As Fate Would Have It


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Crawling upon her opulent king sized bed, Beth settled back to begin watching the surveillance DVD that was edited down to include all angles from hidden cameras outside Cheryl's home. The quality was surprisingly good considering the guerilla style tactics used to shoot their lovemaking. Sitting on her left hip, Beth forwarded through the scenes as she came to a romantic sit down dinner Chris had prepared for his lover. Dressed in low cut, skimpy lingerie, Cheryl glowed as her son set down her plate from behind, kissing her soft bare shoulder with utter commitment. Cheryl's eyes closed as she basked in the affection, snuggling her son with a sincere 'thank you'. Beth was transfixed... how could this relationship be so ideal... this exquisite? This was exactly what every woman could ever hope to have.

Beth thought back to her long summers spent with her Aunt and Uncle in Florida growing up. Her mind drifted back to all those hot days spent at the beach with Aunt Debbie, a beautiful and quite voluptuous woman who glowed with affection and elegance. Suddenly, Beth recalled the first time she became aware of her homosexual compulsions. On the beach, Beth lied on her stomach, fondly recalling her Aunt rubbing suntan oil upon her back and thighs. Not the typical hurried rush job of applying the oil, but nearly a loving ritual of sorts. Beth leaned back upon her bed, basking in the sweet memory of that bright sunny day... the boiling feel of the hot sun, the tempting fragrance of the Coppertone oil... and both Aunt and Niece wearing the thinnest of bikinis. It was the perfect recipe for the ultimate seduction.

Beth's left hand floated across her flat, smooth stomach with her eyes closed. In the background, Cheryl and Christopher's intimate dinner played out as countless thoughts of their sex and her unseen lust for her Aunt burgeoned. With only the glow of her television in the room, Beth's fingers danced across her lower abdomen, tickling her most sensitive erogenous zone. She cooed in the fanciful imagination of making love to her awesome Aunt there on the beach that day. "If I would've just turned around," thought Beth as she turned those events around in her mind, wandering what she would have said. What was Aunt Debbie thinking about as she ran her open palms across Beth's fleshy young thighs? Was she as aroused as Beth was?

An image of Aunt Debbie in her high cut bikini soon came into mind. Beth absolutely loved how the material clung to her bronzed backside and hips. The fabric accentuated the full flair of those spawning hips so flawlessly. It was at this moment that Beth realized where her love for curvy women came from... her very own Aunt.

By now, the DVD had reached Cheryl's bedroom as Chris stood behind Cheryl, running his strong manly arm all over her stomach while his left palm clung to her healthy breast. The couple languidly grinding their bodies together as Christopher lathered her neck with a grateful tongue... Beth couldn't believe what she was witnessing. In her mind, Beth intentionally fed her fantasy for her Aunt Debbie with the flames of Cheryl and Christopher's romance. "If these two could do this, we can too." Thought Beth as she slowly turned her sweaty athletic body into a shattered pile of pulp in the throes of orgasm. Her radiant body writhed and twisted as she found her engorged clit, desperately waiting for just the right touch to render her useless. It is so amazing how something so small could impose so much power over her entire body... she was hungry for both mother and son, and her own Aunt. As her fingers furiously caressed her clit, Beth worked out a detailed plan as to how she would seduce her Aunt, who by now was divorced and living alone. That thought along shoved Beth over the edge, into the warm cherished waters of eroticism.

Beth's night gradually evolved into the early hours of the dark morning, masturbating as she swam in the sacred dream of making love to her beloved Aunt. The pure shock of such a concept was galvanizing, adding a layer of remarkable eroticism to Beth's countless orgasms that night. She envisioned their day at the beach where both of them made sweet love beneath the sun, covered in perspiration and suntan oil. Beth never before realized the full extent of her own lewd imagination; acting out a fantasy long suppressed. And as the early rays of sun began creeping up in the east, Beth strolled out onto her balcony in her fluffy thick robe to welcome the new day. A day of realization and acceptance. She was content... happy... yet determined to get what she wanted. But her plan would have to wait... she called in sick, completely exhausted.

The next day...

"Beth?" Cheryl said over the phone intercom.

In the middle of preparing her budget for the next quarter, Beth's heart thudded in her chest hearing the voice that only hours before was screaming and crying out for her son's seed. If Cheryl only knew...

"Yea?" Beth replied, catching her breath.

"Would you come here when you get a sec, please?" asked Cheryl in a very sweet tone.

"Sure, hon." Replied Beth as she shut off the intercom.

