All Comments on 'Back to Bristol Ch. 09'

by GaryAPB

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DoctorWyldcardDoctorWyldcardalmost 17 years ago

Well I KNEW someone had to finally snap...<p>

and it was the father, Ralph finally has started putting 2 and 2 together and see the real picture. He's still a bit passive but hey, he ran poor old 'don't travel' Susan off.<p>

Will we FINALLY get the talk we need/want? <p>

And who doesn't see the Monday as a trap to stick those two together...hope he locks them in a freight box until they talk. They need it.<p>

mallahmallahalmost 17 years ago

Chris, cut her off from talking again at the train station. He keeps putting his foot in his mouth...Arrogant, selfish, conceited, it is a wonder that he doesn't have someone following around with a full length mirror so he can tell himself how he is not to blame for anything in life...Maybe when he sees his mother, both her and his brother will tie him down to a chair, stuff a worn sock in his mouth and have him LISTEN to Molly...I am guessing that who is Ralph's overseas guest...Hopefully, we will know what Ralph was yelling at Susan about...I thought Susan had some sort of travel phobia? Is it an excuse so she can have her affair with Peter? I am guessing.

Nicely done, Gary...

Okay, I now just think that Chris is dense..., but too bullheaded to see that Molly wants him back. Not that it's necessarily a good idea...that's up to him. But, really, does she have to strip naked and grovel in his office....well, actually, that's not a bad idea.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Another FORCED reconciliation coming up!!!

You all DO realize that this author is going to turn this whole story on its head and have Chris and Molly get back together?....


You do know that right? Makes perfect sense... A high powered successful CEO is going to go back to a lying scheming cheating manipulative ex wife.... that has shown serious signs of mental instability.




Despite this authors best attempt at making this a mystery its so obvious what has happened that its not worth reading anymore. And the plot holes are massive.


Ralph figured out how evil his wife Susan has been and how she has been EITHER fucking Peter on the side or was working with Peter from 4+years ago to destroy Chris's marriage to Molly.


Yet even now that Ralph who has FINALLY figured it all out and hears from Chris how frustrated Chris is with Molly's bullshit... cant seem to say 1 sentance to Chris.... to get him to talk to her....


The conversation could go like this


<b>Ralph says ... Chris there is something you should know. 5 years ago Susan and Molly t wanted you to focus more on Molly... so they cooked up this scheme with Peter to make you think she was cheating. Then Susan twisted it around convinced Molly that if she told you I am going to Marry Peter you would come crawling back to her.... You see Susan always hated you and this was a chance to get you out Molly's life </b>


This whole thing is Ridiculous... Laughable. The worst thing is that Chris is STLL hung up on Molly. There is NO possible justification for her actions 4 years ago. Whether Molly actually cheated or pretended to her entire course of actions since Chris returned is so mentally untable so vile so manipulative that no such reconciliation is possible.


Now we have 9 chapters down and Beyond all reason beyond all comprehension Molly and Chris still cant seem to have a 10 minute conversation.

JakeRiversJakeRiversalmost 17 years ago
Some think that Molly's

inability to have her "talk" is either moving the story along or not. I think her difficulty in talking to the Ex IS the story.

Quite an interesting read.

Regards, Jack

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Perfect Chris

Chris is the very model of a modern corporate executive. As a father, friend and husband he has no peer. The machinations of the women who conspire to ensnare him may succeed, but his indomiatble spirit, though captured, will still shine.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago

one of the best --- tiresome but best --- soaps here in Lit in recent memory.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
re: Another FORCED reconciliation coming up

"its so obvious what has happened that its not worth reading anymore" Simple - don't read it. Personally I think it's a bloody good read. Good character development, good plot so far. I don't have a problem with them getting back together if that's where the story goes. If you have such a problem, like I said, don't read any further - your choice. But if you do CHOOSE to continue reading, then PLEASE don't bitch about it

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago

It seems like the only way Chris and Molly will ever talk is if you lock them in a room and don't let them out until the finally talk.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
SORRY!!!! Not upto standard.

His name should be "Wuss" not "Wiss". Brian should be corrected.LOL

SalamisSalamisalmost 17 years ago
A truly frustrating central character

You have created one of the most frustrating central characters in all of literature. Is Chris really this daft? Only Brian, a passing relative, seems to be the only realist in this story. Brian reminds Chris that Molly cheated on him, which is a statement of fact. However, Chris responds that “she fell in love with someone else”. As if in his mind, this is an acceptable alternative. Chris is delusional when it comes to his ex.

He keeps saying that Molly is a wonderful mother, yet she pawns off her children with her parents every weekend, and was doing do so prior to his arrival. What’s that about?

He says that Molly is strong when she is weak. There is no evidence of strength coming from this woman; she even broke up with him via email. How cowardly is that?

Her father says she is stubborn, when indeed she is afraid, and riddled with fear. Chris says to Brian that Molly will fight for her man. Did she fight for him? Is she fighting for Peter now? What is Chris seeing? Was the sex that blinding that he cannot have a rational conversation with his wife nor with anyone concerning his wife?

Chris grows ever more frustrating with each succeed chapter. What a fascinating picture you have painted!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Ooooooh - Something became a little clearer to me

At least I'm beginning to get a glimmering of the reason for the miscommunications that happened right before the divorce.

