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It started in Human Biology Class.
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Audrey called and said we were going to a film noir festival and I was to wear my Steve Job's outfit. Her voice was terse and preemptory. "Pick me up at seven and be prepared to stay out late."

Audrey was my new girlfriend. At least she called herself my girlfriend. One morning, she slipped in next to me in Human Biology and said, out of nowhere, "I've been looking for you."

I sat there, frozen, wondering how one of the prettiest, most talented girls in my class could be looking for me. I was a junior in Civil Engineering, not exactly a major that gets attention from girls. I actually liked Civil. I was the third generation of males in my family to make Civil Engineering a career.

"Say something." She looked at me sidewise.

"Um, have I done something wrong?" I looked carefully across at her. Mostly my eyes were trapped by the embroidered sweater with two impressive projections.

"That is a very pretty sweater."

"I made it myself. With some help from my mother. My father says I am to get to know you."

"Um, I don't think I have met your father."

"That's right, dummy. Our fathers are the ones who know each other. My dad admires your father's work and told me you probably would be a safe boyfriend for his precious daughter."

I sagged back in my seat and was saved from further conversation by the arrival of one of the RA's, who announced he had the class today because Professor Morgenthau was called urgently to Washington for a meeting at the White House.

An elbow arrived hard into my ribs. "Biology at the White House?"

I laughed out loud and eyes turned our way, to catch Audrey with my hand in hers, boldly bending the middle finger back and forth with a grin on her face. The whole room dissolved.

Even the RA broke up. "Alright, folks, back to the lecture. Today we are covering mammalian reproductive strategies..."

This time, people were rolling in the aisles. The proper girls were trying to look offended. Audrey whispered, "You have a beautiful blush," and kissed my lips ever so lightly.

The RA was sitting down, his shoulders shaking. Finally, he spoke, "Just for that, we are having a pop quiz." He ignored the groan, and continued, "Before you leave the room, I want a short essay on the most important reason why you are chasing a mate, and what his or her response to your efforts is. If you aren't actually chasing someone right now, you are to imagine that you are. In your essay, you must include a description of your victim - oops - I mean prospective mate."

Audrey was kissing the back of my hand, and said, "Timothy, this is great. I'm going to tell Dad that he helped me ace the pop quiz. He sent me looking for a guy who turns out to be mate material."

She looked up and batted her eyes. "You have to kiss me now. I require more personal knowledge of your talents."

I leaned over cautiously and she met me halfway. More than halfway. My brain had no idea what was going on, but the alpha male parts knew an invitation when they heard one. Ignoring the people around us, I eased her into my lap where I took an intense kiss at the same time I slipped a hand under her sweater to investigate the body beneath.

The girl next to me said, "Not in here, for god's sake." The guy on the far side said, "Cheryl, he is helping her write. Don't you want the same treatment?"

Audrey's aggression went viral. In a minute or two, makeout was in full swing, except for a sad few who didn't seem able to pair up.

The RA said, "Remember, you can't leave the room without turning in your essay."

Eyes turned to the clock. Class was half over already. I discovered Audrey was out of my lap and writing furiously. She looked up and said, "Get busy, I am not writing two of these."

I grabbed pen and paper and thought hard. As far as I knew, until a few minutes ago, I wasn't chasing a mate. The idea hadn't even entered my head. But I was allowed to imagine the mate and the chase. I reached over and grasped the muscular thigh next to me.

"What are you doing?"

"Just checking. I have to describe the mate I am chasing. My story says you are a jock and you make me run with you, so I am actually chasing my mate."

"That is the sappiest line I have ever heard. I play women's soccer, and men are not on the field."

Writing as fast as I could, I said, "This story says I kidnapped you to the trail behind the campus and chased you for three miles before you dragged me into a sunny pasture and had violent sex in the warm afternoon sun."

"You are not serious."

"Actually, the more I think about it, the better the idea is. What about a little exercise after class instead of a fattening lunch?

"We need to talk."

Hurrying to finish on time, we walked out into the warm sunshine I had just been writing about. Audrey said, "I'm sorry I dumped on you in there. My dad really did tell me to look you up. Do you let girls ask you for a date?"

There was a tree handy along the path, and I backed Audrey's impressive body against it, my hands bracketing her shoulders, my lips very close to hers. She had dark green eyes that were wide and expectant.

"Yes, I would like to go out with you. Do I get more kisses like we had in class?"

"Yes, but what about the sunny meadow? Is there one back there?"

"We could change and find out. You are not having sex on a first date, are you?"