She took a deep breath, gathering her nerve. She was going to let it all out to her boss, finally admit to her that she had been in love with her for over five years, and that she knew it all about her new found relationship with her own son. She reached into her locked top drawer in her desk, taking out the manila folder that contained two pictures of Cheryl and Chris from that day in the park.


Walking in, Cheryl greeted Beth with a sincere smile. Beth could tell she was so much more relaxed and stress free. Plus, she looked sexier, which was great for Beth.

As Beth sat down, Cheryl stood up to walk around to lean against her desk in front of her.

"Sweetie, I've been wanting to talk to you." Started Cheryl as she propped up her left thigh.

"That thigh was grabbed by her own son's hands during their fuck." Thought Beth, taking notice of Cheryl's lovely skirt that gave her a splendid view of that brownish, buxom thigh.

"I wanted to apologize for the other day." Cheryl started.

"No, really. That was all my fault." Interrupted Beth as she sat up.

"No, baby listen." Cheryl shot back.

"Baby? Since when did she start calling me that?" thought Beth as she knew her boss had really changed... and for the better!

"I just felt bad about you walking in... and... well." Cheryl started to stammer.

Beth knew she was getting nervous.

"Seeing... you know, me all sleepy and tired. Then Chris coming in the kitchen practically naked." Cheryl said.

"What's to apologize about?" asked Beth, knowing this was going to get good... real good.

"Well, just how it all looked. I mean, we just... slept in and..." Cheryl explained before Beth bravely placed her hand on Cheryl's bare thigh.

It was so smooth, seeming to glow in the office light...

"Cheryl," Beth started with an assuring tone. "Its okay. Really, I don't have a problem with whatever you do."

Cheryl sighed, sensing Beth's acceptance, but knew the bomb hadn't yet been dropped.

"I know it looked like we were... well, I don't want you to think I'm a pervert or anything because I'm not." Cheryl anxiously clarified.

"You know what?" Beth said as she lovingly stroked her boss' smooth thigh.

"I'm not here to judge you at all." Beth continued as she took off her glasses.

It was now or never for the 31-year-old. Damn the consequences.

"But if you and Chris have found something together, then I think its absolutely wonderful, Cheryl." Beth said, staring deep into Cheryl's eyes.

Cheryl gasped as she choked back the tears. Was she just admitting that her relationship with her own son was okay with her? Surely not.

"No, no-- we're just..." Cheryl fumbled, trying to denounce it.

Beth let go of Cheryl's luscious thigh, lifting up the manila envelope to pry it open as she took out its contents. With a confident look, Beth handed Cheryl the two romantic images of her and her son from their day at the park. Cheryl gasped in shock, aghast by what she saw. Proof of their love.

"You can fire me if you want, I don't care. But when I was at your house, I knew-- I just knew something was up." Beth said, standing up.

Cheryl looked at her employee in dismay... betrayed.

"So I hired a private investigator to tail you two. I wanted to know if my hunch was right." She explained, sauntering away from Cheryl towards her office window.

Cheryl knew she was trapped in a corner, and that Beth held the high ground in this case.

"Why Beth? Why would you do this?" Cheryl begged, on the verge of tears.

Beth looked down, summoning her courage.

"You really don't know?"

"No, I don't." Cheryl shot back, now standing closely behind Beth.

With that, Beth circled about as Cheryl saw two rivers of tears rolling down her face. The emotional impact hit Beth hard. How could Cheryl never figure this out?

"Oh baby." Cheryl whispered, going to her for a hug.

Beth held her back, wanting to confess it all.

"Because, I love you. More than you'll ever know." Beth uttered, choking on her tears.

"I've loved you since the day you hired me. And when I walked in and saw you and Chris, I hated you for betraying me." Snarled Beth, emphasizing her hurt.

Swallowing, Beth tried to compose herself. But it was starting to feel so much better now, liberated from the agonizing burden of unrequited love for so long.

"I know, sweetie... I know." Cheryl replied in a knowing tone. "And believe me, I've been thinking the same about you."

Beth hesitated. Did Cheryl just say what she think she said? But before Beth could say anything, Cheryl gradually sealed the space between the two as her hands cradled her tear soaked face. Just the touch alone melted away all of Beth's anxiety.

"Betsy, hold my calls and make sure no one interrupts." Cheryl spoke into the intercom, briefly separating their touch.

"Okay." Her secretary replied.

Cheryl's hand quickly went back to Beth's supple face, wiping away the river of tears away in a gentle stroke.

"Oh Cheryl." Beth whispered as Cheryl pressed her lips to Beth's in a gentle motion.

