Aunt Cathy Ch. 03


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I pulled my cock from her, my cum leaking all over the bed and clinging to my cock. Aunt KK threw her leg off of my mom and leaned down, her long back stretching into her fat ass. She gently took my cock into her mouth and licked the cum off of it slowly.

My mom watched, a look of embarrassment that she had given in again on her face. Aunt KK licked the cum and juice off of me, holding it in her mouth. She turned and put her face an inch away from my mom's, their lips almost touching.

"Oh, KK," my mom said, not wanting to kiss her own sister with a mouth full of cum and pussy juice. I could see Aunt KK's wetness all over my mom's mouth still.

Aunt KK put her lips on my mom's and opened her mouth, her spit, my cum, and my mom's pussy juice leaking all around.

Aunt KK licked and swallowed, and after a moment my mom opened her mouth and took the fluids in. I could see her throat bobbing up and down as she swallowed the mixture.

Aunt KK softly kissed my mom, their tongues working back and forth.

They stopped kissing, all of our juices swallowed, and I laid down between them. My mom turned towards the wall and I pushed my body in behind her, her smooth skin warm on mine. Aunt KK pressed herself into me, her breasts and hips pressing into me, comforting me.

I held my mother and Aunt KK held us both and we fell asleep.


I woke up the next morning in an empty bed. I could still feel the warmth in the sheets from the two women's bodies. I wished they were both still lying there, naked and needing me. A round two of last night would have been high on my bucket list.

I got up and got a shower, my cock not smelling too fresh with soured cum and pussy juice on it.

As I soaped my shaft stiffened and I had the strong desire to use the soap and reimagine the events of last night. I even hoped my mom would suddenly walk in and join me, but I knew that wasn't going to happen.

I resisted the urge and turned the water cold to cool my hormonal urges and got out and go dressed.

I went downstairs and realized it was already mid-morning and that I had slept late. My mom was at the kitchen table working on her computer. She was wearing a t-shirt and yoga pants and looked incredible, even though she wasn't trying to.

I wanted to kiss her and hold her, but I didn't want to scare her off. She smiled at me when I walked in and said, "Good morning, sweetie," and promptly brought her focus back to her computer. I guess that answered how she'd feel if I tried to kiss her.

I fixed myself some cereal and sat down. "Whatcha working on?" I asked.

She smiled at me, her green eyes somewhat sad. "Not much. Just paying the bills." She sighed heavily.

"Gotcha. Mom, about last night- "

She looked up quickly. "Honey, I'd really rather not talk about any of that right now, ok?" She looked somewhat anxiously at me, like I might want to talk about it anyway and that would be the worst thing for her right now.

"OK, no problem."

She went back to her computer and didn't look up. I ate my cereal quickly. I got up and put my bowl in the dishwasher. I went to her and kissed her lightly on the cheek, a kiss from a son to a mother, and said, "I love you."

She smiled a sad smile and took my hand and put in on her cheek and pressed her face into it. "I love you, too."

We stayed like that for a minute, then she said, "Why don't you go get dressed. We're going to Cathy's to hang out today. I need a relaxing day by the pool. I need to clear my mind of all this stuff."

I didn't want to push the issue so I can kissed her lightly on the cheek again and headed upstairs to put on my swim trunks and stuff. I hoped Aunt Cathy hadn't told my uncle about the video yet. If she had he'd probably kill me right when we got in the door.

I sent Aunt Cathy a quick text;

Coming over today with mom, but guess you know that. Anything on the vid situation?

I changed into my swim trunks and put and got ready then heard my phone ding.

Yep, I know. Can't wait to see you. Nowhere on video yet. Still deciding.

I texted back.

Ok, cool. Won't get killed today.

After a couple of seconds Aunt Cathy responded.

That won't happen. He'll never know it's you.

What about video? He'll know it was me

Trust me!

I hoped that I could. I messaged back.

Maybe we can sneak away

I sent an evil smile to go with it.

Aunt Cathy responded. Maybe... if not come back over tonight. Pretty sure I'll be alone...

Oh boy.

I sent her a peach emoji and an eggplant emoji back.

She responded: Yup. You can put it in there tonight if you want

Oh I want

Good. I want it in there.

Where? I want you to tell me

In my ass.

Your what?

My fat ass. Your aunt wants your young cock in her fat ass.

I was rubbing my cock through my trunks now and hadn't even realized it.

Before I could respond she texted again.