An earlier poster sounded disgusted by the idea that this story might end in a reconciliation between Chris and Molly. I still have no idea whether the author has that ending in mind, or a parting of the ways for good, or merely a truly amicable relationship between the two at last -- and it doesn't matter to me since it's Gary's story to write. However, I will say that cornball as it sounds, true love can sometimes conquer all. <br><br>

What I'm seeing more and more clearly with each chapter is that Molly never stopped loving Chris. I still don't really know why she was vulnerable to fall for Peter's seduction, but I'm beginning to have my suspicions. I think some manipulation has been, and was, going on, by a third party.<br><br>

I liked the introduction of Chris' brother temporarily to the story line, because he offers the clear cut view that Molly cheated, thus she is a slut and a no good liar. By Chris' response to him, we see into his mind more than ever before. It hurts him to hear her spoken of that way. Even after the pain, hurt, loss and feelings of betrayal, he has been able to still see that she is a good mother, that they once shared something truly special, and he's trying to hold on and take the high road, not get mired down in name-calling and holding onto bitterness. For that, I admire him. Too many people in real life are simply unable to move beyond that pain, and keep it fresh, like an open sore.<br><br>

I don't blame Chris for being fed up with all the lame attempts by Molly to talk to him. Molly either needs to grow a pair and just sit down and talk to him, and deal with it being unpleasant,.... or else stop trying half-heartedly. For pete's sake Molly - grow a pair! You have something you are dying to say ---- so just spit it out. She sees Myra and freaks out. She thinks Helene might be on the horizon and wimps out. Ah, while I can understand her behavior, that sort of thing drives me crazy. Especially if she just wants to say, "hey, I never stopped loving you, and I still love you, and is there any way, any way at all we could try again?" -- I think it's important that she at least put that out there. Don't live your life with regrets. The worst that can happen is Chris says, "no, I don't want to." Don't wimp out Molly. Just say it and let the chips fall.

Alvaron53Alvaron53almost 17 years ago

Wake me when something important happens.

Use1ceOnlyUse1ceOnlyalmost 17 years ago
Every word

I don't often read every word of stories on this site but this really grips me and so far I have done just that.

He writes good English - minor typos and slips excepted. The story is complicated but clearly presented. I've never met a Managing Director. I don't suppose many real ones lead lives that would be interesting to outsiders but I enjoy reading about this imaginary one.

Nightowl22Nightowl22almost 17 years ago
Are we progressing?

I was wondering,,, what id Molly was NOT the one who sent the email and didn't have a clue how to explain how she really felt about Peter and Chris, at that meeting, and was trying to find words??? Raplh seemed to KNOW what happened when Chris explained his side and he gave the wife hell and I don't think it was about any liaison she might have had with Peter.. She was the cause of the breakup.. Molly thought there was no going back since Chris wanted nothing to do with her[maybe she knew nothing of the email at that point] and with pressuring from dear old mom she agreed to marry Peter after the divorce.. Had Molly been able to say to Chris that her affair with Peter was just a short lived fling, that she loved only him, the marriage might have been saved since, at that point, he says, he was hoping for a reconciliation.. I do agree that Molly is not as strong as Chris seems to feel she is, at least where he is concerned.. That's as close as I can get to what made Molly cry before the wedding.. The feeling of utter hopelessness at losing what she truly wanted--the man she loved!! Which can certainly explain why Peter often accused her of still loving Chris--she did.. Dear old mom sure screwed up her daughter and a good marriage if that IS the cause.. I think the total story of mom's involvement may be even more pronounced.. Dear old mom may even have been the one to instill in Molly the idea that Chris was cheating on her, and supplied Peter with all the information about Molly she could; When she was alone and Chris was out of town, where Molly was going to be, what she liked, etc.. AND I can see where Chris can agree to take Molly back when he learns of all that DID happen.. I love happy endings!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Still a very intriguing

story.Could Peter and Susan be possibly be playing naughties?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Sustaining suspense

The only thing that Nightowl left out is that the visitors are his Mum and Stepfather. Gary is a master of sustaining suspense. Just look at all the comments in response to his story. Each day I think something will happen, be revealed, etc. and I continue to be left hanging. Maybe tomorrow..... His brother did a nice job in putting Chris ion a position to defend Molly. GREAT WRITING. THANKS. drmike

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
I get strangest the feeling

that reinforcements have just turned up. Possibly from the Antipodes! Mind I could be wrong! DC

capecodmercurycapecodmercuryalmost 17 years ago
The plot thickens

Gary, I still have no clue where you are taking this, but I beginning to suspect that good old honest Ralph has a scheme in mind to finally force Molly & Chris to have the conversation that should have happened four years ago.

This chapter was a perfect set up as it finally begins to come clear that there was a total lack of communication during the divorce and that Susan was elbow deep in stirring up the shit. When all is said and done, I have a feeling that no matter what happens between Chris and Molly, Molly(and quite possibly Ralph) are going to wind up absolutely loathing Susan. At first I thought that Ralph's comment about the stupid fucking cunt was referring to Molly, but I now see that it was Susan he was talking about. It appears that Susan convinced both Molly and Ralph that Chris didn't love Molly enough to fight for her, which in all likelihood was a deciding factor in Molly's decision to marry Peter even though she still loved Chris.

If there is one other thing that is obvious it is that Chris has placed Molly on a pedestal where she doesn't belong. His comment about her fighting tooth and nail for the person she loves seems to ring hollow in light of her actions when it comes to Chris, unless she believed that she had failed him so utterly that she didn't think she had a right to seek a reconciliation.

One thing that has never been made clear was how long the affair lasted before Chris found out. I'm beginning to suspect that he found out almost immediately. As written, the character of Molly couldn't keep a secret liason quiet to save her life. I strongly suspect that her guilt over sleeping with Peter that first time was the cause of her behavior. If so, the irony of this story is that Chris and Molly were two people who desperatly love each other and wanted to reconcile, but afraid to try because they didn't want to hurt the other.

This chapter did a lot to moving us into the end game of the story. I don't think that Brian's presence in Bristol was a total coincidence. It is highly possible that his pointed questions/comments were in the nature of a devil's advocate to force Chris to admit in his own mind what he felt for Molly.

I suspect that these "Overseas visitors" are going to play a major role in resolving the story. I just can't figure out how yet since I can conceive of two likely scenarios. The only thating that seems obvious is that Ralph is forcing a conclusion. My prediction is that the visitor is either Chris' Mum (if Gary is pointing towards a reconciliation) or Helene (if Ralph is planning to force Chris and Molly to move on with their lives).

I guess I'll see tomorrow. Gary, this story has been quite a ride.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Storytelling, dosing out by drops...

