All Comments on 'Back to Bristol Ch. 13'

by GaryAPB

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
gee U think RALPH might FINALLY do something?

<b>WHY is Peter PLEADING and begging so badly to have Molly take him back???. </b> Peter is player. He knows or think he knows -- that he can get women. Moreover peter saw with is own eyes Molly cheat on him. so again why is Peter pleading soooo much?


Let me see if I have this right...


where the fuck does Carole get off lecturing her boss about HIS love life?


Peter shows up at Chis office full of vigor and spice bullshits that he is going to turn things around and Chris BLINDLY ACCEPTS what Peter is saying?


Now that Ralph is fully aware of Susan's manipluations do you think he might do something about Susan? NOPE in gary's land no matter what a woman does it is ALWAYS forgiveable and reconcileable.


yes this time Ralph is going to put his fppt dpown. This tiem he wont talk to Susan for an hour ...Golly

curious2ccurious2calmost 17 years ago

You're bringing the whole thing around to a very interesting and tense ending. I can see that things have taken several hidden paths, and the more that comes out, the more understanding comes about.

Mother (Susan) isn't the 'nice' type of mother-in-law. She was obviously proactive in her daughters divorce, and pushing her into the arms of Peter.

A child will trust a parent many times over anyone else in their lives, especially since the parent has raised them and taught them their values. Molly may have missed Susan's 'values', but only due to Ralph's involvement I think.

Peter has been a manipulator, but Susan seems to be a master of it. It wouldn't surprise me to find that Susan found Peter before the divorce came about and helped Peter to 'win' Molly as he did. Chris never really had a chance in it all since 'mother' was guiding daughter away from the rightful husband out of a fear of them possibly moving away from her.

Susan needs professional help.

Ralph needs to find a way to either fix the issue between his wife and the rest of the family, or walk out.

Molly needs to keep on trying.

Chris needs to understand that from what I've read so far, he's still in love with his ex and needs to fix his issues as well. (which he seems to be honestly trying to do.

Peter just needs to go away. Far away.

Looking forward to the rest of this story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago

Around and around she goes and where she stops, no one knows.


JakeRiversJakeRiversalmost 17 years ago
Nicely done

This chapter has a sense of transition to it and maybe a feeling of increasing pace.

It was really well organized, and flowed seamlessly.

Regards, Jack

GenghisKhanGenghisKhanalmost 17 years ago
Kurtz, Kurtz, and George and Lenny

First, let me concur with one other poster about stupidity being an almost ubiquitous feature in Gary's characterization: <p>

I remember reading the TGIF series, and I remember the "counseling" session, where the woman said, "Well, I didn't give him my but hole. I said no, just like I said no to you [to her husband], but he TOOK IT anyway. He did as he pleased, I told you!" <p>

I also remember the guy [husband] screamed bloody Brit murder of some type; got up and ran out of the counseling office and went away for a week or so, wandering aimlessly, thinking "Why she refused to offer me her but hole and thought it was okay for the neighbor guy to simply "take it" and thought IT WAS OKAY to keep continuing having sex with him?" <p>

They eventually reconciled, as we all know, when, after weeks of non-communicative, she suddenly appeared at his flat, in a robe and nothing underneath. They jumped at each other, shuffled to bed, fucked like bunnies, and reschedule a second marriage. <p>

[[[ Note that the character Molly here is also perpetually trying to use her body, literally, to attract, keep, or distract (more like destruct, really) the men of her life..... I have to agree that she is a good, loving mother to her two boys, even if she's really an airhead of a woman. What troubles me is that such an airhead woman, albeit very sensual, from the author's descriptions, is still able to keep two highly intelligent and accomplished men keep fighting for breaths from their respective submersions, for about 5 years now! LOL ]]] <p>

The thing about Gary, the author, is that even though he likes to create very, very --- and I mean, really, really --- stupid characters, he's also a very good writer; he's able to draw you in, through the story-telling and composition, and make you come to like those characters, even if they very, very, very stupid (both the men and women, especially the lead characters), so stupid that you say to yourself, "I would fail miserably, even if I try hard to be that stupid"!!! <p>

