and a Teepee," I teased.

"What?" he mumbled.

"Two tents, a wigwam and a teepee, you're two tents - too tense," I said with a chuckle.

He actually had to think about it for a moment, but once he finally got the joke, he laughed. He started to flip over to kiss me, but I stopped him and said, "How about I give you a massage?"

He didn't verbally respond but rolled onto his stomach in apparent agreement. I threw the sheet back and ran to the bathroom to get the complimentary body lotion from the vanity. Returning to the bed within seconds, I straddled his legs and gave a big squirt to his back. He immediately flinched, as I'm sure the lotion was cold. But I quickly rubbed it in, and he was soon softly moaning his pleasure.

After maybe ten minutes of me massaging his back, neck, shoulders, and butt cheeks, I assumed it was time to flip him over. I slid off his legs and said, "Okay handsome, sunny side up."

He rolled over, and to my surprise, he was limp as a noodle. I knew he was tired, but this just confirmed it. Instead of continuing my massage, I laid down beside him and snuggled up. I started to pull the sheet back up, but his body was quite warm - probably from being in the sun all day, so I just started running my fingers up and down his chest.

I could feel him relax, and thinking of how I had pleased myself earlier today, I decided that the most sex I would get tonight was to do the same for Eric. With my fingers still rich with body lotion, I first brushed his soft willy several times to see if I could get a response. Within less than a minute, I felt his manhood twitch. I snuggled closer and slowly began my stroke.

"I care for you," I whispered in his ear. He softly moaned a thank you. "You are a beautiful man," I whispered again. "You are kind and loving and strong, and I am lucky to be with you." He turned his head to kiss me, and as our kiss broke, I added, "I appreciate how hard you work, and I am so lucky to be part of your life."

As the final words left my lips, I sensed his climax approaching. I debated for a second as to whether to delay it, are to let it happen. Choosing the latter, I briefly increased my pressure and speed, which was all it took. Seconds later, I felt his body stiffen and then shake as several long hot, steaming expressions of pleasure shot across his stomach and up his chest.

I pulled the sheet up, and he was asleep before my head even hit the pillow.


For the third day in a row, I was awakened by Eric's alarm going off at four in the morning. I stayed awake long enough to make sure he got up, and when I heard the shower start, I rolled over and quickly fell back asleep.

As my feet finally hit the floor, three hours later, I realized he had again left me two hundred dollars and a very sweet note - though it was only one line. Love you, Eric.

I added the money to the cash he had already given me, got dressed in my third and final bathing suit, and headed for the pool. Though Cabo was absolutely beautiful, I was secretly happy that today was our last full day here, as I was running out of things to do.

I lounged around the pool for an hour or so, and then walked the beach for a while. Getting bored, I went back to our room and changed into walking shorts and a t-shirt. I decided to take some of the cash Eric had given me and at least try out the town. I had no desire for a souvenir, and there wasn't anything else I really wanted. But he had given me the money for shopping, so I figured I should at least make an attempt to honor his request.

Luckily, the central shopping district of Cabo was only a few blocks from the hotel, so it was a short walk. I had taken sixty dollars from my little hidey-hole and stuffed it in the front pocket of my shorts. I really wasn't planning on buying anything - but just in case. And once I was in the central market, I was glad I did.

One of the first things to catch my eye was shop after shop of the cutest Peasant Blouses I had ever seen. They came in dozens of colors and had amazing hand-sewn designs on them. I slowly meandered through several stalls, touching the blouses, and taking a few down for a closer look. The shopkeepers were keenly aware of my interest and tried hard to close a sale. The problem was that I liked too many of them, and I was determined that I would only buy one.

I stepped out of the clothing area of the market and found myself in front of a sidewalk bar. It smelled wonderful, and it was lunchtime, so I found a table. Glancing around to see what other tourists were eating, it appeared the nachos were a favorite. So, nachos it was and a beer. As I was waiting for my food, the two girls at the table next to me started a conversation. "Hi, are you here by yourself?" the tall blonde asked in a friendly voice.

I turned to see who was asking. Seeing that it was two girls about my age, and apparently both Americans, I responded, "Oh, I'm here with my boyfriend - but he's working." As the words left my mouth, I realized I was about to get into a conversation that I really wasn't sure I wanted to get into.

"Do you want to join us?" the brunette said.

Not wanting to appear like a snob and actually missing conversation with people my own age, "Sure," I said, as I held my beer and scooted my chair over to their table. They were also having nachos and beer, and as mine were delivered, we all soon became fast friends - at least for the afternoon. Their names were Caitlyn and Hanna. Caitlyn's parents owned a condo in the area, and Hanna was a girlfriend. They were college students who were just taking a week off from school for a little R&R.