Gotta go. See you later.

And that was the end of that.

I went downstairs and waited on my mom. She came down after a few minutes wearing a large sun hat, black glasses, and a black swim cover up. Her smooth tan legs flowed from the bottom of it, and I couldn't help but notice them.

We headed to the garage and I said, "Want me to drive?"

"Sure, honey. That'd be nice."

I smiled. "Well, you know I've got to take care of you, Mom."

We got in her car and headed over to Aunt Cathy's, my eyes roaming to her tan legs every few seconds.

"Will you keep your eyes on the road, please," she said with a giggle, her hat almost too big, pumping the ceiling and her window, her refusing to take it off.

"I can't help it," I said. "They just look so smooth. Makes me want to reach out and touch them."

She sighed. Not unhappily, but worried. "Honey. I don't know what to do. Sometimes I can't control it. As you know. The loneliness, the fear, the emotion. It all overwhelms me and I do things I regret."

"Mom, you don't have to regret anything."

She looked at me, her eyes hidden behind her dark glasses. "I'm pregnant with my son's child. I have plenty to be ashamed of and regret and anything else you can think of to describe that situation."

I reached over and squeezed her hand. "Mom. I love you. We can be together."

"Sweetie. You can't be serious. You're young, you have your whole life ahead of you. You can't be held back by me. You can't be in a serious relationship with your own mother. You need to live your life. And I have to figure out what I'm going to do."

"What do you mean?"

She paused. A small tear ran down her cheek from behind her glasses. "I think I'm going to have an abortion."

I felt a cold shiver in my stomach. For a second I couldn't see or think or hear. It was like my brain paused. I saw a small parking lot and I turned in.

We sat there for a minute, neither one of us speaking. Finally, she said, "Yell at me. Scream at me. Tell me I'm a horrible person, both for fucking my son and then killing my baby. That's what I want. I need someone to do that."

I didn't do any of that. I leaned over and took her in my arms. She felt small and hollow. "I love you. I want us to be together. I promise you I will never regret being with you. I want you to have this baby, because I love you. But if you don't want to, I won't ask you to."

She cried quietly for a moment.

I said, "What about Aunt KK? She's in this with us."

My mom nodded against my shoulder. "I know. I can't believe that either. Oh god, I should be furious at you. Furious at her. But I can't be. I'm so torn."

I held her face and gently removed her glasses. Her green eyes were bloodshot. "Then be happy. Just be happy. Don't worry about anything but being happy with me, and us."

She laughed. "Easy for you to say, mister. I have to worry about bills, and insurance, and money, and food, oh and the fact that I'm having a baby after fucking forty. That'll be challenging in and of itself."

I held her hand. "I'll be there every step of the way. And so will Aunt KK. And Aunt Cathy."

My mom hiccuped a little like she was startled. "And that's another thing! What is Cathy going to say! Not about the fact that my own son got me pregnant. I could never tell her that! She'd kill me. But she'd going to flip her shit when she finds out I'm pregnant! I mean I'll have to tell her at some point. Not like she isn't going to notice when I get fat."

"So does that mean you're not getting an abortion?"

She looked down at her tummy. "I'm not getting an abortion."

I smiled at her. She had a look of doubt on her face that said she didn't believe me, but I told her anyway. "I think you'll be surprised at how receptive Aunt Cathy will be."


I didn't tell my mom Aunt Cathy was pregnant too, but I needed to find a way for them to tell each other. That would be the best way. And keep me out of it until they both admitted it was me. Then they could be mad, but get over it, because they hadn't done anything the other hadn't done.

I just needed a plan.

We got Aunt Cathy's house and as we pulled into the driveway, my mom said, "I guess this doesn't need to be said, but I'll tell you anyway. Don't dare tell anyone about us, or that I'm pregnant."

I nodded. "Goes without saying. Except Aunt KK. She knows. Obviously."

My mom rolled her eyes. "Obviously. We'll talk about that later."

"Good. Cause I want you to tell me how you liked licking her pussy."

She turned red and playfully smacked my arm. "That's enough, young man."

We got out of the car and I watched her walk up to the house. She had a great figure, and I couldn't wait until her belly was big. I reached out and rubbed my hand over her ass.

She pushed herself back into my hand when she stopped at the door and hit the doorbell. "No touching, mister."

Aunt Cathy answered and I smoothly took my hand from my mom's ass. They hugged and said hi to each other and my mom made her way through the house.

