Aspiring Novelist Pt. 04


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Only four more journalists arrived to interview Billie but she thought that was enough and she was pleased the local media had ignored her because that allowed her to maintain a reasonable level of privacy. She still was surprised at the number of people, mainly women, who recognized her and spoke to her about her writings. It was time to get back to work.

Once a week Harry and Amelia performed what they called their Sunday drive and invited Billie to accompany them. They would pack lunch and went somewhere, usually anywhere they'd not been to for sometime. Rather than visit people they visited places and crisss-crossing of recent routes was unavoidable. They'd done Sunday drives for forty-two years, Amelia said proudly but Billie failed to see why pride should be used to conceal the monotony of regular pattern, she being somewhat nomadic. But she became to learn why. The couple were hugely familiar with their environment and its history within one hundred and fifty miles of their home as a result of Sunday driving, for what that was worth.

For what that was worth? Examining that thought Billie concluded it was superior to being ignorant or totally ignorant about one's environment and wondered if that was a theme for a novel. Probably. But was she interested? Probably not. She sighed looking at the scenery during the Sunday drive, recognizing some but when Harry turned off that highway she recognized she was in unfamiliar territory. Billie was beginning to worry about her proposed theme of Woman on a Swing. There was an email from her commissioning editor simply asking, 'Would appreciate advice on progress on your new proposal. We must maintain momentum.'

Girl on a Swing sounded very Victorian. Her genre was fiction and so could be anything. But Victoria? Billie was adamant: she was a 'now' writer. She sighed and clicked her teeth fearful she was becoming bored. Oh god she had slipped into a hole.

In the hills they arrived at a little town. The general impression was it looked jaded, confirmed for Billie when she heard Harry say quietly, "This place has slipped back since we last visited."

It was misty rather than raining so rather than sit on a fallen tree or a bench in a park to drink coffee Billie said, "Come on guys let me buy you coffee."

"Thank you darling," Amelia said. "I can remember when Clearwater used to be a vibrant, picturesque community."

"Well it's Sunday," Billie comforted.

Amelia sighed and said it would have only been Sundays when they'd visited in the past.

The serving woman looked tired and had no other custom.

"Hi," she greeted smiling and said, "Lo strangers cometh but where are the citizens?"

Amelia and Harry looked startled but Billie was intrigued.

"Why do you greet us in the manner?"

"Oh because of fading times I guess. I was thinking you are my only customers so far today and yet a few years back, quite a few years in fact, I would have been one of four of my mother's assistants and we would have served perhaps forty people by this time on a Sunday morning, all of them locals."

Billie dimly heard the other three chatting. She was almost in a trance, a theme for a new novel roaring zipping through her mind and the spinning letters slowly formed into its title, Fading Times. She'd been thinking Demise of a Community but then thought Fading Times was brilliant, being much more subtler than a title like Demise of a Community that had an overtone of recent execution whereas the demise would have crept forward like expanding moss.


As they were leaving Billie said, "I'm a writer..."

"I know that dear but can't remember your name. My daughter sends me a book every couple of months or so. I've read and still possess your biography on Celeste Bush and I really enjoyed 'Wretched Rachel."

"May I come back and talk to you. That greeting you gave us did something to me. It's inspired me and I think I've found the setting for my new novel I'm under pressure from my publisher to start."

"My god, I knew you'd be a romantic person. You'd have to be to see a novel arising from Clearwater. Look why don't you come and stay with me and my husband and talk about this. Dirk is a park ranger and generations of his family have lived in this area. My grandfather arrived here via Chicago from Scotland and my mother's family is from Ohio so are classified as latecomers."

"Oh thank you and I insist on paying for lodgings and meals. When may I come?"

"Whenever you wish. As you can see I'm not overstretched."

"Tomorrow night?"

"Oh my, you are keen. Yes that would be lovely. My name is Mira Jackson."

"I'm Billie Summers."

"Oh yes hat's it. I had a vague feeling you name had some connection with seasons."

As Harry drove slowly through the quiet town's main street Amelia said, "What were you talking to that woman about?"

Amelia was so rude at times although generous, Billie thought, before saying, "A novel."