I enjoyed chatting with them, as they both seemed like nice girls. But I was nervous that they might ask me about what kind of work my boyfriend was doing. I didn't want to get caught in a lie, but I also didn't want to mention that he was working on a movie. For once you say that, then there is no telling where the conversation might go. And I certainly didn't want to reveal that my boyfriend was old enough to be my dad - oh, and did I mention that he's also my mother's boyfriend? I didn't like being paranoid, but I also wasn't comfortable sharing that aspect of my current situation.

Luckily for me, and I do mean luckily, the question never came up. And out of courtesy, I never asked Caitlyn if her parents knew that she and Hanna were in Cabo enjoying the condo. Based on their conversation, I kind of got the impression that her parents were unaware of their little trip south of the border. Maybe they don't even care, but I think, in a way, it made me feel a little better about my current activities - and at least my mother is fully aware of where I am and what I'm doing.

When I told Caitlyn and Hanna that I was considering a peasant blouse, they were all excited about accompanying me to make my final decision. And actually, I was relieved. Caitlyn seemed to speak a little Spanish, plus it would defuse the shopkeepers from zeroing in on me as I made my choice. Walking back into the area of the market where the blouses were, we instantly became the center of attention. Three white gringo girls, probably all with money and ready to spend it.

Like the Three Amigas, we casually sauntered from booth to booth, eyeing, touching, and admiring everything. Finally, we narrowed it down to one shop, and I picked out three that I liked. I kept holding my choices up against my chest and asking Caitlyn and Hanna what they thought. The shop owner kept repeating something in Spanish, that I didn't understand. Finally, Caitlyn turned to me as if I had been deliberately ignoring her, and said, "She wants to know if you'd like to try it on?"

"Oh," I said. "I'm sorry, I didn't understand what she was saying." And with that, I looked in the direction she was pointing. It wasn't really a dressing room; it was a corner of her stall, with a shower rod hung between two shelves and a sheet hung over it. Nodding my agreement, I took the three blouses I was considering and ducked behind the sheet. For some reason, Hanna tried to join me, but there simply wasn't enough room for two people behind the curtain, and she quickly changed her mind.

Obviously, I'm not overly modest, but I was glad that I was wearing a bra, for once I pulled off my t-shirt, I realized that anyone in the crowded market walking by the shop, probably could have seen me topless. But I was wearing a bra, and I quickly pulled on one peasant blouse, stepped out to show Caitlyn and Hanna, and then stepped back to try on another. Though it was somewhat of a hassle, it actually turned out to be fun. The girls really got into it, and so did the shopkeeper. I ultimately selected one, white with beautiful multi-colored embroidery. And though the owner was disappointed that I only bought one blouse, she was pleased that I had chosen the most expensive one. And she was delighted that Caitlyn and Hanna both bought one as well. Three gringas - three sales. A good day for all of us.

Saying farewell to my new Cabo BFFs, I returned to the hotel wearing my new blouse. It was already about four o'clock, and I was hoping Eric would be back soon, but I knew this was their last day in Mexico, so I really had no idea how late they would be. I debated whether I should go upstairs and take a shower or just wait down in the bar or lobby. And as I was just about ready to head for the elevator, I heard a bus pull in under the portico.

To my pleasant surprise, it was the production company. They must have finished early, and I was hoping that that would be a good sign. As I hurried to meet the cast and crew, there was Eric, exiting the bus. He had a smile on his face, as did everyone else, and I knew it must have been a wrap. Rushing to hug him, I asked, "Are you all done?"

"Oh my God, Lauren," Eric exclaimed, "It was great. The shoot went perfect, I was awesome, and the entire day couldn't have gone better."

"You were awesome?" I squealed. "Did the director say that?"

"Well, no, not exactly. But he only took three takes of my scene, and based on his history of retakes, that was amazing. Besides, thanks to you, I was amazing as well."

"I didn't do anything," I said sheepishly. "It was your natural talent."

"Bullshit," he whispered in my ear. "It was you, and I won't forget it."

Eric had two backpacks with him, and as I picked up one, he grabbed the other, and we headed for our room. "What are the dinner plans?" I asked as we waited for the elevator.

"Oh, the company is buying. We're all eating together here in the hotel."

As the elevator door slid open, we entered along with a half-dozen other people. "What time?" I asked

"Seven," Eric responded, as he pushed the button for our floor.

And as we weren't alone, I had to whisper in his ear, "Then I've got just enough time to fuck you."

