Assault on a Nudist Camp

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Young man's trip to a nudist camp.
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Jerry Moss was a man/boy on a mission. He was determined to wiggle his worm in the pond that he had fished when he was a little boy. It wasn't that he was such a devout fisherman, in fact he had no desire to pull the scaly things from the water at all. He was being drawn to the pond, like the bluegills had been drawn to his bait ten years before. He was pulled by his own hormones and the perfection of his imagination.

The worm that he wished to dangle had not been pulled from the ground, but rather from his pants. He had pulled that worm many times in the last three years while thinking about what lay on the other side of the trees across the street. An eighteen year old boys heaven! Naked women! The Bare Branch Nudist Resort! He passed the sign every day as he came home and each time his imagination was stirred along with the wildlife hiding in his pants.

Jerry was filled with raging hormones, the product of his barely 18 years of life. He thought he was the only boy in his high school class who was not only a virgin, but also had never seen a naked woman in the flesh. That was a situation that his hormones demanded he correct before the ink on his high school diploma dried. The solution stood just across the street and through a few trees. His imagination ran rampant. Naked beautiful women by the hundreds! Just over there! Just on the other side of those trees!

Naked women by the thousands and so close! If he smacked a golf ball and by some miracle it escaped a collision with a tree trunk, he was sure it would bruise some poor naked woman. He knew those naked women were safe from flying golf balls. His balls had guidance systems that always steered them into a collision with any nearby tree.

For the past week, the place had been taunting him. The front entrance usually had a simple small sign announcing the presence of the Nudist Resort, but for the last week a huge banner had stretched across the entrance inviting new members to join in time to participate in the Nude Day celebration happening over the weekend. His mind blazed with what potential activities could be happening without him, shielded by only a few trees!

Last night, he had watched a caravan of cars and RV's come down his usually quiet country road and enter that holy place from which he was excluded. He had to get in there! He saw only a head or two poking above vehicle doors but imagined those heads attached to naked female bodies. His rampant fantasies ignored the fact that half the heads had male haircuts and that most were his parents age and not his. He only saw the women and imagined them all looking like Playboy centerfolds.

He had been overjoyed when his parents had told him that they expected him to behave because they were off to a full day of shopping. His chance had come!

His first attempt had been a simple one. He had walked the mile to the main entrance armed with his drivers license showing his newly "adult" age and a wad of money. He had walked through the open gate and down the tree shrouded lane.

Each step along the tree lined path caused his breath to come faster. With each step he expected to catch his first glimpse of a naked goddess. He was pointing the way with a part of his anatomy not usually used for pointing.

He rounded a slight bend in the dense growth and saw it! A naked female leg! Tanned and comely! His pointer pointed even more profoundly! She was sitting on a chair at the edge of the wood, obviously greeting the new arrivals! He could only see that bare leg but it sent his heart rate well into the triple digits.

Three more steps and he would be able to see her. His foot stepped on a twig with a crack and she heard it. She stood and his world crumbled.

She was almost everything he had ever imagined! In her mid twenties, tall and tanned, with long blond hair, a pert nose and knockers to die for. If it weren't for the mid thigh jean shorts and the T shirt, she would be everything he had ever dreamed of seeing. The features of her gorgeous body that he most longed to see were covered by fabric!

Even with his expectations crushed, his head swiveled to take in her disappointedly covered knockers. The sight of her and his dashed hopes caused him to veer from the path. His eyes glued to her breasts as he walked directly into a large maple tree. His nose made contact with the massive trunk. Blood spurted from his injured nose, splashing the undergrowth with crimson splotches.

Wilma Dodge was beautiful but she was no dumb blonde. She watched his nose crash into the tree at the first sight of her and sized up the situation immediately. A teen age male gawker! The confrontation might have been more vociferous if she had not been choking back laughter at the sight of him crashing into a tree. There was no point in making the confrontation more bloody than the gush of red fluid that sprang from his nose.