"But you try to avoid talking to people about your work?"

"Well she's given me a novel."

"What, where is it? I didn't see you carrying it."

"The theme for a novel."

"Sorry about the interrogation," Harry said. "You're going to write about Clearwater aren't you?"

"That's very perceptive of you Harry. Yes I think so. She has invited me to stay with her and her husband tomorrow night and perhaps I'll stay a few days."

"God Billie are you out of your mind. No one would read a novel about a dump like that town."

Billie was looking ahead between the front seats and looked up into the rear vision mirror just as Harry looked into the mirror. He winked.

Amelia fell asleep on the return home. Harry said quietly, "I suppose you know novels have been written about this area?"

"Yes and one of the notable ones relates some of the history of Deadwood. The author Pete Dexter brought alive Wild Bill Hickok, Calamity Jane and um..."

"Charles Utter."

"... yes, as principal characters in that novel."

"So you will write about what's happening today and only skim on history and invent a new name for Clearwater?"

"That's my thinking."

Lowering her voice Billie said, "Harry, why is it you two talk about your daughter and grandchild often and never mention your son?"'

Harry glanced at the sleeping Amelia and said, "Our son's name is Walton and I see him whenever I go to the dealership and that's often and we sometimes lunch together. He lived with us until recently, in the area you now occupy. Well around two months ago we came back from a Sunday drive early because Amelia was not feeling well. She came into the house and found Walton screwing one of Amelia's friends on Amelia's best sofas. Both were nude and Amelia lost it completely and ordered them both to leave the house. She's since made up with her friend who everyone knows is a sexual predator but Walton was mad at her for humiliating them both and there is, as they say, a substantial gap between them caused by ongoing hostility."

"Can't you do something?"

"Oh yeah and risk having Amelia rip into me. Don't you know time heals?"

"Until now I've really only thought of that saying abstractly."

Harry almost whispered, "Would you like to meet Walton? He might be interested in you."

Billie said, "What an get my ass kicked by Amelia?"

He chuckled and they began talking about the pines that were everywhere and then Harry said, "As soon as we have a really fine Sunday we'll go to Mount Rushmore."

"Ooh, I've been waiting to go there."

"Oh before I forget, if you write about the Black Hills don't overlook the fact the mountain range extends into Wyoming and not only does the range rise amid a sea of grasslands, as they say, there is also sheep and cattle farming up here on grasslands."

As they neared home Harry asked, "Why haven't the local media been chasing you?"

"Either they are incompetent or not interested and I like it that way so please Harry, don't do anything to change that."

"I have friends everywhere."

"Please don't Harry."


Next morning Billie went into Rapid City to hand over to her new accountant the documents Amberly wished to store and she then sat on a street bench. She called Jane in marketing and advised she'd be away from that afternoon and probably would not return till late Wednesday."

"That's fine. Media interest in going to you in South Dakota has been less than what we expected but there is sufficient to keep you before the public eye. You are clear till Friday when a TV film crew and presenter of a very popular Sunday arts program will film you at locations around the city. I'll send you details and remember this is a really big opportunity for you. The presenter told me they usually concentrate on graphic arts, stage and music but the impact you are making in fiction really appeals to her."

"Good work and thanks Jane. Oh another tip for you. When a guy is buried between your legs stroke his ears. They appear to really love that, knowing that above them is someone taking an interest in what they are doing."

"God Billie, you're incorrigible," Jane said after her initial scream of laughter.

The sun was warm and Billie stayed on the seat watching activity across the street. She they heard Harry greet her and saw he had a cool looking guy with him.

"Billie this is Walton."

The guy said, "Oh hi, we meet at last. Dad goes on quite a bit about you. You are very pretty."

"Thanks Walton and you father has mentioned you to me a couple of times."

"Will you join us for lunch? Please say yes."

Billie noticed Harry was beaming.

"Well I..."

"Dad would not like to see you carried off with force if you resist."

"Oh how could I refuse?" Billie said and jumping up hooked into the arm of each guy and off they went.

Billie only had one glass of wine because she would be driving into the hills later.

"I'm glad you brought that Infiniti. You'll look great in it."