So, I guess Gary achieves most of his goals/objectives, as a writer [for this venue here in Literotica]: he's able to draw you in, despite the fact that you think you know most or all of his characters are not only "not likeable" but also very stupid. Complete bimbo's and airheads, like Molly here and that wife character in the TGIF series. <p>

Of course, it is a given that in fiction there are going to be a lot of characters whom you don't like, and yet because the stories are so well written, you are into them. For examples, characters like Kurtz in the HEART OF DARKNESS and the Col. character played by Marlon Brando, in APOCOLYPSE NOW, who wanted to exactly like Pol Pot, in his jungle sanctury deep insdie the rainforest of Cambodia, where the army had to send in, who was it, Martin Sheen?, to track down and kill.... <p>

And, then, there are really stupid but also really likeable characters like the great John Steinbeck's Lenny and George in OF MICE AND MEN. <p>

Point is, no, the characters don't have to be liked by the readers for the stories to be good. So, again, from that view, I guess Gary here in Literotica, has achieved some successes in his literary characters, even if they are different from Kurtz, Kurtz, George, and Lenny, et al. <p>

Incidently, the Peter character in this story HAS POTENTIALS for being a Kurtz character, in a modern day metropolis version, where nastiness and work-related deviancy replace guns and cannibalism ---- but I guess despite Gary's story lengths here, it's not possible to go that direction... partly because his focus, as one other respectable Lit. author, Salamis, I believed, has noted, was too off-centered, in some weird ways, on issues [emotional issues] not entirely conducive to receiving more cannibalistic activities....Indeed, Gary likely thinks the issues he focuses on are cannibalistic enough...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Soap Opera Continues

*"But you should think things through a bit better. You have to realise, whether you like it or not, several peoples' happiness is dependent on you."*

From this statement it can be gathered that it matters not what would make Chris happy, only that he makes others happy. That's pure BS. Please, Molly is so far from pickable it isn't even funny anymore. The way the writer is going about the grand reconciliation, he'll have everyone forgiving everybody, living happily ever after and singing happy tunes while dancing a jig. Love, loyalty, cheating, lies and betrayel mean nothing in his writing. Reconciliation at any cost does not a good story make.

bornagainbornagainalmost 17 years ago
All in the family

Here we are with All My Children with Molly ,Susan,And Ralph,

Next time same channell so dont touch that dial.

keep up the fine writing .


hb7094hb7094almost 17 years ago

to al you anon naysayers gary has done an incredable job with this story/if yo dont like it go back under your rock/GARY thank you again foain for a wonderful chapter/Hersch

hb7094hb7094almost 17 years ago

to al you anon naysayers gary has done an incredable job with this story/if yo dont like it go back under your rock/GARY thank you again foain for a wonderful chapter/Hersch

hb7094hb7094almost 17 years ago

to al you anon naysayers gary has done an incredable job with this story/if yo dont like it go back under your rock/GARY thank you again foain for a wonderful chapter/Hersch

Paniolo BoyPaniolo Boyalmost 17 years ago
Lovely Story....Just enjoy.....

Why don't we just all sit back and enjoy this great story. For those of you who don't like it, well, then read something else. For those of us who do, then let's not let others spoil it for us. Thanks to GaryAPB for his great writings! Looking forward to the next installment.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
I still stand

by my comments in an earlier episode.Peter is playing naughties with Susan,OR he is Susans secret illegitimate son.Industrial espionage and selling secrets to competitors is also very much a probability.As one who always get the wrong person in "who dunnits" I am sure that Gary(who is a good author,even if he subjects children to mental torture by making them watch Bristol City F.C) will come up up with something completely different.Colin

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Not a true soap ...

... because no-one's come back to life (yet). Maybe Molly dreamt it all in the shower, after all she is a bit wet, but it's not looking that way.

I for one am really enjoying this story, and hoping for a reconciliation once all the facts are known. Like another commentator, I like happy endings. I'm just glad the wicked witch (Susan) is really, really wicked, and not just a little bit naughty! J-A.

Nightowl22Nightowl22almost 17 years ago
Well, he's still at it!

Always, in every story, one who feels guilty refuses counselling:

Second, I'm not having a counsellor walking all over my private life. Third, if Molly and I can't talk honestly to each other, then why are we bothering?"..

