All Comments on 'At His Majesty's Pleasure Ch. 06'

by lady_temily

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Wonderful, as always!

Name game: Cadieran

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Name game

Suggested name - Bianca! Thanks!

Love this stuff especially the waxing :P

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Her withdrawal into passive compliance, your choice not to resort to the usual forced unwilling orgasm, and your strategy to engage your readers, all of which add to our pleasure in your tale. Once again 5*. Anndi

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
yay new chapter

I love that you put alais into a passive mode, there's no way she would instantly relax into his touch. But i agree this approach won't last long and she needs to find a way to deal with him. I hope i can see more banters between them like in chapter 1, where alais can show him that she could be badass if she wants. The waxing scene is hot and kind of unpredictable, just wondering what pulled alexander out of this? an uprising somewhere?

I'm waiting patienly for the next chapter. Your story reminds me of the The rebellious slave, since both alexander and lord arlington have control issues. Hopefully alais can be as badass and confident as kara :))

For you game, i pick ilsa. I don't know if this name fits the medieval setting,but i really like this after watching MI 5 rogue nation, ilsa faust is such a badass spy.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Great chapter, keeps getting better! Can't wait for the next.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

I want her to fight him not be passive !

Hopefully next chapter. High hopes.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Can't wait for more!

Name: Cecilia

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
The best weapon

Her passivity is the best weapon she has right now. Outright defiance would be truly punishable, which is sort of how he is taking this, but he is more intrigued by it instead of angry, so he won't truly hurt her. I love that she made it through all of that without giving in and ultimately won that round. Yes, he had something come up and had to conceed, but she made it more than an hour like that which is an impressive amount of willpower. Way to go ladies.

LadyPartsLadyPartsabout 8 years ago
A good coping skill

I hope Alais continues her silent compliant plan. After all, it's no fun tormenting someone if they don't react. I hope that she wins this battle of wills. I think in his frustration to force her to engage, he acts more and more outrageously. So much so that he fails to notice he has crossed the line in a most grevious way. Once they return to his seat of power, his friend (I forget his name) is shocked and shamed and calls Alexander out. To which Alexander becomes even more adamant that he win the battle of wills and continues to abuse and humiliate Alais. This forces his friend to make a choice: loyalty to his King or loyalty to his honor. His friend chooses honor and finds a way to secret Alais away from Alexander.

Durning Alais' absence, Alexander has time to reflect on his behavior and finds discomfort and shame in his behavior. He had taken the lovely, interesting, and witty woman and turned her into a debased, compliant, empty shell. Now Alexander has a choice to make, find Alais and nurse her back to health or allow her to leave and find a way back home. But there remains a nagging pull toward her. He is now concerned for her health and her safety. He decides he must continue his search if only to ensure that she is in safe hands.

Meanwhile there is a campaign of rebellion by Alais's country and their allies that require his attention. He must leave to attend to the rebellion. This allows Alais enough time to heal, regroup and with the help of the king's friend, she returns to a more sedate form of herself. The friend falls in love with Alais and is compelled to see her safely home, knowing he can never have her and remain alive being friends with Alexander.

On the way home they are captured by Alexander who threatens to execute his friend for treason. During the mock trial, the friend delivers a brutal dressing down of Alexander's behavior toward his wife and queen. Alexander is forced to confront his behavior and defend the indefensible; his anger at the betrayal of his friend in tempered realizing the abuse and humiliation of Alais would have continued to progressively get more and more outrageous. Alexander, for the first time in his psychotic life feels shame and regret.

Okay so my mind keeps telling the story while waiting for you to keep telling the story. I should learn to have patience.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
A.H.M.P. 6

Name: Lucrezia

I really enjoyed this installation, but I am probably going to be one of the few who dislikes the use of her silence, simply because I think there is such strength in the way you two use the dialogue between Alexander and Alais. Plus, the banter between them is always so enjoyable. However, a great step into her 'facing the dragon' with understanding her reactions! With that being said, I did enjoy this chapter with her playing around with almost survivor methods, and ruminating her experiences with him. Here, I feel like readers were able to get a deeper connection with Alais.