There’s a saying where I come from, “too many cooks spoil the soup.” If I had so many people involved in my marriage or any kind of relationship which I might have, then just like Chris, no relationship would prosper. There’s just too many people with too many opinions and theories, involved in the relationship between Molly and Chris. But maybe this is necessary because Chris runs his relationships just like his business, weighing pros and cons from every angle, creating and discarding theories for every occurrence or sigh, raised eyebrow, call, pleading look and heaven knows what else. I still don’t understand why a supposedly brilliant man instead of wasting his time speculating about Molly’s purpose and actions doesn’t sit down and merely asks her. Why doesn’t he push the issue and just TALKS to her? But no, once Chris makes a decision, once he buys into a theory (like Molly broke the marriage because she was in love, and you can’t fight love) nothing will change his opinion, nothing will deter his course, preferring to leave things in the status quo, hoping that someone else will offer another theory into the inner mind and feelings of his ex-wife. So he sits back in his big director’s chair with his supposedly clean hands, though he orchestrated a series of events which destroyed Molly’s marriage, including sleeping with his ex-wife, taking a nap after so that Peter could find them, then quoting with all his moral superiority a bible verse (can you say hipocrite). Then he judges Molly because after all she did cheat on him. I know this is the hero. I know that I’m supposed to like him, but what I keep wondering is why Molly didn’t leave him before because this is the kind of man that not only compartmentalizes his life, but one that judges every action and reaction until it neatly fits into his analytical mind. But that is the problem, people are not neat figures that you can tally into an account. They are human and flawed. They react impulsive or not based on their emotions, and that’s what Chris doesn’t understand. They will not fit into his tidy schedule like the ones he has for his children or his women. Children are for the weekends. As for his women, Helene was used and discarded because she was for companionship until the right one came along. Myra was just a ship in the night, good for his business and personal life, but nothing else. Molly was the love of his life, but she is the past because what she did is unforgivable and he also would never settle for being second best (this man’s ego would never permit him forgiveness and reconciliation, so that theory is shot). But we shan’t not worry because Chris with his busy schedule still has a “vacancy for a little companionship, a little delecting” if you please...

Never has “Women are from Venus, Men are from Mars” been so clear. Molly is a woman ruled by emotion and Chris is a man ruled by an analytical mind--and they never shan’t meet. This marriage was a bad fit from the beginning, Peter was just incidental. Chris needs a cold woman with an analytical mind just as his own who will dedicate her life and her profession to his career. And Molly, a simple woman and mother needs a nice man that will make her feel loved and protected, one that will make her feel important in his life and not just a slot.

I did want to thank the author for an outstanding story. These kind of stories are unusual in Literotica, but they are such a treat. I might get aggravated at times for the slow pace of the story, but it has been a pleasure to read. Thank you, author!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago

While the story is well written and enjoyable, the end is a forgone conclusion. GaryAPB ends his stories with the husband forgiving the cheating wife. He doesn't allow the ex-husbands to move on to a happy life with someone else.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
i have to wonder

where this is all going.....stilll a great read but its getting time to put some resolution to some of whats going on... is molly wanting back with him.... will he be able to get over her and find some one permanent or forever go from one to another...these quwstions and more hopefully will be answered in the next lol few far still a great read

JennyBearJennyBearalmost 17 years ago
It doesn't get any better than this!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have been wondering all along how Chris would be able to reconcile with Molly, a woman who has never met a wedding vow she couldn't break. He has indicated forgiving her for her affair was something he could do. However the subsequent marriage and letter that precipitated it, is still driving him up the wall 5 years later. He is not a man to accept being second best from the woman he loves. The following quote from Ralph tells you everything you need to know. Ralph was still just watching me, but he looked so shocked, and there were tears rolling down his cheeks as well. Then all he said, slowly and very precisely, was "The stupid.....dumb....cunt."

studebakerhawkstudebakerhawkalmost 17 years ago
What a ride!

I still find it hard to believe that an a no-nonsense hard-boiled executive like Chris can't MAKE Molly hold still long enough to have a conversation. I've been convinced for some time that Susan had a hand in Chris and Molly's breakup. I'm about convinced that she not only had a hand in it, she was the driving force behind ALL of it. I think Ralph finally figured out that Susan sent the e-mail rather than Molly. Susan has been the puppeteer pulling Molly's strings right from the start. The 'very hard thing' that Molly wants Chris to do is to forgive for being a brain-dead fool and listening to dear old mum. I also believe some of the previous posters are correct in that Ralph's overseas visitors are from Australia. Perhaps they'll be able to return Ralph's hospitality. After Chris's mom and Molly's dad force their outrageously stubborn offspring to FINALLY have that conversation, I sense a possibility that Ralph may suddenly be in a position to travel much more freely. As always, Gary, thanks for sharing your talents with us. I look forward to the next installment.

DesertPirateDesertPiratealmost 17 years ago
Very good!

Some complain that Chris won't talk to Molly, that's hard to do when she won't talk. It is obvious that Susan was involved in the original breakup. The question I haven't seen asked has to do with Susan being with Peter that one Sunday. Another is who is Peter seeing on his Wednesdays off. Since a predator never changes his stripes, what makes anyone think he is anything different now? One of his "dates" is probably Susan. Wherever this one goes from here is going to be fun since Gary is such a good writer. Enjoy the journey!

z926538z926538almost 17 years ago
Who's Feeding Susan Information?

First of all, I love this little mystery/soap opera. I think the comments regarding Susan's role in the break up are correct. What has me thinking right now is the comment from Ralph to Chris that Molly knew that Chris took Myra to the theatre. When Chris asks Ralph how Molly gained this information we find out it came from Susan. But how did Susan know? I reread the theatre episode from the previous chapters and it is appears that the only people who knew about the theatre were Chris, Myra and Carole. Could it be that Carole is feeding Susan information about Chris? Does Carole have something to gain or lose should Chris and Molly reunite? Carole is the only character other than Chris who knows all the details of who Chris is seeing and why. Any opinions?

bruce22bruce22almost 17 years ago
Some Quotes

From Anne (via Fred)in chapter 3 "Molly was insistent, quite determined on this point, that you did nothing wrong. You did not let her down in anyway. I know you worry about it, so I thought it was important to let you know."

This is not coherent with the Molly thought he was cheating theory.

Also from Anne via Fred "Oh, and the only other thing Anne remembers is that Molly said that she wasn't going to make the mistake she made in her first marriage in the new one. She was determined that this one was forever, she'd committed herself to it, and she would see it through."

This has completely fallen apart at this point apparently. She even repeated the act of betraying her husband.