As he was trying to stem the flow of blood, she politely but positively turned him away. The tone of her voice as firm as he imagined her tits to be. He got the message and walked back toward his home. Strike one.

Jerry was young and determined and on a mission. The simple way might not have worked, but he was hardly out of options! If he had been barred from the direct, honest approach, there was still the end around.

He walked along the six foot high wire mesh fence in the direction of his home. His eyes looked for weakness in the wall while his imagination looked at those voluptuous centerfolds gathered around the pond. Only one fence and 100 yards of trees separated him from his obsession. He was young and determined.

His heart raced. How long would it take him to scale that fence? Could he do it before any cars came by and reported his attempt?

He was half way between the entrance and his home, when he gave up looking for an easy way. Jerry stopped and eyed the fence. On the other side of the fence were some bushes he could quickly hide in if he was spotted. His fingers grasped the top of the fence as he jammed his toes into the gap in the fencing. Only the tips of his toes found purchase, but he pressed upward.

Jerry moved quickly and in only a few seconds he found himself high up the fence. As he hung on with his hands and gripped the fence with his toes, he threw his left leg over the top. As he was moving his weight over the fence the toes on his right foot slipped from the tiny square of wire.

His body slammed down. His balls momentarily broke the fall as they met the solid top metal bar. His face turned instantly red as he let loose an involuntary scream that even Wilma heard half a mile away. For a moment he clung onto the bar, but only for a moment, as his body curled into a tight ball, he was no longer balanced on the top rod of the fence.

Then his one good decision came into play. The bush he selected to hide in, if necessary, was there to prevent him from falling unimpeded to the hard ground. As his body crashed toward earth, the branches of that bush caught him and lowered him more slowly toward the earth cradling him and preventing the breaking of any bones.

Another of his bad decisions came into play as he reached the earth. The bush he had chosen turned out to be the beginnings of a thorn tree. The sharp barbs pierced his skin. Just as he was recovering from the shock of the crushing of his testicles, the pain of the piercing thorns registered on his brain.

Unseen wildlife scattered as the second shattering scream in less than a minute split the air. Wilma heard it and debated the necessity of rushing from her post to call 911. Luckily for Jerry she decided to wait for the third scream.

Jerry groaned and rolled from the embrace of the bush. Thorns stuck from his skin in several places. Blood trickled from his re-injured nose and from several places where his skin had been punctured. For several moments he didn't care. He was suffering from too much pain.

He lay bleeding on the ground in a tight ball for several minutes. He was young and tough however and he was filled to overflowing with hormones. Slowly visions of prickly leaves floating before his face were replaced by imagined images of a whole gaggle of Playboy centerfolds lounging along the banks of his favorite pond.

Slowly the desire for seeing naked pulchritude overpowered his pain. As his limbs finally uncurled from a fetal position his own tree trunk began to point him forward. He shook the dirt from his now disreputable clothing along with a few drops of blood and began to stir. Slowly he got to his feet, still stooped from the effect of the fence on his tender parts, still leaking unpleasant fluids from puncture wounds and nostrils. Slowly he shook off the pain.

His imagination painted a picture of a gaggle of naked Playboy Bunnies. His mind, wandering from the still felt pain, wondered what one called a group of naked beauties. Would they be a herd? A flock? Whatever they were called they were an adolescent's dream.

Ahead lay the joys of bare femininity. His brain was shut off to the feel of the pain. Like most males he had shifted his thinking to the lower head which led him forward into the tangle of the woods as he imagined the tangle of feminine pubic hair that lay ahead.

The woods was a haven for small animals. Twisted underbrush and fallen limbs formed a mass of solid vegetation, cut by small game trails. Jerry's problem was that most of the game consisted of rabbits and coons and possums, animals that cut superhighways for 12 inch tall beasts, but proved unfriendly to 6 foot tall strapping humans. Each step was a study in agony as he had to force his way through the unyielding tangle which pushed back on new bruises and still embedded thorns.