She punched me and laughed. "I didn't ask Dad about sex. You are signed up for yes means yes?"

"I'm signed up for never knowing what the girl is thinking or what she means."

This time, the punch was harder. "When I say yes, Timothy McGinnis, you are going to know exactly what I mean. Exactly..."

I bowed my head slowly down to her shoulder. "Yes, mistress."

She hissed in my ear, "You are some kind of jock yourself. What is your sport?"

"Middle distance running. But that was only in high school. Engineers actually have to study, if you didn't know."

She bent over to check my legs and muttered, "I can be violent."

"I already know that. Said in class that you were having violent sex with me in a sunny meadow."

She straightened up and wrapped arms around me. "Damn it, Tim, you are turning me on. I caught my folks doing it outdoors one time. It looked like a lot of fun."

I hugged her back and pinched her bottom. It was my turn to hiss. "Let's turn my imaginary story into the real thing."

She grabbed my hand and pulled me along. "Whatever happens, I can blame it all on Dad."

After two quick dorm stops, we were actually on the running path, steaming along. She was a few paces in front on a narrow stretch, giving me a view of her fine body, striding easily, straight as an arrow.

I caught up. "You lied. Someone has coached you about running."

She tossed her hair and took off. I was a little rusty, but it felt like low seven minute pace. She wasn't gasping either. I wished I had my running watch. We came around a corner and damned if there wasn't a nice sunny clearing. She ran to the middle of it and collapsed with a giant sigh.

I fell beside her and grabbed a hand to kiss and massage. "You are dangerous and devious. I don't know any girls in our class who can do seven minute miles."

"I ran in high school too, but soccer is a lot more fun." Her tan face broke into a marvelous smile. "I guess we are history? Too many lies already?"

"You are just trying to avoid the violent sex you promised."

I sat up and took her legs into my lap. My fingers probed and she moaned.

"What if we have a real date and work up to the violent part?"

I extracted my mobile and handed it to her. "Call your dad and ask him if it is ok to date me. Tell him I look dangerous."

She switched around so we could kiss, and giggled into my mouth. I scowled at her and growled.

She tapped in a number and put it on speaker. After two rings, a deep male voice answered, "Audrey, what's up?"

"I have a report on that guy you asked me to check out."

"Timothy McGinnis? His father's engineering company gets a lot of business from us. What is he like?"

"I sat next to him in Hum Bio class. The instructor said the lecture was about mammalian reproductive strategies."

"My god, daughter, that sounds terrible. Is that the one where they have those slides of male and female parts?"

Audrey and I broke out laughing. "Audrey, is he with you? Where are you?"

"Oh dad, this is such fun. I am lying in his lap in the sun in a meadow. We had a run together and are all sweaty, and he just gave me a really hot kiss. Is it ok if we go out?"

"Put him on."

"Hi, Mr. Collins, your daughter is something else. Hits on me out of the blue, and then shows me her fine rear on the running path. I promise to take good care of her. Not like some of those frat guys."

"Timothy, I am glad to hear it. She runs circles around her mom and me. We can't keep up. Please call me Jack."

She grabbed the phone back. "Dad, Timothy and I have to go. Class is in an hour..."

She turned over and flopped on my chest, grinding her pelvis into mine. "What am I going to do with two alpha males in my life?"

My fingers crept under the elastic in her shorts and cupped what they found there. "Relax and enjoy it. A lot of women don't have one male after them."

Her lips and tongue explored mine. "Loving in this meadow doesn't have to be violent, does it?"

"You brought it up. Are you into rough sex?"

She jumped to her feet, pulling me with her. "Maybe, but not here. When are you taking me on this fancy date?"

She was going a mile a minute down the path. I gasped out, "What fancy date? You keep making up stories about us."

She wanted a serious sprint back to campus and I barely kept her in sight.

Audrey ran straight into her dorm without looking back. I pulled up and walked to my building thinking dark thoughts about crazy women.

After dinner, I was in the middle of a calculus problem set when my cell chimed.

"I'm sorry."

"Who is this calling? I don't recognize your voice."

"Friday night. Dress up. Jack wants to talk to you. He is buying us dinner."

"I don't know. Girls and engineering don't seem to mix."

"I promise to behave. Can I come over and apologize in person?"

"Lockout is in an hour."

"I don't care. I'd rather be locked in with you. Are you in a single?"

"This better be good." Click.

My fingers remembered the tight curve of her behind. And the press of her front on me, mashing my hardness. And the madness of her running away.

