All Comments on 'Back to Bristol Ch. 12'

by GaryAPB

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ohioohioalmost 17 years ago
This is one of my favorite...

installments so far. First, the characters are actually talking to one another--Chris in particular is expressing to Molly (and to his mother) his feelings in a direct and powerful way. It seems convincing.


Second, the hardness in Chris's character--the hardness that has come from his suddenly losing Molly, from his years away, from his loneliness and anger and confusion--comes out more clearly here than it has in any previous chapter (at least to me). It's more convincing now than ever before how much he has changed (and not all for the good). And it makes much more plausible his hesitation about taking Molly back than anything in any of the previous chapters. He is a different person now, and he realizes it (even if most of the other people do not).


Thanks again, Gary, for this marvelous story! ohio

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago

This story just went "sideways"....a waste of words as far as I can see...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
12 chapters and only 5 chapters to finish

there a lot of hot air in this story and the writer is full of it.all the whiskey drinking and woman in the hotel,why?prolonging the end and now we don't care where you get back together or not.its' getting to be a pain in the ass with the have a great story,but don't no when to quit.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
A long talk and one fuck with Angie

and the Chris man is whistling, able and willing to even speak civilly to Ms. Airhead Molly, asking her to "right a wrong that's within" her power! LOL <p>

this man keeps saying "perhaps it is not important or even relevent" to talk to Molly about the hurt, insecurities, loneliness, and emotional needs he suffered as a result of her fucking Peter and then turning her back on him. he says that to Ralph, Pierr, Carol, Angie, Len, Mum, Brian, Peter, Helene, Myra, and apparently ANY ONE ELSE who wants to talk... <p>

but, no, he is NOT going to talk about his hurt and loneliness and anger and sadness with the woman who caused it, the woman who is now putting her hands up, asking him to comfort him, to not turn away from her, despite her terrible crimes against him 4 plus years ago... <p>

no, this guy's gonna run around fuck any one he pleases, chat with them for hours,,, but he goes over and over again, whether by himself or with Ralph and mommy, this idea that he HAS NO IDEA what he's gonna do, how he's gonna decide. LOL.

between now and when he takes Molly and the kids to that family dinner, we are almost positive Helene's gonna drop by, Myra's gonna drop by, and even Angie the "older woman" who knows what she wants, who knows how to lead, Angie's gonna drop by, too. he could choose to fuck or fuck any of them, of course. He is, to paraphrase our Great President Bush, "the decider," and he's gonna decide what he's gonna do or not do, whether with Molly or with any of those women. <p>

so, stop telling him what to do or not to do; it is stupid and uncalled for advice! he's gonna take his time, 5 more years, if he feels like fucking around that long, before making any decision where Molly's concerned! He stlll feels so hurt, so betrayed, so alone.... with the biggest decision of his life --- with or without Molly by his side --- needing to be made.... <p>

in the mean time, Peter comes back from Wales and --- instead of giving Molly the divorce papers she was hoping for --- is, instead, ready to pursuit Molly relentlessly again! after endless flowers and sweet talks and some tears, Molly's starting to have second thoughts about Chris, too, since he has made no concrete decision as to when or IF ever he's gonna commit. "I will wai. What options do I have, really?" was THEN, when Molly was thinking about a possibility of being accepted by Chris. <p>

Now, she's NOT SO SURE; what she's sure, however, is that Peter, her still-legal husband is pursuing her with fine wine, expensive orchid flowers, rare Indian veal, impossible to find South African sweet peas....... So... Molly's, with her mother's unfailing and perpetual help, Molly is thinking that, <p>

"Hey, maybe Peter is an more than an Okay guy, especially if Chris is gonna treat me like a leped! Unlike Chris, Peter confesses his love, devotion, and all that! Flowers, sweet pease, veal.... I may not love him, or love him as much or deeply, as I THINK I love Chris,,, but Peter LOVES ME MORE THAN CHRIS.... So, maybe both Peter and Susan have been right all along... Staying with the one who loves you is better than going after someone whom you love but who does not love you. <p>

When Chris hears THAT that is going on, man, does he get more angry and insulted and betrayed! how could Molly, that woman do this to him again, after making him suffer for the last 5 years?! this is not to be borne! <p>

