Avery's Desire Pt. 10


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"Fuck I love you!" Rick moaned softly. "I Love you so much Avery."

"I love you..." Avery gasped through ragged breaths. He reached down, grasping his own cock in his hand now and he began to masturbate himself as Rick pumped him. Avery's cock sprang to life and he began to jerk it with great devotion.

Watching Avery jerk off was a total turn on for Rick. He loved the way Avery's fingers wrapped around the shaft. He couldn't take his eyes off it as he watched those fingers sliding up and down along the length. Avery closed his eyes as he pulled on his organ. The head of it glistened with wet heat.

Rick growled low and soft as he pulled his cock out, leaving just the head inside, and then quickly he shoved the full length of it into that hot wet hole again, watching the flesh around the rim swallow him up.

Avery bit his bottom lip and then groaned. "Oh my God Rick...fuck, I'm gonna cum!" "Together..." Rick breathed heavily, his muscles tensing. "Let's cum together, baby." "Um..." Avery nodded. His momentum intensified, as did Rick's.

Finally, unable to hold back any longer, Avery gasped then let loose with a long pleasure filled cry. His back arched, fists gripping the sable sheets that covered his bed, as his body erupted in a volley of explosive shudders starting at his groin and then ripping through his extremities at full force. He expelled his juices in quick spasms that shot up his abdomen and onto his chest.

Rick gave one last massive thrust, the sounds of Avery's moans filling his ears as he felt his own climax, electrifying and powerful, course through him, then desperately release in an exquisite outpouring of passion. He tried to choke back a groan as it rose from somewhere far down within him, course and primal, like a wild beast. He was panting; his body trembled as he spilled the last of his juices while still immersed deep inside Avery's body.

Breathing heavily, Rick collapsed beside Avery on the bed. Avery turned, curling up on his side, and smiled brightly at Rick. Rick grinned, a feeling of great contentment washing over him. He scooped Avery up into his arms and pulled the boy against him, holding him close.

"I love you." He whispered into Avery's ear. "I've never been so happy in my whole life as I am now, with you."

Avery felt a deep blush rise to his cheeks. He laid his head against Rick's chest. The rhythmic thumping of his heart was comforting and serene. "I love you more than anything." He whispered back with a slight yawn. Rick kissed him on the forehead, then reached down and pulled the blanket up over them.

"Night..." Avery said softly. His eyes closed and his breathing became softer and calm.

"Night..." Rick whispered back. He wrapped his arms around the sleeping Avery, holding him to his chest. Rick yawned then closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep with Avery nestled securely in his arms.

__________________________________________________ Boomer had poured his blood, sweat, and tears into the application for the battle of the bands. When he was done with it, he sat back and admired his work, regarding it as a masterpiece that he'd personally penned after many painstaking hours. It was finally done, and it was something that he could be proud of.

With the application done, and the demo finally completed, there was but one task left. Boomer gathered up the paper work and CD, and then left for the parks office.

It wasn't as busy this time. Boomer wasn't sure if he should be happy about that or not. The lack of other acts signing up meant that Desire was one of the last bands to submit their application. Boomer blamed himself for not getting on the ball with everything, but he was confident that once the parks committee heard the demo, they would without a doubt, be adding Desire to their roster.

He had a relatively short wait, about five minutes. A short, stout, older woman came out and called his name, motioning for him to follow her. She seemed friendly, but not someone that he'd figured on being too keen on rock music, so it was a bit of a surprise to see her step out from the back room into the lobby. He supposed that she was just a regular worker at the parks office. He just hopped that she wasn't one of the ones who made the final decision on which bands were chosen.

She introduced herself as April Jessup, the secretary for the parks committee. This made total sense to Boomer; she was in the right line of work because she certainly looked the part. She'd either make a good secretary or a librarian, with the thick plastic rimmed eye glasses, set on the end of her nose, a small silver chain attached to the ear pieces, lain loosely around her thick, wrinkled neck.

She had a mass of orange-red hair that was piled up on the top of her head and held in place with butterfly clips, while curly wisps of fuzzy hair escaped the mass, and fell in thick ringlets around the edge of her face. She was dressed in a bright green pant suit with her pudgy feet stuffed uncomfortably into green, toeless, flats that matched the suit a little too perfectly. The complete ensemble along with the color of her hair, reminded Boomer of a fat but overall, friendly, carrot.