Further on it becomes clear that Molly is a liar, at least she gave her father the impression that she told some things to Chris when she did not say a single word to him. Finally she wondered to her parents if the seduction was planned by Chris. Perhaps she could still wonder, but she was making the comment to avoid that they realized that she (look at the nylon stocking and the special underwear)set him up.

All this leads me to believe that we have a lot to understand yet about Molly.. I stated originally (after chapter 1) that she did not want a divorce but after this revelatio of Ralph's I am confused!

Keep up the good work Gary, 95 % of the readers think that this is an excellent story and continue looking for it every morning!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago

By now we all know that Chris and Molly are headed back together, at least for that much anticipated conversation. As to whether or not Gary will let Chris get over his hurt ego is still up in the air. My bet is that once he understands how mother and Peter conspired to break up his marriage in the first place, he will be more open to reconciliation. However, we know who the villains are in the story and it seems likely that Ralph will be the good guy on the white horse who will solve the mystery (that we readers already know) and get Molly and Chris reconnected and corrected. SO what suspense is left in the story: 1) How is Ralph going to accomplish his destiny and 2) Will we have a sad ending or a happy one?

In any case, this has been fun:>)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
OK, I got to


I am enjoying this story very much. My thought is that Molly is now pregnant and guess by whom? I think that is the bomb she is going to drop on Chris.

Just a sealed envelop guess. What fun.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Susan's Informant

I don't believe that Carole is Susan's informant. Sharon from Peter's team was at the theatre and probably passed the information onto Peter who gave it to Susan. It shows that Susan and Peter are sharing info.

Carole's part in this drama hasn't been discussed much. She seems to ask way too many personal questions of Chris and I'm guessing that she is actually reporting info back to the Big Boss in London. After all he sent Chris back to Bristol with the cryptic Bible quote and I think Carole is his eyes and ears about Chris.

It's been a fun ride but I think its time to bring this to some sort of conclusion

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago

Some people don't deserve to be happy... and sometimes I think it is the readers.

How can three such wishy-washy people exist (Ralph, Molly and Chris)? All it takes are two manipulators to negate all their happiness, security, all their hopes and plans for the future. As it seems to be playing out, Susan either set up Molly for the infidelity or in some way helped it along. Then she talks and talks to Molly about how Chris no longer loves her and/or there is no going back and the marriage would be a sham.

Susan: Do the best for a children and throw yourself into a marriage with a lecher who you don't even know.

Molly: But I love Chris.

Susan: Then how could you have slept with Peter?

Molly (burying her head in her hands): I don't know. I'm so confused.

Susan: Chris, doesn't love you anymore. If he had why would he have left the house? There's no other reason. No point in trying to talk to him because it's so obvious. My god, just the other day I was talking to the women at the hairdressers and one of the girls from his work said all day he was muttering about his faithless bitch of a wife and how much he hated her and how if she really had any love for him she would never speak to him again and quickly marry the other guy.

Molly: Chris said that?

Susan(unbelieving that Molly would doubt her): I heard it at the hairdressers!

Molly: Maybe you're right. If I do love him, maybe I should never talk it out with him, that it was a one-time mistake, and that I will always love him and only him. And I hate the fact that we're arguing about money. There's no point in selling our house and moving into someplace more modest, or even temporarily staying with you, mum. No, the best way to prove my eternal and enduring love for Chris will be to immediately marry the man I had an affair with who I barely know.

Susan: You know it's the right thing to do.

Molly leaves and Susan turns towards the audience.

Susan (touching the fingers of both hand together ala Mr. Burns): Excellent.

Critical Popeye

coaster2coaster2almost 17 years ago
I'm Envious

at the volume of feedback you are receiving. It must be fun to write a long series of chapters and have this much controversy about the direction the story is taking and the motives of the characters. I feel like a fish with a tasty bit of bait being dangled in front of me and every time I go to take it, you yank it away. Naughty! Naughty!



AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Mollys Love and the POSSIBLE reconciliation

I'm a little surprise as how many people think this is a really great story and consistently give it such high marks. First off it's not very erotic... but it is a well written and very convoluted.


IF we assume we are headed towards reconciliation then we will have so many problems with this story it's hard to know how to begin. The problems exist not in the characters or this story per se but in the fact that this is going to probably end up as a reconciliation and anybody with a brain can see it given this authors history.


Lets talk about Jack Straw's point -- that this story IS about Molly's inability to talk to Chris. First it really does not need to take 10 chapters for this conversation and a plot to be figured out. A little background is nice but come on this is way overdone and its way too long. Yes there is a certain amount of suspense involved and I am as anxious as the next person to see the final chapter .


That being said <b> Yes Molly's inability to talk to press IS the driving conflict</b> -along with a subplot of Susan manipulations. Yet many readers continue to think that Molly is still in love with Chris and that Chris should be either reality OR return to Molly after the truth comes out in chapter 10. From that premise many readers will swallow the bullshit --- once the plot is uncovered Chris and Molly SHOULD reconcile.


I dont get that. Not at all. Now hear me out.


Let's assume for the sake of argument that Susan was a driving force behind marriage breakup.<b> There are really two scenarios to come out of chapter 10 and while both of them involve serious manipulation by Susan into destryong the r marriage of Chris and Molly. But far more importantly it speak sof the character and self-centeredness of Molly. </b>


<b>Scenario 1) </b>...... Molly believed for some reason that Chris was cheating instead of was working all those extra hours. Clearly Susan is involved in this somehow. So Molly PRETENDED to cheat with Peter a known womanizer and uses the affair as an excuse or some sort of manipulation to get Chris to pay more attention to the marriage.




<b>Scenario 2) </b>...... at the behest of Susan ...Molly actually does fuck Peter and uses the real affair as an excuse or some sort of manipulation to get Chris to pay more attention to the marriage


At SOME point Molly found out that Chris had NOT cheated and she had made a horrible mistake involving Chris and their children by marrying Peter... and that she fucked Peter for no reason. Okay so now Chris returns to Bristol.


<b>Yet Molly is so in love with Chris that she hides? She's so guilt ridden she cannot tell Chris the truth ?? She cannot find the integrity to fix what has been a tragic mistake? </b>


What's sort of love is that ?!?!?


