All Comments on 'Back to Bristol Ch. 08'

by GaryAPB

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Kanga40Kanga40almost 17 years ago
I never realised pulling teeth

could be so enjoyable.<BR>

It's just the drip feeding that's so bloody annoying.

MetzovMetzovalmost 17 years ago
Yes it's hard

To have to wait for the story. I really hate not being able to read it at my own pace, But you know that a lot of readers here have trouble forcing them self to read more then two pages. I saw a comment once where the writer said he would first scan to the end of the first page and it he saw more then two pages he wouldn't read it. The author has the right to realise his story as he sees fit.

mallahmallahalmost 17 years ago
How many...

How many times will Chris keep interrupting Molly before she can tell him what she wants to talk about? He says something so ignorant, it upsets her, and he gets mad at her for not talking to him? Time to grow up, Chris. Get over yourself. Molly keeps getting more and more of my sympathy. Was this the only time that Chris has had a serious talk with his sons? Tsk,Tsk. Susan is up to something with Peter.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago

Another good chapter. I agree that Chris is his own worst enemy. But isn't that the way it usually is in life.


jack_strawjack_strawalmost 17 years ago
I'm trying to like this story...

...but it ain't easy. Gary is a very talented writer and the story has a weird, compelling pull that makes you want to jump in and see what happens next. But, people, this plot has more holes than Swiss cheese, and I have never seen a bigger group of dithering idiots as the characters in this story. Can't ANYBODY in this story just come out and say something -- ANYTHING! Molly, my God, seems to have oatmeal between her ears, and Chris? Well, the scene at the end of this chapter is the first time this clown has done anything that remotely resembles direct action. Everything is worried glances and innuendo. I wish he'd just take the dizzy bitch -- and her mother -- sit them down and hash everything out, clear the fucking air. But if it hasn't happened in 8 chapters so far, I'm not sure it's ever going to happen. And the pace meanders worse then the Mississippi River. Gary has taken 8 chapters to tell about 4 chapters worth of action. I just wish someone would do something that pushes this plot forward. And the sad part is I'll be jumping in here this same time tomorrow (at 3AM) to see what happens next. So maybe Gary is smarter than the rest of us (LOL 8-P). There, I feel better already.

thebulletthebulletalmost 17 years ago

<p>I think it was Jack Warner that said, "If nothing happens by the end of the first reel, nothing is going to happen".</p>

<p>Well, the first reel is long gone and still this story is no closer to conclusion. My fear is that eventually, perhaps five or six chapters down the line, Molly will finally spit out what's been bugging her all of these years and the story will come to a screeching halt in about two paragraphs. </p>

<p>Is it ever going to end? How much longer will I give a damn? We've been given eight chapters of atmosphere but almost no plot movement that I can detect. And there's been too little erotica to please those readers that come to an erotic website to actually read erotica.</p>

<p>As well written as this is, it is offering less and less to recommend itself to a discerning reader.</p>

Alvaron53Alvaron53almost 17 years ago
I did get a belly laugh or two from this chapter

I'm with jack_straw on the plot holes in this tale. The author's style, delivery and prose are engaging but his plot is made of Swiss cheese. The thought uppermost in my brain as I toiled through this morass of verbiage was "Enough already."


Here's an example of the silliness in this chapter: "<I>This time it was Monopoly.... It was a very happy couple of hours, even if it had huge emotional overtones.</I>" Say what?! Oh, yes, it's quite traumatic trying to decide who gets the shoe and who has to settle for the toy dog before an emotionally exhausting game of Monopoly with the family. I know people who still bear the emotional scars from those life-altering decisions. Please.


I found the dismissal of Dennis Murrell hypocritical. Our hero is indignant that someone would discuss his bedding the wife of a subordinate but excuses his behavior with the limp-wristed excuse of "<I>I still think that was her fault more than mine."</I> Yeah, I'm buying that idea. It's nothing more than the blame game--the devil made me do it. It's clear that our hero values appearances more than substance. That's true at his job and in his life. The reason he doesn't want to know why Molly divorced him is that it will shatter the idyllic appearances of their marriage when the ugly truth was that it can't have been all that good. He can't have that.


