Audrey's Awakening Pt. 04


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"They certainly sound awfully good," she said, her eyes on the musicians. "Is that Moon River they're playing?"

"It is, indeed," I smiled. "Would you like to dance?"

Audrey turned to me and smiled, "I would love to," she responded.

I stood and offered her my hand. As she slid from the booth, her knees parted momentarily, providing a very fleeting, yet absolutely stunning glimpse of her pubic hair. She rose and took my hand, her eyes on mine, and laughed softly.

"You're almost as bad as the wine steward," she said, as she adjusted the hem of her dress.

I felt my cheeks flush, I hadn't thought I had been anywhere near as blatant about looking as the wine steward had been and it was moderately embarrassing to have Audrey call me on it.

"Sorry," I said, smiling sheepishly. "In my own defense, all I can say is I'm a guy. It's inherent in our nature to always look at beautiful women."

Audrey laughed softly and bent to lightly kiss my cheek, "There's no reason to be embarrassed about it," she said, giving me a little wink. "And I certainly wasn't offended."

As we meandered through the dining room tables toward the dance floor, I smiled to see heads turning, men nudging other men and women leaning across tables to speak in quiet tones to their male companions.

I turned and faced Audrey on the dance floor, and she raised her eyes to mine. Even in the dim lighting, I could see her face flushed with the excitement to have been the center of everyone's attention once more. I smiled and slipped my hand along her waist to the small of her back as she took my other hand and we began to move to the slow rhythm of the music.

In her heels, she stood a few inches taller than me, and something about that size difference I found to be surprisingly exciting and even arousing. I couldn't help but wonder what the other people in the room might be speculating about our relationship. I held her close, her breasts pressed provocatively against my chest and I was forced to do some mental gymnastics to keep from getting an erection and tenting my slacks, it would have been obscenely noticeable.

Audrey laughed softly; her lips close to my ear. "I can almost feel everyone's eyes on me," she said.

"That's because YOU...are, without even the slightest exaggeration, the sexiest woman in the entire room," I said with a smile.

Audrey raised her head to look into my eyes, her lashes fluttering in obvious flustered embarrassment. "Well...I...doubt that very much," she whispered, "But, thank you for saying so."

"They're probably wondering how on earth a short little, average looking guy like me managed to persuade such a sexual goddess to a dinner date," I replied with a laugh.

Audrey opened her mouth as if shocked by what I said, "I doubt THAT," she retorted with a smile. "They're probably wondering something more along the lines of...How did that fat old cow manage to finagle a date with such a cute young guy?"

I laughed aloud, "Touché," I said. "But seriously...I'll bet almost everyone is wondering exactly WHAT our relationship is."

"Oh...I don't doubt THAT for a minute," she replied. "I'm enjoying this very much."

As we slowly turned and I faced toward the band, the upright bass player, an elderly black gentleman, smiled broadly at me and held his thumb up as if to congratulate me on my choice of dancing partner. Moments later, as we turned more and Audrey's back was to the band, I slid my hands down over her hips to caress her buttocks.

"Jessie!" Said Audrey, her eyes widening in surprise.

"Just teasing the band," I replied, smiling broadly.

She laughed and her entire body shook against mine. "You're so BAD," she replied.

"Sorry," I said with a laugh, as I lifted my hand to a more respectable height.

Audrey laughed and tightened her embrace about my neck, kissing my cheek. "I was only surprised, not offended," she said.

As the music ended and we parted, I approached the bandstand and slipped a twenty-dollar bill into a tip-jar at the front of the stage.

"Thank you, gentlemen," I smiled. "You guys are amazing players."

"No," smiled the bassist. "Thank YOU for leading that lovely lady onto the dance floor. We in the band haven't had that much entertainment in a LONG time."

I turned and took Audrey's hand and led her from the floor, as the band struck up an up-tempo number, we meandered through the tables once more to our booth by the window.

As we resumed our places in the booth, Audrey slid over very close to me and slipped her arm about my neck. "Thank you," she said, her face flushed with pleasure. "You have made this little fantasy of mine happen so beautifully." She kissed my cheek once more and then moved away to resume her position.

"Now," she said, taking up her small clutch purse. "Before dinner actually arrives, I just need to visit the ladies' room to freshen up a little bit."