So, what does Chris do? well, to give the boys a more stable home, Chris moves back to Holland again, to try to heal his wounds. it takes another 5 years before he returns to Bristol. <p>

he is now close to 40 years of age; still angry and not sure what to do, where Molly's concerned. that lying bitch! she ruined my life!, he says to every person he comes across... "I'm gonna DECIDE this time for sure, ONE WAY OR ANOTHER and stop thinking about her betrayals all these 10 years! I am ready to move on with my life for sure now," he loudly declares to the HOOKER he's fucking the last a couple weeks at the local motel... <p>

Chris, the decider, he's gonna decide real' soon now!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago

Strolling down the river on a Sunday afternoon... Though I'm enjoying the journey, I half-wish I had waited until you had finished posting before I started reading your story. I knew before I started that I would like it and I do. However, I want a full meal and not some appetizers.


JakeRiversJakeRiversalmost 17 years ago
I guess I'm with Boyd.

But still, a meal of lots of appetizers can bee pretty good. Hmmm - that sounds pretty good, go a Tapas bar, get a bunch of appetizers and your latest chapter to read.

Nice about the scotch - I'll send you an email.

Nice chapter - the thing he has to watch out for is if Molly has a smile on her face and starts whistling.

Regards, Jack

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Much Better

Chris is finally acting like a man. He'll decide when he knows and will not let anyone pressure him into a decision. Would it be nice to be a family again? To have a stable home for his children? Sure, but only if he truly wants to be with Molly. If he does it just for the kids, he will be entering as empty a marriage as Molly had with Peter.

Really, what does Molly offer him? He can get sex from anywhere with no problem. He can get intelligent conversation from anyone but her. Same with common interests (except their shared children). Love has to have more than memories to sustain it long term. He has changed, expanded. If he had never lived a separate life than what he had with Molly, then he would have been happy to continue that life. But to now go back to that life, with only memories of the happiness before and the pain of betrayel to overshadow those... I think not. It is a truth that once a person is betrayed, that person will NEVER trust the same again. He has a better chance now of opening up to a new woman, now that he knows about the past (which was holding him back), than he has of forging a happy re-marriage to Molly.

When a person forgives, they never forget. Never. Because the capacity for betrayel has been proven. Even if there is forgiveness and some happiness, it will forever be tainted with mistrust. The relationship will never be as it once was.

Molly going on and on about how she did wrong without any realization of how she got there shows clearly she does not and did not honestly reflect on her cheating and the destruction of her marriage. She can't even come to the realization when it's staring her right in the face. It has to be explicitly explained to her. She's either the dumbest woman ever or has very serious mental issues to prevent her from from realizing what others have done to her (mom and Peter).

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Chris needs to stop teasing...

Molly with false hopes. He refuses to divulge information about Peter that he knows, but maybe his instincts are correct in not making this information known to her yet. Molly is not done betraying Chris, because his son just brought up the fact that there was a special trip to a wild animal park. Everyone has forgotten that a good businessman will ascertain ALL the facts first, and always holds something back. It is better to let others volunteer their way into a corner. Additional evidence seems to be pointing to the fact that the betrayal of Chris at the time of their original separation is becoming increasingly more substantial, as additional facts reveal themselves.

I don't entirely trust Molly's reasons for ending her second marriage. She was solidly behind Peter at the beginning of this tale. What happened (or she discovered) that made her turn on Peter so quickly? Molly's inability to confront Chris with her previously promised talks could be because she was still formulating strategy on the fly. Remember that Molly's family is quite obviously very manipulative. If her morals are so high, then why the seduction and additonal attempted seductions? They even were able to get Chris' family involved. As for Molly, I would be wondering if the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree.

I am hoping that the fact finding is coming to an end, because it seems that the more that is revealed, the more Molly and her family's intent is called into question. The trend is just not a comfortable one that begs to be walked away from.

Chris is becoming comfortable with the fact that he can now go on with life, even if it does not include Molly, except as the mother of his boys.

Nightowl22Nightowl22almost 17 years ago
Will he ever get there?