And he has to keep telling himself just how little he thinks of Molly because of her infidelity:

As I sat there, I could have gotten very sentimental about how happy it all was... I had to give myself a good mental talking to..

And he's still ranting about why she married Peter.. Maybe she was pregnant and afraid to be alone at that time?? Coulda lost the baby even though it would seem we woulda heard of it.. Or maybe she just THOUGHT she was pregnant??

He is trying to prove, to himself, that she married Peter because she loved him terribly.. Then he can just walk away, blaming her, cussing her and he was RIGHT and he is JUSTIFIED in walking away, hurting her more than she hurt him!!

And he is telling her to divorce Peter, WHY?? So she won't have a leg to stand on?? Where does he get the right to tell her to do anything??

AND, YES, Anonymous, what he did WAS worse.. He turned his back on her when she was having trouble trying to talk to him, went into his home and closed the door.. He says he didn't lock it but the damage to Molly was done.. HE SHUT HER OUT OF HIS LIFE.. And he doesn't see that.. Nor, I guess, do you!!

And when he enjoys the family setting he has to tell himself not to, he can't, because she hurt him..

Well, it will be at least ten more chapters before he ever realizes just how much he hurt Molly, IF he ever does..

And dear ol Susan has been a manipulator of a totally distraught, mixed up woman, her own daughter.. It has been noted that Peter knew all of her likes and dislikes before "the" afternoon.. A result of Susan, apparently, helping Peter seduce her own daughter.. I am sure there will be more instances of collusion beside the Longleat Zoo, too!!

About 4-5 chapters for Molly to get the divorce and a couple more before he feels like taking her to bed again; and did we remember that Molly is pregnant?? Unless there is something else one waits 8-9 months for..

I'm waiting for Ralph to drag out the shotgun once Molly is single........ Waiting for the next installment right now, though.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Moving nicely along

<p>Gary, I am enjoying your story. It started a little slow but is rolling along nicely.</p>

<p>Is it just me or does (over 60yr old) Nightowl22 remind you of 60yr old George? I am really beginning to believe 'blaming the husband' is a generational thing. And surprisingly it keeps coming from the old guys.</p>

Nightowl22Nightowl22almost 17 years ago
Another one

who cannot see the significance of his shutting the door in her face when he knew she wanted to talk but couldn't start..

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
out of the painted corner

Well, GaryAPB is a crafty fellow. I originally hated the characters but was fascinated by the story. Having been “sort of” there myself, I know that a lot of things that should be said in a split never are. In one very personal case, after a divorce, my ex appeared to want a reconciliation. She never said so. (Good thing, I did not.) How’s that for not saying what you mean or want or need to say?

I’m now up to Molly still being generally stupid and Chris likewise in the specific of his jump in the hay with her. Overall, I’m more reconciled to the actual developments and can see where there is character growth.

Peter is still an oddity. Supposedly a “player” before Molly, he seems to have been too willing to lie to her to get her as more than as just another conquest and too unaware of the improper moral approach to that getting that would lead him to say, “I reaped what I sowed.”

I also had an idea that the Peter thing at the zoo might have been long before Chris’s realization of her affair, meaning that Molly was lying about moving on her impulses and that it wasn’t a one time thing. The explanation given by Gary, instead, throws the situation into more manipulation by Susan. Still leaves Molly as too stupid to see through her mother’s pressure.

I guess, but slippery Gary will probably confound us all, that now that we have enough evidence to assume that Chris also has enough evidence to do what Peter intended and that is to “forgive and forget.” We are now approaching the point where Chris might well decide that he shouldn’t be denied the love of his life and the company of his children. This would not be the wimpy guy that all the macho’s hate but the strong guy that takes back what is his to take. Molly and a family life, that he wants, is there, if only he can do it in a way that leaves him feeling that he is both clever and the strong white knight. I’m beginning to hope so.

Winterfrog has done this kind of a story more than once, sometimes appropriately and sometimes without the full recommitment of the wife in a way that said she had really been wrong and wanted to be the other half of a strong partnership. I believe that Gary can work the “the right way” into the scenario, if that’s his intention. It wouldn’t be “just another reconciliation story” but one that showed growth in the characters.

bruce22bruce22almost 17 years ago
Going well

and I am afraid that it may be ending soon!??