This was it. The moment Beth had longed for over five long years. And it was with the most graceful finesse that their lips and mouths merged together for their very first kiss. Beth raised a clinched fist to Cheryl's face, slowly opening it in reverence to cradle her boss' face. Cheryl was assertive in her desire, smothering the mouth and chin of her fetching underling. Luckily, the shades were closed so no one could see into Cheryl's office. A deliberate ploy considering her office was used for more than just business many times before.

Beth couldn't believe how soft her lips were, and where they might have been on her son prior to this kiss. Their arms entangled together as Beth luxuriated in the feel of Cheryl's buxom body... her plentiful breasts squashed against hers... she held Cheryl by her shoulders to guide her mouth deeper into hers. Low muffled moans were heard as their audible slurps echoed throughout the office. Both women desperately dramatized their neglected lust for one another. Cheryl was anxious, running her hands down Beth's arched spine, abruptly clutching her taut round ass. Beth wanted to voice her staggering eagerness, but didn't want to break the kiss.

Spinning Beth around, Cheryl pushed her back upon the mahogany desk, slamming against it in blinding lust. All Beth could do was cling to her conqueror, sliding her tongue deep inside Cheryl's dripping mouth as Cheryl easily overpowered her employee. Beth hoisted up; sitting on the desk as Cheryl hungrily suckled Beth's tongue. Papers, files, and her laptop were trampled over as both women grew frantic for flesh... wanting to feel the others body close to theirs. Still nourishing her tongue, Cheryl violently thrashed away the items on her desk as Beth surrounded Cheryl's back with her brawny legs. With a loud pop of their saliva and lips, their kiss broke off as Cheryl clasped Beth's jacket and blouse, trying to shred it away from that sculpted body she wanted so badly. Beth quickly helped her.

"I've wanted you for so long." Beth exclaimed as Cheryl stripped her clothing away.

All Cheryl could do was nod, quickly kissing her once more before tossing the clothing away. As they kissed, Cheryl's furious hands gripped the straps of Beth's bra, pulling them down her shoulders to free her smaller, yet generous breasts. Once that was out of the way, Cheryl's palms ran back up the entire length of Beth's arms and shoulders... appreciating the brawny texture before rushing to shed her own business suit off. With her legs, Beth pulled Cheryl closer as both lovers aggressively shed Cheryl's top off. And when the blouse was ripped away, Beth finally saw the most luscious sight a woman could ever hope to see. Two wonderfully large, bountiful breasts. She gasped upon seeing it as Cheryl reached back to unclasp its hook. Beth lunged for her, stopping the removal.

"Let me take it off." Beth asked in a hushed voice.

With an agreeing nod, Cheryl let Beth slowly peel off the white-laced bra from her heavy, life giving breasts. The dazzling contract between the tan skin and white material made Beth faint with passion.

"Oh my gawd, so beautiful. So big, so perfect." Beth cooed as both hands cupped the fleshy pulp in her palms.

And as Beth caressed each of Cheryl's wondrous orbs, she slipped out of her skirt and panty hose, leaving only her slender black thong on. Cheryl was feeling like an angel, lifting her arms above her head, combing her fingers through her long tresses. As she did, she suddenly felt Beth's sizzling breath cascade across her right breast. Cheryl cried out Beth's name as her nipple slipped inside Beth's voracious mouth. Looking down, Cheryl saw Beth's cheeks caved in, much like her sons was the night before... sucking, tasting, and chewing the life-giving breast. Beth's hands kneaded the sweet heaviness of her tits, pushing them together as she dragged her mouth away from the wet nipple to bury her face between the warm deep canyon of breast flesh. Lost among the buried warmth, Beth kept her mouth parted as wide as her jaw would go to taste as much as possible. Cheryl cradled her as if her own child, fostering age-old intuitions to feed from a mother's breast. And Cheryl knew all about feeding a child...

Their eyes converged with Beth still embed in her cleavage. Now, she was running her desperate palms all across the plentiful width of Cheryl's backside, cleaving at the fleshy mass rolling beneath her fingers. Beth mumbled an unintelligible craving for her ass as she twisted her hands around, running the backs of her hands up and down the rolling length of ass. Cheryl nearly lost her footing-- it felt that good. Beth was absolutely and unmistakably a tits and ass girl. Nothing made her happier than to taste either set of the mounting knolls of delicious cuisine. But before any of that would transpire, Beth craved the very source of what she truly needed.

Both of Cheryl's heaving breasts were left in ruin, completely drenched in saliva as Beth kissed, suckled, and tasted her way down Cheryl's billowing abdomen. Her left hand was beside her face, grazing and feeling the amazing flesh she was kissing. She pressed her cheek against Cheryl's smooth, tan stomach, letting out a winded gasp of harmonious esteem. It was all Cheryl could do to remain standing as her legs teetered in anticipation of what was to come.