I think he almost blushed. I know he was thinking the same thing, but I don't think he expected me to say it. As he fumbled for his key card to our room, he turned to me and asked, "Is that a new blouse?"

"Yes," I said, as I spun around to show him. "Do you like it?"

"Absolutely, it's beautiful."

"I bought it in the market today. I met a couple of American girls, and we went shopping together." As we entered the room and the door closed behind us, I modeled it a couple more times before adding. "I was wearing a bra, and I couldn't decide if it would look better with or without."

Realizing that I was still wearing the bra, Eric smiled and said, "Well, why don't you let me see it without - then I can help you decide."

Returning his smile with one of my own, I pulled the peasant blouse off, over my head, and reaching behind my back, unhooked the bra. With a quick shrug of my shoulders, the aforementioned garment fell to the floor, and my perky teen titties tumbled into full view. Eric smiled a huge toothy grin as I pulled the blouse back on, over my head.

As I resumed my best modeling pose, Eric approached, gently lifting my boobies in his hands. And then, jiggling them, said, "Well, I'm no fashion expert, but I think I prefer the natural look."

"I think you just like boobies," I said with a smile, and he just grinned and nodded.

"Well, you're probably right about that," he said. "But right now, I need a shower."

As he turned toward the bathroom, I grabbed his hand to stop him. "Hey," I said sweetly. "Let's have a drink on the balcony first." He didn't object and turned again to get two wine coolers from the mini-bar. As we stepped outside, he placed both drinks down on the table between the two chaises and laid down on one of them. But instead of taking the other lounge chair, I knelt at the foot of his lounge and started unbuckling his belt. My idea of a happy hour beverage apparently wasn't one that came in a cold glass bottle, but rather the one that was lurking just inside those hot jeans of his.

He allowed me to unbuckle his belt and lower his fly. He even lifted his butt so that I could pull his pants down to his knees. But after slurping his warm cock into my mouth, he must have had second thoughts. Just after getting his semi-flaccid peter to about half-staff, he put his hands on my shoulders and gently pushed me back. Sitting up straight on my knees, I asked, "Not now?"

"Lauren," he said sweetly, "I want so bad to truly make love to you tonight, but if you drain me now, I'm just not sure how much I'll have left." He sighed softly, as I wiped my lips with the back of my hand. "I'm forty-five years old. I'm not eighteen anymore like your boyfriends back home."

I totally understood. But there was a lot to unpack there. I knew he was probably the same age as my mother, which would put him in his mid-forties. And I understand that men slowly lose their virility with age. But that comment just brings up again that he's my mother's boyfriend.

And further, what does he know about the boys I fuck back home? He has never met anyone I've ever dated, so I assume he is just guessing. On the other hand, he was correct in assuming that I wasn't a virgin, so obviously, I'd been fucked by someone.

I mulled these thoughts over in my head for a moment before standing up, and trying not to look hurt, said, "Okay, I love that. How about a shower then, before we get dressed for dinner?"

"Perfect," Eric said, clapping his hands. "But can we just sit for a minute and enjoy our wine? I need a short rest, and besides, I want to tell you all about my day."

Now that did cheer me up, so I quickly sat down on the chaise next to his, opened my wine cooler, and said, "Okay, tell me about your day."

Thirty minutes later, he was rested, and we headed for the shower together. I still didn't bother with a washcloth. Standing in the shower together, with the warm spray raining down on us, he clearly loved letting my perky boobies slip and slide between his fingers. And I equally loved letting his heavy ball sack slip and slide through mine. But when he started tweaking my nipples with his soapy fingers and then running the fingers of his other hand between my legs, I almost collapsed right there on the shower floor. I was as stimulated as a teen girl could get, and I was ready to move on.

I quickly rinsed us both, cut off the shower, and grabbed a couple of towels. We playfully blotted each other dry, and as Eric wiped the bathroom mirror, he asked, "Do you think I should shave?"

He was wearing a perpetual four-day growth that the hair & makeup team kept perfectly groomed so that it would look the same every day of shooting. I never particularly liked it, but I never said anything as it was simply part of being an actor. However, as the shoot was over, he didn't need it any longer. "Oh, I don't know. Shave it off if you like," I said diplomatically.

"Okay," he said. "I'll be more comfortable." That was precisely what I wanted to hear. And as I sat on the bed, for the first time in my life, I watched a man shave. Oh, I'd seen it on TV and in the movies. But I'd never actually seen it done live. And it was an exciting experience, especially since he was butt naked, and I could both admire his body and marvel at his shaving technique at the same time.