Audrey's Awakening Pt. 04


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"Oh, my goodness," said Audrey as I handed her a delicate fluted glass and then popped the cork gently so as not to spray the interior of the limousine or spill anything on the plush, deep-pile carpeting. "Do we have time?"

I smiled at her and nodded as I filled her glass and then my own. "Actually, we do have a bit of driving time," I said, setting aside the bottle and then lifting my glass to her. She clinked her glass against mine.

"Happy birthday," I toasted."

"Thank you," she smiled, sipping from her glass. "Mmm...this is wonderful. We better not take too long to get where we're going, or I'm liable to be pretty loopy when we get there. I LOVE champagne."

I removed my blazer and settled back into the deep-piled velvet seat. "You just go ahead and indulge yourself," I said, smiling at her over the rim of my glass. "I'll look after the loopy woman when we get there."

"All right," she said, giggling girlishly once more. "So, tell me...where exactly ARE we going?"

"Would you believe...the Bellagio Hotel." I replied with a grin.

Audrey's eyes widened dramatically, "The BELLAGIO!" She gasped aloud. "But isn't that..."

"On the sunny Las Vegas Strip?" I interrupted, finishing her thought. "Why, yes, as a matter of fact, it is."

She gaped at me in astonishment and then her lips slowly curled into a smile, "You're taking me to Las Vegas?"

I nodded and toasted her with my glass.

Audrey sank back into the seat with a sigh of resignation and shook her head, "This is a lovely thought, Jessie. But I really didn't want you spending a lot of money on me like this."

"Listen," I said, sipping my champagne. "Larry has a girlfriend in Las Vegas and was happy to donate his services. He was going there anyway. And the suites at the Bellagio were actually beyond reasonable."

"SUITES!" She gasped, almost choking on her champagne as she abruptly sat up, her wide. "What suites? We're spending the night in Las Vegas?"

"Not to worry," I replied, smiling broadly and trying to look more self-assured than I actually felt at that moment. "Everything has been taken care of."

Audrey gasped again and shook her head, "Taken care of? I thought we were just going out to dinner, I'm not at all prepared to stay overnight anywhere. I don't even have anything to wear but this dress."

I nodded, leaning forward to smile at her, "Then I guess it's a good thing I had the foresight to bring along that suitcase that you never unpacked."

"My suitcase?" She repeated with yet another look of complete astonishment. "My suitcase is here?"

I nodded, "Carefully stowed away in the trunk along with my own."

She sat back into the seat once more and sipped her champagne with a thoughtful look. "Well, I suppose I'm slightly more mollified to know I at least have a change of clothes. But, damn it, Jessie, you really shouldn't spring things on me like this."

"I meant it to be a surprise," I answered. "And, if you think about it, I'm sure you'll realize it had to be that way. Because I doubt very seriously that you would have agreed to let me take you out to dinner in Las Vegas AND spend the night in a luxury hotel suite if I had told you about it beforehand."

Audrey pursed her lips thoughtfully and then nodded, "I see what you mean," she said. "And you're right, I doubt I would have ever agreed to something like this." She sat quietly, sipping her champagne for several moments, and I was beginning to worry that she might actually be a little unhappy with the plans I had made for her.

"Well," she said with a heavy sigh, "First of all, thank you very much for thinking so much of me to want to make my birthday something special. I'm sorry if I made it sound otherwise, it was just such a big surprise. long as we're off to Las Vegas," she added, holding out her empty champagne flute with a broad smile. "May I have some more champagne, please?"

Over the next hour, we each had several more glasses, almost emptying one entire bottle. Audrey loosened up dramatically, talking almost non-stop and laughing as we watched the city lights disappear and fade away behind us.

"Wow," she said, shaking her head, her words slightly slurred, "I can't believe I'm actually going to Las Vegas. I've always wanted to go there."

I nodded, "I hear it's a fun place," I said. "They say you can find whatever your heart desires there."

"So I've heard," she laughed, "What happens in Vegas...stays in Vegas," she said, repeating the commercial mantra we'd seen on television.

"Exactly," I said. "It's even the kind of place where you could have worn that sexy black dress of yours out in public without worrying, even slightly, what anyone might think of you."