The more the author reveals of the main character the less I find likeable in Chris. He's shallow, rather crass, selfish and vindictive. All of these wonderful attributes are encased in a socially correct veneer of civility and urbanity. He's definitely not my cup of tea, and that is wearing my patience with the author's literary antics quite thin.

skipperrskipperralmost 17 years ago
too much

If this was a book (which it seems like the author is trying to turn it into), I would have long ago turned to the last few pages to see how things turned out. Although, the longer it takes to get to the end, the less I seem to care what happens to these characters. Admittedly, I still look each day for the next chapter. But, it becomes more and more a matter of looking for the end.

Nightowl22Nightowl22almost 17 years ago
A very good story

but it does seem to be drawn out.. I don't see holes but I see a bunch of question marks(symantics).. Molly may be feeling doubly guilty about her infidelity.. But that leaves the question, also, what did Ralph tell her?? I think he has told her some of what he would like things to be, as facts.. It is looking much like Molly discovered before the marriage to Peter that it was all a mistake on her part.. Peter probably told her that her husband, Chris, was screwing around so she could, too.. Women's revenge, in these stories, tend to be sexual, with a little encouragement.. After her divorce Peter could have told her the truth of his lie about Chris.. That could well be why she was crying before the marriage.. A love lost, that she was now fully aware of!! I would guess Peter was devastated over her being in bed with with because he was sure she would never do that to HIM.. Peter's love for her comes into question and I am wondering why he carried through with the marriage, in that case.. What are Peter and Susan up to that she is lying to Ralph about her wwhereabouts?? Has Peter been having sex with her for some time[I don't remember her description but I'm assuming she is attractive]?? I also feel that Chris loves Molly far more than he thinks he does.. Seven years, mother of his two sons.... Chris really doesn't want a relationship with Myra?? Why?? Why didn't he want more with Helene?? I think Molly is his reasons.. Will tune in tomorrow to see if there are developements..

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
What the fuck?

First, Peter is a player, fucking every woman on two feet, then marries Molly and we are told that Peter has changed his ways and is faithful...and then we are told he cheats on Molly...then we are told he is faithful. Same for Molly. The author tells us she loved Chris, then she loved Peter then Chris then told that No, she loves Peter. Same with Chris: First he loves her, then is ambivilent to her, he fucks her in her marriage bed then proceeds to act like it meant nothing. Every time you turn around, Molly wants to talk to Chris but nothing is ever fucking said. To be honest, I really enjoyed the story at the beginning, but now...I don't care if you ever end it or not because I can't read another sentence. I'm sure you meant well, Gary but your story has become as interesting as watching paint dry. Good luck in future stories.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
What the fuck?

First, Peter is a player, fucking every woman on two feet, then marries Molly and we are told that Peter has changed his ways and is faithful...and then we are told he cheats on Molly...then we are told he is faithful. Same for Molly. The author tells us she loved Chris, then she loved Peter then Chris then told that No, she loves Peter. Same with Chris: First he loves her, then is ambivilent to her, he fucks her in her marriage bed then proceeds to act like it meant nothing. Every time you turn around, Molly wants to talk to Chris but nothing is ever fucking said. To be honest, I really enjoyed the story at the beginning, but now...I don't care if you ever end it or not because I can't read another sentence. I'm sure you meant well, Gary but your story has become as interesting as watching paint dry. Good luck in future stories.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
As The Pages Turn

Chapter 27:

Sit and read patiently as our hero, Chris, meanders through pages and pages of twist-turning reasoning that make no sense long as he is able to blame everyone else but himself. Watch Chris conclude one thing...then on the next sentence he dismisses that theory. Watch Chris dismiss why Molly cried on her wedding day as "oh, well, tally-ho, every bride cries on that day..." Watch Peter be a reformed cad one moment--he might have been a player, but after he married Molly he changed--but now he might have been unfaithful throughout the marriage. Watch Chris try to understand Molly’s actions as he considers several scenarios and/or motivations that are so far-fetched or unlikely that he will several sentences later discard them as well. Okay, this man is so stubbornly stupid. It’s a miracle that he could have been married--forget what that says about his management skills. I found myself almost screaming in frustration-- this story has become a soap opera. And the longer it’s taking the more I dislike Chris. I have no respect left for him. He whines more than he thinks. One thing left me confused. Molly calls her parents by their names, Ralph and Susan. I wondered if that was a “Brit thing” or if I had passed over the fact that she was adopted. What makes it so frustrating is that this story could be easily resolved if the characters just sat down and talked, but I guess that would be too easy, and after all that’s what this author is using to drive the conflict. It’s a classic romance tool. But still, come back tomorrow as we wade through the latest chapter of “AS the Pages Turn...” because we are still pitifully hooked.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Not a Brit thing ...

... to refer to your parents by their Christian names, as far as I know. I was a bit disappointed that the long awaited and essential 'conversation' didn't happen - perhaps in the next episode! But I find this story irresistible in spite of its frustrations!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
BORING! Send to site: NON-erotica

Hey. Go try get a agent or a publisher and see who picks up this tripe. This is for LitEROTICA. This just isn't erotic.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
painted in the corner again

I don't mind the pace, although most people do. The writing's good and mostly there's something to move forward with, even if it's just firing a loudmouth. I'm still of the opinion that neither Chris nor Molly have the morals of alley cats, despite Chris's holier than thou pronouncements.

Back a chapter, in the comments, there was a very well put observation that this was just a big soap opera and I agree. Tune in next week to find that Susan has been the evil manipulator who told Molly that Chris didn't care and didn't measure up at the time of the marriage failure and that Molly, while stupider than a stump to believe mumsy and to be manipulated by her, and even stupider, to go with her to Wells when she HAD to have a word with Chris. Finally, in chapter 28 (one more than another suggestion) she realizes that her life would be better without Susan's interference and that Chris and she and the boys belong together and live happily ever after until the boys fight and eat each other alive simultaneously (such nice kids) and disappear forever.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Guess I'm weird

But I'm enjoying the story. I knew it would not be a quick "stroke" story by chapter 1 and I would have quit reading then if it bothered me. The story is moving at a realistic pace. It wouldn't fit in a prime-time 30 minute slot, but neither does life.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
AWFUL; Keep in mind 2 more chapters to GO!!!

Incrediably Chris has now added to his pathetic LOOONG list of people he has Talked to about his marriage... his 8 year old son??!1!?!?


shades of Jimmy carter in the 1980 presidential debates when Carter has said " I asked Amy what was the most important problem in the world today?" Amy Carter was 10 years old at the time.


Say..wait a moment, I have an idea.... maybe Chris should talk to well Molly? Maybe Dick Cheney? Tony Blair? John Edwards? Oprah? Brittney Spears?


The firing of Dennis was such a hypocritical thing to do. Not only is Dennis fucking almost every woman he sees at the company but he has used his CEO powers to break up a marriage of what seems to be PROFESSIONALLY a decent guy for His - Chris --personal gain.


<b>Looks it is obvious that MOLLY thought or was told Chris was cheating. The poster below that speculated it might of been Peter who told Molly is correct. Then at some point during around the time Molly was to marry Peter she either


1) realized that she still love Chris even if he had cheated


2) Chris had never cheated and was fooled or tricked and by Peter and she overreacted. She needed a breadwinner which is all Peter was. </b>


Ok I thought for certain that on easter Sunday SOMETHING would happen. Chris talks to Molly at the Door for like 10 seconds... but opps the boys are waiting


Then he later that day they finally have a chance to talk But Wait... Chris says one thing..I never cheated and she runs off. STILL NO COVERSATION!!!!


you know what ? since there are still 2 more chapters to go at this point I dont give a fuck anyomore .