Chris is doing everything he can to convince himself that he shouldn't and doesn't love Molly.. He continually talks about the affair to reinforce his resolve to convince HIMSELF!! Tells everyone that they WON'T be getting back together!! Purposely hurts Molly with the whistling as she knows he only whistles if he's been laid.. It'll come to hime one of these days that he still loves her and wants to try to get past the "affair" and move on as a family.. Why should he worry about what she did after the divorce, he's screwed every skank in half of England.. He's still blaming her for dropping himfor a better love whe HE dropped her before she could confess to a terrible mistake of that afternoon.. Had he stayed to listen and had she not been gult ridden so badly they would still be together.. He does NOT want to admit that the divorce is as much, or more, his fault.. He readily admits that they could have reconciled that evening but because Molly couldn't get the words out he figuratively slammed the door on their marriage.. And He DEFINITELY doesn't want to recognize, or accept, THAT.. Will he ever decide he made a mistake, also, and try to rebuild a home with Molly?? Doubtful.. Too stubborn.. Ego too damaged.. Especially if he listens to the hangman crowd here.

waratahwaratahalmost 17 years ago
Fascinating installment

Its good to see Chris taking charge of his life at last. Recons looking likely, that'd work with the right understanding and respect, but watch 'ole Gary, he can screw a few turns out of this yet.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Peter & Susan

Do we believe that Susan & Peter are actually where they say that they are right now?(Wales & Weymouth?)

easylivineasylivinalmost 17 years ago
Food for thought!

The boys mentioned that this was not the zoo they wanted to go to. Didn't Keith and Anne move to San Diego? Don't they have the worlds largest zoo there, with a wild animal park not too far from the main zoo? All this talk of business brings to mind that some industrial espionage could be at the crux of all this. San Diego is a center for medical research, and isn't that the business that ITI Franks is moving towards? I agree that there is much superfluous dialog in this story that could have cut the length in half. I am afraid that with just a few more plot twists, this needs to be reclassified as a novel/novella. I don't see this wrapping until chapter 20 at the earliest, especially at three pages per chapter. Ten pages per chapter would keep everyones attention. The attempt to keep everyone hooked seems to be wearing thin and there is too much left of this story yet. It also seems to chop everthing up too much and not enough progress per chapter. Sorry if my critique is blunt.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Judging by chapter 12 this story is about --------

eleven and a quarter chapters too long

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago

Chris doesn't know what he wants or feels in regards to Molly. He resents the pressure that his family and friends are exerting over him to make a decision, forgetting that he brought that on himself since he consults intimately with them about his life. So he explodes with Molly, blaming her for the situation in which they are. He takes no responsibility for it. It's Molly's fault, so he can take his sweet time in making his final decision and she'll just have to wait and see. Naturally Chris recommends Molly to get the divorce... Maybe the best thing would be to just set separate households and lead separate lives. Then when he feels like it he can fuck Molly, and Angie, and Myra, and Helene, then there's Trudy at the corner, Bessie on the second floor, or Victoria, Mary, Lina, Fifi... He's entitled to that because after all it's Molly's fault, and maybe in oh, ten or twenty years he'll be able to make a decision--or as time passes by the decision will take care of itself. In the meantime, he needs to get laid...stop pressuring him... He's suffered so much...hmm, does he know that blonde in the corner? He can fuck her tonight, then in the morning he'll go to Mumsy, or Piers, or Caroline, or Ralph to whine about how Molly did him wrong.

studebakerhawkstudebakerhawkalmost 17 years ago
What a ride!

Even though I feel the end is finally approaching, I can see at least one more revelation coming up. It's too late for red herrings or backstory details, the half-recalled visit to the zoo has to be significant. The most likely revelation concerns the time line. Did Molly and Peter's relationship begin earlier than we believe? Or, perhaps the earlier zoo visit was with Peter and Susan rather than Peter and Molly. Could this have been when they struck a deal to split up Chris and Molly? There certainly seems to be at least one bombshell left to explode. Chris and Molly's relationship could end up as collateral damage despite everyone's best efforts. GaryAPB has a reputation as a 'reconcilliation' author (I have no idea if that is good or bad) and I confess to being a romantic at heart (I have no idea if that is good or bad, either) but, reuniting this couple may not be in the cards. The Final Reveal ought to be a doozy! It'll have to be in order to save this couple. Thanks again, Gary, it's been a great ride.