"Why thank you Walton. What can I do to get your and you mother back on speaking terms?"

"Er you know about that?"

"Apparently I do."

"Oh yes, obviously. You must understand that Kate is very sexy."

"I can guess but it's not good for a mother and her son to be off-center."

Harry remained out of it as if having confidence in Billie to meddle effectively.

"Billie I say this with respect, but I really don't..."

"Don't turn into a jerk Walton. No one else appears to be making the move to restore a thirty-year relationship. You have your work to keep your mind otherwise occupied but your mother has time on her hands and probably keeps the same thought going that you are such an asshole."

Harry beamed while the face of his son darkened.

"Now you look here..."

"Walton, I'm spoiling your lunch. I'm going. Just remember you begin the restorative process with a painless call to your mom. Say you're sorry and then wait for her to throw the phone across the room or alternatively she'll say something."

Billie pulled out one hundred bucks and placed it on the table. "Have lunch on me guys, bye."

She walked off hoping but there was no plea to return to the table. However when she reached the sidewalk her arm was grabbed, Walton said, "Wait up you interfering young bitch." He kissed her.

Billie closed her eyes and returned the kiss.

When they broke she said, "You have a nerve. Why don't you use that energy to effect that reconciliation?"

"I will. Please return to our table."

"Okay but this will cost you a date."

"Oh I'm well ahead of you with that thinking."

Billie pulled out the big tease. "Am I really old enough for your Walton? My understanding is like your steak you like your women aged."

"Bitch," he laughed. "You have great boobs."

"What a rude man." Billie refrained from adding just like his mom.

They returned to the table, hand in hand. Harry stood and nodded at Billie without expression and said nothing. She could tell he was pleased.

Billie reached Clearwater just after 5:00 and Mira greeted her warmly and settled her guest into the second bedroom of that small house attached to the rear of the coffee shop. Her thin, sunken-eyed husband arrived from work and greeted their guest warmly and said he'd take Billie on a tour to familiarize her with the town they'd be discussing with her. It was depressing seeing abandoned storefronts boarded but stores that appealed to tourists moving through the area still did good business according to Dirk.

They ended up in a bar where Mayor O'Brien invited Billie and Dirk to join the group, the only group in the bar because there were no other patrons.

Billie was handed a beer and when invited by the Mayor to explain why she was visiting the town she explained and then for the next hour Billie received a great deal of valuable comment to 'setting'.

At dinner that night Mira and Dirk told her a lot more including the really unhappy side to depopulation, they young people had fled, including their three children, and that meant the average age of the population, presently down to 718, was increasing.

Billie was aware that was a legacy of population drift but seeing the pain of Mira and Dirk, giving that as the sole reason why there three children had left once they'd reached working age, was something she thought she'd never forget.

A tearful Amelia called her that evening and said, "Thank you my beautiful, adorable young woman. Walton has just left and he and I are on even keel again thanks to you. I am so happy."

Billie said she was so happy as well.

Amelia handed the phone to Harry and went off bawling.

"Thank Christ this stupid affair is over," Harry said gruffly. "You can now expect to find Amelia a better person. God girl you have guts. I'll find some way to reward you."

"I have received reward enough Harry. You two have received me into your home and made my feel like family. I couldn't wish for anything more."

Next day some of the women of the town came into the coffee shop, as arranged in a schedule of appointments by Mira, and that kept Billie all day. The women were of various ages and all said the town might not actually become a complete ghost town because new people arrived occasionally looking for cheap living as house prices had plummeted over the years.

All very interesting but the real bomb burst came during dinner that night with five couples who were close friends of Mira and Dirk.

Petunia Forrester, who was in her early sixties, said, "You know Billie with you being of child-bearing age it might interest you to know the last child to be born in this town was Daisy and Brandt's daughter Isobel. Isobel will be nine soon."

Billie slumped back into her chair, absolutely shocked.

Returning home Billie thought her fictitious setting of a dying town would be okay but her heroine would have to do something to bring hope like starting a commercial venture that would attractive men with their heavily pregnant wives to the town, er men with their wives and children.

Harry was out washing his black Cadillac STS. God why did men have to have over-powered cars too big for their needs?

