Astra Pt. 03


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President Grendal looked, "We have 3 depending on the ship model. Not my idea. They all build the same shield just in different sizes. I will send you the list and you send me a message with who you want at this meeting. Sounds like you got just about everything except weapons."

Jack smiled, "We have atmospheric engine testing to do when we get back. We had to shrink them down as we did not want to burn up your atmosphere. Running the engines at 5x your standard, we knew anything at 3x or above would do that. GS did that in my timeline; only once!

They are about 2.5x current speed to be on the safe side. I nearly forgot, new retro thrusters to test particularly in the atmosphere at those speeds with gravity. I did not put those on the Ravager, as I had not built backups for them and planned to strip it down to return to your military. Those fall under engines.

I will have those weapons before I depart. I just have to tone back what is on the Excalibur. One other thing. Route 3 through the belt is heavily damaged and they might find a ship in the middle of it with Admiral Archer onboard. Possibly his crew and bodies. If it survived our FLT pass over them which is not likely."

President Grendal chuckled, "Just the one ship?"

Jack nodded, "It was just a black-op battleship with 7 other Ravagers destroyed in the battle before that. We lost ours but recovered one so a net gain of zero. I do not plan to keep it as it is a shit design. I will restore it to the factory configuration before handing it back to the military. It has an FTL drive in it at the moment. I want to get my new scout frame built so we can arm and armor it. I also want to build a space-based drydock. I have design plans already."

President Grendal laughed, "You stuck an FTL drive in a scout? Can I ask why?"

Jack nodded, "We lose a ship, it falls back. We can drop out of FTL and launch a scout back with a repair crew. They can have an assessment or fix something minor while we don't have to leave the rest undefended. It would be nice for those scouts to keep up with the cruisers and battleships. We cut it down to 8 seats to fit in the FTL drive. Our new scout won't have that problem. It will seat 14 easily.

We could look at dropping a communication network with sensor data on our way back so you can, from a corridor, monitor what is going on. You will have to establish long-range communication as it is. Major technical hurdles there to overcome. Do you plan to defend the colonies outside the system?"

President Grendal laughed, "We have not discussed how to defend colonies in outer systems yet. So far we have not done that. Anything else you need?"

Jack nodded, "I want to pull a couple of your fighter pilots Crazy Eights and Wildcard. I gave Wildcard a flying lesson with Merlin. It took him 2 minutes to hit me once and I stayed in your speed range. Crazy Eights recorded it. I told them I used to train fighter pilots. That was true. Technically I just schooled them. I want them to check out the 1-man and 2-man units.

See what they think about flying that fast with fighters with an inertial dampener. You increase these other ships; your fighters are going to have to adjust. Another airframe design will be required. Your airframe builders are going to hear from me about what they need to do. Especially about that fucking Ravager!"

President Grendal laughed, "I will see if I can find those 2 for you. We look forward to your arrival." President Grendal ended the call.

Jack hit the button for Tera Global News and the Editor popped us and smiled, "There you are."

Jack nodded, "I am 2 days out."

He looked at Jack, "You are just now calling me?"

Jack laughed. "For one of your ships I am 10 days out."

He dropped his sandwich, "This new drive. We are going to see it in 2 days?"

Jack pulled up the information rotation and towers. "Based on my calculation 44 hours and 53 minutes from now. Parked between Tera-5 and Tera-6 and have a couple of cameras, at least. With one doing a wide-angle. I will be coming in hot with 5 ships traveling that fast including a heavily reinforced Ravager. You blink and you will miss them."

Ron smiled, "A lot of new technology?"

Jack nodded, "As soon as the patents are in place we will talk about the exclusive. I want to give these tech firms a few calls and see who I can get preliminary deals with."

Ron smiled, "I will see what I can whip up for cameras. Thanks for the call."

Jack let it end and hit the one for Treven Engines and a new lady answered the phone. She smiled "Hello, wait...your him. I will let him know you are on the line."

The image came up to the 2 men and Francine. Jack looked at her, "Make any improvements yet on those power cores?"

Francine laughed, "Not yet. We have been going through and cleaning-house with our suppliers to gear up for the new engines when they arrive. That was a good suggestion by the way."

Jack smiled, "Less than 2 days now. I am 9 days out from your engine perspective."