Instead Molly is consumed by HER own guilt and HER own needs... which is probably why the marriage got in trouble to begin with since Chris was working a lot. Of course you can make the argument that was four years ago perhaps Molly is changed.


Really??? in what way?


<b>Every time she gets upset she runs away Molly is consumed by HER guilt or HER actions but she does NOT think that Chris deserves any sort of explanation. Its all about MOLLY!!!!! She doesn't REALLY care about what Chris has gone through or his pain or what this has done to their babies/ kids. If she did then at SOME point she would overlook her own shame/ pain and tell Chris the truth.</b>


Surely if you love someone as much as Molly claims to love Chris you have to come clean. NO????? Yet even in chapter 10 we all KNOW it is Chris that will be going to Molly.


SECOND.... many readers think that Chris is a well developed or fascinating character but are some posters who have stated the inherent contradiction and almost WIMPNESS of Chris the CEO. The author developed Chris as a powerful driven individual but that is part of the problem with the STORY or plot line. The first couple of tricks in the story to keep Molly and Chris from talking were kind of cute but now it's just silly and it really hurts the story.


In addition as several other readers have already pointed out Chris is clearly obessed with Molly and does NOT see the real nature of her character. <B> Regardless of Susan's manipulations to destroy their marriage Chris should be asking WHY didn't Molly come forward at some point in talk to him?... either now or 4 years ago?. </b>


Even at the time of the divorce and Molly's marriage to Peter if Molly really fought Chris was cheating she should come forward and had at least <b>ONE </b> conversation... if for no other reason for the sake of the kids. Her impulsivness and self-centeredness 4 years ago and now is a serious character flaw.


Again what kind of love is that?


<b>If MOLLY knew that Chris was NOT cheating and she was just trying to get attention that is even more reprehensible act. <b /> Still Chris as a highly intelligent sophisticated CEO can not somehow see the implications of Molly's actions with regard to her character either four years ago or today. And this dichotomy in his character is just killing the story and kills the idea of reconciliation.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
WOW that was some post

Good insights and analysis dude whoever you are... just wow...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
No reconciliation

Why was so easy to Peter seduce Molly? They were having problems in their relationship and Peter took advantage of that, Chris assumed Molly was in love with Peter because she said “she had 'deep feelings' for him”, and ‘Peter Davies was a really nice guy, that he reminded her of me in some ways, that Molly fell in love with another man, and you can't fight that”, and that is the excuse of Chris to not fight for her, never in their discussions after her revelation she said that she love Chris, only that she was sorry and she never try to hurt him, is this couple was in deep love each other, and she knew that he was faithful to her, I don’t think that she was influenced by her mother that he was cheating on her and that was one excuse for her to get even.

Why it she was in love with Chris and they didn’t having problems and they were a wonderful family she put in risk everything they had, he a loving father with a good job, a nice house. I think this was a broken couple before she met Peter and the clueless of Chris didn’t know until now he never know how is Molly, and the question he never asked Molly, Why? But that was no a reason for she to cheat, why she told him about is affair, I think because she wanted to finish her marriage or she expected some reaction for Chris. And then why she married Peter, it was the sex and she found in Peter another qualities and then why she change her mind and want to come back with Chris .

The stories of Gary finish in reconciliation but in this story I doubt they can’t be happy together.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
almost there

we'll find out what the deal w/ Molly is in the next chapter, and whatever it is, this series is a success.


mallahmallahalmost 17 years ago
Chris, also...

Reading the previous poster's comment about this story is about Molly's inablility to talk, they overlook the fact that Chris has the same problem, if not worse than Molly's.

Back in Chapter one, when Chris is talking to Keith, he talks about the time before all of this happens when he was under a lot of stress. So, instead of TALKING to Molly and telling her, what is going on, he says nothing and his solution is to "work harder and longer hours". ???? Then when he came home between 7:30 and 8:00, he either sits in front of the tv, or reads more papers from work. Chris never says, 'Molly, my work is consuming me at the moment, please bear with me' or something to that effect. All he did was buy her presents, and ONCE a week, says to Molly I love you.

I have said this before, Keith, his childhood friend who knows Chris, says to him "Tell me what happened, NOT YOUR CONCLUSIONS"...That says Chris makes a lot of assumptions without ASKING QUESTIONS. He sees life through rose colored glasses, instead of getting facts. That is odd though,since he has an degree in Accounting.

Chris may be great in his job, but his interpersonal skills lack any kind of sophistication for someone with his many accomplishments. Chris's ambition has blinded him to what damage he was doing to his family, including Ralph and Susan. I am guessing that is one of the reason's that Molly feels she cannot talk to Chris.

I am guessing also, that Ralph called Brian down to talk to Chris. I am guessing that Brian's questions to Chris was designed to find out what Chris really feels about Molly. I am guessing that Ralph's overseas visitor is Chris's mother and stepfather. I am guessing that this going to be an 'intervention' instead of 'kicking a drug habit', it will be to get rid of BOTH Molly's and Chris's stubbornness. Either lock them in a room where they cannot get out, or tie them up in chairs so they cannot leave and force them to talk, with a gag in Chris's mouth, so he can finally LISTEN.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Great Story

We know there is some sort of reconciliation going to happen, so what if 'Peter Davies' and Molly reconcile and Chris goes on his way. Great story and a really fun read. JimDinMN

GenghisKhanGenghisKhanalmost 17 years ago
Brian is Right

Brian is the only one being objective, when he says, Molly is a cheating woman, Chris. Forget about her and move on with your life, even if you intent to be a part of your boys lives. <p>

Responding, "Don't call your nephews' mother a slut" is NOT germane to the sound observation Brian has made. <p>

Ralph is, of course, determined that, as the father of the only child he has, Molly and Chris need to find their way back together. The man cries as much as Chris! LOL I'm sure if I were to have a daughter who behaved like that, with two precious grandkids, I'll kicked her ass, too. And that says nothing about my own selfish, bitchin', and possibly liar of a wife (Susan, who has now been tentatively established to have lied to me about her coming and going with Peter)... <p>