Alvaron53Alvaron53almost 17 years ago
Gosh, if we'd only known it was all Susan's fault

And now, another thrilling chapter to <I>Vanity of the Bonerfires</I>. The author has penned the following sentiment more than once in the story: "<I>... even if I could understand why she married him, we are different people now.</I>" Apparently, Chris thinks that reconciliation with his wife is impossible because they both have changed (not that I'm convinced these two should reconcile since it might lead to further procreation). Well, pardner, you better hope Molly has changed because, if not, she's still the same airheaded, lying, adulterous bitch that you divorced four years ago who subsequently married her lover. If you want that woman back, you need help, lots of it. Insofar as our hero is concerned, the so-called changes in him aren't for the better since he has developed the emotional maturity of six-year-old.


The real hoot is that now our hero has decided to take control of his life. By golly, nobody's gonna tell him what to do. He'll make up his own mind, thank you very much, and you'll be pleased to sit there and drink some Scotch whisky the name of which is impossible to pronounce. Important safety tip: the last time Chris took control of his life, things didn't work out so well because he's a flaming moron. Maybe he should let Ralph and his mummy tell him what to do so he won't hop into the wrong bed at the wrong moment while his still-absent mother-in-law and his scheming subordinate who prefers to sulk in Wales are executing another wicked scheme to mess up his life even more. Stay tuned for the next exciting chapter of <I>Vanity of the Bonerfires</I>!

dave_magicdave_magicalmost 17 years ago
Was this really a conspiracy?

GaryAPB has done an excellent job in describing each of the characters in this story and the more I get into this novel, the more I want to know, have to admit this has been fun.

IF you think you are SAFE in life, think again as this story demonstrates. Excellent narrative and hoping the author does not hurry to a conclusion,

capecodmercurycapecodmercuryalmost 17 years ago
The Mother in Law from Hell

Oh Gary, the further this story goes, the deeper you dig the hole for Susan. It's looking more and more like Susan is going to end up losing all before this ends. <p>

Before I read this chapter, I was thinking about the almost daily revelations about Susan and Peter's complicity and frankly, I haven't seen such a manipulative bitch since the Joan Collins character from Dynasty. This chapter added to her notorious reputation. If you lay out her actions, end to end, they are amazing. <p>

1. Molly gets seduced by Peter, confesses to Chris and he leaves in a huff. Distraught, Molly turns to her Mom and tells her everything, presumably including the story of how Peter seduced her. Thinking about this from my own perspective as a father, my initial response would be to support my child and lay the blame on the bastard that set her up (ie, Peter) by pointing out the blatant seduction.<p>

2. Instead, Susan lets Molly wallow in her own self guilt and pity blaming herself for her husband leaving. Susan places the blame on Chris and two days later, happily spends a lunchtime chatting up the guy who destroyed her daughter's happy marriage. This is the one scene that I find incomprehensible. At that point (presumably) Susan and Peter don't know each other at all and her only knowledge of him is that he is a philandering bastard willing to do whatever is necessary to get into the pants aof a woman that catches his eye. Why would Susan warm up to him so fast?<p>

3. From that point forward, Susan plays a game of subtly badmouthing Chris while propping up Peter and feeding him infornmation. Once again, a telling point is Susan's nagging Molly to go to lunch with Peter because to refuse would be cruel to him. From one lunch, Susan has decided that Peter is a better prospect as a son in law that Chris? <p>

4. The evidence provided by Ralph in this last chapter show it even more. Susan was actively trying to set her son up with Peter. The only remaining question is why. Her fear of Chris' success doesn't seem to explain enough. If that was all that was at issue, why did she have to set Molly up with anyone? <p>

Well, I guess I'll look forward to the next chapter. Besides, I'm still waiting to see who Carole is related to. I'm convinced that there was some significance to Carole's comment back in chapter 11 that she has a huge family that pops up "at surprising moments".<p>

Like a lot of readers, I have eagerly awaited my daily dose of Back to Bristol each mornning and have thoroughly enjoyed the ride. To those who say that it has been slow, I would respond that this is a novel and must be read that way. Gary is taking the time to lay out his plot point by point. It is far far better that most of the dreck that gets posted on this site on a daily basis. <p>


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Have Peter an Ulterior Agenda?