DesertPirateDesertPiratealmost 17 years ago
One of the few

Really good story. A quick story is not your style so don't worry about the whinners, since most are anonymous cowards who cares? Keep going because I still want to see how things shake out. Thank You for a very good story.

bruce22bruce22almost 17 years ago
Destruction of an alpha-male or two?

How can you guys say nothing happens?? Or do only a few classes of events end up in your memory?

All detective mysteries that I have read, no that is too

general... Most keep presenting different candidates for the role of criminal and then finding inconsistencies. That is very interesting to a good chess player and Gary does a great job on playing the facts in different theories.

If you don't like it, why read it?? Let the other couple

of hundred readers enjoy it.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Good Story

Much better than the average story on this site. Gary writes well and I suspect some are jealous of his literacy!

"Nanny Susan" will be the heavy in this as Peter's co-conspirator. Now we need Molly to be pregnant.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Heading home

Please forgive me if this posts twice. I must be doing something wrong. Once I preview the comment I click the post it button, but it disappears and doesn't post. I imagine it will appear somewhere in cyberspace on another site:>)

The point I want to make is that our distination in this story is clearer. Hellene and Myra are out of the way as permanent love interests for Chris. That only leaves Molly, unless the author slips a new girl in on us as an afterthought. It seems obvious that Peter is still chasing skirts according to his just fired alpha male buddy, and therefore, Molly must be aware of that fact. That is why she broke down when Chris declared his fidelity. Why would she feel the need to leave such a loving, loyal husband? She wouldn't unless her own mother was in bed with Peter and they were working together to destroy their marriage before Chris was promoted and took off with her grandchildren. What will it take to get Chris to finally uncover the truth? Sometime in the next 2 chapters Molly will tell him, in spite of the efforts of her mother to keep them apart. The topper? She will be pregnant with Chris' child, that she planned on the day she was most fertile.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago

It seems that Chris is mistaken about the demise of his marriage to Molly. Based on his inability to communicate with her now, it probably was evident in their marriage and they were too clueless to address their issues. Susan definitely needs to be taken down, but the real issue is whether Molly and Chris should reconcile. Molly may still love him but who wants somebody is who is a powerful executive but clueless in real life

capecodmercurycapecodmercuryalmost 17 years ago
Still enjoyable, but. . .

Gary, you placed a lot of god information in this chapter and I really did enjoy it. The hints and possible red herrings you are dropping are making this similar to a mystery novel.

That being said, I would caution against too many more teasers. This is at least the second time (the lunch and the tea) you have teased "the conversation" between Molly and Chris in one chapter and and then failed to follow through. At some point you need to follow through and let them have the conversation or you will lose the reader's interest.

Oh well, now you have given me more to think about with what's the conspiracy between Susan and Peter (and when did it begin). And we still haven't found out what Peter was doing on Wednesdays.

Keep up the good work but please give us more before you drive us crazy!

leapyearguyleapyearguyalmost 17 years ago
Harry, You're Back!

The comment you've just read is pure Harry, only the names have been changed to protect Harry! Mwahhaha. Gary, I'd love to know what happens in the end but at the same time I love the slow burn and have a new chapter to look forward to each day. Finally something to look for each day as I open the new stories page. Thank you LYG

looking4itlooking4italmost 17 years ago
By Ch. 8

If you are looking for a "stroke" in a story and nothing much has happened by Chapter 8, you are a dumbass for thinking one will arise by now. Jfc, get a clue. lol


This chapter was not as drawn out as 7 so I appreciated that. I think we will find out soon that in the long list of dubious and deceitful characters Susan will be, by far, the worst of all. I am now curious how Ralph will react when Susan's plots become clear.