Chris, despite is tough words in front of Ralph, of course, privately is SUPPOSEDLY leaning towards "going away" so that his two sons would have a "loving home" under Peter and Molly's roof. But since he's NOT, he said, willing to talk to Molly "no more, now or ever", he's willing to LET OTHERS --- Molly, Susan, Ralph, Peter, and whoever else who want to --- make his final decision for him, that is, as to whether or not he should stay in Bristol. <p>

Molly holds the key, all the keys, to his staying/fighting or going/giving up, as far as Chris is concerned. <p>

If she says, "Well, should I or should I not divorce Peter, my safety net, so you and I could get back together?" and Chris is gonna go into some bullshit. If she says, "Gues what, I think I am pregnant..." He's gonna go apeshit. If she says, Peter and I really love each otehr, but your coming back is disrupting our lives..... Chris gonna go apeshit. If Ralph tells him his mother from Australia was at his and Susan's house --- with Susan bannished to her sister's, likely Ralph's gonna divorce that bitch --- Chris gonna go apeshit about family interference. Peter says, "Molly and I gonna get back together, my boy, but you're still welcome to come to pick up the kids any time," Chris's gonna SHIT in his pants! <p>

Brian's right: Chris is a weakened brother, man, and husband. His heart is still in the puppy-love stage, having never grown out of it. His view of Molly, now a woman in her early 30's, a woman who has fucked two men outside her two marriages,,,, his view of Molly was still like the one he first met and for whom he used all his little savings to buy a pearl present of sometype, when they first got engaged/married in their early twenties, a young woman who looked up to him with him seeing his life and all future promises..... not the woman who, some almost fvive years ago, told him that she's been talking to and dating some fellow from work for almost a year and with whom she's been sleeping with, the last few months. <p>

Even with all his pretensions when it comes to toughness and decisivness (stiff upper lip, firing Dennis on the spot, etc.), deep in there, this guy is a 17 year-old, having never grown out of his early years with Molly.... It is pathethic.... So, yes, with a man this weakspined, this pathetic, he NEEDS others like Ralph, Molly, Peter, Susan, and his own little sons to make up his mind for him. He is incapable of that task. <p>

Brian, too, has a wife and kids. But he knows a strong, faithful, loyal, trustworthy, strong, and decent woman and life companion, when he sees one. His own wife. But Brian also knows a faithless, cheating, and untrustworthy woman when he sees one: his brother Chris's Molly. Harsh, but true, a truth Chris does not want to deal with head on, so he rather recalls good memories and cries over them, some 5 years later, not able or willing to move on to love another woman, who may be able to build even better memories with him, who would die or cut one of her arms off before she lies down with another man.... <p>

None of such reality matters to Chris. He is still crying for his early to mid 20's years with Molly. That's pathetic, as Brian says...

looking4itlooking4italmost 17 years ago
Anyone else guessing what I am?

Are the overseas guests Chris' mum?

finding_sum_funfinding_sum_funalmost 17 years ago
Is the mark of a good author...

I am amazed at how many people who post such negative comments continue to read through to chapter ten and beyond.

DoctorWyldcardDoctorWyldcardalmost 17 years ago
On Cheating and recons

Personally, I don't think anyone thought Chris was cheating.<p>

I think Molly got lost in thinking that he didn't love her and that his career was more important to him.<p>

I think Susan sent the letter to Chris about the wedding to break them up, and to make him think that Molly didn't love him. And it worked.<p>

WHY? because she doesn't care for Chris because she wants her family THERE. She wants little ol' softy Peter who will be the quite guy around her and she wants things HER way or else.<p>

Selfish bitch really.<p>

Now to the recon, I don't think we SHOULD have one, but we probably will.<p>

Why shouldn't we have a recon?<p>

1: Molly cheated and we don;t really have a WHY<p>

2: instead of actually fighting FOR her marriage she expected Chris to do all the heavy lifting when SHE was the one to push it off it's base.<p>

3: Molly has lied about or led MANY people to believe wrong about the ending of the marriage, the kids think Chris cheated, others thought the marriage was almost over any way, etc. <p>

4: If Molly wanted Chris to talk to her, WHY THE HELL DIDN'T SHE TALK TO HIM?!?!?<p>

5: The fast remarriage to Peter, what the hell was up with that? You married someone you DIDN'T love because WHAT???<p>

6: So far we haven;t heard form her lips "Chris I still love you as much as I ever did"<p>

7: ...there HAS to be more, HEY all you anti recon-ers... I know you are out there.<p>

We LOVE the story; VERY good, involved, worse that heroin addiction, but WHY do YOU think they shouldn't recon?<p>

bornagainbornagainalmost 17 years ago
No More Recon

Lets hear from Molly`s lips the words that she has been putting off through out the whole story all she has been doing is ooh ahh wha lets hear it in English not jibberish and she better not be telling Chris he has to leave the kids we already know the to that"NO"

We Love the story Gary lets see more Ok.

JennyBearJennyBearalmost 17 years ago
Like a lamb to the slaughter

You have to love Gary, this is priceless!

Chris, it's a bit hectic here at the moment. My overseas visitors have arrived. Is there any chance that you could put back coming round for the boys until after lunch, say? We'll feed them here, if that's OK."

"Sure, that's not a problem. I'm in a mellow mood, I'll collect them at two thirty. How's that?"

"We'll be ready for you."

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
more and quickly please

I am so enjoying reading this story, but man, the nightly cliffhanger, waiting until the tomorrow to read if Molly is finally going to woman up and say what she has to say. I think she wants Chris back and I hope he can say no and mean it - for goodness sakes - she may have had problems with how much he worked, or whatever her excuse for cheating was, but it seemed she certainly enjoyed the fruits of his labor; it's no reason to cheat and then marry before the divorce lines were dry.

Three little pages - come on Gary, give a girl something she can take some times with would you! ;)

I am throughly enjoying this story - write faster!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Susan is

Susan is fucking Peter Fucking Davies, and now Ralph knows and is dumping her whoring ass.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
More frustration

As most of your readers have already said: Are we ever going to read about a complete conversation between Molly and Chris? So far you have led up to 3 or 4 critical meetings between the two and in every one Molly ran off sobbing and/or Chris took off in a huff with some wild speculation about what was going on. Are they both stupid or just stubborn. She has cried through 9 chapters and he has yelled through 9 chapters. She cries and he bullies. Please clear things up.