She smiled, waving at him. Well why anything? For affluent people they didn't have to have a reason for anything involving consumerism unless they had been taught to heed their conscience and to maintain careful but not frugal lifestyles... like her. Oh yeah, driver of a luxury car that wasn't even American. She giggled guilty, thinking Harry had made her buy the Infiniti.

A couple of hours later Billie was furious. Walton arrived for dinner and she hadn't been told her was coming. He was dressed semi-formerly and caught her coming in for pre-dinner drinks in a pair of blue faded jeans and a t-shirt with a graphic of the Eiffel Tower under rust attack that a fellow French student have given her years ago.

He stared at her and grinned and she flushed. He made no attempt to move across and kiss her so she said crossly, "Aren't you going to kiss me?"

"Oh pardon me Billie, I didn't recognize you."

Billie ran off and she heard Amelia said, "Stay here Walton. She's gone to change. It's my fault, I forgot to tell you you'd be here for dinner."

"I didn't mind her dressed like that."

Billie changed into a bra that did nothing for her and a tight short dress that emphasized her legs. She'd teach that yokel to stare at her breast and lick his lips. God couldn't he wait until she offered it to him? She smeared on more lipstick hoping to look like a hooker and returned to the day lounge where drinks would be served.

She stopped just inside the doorway and heard the jerk wheeze, "Jesus" and then look at her legs and lick his lips.

Billie seethed. Why couldn't he acknowledge her most interesting part was her brain?

Walton strode over and kissed her.

She didn't bite his lip and as he pulled away he whispered, "I'm thinking I ought to take you to bed."

Billie couldn't be angry because she thought it was a great idea.

The evening went very well and later although Harry and Amelia were smothering yawns they made no effort to retire. Finally Walton accepted he was being thwarted over having a rumble with Billie and so said he must go.

They all stood to farewell him.

As Walton was kissing Billie he said, "Please have dinner with me Friday?"

"Yes although I could be tired because I'll have a big filming day that will come after tomorrow's luncheon of the local writer's club where I am to be guest speaker."

"Oh mixing with the city's elite eh?"

"I really don't think so. Just some earnest women and a few males attempting to gain immortality through writing."

"I don't think you appreciate how Rapid City's social society works. Will you stay over Friday night?"

Billie thought she should say no but heard herself saying yes thank you. God what a slut but as she turned she found his parents beaming at them. Being creative, Billie wondered if that was a noose rather than a necklace she felt round her neck.

"Oh Billie I forgot to tell you. While you were away Nancy Moorhead called to say they'd have such a demand for tickets from kindred organizations for lunch and your presentation that the venue had been switched from the local church hall to Rushmore Plaza Civic Center. They have limited attendance to 800 and the event has been opened to the public is being advertised locally as a charity fundraiser sponsored by the Writer's Club, all profits going to the Children's Health Trust.

"Omigod now you tell me. I was expecting just to chat to 100 sleepy ageing people who attend the Writer's Club for a monthly outing."

"I think you've gotten the wrong end of the stick darling. Nancy wouldn't be associated with any activity like that. People without a degree find it virtually impossible to gain entry to the club and preference to membership is given to people holding literary degrees. The club's patron is a professor of medieval literature and the vice-president Dr Coppelia Smith is a leading researcher on American writers of the 18th century. Nancy holds a doctorate in early childhood reading and a masters in American Literature."

"Nancy? Are you talking about your friend Nancy Moorhead?"

"Yes dear; she'd the only Nancy I know."

"Oh god, I've done nothing in preparation."

Harry said Amelia should have given Billie that message earlier and was told to shut up.

"Billie," she soothed. "Just chat to them. That's all they'll expect because you are after all only a novelist."

Hands behind her back Billie cracked her knuckles and had dark thoughts.


Billie went to the rostrum amid warm applause.

"I'm Billie Summers, a simple girl from Texas (some applause) so you'll get a talk from me, not a learned lecture, and I'll be speaking frankly so any media reporting this I ask please use kind discretion...

When my twin brother and I were being born mom knew she should have been out helping dad and our ranch hand with the cattle. Dad and Mac were culling because we were running out of grass. Just another damn hard year on the ranch.