"Here we are." April's voice chimed like a bell as she opened a door at the end of the hallway that she and Boomer had just strolled cheerfully down. "Good luck." She whispered, giving him a playful wink.

Boomer nodded, and thanked the woman. He walked into the room and found himself standing in front of a small, cheap looking metal desk that was piled down with so much clutter that he could barely see the particle board surface that peeked out from beneath a mountain of folders and computer print outs.

Behind the desk was a middle aged man with thinning dark hair down to his shoulders, a touch a beard, and a beer gut that hung over his belt, pressing against the button down shirt that was at least a size too small. The force put on the buttons made them look as though they could pop off at any moment and go flying across the room, breaking anything that happened to be in its path.

The man was on the phone, squabbling with the person on the other end, and obviously losing the dispute. He picked up a handkerchief and frantically dabbed at the perspiration on his brow, then stuffed the cloth into his shirt pocket and motioned for Boomer to sit down in the seat across from him.

Boomer moved to the chair across from the desk which was just a folding, metal chair, and sat down quietly. He placed the application and CD in his lap and waited patiently for the man's call to end.

"I don't care how late you have to work!" The guy yelled into the receiver. "I'm up to my eyeballs in applications here. I have a few dozen to sort through just today! Yeah, yeah, I hear ya. Just get it done and stop giving me excuses, we all have to work around here ya know." With a groan he slammed the phone down and ran a hand through his greasy hair, frowning.

"Sorry to make you wait like that, we've been swamped all day." The man said as he stood up and extended a hand to Boomer. "I'm Randall Carver."

Boomer shook his hand and smiled. "I'm Boomer Rhoads." He told him. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Same here..." Randall said as he sat back down. "So, Whataya got for me?"

Boomer handed him the application and demo. "Their name's Desire; they've played a few local places, nothing big. They could really use some exposure, but they're good. The lead vocalist is just incredible. The others are great too, they really have a lot of heart, and it shows in their performances."

Randall looked over the application as he listened to Boomer describe the band. His left eyebrow shot up suddenly and he looked up at Boomer. "Cole Rhoads is the bassist?" He asked, showing his surprise.

"Yes Sir..." Boomer nodded. "He's playing bass as well as coaching the other's a bit, you know, acting a role model for them."

"I see..." Randall scratched his beard. "You're Cole's father aren't you?"

"Yep, he's my oldest." Boomer leaned back in his seat and crossed his ankle over his knee. "The others are like my own kids as well. I look out for them when I can, and I'm mighty proud of them. They're a good group of kids; they just need a chance to really shine."

"Well, like I'm sure you heard me tell my colleague on the phone, I have over a dozen of these to go through today. You wouldn't believe the response we got when we advertized; bands coming from all over the state, some from out of state. We do take in consideration those who are local though. It might take me a few days to get to your demo, but I'll see if I can't get your boys moved to the top of the pile."

Boomer smiled, "I'd sure appreciate that Mr. Carver. These kids deserve a break, they really do. They've worked damn hard to get to where they are and I really think they have the talent to go far."

"If they're as good as you claim I'm sure they'll make the top ten. We do have a lot of applicants to go through though, and I don't make the final decision, but I have a good feeling about this group." He stood up and again shook hands with Boomer. "Give us about a week to narrow down our choices, if you don't hear from us, give me a call."

Boomer nodded. "Thank you." He smiled at Randall as he stood and headed for the door. "Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you in the future."

"Of course," Randall smiled warmly. "It was my pleasure. You have a great day now, Sir."

"Yeah, you too..." Boomer gave him a friendly nod then headed out to his truck. He had a skip in his step as he opened the driver's side door. He had a really good feeling about the future, like he was almost certain that they had this thing in the bag.

Obviously having Cole on board gave them a much needed boost in the right direction, but the main thing was Avery. Boomer was certain that once the judges heard Avery's voice they'd be ready to sign Desire to the band list. It was just a matter of time, and Desire would be a step closer to realizing their dreams. ______________________________________________________________ It was Cole's idea to play Halloween night at Shaggys. He told the others that they needed the practice, and the publicity wouldn't be bad either. Darla, Cole's wife, made up some fliers and printed them off, and then she and their two kids posted them around town.