Average-JoeAverage-Joealmost 17 years ago
Im not sure why people are upset with Chris

He said he didnt want to get back with Molly but people are still saying that he has to make a decision. Where I come from 'There is no hope that it can be fixed and we can never get back together' is a decision. Just because he didnt decide what you all wanted him to doesnt make him indecisive. People are pressuring him to change his mind but thats neither here nor there when it comes to decisions he's already made. He can change his mind or not. <p><p>

Chris has spoken several times about how long it took him to get over Molly and how long he spent trying to think of her as just an ex. He went out of his way to think of her as happily married and not in his life in a romantic/sexual way anymore but people want him to shift around 180 degrees in minutes? Even his odd-ball mother agrees that this is unreasonable. <p><p>

Anyway, I think this is another good chapter. There seems to be more clues that Molly is a real piece of work. My guess about the ending is that they dont reconcile and that Chris is finally able to forget the past because Molly's perfidy finally comes to light. Hopefully everyone else will apologize to Chris for all the pressure they've put on him once Molly's real character is revealed. Ive mentioned it before but if Molly really does turn out to be evil, and the stuff happening now just an act, there needs to be some kind of consequences other than Chris just walking away. If he had just walked away clean 4 years ago, that would have been enough. All the shit that is now happening and everyone sticking up for Molly makes some sort of consequences necessary to avoid making the story too pointlessly depressing and making Chris look like too much of a sucker though. <p><p>

Im also still waiting for someone to out Peter to those who keep defending him. Might be pointless to say anything to Molly if this is all just an act but others keep minimizing his actions and giving him the benefit of the doubt. Seems odd that Chris has no problem revealing his character to his boss but just bites his tongue when speaking to the family. Chris tells his boss that Peter is a scumbag but that doesnt really matter much since its work and character shouldnt matter as much as competence. Everyone with a personal relationship with Peter (in-laws, mother, etc) he just swallows his words whenever they tell him what a good guy Peter is and how hard done by he is for whats currently happening to him. Seems ass-backwards to me. <p><p>

Story is great imo but I still wish you would have posted it all at once or at least in much bigger chapters. I still think that more than half of the criticism this story gets is rooted in the delivery and not the content. Many of the things people are harping on wouldnt seem near as bad if the story wasnt strung out (time wise, not length wise) like it is. Thanks again for writing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
MUCH BETTER CHAPTER Questions Questions

Overall a much better chapter. Best chapter in a long time!!


did anyone note that this issue of CHRIS now vs 4-5 years ago keeps coming up in the story and in the feedback? Some ANONYMOUS poster first mentioned this back in the middle chapters. Good insight.


Chris clearly is a changed man.


did anyone read what NIGHTOWL actually said? That their

divorced is More Chris fault than Mollys?


I see many are wondering about the significance of the zoo trup between Peter and Molly.


Just curious does anyone know if NIGHTOWL is really Susan?


Loved Chris asserting his rights but his mom's actions are stil hard to figure. I am glad He told her off But how could she after 4 years NOT KNOW how much Hurt and pain her own son has been in?


Still I cant see how everyone now knwos of Susan interference in their marriage but has now decided that the way to fix this is for THEM to interfere in Chris decision?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Are Peter and Susan at the cabin together?

Are Peter and Susan at the cabin together this weekend?

toesmantoesmanalmost 17 years ago
Interesting late developments

Gary, I've enjoyed your work in the past, even though I believe that you've forced reconcilations where I thought that would involve too much "wimpiness" on your male character's part. "TGI Chronicles" comes to mind, where her betrayal to me at least was egregious, simply because it was so meaningless to her, done w/ so little thought.