James Senior looked at Jack, "You kicked it up that much?!"

Jack smiled, "Totally new design, will have you scratching your heads for a few weeks. In 4-days, we want to have a meeting. The President will be setting it up. Get with your financial backers and let them know the next big engine breakthrough will hit the holovid screens in less than 45 hours. We had to build new inertial dampeners, heat sinks, hull reinforcements, power relays, retros, and a power core multiplexer. That lets you tie multiple cores together for running large engine arrays.

New shields, new air-breathing engines, and new FTL drives will get us to Tau Ceti in under 3 years. The air-breathers are built into the main engine designs. I had to scale them back to save you from frying the atmosphere.

They were 5 times what you had. 3 times is pushing that barrier for frying the atmosphere. My history. These engines will be 2.5 times faster than your existing air-breathing engines. I have another 4,083 patents and I am still working on the weapon systems."

Francine asked, "Can I ask you how you do it?"

Jack smiled, "Why don't you come and visit my lab. You will know when we arrive. It will be all over the news. The one group I want to tear into is the airframe manufacturers. I had to seriously reinforce the airframes with a new titanium alloy. I want to build a space-based dry dock. A minimum of 2. Maybe 3 if I can reinforce one to travel with an FTL drive. I will want to put one in Tau Ceti, One in earth orbit, and one near Luna-1. Technically, I would like 6 in earth orbit."

Francine looked at Jack, "It's a date. I will bring this guy along so he does not get jealous."

Jack laughed at that, "Francine with 7 ladies sharing my bed I think you would be surprised who gets jealous."

The men laughed at her and Francine smiled. James Senior looked at Jack, "How much are you looking to have us manufacture?"

Jack smiled, "Travus System engines 5 series with half power air-breathing engines. Again, for safety. Travus FTL Engines 5 series. Then a whole new line of Travus retro-thrusters Series 3, 4, 5, and 6...depending on who wants them and how sharp they want to turn Series 3 at a minimum will be required. Especially in the atmosphere. For the power multiplexer, I will incorporate an amendment into the existing power core design contract.

The alternative was to build much larger power cores. What I will be putting to another company is the Travus inertial dampeners 5 series. The electronics manufacturer will use Travus Sensor arrays 4-Series and 6-series depending on the ship vs a space station. I will have to talk about station upgrades for the future. Going to the shield manufacturer is the Travus Shields 4-Series and Travus tractor beams 4-series. I will set up non-exclusive licensing on the power couplings, power relays, and heat sinks.

Also, some overlapping components do exist and those will be non-exclusive to support the other technology. Those will be needed by the electronics, engines & power cores, shield manufacturers, and the various assigned weapon manufacturers. Each one is going to have its requirements potentially. Depending on the ship or station."

James Senior just chuckled, "When will we see the designs?"

Jack looked over at Grace, "How long did your friend at the patent office say it would take to get through all of those?"

She smiled and sighed, "Maddie said 3 days, starting with all the individual components, then the big items. I asked her kindly to put the patents for the engines out in the system first. She is sorting through it. She said about 12 hours for those pieces. She thanks you for listing which patents are in which blueprint because of the overlap."

Jack nodded, "No sense in reinventing when I had a good item already."

Jack looked at the screen. "The Engine patents will be in place in the next 12 hours. It will take 3 days to get them all entered."

Grace yelled over, "They have to use the entire staff to get those done in 3 days as well."

They laughed at Jack. Jack sighed, "Regardless, we will be seeing you soon so get your bids together. I want them paired with the cores."

They smiled and James spoke for a change, "Thanks for giving us a heads up. We will contact our bankers." James ended that call.

He connected to Trikora Manufacturing CEO Jen Bo's office. He got his secretary and he spoke to her in Mandarin, "Greeting to you. I am Jack Travus and I was hoping Jen Bo had a few minutes to talk."

This was a new secretary, "He is meeting with his board of directors today."

Jack smiled, "Would you kindly let them know who is calling. I have an open contract with him to discuss."

She put Jack on hold and that lasted less than 30 seconds. Jack bowed to them. Jen Bo did not look happy, "Where have you been and when will you get here with that element we need?"

Jack smiled at him, "I have been on the outer rim testing engines as I stated before. We ran into a delay when a rogue faction of the Tera military attempted to destroy me and my vessel. They did destroy one of my scout ships. They were a Black-ops unit. We will be in Tera space in 41 hours now.