In the quiet wood, the sound of a human crashing through the brush was a noise that could be heard for miles. Jerry saw very little of the wildlife that made the woods their home. He didn't see them because they heard him coming for hundreds of feet and scurried out of the way. Mice and rabbits and other small animals fled from the sound. Three coyotes were also called by the noises. As Jerry's thrashing flushed the small animals, the three wild canines came for the feast. They stayed just out of sight as they wolfed down scores of small animals to quench their nearly insatiable appetite.

Inch by agonizing inch, he forced his way through the thick wall of plant matter. It felt like hours to him as visions of nude dancing sugar babes floated through his head. He knew he was getting close!

Jerry's over active senses at first only heard the sound of scurrying animals as they rushed from his path and into the waiting jaws of the happy coyotes, but slowly he became aware of females giggling and conversing. Nudity was just ahead.

Finally, Jerry pushed aside the last vestiges of the wall of leaves and ... and.... He heard them but he could not see the army of naked women! What Jerry didn't know was that while the pond remained, the resort had built a new large swimming pool and most of the members were far away gathered around the pool and the club house. The only people at the pond were Claire Bigbottom, Betsy Williamson, and Betsy's 280 pound NFL linebacker husband Bruce. They were down the bank and out of sight at the edge of the water while they fished.

Jerry's breathing came faster. He watched the bank of the pond but saw no one. The three coyotes curled up 20 feet away were watching him, hoping for the human to flush more rabbits. Jerry decided that he would have to look like he belonged which meant naked. He slowly took off his clothes and hid them at the edge of the woods, where hopefully he would find them as he headed home after a wonderful day of ogling beautiful naked women.

Cautiously he stepped from the woods. He had moved five steps when the first of the coyotes nervously approached the heap of clothing. He looked nervously around then came up to sniff the blood on Jerry's dirty laundry. His belly was full and there didn't seem to be any more dinner in the offing. He wasn't a dog but he did share some of the playfulness of his domesticated cousins. He scooped up the choice blood covered shirt and dashed off to his special place in the woods. Not to be outdone, his two friends rushed in. The next in the pecking order was not to be out shadowed by his alpha friend. He didn't get the choice blood soaked shirt, but dragged off the largest item, Jerry's pants. The third absconded with his undies. All of this went unnoticed by poor Jerry.

Jerry stepped boldly toward the bank of the pond. His racing mind saw pictures of a herd of naked bunnies, the kind that was only fur covered in one particular spot. This image caused a physiological reaction totally inappropriate for a family club, clothed or not.

The sound of a snapping twig caused Claire Bigbottom to look up from her fishing. She noticed his agitated state and immediately uttered the word "Pervert" loud enough to be heard. Bruce Williamson looked up and noticed the young man sporting the inappropriate pointer and jumped to his feet.

Jerry saw his first naked woman. He was not picturing Claire however. Claire Bigbottom was 53 years old and her weight rivaled the linebackers 280 pounds. She was not quite the pretty picture Jerry had envisioned. In his imagination, he had not pictured being confronted by an angry linebacker either.

A flush of heat coursed through Jerry. Fear of the physical confrontation in the making with Bruce, fear of knowing that he was a gate crasher. He knew that he could not be caught by the immense Bruce.

Jerry turned on his heals and headed back for the woods. He was sure that he had run right past the spot where he had left his clothing, but it was not there. Bruce's angry bellows pushed him further into the wood. Jerry hid for several minutes before going back to search for his clothing. If he had been more of a woodsman, he might have read the sign, but instead he searched for his clothing in vain. Each time he came to the verge of the woods, he was greeted by Bruce's loud protest to his presence.

An hour passed as Jerry alternated between the tasks of finding his clothes to retreat and evading Bruce to advance into the heart of the resort. He seemed incapable of either. Finally he surrendered. He would have to sneak home in defeat, short $150 (a veritable fortune to a teenager) and his drivers license both lost with his pants.

His problem would be to sneak home naked. He pondered the problem and decided that he must negotiate the woods until he was directly across from his house and then rush over the fence and the road into his house. Tears streamed silently down his face as he mourned the loss of months of saved allowance and the drivers license, his passport to freedom.