I am quite curious what drew Alexander away so quickly from the tempting Alais, and what Alais might think of his sudden departure. Wonder if he will start questioning the flowers if he always sees them. As always, loved it, and am looking forward to reading more!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Loved this

I enjoyed Alais' indifference and the references to her conversation with Ethan. I also love this constant back and forth between the yin and yang of Alexander. One moment he will say something nice and the next he's ruining any attempt to be sweet. I love the back and forth of their relationship. Stay true to yourself and the story. Love your voice as an author!

Always been a fan of the name Iris or Ivory

MasterfuljimMasterfuljimabout 8 years ago
Loved it

Loved the silent shut down and I have always wondered why more authors don't use it. Nothing irritates a bully more than being blanked.

I loved that she won this round even if it was by default.

Name game...the Lord Peregrine Fitzgerald.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Can't wait for the next chapter

Name Game: Terrowin

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Um lol at that comment

I always find it amusing when readers try to write how the story should go. Would be okay if it was merely a fantasy/suggestion on how the story might play out, but it just came off as being rather presumptuous.

Let's leave the writing of this story to the two incredible authors, shall we?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Yay for a new chapter

I love the dynamic of Alexander.

Name game: Cedric and Ysmay

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Really groaned at the waxing pun from your subscription email, lmao

Name: Boris

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

It keeps getting better!!

Bartholomew Bosephius Wellington the IV

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Name Game

Male: Everard/ Serle

Female: Rosamund/ Amelyn

MrOuchMrOuchabout 8 years ago

Nerida - female

Ulric or Brom - male

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Shanley - Gaelic "child of the hero"

Galen- Greek "Tranquility"

Hearst- Old English "dweller in the woods"

Keaton-Old English "where hawks fly"

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

I want her to kill him.

Slit his throat with his own razor.

Then watch as he bleeds out.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Him Cave FIRST!

That's what I would love to see. Thanks for writing such a riveting tale. I had to chuckle about the 'trendy' comment.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

I bet the maids told the king about her taking the herbal remedy to avoid getting pregnant. Yikes

xxClarexxxxClarexxabout 8 years ago
Holy hell

Well, ::that:: certainly wasn't one of the hottest scenes evar or anything! ::shifty eyes:: I'm wondering if you girls have some secret access into my head or something, because it's the only possible explanation for how you keep writing such hot shit that melds perfectly with my own perverted tastes 😝

I really loved Alais' response to his dastardly behaviour here. Her withdrawing from it all and noping out made a lot of sense to me, and it also made me happy to see him get annoyed and put out by it. He didn't really know what to make of it, and that was great. The horse riding trip was a lovely scene, and it was quite tender in some respects and reminded me that these two barely know each other at all. And he does do such a great job of being gentlemanly for a little while, doesn't he. Sometimes. But the poor thing can only keep it up for so long before he has to revert to his natural state of bastard. And then he wonders why she withdraws further. Silly men.

Alais was great here. She continues to fight (? Maybe not the right word) and react in ways that make me feel she remains in control and she is sensible, even whilst having been through what she's been through. She picks ways to fight him that won't get her killed or harmed more than necessary, and I like that. A lot.

So the waxing thing! Omg I am so happy this is here. Number one, I have a thing about waxing. As in, I cannot stand hair from the neck down, and want nothing to do with it. And so when I read my noncon heroines being medieval virgin princesses, wel of course I'm frantically trying to block from my head any suggestion of hairy bits, and trying to justify to myself what is kind of unable to be realistically justified ("maybe she's from some country where they have by way of natural selection stopped having pubes because it's really warm there in the summer and so she's just smooth and hairless down there!" etc). So, wow what a relief now to know that I don't have to anxiously fret about her being how I want her to be, but in a realistic way. Yay! This is way hotter, and it makes sense, plus it's a total dicklike move on his part, so I loved it. Still can't believe he didn't go down afterwards I mean WHAT IS THE POINT of being nice and smooth and we all know how good that feels after a wax amirite. Supreme dickish behaviour, Alexander! But yeah. That bit was hot.

And omg. I wanted that bit where he tied her to the bed and whipped her to go on forever. Like that felt way too short to me, seriously it was wonderful. Omg I can't believe he did her with the riding crop top, what an asshole and how hot! And no he did not just leave her hanging OMG. I want to kill him right now. How dare he! You don't do that to a chick. How's he going to prove his love and passion by not getting her off! Bastard!

