As Fate Would Have It


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Christopher ran his fingers down along her spine, lazily kissing her back again and again. He felt her motion to crawl out from beneath his fatigued body, hearing a sticky 'pop' of her mouth as his girth skimmed out beyond the lips... leaving a thick thread of semen attaching their flesh. Cheryl saw the erotically charged sight, and whisked it in her mouth like a string of the tastiest spaghetti. The love for his mother swelled about in his heart, taking her head in his palms to see her aroused expression. Messy, sweaty, and lips glazed with semen, he brought his mouth to hers without neither fear nor trepidation. Most guys never wanted to kiss their girlfriends after such a heartfelt blowjob... not so with Christopher. This risqué act proved once and for all to Cheryl that there were no boundaries between the two. With a gentle sigh, she lovingly fell into her son's arms, letting herself be immersed in the sanctity of their emotional union. He had sought out the woman deep inside her, lovingly bringing to light the necessity for romance and pure, raw need. As his lips softened hers, she let go of the wanton slut inside her, embracing the gentle passionate side. As a good son, he picked up on her need for romanticism and swirled his tongue inside her mouth. With her body in his mighty arms, he laid her upon the bed ever so slowly, cradling her as if a sacred Queen of the highest royalty.

As she came to rest, his penetrating brown eyes searched hers for the very soul of her existence.

"I love you, mother." He peacefully whispered with assurance.

All she could do was touch his jaw with her feeble fingers in complete wonder. Was this real? This was too good to be true.

"I love you too, Christopher." Cheryl lovingly replied as the emotional confession stabbed her heart.

"We made love, didn't we?" Chris asked, blessing her lips and jaw with habitual kisses.

He saw his mother's eyes well up, safely embracing her in assurance. "Yes we did." She said, choking back the swell of passion. He was touched by her tenderness, yet he too felt his heart and soul succumb to the stirring emotion. With her head against his neck, the two lovers fell victim to the enchanting magic of unconditional, true love. There, in the middle of the bed mother and son remained... bound by blood, compelled by nature, united in sheer absolution.

"I've waited my entire life for this." Cheryl confessed to her son right before they fell to sleep.

The Next Morning...

The doorbell rang. And again. Cheryl opened her eyes, feeling Christopher's strong arms holding her against him in a spoon position. Wiping her eyes, she heard the doorbell make its annoying demand once more as she tried to see the clock on the nightstand.


"Shit." Cheryl uttered, getting out of bed.

She jumped out of bed up at first, then carefully took her son's arms, thoughtfully set them down so as to not disturb his peaceful slumber. Taking a quick glance at his magnificently naked body, she rushed to the bathroom to put on her full length white bathrobe.

She flung the door open to see Beth standing there in a pearl colored classic suit, topped with her sassy sunglasses. She was obviously pissed off.

"What?" Cheryl asked.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Beth demanded.

"I slept in. Being the owner, I can do that." Cheryl shot back.

"We had a 10am with Shuster and now he's pissed." Beth went on.

"Would you shutup and get your ass in here?" Cheryl ordered as Beth strutted inside.

She slammed the door, wiping her eyes in exhaustion. Reality came crashing back in as she did her best to put aside the events of the past 24 hours.

"Just calm down and breath." Cheryl said in a calm voice as they walked into the kitchen.

"Well, I busted my ass for over a year on this deal, and you just decide to sleep in on the day we were supposed to seal the deal! Fuck Cheryl, you completely screwed this up and made me look like a fucking idiot!" Beth yelled as Cheryl stammered about, trying to fix a pot of coffee. "All that for probably some stupid piece of ass too."

"Would you shut your mouth and quit yelling like you're white trash??" Cheryl shouted back. "Chris is asleep, and I don't want all the fucking neighborhood hearing you whine like some teenage diva. Now shutup!"

Beth glanced down in furry. Honestly, she was much more upset that she had probably spent the night with someone else instead of her. But her failure at the Rathskeller still yielded a powerful sting to her heart, tapping her foot in rage. Beth's cell phone rang, and gave her a chance to step out into the dining room to take the call. It was then that Chris walked into the kitchen, wearing nothing but his boxers and a warm smile. He quickly grabbed Cheryl, kissing her with Beth's back to them.

"Honey put some clothes on!" hissed Cheryl, trying to kiss and push him back.

