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Kit replied with a soft chuckle. "I'm interested in a lot of things." She paused for a few seconds as if she was wondering what to say next. "I hope you don't think I'm being too forward, but...I was very attracted to you."

Rachel shifted nervously in her seat. Her hand trembled visibly as she set her glass on the coffee table. Did she hear that right? Did Miss Crawford actually say what she thought she said? The muscles in her stomach tensed and she felt as if she were free falling into a chasm.

"You—you were? I...don't know what to say." She stammered.

Kit shifted a little closer to Rachel. "This isn't easy for me to say, but when I saw you in the store that day we first started talking, there was just something about you..."

"Ugh..." Rachel groaned. Her cheeks felt like they were on fire. "I was just buying a new pair of shoes—"

Kit continued: "I was so happy to see you again, to have the chance to catch up." Now the older woman averted her eyes. Her otherwise fair cheeks had turned bright pink. "But when you said you had just gone through a divorce, I..." She paused for a few seconds. She looked a bit anxious, as if she expected her guest to take offense and leave. "I—I know what you've been through. During my first few years as a teacher, I was engaged to be married."

Rachel was stunned. "YOU—I never would have guessed—"

"It didn't work out." Kit said. Her voice was plaintive and somber. "I felt like I was lying to him, to please my family and colleagues. We went our separate ways. Last I heard, he was teaching algebra at some community college in Iowa."

"Uh, asked me to dinner, remember? Isn't our food getting cold?"

The tawny butch woman seemed a little bewildered by Rachel's question, but after a second or two, her eyes settled on the nearly empty wine bottle. "Would you be angry if I told you that I just fixed a few sandwiches? You know I'm better at coaching than I am at cooking."

For some reason, Rachel realized where this was heading, and yet there was something about her former teacher that seemed irresistible and captivating. "Well, I guess dinner can wait a little while longer," The young woman said. "I'm not that hungry anyway."

A soft smile spread across Kit's lips. She moved closer to Rachel and placed a hand on the young woman's thigh. Rachel felt her stomach drop suddenly and the skin around her ear prickled as the butch woman whispered: "Looks like we both have a lot in common, Rachel. I—I just want you to know that you're not alone..."

Rachel barely had any chance to respond. She started to open her mouth when she felt Kit Crawford's lips pressing against hers. The butch woman's hand pressed against her cheek, delivering a tender caress before brushing her hair aside. The kiss was soft, sweet, and somewhat tentative. Rachel's breath caught in her throat. To say she was stunned was an understatement. But when they finally pulled away, she could see that Kit must have felt the same way.

"Oh my God," Rachel stammered. By the expression on her face, she was clearly struggling to process what just happened. "Did we just—"

"I—I'm terribly sorry, Rachel." Kit said. The older woman looked mortified. "I thought you knew I preferred women. We were getting along so well, going on our morning runs in the park together...I thought—I mean—I hoped you were interested. But if you want to leave, I understand."

Was there something in the wine, Rachel wondered. She felt a sudden onslaught of tingling heat radiating upward from the space between her legs, and instantly she felt as if she was back in high school. And although she was bad at sports and struggled with her weight, she suddenly realized that it wasn't hatred she'd felt for Miss Crawford back then. She never realized until now that she actually admired the slim butch gym teacher, and that admiration transformed into a full-blown crush during her senior year.

"No," Rachel replied. Her voice was trembling. "I—I was just caught off guard when you kissed me like that, that's all."

"Then in that case, would you like to try again?" Kit asked.

Rachel said nothing as Kit Crawford pulled the young woman towards her to share another kiss. Their lips mashed together, slowly parting, and their tongues collided, dueling furiously. In an instant, the kiss they shared unleashed the quickly mounting passion both women felt for each other. Kit's body pressed hard against Rachel's. Her slight frame was quite strapping and powerful. The older woman's hands slid up along Rachel's arms, grasping her firmly as they kissed.

They pulled away for a second and Rachel saw the hardened tips of the older woman's nipples casting an unmistakable impression through her shirt. Without a doubt, Kit was as excited as she was. "Let's go in the other room, shall we, and get to know each other a little better." Kit whispered. Rachel replied with a silent nod and followed her former teacher up a flight of stairs and down a small hallway to her bedroom.