Aunt Cathy greeted me, and we said hi, and hugged. My mom was out of site and to the kitchen by then and I ran one of my hands up Aunt Cathy's body and held her breasts and squeezed. She kissed my cheek softly and ran her hand up my back.

"Later. The girls both have plans to leave after this and you uncle's not going to be here either."

We broke the hug and I followed her to the kitchen. Aunt KK was there wearing a black one-piece bathing suit, the two straps coming up and around her neck, the top cut low, her massive cleavage looking extremely soft and succulent. The suit ran down her stomach and was cut high on her hips, showing every inch of her smooth thighs. It had small, stylish cuts going up the sides that exposed more skin.

She gave me a hug and I noticed that the suit didn't have a back, just a tie for the top, and a small piece of cloth doing its best to cover the acreage that was her flawless ass.

Aunt Cathy rolled her eyes at us hugging. We'd all had fun on the cruise together and she knew a young man liked a young woman.

"I need to talk to you later," I whispered in Aunt KK's ear. She nodded lightly so no one would see.

I left the three sisters in the kitchen and headed outside to the pool area.

Stephanie was there, all hips and ass in a bikini, her friend Amanda, a brunette with modest proportions next to her. They were laying on chairs by the pool acting like they were asleep.

Lily was there, too, wearing her navy-blue bathing suit, it straining at the top to hold her large boobs in. She was with a red-haired girl, her friend, Jill, and they were sitting at a table talking excitedly. I saw them and waved and they both smiled at me. Lily looked nervous and then looked away from me. I made a mental note to go talk to her later.

I couldn't right then because my uncle was waving me over. He was at the barbeque pit, a beer in one hand, smoke rolling out from under the lid.

I went over and he said, "How's it hanging, big guy?"


He looked around to make sure no one could overhear us. "So, you ready to go back to the china hut?"

I nodded. "Yeah, I just need to save up some money again."

He laughed. "I hear that. It can get expensive. When you get some saved, give me a call, I found a new place that you're gonna love."

I laughed, then said I needed to check on something and made my escape. Although I wouldn't mind going back to the massage parlor, I hoped Aunt Cathy wouldn't send me with my uncle again.

I was heading back inside when Lily came over. She'd left Jill looking at her phone at the table.

"Hey," I said. "Long time no see. How's it been going?"

Lily looked bashful and shy. "Pretty good. Listen, can we talk?"

"Yeah, sure," I said. "What's up?"

She looked over nervously at her dad, then Stephanie. "Not here. In about five minutes go the the bathroom, only go to my room upstairs. OK?"

"OK, sure. No problem." I wondered what this was about. I had missed Lily since the cruise, and I'd needed to text her, but I'd been kinda busy entrapping her father in an extra-marital affair for her mother, who I'd gotten pregnant, and also dealing with the fact that I'd gotten both my mom and my aunt pregnant, as well. I had a lot going on.

I got something to drink and walked around and wasted five minutes. I headed inside towards the bathroom and when I was sure no one was looking, snuck upstairs to Lily's room.

I let myself into her room. She wasn't here yet. I sat down on her bed, a queen mattress on a four-post bed that had a lacy covering that every little girl who was eight wanted.

I waited a couple of minutes and heard someone coming up the stairs and then down the hall. I realized I was just sitting here looking stupid and if it wasn't Lily I would have a lot of explaining to do.

Lily opened the door, saw me, and quickly shut it. She came over and nervously sat down next to me.

"Hey," I said. "How have things been going? I've been meaning to text you, I've just been crazy busy, ya know."

"Yeah, I know."

I felt bad now.

"Lily, look. I had a good time on the cruise and I hope we can be friends, I'm just not sure-"

"I'm pregnant."

She'd said it so quickly and quietly that I thought I misheard her.

"You're what?"

She sniffled a little bit. "I'm pregnant."

I had that cold feeling all over my body again. "Oh shit."

She nodded, her dark hair shaking. "Yep. That was my first reaction."

I breathed heavily. I didn't know what to say.

Lily said, "And yes, before you ask, it's yours. I was a virgin. I've never... Not with anyone else."

I nodded. "Does anyone know?"

She nodded. "Stephanie does."

"Oh shit." That was horrible news.

"Yep. She says she's not gonna tell but she's pissed. Says I better tell mom soon or she will." Lily started to cry. I put my arm around her, wondering if she wanted me to, and she leaned into me and put her head on my shoulder. "My mom is going to fucking kill me." Tears were running down her face.