Okay so it was my birthday yesterday and this was an awesome pressie to see my email be all like yay guess what the next chapter is up go read that shit! Omg and the waxing pun. So bad. So so bad 😛

Anyway yes! Thanks so much. Awesomeness is continuing. And I'm dying at Ladyparts comment. You know what they say Ladyparts. If you think you're psychic, *maybe you are*.

Nah but for real you two just keep doing what you're doing. It's a wonderful story and I love it and I'm pleased to not know where it's going. I have some ideas about where we will end up (and some hopes!) but the best part of the story is getting taken along twists and turns along the way, especially when those turns involve mad hot noncon bdsm. So, just perfect and a joy to read and again, mad props for managing to write this thing together because it's so seamless. It's so well done.

Thank you and I am biting my nails for the next chapter. And the rope in this did not disappoint! Yummmmmmm. I'm totally dying to see what more he has in store too, like tying someone to a bed, whipping them and doing them with a riding crop is kind of pretty full on for someone's second sexual experience! I hope he continues to be a total dick and keeps this shit up.

Oh and side note, why am I such a sucker for the evil stuff he says to her while doing her? I was drooling all over myself I swear.


My names: Celeste, and why the fuck not Geralt, because I'm a witcher fan 😊

Luminessence0Luminessence0about 8 years ago

I cannot waitfor the next chapter!!! Thank you for the riveting story!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Awesome so far

Loved all the chapters. I'm really glad that you're having the king show restraint in his treatment of her and this isn't a story where he whips her severely for example. It really allows the story and relationship to develop

Mystikwolf25Mystikwolf25about 8 years ago

Your story always had me excited for the next chapter! I can't wait!

My name choice is Morgain.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

awesome work! keep it up. its definitely one of the best stories here. the name i suggest is Nenanthice.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Wow, enjoying this very much

Loved it! Eager to read what happens next.

Name suggestions, I have a few that I like but they're from elsewhere and might not be viable choices. Here goes: Nymeria and Jaqen.

Since those might not do, here are two more, Gunnora and Warin.

Keep up the great writing!!

-Ms. Patiently waiting for more

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Looking forward to future installments

Definitely was checking back regularly for more updates. As for a name: Steris or Ingot

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
5 Stars

As you deserve I love her character and how she's strong but smart! Not making stupid decisions like most heroines. And I love that I love to hate Alex he's such a jerk and I love him for it and omg the man ego is ridiculous but i still love him! Don't stop writing EVER I love this story!

For Character's names how about Ansell or Sanson for a guy and Ayleth or Renee for a girl

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Love love love

I subscribed but there's no point because I'm checking multiple times a day for an update anyways. Please keep us updated on when a chapter is about to be submitted

Names: Nolan, Noah, Reina, Keira

IllariaLannisterIllariaLannisterabout 8 years ago
Love this tale!

I'm absolutely in love with this story. I check back so often for updates though it's favorited. Great work!

Names: Myrrha, Rhaella or Elyana

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Wow so lazy that your getting people to come up with names for you. Why don't you get them to write the story too?

Think of your own names its not that hard.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Female: Angharad, Margaret

Male: Llywelyn, Meurig

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Yet another perfect chapter

I should be studying for my genetics exams but I'm afraid I'm just too captivated by your writing, my mind keeps drifting back wondering what's going to happen next! You two seem like such fun people, and it really shines through in the intelligent wit throughout the story.

As for the name game: Iona, Meadhbh (meave), Deirdre (deer-druh), or Sadhbh (sive), all female names.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Ignore the anon who said it's lazy. It's fun and interactive that you guys want the readers to participate.

Female: Arietta, Rosalie.

Male: Jaxon, Jarrett, Blaxton

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
low rating

look at that low rating compared to your previous chapters. obviously the quality is deteriorating here and you should think about wrapping up soon, lol. end on a high note. just some friendly advice.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Loving it!

Loving the character development. Cannot wait to see where the story goes and what happens next. I could not have wished for a better story! Please continue to write and don't listen to any negative comments. I would not change one thing!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Negative Comments

Sometimes I think negative comments with no constructive criticism come from other writers who are jealous because their writing isn't on par. Especially when they are anonymous. I doubt that many of them can write a story as captivating as this. When you do something great, there are always people who try to pull you down because they can't do the same. That's how you know you're succeeding. Keep up the good work.