Just then, Beth ended her call and turned back around. As she did, she caught a flash of Cheryl and Chris pretending like nothing happened. The sight of Cheryl's son, all buff and proud in his boxers... then Cheryl in her robe. What was this? "Did they.... No way." Beth thought to herself as she retracted that immoral notion.

"Hey Beth." Chris said with a smile as he went to the refrigerator, taking out a gallon of water to drink.

"Hi." She replied with a perplexed manner.

Cheryl was obviously apprehensive about the odd predicament.

"So can we reschedule with Shuster?" Asked Cheryl, crossing her arms as she held her breath.

"Yea, tomorrow." Replied Beth with a derisive tone.

Cheryl took a deep breath. "Good."

With that, Beth flung her purse over her shoulder and marched toward the door, unmistakably provoked. "I'll see you tomorrow." She seethed as she slammed the door shut.

Cheryl rolled her eyes, burying her face in her hand in dread. This was the last thing she needed. Her business partner knowing that she had spent the night with her own son.

Getting inside her Mercedes, Beth slammed the steering wheel in fury. Starting the car, she tore out of the driveway, barely speeding by the main gate that opened just in time. How could Cheryl do this to her? How could she spend the night with her own son, to actually have sex with him?! Was it true, or just giving in to her most dreaded suspicions? Why would she blatantly flaunt Chris in front of her like that, especially since she had to know of her feelings for her. "I should just tell her." Beth said to herself, racing through the neighborhood and back out to the interstate.

The rest of her day was ruined. It was all Beth could do to keep it together. Over and over, she kept focusing on whether Cheryl and Chris actually had sex and her blunder at the Rathskeller. If she just had confessed her love to Cheryl at the club, maybe she wouldn't have spent the night with her own son? One moment, Beth denied the ridiculous allegation because of society's strict moral laws... yet the next, she felt herself aroused by such a scenario. She began speculating if the two positively enjoyed having sex... "This is silly." Thought Beth as she drove into her private parking space downtown.


"Flynn's." answered the man on the other end of the phone.

"Hi, I'm calling about your services." Said Beth, swiftly tapping her pencil on her desk.

"Yes." Replied the eager gentleman.

"Well, I was referred to you from a good friend who said you were the best in town." Beth explained.

"Well thank you. We pride ourselves on being discrete and providing trustworthy information." He went on to add. "Can I get just some basic information about who you want surveillance on?"

"Sure. Her name is Cheryl Hearn, and she lives at 145 Bellwood Estates." Beth said, turning around in her chair and lowering her voice.

"Okay." Answered the polite man. "And if I may ask, what is your relationship to Cheryl?"

"I... I'm her coworker, but..." she stammered, trying to clarify the nature of her relationship. "I guess I'm in love with her too, and want..." she sighed in frustration. "I just want to know if she's having an affair with someone."

"I can certainly help give you that piece of mind, ma'am. You did the right thing by calling us." He added, trying to soothe her doubts.

"What kind of stuff do you guys do, like what exactly? James Bond stuff or CIA?" she asked.

The private investigator went on to detail his services, offering a wide variety of surveillance from pictures, video, audio, and electronic monitoring. Beth ended up purchasing the best overall package for $15,000. She wanted it all, and had to see firsthand just what her relationship was with Christopher. And after hanging up, Beth wired her deposit and 20% down payment to the courteous gentleman to immediately start the intensive surveillance.

After hanging up, Beth hung her head in her hands, fearful of what she had just done. She had just hired a PI to watch her boss. But her rational was that she needed to know what she was up against. And if Cheryl was actually sleeping with her son, Beth had to know what she was up against to win the heart of her employer once and for all. She knew full well that she had set something in motion... a course of action that would change the rest of her life. But considering her five year long obsession with Cheryl, it was worth every dime of that $15,000.

Two Weeks Later...

Walking inside the plush conference room, Beth nervously folded her wire-framed glasses as she sat down in a soft leather chair. Today was the day she would see first hand the extent of the exhaustive surveillance. Mr. Flynn, a polished and amiable man, walked in to shake Beth's hand with a sincere smile of gratitude and appreciation.