"So beautiful." Whispered Beth, turning to admire how tan Cheryl's skin was. "I'm gonna have this... gonna have it."

Cheryl couldn't hear the encouraging prose, but felt the wonderment in each tender gesture Beth blessed her fertile body with. Beth watched as her stomach caved in, and swelled with each desperate breath. "Am I really doing this to her?" Beth questioned herself as she splayed her tongue flat across Cheryl's lower stomach, slowly dragging it along lengthwise. A wide trail of scalding saliva was left in the tongue's wake as Cheryl's fingertips danced all over Beth's head. Closing her eyes, Cheryl clutched her lover's head in desperate need to cling to any semblance of reality. It was useless.

Each of Beth's hands was now fixed on Cheryl's thighs at the very apex of her motherly width. Taking one last look at her boss high above her, Beth twined her fingers beneath the thong, curling it as she hurled it down. Beth sighed in ecstasy, seeing the luscious garden right before her eyes.

"Oh my God." Beth whispered as the sigh enthralled her.

Thousands of forbidden thoughts swarmed Beth's mind, glaring at Cheryl's enticing pussy. Mostly, Beth focused on what she would do to the tasty pussy, but then a random thought of what taboo behavior Christopher must have done to it crossed her mind. That thought alone sent shivers down Beth's spine as she lunged for the delicious warmth with her open mouth, smothering her lips upon Cheryl's lower stomach... and as if everything were suddenly thrust into slow motion, Beth sloppily tasted the flesh, gradually descending to the outer wet folds of her marvelous pussy. Cheryl leaned back, propping herself back against the desk. Her stomach and buxom chest billowed and twisted as she felt every ounce of courage in Beth's lips, swirling amidst the outward folds of her cunt. For Beth, no other place on earth was more divine than with her face enmeshed in a woman's pussy. She loved how Cheryl's pubic hairs tickled her nose... how the folded portions of her vagina gently rested upon her mouth. Magnificent.

Cheryl's chest heaved as if lifting a two ton barbell... her entire body expanded as each and every muscle fell victim to the loving regard Beth bestowed upon her. For Beth, this was divinity in its most sacred form. The succulent nectar coating her lips enraptured the 31-year-old, inspiring and encouraging her every move. This was the woman she had for so long craved... desired, and needed. Beth was determined to prove her undying love to her... Beth's clammy palms glided up Cheryl's chest, kneading the large mounds of perfection, down her ribcage, flowing over her stomach then back again as her entire mouth made a perfect seal over Cheryl's savory feast. Cheryl yelped as her body violently jolted... Beth held her steady.

"Oh fuck, baby. Eat me." Cried Cheryl, clutching Beth's mass of hair in panic.

Cheryl's mouth made an "O" shape as she felt Beth's guttural moans vibrate all through her womanhood.

"So Good... so good... yea, yeeaaaaahh." muttered Cheryl as her words helplessly fell into a string of incoherent gibberish.

Waves of pleasure bathed Cheryl's body as she felt Beth's tongue pour itself across her clit. It was all Beth could do to maintain oxygen so she could swab that pussy with her tongue. Dizzy with lust and hunger, Beth felt Cheryl's tangy thighs press the sides of her head. She couldn't hear what nonsense Cheryl was trying to verbalize, but it sounded so sexy amidst the gasps and cries. Just knowing she was able to bring her boss to the brink of homosexual rapture was all the reward she could possibly hope for.

Disregarding all hindrances, Cheryl felt the familiar stirrings of orgasm begin its instinctive rise to redemption. Beth was gonna make her cumm, and when she felt her two fingers glide inside her fertile domain, she screamed in sheer hysteria. Short but vicious jolts of orgasm restored Cheryl's awareness, but when Beth's fingertips flattened themselves against her g-spot, it was all over.

"Oooooooooooh jesus Beth... yyyeeaaaaaah!" Cried Cheryl as the first blast of orgasm shredded her flesh into pieces.

Beth's mouth then tasted a strong tangy flood of orgasm. Beth had no clue Cheryl was a squirter, and happily savored a mouthful of her most virtuous essence before lovingly swallowing the warm elixir. The broth of life inspired her even more, plunging deeper into her pussy, locking in her clit between her steadfast teeth. Beth furiously thrashed the hardened flesh between her teeth, smothering it with tongue and saliva, all the while massaging her boss' g-spot... it was a dazzling mixture of lesbian indulgence. There, in the middle of this corporate setting lie two women bent on uniting their bodies and souls... discovering what comes so natural to a woman and all her grandeur. It was the gift of unending passion that only two women could ever hope to understand.