Oweary1Oweary1about 8 years ago
Interesting story

I'm trying to like Alexander but he's just so ...mean! Hoping Alais can survive her marriage. Is there any hope for them ...? Torn between Alais running off with the Duke (which I'm sure won't happen) and Alexander developing a heart. Pls hurry back.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

For women: Aislenn, Meredith, Anya, Alenya, Sophia, Tanya, Catherine

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Wonderful story! I hope to get more details about Duke Ethan, he seems like a good man and that makes me wonder how he can keep his sanity around his friend. Will there be a love triangle between him, Alais and Alexander? I don't know whether Alais and Alexander will fall in love, but if that's the case, it will be an extremely difficult for Alexander to convince Alais, given how much she resents/distrusts him.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
5 stars!

Seriously, Alexander is such a dick!!! But I love it!. I am rooting for these two,cannot wait to see how/if it comes about! great writing ,love it,5 stars!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

I actually like Alex's mean and dominant side;)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

More please!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Loving it!

This story-line is really enthralling, I can't stop rereading the chapters! Please ignore the negative comments and keep submitting new chapters!!! I am so interested in finding out how Alais has decided to handle life with Alexander during her ruminations through this last chapter. And hopefully this chapter has taught Alexander that Alais is more valuable to him as a whole person with independent thought than as a puppet. Still, I love Alexander's character! He can be a bit brutal but he lives in a rougher time. The depth that he showed through this last chapter and his careful treatment of Alais were fascinating! While I think the silent treatment was the logical route for the story, I love their verbal sparing so I hope that the story leads us back to more of that. Can't wait to find out what happens next!

Name: Amadea, Ryland, Ciaran, Ceres, Maerian

ElazulElazulabout 8 years ago
name game

I would suggest Eleanor or Elanor, Ophelia, Lucas, and Reuben.

Btw, I really love your story. The characters seem real. I would definitely buy your book if you plan to publish it someday :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
possible names!

The ones I really like are Clarice, Isabel, Walter and Gavin. Keep up the good work

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Please please let us know when the next part is expected to come out... Can't wait !

lady_temilylady_temilyabout 8 years agoAuthor
Chapter 7

Chapter 7 has been submitted, and should be out as soon as Literotica processes it. And we'll tackle your individual comments soon!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Can't wait!!

Thanks for the update!

PtmcPilotPtmcPilotabout 8 years ago
enjoying this tale

I have enjoyed this story to date, though the denial in CH06 was a bit over the top for me. However, I do plan to return for CH07. Have to see what happens when one of the two gives in. Of course, he could always fuck her, get off, and still leave her wanting, which is precisely what I would do in this situation.

lady_temilylady_temilyabout 8 years agoAuthor
Individual Replies

Literotica has queued Ch. 7 to be published tomorrow, so it should be here soon!

And thank you for all the great names! We've compiled them all into a list and will be making us of them in the coming chapters.

@Anon "Clever!"

Thank you - we thought it would be fun for everyone! And yeah, Alais won't stay passive forever, but right now it's a defense mechanism that makes sense to her while she sorts out what's next.

@Anon "yay new chapter"

Her passiveness is definitely a temporary thing! By the end of the next chapter, she will have reached a conclusion as to what her strategy will be from here. After that, more banter will return for sure! And aw, I really liked the Rebellious Slave series (especially Arlington), so the comparison is flattering. :)

@Anon "sad"

Alais will emerge from her hibernation soon, don't worry! Though her way of "fighting" him won't be very conventional.

@Anon "The best weapon"

Agreed! A lot of heroines in these types of stories might go for outright defiance (not to throw shade necessarily, since in the right context it works!), but here it would be foolish/dangerous, not just for her but her family. So she has to resort to different tactics for survival, and that includes more subtle kinds of resistance. And yes, she does have a lot of willpower! She's not without her foibles, like anyone else, but I think her willpower is one of her strong suits. (As for what drew Alexander away - that's a plot point that will come up later!)