I spoke with the President and several defense contractors. As to your element, 42 hours if you have a ship near Tera-5 and Tera-6 awaiting our arrival and you have one metric ton of the element. Loaded in a shipping container and ready for delivery. I kept my word that the collider would focus on that element."

Jen Bo asked, "Why did you not call us sooner?"

Jack looked at him, "We got into comms range less than 6 hours ago." He looked confused. "My ship is traveling 5x times faster than any of the Tera military or civilian spacecraft. The new engines I mention. Same with FTL drives."

His board members all murmured their conversations. One asked, "How do we know this is true?"

Jack told them, "Watch the holovid feeds from the station. Tera Global News plans to cover the arrival."

That seemed to pacify the board. Jack bid them a good day and ended the call. He contacted Dr. Francois Bernard with the Large Hadron Collider at home again but closer to his departure time. He answered with a towel rubbing his head and he saw Jack. He looked over, "Hello, we have been working on building the harvester and we have run into some supply issues. We should have it up in a few days."

Jack smiled, "We will be there in 39 hours and will be there for at least a few days. I wanted to let you know of my arrival. Our engine testing proved fruitful and I am delivering one metric ton of the element to Trikora Manufacturing on arrival to take some of the pressure off. The expansion and grant were hanging upon you picking up this task for the future."

He nodded, "I will speak with my bosses and let them know of your impending arrival. Thank you for calling." Jack nodded and ended the call.

Jack looked at Grace, "Anyone else I have to call? Having the ladies cycling every hour to suck my cock has helped. Yet there is a certain right hand of mine who is begging to get her ass fucked nice, hard, and long."

Grace looked over, "I am still talking with the patent office but Maddie said she would love to see that happen."

Jack went to get up and Grace waved him off, "I am not ready to show that to her and the rest of the office. You will have to wait."

Jack nodded, "Then I will be in my lab as I am done playing businessman today and am going back to being the mad inventor."

Grace pointed, "You still have the shield and electronics guys to work through."

He went through the list and while none of them was outstanding one had a better-on-time delivery schedule. Also, customer satisfaction. They were one of the last ones until GS forced them out.

He called Trisna Helgan of Holland Ship Security. He got a woman at the desk who looked at him and spoke in Dutch. Jack smiled, "I do not speak Dutch."

She smiled, "I was just telling a friend they should see who was calling."

Jack nodded, "I am looking for Trisna Helgan."

She looked at him, "She is on her way to Italy to attend a conference on shield actuators."

Jack smiled, "Tell her I just filed 886 patents in regards to and associated with shield technologies and am trying to figure out if she should be the one to do business with."

She looked up, "One moment."

A minute later a delightful Dutch Blonde with double D tits and a model's face but in her early 40's if he had to guess.

Trisna stared across at Jack, "Hello Jack, call me Trisna."

Jack smiled, "Sounds lovely." He gave her a high-level overview of the shields, power relays, power connectors, heatsinks, and the new tractor beam device. He pointed her to the global network to locate the traffic accident to get an idea of what it could do.

Trisna smiled, "I will have my office contact you after we have seen the patents. You have this running?"

Jack smiled, "The shields on 5 ships from a one-person rocket to the Excalibur."

Trisna laughed, "How many have this tractor beam?"

Jack smiled, "The smallest vessel I got one in is a 2-man shuttle. 4 out of 5 ships."

She nodded, "I look forward to doing business with you."

Jack nodded, "As do I."

Trisna Helgan ended the call. She was obviously in some limousine shuttle. He went through the electronics group and found one he liked better than Driskal Electronics, Tom Snyder of Geo-Electronics. He let it ring and to his and Tom's surprise, he was sitting at his desk. Jack smiled, "This is Tom Snyder?"

Tom nodded, "To what do I owe the pleasure."

Jack could tell he was under duress and he could make out the female hands sliding down his arms and being pulled under the desk he sat at. Jack smiled, "In 36 hours I will be in your area. I have filed patents for several items including an upgraded internal dampener Travus 6-series, with Travus 4-series and 6-series sensor arrays, and several other parts from heatsinks to power relays. If you're interested, get in touch with Grace Winters, my business manager and we will see what we can do."