Is Peter a predator in-love with his victim? Are there assets in Molly that Susan talk to Peter about? I don't swallow the scene of Peter on his knees without a secret prize.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
There must be something more

to the behaviour of Peter and Susan than we have been informed about. Otherwise their actions don't seem to make sense. Susan does everything she can to break up her daughter's happy marriage and convince her to marry to guy who came in between Molly and her husband. Why? Because she was afraid Chris would be a success and that might mean he and his family might live elsewhere. That can't be her true reason. And Peter? He carries out a carefully planned and executed seduction on a married woman (apparently not the first) and then after bedding her once decides he loves her so much he will marry her, accept her kids as his own, become their full financial supporter and put up kids that don't respect you and a wife that shuts you out and makes it clear to you that you run a distant second to husband number 1. I don't see how an experienced womanizer would suddenly do a backflip like that. I feel that there must be some important reason why Peter had to marry Molly (or at least marry someone) and I don't think it is love. I think he stands to gain in some way and Susan is in on it, otherwise I can't find anything to explain the lengths Peter and Susan appear to have gone to to make sure Molly was divorced from Chris and married Peter.

As for Chris and Molly, I think the revelations in this chapter have moved them a step closer to working things out. Chris is starting to see how Molly was being unwittingly led the wrong way by someone she trusted and Molly is starting see not only her mother's lies and manipulations, but also Peter's. I think Molly has shown growth as well. When Peter tries his reconciliation routine she does not allow herself to be led by it and she soon figures out her mother's part in this too.

I anticipate in the next chapter Molly and Ralph might do a bit more checking through the old records and find out more about Susan's involvement.

Also, once Ralph has sorted out his daughter's life he needs to divorce that bitch Susan ASAP.

looking4itlooking4italmost 17 years ago
At this time

At this time I would almost be disappointed, well not almost I guess, if Chris decides on reconciliation. The turns that Gary has taken the story shows me that Chris is not interested in Molly as a wife and just hasn't found the right rationale for it yet. It would be a nice ending if they could patch things up, but why now? And frankly, if the main question in Chris' mind is why did she marry him and stay that way for four years why hasn't Gary gotten Chris to ask that? More lack of the ability to really communicate (essential in a relationship!) and also allows this story to continue. I will continue to read to the end but I am getting a little "car sick" if you know what I mean.

finding_sum_funfinding_sum_funalmost 17 years ago

One of the only plot twists that could make sense to me about Susan and Peter is to have her be one of his conquests. He could then blackmail her into helping him gain Molly in marriage or else he goes to Ralph and confesses. Perhaps it also allows her to continue seeing him but I doubt that is really what is going on.

JennyBearJennyBearalmost 17 years ago
Very nicely done!

I agree with Jack(JakeStraw) said about the flow. I am glad to see the subtle change in Molly I loved her line "Watching is a privilege of commitment." Of course it was precipitated by his whistling and what all the time before. Why didn't he just make a video for her. I know she is asking a lot. She hurt him badly. I can't imagine the inner conflict he is going through, but it wouldn't kill him to give her one little hug. Molly has been ripped for trying to use sex on him. She held back the last time when Peter caught them. She desperately wants a rematch. She would turn him every which way but loose. To his credit, Chris has not taken advantage of her. I was going to say sex was really the only weapon she had. Not true, she has two more powerful ones and to her credit she would never use them. Everybody knows I would dearly love them to reconcile. If that doesn't happen, this story will still leave me very fulfilled. I got the revenge I craved and have a feeling I am going to get more icing on that cake. The only thing that could ruin this story for me would be if Molly reconciled with Peter. I would then have to hunt down Gary and hurt him. Great job, I loved it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
if i were Peter

i would start suing Chris, and the company. seems that Peter tried hard to be accepted, but that wont happen w/ the ungrateful bitch he married.

and how can the misunderstanding between Myra and Tilly be the same as what happen to Chris' life? i mean, would Myra accept Jonathan back if he was able to resolve his issues?

i dont know. the plot really smells now.