Chris thinks TOO much and easily rationalizes things to fit his perspective. I agree with others, this is perhaps the real trait that was the failure of his marriage. Not the cheating but the manner in which his personality, and Molly's own submissiveness, led to a dis-communication. I don't want to go back and figure out how much time has passed since he returned to Bristol but their failure to communicate and talk is reason enough to believe that they are incompatible. His anger in the car should be proof positive that he harbors strong feelings for her and is denying them to himself. We will see where things go from here.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
The Soapy Lady (Molly) Hasn't Sung

Yeah, "poor" Molly's in a state of constant tears all the time: her marriage's in deep shit; she's not sure whether she's "coming or going" [according to Ralph]; she's timid and teary-eyed around Chris all the time. <p>

She was very in love with Chris; then she was having "deep feelings" for Peter the Fucking Davies; and then she's calling Chris "my darling" as she's fucking him in hers and Peter's bed. [[[We are sure she was also calling Peter "my darling," too, when she was fucking him while still married to her other "darling," Chris.]]] <p>

Boy, no wonder this soapy lady hasn't said any thing coherent all these years.... Her time's divided among 5 men, two of whom are her lovers or former lovers and 3 are her boys and father. The woman's busy. <p>

One thing is for sure: Chris will take another year or two (like a few more chapters of 4-page each: note that each Lit page is around 2-3 real 8x11 inch pages) to sort out his "true feelings" and Molly will also take as mcuh time to stop her tears, before they can actually sit down together, with neither parents nor kids around, to sort out the "feelings" and "misunderstandings." <p>

But, hey, since NO OTHER AUTHORS has come up with another story that is as good or better, what have we better to read here than this nicely put together soapy "As the World Keeps Turning" dish washing soap?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago

I really don't care how this story ends.......

JennyBearJennyBearalmost 17 years ago
I don't want it to end

Today you did something I Have been waiting for. I'm referring to the section that ended with "Peter fucking Davies". The raw emotions you finally revealed were very powerful. Now I know we are on the home stretch. Carole was close but I think Molly was lamenting the fact she traded a loving faithful husband for a sniveling little piss ant. Ralph is trying to step up, it didn't help this time though.

Then there is the mother in law from hell whoa! I can't wait

Average-JoeAverage-Joealmost 17 years ago
Very good

Still going strong imo. Maybe the author is stringing out the conclusion/resolution by having Molly and Chris continue to avoid talking, but its just mildly annoying, not a deal breaker. I still think this story would be better in one shot. The breaks and delays wouldnt be as annoying if you could just read through them. It wouldnt seem like months of delays for the main characters if there werent so many stops and starts in the story itself. <p><p>

Even if the delivery of the story could be improved, the content and plot is still great imo. Thanks again for writing Gary. <p><p>

PS - I hope the author doesnt put off the big talk too much longer and then rush to a 2 paragraph ending where everything is perfect like some others have speculated is coming. That would be a bit of let down after such a good buildup.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Vey good... really very good

You hit all the notes dead on. Tried to wait til you finished before starting this series since I battle to wait for the next installment, but gave in tonight. Must be a bit heavy to write - its heavy to read!

curious2ccurious2calmost 17 years ago
GaryAPB...You're doing a fine job. I can tell...

Reading the story, then the comments on each chapter I see an interesting phenomena occurring. Each chapter brings out a bit more passion.

All the signs of a great writer. The object is, of course, to gather the reader in and surround them with the story. They begin to see it, touch it, feel it, even smell it.

The more I read, the better it gets and the more I want to read.

From one author to another, GREAT JOB! for the comments about how Chris is 'talking to everyone and their brother' about his marriage. I have worked in several jobs where past marriages came up in conversation. I've heard it all from the ex spouses about their lives and what happened, and lots more. (some times far more than I really wanted to know (TMI) know what I mean?) Chris hasn't really spilled a lot about his marriage. Of course he talked to his kids about it, as they were DIRECTLY AFFECTED by the resulting divorce and re-marriage. DOH!