In this story, I have two criticisms. One, the story is starting to drag, there seems to be TMI (too much information) about his work, his interaction w/ his employees, but far too little information about what really happened between Molly & Peter, & what part Susan obviously played in the original set-up & subsequent divorce. Posting 3 pages at a time is tiresome, because we have to go back & re-read at least one chapter to keep up w/ the players, because there are so many. Second, there seems to be some equivocation about how your're treating-developing Molly's character. What is this about the other "zoo" visit. And what about Molly's marriage to Peter when now she claims never to have loved him? Oh well, I suppose you'll clarify all in the end, I just hope its soon. I'm wearing down. Thanks, CTB -SouthronStyle

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago


JennyBearJennyBearalmost 17 years ago
I love it

I'm getting scared.......... Molly, Molly, girl that's the second time he's mentioned the divorce. Quit dragging your feet! Its not enough to say I'm sorry. If I had cheated on my husband then confessed. The first thing I would do is throw my co-conspirator to the wolves. She knows Peter played her, she should be furious with him. No time for ambivalence now, Chris is have a hard time dealing with this help him out.

Great dialogue today, I'm in no hurry for it to end.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Painted in the corner?

Well, maybe there is a way out. Ladder to the roof? We've cleaned up Chris's act. He now has told everyone that they can note the mistletoe on his coat tails. As a member of the "I'm- not- jealous- of- your- body- but- of- your- loyalty- club," I'm not so much concerned about a sexual fling as I am of the devious and confused reaction by the wife.

The two sexual "flings" that still make me less of a fan than I would otherwise be are the one that Molly had with Peter and the one Chris had with Molly. As a well-experienced romantic player, I have never been able to get that far that fast with someone who hadn't decided how they play the game. I remember one case where it took 2 hours of slowly increasing the desire level of a reluctant partner, drinks or no. How could the pair of them "just" get it on? Well, for those who have complained about the slow pace, here's a refutation.

You might also note: now that Chris has discovered his misapprehension, gotten through defining his feelings over again and added a new found ability to tell his "managing partners" to back off, I'm hoping he will spend at least a chapter on "would she do it again"? After that feeling is addressed, (I know how I would feel and the looking over the shoulder just wouldn't end,) he might better address what he wants to do in the long run. I vote for Myra or Helene being given another go. Helene certainly is very interested and not without charms that would allow her to move on, so she’s not a needy case. Myra is more recently damaged and now further put off by Chris's state of indecision (or should be.)

Let's see what Gary APB come up with next. (Is he somehow a churchman or at least chapel?---All those Biblical references and then good old Saul of Tarsus changing to Paul the apostle, Hmmmm.

DoctorWyldcardDoctorWyldcardalmost 17 years ago
Zoos, Wednesdays and Susan

So everyone caught the Zoo thing. <p>

So it will eather be a lie from Molly about how the romance went after her cheat, or the kids would be mixed up with who was there.<p>

Heck wouldn't it be a hoot if Molly WAS there but she went with someone else, not Peter but some other guy.<p>

Eather Wednesdays is a mistake on OUR the reader parts, IE perfectly normal and Molly and Co. know all about it and he's with them OR we will get another level of hell soon.<p>

And yes We need to know about Susan and how long she planned this. IT DOES seem to be very well planned out.<p>

But I have to wonder, is Susan the planner, or is Molly move the manipulator? What is Molly didn't want to leave mommy and Daddy; traded 'up' to a hot researcher that was coming into some money; years pass, then Chris returns after several years, and she finds out that he is the big cheese now in the area; so she goes for another 'trade'.<p>

In this scenario, Molly 'groomed' peter for a while...maybe taking family trips with the guy who can't have kids?<p>

And the reason she didn't contact Chris or 'fight for her marriage' really wan;t because of the mother. But because she didn't want to. She 'hmm'ed and ha'ed all that time at his apartment because she HAD to make it LOOK like she was talking to him to her dad.<p>

Must have been a great boost to her, manipulator or not, to find out that Chris went fetal over that.