After the formalities, Mr. Flynn laid it all out for Beth to see. He painted a detailed account of just what Cheryl and Christopher were doing with their time. Cheryl hadn't been in the office much for the past two weeks, giving the investigators plenty of incriminating evidence. The 15-minute video Mr. Flynn played showed Cheryl and Christopher in a variety of daily routines, but it was how they acted that begged for more scrutiny. Going to the grocery, the couple would casually share quick, loving kisses in the aisles when no one was thought to be looking. Holding hands on the way to the car, eating out at restaurants that were far away from Cheryl's circle of friends. The two seemed to be very much in love, and so genuinely happy. Beth couldn't believe what she was seeing. A mother and her son sharing what any man and woman would naturally experience as lovers.

The video followed the lovers to Christopher's college, where they both moved his belongings out of his apartment, and back to her mansion. But then, Mr. Flynn interrupted by pausing the DVD.

"Our video technicians were able to match our audio to the video surveillance from this point on." Explained Mr. Flynn.

The cameras were based outside the residence, capturing a unique moment in Christopher and Cheryl's romance. The video showed the lovers unpacking his boxes through the guest bedroom window.

"Awwh, you kept this picture of us in Florida, baby." Cheryl said, showing him a picture.

"Yea, that's one of my favorites of you." Chris said, leaning over to kiss her.

"I just love how romantic you are, honey." Cheryl said after the long kiss.

"Well, you made me that way!" Chris happily replied. "You raised me right."

The two smiled as Cheryl's smile faded away.

"Sweetheart, I've been thinking." She said in a more compelling tone.

"What's that?" he replied.

"I want you to move all of your things into my bedroom." She said as Chris stopped unpacking to look at her in shock.

"If we're going to be a couple, then I want us to live as a couple." Cheryl said, taking his hand with hers, kissing his palm lovingly.

From there, the angle showed them starting to make out passionately. Then, Beth watched in horror... and in awe as he carried his mother to her master bedroom.

"This is our bedroom from now on, my love." She whispered as they kissed once more.

"You're the love of my life, mother." Christopher confessed as they made their way beyond the doorway, and out of view of the camera.

Mr. Flynn stopped the DVD, and then began the audio portion of the consultation. The segment was a phone call between the lovers.

Cheryl answered: "Hey honey!"

Christopher: "Hi mom. How are ya?"

Cheryl: "Good (Sighs) Just waiting for you to come back home."

Audible moans from a tender kiss were heard.

Christopher: "I missed you so much."

Cheryl: "I missed you too, baby. It's been hell without you today."

Christopher: "I know, but I really had to wrap all this shit up here at school so the transfer could go through."

"Transfer? What transfer?" Beth asked herself.

The conversation continued on as they discussed Christopher's plan to transfer to a collage closer to home. But then the topic took a much more serious tone.

Cheryl: "You know when you get here, we'll still have to keep it secret."

Chris: (upset) "Yea, don't remind me."

A lengthy period of awkward silence was heard. It was obvious both could not cope with keeping their relationship a secret.

Cheryl: "You okay, baby?"

Christopher: "I guess. I just... I don't know."

Cheryl: "What, honey? Tell me."

Christopher: "Well, I just don't wanna live like we're criminals or shit like that. Like the other night at dinner, I couldn't hold your hand because that client of yours was there."

Cheryl: " I know, honey. I know."

Christopher: "I don't want to hide our relationship anymore. I want to be able to kiss you in public just like any guy would do to their girl. I mean, we're a real couple like you said, you know? Forever."

Cheryl: "Always."

Christopher: "I just love you so much, and want to show you off to the entire world."

Cheryl: "Awwh, baby. I love you too. You're so good to me."

Their conversation ended with a loving exchange.

Beth's consultation with Mr. Flynn was over. Beth sat, stone faced and cold as she stared at the floor.

"Ms. Hamilton." Flynn started. "For what its worth, this isn't the first time we've monitored a mother and son doing this."

"What"? Beth shot back in amazement.

"In this business, I've seen a lot of things that would make your jaw drop. This situation, whatever people think of it, is actually quite common. More than people would think." He said.

Continuing, Mr. Flynn said "I'm not going to tell you this is right or wrong, but I've monitored mothers with their sons, daughters with their mothers... aunts and nephews. I mean, this isn't all that shocking to me in the least bit. I'm telling you that because its clear you're troubled by what you've seen and heard, and it's obvious you care very much for Ms. Hearn."