In life, sometimes people make mistakes and can't see how to correct them. They then follow the path they laid for themselves, thinking that somehow it is the way to go. I can see that Molly feel into a path of her own making due to her having cheated with Peter. I'd bet that Peter had some sort of 'knowledge' or 'truth' that Chris had cheated on Molly. I'll bet that's how Peter slipped Molly's defenses and gained the entry he needed. If not, it wouldn't have been a bad angle since in at least ten of the divorced men I've talked to, they were accused of having cheated on their wives...when in fact they hadn't. The wives lovers had put that idea in their head at some point and eventually the wives came to believe it. That's 'real life' there, not a story. These guys I talked to weren't the smartest, best looking or anything, but they did love their wives.

Of course there were a host of other men I talked to over the years that really went out of their way to cheat on their spouses, and in the end, they got away with nothing.

In Chris and Molly's case...we don't know the true cause of the start of the end...but there have been some hints and some character building that has assisted in the whole picture being brought about.

How about Susan? She isn't the best mother-in-law since she doesn't like to travel. Perhaps she helped Peter and Molly to come together against Chris to begin with?

Or maybe Peter is just a scummy marriage busting jerk that got caught up in his own trap, no matter what is said about him and Molly. After all, everyone that knew Molly before, said that she didn't look as good now as she had way back when she was with Chris.

In the end I feel that the author of this great story will take us on a journey of learning, human suffering, love and sexual fulfillment that will be quite worth the effort to not only read, but come back to in the future and re-read as well.

There are few authors out there that can bring out the reader's responses this well. To have people actually get ANGRY with a character...they've identified somehow with the story. The passion is the giveaway.

Good job GaryAPB...well done, and I can't wait for the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Susan and Peter ummmm

Is Susan having an affair with Peter? I want to know, they were lovers before or after he met Molly. Why she was in the car with Peter and why she lied to Ralph

“Oh! Perhaps I was mistaken. I thought it was his car heading this way with Susan, just as I was driving away on Friday evening. I assumed he would have come in. Sorry."

"With Susan? You must be seeing things. Susan was down the road at Jean Pilton's talking about cakes. You know, the big white Georgian house on the corner."

So, what is with people picking on Chris?

Really, don't be so shameless! Yes, he dates colleagues, but that's not automatically sexual harassment. It is only if they refuse and he continues. Also, so he's a cold fish....well, that's just him, and it's partly because he is emotionally damaged, at least in this case. Not that it's's an understandable thing. This is a jaded guy, not an immature one. Being super-sensitive and extra-emotional is not the barometer of maturity, where I sit. Stop judging him for being himself and doing what he must to deal with the pain. We all have our ways of coping. We aren't all Oprahized. Thank the Gods for that!

nicinicialmost 17 years ago
Cold Fish? I don't think so any more.

Y'all seem to be complaining about some actions (or non-actions) some character has taken so far in Gary’s story, but have you stopped and thought about the complexities that Gary has added in?


We can take apart the individual characters and find fault, and we can call it “soapy”, but it’s actually that “soapiness” that gives the story so much volume and flavor.


Maybe I have missed it, but I have yet to see anyone call his characters and plot “unreal”.


No Max, Cris has a very defined split in his morality. (What’s right for others, and what’s right for him.) He is actually a very emotional man… and quite egotistical. The cold fish is a social face and act.

Okay, now how is he split in his morality?

Just curious here. Yes, he is angry at Peter and acted like he took revenge (which on some subconscious level, he might have, given the verse that he quoted), but I have never seen him cheat on a spouse, while condemning her for cheating. As to his adulterous affair with her later, I don't see him trying to justify that, either. Egotistical, how? By standing up for himself and refusing to be pushed around? Hell, he even stopped people from making light of Peter's situation and gossiping about it! That's how I saw it.