Remember everyone, Molly basically let Chris take ALL the blame to many people. ONLY to those that knew some of the story, I.E. KNEW that she cheated, did she call Chris blameless.<p>

Eather Molly is the spineless child who needs to grow up and take responsibility for her actions,<p>

'oh god, yes i have to say I am sorry because I did wrong' <p>

or she's just like the parents and master manipulator<p>

'Crap, have to say "I'm sorry" damn for got that."<p>

Now I have heard that we will have 5 more chapters, 10 more even more... who knows. But i can see ...say... two more swerves in our future, one around the Zoos, and one about something else...eather peter will do something or something about Susan or both.<p>

And I will agree with one of the Anon's I believe, i think there ether IS or will be some industrial sabotage in the works from Peter. Eather that is how he has been doing his greatness, how he has been 'feeding the bank' OR how HE will try to get revenge on Chris.<p>

Heck if this story was US oriented instead of British, I would afraid that Peter would harm the kids and perform an office shooting.<p>

Heck that WOULD be interesting though. Peter goes nuts, and in a big scene before he dies in a blaze of ...patheticness; he reveals that the marriage was different from what Molly presented, how she came onto him, how the dated for LONG before Chris caught on etc.<p>

Heck we MIGHT still get a version of that. <p>

5 chapters more, 10 more, no matter what ...we'll all be here reading away. great job in keeping us riled up Gary.<p>

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
I smell a Rat!

This story has so many twists that it could end up anywhere at the end. You could make a case based on clues and assumptions that Chris is the rat in this story. Since he has been back to Bristol, has bedded 3 women and broken up his ex's marriage. He seems very at ease at picking the right hotel to pickup women and knows how to instantly identify the players and then lets his ex know that he's sleeping around. Seems like he has plenty of practice over the years, did it start before he divorced Molly and that was why he let the divorce go through easily. He has great ambitions in business and a wife and children make that a tougher propostion. He dumped Helene when she wanted a long term committment and let Myra go before she could get the same idea. I think he likes to be committment free, be the star to boys on the weekend only by taking them to fun places and avoid the everday parenting job. He cannot be bothered with the boys during the week since he is usually out drinking with somebody. I think Chris got married to young, decided he didn't want tied down and got the opportunity to get out when Peter seduced Molly. I'm guessing that there will be no reconcilation with Molly because he wants to be able to leave in 4 years to go to his next postion committment free.

gatorhermitgatorhermitalmost 17 years ago
I like the story, But...

...Molly's character is not credible. The initial cheating is credible, and marrying her lover is credible, but no way a woman would admit she made a mistake and try to go back with the first hubby. She'd only jump if (1) she didn't have to admit she'd screwed up and (2) it was a sure thing to go back with Chris. The story does make a very nice romantic fantasy, though.<p>However, I really like the way Chris is blundering on without a clue (very real). Also, I agree with Ohio's comments about the dialogue.<p>It would be really fun to flip the sexes on this story and see what it would be like if Chris were female and Molly was Moe... I suspect our gender biases are very much affecting how we look at this one.

louguy35louguy35almost 17 years ago
When will it end???

This story is getting weaker as it goes along. Too often when one tries to turn a short story into a tome it ends up reading like a story in a woman's magazine that goes on and on.<p>

Finish the damned thing before you write the life out of it.

SalamisSalamisalmost 17 years ago
Interesting professional issues

<p>I have enjoyed that part of the story describing Chris in his role as Managing Director. His attitudes, decisions, even the idiosyncrasies of his Chairman; all of these have helped to round-out his character. This man’s life over the last four years has been centered on his career. </p>

<p>Even before the dissolution of his marriage he was driven by his work. I don’t think you can underplay the importance of his achievements this late in the story without doing damage to the character.</p>

<p>The story poses an excellent contrast between the self-assured, decisive executive and the vacillating, confused ex-husband. The balance between the two should be providing an interesting level of tension in the story. Instead the focus too often shifts to Chris drinking again or Peter taking off again to ‘think’ or Molly just being incoherent.</p>

<p>However, I’m concerned with the lack of boundaries Chris encourages with respect to his personal life. There are few characters in this tale so far who have not lifted a drink with him and commiserated over his failed marriage and current dilemma. I can understand his parents’ interest, and that of his in-laws, but the fact that he has recruited his subordinates in his cause seems very much at odds with his position as Managing Director.</p>

<p>By involving Piers in his personal problems he has crossed a line into a definite conflict of interest. At this stage I’m very curious to see how you resolve Chris’ professional life while bringing his personal relationships to some resolution.</p>