Jerry followed the path he had cut on the way in until he reached the fence. The going proved easier along the fence but still his bare skin was ripped and torn by the brambles and thorns along the way. The brush along the fence had been cleared, but he dared not take that easy path, since his nudity would likely draw the attention of passing vehicles. Each step was agony as his tender bare skin was exposed to the undergrowth.

Each step caused the disturbance of swarms of insects, some of whom found his presence to be sign of a carry out dinner. Mosquitoes, and other bugs attacked leaving his skin, skin unaccustomed to the exposure of the sun, to be pocked and marked in red welts. The itch joined by those caused by plants like poison ivy and poison oak that he failed to note and walked over instead of around.

He felt the scratch of a thorn across his tender penis. He looked down and spotted a thorn lodged in the sensitive skin. He plucked it out as another tear left a trail down his cheek. A slim streak of blood trailed from the point where the bramble had penetrated.

Finally he spotted his home. Fear welled up in him. He had spent so much time battling the woods that he was suddenly afraid of the length of his parents shopping trip. That had not been much of a problem when he thought he could simply waltz home, but now, in his current state of attire, it was imperative that he beat them home.

The driveway was thankfully empty of cars. He had only to scale the fence and run across the road without detection. He viewed the fence with some trepidation while remembering the result of his last attempt at fence scaling.

He sucked in his breath and waited until there were no signs of cars on the road. He made a mad dash at the fence. This time he made it to the top and had his foot firmly lodged in the wire on the other side. He started to breathe slightly easier as the other foot found purchase on the other side. The only discomfort the slight prick of the barbed wire on his tender scrotum.

It was precisely at the moment that he finally felt confident that he had escaped to the other side of the fence when he heard the car horn. Pulled to the side of the road was a shiny red convertible and inside Melissa French, Holly Smith, Judy Wilson and Molly Right. Four attractive young ladies who had just graduated with him. They were pointing and laughing at his poor equipment, so recently defaced by the trip through the woods. The girls whistled, cat called, and laughed. The sight of the car full of stopped women froze Jerry for a moment as his face turned red, and then the color seeped to the rest of him. The only advantage to the situation was that the color of his blush hid the color of welts, bites, scratches and blood.

After a moment of inactivity, Jerry realized that his only escape from the girls attention was to run for it! He sprinted across the street, up his drive and to the front door. He breathed a sigh of relief as the girls got back on the road. He reached for the door handle and suddenly realized that the door was locked. The keys were in the pocket of his jeans!

At least they left the back door open. He started the sprint for the back door when the family sedan pulled in the driveway. As Jerry looked up he saw the shocked look on his mothers face. That look froze him in place as effectively as car lights on a deer.

Jerry had seen his first naked woman, but not quite what he had hoped for. He had lost $150 and the freedom of his drivers license. He was a mass of welts, cuts and bruises. A few hours later he would discover that at least one of the plants his hanging testicles had made contact with was poison ivy and his parents had caught him red.... Red everything!

No more license, but then why worry about that? He was of course banned from the car for the duration of the summer. Jerry would have no interest in going anywhere anyway, he would live in fear of meeting those four girls. In his mind, He was toast! Fried by the gaze of his shocked mother and the rules of the father.

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ausvirgoausvirgoover 3 years ago

Loved it!

had a good laugh at Jerry's expense.

It's a shame though that our prudish society creates such personalities.

B_BaileyB_Baileyabout 7 years ago

Funny how a story will bring back old memories. Thanks for the reminder of our youth.

Privates1stClassPrivates1stClassalmost 12 years ago
Be careful what you wish for

The lengths some teenage boys will go to see a naked female--always interesting, and sometimes hilarious, as told in this story.

OhMissScarlettOhMissScarlettalmost 19 years ago
Oh! Too funny!

I think this was my fave of all your submissions this time around. Hilarious and with an important lesson: Be careful with your worm. -S.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago

This is the funniest "erotic" story I have ever read.

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