Kit switched on the lamp next to the bed and pulled the door shut. Now the strapping butch woman put her hands on Rachel's small shoulders and backed her up against the wall. They stared into each other's eyes as Rachel wrapped her arms around Kit's shoulders. A soft sigh escaped the butch woman's lips as she kissed her former student once more. She savored the soft fullness of the young woman's lips as she reached over to stroke her hair.

After a second or two, Kit pulled away and pressed her lips against Rachel's slender neck. The young woman gasped, trying her best to suppress her mounting excitement. It was so strange! With each kiss, Kit Crawford revealed a new erogenous zone. Her ex-husband certainly never came close to achieving such a miraculous feat. With a trembling hand, Rachel cradled the older woman's head, drawing her closer as Kit dragged her lips down her young lover's neck and across her collar bone.

"My God, you are so beautiful," Kit breathed. "You know I expected you to turn down my invitation tonight...I'm so glad you didn't."

Rachel issued no reply as she drew a deep breath. She wasn't quite sure of how to process these strange new feelings. Her body trembled in the butch woman's embrace, and her legs began to quiver. That throbbing sensation between her legs quickly intensified, and she was afraid she'd black out. Kit paused and stared into her lover's eyes. She recognized the young woman's pleading expression. She wanted to reassure Rachel that she would take care of her and love her like no one else could. Tonight they would experience heaven in all its glory.

"It's been a while, hasn't it?" Kit softly whispered. Rachel averted her eyes now and her cheeks felt like they were on fire. She managed a weak nod. "It's been quite a long time for me too...we'll just take things nice and slow as we keep each other company."

Kit's slender body continued to pin Rachel against the wall, pressing firmly against her as her mouth returned to the young woman's neck. Her lips met Rachel's briefly before kissing along her cheek to her ear. The slender butch paused for a second, bearing her teeth, and then she began nibbling Rachel's earlobe. The sensation was exquisite! The dark haired beauty gasped loudly and her back arched away from the wall. As she delivered those tender kisses, Kit could feel Rachel's slender hips starting to shimmy, grinding against her body. The gym teacher's tongue emerged, tracing along the delicate shell of Rachel's ear. Her hands began wandering, exploring the young woman's slender frame, caressing her sides.

"Rachel, honey...I'm gonna make you mine tonight!" Kit hissed directly into Rachel's ear as her hands slid up the young woman's sides to her arms. She firmly squeezed her young lover's shoulders, asserting her dominance. "Turn around." Rachel seemed a little surprised by the curt sound of her lover's voice, but she complied without resistance.

Kit spun Rachel around and pushed her hard against the wall, pinning her there. She gathered up the startled young woman's dark tresses and pressed her lips against the back of her neck, kissing her and eliciting a soft moan of pleasure. Kit noticed the little hairs standing on end, leaving a rash of goosebumps on Rachel's skin. The tawny butch reached up, tentatively touching the straps of Rachel's dress. Her fingertips traced along the straps, moving downward across her lover's back. She stared for a second at the small hook at the top of Rachel's dress, and with a quick flick, she managed to unfasten it.

The dress parted invitingly, exposing a little more of Rachel's back to the butch woman's salacious gaze. Kit let out a sigh and pressed her lips against her lover's spine. She carefully unzipped the back of the dress, delivering a flurry of tender kisses along the way. The zipper stopped at the small of Rachel's back, revealing the waistline of her light colored panties. Kit was crouched down, almost squatting as she continued kissing along Rachel's spine. "Oh my God!" Rachel gasped. "Easy, baby." Kit whispered reassuringly as she slowly rose to stand up.

The butch woman's hands passed along the opening of Rachel's dress, pulling it open further as she caressed her lover's back. Rachel slowly turned around to face Kit. She embraced her butch lover and they kissed as their bodies mashed together. They continued to kiss for what seemed like an eternity, and then Rachel pulled away. "I don't ever want to be alone again." She whispered. "I don't think I could make it."

"You won't, honey, I'm here now." Kit softly replied.

A soft smile crossed the older woman's lips as they came together for another deep lingering kiss. Rachel savored the way Kit's lips felt, and as their tongues caressed each other, she let out another gasp as she felt the slackened fabric of her sundress being pulled down. The thing fell away effortlessly and formed a crinkled pool around Rachel's feet. The young woman kicked it aside as she tightened her embrace around Kit's body.