60 year old George

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
This ain't no place for the weary kind

This ain't no place to fall behind, I can tell it's going to go to another level, my apologies to Ryan Bingham

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Who the fuck is Rian Bingham?? Sounds like another Pomy shithead !

By the by, story and "writer" really sucks !

KarenEKarenEover 9 years ago

What in the HELL is going on with Peter and Susan?!

Apparently Ralph knows what Molly wants to talk about, if it’s THAT damn important that he keeps begging Chris to talk to her, why doesn’t HE tell Chris what it’s all about?

If Chris agrees it’s important enough, maybe he’ll go see her.

All this time Ralph apparently thought Molly had asked Chris to take her back and Chris refused, now he learns that she never even said ANYTHING!

“I knew I didn't feel as much for Helene, and if what I felt for Molly wasn't good enough, then what chance did I have with Helene?"

Why is he assuming that the problem was what HE felt for Molly? Maybe the problem was what MOLLY felt for him and/or Peter!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Susan and Peter are in cahoots!

Congrats. Very good story. Four out of five. (And I hit the four star this time.) It is now clear to me that Peter and Susan are in cahoots in separating Molly from Chris and keeping them separated. I am willing to bet Susan sent the letter to Chris in Molly's name saying Molly was going to marry Peter. I don't know why Susan is doing this unless it is because she sees Peter as less likely to move away and take her grandchildren. Or is she having an affair with Peter? He's had the daughter and now he's having the mother? Another thing I like about this story is that it doesn't suffer the "let's go the pub" syndrome that Gary's other story overused. Oh people still go to the pub, but it is done in a less repetitious way. it is also nice to see Chris and Myra are acting more professional. Now a constructive criticism. How many ways can the author find for Chris and Molly not to talk? This chapter even had Chris making a joke about it. Seriously. It is like a comedy in which two people are in a hallway running in and out of different rooms and just missing each other. Molly's father isn't helping either. He knows something is up, that there was some misdirection over Molly and Chris's divorce and he knows his wife is involved. That is why she's been banished. Spit it out man. Less sherry more talk. Also the author is using every trick in the book to make Molly think Myra and Chris are in a relationship. An overnight bag full of books so Molly thinks they are going away together for the weekend? For shame. Having said all that it may be there is a British cultural phenomenon going on here and not expressing one's feelings. I also find Chris's failure to guess that Molly big ask might be reconciliation to be annoying. He should at least consider it as an option since her marriage with Peter is on the rocks. However I think dear old Dad is setting something up for Molly and Chris to at least talk for this weekend visit now that he has gotten rid of his interfering wife for a while. Of course, there are a lot of chapters left in this story so maybe something else will happen to prevent them talking. Finally I want to say I am taking the effort to criticise this story because i am enjoying it so much. If I didn't care I wouldn't comment. Cheers. Steve

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

misunderstandigs and total lack of communication, I HATE this kind of shit! enough is enough, I quit!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
I agree misunderstanding and a lack of communication spoils this interesting story.

"Well, I loved your daughter; I know her; she will fight tooth and nail for the man she loves. She's the sort of person that is committed two hundred percent to a relationship, nothing can get in the way. I think she is totally impervious to all the little problems that go on in the lives of us ordinary mortals. That's why I know just how strongly she feels about Peter. He managed to break through and got to her. And she will do whatever is necessary to keep things together."

Seriously! she deserted her first husband without any attempt to save the marriage and he says this. From an idiot to an absolute joker, the rubbish that Chris talks is unbelievable.

A great pity this is so well written why does the author spoil it by making such stupidity the thrust of the plot. I actually feel like throttling Chris every time he opens his idiotic mouth.

Nevertheless 4* as the quality of writing is a class above most tales on this site.

Chief3BlanketChief3Blanketover 7 years ago

This story is just going over an over the same issues.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Same old shit different chapter, why was this dragged out so long and WHY is there so many little red H's on this shit? I'm done, its never ending repetitive bullshit.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Well,anon below, its because writer is a British faggot and a trailer park lowlife !

It cheats on its ratings, giving its garbage 5* it doesn't deserve ! Also, its cheating is so blatant that there have to be collusion with Literotica staff !! Just give the garbage 1* it deserves.

davwoodavwooover 6 years ago
Anonymous redneck

Yes we do have fagots in England they are a bunch of sticks but we don’t have trailer parks, we call them caravan sites.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
why should he care?

He says Molly will fight tooth and nail for the man she loves.

She let him go without doing anything.

From those two things why would anyone expect him to believe she wants him?

GymShortsGymShortsabout 5 years ago

Peter is doing Susan

enderlocke27enderlocke27about 4 years ago

susan set up her own daughter, coached her daughter to tell chriss about the proposal from peters. so her daughter wouldn't move away. maybe she even set up the cheating, guess i'll find out

enderlocke27enderlocke27about 4 years ago

ch. 3 through 9 are the same story written over and over again

Artie88Artie88about 4 years ago
Going around in circles... going nowhere

Getting far to tedious... to which chapter should I jump to avoid more of this tedium?

SignedBTWSignedBTWover 3 years ago
Re: enderlocke27

That's exactly what I've been saying. A lot of people have been complaining that the story is too long, too detailed, too wordy. It's the way it is, it's British, these are two people still in love with each other but for her own (obvious to me I think) reasons she's afraid to just confront him with it. To wit:

"I just thought I'd let you know, I asked Susan about seeing Peter on Good Friday. You were right, Peter was heading here, just as Susan was walking back from Jean Pilton's. He stopped and gave her a lift for the final few yards. But he saw your car here and didn't come in, he didn't want an argument."

That didn't sound right to me, but I just said, "Well, it isn't important. It wasn't keeping me awake at night, Ralph." The bitch is lying and in it up to her eyeballs.

"As I drove away, I realised what was wrong with the explanation. It was total crap, but I'm not going to worry about it.

"Why do you think Susan lies to me?" She's a bitch, has been lying for a long time, is good at and it wouldn't surprise me to find out she helped Peter from the very beginning. If so what was her relationship to him?