I looked at her thoughtfully to try to gauge her reaction to what I just said, and her eyes widened. "Oh, my God, that's so true," she said with a thoughtful nod of her head. "I could have finally lived out my slutty fantasy in complete anonymity. What a hoot that would have been, huh? Can you just imagine?"

She bit her lip thoughtfully and looked out the back window of the limousine, "I suppose we've come too far now to actually turn around and go back for the dress, haven't we? Damn, I can't think of a better opportunity to ever wear the damn thing."

"Actually," I began tentatively. "I was kind of hoping you might feel that way because...well, because I sort of took the liberty of putting your dress into a garment bag and put it into the trunk with your suitcase."

Her mouth opened, her lips forming a perfect 'O', "You didn't!" She gasped, her face a mask of astonishment.

"I most certainly did," I said, raising my glass to her with a self-satisfied smile. "Not only that, but I also brought along those very sexy stiletto heels as well. Like you once told me, you can't wear that dress with just any pair of shoes. Right?"

Audrey laughed aloud, covering her mouth with her fingertips. "Oh, my God," she said through her fingers. "It's really going to happen, isn't it?"

"It is," I returned with a broad smile of satisfaction. "And speaking personally, I can't wait to walk into that dining room with you on my arm tonight."

She sipped her champagne and smiled, "My stomach is going all butterflies just thinking about it."

"You're still free to back out of it," I offered, giving her an out if she wanted to take it. "Because the dress you're wearing now is perfectly suitable for a dinner date."

She looked at me thoughtfully for several moments and then shook her head. "Jessie, if I don't do this now, I know I'll never do it. And, damn it, it's high time I started asserted myself. I've done a lot of thinking since...well since I found Ken in bed with another woman. And frankly, I'm damned tired of being little miss goody two shoes and always trying to be the perfect wife and mother. I'm tired of envying my daughters always going out nightclubbing in their skimpy little outfits. I WANT to dress sexy; it makes me FEEL sexy. And I WANT to feel sexy, I've always felt that way deep down inside but...well, I guess I also always felt that wasn't the way a housewife and mother was supposed to feel. Am I making sense?"

"Oh, perfectly," I responded, sipping my champagne and enjoying the way this conversation was going.

"Thank you," she said, smiling as she took a large swallow of her drink. "And...thank you also for everything you did for me yesterday. The way you comforted me and made me feel as if I wasn't so all alone. It really meant a lot to me. Thank you for that, and also for spending the night with me."

She paused and a little smile curved the corners of her mouth, "And I especially want to thank you for that amazing sex yesterday. In all honesty, until yesterday I never really physically enjoyed sex. I mean, oh sure, it always gave me a great amount of nurturing pleasure to give of my body to Ken for his pleasure. I liked pleasing him that way."

She smiled and reached over to take my hand in hers, "Spending those wonderful moments with you really opened my eyes about a lot of things missing in my life. And not just about having orgasms, but it also made me realize how I had been unconsciously repressing my true nature all these years. I feel as though I have just awoken from a bad dream."

She looked at me and smiled, "And, starting this very moment, I'm completely done with the old Audrey. I'm going to thoroughly enjoy my time with you in Las Vegas. I want to do everything there is to do there. I want to see the sights and gamble. I'm going to drink much more than I should, dress slutty, and flirt with every man I see."

"Wow," I said, smiling broadly. "I think I'm going to like the new Audrey."

"And so you should," she laughed, slapping my arm playfully. "Just make sure you're there to set me straight in case I've let things get out of hand."

"Are you kidding?" I laughed. "I'm not letting you out of my sight the entire time."

Audrey smiled broadly and sipped her drink. "Then let's start right now then, shall we?" She said, holding out her empty glass.

As luck would have it at that very moment, the limousine crested a rise and the neon glow of Las Vegas came into view. It wasn't long before the limousine was pulling into the valet parking area of the Bellagio and Larry was leaping out to get the door. He held his hand for Audrey and assisted her as she stepped from the vehicle while I exited from the other side.

Bellmen appeared with luggage carriers as if by magic and no sooner was the trunk opened then the carts were filled with our belongings. We were whisked into the lobby where an efficient desk person punched my name into her computer and then handed the keys to the bellman.