No, I don't see him as egotistical....just not a man who trusts what others tell him. Jaded, I'd say. Very cynical about anyone and everyone. An egotist wouldn't tell his sons to take down the humiliating chalkboard thing about "Elsie". The only egotist I see here, besides Peter, is Susan. She wants to control and dominate her daughter, and her way to do so is to break up her daughter's first marriage and try to prejudice Molly against Chris. Given people like her and Peter, I don't blame him for his cynicism.

Now, admittedly, cheating is a very human flaw, quite wrong but also quite common and understood....backstabbing and plotting to set up Molly with Peter like that....that's different. That's cold-hearted and narcissistic, if you ask me.

I say that with respect, nici, because I do have a high opinion of you as a person and of your goals of understanding and exploring the human psyche. We just don't always come to the same conclusions, as witnessed here. We'll just have to agree to disagree, I guess, with respect, and see what happens next.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Good but slow developing story

I enjoy your story, but I would enjoy it more if you would ever let poor Molly finish a conversation. Every time she and Chris are on the verge of a conversation that might clarify the story someting happens to send Molly into tears and Chris into mystifcation. Please let them have a private conversation to clear the air and let the readers relax.

60 year old George

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
Very good

I liked it a lot but the interaction with the kids was priceless.

KarenEKarenEover 9 years ago

Regarding four years ago, I DO think Chris may have a bit of a wrong take on things.

While Molly did pretty much nothing to show it, I think it is quite possible that she DID still love Chris, and not so much was in love with Peter but had an obsessive lust for him.

I admit this doesn’t explain why she didn’t fight more for their marriage, including not seeing Peter anymore, but people don’t always act logically!

It’s probably not going to happen ( it appears that reconciliation with Molly is being hinted at!), but I think he and Myra are ruling each other out too soon. They certainly shouldn’t rush into anything, but why not continue seeing each other, not exclusively, and maybe cooling it on the sex at least for a while, and see what develops?

I know you don’t want to get the kids involved, but I don’t think it would be out of line to ask them why they thought he should say he was sorry, since THEY brought it up.

Susan: “You're not the stable home and commitment sort of man."

He should have said, “I WAS the stable home and commitment sort of man, until my loving WIFE cheated on me!” And why didn’t MOLLY speak up and defend him?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Ok, ok, ok I think I got it

Congrats. Very good story. Four out of five . (Even though I accidentally hit the third star. Sigh) Ok, ok, ok I think I've finally got a handle on this story. And I haven't read ahead and cheated. I think Peter seduced Molly by telling her Chris was having an affair. Maybe he used evidence from one of his own, Peter's, affairs with a married woman at work. Molly, of courses, is devastated and falls into Peter's arms. He, in turn, genuinely falls in love with her, rather than just having a fling. Maybe Molly gets pregnant (only to lose the baby later) or maybe Peter tells her Chris is going to marry. Either way she doesn't try to reconcile with Chris and marries Peter. She quickly regrets it because she is still in love with Chris. Or maybe she starts to suspect Peter lied to her and Chris, but doesn't have any proof. This author in his stories explores True Love, that is love that survives despite adversity. Back to Bristol is actually the flip side of the coin he wrote about in TGI Chronicles except in that story Beth cheats and Tim manages to take her back. Also in the second chapter of TGI Dave falls in True Love for the first time but messes it up.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

Her eyes filled with tears, she stood up, "Ralph said....... But you just have to rub it in......" and she ran out of the room.

I sat there. What did I say? What's got into her? I was stunned.

DUMB, DUMB, DUMB - love the story but the continued idiocy of Chris is really annoying. This is an MD. 4* instead of 5* because of this.

Bo47Bo47over 7 years ago
Chatting with a receptive woman!

Tar and feather him! Or maybe be secure and adult enough to realize that banner and humor is a stress release and in no way equal to infidelity if it's an all talk and no contact sport. Grow up!