I examined the forbidden stash of beer in the tiny refrigerator. One was definitely needed. Two if she wanted her own.

The knock on my door was soft. She had on jogging tights and one of those bulky cable knit sweaters. Grabbed me around the chest and propelled us onto the narrow bed. Kisses everywhere, with "I'm sorry," in the spaces. She had flipped the light off and her eyes sparkled in the dimness of the street glow.

"I'm not a tease."


Another hot kiss. "I swear I'm not. I don't know what got into me out there. Let's get naked and I'll prove it."

I pulled the blanket up and put my hands back where they were in the afternoon sun in the meadow.

"Am I forgiven?" She was wiggling quietly and there was a catch in her voice.

"Why is a smart, pretty girl like you wasting time on a Civil Engineer?" I probed with my fingers and she clenched her glutes. How could I deal with a girlfriend who outran me?

"Don't you need a helper to do surveys? Someone to hold that pole thingy?"

"It's called a target."

Her tongue licked mine. "Um, I could be your target."

"You are already in bed with me. Making me all hard and wanting you."

"Better. We are making progress. Can I call Jack and tell him we are naked and just made mad passionate love?"

"What will your mother say?"

"She likes to grab him in the crotch and tell him he's bad."

"She gets taken upstairs?"

"Sometimes they don't bother. Just tell me to get lost. Are you going to do it or what? This conversation is making me wet."

I slipped the tights down over her ass and farther... "I think we have to wait. What about the first date and light makeout?"

"Damn, you are difficult. We have to do more than talk the talk."

"I've never been with a girl who is so verbal."

She sat up. "Can I have that beer I saw on the table?"

Audrey stood next to the bed and took the rest of her clothes off. Slowly, eyes fastened on mine.


Her running body was dark shadows in the street light. She twisted the top off the beer and took a big gulp, handing the bottle over.

"That's not a first date look you are giving me."

I held the bottle high, feeling the cold slide down my throat, needing time to figure out this incredible person standing with hands on hips, showing me everything in the darkness.

I handed the bottle back and stood to remove my own clothes. She put the beer down and stepped forward, hands finding my hard cock and stroking. There was going to be a mess in seconds.

"A little voice is still telling me we should wait."

"A little voice is telling me not to let you get away."

I folded us into the bed and lay there in a tight hug, not making any moves. Her hand was still wrapped around him, gently squeezing.

"If we go to dinner with your folks, is there a sleepover in your own bed?"

Her hands reached for my hair and pulled our lips together in a long, soft kiss.

She laughed in the darkness. "Timothy, you are being romantic. Want to prove your love in my bed? The bed I've slept in since I was a little girl?"

"Beats a dorm."

She turned away and lay on her back. "You are not like any guy I've gone out with."

"We could ambush your dad into taking us somewhere he needs a survey corner or two."

"OMG. I suppose I have to wear my torn daisy dukes, and the top that ties under my tits? And hold that awful phallic symbol?"

"Think of it as foreplay."

She leaned over and fastened teeth on my nipple, tugging. My fingers found her nipple. Her much superior nipple.

"Take me," she whispered.

I slid home easily in a wet and ready cunt. She squeezed and humped. I grunted quietly in her ear. She moaned, "Yes. More. You are so good in there. I need this."

I thought everything was going too fast, and then we were coming together, stifling noise in the quiet dorm. And just holding tight, coupled and not wanting it to end. I flipped her on top.

The sparkle in her eyes was still there. "I knew I wasn't going home until we did this. But you had me scared."

"I'm not a one time kind of guy. I wasn't sure this would work. You are different."

Her head was down. "Will I get caught if we stay like this? All night?"

"Maybe we don't care. Maybe there has to be more before morning."

"What about the date and my own bed?" Her head was up and she was laughing.

"I thought the guy was supposed to do the seducing?"

"What if the girl is sure she has found the right guy?"

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I’m n love with Audrey

RRC2RRC2over 2 years ago

What a hoot!!! This is hilarious, sexy, and fun. Technically, it is well-developed, sophisticated and incredibly short. As with most of Sprite's work, leaves you wanting, hoping, wishing for more.


AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

In my opinion, SierraSprite is one of the most talented contributors to Literotica. This little jewel is a five-star example of why I feel that way!

rightbankrightbankover 8 years ago

We never got to know the characters

neosamneosamover 8 years ago

Only you can develop charcaters and story in such a short form

thanks for sharing

is there more to come?.

yur story is lovely

thanks again


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