"My guess is that Molly will ask you to do something that is probably the hardest thing you'll ever have to do in your life. And she fears that you are currently building a new life with Myra right here in Bristol, and that she has no right to ask anything of you." Well, she's correct that she has no right, but the heart wants what the heart wants.

Then all he said, slowly and very precisely, was "The stupid.....dumb....cunt." I know he's talking about Molly but I think it fits Susan more so.

"He was in the kitchen, standing on one side of the kitchen table, Susan sat on the other side, looking very cowed. I couldn't hear a sound, but from the body language, Ralph was shouting his head off at her. You could tell he was in a temper that I never knew he had. As I walked up the path, I must have caught his eye, because he obviously went silent as I passed. But he was ramrod straight, and very angry indeed." It would appear that lights are beginning to spotlight Susan's role in the mess.

"There's more to this than meets the eye." She said wisely..." I would say so.

"Ralph, her father, says she wants to ask me to do something that will be the hardest decision I'll ever have to make." But for 5 years more or less she hasn't been able to either talk to you, come up the the right word or courage to say them so I'm guessing it's not going to be what you think.

"...maybe we could of got over it, maybe not. But I wasn't given a chance, that very week she was back with him, lunching with him and you can imagine what else they were probably getting up to. I didn't stand a chance." That he wasn't given a chance is the God's truth.

"...she will fight tooth and nail for the man she loves. She's the sort of person that is committed two hundred percent to a relationship, nothing can get in the way." He's blinded a bit here, wasn't she committed to their marriage when she fucked dickwad or did she just forget and and commit herself to Peter so that everything was rationalized that she didn't cheat? In his own mind she didn't love him so there was nothing to fight for, he shouldn't have to fight for her. It was Her job to fight for the marriage but she didn't. Chris had little choice but to file for divorce and leave.

"Susan's away at the moment. She's gone down to stay with her sister Brenda in Weymouth. They run a guest house, if you remember, and Susan is helping them out." I'll bet more than that is going on.

"She can make it so awkward for me to stay here, to continue the easy access I've had with my sons for these last few months." If she really is this great mother she would never do that.

"An archaeologist is a good choice. Wasn't it Agatha Christie who's husband was one, and she used to say that the older she got the more interesting she appeared to her husband?" That would be her second husband Max, not Archie who was the serial cheater that caused her breakdown and those 12 missing days.

"I wish you wouldn't call her that. She fell in love with another guy. I'm sure she didn't mean to. I know she wouldn't have meant it to happen. But it did." You don't 'just fall in love." It takes time, effort, conversations, touching, private meetings, sneaking away, maybe lunches, dinners, drinks and all of the other intimate things you shouldn't be doing when you 'love' your spouse. It's called emotional cheating and it leads to this mess and when you do it you deserve to be where she is now.

"She decided to go to bed with another man when married to you." Since it she never said it was rape, she did decide to cheat

"Why did you leave him with any balls anyway? Then he wouldn't have been worth marrying" With the number of Chapters left there is plenty of time left for that.

It's a long story but I'm invested all of the way for my own personal reasons. Signed: BTW

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
Some readers have

a low tolerance for complex characters and plots. Pity, that. 5

I wish authors would not have educated characters speak as if they can't fathom the difference between count terms and mass terms.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

"But she's not a bitch or a slut."

Yeah, she demonstrably is.

Did she or did she not fuck around while married? Yes. She's a bitch and a slut. Simple as.

Texican1830Texican1830over 2 years ago

Chris is a dumbass of the tenth degree when it comes to women.

Helen1899Helen1899about 2 years ago

I am determined to see it through, but it is going around in circles, if Chris isn't careful he will disappear up his own backside

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

"she's not a slut"

Married women fucking men who are not their husbands are in fact sluts.

skruff101skruff101almost 2 years ago

God what a fucking moron.

Pasqual_ClementePasqual_Clementeover 1 year ago

This story just drags on and on. IMHO, it seems there is a lot off filler. There is a lot being said but so much of it seems so, unnecessary. If things do not pick up by chapter 11, I may give the rest of the story a pass.


Chris, the MC, went from a sympathetic character, to a whiny wimp. He acts like he has closure, but, in actuality, refuses to move on. Peter is not much better. I am pretty sure that having a supervisor shag a subordinate's wife is frowned upon and could get said supervisor in trouble. Yes, I know, Peter stole Molly from Chris. Still, what Chris did is something that HR and the company's senior management would frown upon. Especially if Peter makes a stink. Peter did express concern that Chris would want payback and Chris's actions, in reference to his tryst with Molly, could be viewed as revenge.


I hope this story starts to pick-up, or as I said, I will abandon it.



AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This is a soap opera. If this were real people I’d suggest that both of them get individual counseling. She’s a broken woman and he’s damaged by her foolish choices. But I feel I’ve got too much time invested in the story so far and need to keep reading it for some reason. I can actually feel myself growing older as I read it. Weird.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

So, we discover here that his ex had gone to him, as she seriously considered marrying her seducer, hoping that he would make an attempt to stop her, and he turns away and goes and has a good cry instead. Clearly, we are headed for a long, drawn out RAAC here as we learn that our hero is a major beta-boy.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Please forgive me but this is getting so repetitive it’s mind boggling. Chapter after chapter of the same thing and nothing is happening. You keep introducing minor unimportant characters, and Ralph says You need to talk to her, and Molly runs away or slams the door or hangs up the phone. We get it. Avoidance and misunderstanding. Right. We’ve known this all for quite some time. The length of this work is not supported by the action, or the development of the characters. We’re going around in circles.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Still playing off this 'open secret' that everyone but the MC knows and once he does it'll change everything, but maybe nothing as by the time he finally finds out hell be sick to death of the whole circus.

I'm shocked he's an MD, he makes bogus conclusions from the flimsiest bits of information and even when he discovers he's wrong, rather than reassessing the validity of his approach he just goes off on another poorly evidence assumption.


Honestly at this point I'm hoping that he runs off with Carole as she's the most straight forward character in the whole story.

Jalibar62Jalibar623 months ago

Jonathan Swift wrote Gulliver’s Travels. Daniel Defoe wrote Robinson Crusoe. I did not review old comments so my apologies if that has already been pointed out.

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