"Aren't you... I mean, aren't you disgusted by all that?" Beth argued.

"Not at all." He answered. "To me, Ms. Hamilton, its just two people having sex, doing only what comes natural."

Beth looked down, taking it all in. He was right; it was just two people having sex... or making love would be a phrase better suited. Hearing him say that took away a lot of the taboo element to it. And honestly, once the shock of it all wore off, it started making slightly more sense to her.

Beth wrote out her final check, and gathered all the materials from the surveillance. One of the clauses in the agreement was that Beth would keep all the raw, unedited materials. The PI kept nothing as part of their confidentiality agreement. With a sincere handshake, Beth left the high rise office, and decided to take the rest of the day off. Obviously it didn't matter because Cheryl was off work too.

Later that night...

Back at her opulent condominium, Beth sat on the leather couch in the den, brushing out her long golden hair after her shower. A fresh white towel barely covered her beige agile flesh as it glistened from the water. Aimlessly watching the 11pm news, she worked out the knots in her lengthy mane. As she performed this mindless task, her eyes began drifting across the room to where the three-foot high stack of surveillance material atop her "throw-all" table by the door. Each stroke of her brush gradually slowed as the calm, soothing voices of curiosity spoke to her. Beth felt her chest tighten as she played back all the images and voices in her mind. Oddly enough, she was beginning to feel thoroughly aroused. But doubt soon stopped those marvelous thoughts as she set out to finish watching the news... but it was like trying to ignore the huge pink elephant in the middle of the room. It just couldn't be done.

Slowly standing up, Beth sauntered over to the wall side table, as her breath grew deeper. Her fingers pried open one of four large manila envelopes, taking out a stack of photographs of the couple taken during the stakeout. Bringing the photos closer, the images showed the mother and son laughing, kissing, and most of all, enjoying each other's company. Take away the element of their maternal union, and it looked like the sweetest scene from a romantic saga. Beth cautiously flipped through the numerous images, documenting a bright sunny day in one of the city's most beautiful parks. The couple was photographed holding hands, snuggling atop a small wooden bridge above a creek... they were soooooo into each other. The smiles, the intimate expressions... the apparent love. Jealousy soon gave way to arousal, and soon Beth was shutting all the shades inside her condo.

Taking out one of the audio surveillance CD's, she placed it in her compact CD player, putting on headphones to listen to one particular night Cheryl and Chris shared. Since the audio was unedited, Beth had to fast forward through a lot of empty spaces before reaching any substantive dialogue. The two were fucking, and fucking hard on a bed. Beth's heart pounded in her chest as she listened to their winded gasps for air, then the sound of their bodies slapping together in exquisite rhythm. Whatever doubt or anxiety Beth had was washed away by the enchanting sounds of two people making love to one another. It was so apparent that they were in love with each other. Every other phrase uttered was an "I love you" or other meaningful utterance of absolute devotion. Standing like a zombie, Beth was transfixed on what was happening. And almost as if some invisible hand grasped hers, it lifted to the top of her towel, tugging it away as the fabric pooled about her ankles on the floor. Her athletic, tone body cringed as the cool air graced her flesh as her left hand brushed her neck, slithering down her ample cleavage. The soft warm light of the den, accentuating the tone, yet curvy backside of Beth. She looked as if a graceful athlete in the Olympics... so muscularly defined while retaining all the desirable contours a woman so naturally has. Women jeered in jealousy how easily she fit into those narrow, form-fitting business suits... men wanted the treasure beneath the fortunate material.

Beth was feeling sexy... somewhat liberated from the conventional doctrine of what was true love. She missed not being in love, or making love to someone you love so dearly. And hearing the woman she had been in love with since the first day she met her, crying out in sheer ecstasy, was unequivocally intoxicating. Beth hovered across the den like a radiant sparrow, instinctively bent on bringing herself to the shores of incestuous paradise. She took along a DVD as well, wanting to see firsthand the magic of a mother and son making love. As she placed the DVD in her television in her bedroom, Beth's mind wandered back to her teenage years when she had a silent crush on her Aunt. It was as if Cheryl and Christopher's romance opened Beth's mind to the unknown... the intimate and forbidden thoughts of her entire repertoire of sexual expectation.