Boomer was a little reluctant at first; he hadn't had a live band play at his place in a decade. Cole eventually convinced him that the band would pull in some more customers so everyone involved would get some benefit out of it.

Avery, on the other hand, was totally for the idea. Halloween was his favorite holiday, so doing what he loved, and on a night that he'd been looking forward to all year, was a huge plus. Trash and Rick of course had no objections, though Kat was a bit annoyed at first. She really didn't have any other plans but she had expected to have the night off. She quickly changed her mind though when Trash explained to her that Halloween was always a special night for them.

It was also Avery's birthday, and besides playing at the bar, they had a little surprise lined up for the boy. Kat wasn't entirely sure why, but finding out this new information made her kind of excited. She wasn't ready to admit that she actually liked Avery, and there was no way in hell that she could consider him her best buddy—yet. But, there was still something kind of cool in the way that the other guys doted on him. Kat kind of liked the closeness that she felt whenever the band members were together. It was nice. It felt good. It felt like home.

Avery turned about ten shades of red when he and Rick walked into Shaggys. Black and orange streamers had been hung over the lights and ceiling fans, along with an assortment of different colored balloons. A table in the center of the room was decorated with a Halloween themed table cloth, a large, helium, filled balloon sat in the center of the table, with a huge "Happy 19th" in vibrant red letters on its face.

In front of the balloon was a cake, professionally decorated, depicting an edible image of a microphone, and various musical notes made out of black frosting. At the very top of the cake were two candles, a one and a nine; the type of candles that were usually used on children's cakes, but somehow didn't really seem out of place on this one.

Avery stood by the table looking over the set up with tears in his eyes as Rick lovingly wrapped his arms around him. Trash and Kat appeared from the back room along with Boomer and Cole, carrying several wrapped gifts that they carried over and placed around the table.

Avery was awestruck; he in no way had expected anything so elaborate. He was touched that his friends had gone to such trouble for him, and it really warmed his heart to know that he was so loved by everyone. Even Cole and Kat, whom he barely knew, were so kind and seemed genuinely happy to be part of the celebration.

Rick pulled out a chair, telling Avery to have a seat, he and the others gathered around the table. Avery sat down, and then Trash lit the two candles on the cake, as the group sang a rock-and-roll rendition of 'Happy birthday to you.'

Avery covered his eyes and laughed, still quite embarrassed, and just over all stunned at the whole display, but still delighted.

"Go ahead..." Rick grinned, "Blow out the candles."

"Don't forget to make a wish though." Kat chimed in. Trash smiled at her and gave her a friendly wink. She smiled back at him, actually finding the man quite charming for a change.

"Hmm...what should I wish for?" Avery asked.

"That's up to you." Boomer told him, "Just make it a good one..."

"I know what I'd wish for." Trash snickered. Kat promptly gave him an elbow to the gut and laughed.

"Think of the one thing you want more than anything else in the world," Rick put his hands on Avery's shoulders and squeezed them, "...then, wish for that."

Avery touched Rick's hand and smiled warmly at him. "But I already have everything that I could ever possibly want."

"Wish for us to win the battle of the bands then." Trash snorted a laugh.

"Hey, now that's an idea." Avery closed his eyes, made a silent wish, then opened them again and blew out the candles.

Everyone cheered and clapped. Rick and Avery kissed. Avery couldn't have been any happier, it was a perfect moment, and he was surrounded by so much love.

"Okay, gifts now!" Trash shouted, obviously excited.

Boomer nudged Cole. "Come help me grab some plates and silverware."

"I brought paper plates and plastic forks." Kat told them. "I left them on that table in the kitchen, oh and there's ice cream in the freezer."

"Got it," Boomer nodded to her. "Be right back guys."

"Hey bring some beers too." Trash hollered at them.

"And a mountain dew for Avery." Rick laughed.

"Hey, it's my birthday!" Avery complained, "Don't I even get a beer?"