Just then, our waiter was passing near our booth, and Audrey raised her hand to signal him. He smiled and directed her to the ladies' lounge near the front foyer by the elevators.

Audrey looked at me pointedly and rolled her eyes, smiling broadly. "Of course," she said. "Nothing like parading myself through the entire dining room several more times."

With that, she stood and made her way back toward the foyer. I watched her cross the room, smiling pleasurable to notice her emphasized provocative sway to her hips as she walked, her head held high as she quite literally owned the room.

Near the foyer, a table of four young men spoke to Audrey as she passed. Audrey paused near their table, responding to them and speaking momentarily until finally making her way to the ladies' room.

As she left the room, the four men put their heads together, gesticulating excitedly. I smiled; Audrey had obviously made a rather dramatic impression on them.

Several minutes later, as Audrey entered the dining room, the men at the table spoke to her once more. I watched as Audrey turned and spoke to them again at some length, nodding and smiling graciously, before turning on her heel and wending her way back to our booth.

She arrived back at our booth positively buoyant, her face flushed and smiling broadly. "Oh, my god," she said as she resumed her seat in the booth. "Did you see me with those young men just now?"

"I did," I replied. "And I hope they were being respectful."

"Oh, yes," she replied, smiling and nodding emphatically. "They're just college kids, out here from Florida for spring break. And they were very nice and polite. But, judging from their reactions as we spoke, it suddenly struck me how dressed as I am, I suddenly felt a kind of power like I've never experienced before. Do you know what I mean?"

I nodded and smiled; reasonably sure I knew exactly the power she possessed while wearing that dress.

"I mean...while speaking to them, I actually felt like I was a big piece of cake that everyone at the table wanted. God, I've never in my life felt desired before. And I have to admit, the feeling was absolutely intoxicating. I think that, if I had seriously wanted to, I could have had any one of them in my bed tonight."

"Or," I added, toasting her with the remains of the champagne in my glass. "I would strongly suspect you could have had even more than one."

Audrey gasped in astonishment. "Oh, my god," she said, softly, fanning her cheeks with her fingertips. "I hadn't thought of that, but wow, you're probably right."

"Well, you know what they say," I responded with a raised eyebrow. "What happens in Vegas..."

"STAYS in Vegas," we both said, laughing aloud in unison.

She took a deep breath and sighed with a smile, "I think that's a fantasy better left for another time. I'm still enjoying the one I'm living right now too much."

At that moment, our dinners arrived, and the waiter served us with a flourish as the wide-eyed wine steward hovered once again at Audrey's shoulder to refill her glass.

"Thank you," she cooed seductively at him, leaning forward slightly to hold out her glass and also to give him an even more revealing glimpse of her cleavage.

"Oh," he stammered, obviously flustered by her overt flirtatiousness. "Believe me, It's my distinct pleasure. Please, enjoy your dinners."

As the wine steward turned and walked away, Audrey inclined her head toward me and winked playfully. "You know," she said, whispering conspiratorially. "It's a little embarrassing to admit, but I think I could actually become rather fond of all this fawning adoration."

I laughed and toasted her with my wine glass, "My God," I said. "I've created a MON-STAH!" I replied in my best Boris Karloff imitation.

Audrey laughed and sipped her wine. We toasted one another a second time and then began to dine. The dinner was superb, the filets were perfectly grilled. Halfway through the dinner, the wine steward returned carrying another bottle of wine. Before I could say to him that we would probably be fine with just the one bottle, he smiled knowingly and winked at Audrey.

"Actually, this bottle of wine is courtesy of the gentlemen at table number four," he said, gesturing toward the table by the door where the four college guys all smiled and lifted their glasses to us.

"Oh," said Audrey, smiling warmly at the wine steward. "How very sweet of them, will you please be sure and thank them for me?" As he began to move away, she leaned forward and reached out, placing her hand over his arm. "And please," she continued, smiling up at him almost flirtatiously. "If you would be so kind as to send this bottle down to our room, I would appreciate it very much."

"Certainly, Ma'am," he responded, his eyes widening at the intimacy of her contact and the revealing view of her cleavage.

"You're really enjoying all this, aren't you?" I laughed as the steward moved away.

Audrey smiled and sipped her wine, licking her lips. "It's the new me," she said with a wink.