Bo47Bo47over 7 years ago
Chris and Molly's long delayed conversation,

Is a pretty good plot device. Hoewver, I, for one, have less and less respect for Molly and Criss the longer it drags on. In Chris' s place, I would have been fed up with her wavering on the edge of a great revelation for so long and say something like "Spit it out Molly. If it is as important as you are implying, get on with saying it before it loses all value."

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

More laughs and humor from the comments. Had not realized that Monopoly game was so exciting and life-changing until I read Alvaron (I had skipped it as I read the story).

Paul in Oklahoma

GymShortsGymShortsabout 5 years ago

Chris needs to step up and tell Susan to mind her own business and stop trashing him.

Artie88Artie88about 4 years ago
Stretching patience and credibility a bit too far

All of Chris introspection seems to have gone way off base.

He has lost the question that he wanted answered at the beginning of the story, "What did he do wrong?"

It is getting a bit lame now

SignedBTWSignedBTWover 3 years ago
I Thought It Was

Pretty obvious who Susan was going to turn out to be in that silver car with, so as it turns out she's working behind the scenes with dickwadd but in the long run I don't think it's going to work well for them. Not sure how it's going to turn out in Susan's relationships with Ralph or Molly but I see Peter self-destructing. He's a bully and a coward, he's not used to losing. Peter is the type that has to dump the woman not having it the other way around or having someone cuckold him. On the other hand I really like Myra, a lot. Now if Molly would just grow up, tell Susan to shove it up her ass and talk to Chris, I'm tired of this 'pleading eyes' bullshit. I'm also wondering if Susan may have had anything to do with Peter seducing Molly out of her marriage. If she did and I were Ralph or Molly she would be dead to me. Signed: BTW

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

So he has the Mother in Law actively working against him... I wonder if she had anything to do with Molly going full whore.

Helen1899Helen1899about 2 years ago

What a give away. Susan has been with Peter Davies. He sees her in his car, asks Ralph about it, Ralph knows nothing. Our thick CE. Never gives it another thought, well not yet. I am guessing Susan is behind the marriage break up. That's my theory anyway. I might be dreaming with this next suggestion I wonder if Susan was fucking Peter.

skruff101skruff101almost 2 years ago

This is supposed to be a captain of industry, a managing director of a major company no less, we’re 8 chapters in and so far he’s a whiny little clueless bitch doing everybody’s bidding when he should be telling them all to ‘fuck off’.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

It's obvious that Molly is a very fucked up and I would also say stupid woman, at least when it comes to her relationships. Too bad that Chris is still so much in love with her that he can't see this, and that he would be much better off keeping a respectful distance from her and all her crazy drama.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Still Here. And enjoying the merry-go-round

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

@skruff101 you obviously have no idea that MD's are as fucked up as we are. Personally I would not piss on one even if on fire.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

I believe Susan set up Peter to meet Molly and pursue her (chapter one). According to Ralph, Susan doesn't like to travel, and as a result of Chris and Molly staying married, or getting back together she might loose her grandchildren because she doesn't travel (fly). As a result, Susan is pushing Molly away from Chris, so she can control Molly and keep seeing her grandchildren. She's also working on getting Peter back with Molly, that way she'll still be able to see/take care of the kids. It's also why when Chris and Ralph started talking about plants in foreign countries, that Susan left the room and started reading a newspaper. She didn't want to travel to see the plants that got Ralph excited.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Why would he give Dennis the chance for resignation after he went on an egregiously unprofessional 'alpha male' rant. Chris is the alpha male, that's why he could fire Dennis--and he should have. MC shows a bit too much mercy imo. I think Molly deserves mercy, she seems really messed up and I know Susan is the snake poisoning her from the start. I guarantee she's responsible for the affair that ruined her first marriage.

Peter deserves no mercy

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

@anon below m, ignoring the fact that the whole alpha male thing is a load of erroneous research conclusions only fit for animals and men in captivity. The essence of the concept wouldn't automatically make the MC an alpha male just because he was in a position of authority.

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