As we waited for an elevator, Audrey and I gaped in transfixed awe at the stunning ceiling of the lobby, which consisted entirely of multi-colored, blown glass flowers. Audrey beamed excitedly and held onto my arm as her eyes moved over the lobby and the bustling casino beyond.

Once our luggage was ensconced into our respective adjoining suites, we wandered about each suite together, appreciating the luxurious appointments as well as the stunning view of the Las Vegas Strip from the floor to ceiling wall of glass.

"Wow," I said, smiling at Audrey, "It's Disneyland for adults. I feel like a kid in the proverbial candy shop, what would you like to do first?"

Audrey didn't even have to think about it, "I hope it's not too early to eat," she said. "I'm absolutely starved.

I glanced at my watch to see the hour at just after six, "All right," I smiled, already looking forward to seeing her dressed for dinner. "Why don't you get dressed for dinner and I'll phone the dining room for reservations."

I retreated to my suite and closed the adjoining door. I quickly looked up the dining room number and made a reservation for two at seven. After hanging up, I quickly showered and shaved, changing into my suit and splashing some cologne onto my face.

I had just finished when I heard the soft knock at the connecting door between our adjoining suites. Audrey opened the door a few inches and stuck her head into the room, her face wreathed in smiles.

"I need your help with something," she said, opening the door wider to reveal she was, indeed wearing her stunning dress.

I gaped in awe and admiration as Audrey stepped gingerly into the room and closed the door behind her. She looked even more stunningly sensual than I had remembered and she, quite literally, took my breath away. The sheer fabric seemed to lovingly caress every swell and curve of her body and revealed her deep, voluptuous cleavage shamelessly. Her large, full breasts inundated the small strips of material that constituted the bodice of her dress and swayed alluringly with every step she took. Her legs were completely bare, shaved to a glistening sheen and the smooth, unbroken line of her body from hips to knees provided striking evidence to the fact that she wore absolutely nothing beneath her dress.

She smiled self-consciously and slowly turned in a circle with her arms outstretched. "Is it still all right?"

"Holy shit." I gasped appreciatively, feeling my cock stir with longing as my eyes moved over her.

Her eyes widened apprehensively, "Is holy shit a good thing or bad?" She asked. "I can change back into the other dress in only a minute or so."

"Don't you dare," I said, unable to tear my eyes from her unbelievable body. "God. Mom, you look even better than I remembered. You're going to devastate every man in the dining room."

She laughed demurely, color rising to her cheeks as she turned to study her reflection in the mirror. "God," she said as she smoothed the dress over her hips. "I feel like I'm practically naked."

"I see that," I replied with a broad appreciative grin.

She turned away from the mirror, biting her lip thoughtfully, "But, I need your advice. When I bought the dress, I knew I needed the shoes to go along with it. But, looking at myself in the mirror, I see I forgot to think at all about my hair."

"What's wrong with your hair?" I asked, already knowing what she was going to say.

"It's a...well, a mature woman's hairstyle. And personally, I think it ruins the whole look. What do you think?"

I nodded, watching her as she moved her fingers through her hair pushing it around to different looks. She took a comb from the dressing table and combed her hair straight back from her forehead and on each side of her head. "How's this?"

I smiled, it changed her entire look and gave her a Vogue magazine kind of stylish look. "I like it," I smiled. "I like it a lot."

"Oh," she said, turning to make her way back into her suite. "I think I have just the thing."

"How about this?" She said moments later wearing a pair of sunglasses. They were over-large, with tortoiseshell frames, the glass smoked dark to light from top to bottom.

"Excellent," I smiled. "Very Sophia Loren-ish."

"Hey, very good," said Audrey with a smile. "These actually are one of her fashion line of sunglasses."

It was surprising how much something so small and insignificant as changing her hairstyle and wearing glasses could change her overall appearance.

"Wow, Mom, you look absolutely amazing," I said again as she turned and leaned into the mirror to adjust her lipstick. "I think changing your hair and wearing those glasses changes your normal appearance enough that even someone who knows you might not even recognize you."

Audrey smiled at me in the mirror. "I like that," she said. "That eases my mind a little."

She turned and sighed heavily, "Well, it's now or never," she said with a shrug of her shoulders. "Let's get out of here before I have a chance to change my mind."

We exited the suite and made our way down the long hallway toward the elevator. As we neared the elevator, the bell rang to announce that the elevator had just arrived and, as we approached, the doors parted and a middle-aged couple began to exit.