"You've got that poor wine steward so rattled by flirting with him that way, I'm surprised he hasn't spilled wine all over the table." I continued.

Audrey laughed playfully. "I guess, deep down inside, I really do enjoy the teasing and flirting. I've never done anything like this before in my life...and I find it positively exhilarating. It actually even turns me on a little."

The waiter arrived with the bill and placed it before me. I placed the complimentary ticket on the tray with the bill along with a one hundred dollar bill as a tip. He bowed and smiled, whisking the tray away and turning his heel to leave the table.

"That was a rather hefty tip," said Audrey with a canted eyebrow as we stood to make our way out of the dining room.

I nodded and smiled, "I suppose," I nodded. "But I thoroughly enjoyed watching him and the waiter falling all over themselves to look down your dress." At the elevators, I glanced at my watch. It was still relatively early. "Why don't we try out luck down in the casino?" I suggested, smiling as Audrey's eyes lit up.

The elevator door opened on the casino floor with a rush of flashing lights and noise. Stepping into the casino was almost like stepping into a fantasyland. We wandered arm and arm about the huge floor space until Audrey became intrigued by a particular machine's flashing lights. She sat at the machine, her dress rising dramatically on her thighs, and crossed her legs demurely. She played the machine for a while, then moved to another...and another. Rather than gamble myself, I preferred to watch Audrey and the men around her reacting to her presence.

After a while, we retired to the casino lounge for a nightcap. We sipped Grand Marnier in the plush easy chairs, smiling and laughing at one another as we chatted. As she sat facing me with her legs crossed, I found myself every bit as captivated by her gorgeous legs as every other man she had come into contact with that evening.

"You know, Mom?" I began, toasting her with my glass, and then draining the contents. "In complete honesty, I believe you have the most beautiful legs I have ever seen."

Audrey smiled and leaned forward, taking the glass from my hand and setting it on the little table between us. "Well," she said, smiling teasingly. "If you're going to start fawning over me like all the other men around here, it's probably time you stopped drinking."

I laughed aloud and shook my head, "Booze has nothing to do with it, Mom. I'm a guy and I can't help myself. I notice."

Audrey smiled and drained her glass. "It's probably time we turned in anyway, don't you think? What time are we leaving tomorrow?"

I shrugged, "Not early," I responded tentatively, as I had yet to tell her about the two-night stay I had booked. "I'll call Larry in the morning."

We paid the tab and walked arm in arm to the elevators and then up to our floor. I walked Audrey to her room, leaning against the door jamb as she inserted her key card and unlocked the door.

"I can't thank you enough for tonight, Jessie," she said, smiling winsomely. "This has been a birthday that I'll never forget."

I smiled and leaned in, bringing my lips to hers and kissing her lightly, pulling away after lingering a little longer than I should have. Audrey's eyes widened in surprise as she just looked at me silently, bringing her fingertips to her lips.

I swallowed uncomfortably, suddenly realizing I had crossed a line with her. "Oh," I stammered, backing up a little. "I'm sorry, I...shouldn't have done that." I backpedaled to my door and keyed the lock as Audrey stood silently in front of her door with a look of bewilderment on her face.

"I'm sorry, Mom," I said. "Good night, I'll call you in the morning."

Audrey nodded, saying nothing, her fingertips still touching her lips. I quickly stepped into my room and shut the door, cursing myself for my stupidity. I had just kissed her in a way that was decidedly less than platonic, and I was sure I had ruined what up to then had been a perfect evening together. I smacked my forehead with the palm of my hand. "Way to go, ass hole. Fuck!"

I took off my suit jacket and tossed it carelessly onto an easy chair, thinking I would likely spend the rest of the night in front of the television. I picked up the remote and was about to switch on the television when there came a soft knock on the door that separated our suites.

I quickly opened the door and smiled. "Hey," I said. "I was..."

I got no farther because Audrey stepped quickly into the room, put her arms around my neck, and crushed her lips to mine. She kissed me with a passion that astonished me, her lips parting and finding the tip of my tongue with hers. We kissed for several moments, our mouths moving ever so sensually together.

She pulled back, breaking the kiss, her eyes searching mine. "Jessie, I'm so sorry," she said. "I acted a complete fool in the hallway just now, and I..."