Kit Crawford was privy to her young lover's game. She could sense the quickly mounting tension in Rachel's arms and she figured right away that the young woman was nervous. She was eager to see Rachel's body. "Show yourself to me, honey." Kit whispered.

Rachel demurred. "But I was so fat in high school..."

"I said you were a bit chubby, I never said you were fat." Kit replied. "You're a beautiful young woman, thin and fit as a fiddle. In fact, you outran me the other day, remember?" Kit paused for a few seconds and then continued. "I love the way you sweet and sexy, honey. Let me see the stubborn young girl I remember from high school."

Rachel's cheeks went flush and she tried to look the other way. Her head was in a heavy fog, clouded with arousal. She hugged herself, trying to cover her breasts as she watched Kit kneeling down at her feet. The butch woman carefully removed her young lover's sandals and tossed them aside before slipping her fingers in the waistband of Rachel's panties. In seconds, this last article of clothing was discarded, and now Kit took hold of her young lover's wrists. She pulled Rachel's arms down. "Don't be ashamed, honey, you look amazing!"

It was true. Rachel's body was sculpted and very lean with a wonderfully rounded ass and small perky breasts capped with nipples already standing at attention. Kit's breath caught in her throat and she let out a sigh of admiration as her eyes drank in the sight of her former student. The fire of raw lust flashed in the butch woman's eyes, and when she looked up at Rachel, she saw the fire's reflection.

"You're still dressed, Kit." Rachel said.

"I suppose you'll have to help me with that, won't you?" The butch woman teased.

Kit took Rachel in her arms and kissed her. After a few seconds, she brought the young woman's hands to the waistband of her shorts, placing them just above it. Rachel understood what her lover expected her to do. First she unbuckled Kit's belt and then untucked her shirt before lifting it up over her head. Rachel paused as her lover untied her shoes before tossing them along with her socks aside. The shorts were next. They fell effortlessly to the floor as Kit reached behind to unhook her plain white bra. The young woman stared silently, transfixed by the sight of the slim butch woman pulling her panties down, revealing the rest of her amazingly athletic build.

Kit Crawford certainly looked striking for a middle-aged woman. Like Rachel, her body was lean and incredibly toned. The swell of her small breasts were almost imperceptible. Her stomach was rigid and flat. Rachel's eyes traveled down to the space between the butch woman's thighs, covered by a dense thicket of ginger curls, slightly darker than the hair on her head. Rachel imagined that the years probably changed Kit in some ways, but it hadn't diminished her appearance. She looked intimidating as always.

"I hope I didn't disappoint you." Kit said.

"Oh God, no!" Rachel breathed. "You look exactly like I imagined you would!"

The two lovers embraced and shared another soulful kiss. Rachel melted in her lover's arms, enjoying the feel of Kit's tongue caressing hers, darting in and out of her mouth. "Unnnghh..." Rachel let out a little moan as Kit's hands closed over her breasts. The butch woman tenderly caressed the firm little mounds, squeezing them and running the tips of her fingers against the pebbled areolas. The tips of Rachel's nipples were painfully hard. Her breaths were shallow. She watched as Kit bent down and took her left nipple between her lips, gently suckling before switching to the right.

The butch woman's hands slid down, cupping Rachel's ass as she continued to kiss and suck on her breasts. Her fingers tensed up, the short nails digging into the young woman's flesh, and she let out a yelp. The sensation of Kit's lips and tongue continued working their magic, awakening the beast within. Her hips were gyrating now, grinding against the butch woman's small frame. Rachel's hand palmed the back of Kit's head, roughly grabbing those short strawberry locks and pulling her lover up for an insistent, almost violent kiss.

"Let's crawl into bed, honey." Kit suggested as they finally broke the kiss. The young woman followed her older lover to the bed, and when Rachel fell against the mattress, Kit wasted no time straddling her former student. The butch woman's hands wandered across her lover's feverish skin, caressing her breasts as she leaned forward to share another kiss with her. This time, the kiss was cut short. Kit pulled away and pressed her lips against Rachel's neck, alternating between soft little nuzzles and playful bites.

Kit started sliding down, and Rachel let out a soft little whimper of encouragement as she savored the exquisite sensation of skin against skin. Kit returned to her young lover's breasts, showering them both with a flurry of butterfly kisses. Rachel by now was gasping with each kiss, and when the butch woman's lips finally enveloped Rachel's painfully erect nipple, she let out an ecstatic cry. She grabbed a handful of Kit's hair and told her not to stop. The sound of Rachel's desperate plea was music to the gym teacher's ear.