The man was trying to hold back. Jack smiled, "Give it to her already. I have 7 ladies. I know what that can be like."

He groaned out a release as he shot off into the woman's mouth below his desk. A woman who was not his wife, but Jack did not know that fact or care at that point.

Tom nodded, "I will be in touch as we are very interested."

Jack ended the call and looked over at Grace, "There...that should be all of them."

Grace smiled, "It will be another couple of hours before I am available."

Jack smiled, "You know where to find me."

Jack called out, "Astra, plan on installing the upgraded replacement communication device in my head in 12 hours, contact Linda and let her know I will be working in my lab. If she wouldn't mind having dinner sent there with the wife of mine who wants to be serviced."

Astra laughed, "Aiko is in the dining facility and will meet you herself."

Jack went into the lab, looked at his monitors and dropped his pants, and sat in his chair working on weapon designs. Downgrading weapons was much harder. He installed his components, used his heatsinks, shrunk barrel sizes to try and reduce damage, and went through a dozen different laser, plasma, and solid weapon systems before being satisfied that he scaled it back enough. Series 4 weapons would tip the edge of the power threshold.

Without more cores which would aid in slowing them down from being upgraded. They were still, 5 times stronger than what the military had. He printed out the new component designs on the machines as Aiko came in wearing a silky robe and a smile. She got between him and the keyboard. She worked her tight little pussy down on his cock and smiled, "Your hands on my ass, and I will feed you."

Jack smiled, "Something to drink first."

She handed him a bottle, "Drink first then." He downed half the mead in the bottle and set it down, grabbed her ass, and started lifting her as he spoke in Japanese as well, "Hello my fragile flower. Thank you for the food and the beautiful distraction."

Aiko smiled and spoke in Japanese as well, "I have a friend in Japan who I contacted. I told her who I married. She already knew from the news. Then I played the audio of our wedding to her. She called out, 'He married you while you rode his cock in your ass while speaking Japanese. That has to be some kind of first.' I told her, 'it wasn't the last!' She laughed at that and I wished her well. She is married to an insurance salesman."

She finished feeding him and her arms behind his neck. She rose from him slowly. He let her get off and off again from her slow ride. He knew what she was doing but he did not give it to her this time. He wanted her to work for it. She finally had her fill and smiled, "Grace is here."

Jack nodded, "She had an appointment to get her ass filled."

Akio smiled, "Well you are fairly well-lubed now."

Jack chuckled, "You are good at that. Until she comes over and sucks your juices off of it because she loves the taste of you."

Aiko reached down and kissed him before leaving. She kissed Grace as she went by and squeezed one of her breasts while she was at it. Jack stood up, grabbed the lube, and lubed up his cock. He wiped off his hand and Grace was still dressed in a black pencil skirt and a light blue blouse. He walked over and unzipped her skirt.

They let it hit the ground. He picked her up and bent her over his desk. She grabbed the edge of it and cleared what was in front of her. She had stopped wearing underwear as he started ripping them off unless they were fancy and lacy-looking with garter belts and stockings. She skipped it all this morning as she knew what was coming. She wanted him to have easy access. Jack slowly slid his full length into her.

Grace groaned with a smile, "I do so enjoy our business meetings." Jack grabbed her hips and started in on her, "Any word on the contract offers coming in yet?"

She fumbled with talking coherently as she kept climaxing. Jack figured over half her body's pleasure nerve-endings were in her ass with the way she reacted. She loved anal sex with him as he had what it took to hit them all. Jack just nailed her faster and faster but never took it too frantic until it approached an hour and he sped up on her. She moaned out an ear-splitting climax and clamped down on him hard. He pushed to the end and delivered his load into her back passage as she sprayed the floor. She was about asleep on her feet.

Sprits showed up looking for Grace and she shook her head, "She's wasted for the night."

Jack nodded, "Gave her an hour ride." Sprits just shook with excitement at the thought of it. "You want to take her?"

Sprits nodded. He cleaned up dressed and started assembling the different weapon servos and motors. He left the tracking software to the weapon coders. He would use his system and software for his ships. He went to his storage hold and looked at all of the bars of Titanium-H which he filed a patent on and looked at it all over. He made enough to build it. For now. He had another stack of 2,000 stable metallic hydrogen bars here as well.