I stopped her in mid-sentence, just as she had stopped me, by pressing my lips against hers and kissing her passionately. She moaned softly deep in her throat and I felt her body press warmly into mine. I encircled her waist with my arms and held her tightly to me and then slowly slid my hands down her back to tenderly caress the cheeks of her buttocks.

Audrey made another sound from deep in her throat and made no attempt to move my hands or pull away. I cupped her cheeks and pulled her tightly to me. I was fully erect after the first kiss and I wanted her to feel the urgency of my need for her.

I felt the muscles in her buttock cheeks flexing in my hands as she began to press her hips against mine and felt my traitorous erection swelling with the need for release way too soon. I grasped handfuls of her dress, pulling her dress up over her hips almost desperate to be inside her as I reached down to cup her bare buttocks and grind my erection against her pubic mound.

Audrey tore her lips from mine with a soft cry of her own need, her hands reaching to fumble with the front of my pants as her eyes searched mine almost imploringly. As my slacks fell to the floor, puddling around my ankles, Audrey roughly yanked down my briefs. As my cock sprang free from its confines, I pressed Audrey back against the wall, probing her silky pubic hair with the tip of my cock as I thrust into her rapidly with my need.

Audrey crushed her lips to mine once more as she parted her knees and I felt the warmth of her wet lips with the tip of my cock and thrust myself into her, penetrating her as deeply as I could and then thrusting hard a second time to penetrate her fully. She tore her lips from mine, crying out loudly as I thrust myself into her, her arms almost painfully tight around my neck with her cheek against mine.

"Oh, God!" She gasped, her hips moving to match the speed of my thrusts. "Oh, God...YES!"

As I felt her vaginal muscles spasming in orgasm, I released into her. "Oh, Mom," I sighed as my first ejaculation erupted into her. We stood together almost motionless as we both came simultaneously, only our hips moving together almost gently as we both surrendered to the intense pleasure.

"Oh, Jessie," she sighed breathlessly, her lips close to my ear as we stood motionless and I held myself inside her. I raised my head and found her lips once more, kissing her passionately. Only moments later, I felt her hips moving once more as if to savor the sensation of my erection still within her. Sensing her renewed need, I felt a rising desire for her building within me.

I pulled away from her, slipping my cock from her as I took her arm to guide her toward the bed. I stepped one foot from my pants and briefs, still gathered about my ankles as we began to move, dragging my pants and briefs behind me as I walked.

Audrey lay back on the bed and spread her leg wide as I lay myself down on top of her. I found her vagina once more, and thrust myself into her, feeling how copiously slick and wet she now was after my orgasm. I fucked her then, with a fervent need to finally release all the repressed desire and frustrating need for her that had accumulated over the past many weeks.

Audrey matched me thrust for thrust, groaning delicately each time our bodies came together, my pelvis slapping almost loudly against her soft fleshy buttocks. "Oh, God... Oh, God, yes!" She cried as her second orgasm took her away and her hips seemed to vibrate beneath me. I thrust into her hard, striving for my own release that I sensed was only beginning at that moment.

As her orgasm began to wane, I crushed my mouth to hers and continued to thrust rapidly. I was lost in the beauty of that moment, with an almost out-of-body experience where I savored every physical sensation all at once. The feel of her plush voluptuous body beneath me, the sensation of her hard, peaked nipples pressing into my chest, and the warm press of her thighs against my ribs. I sensed the warm sweet, wetness of her labial lips spreading over my own body and the wet sensual sound we made together as I thrust into her.

"Oh, Mom!" I gasped, feeling my orgasm finally reach the point of no return. "Yes!" she cried, her fingernails digging into my back almost painfully. I called out to her again as I blissfully erupted inside her, her hips rising gently to the rhythm of my ejaculations, her vagina pulling deliciously on me as if she were milking every ounce of semen I had to give her.

"Jessie!" She cried, her hips moving with increased rapidity just as my orgasm began to wane. "Don't stop! Oh, God...don't stop fucking me!"

I could feel my erection beginning to fade, but I redoubled my efforts for her, thrusting into her to match the movements of her hips. Moments later, she cried out as her third orgasm coursed through her body. Her hands gripped my buttocks firmly, pulling me into her tightly as her hips pressed up into me, her nails digging into my flesh.