Audrey clung to my arm, her fingers gripping me tightly as the couple passed and we entered the elevator.

As the doors began to close, the woman's voice was hushed but clearly audible as she spoke. "HERB! Put your eyes back in your head. Honestly."

Audrey giggled softly, "Well, I certainly seemed to have made quite an impression on both of them."

"And, if I'm not mistaken, I think his eyes almost had a heart attack," I replied with a broad grin.

Moments later the doors parted to reveal the opulence of the grand dining room. "Oh, my," said Audrey as we stepped from the elevator and looked around. "This looks frightfully expensive, Jessie. Are you sure you want to eat here?"

"Absolutely," I said, guiding Audrey with my hand at the small of her back as we crossed the foyer to the podium where stood the dining room hostess in a long satin gown. "This is a celebration, and nothing but the best will do."

The hostess glanced at Audrey and then looked away with an air of moderate boredom as if to say she had seen it all in Las Vegas and nothing shocked or surprised her anymore. She looked through the reservation list as I gave her my name and then picked up two leather-bound menus. "If you will follow me, please," she said with a warm smile.

As we passed through the dining area, I couldn't help but smile to notice how Audrey added a more pronounced sway to her hips as we passed the other tables. I watched as heads turned and eyes popped, and forkfuls of victuals were held motionless before gaping mouths. The hostess led us to a curved booth that faced a window and looked out over the large lighted lake and fountains at the front of the Bellagio.

"Oh, wow," I said, captivated by the view. "This is amazing."

"It's absolutely stunning," beamed Audrey as we seated ourselves and began to peruse the menus.

"Did you happen to notice the reaction you created as we walked through the dining room?" I said, leaning closer to her.

"I certainly did," said Audrey with a smile as her face flushed slightly. "And t be perfectly honest, I rather enjoyed my little moment of notoriety."

"Did you now?" I asked, raising my eyebrows at her. "How very slutty of you."

Audrey laughed and winked at me. Moments later our waiter arrived with a flourish. He introduced himself and told us what the specials of the house were that evening, his eyes dropping to Audrey's spectacular cleavage several times as he spoke.

We ordered a bottle of Merlot and we each ordered the filet mignon. As the wine steward arrived and uncorked our bottle, the water show began outside, and all heads turned to watch the display. All heads except for our wine steward.

Audrey gasped pleasurably, her eyes wide with joy and fascination as the beautiful water show began. The wine steward, for his part, filled our glasses and attempted to covertly hover behind Audrey in order to get a better look down the front of her dress.

"Thank you," she purred almost seductively, smiling warmly at the wine steward as she lifted her glass and sipped her wine.

"Is the wine to your liking?" He asked graciously, glancing down once more lingeringly.

"Oh, it's very nice, thank you," said Audrey, smiling up at him with the color rising in her cheeks.

"I would be happy to bring you another bottle right away if this one displeases you," said the steward, so obviously obsequious in order to remain hovering over Audrey.

Audrey smiled up at him warmly and crossed her legs with a sensual slowness that only women with beautiful legs are able to do. I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing aloud to watch as the steward made a herculean attempt to keep his eyes on Audrey's eyes and managed to fail miserably.

"Oh!" Said Audrey, turning her head to focus on the fountain show once more. "It's so beautiful."

I glanced out the window and then surreptitiously back at the steward in time to see his move over Audrey almost hungrily as he licked his lips.

"Just let me know if you need anything else," he stammered as he finally backed away.

"Thank you," smiled Audrey batting her eyes almost flirtatiously.

"Well," I said, leaning closer and lowering my voice. "He certainly seemed quite taken by you. Wouldn't you say?"

Audrey smiled and lowered her eyes demurely, "I think that's putting it mildly," she said. "His eyes were all over me."

I laughed, "Well," I said with a wink. "If I didn't know any better, I might think you enjoyed his attention almost shamelessly."

She smiled demurely and slapped my arm playfully.

We toasted one another and sipped our wine, enjoying the water show. As the show ended and most of the diners resumed eating, a small three-piece jazz trio began to play. Audrey and I swiveled our heads to look in the direction of the music and watched as a couple stood from their table and made their way onto the small dance floor in front of the stage.