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Chris and Molly deserve each other

I'm not sure anyone can follow all the complexities in this plot, but one major question I have is how Chris can be a MD of a major corporation. He may be a fine business man but he is a vaccilating , sanctimonious, pompous former husband who apparently plans on feeling sorry for himelf for the rest of his life . Molly on the other hand, is either totally naive or totally stupid or just one of those submissive people who obeys either Peter or Chris or her mother. Her long awaited xconfession in chapter 10 was incredible. She felt bad because Chris was working so hard for his family that she had to go to lunch with Peter and after he seduced her, when Chris didn't fight for her, she married Peter even though she didn't love him. Help! I give up.

60 year old George

Cobbler1023Cobbler1023over 16 years ago
I disagree with the previous commentor...

Anonymous in USA wonders why Chris can be an MD of a major unit of a multinational corporation and be so indecisive and vacillating. Gosh! That's one of the things I like about this story. Some of the strongest and most decisive people I know are extremely insecure at making judgments about personal/romantic issues. One is an analytical decision of the brain. The other is an emotional issue of the heart. They are very different and to be good at one does not always mean you are great at the other. To me, Chris and Molly (so far) are extremely real and well drawn. Thanks to GaryAPB!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

Damn...I have read 12 chapters and have had enough. I despise your lead male character. He whines and mopes and turns down beautiful women because he still loves Molly. Yet even after she shows and tells him of her continuing love for him he cannot take her back because everyone else wants him to and he wants to make up his own mind. The powerful MD that cannot make a decision because he was hurt so badly! any other Author would have concluded this story 6 chapters ago. I just don't care anymore!

Senrab13Senrab13over 13 years ago
Enough from Enough

Love your story. The main character is real and conflicted--just like real life--unless you're a truly shallow person. Don't let the few anonymous whiners get you down.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
"Enough" anon, you are quite correct !!

To whine and being gutless wimp is Brits national trait. They are all like this !!

RhomanovRhomanovabout 11 years ago
Need a set of shades

Yes, after a good shag, the world can look so bright ....


KarenEKarenEover 9 years ago
Peter Is Not A Nice Guy!

Somehow, I’m not sure how it would necessarily help them get together, but Molly needs to come to terms that Peter is NOT a nice guy, that he seduced her. Maybe Piers can expose his lie about the grappa as evidence that he was trying to get her more under the influence.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Way to go Chris

Congrats. Very enjoyable. A second five out of five. This time it is because Chris finally tells Molly what he is really thinking, tells his mother off, and has some great meaningless sex. It was all very cathartic for this reader. I wonder if the author purposely created a sort of pent up energy and then released it in this chapter. If he did that on purpose well kudos to him. I feel the story really has strong momentum now. The set up was a bit convoluted in the first half dozen chapters to be perfectly honest. But now it is just humming along. I didn't even mind that the sex with the hotel woman wasn't described in any detail. I can't wait to read the next chapter. Cheer Steve

telboy17telboy17about 8 years ago
Less Stupid

At least he is being less stupid now.

When he has his MD hat on he listens to reasons then based on then makes an informed decision. When he has his private life hat on he listens to reasons, ignores them, then stubbornly retains his views.

His mother said to him - "I don't think you're a coward, and I certainly don't think you're callous." Coward is arguable but he his definitely, on many occasions being very callous

and "I'm not used to all this maternal emotion, I'm a bit out of practice". What rubbish - mothers always keep their maternal instincts and emotions.

These and nearly every female statement being made are so obviously being written by a male with a male's perspective. Nearly all male authors are doing it.

telboy17telboy17about 8 years ago

It is still a very enjoyable read. It is one of the very few long stories that are not just long because reams of unnecessary words and side stories have been added.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

As much as we feel sorry for Chris and his "troubles". I find this culmination of sorts somewhat out of "character" for an adult claiming to be "righteous" and trying to be good amongst all that is "bad out there".