Very interesting to hear your plot speculations! And flattered that you gave it such detailed (and creative) thought. It sounds like it would be an engaging to read in another story, though it won't be quite how this one shakes out given the context and character dynamics. Though Ethan (the friend) has gotten along with Alais, he'd be hard-pressed to uproot himself and risk everything for her - he has too many friends/family that would be in danger from something like that. Alexander's also done much worse, i.e. to prisoners of war, without Ethan's intervention; though sort of morally indignant, Ethan is still an Obsivian and their cultural mores are kind of...relative. Anyway, was still fascinating to read the hypothesis! I liked the part about Alexander failing to notice the lines he crossed.

@A.H.M.P. 6

First of all, digging the AHMP acronym, haha! Glad that you enjoyed our dialogue - it'll be making a return soon, so you won't have to wait for too long! She's been kind of revving up to "face the dragon," as you put it, and had to shut down for a bit to really make a decision about what she was doing.

@Anon "Loved this"

Aww, thank you! That's exactly what we intended for Alexander - he has kind of a dichotomy, since he can be both charming and awful, depending on his given mood at the time. It does, in a way, echo how their relationship also has its twists and turns.


Yes, the lack of reaction definitely frustrated Alexander! And the victory, technical as it was, was of some small consolation to her, at least.

@Anon "Um lol at that comment"

Aww, thanks for looking out for us! I read LadyParts's comment as just her speculation, but yeah, there have definitely been other comments before that have demanded the story play out in certain ways, or made assumptions about the characters that had yet to be established. Not that it wasn't cool to see people invested, but there have been presumptions now and then, as you said.

@Anon "nice!"

Haha, I can't help my puns. Expect more!

@Anon "Bartholomew Bosephius Wellington the IV"

Hilarious contribution, definitely using.

@Anon "Death"

More than one person dies in the next chapter, though sadly Alexander is not among them!

@Anon "Him Cave FIRST!"

She did technically win this round, since he wasn't able to get her to speak before the night was out! As for the trendy comment - haha, she can't help a bit of internal sass, even when she's being detached.

@Anon "I bet the maids told the king"

Nah, they didn't suspect what the tea's purpose was for. So her secret is safe - for now...


I always say this, but you write the best comments!! Always a blast to see how stuff came across to you.

First of all, so glad that it lived up to your expectations and the hotness didn't disappoint. ;) We're just writing what we're into ourselves, so I think we must just share a lot of similar perverted tastes! Like, I also don't like body hair - for men too, which is why Obsivian men naturally don't have chest hair (shameless, but possible!). And of course we had to finagle some way for Alais to get smooth too, so what better way than to have Alexander share the preference and just decide "nope, gonna just wax her whether or not she likes it." Such a dick move, yes - he's the kind of dick moves. The rope and riding crop stuff were dick moves number two and three, on top of that, so he's rounded himself off pretty well, hahaha. He doesn't even think he's been that awful; in his mind it's like - well, she didn't speak when I ordered her to, so what else am I supposed to do? You're right in that it was a pretty intense experience for her second time though...he kinda got carried away. But hey, there's plenty more up his sleeve! As you mentioned, he didn't whip her all that long this time, for one! The dickishness is just beginning.

Haha, he didn't mean to leave her hanging! Well, he did, but not for the entire night. Juuust long enough for her to give in, but of course, that didn't happen, and extenuating circumstances kinda frustrated their plans.

He did manage to be pretty convincingly nice in the beginning, didn't he? Buuut as always, he can never seem to keep at it for long, poor guy. And yeah, Alais is picking her fights. It frustrates me sometimes when noncon heroines are inane in how they rebel - some spark is great, but constant spazing out isn't a great survival strategy! Alais doesn't want to give in, but she's trying to use her head and figure out how she can best resist him without overly endangering herself.

lady_temilylady_temilyabout 8 years agoAuthor
Individual Replies 2


Thank you so much!

@Anon "Awesome so far"

Thanks! Yeah, he's an asshole, but relative to other noncon male protagonists, he's actually not been too terrible to her (very relatively). It's something we've been careful about!


Thank you!


Yeah, having Alais be pragmatic was definitely something we focused on! And haha, yes, Alexander is a jerk but a lovable jerk (in our opinion), not least because he's sooo ridiculous. So glad that both of the characters are coming across to you as we intended!

@IllariaLannister and @Anon "Love love love"

Ahhh, you guys are so flattering! We'll make sure to keep those updates coming.