"Yeah, sure..." Boomer said as he disappeared around the corner, "In about two more years!"

Avery wasn't easy to shop for. Even Rick had a hard time figuring out what to get for him. What made it twice as difficult was when Kat, Trash, and the others contacted Rick to get an idea from him what to get Avery. Even Cole got a little something for Avery, though Rick told him it wasn't necessary, he still wanted to get him something. He felt bad for the kid, especially after his dad had explained to him why Avery's family didn't really show any interest in the boy's life.

It pissed Cole off that they could be so callous towards their own son. No matter who he was, what he did, or who he chose to fall in love with, he was still their kid and Cole felt that they should love him unconditionally.

Cole found it sad that not everybody in the world felt the same way as him. Maybe it was the loss of his brother that made him different. Maybe it was just his respect for others and their rights to live as they wanted. He wasn't really sure, but what he did know was that, Avery was, as far as he could tell, an amazing kid. He deserved to be treated better, and he deserved to have a family that loved him.

Avery wasn't the kind of person that expected things from people, and he wouldn't have been upset had no one gotten him anything. The fact that his friends had cared enough to not only remember his birthday, but go to the trouble of setting up a small party for him was more than he could have ever hoped for.

He truly felt special, loved, and wanted; probably for the first time in years. With tears glistening in his eyes, he picked up the first package that was handed to him and smiled brightly as he read the attached card.

It was from Trash. Avery recognized the scribbled, child-like, hand writing immediately. The card was cute, if not a little crude, a man on the front cover blowing birthday candles out with a fart, the inside message read "I hope your birthdays a gas!"

Avery snickered at the card, thanked Trash, who was beaming proudly at his choice of humorous birthday greetings, then proceeded to open the gift. Everyone had a good chuckle as Avery ripped off the sloppy wrapping paper and looked with amusement at the picture on the box contained within. It was a bobble-head, cartoonish looking Dracula figurine.

"Nice..." He grinned, "I've always wanted one of these."

"Yeah, I knew Dracula was like a hero of yours or something. Honestly, I wasn't sure what to get you but then I saw those at the store in the Halloween section and I thought, hot damn, baby boy would love this thing!" Trash hooked his thumbs in the pockets of his jeans and, brandishing a huge, boastful smile, puffed out his chest a bit, and quipped, "See I know my shit! What else you gonna get a Goth but an old dead dude with dental issues."

"Well thank you very much." Avery smiled sweetly at him, "I love it. When I get home I'm going to set it on the mantle over the TV so everyone can see it when they come in."

"Oh Great..." Rick snickered, "Just what every living room needs; a goofy looking vampire."

"Hey man, don't dis the vampire, he's cool." Trash crossed his arms over his chest like he was angry though the smirk on his face said otherwise.

"No offence meant." Rick chuckled.

"Right..." Trash nodded his head up and down slowly. "You, vampire hater you."

Avery looked at the two friends and shook his head, laughing softly at their banter.

"Okay, next one!" Kat picked up a package that was wrapped in bright pink paper with white storks carrying babies in bundles. "This one's from me. Sorry about the paper, the only wrapping I had on hand was from my best friend Kim's baby shower."

Avery laughed as he took the gift from her. "No problem." He said. "It's kind of cute anyway."

He tore off the paper, revealing a shoe box. After removing the lid he looked in at the contents and grinned. "Now this is really beautiful." He said, holding up a black candle that was encased in a glass holder with a picture of a raven painted on the front. "I love candles and 'The Raven' is one of my favorite poems, so this is perfect, Kat, thank you so much."

Kat shrugged some, smiling at him. "Rick told me you'd love it. I really had no idea what to get you, but I'm glad you like it."

"I really do, it's awesome." He thanked her again as he placed the candle gently back into the shoe box and set it aside. Boomer handed him his gift next. It was small enough that it fit in the palm of his hand and was wrapped up in a 'Shaggys' napkin. Avery opened it and grinned.

"A coffin key chain!" He gasped. "Oh my God Boom, it's so cool, I love it."

"It helps that your birthdays on Halloween." Boomer chuckled, "Makes shopping for you a lot easier."

"Yeah, I bet." Avery laughed. "Guess I lucked out that way."