The story is well written and uniquely appealing in how the author keeps us riveted in opening the next chapter. I can only imagine if the protagonists came out and admitted their faults and laid their cards on the table plainly as adults are oft to do, that we wouldn't have the lovely intrigue with individuals emotional outbursts and leaving the scenes to cry it out elsewhere.

Well written. now if we could find a way to stop the Muslim takeover of a once fine and affable people...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
@ Anonymous 05/26/17

Look on the bright side, they will be having the Queen covered up in a burqa

darthdaxdarthdaxover 5 years ago

I've never been to your side of the pond but damn there sure seems to be a disproportionate amount of Dr. Phill wanta be-should be mindin thier own damn business-ain't got no life of my own so I'm gunna get all up in yours mother fuckers over there. Just saying. And I had high hopes for Len but he turned out to be just another one.

Artie88Artie88about 4 years ago

He FINALLY confronted the conniving parents, but should really have laid into them.

I can't stand being manipulated, even for the best of justifications. So, I have not sympathy for anyone who rolls over and accepts that kind of treatment.


On the reconciliation that we all know is coming... patience is a virtue i would think, so this latest installment seems about right

tompo296tompo296about 3 years ago

This is my 3rd time reading this story. One of the best 'Loving Wives' stories IMO

WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShitalmost 3 years ago

Chris’ anxiety and uncertainty are fed by Molly’s emotions. When she gets upset, he feels pressured and pushes back - harder than necessary. Been there with a very emotional wife, many times. Chris can’t figure anything out until Molly can remain calm and show empathy.

The answer is quite simple: start over altogether, after her divorce is finalized. Explain to Molly that he needs to ease into it, regain a comfort level, and build trust. Reassure the boys that they’re trying, but no matter what, Jamie and Ben will always come first. They’re old enough to understand that much. Just start with dating. Go light and easy for a while, then ease into talking. Don’t try family nights until Chris gains has a solid direction. If it works, great. If not, it teaches his boys about effort and giving it your best.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

How the fuck did this dude end up as a MD when everyone and their mother can manipulate him and he'll do next to nothing about it?

Texican1830Texican1830over 2 years ago

My Ancestry DNA says I’m 35% England and NW Europe, with Scotland, Wales, Ireland and Norway making up the rest. My brain must be from the rest, because I can’t make myself think like Chris.

Helen1899Helen1899about 2 years ago

I can't believe most men could drink that much Scotch, a bit stupid. I suppose it helped drag another chapter through, God how long will it to get to Chapter 22.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

tompo296over 1 year ago

This is my 3rd time reading this story. One of the best 'Loving Wives' stories IMO


This is my second time reading this story and I agree with tompo296. Anonymous signed; RCDilley

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I think WhoGivesAShit had the best comment about what Chris should do. He really needs time to sort it all out, and then he'll figure it out. If you go back to chapter 2, he's still trying to figure out what Molly wanted, and he was looking hard at getting into Myra. Hell, he didn't even know what he wanted let alone her, and this was after 4 years of being divorced. Molly and Pete hadn't had any issues yet, he hadn't found out that Susan was playing in Molly's head, or that Susan and Pete were setting her up. That's a lot of info to sort thru and find a solution. It's good that he's had Pier's and Carole (w/an E) to give him a sound board to help him bounce thoughts off of. I'm wondering if he's going to talk to the big man at ITI, and get some scripture quotes to help him solve his problem with Molly.

Granted this story seems to be going in circles, we keep getting a new layer added on and seem to know more of what's going on. At least behind the scenes we're getting more info. It's easier to figure things out when looking in, rather that being the one working on the problem.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

I had to quit reading here, during page one of this chapter. I tried to give it every chance, but just couldn't take it anymore. Way too much dithering and repetition.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

I really enjoyed the tour of Scotland from a distillery point of view. That sounds like fun. I know in my younger years it would have been huge fun, but since the heart attack and subsequent medications, I can't drink any more. But I do like the addition of it in the story, as it makes feel more real.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Unfortunately it's got to the point where I actually feel all the information that is necessary to know is in. It's all now just a matter of do I or don't I. The unfortunate part is that the writer is a melodrama queen and there are still too many chapters to go, really not sure that I care beyond the Molly/MC relationship result, which I can get by just jumping to the last page.

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