"You know," I said. "It may not be as bad as you think."

Lily started to cry harder. "Are you kidding? My mom is going to fucking blow a gasket."

I wasn't used to her cussing so much, but it was understandable.

I tried to comfort her. "Lily, I promise it won't be as bad as you think. Your mom loves you. She'll help us get through this."

"Oh, and that's another thing," she said wiping her eyes. "Stephanie says I'd be crazy to tell her it was yours. She'd kill us both. Stephanie says were going to say that I hooked up with a guy on the cruise. She'll probably want me to get an abortion or something."

I didn't know what to say about that. "When are you planning on telling her?"

She shrugged. "I had hoped never, but I guess I will sooner rather than later."

I looked at her. "I'll be there for you."

Lily looked at me, her eyes wet with her tears. "You will? I was worried you freak."

"Oh, I'm freaking. But you know. A lot has happened lately. This will be a big deal, but I promise it won't be as bad as you think."

Lily starred at me. "I know were cousins, and not boyfriend and girlfriend. So you don't like owe me anything, especially if I say it was some random guy."

I leaned downed and gently kissed her. She let me, closing her eyes. "I promise," I said. "I will be there for you."

Her lips felt smooth on mine. I opened my mouth and Lily parted hers. I gently licked her tongue. It felt hot and slimy from her crying, but I didn't mind.

My hands roamed her body like they had a mind of their own. I ran them up to her large breasts, her bathing suit feeling cool in my hands, the softness underneath causing my cock to stiffen.

Lily pulled my face down as she laid down on the bed, our mouths never leaving each other's. She tasted like strawberry's even with the saltiness of her crying.

I felt my hardon rub against her leg and moved my hips to rub it faster on her. I pulled my lips from hers. "Do you want to? We don't have to unless you want to."

She nodded. "I want to. It's not like I can get any more pregnant, right?"

"I hope not."

We were all hands and pulling and tugging at that point. I pulled my trunks down and my cock sprang to attention.

Lily pulled the top of her bathing suit down and exposed her big pink nipples. I sucked one into my mouth and took her breasts in my hands, the size of them filling my palms with plenty left to spare.

Lily spread her legs and I lifted myself over one and got between them. We both reached down, and she pulled her bathing suit aside and I rubbed myself up and down her pussy, her wetness spreading all over the head.

I found her opening and looked into her eyes and pushed myself inside of her.

Lily gasped and tried to be quiet. She turned her head, and I found her ear. She surrounded my cock with her wetness, so tight and sweet.

"Oh god, Lily," I whispered in her ear. "I love you."

I moved inside her, gaining speed, our bodies rubbing together.

"I love you so much. I want you to have my baby."

Lily's hands were all over me, her legs wrapping around me. I pulled my mouth from her ear and found her lips. I pressed my tongue into her mouth and rubbed it back and forth on hers.

I moved faster, her tightness griping me, the only thought in my mind filling her sweet little pussy with my cum.

I found her ear again and whispered, "You're gonna be mine forever."

Lily nodded underneath me, her hair tickling my nose and face.

"Marry me, Lily. Have all of my babies."

Lily nodded, her pussy tighter than a vice on my cock, taking effort to penetrate her with every thrust.

Suddenly Lily was whispering in my ear. "I'm so scared. But I want your baby. I'm so excited to have your baby. I wanted you inside me since the moment I found out."

My mind exploded and I saw white, and my body followed. I bit down on my lips and felt my cock explode inside of her, her pussy so tight my cum had nowhere to go, hurting to come out inside of her.

Lily's pussy gripped down on me so hard I thought it was going to squeeze my cock in half, her nails digging into me.

We laid there panting, my cock still inside of her for a few seconds. Then I gently kissed her. Her lips soft and luscious.

I pulled my dick from her and saw my cum dripping from her pussy, thick white globs standing out against her beautiful pink flower.

Lily pulled her swimsuit back into place, covering her pink pussy, my cum making a mess on her bathing suit. She pulled the top up and I watched in agony as her large milky white breasts disappeared.

"We better get back down before someone notices we're gone," she said.

"Yeah, Stephanie will notice soon, if she hasn't already. Did she know you were going to tell me?"

Lily shook her head. "No."

Good. That was good.

We walked to Lily's door and I kissed her softly again. "I'll see you down there. And I promise I won't be a stranger anymore."

She kissed me back and smiled.