@Anon "Laziness"

You're right, it's not too hard to come up with names! We could just pick them off sites pretty easily. As the Anon down there said, though, this was meant as a fun game for the readers, as a way of participating (if minutely) in the story - if they wanted. As a sidenote, I'm impressed that you've read to the sixth chapter if you find us/the story so lazy!

@Anon "Yet another perfect chapter"

Aww, thank you! Sometimes noncon can be so bleak and serious - not to say there aren't dark themes in this story, because there are, but it's nice to lighten the mood with some humor here and there. I hope you did well on your exam!

@Anon "low rating"

Ratings can be pretty wonky sometimes, especially if a few people bomb with one stars; based on how averages work, it can take 10+ five star ratings to null out a single one star. So we aren't too worried, and unfortunately will be continuing to write. Your concern is admirable though. ;)

@Anons "Loving it!" and "Negative Comments"

Thank you for your kind words - you guys are always so supportive when we get random flak from comments, haha. But yeah, we're totally cool with constructive comments, but never too sure what to do when it's just negative vitriol. (Besides ignoring it, as you said.) And focusing on the more encouraging comments, of course!


He's pretty mean, yes! And he'll probably continue to be mean. He also does have a heart, though it's buried very very deep. It remains to be seen if she can unearth it!

@Anon "Wonderful story!"

Ethan will be making more appearances later, yes, and there's more to be learned about him. Obsivian culture is generally pretty barbaric, so in their society, Alexander's actions aren't seen as badly as say in more civilized countries; Ethan's mostly reluctantly resigned about the whole thing, which is a laughable under-reaction to Alexander's atrocities...but it does fit in the context of Obsivian morals. As for Alexander and Alais, they have a long journey ahead of them.

@Anons "5 stars!" and "I actually like"

Good, because he's going to continue of being awful and cruel, haha! From time to time, anyway.

@"Loving it!"

Yes, Alexander is missing their banter, though he won't admit it in those words. A mindless puppet is pretty boring! I'm glad you can recognize that his actions, though brutal, take place in an overall brutal world. That's not to say he isn't still awful and cruel, because he is (even by those standards), but he definitely is a product of his time; in context, his violence isn't thaaat out of the ordinary. And we do try to give him some depth - case in point, his first instinct this chapter wasn't to be rough, but to be gentle. Though admittedly that didn't last, haha.


Thoughts of publishing are pretty far from our minds, but thank you for your vote of confidence!


That was basiiiically his plan that night, before some extenuating circumstances pulled him away. Though he did want to wait long enough to tempt her to give it - which didn't work out, unfortunately for him!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Or Agard or Devereaux or Adell

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Names and Comments

Tharion perhaps might be an interesting name, or perhaps something more along the lines of: Victoria, Rosalyn, Nathaniel, Marcus, Gavin, Gregory, or maybe Vanessa.

I do greatly enjoy your writing, good writing is hard to come by now days, and I do hope you will continue this work although within the aspects of reason. All good things must come to an end and this can be no different sadly, although the story does promise a great deal of possibility as well as some interesting path altering choices to come, meaning that neither the two of you talented writers or your readers should worry any time soon.

I must thank you for the characters of Alexander and Alais as they are highly enjoyable and in my (somewhat) humble opinion compliment each other rather nicely. Please keep up the good work and best of luck with your career and your studies.

-A Grateful Reader

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
names for your list

Sarah for a lass and Owen for a man.

Your work on this story is good, four stars at least. I understand

the way she is turning inward. It is not a reaction that is explored

often. Keep writing please.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

I was really enjoying your writing but this chapter has bored me silly! What a pain in the arse. Paragraph after paragraph of the same guff! Won't be reading the remainder. I have a feeling those who are fans are bored and frustrated, this? Has lost the pace.

ColddesireColddesirealmost 8 years ago

Her silence is an interesting concept, but for the sake of the book and of entertainment I hope it ceases next chapter. Otherwise the book will be a bore , unless something utterly unexpected happens .

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Silence is a child's game, and should have no place in these stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I'm not sure what the other comments are talking about. I thought the silence was a good addition to the story, it's a good showing of her character!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

This is a small thing… but did you mix up a riding crop and a flogger? I was thrown momentarily by the tendrils lol

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