"Ohh Kit!" Rachel hissed. Her fingers were still buried in those boyishly short strawberry locks. She wanted more, much more. "Please!"

The older woman responded instantly, suckling the young woman's erect nipples in turn with an ardor that would make Eros blush. Rachel's nipples were larger than Kit's. It was a part of her body she'd always been self-conscious about, but Kit Crawford didn't seem to mind one bit. She was far to absorbed in whipping her young lover into a frenzy.

Rachel let out a long groan and her back arched upward just as Kit's teeth grazed against the tip of her right nipple. "Oh my God, that's soooo good!" Rachel moaned. Kit replied with a devious chuckle before closing her lips around the left nipple. She suckled for a few seconds and then trapped the stiff little nub between her teeth. She tugged gently back, and then released it, leaving the nipple coated with saliva.

"God you're so beautiful, honey." Kit breathed. The slim butch was looming over her young lover now. As she straddled her, Rachel could feel distinct moisture between Kit's legs. The slender butch woman started gyrating her hips against Rachel's body, and very soon she was grinding against her, riding her former student. The moisture increased, and a strong earthy aroma of female sex invaded her nostrils. Kit leaned in for another kiss and her hands closed over Rachel's breasts once more, cupping them tenderly as she frantically rubbed her pussy against her young lover.

Now Rachel suddenly felt something small and hard grazing along the inside of her legs. Kit's knee slid against her inner thigh and across the top of her mound. The sensation sent a shockwave through her. A sudden burst of wetness dampened the dark patch of pubic hair between her legs and she gasped when she felt the older woman's hand drifting across her flat stomach, tracing along the cleft. "Oh, Kit..." Rachel bit her lip in anticipation.

The butch woman used one finger, and then two, as they parted the hairy outer labia. They slid up and down along the slick inner folds, dipping briefly inside for a moment. Kit withdrew her fingers now, eyeing the thread of clear viscous liquid that stretched between them. "Goodness, baby, you're so wet!" She breathed. She brought her slimy fingertips to her mouth and licked them clean.

"Kit, I want you!" Rachel pleaded. Her hips were rocking back and forth as those fingers returned to the space between her legs. "Fuck me please!"

Kit slowly eased her fingers inside her young lover, feeling the mounting heat of her core as Rachel let out another loud moan of pleasure. She began thrusting in and out, building a steady rhythm as she reached further inside. She placed the pad of her thumb against the swollen nub of Rachel's clitoris while the young woman lifted her hips upward, silently pleading for more. Kit eased a third finger inside now and she began thrusting a little harder and faster. Now and then, the older woman would pause for a moment to caress her lover's clit with her thumb. As she dipped back into Rachel's sex, Kit felt Rachel's wetness flowing freely, creating a large dark spot on the mattress underneath.

Rachel's breath caught in her throat a few times as she struggled to whisper: "Oh yes right there...don't stop!"

Kit leaned forward to steal another kiss from Rachel as she continued thrusting faster and deeper. The tips of the older woman's fingers grazed against her lover's walls, massaging that wonderful sweet spot deep inside. She broke the kiss now and Rachel's cries of pleasure grew louder, filling the space of the bedroom.

She alternated the speed of her thrusting from fast to slow and steady before sliding back out. With each stroke, Kit's fingertips fluttered against Rachel's clitoris, strumming the tough little bud. The young woman's hips were rocking steadily back and forth, bearing down in a bid to apply more pressure. "Unnnghh!" Rachel let loose with another wavering moan.

Kit felt the brunt of Rachel's climax as the young woman bore down, pressing her mound firmly against the base of her fingers. Kit continued thrusting as Rachel's climax came in waves, causing her back to arch away from the mattress. Rachel's pussy began to spasm, firmly gripping Kit's fingers. The butch woman felt a gush of earthy, sticky wetness as she slowly withdrew her hand. Rachel's skin was flush and feverish and her eyes had a glazed sort of expression. She struggled to catch her breath as her climax subsided.

"That felt amazing..." Rachel whispered in a trembling voice.

"I really meant it when I said I was glad you accepted my invitation." Kit replied.