Emotional immaturity?

Ruining his life? Moron? Where Alvaron is getting these harebrained ideas, I don't know. I know that Chris is a little dense about guessing what women really think, or at least his ex, but he had resigned himself mentally to being out of her life.

As for any immaturity, the only immaturity I can see is his guilt over having trysts while a perfectly free and unmarried man. That kind of blind adherence to social rules about what single women a single man can date (by which I mean totally single- no significant others, since he is not a swinger, from the sound of it) is frankly inane. Mind you, an older woman is sometimes more sensible about one-night stands than younger ones because she has greater wisdom and maturity, but still, one should set these arbitrary rules or follow them.

As for Molly, she's no one to speak of commitments, having broken hers twice. Admittedly, that means that she is human, but her telling him that "watching is a privilege of commitment" and urging him to commit her again is nauseating. He'll do it if he wants to, but as he said, he's a free agent. No one has any business pressuring him to reconcile.

And Susan's scheming with Peter obviates any future claims to moral superiority on her she was lambasting a single Chris on what he has done after his divorce. I'm glad that he set the record straight with Molly on that part. He is lecherous when single, not when married.

wetapapwetapapalmost 17 years ago
again i'm left wondering why

is it that molly never calls her parents 'mom and dad' or 'mum and dad' or even mother and father. but instead always calls or refers to them by their given or first names, susan and ralph. and how come it seems that susan treats peter more like a son than a son-in-law. just a couple of more things that seem strange and make me wonder where gary is going with this story. but like everyone else, i'm waiting to see.

ohioohioalmost 17 years ago
this continues to be great

If anyone were in doubt about how much Gary's wonderful story is stirring up readers, all you have to do is read the comments and see how impassioned and emotional they are! Lots of us care deeply about how this is going, which is a tribute to the author. Thanks, ohio

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Lack of maturity...and logic.

Living in limbo is the worst kind of torture. Chris is getting his pound of flesh, and then some, when he’s sending so many mixed signals to Molly who for starters isn’t the brightest bulb of the bunch. Molly is weak, easy manipulated. First she was manipulated by Peter, then by her mother and now by Chris. I don’t believe there is any hope for a reconciliation, not because of the infidelity, but because Chris does NOT want it. He likes the status quo, stringing Molly a long, milking it for as long as he can, getting her to do what he pleases, including getting a divorce while he fucks other women because after all he is a free agent. BUT heaven forbid that Molly does the same. She needs to stay home, waiting for him, waiting for his decision with NO contact with her husband. She can stay in her now virginal house, raising his children while he flirts from woman to woman. She has no right to feel bad about that. After all, a man has needs...and he’s a morally superior man who doesn’t sleep with married women, so Molly is out of the question. True he fucked her once before, but that was an aberration. Chris can find a bible quote to justify logically that one time. He only wants what’s best for his children, maybe even some kind of communication with Molly as long as it doesn’t involve a relationship with her because “people change.” True people change all the time, but that’s not the point. Maybe a counselor could help Chris and Molly with their problems. But no, Chris doesn’t want a counselor walking all over his private life...for that he has Carole, Myra, Ralph, his mother and father, his brother, Piers, Angie, the woman he will fuck tonight and who knows who else...

I’ve decided that Molly and Chris deserve each other. BUT I do not believe that the author is heading toward a reconciliation in this story, no matter how much Susan and her rotten actions destroyed this relationship. He has given too many hints that this is not the case. Molly will get a divorce. Chris in his generosity will buy her a house to raise his kids. That is her purpose in his life, to be a mother and raise his children because they have “changed.” Chris will go on with his life. He’s a powerful man who is also a good father. On the weekends he sees his children. He’s still searching for that perfect woman.

What destroyed this marriage was not Susan machinations or Molly's infidelity. It was the lack of communications between two people who loved each other, but who lacked the maturity and dedication to make it work. Poor children, they deserved better. Molly is not the only one living in limbo, they are too!

I've loved coming every morning to read the latest installment of this soap opera. It's been a treat, but I have to confess that as the chapters have rolled by I have been out of patience with either Molly or Chris...and at times, both of them. Kudos to the author. I have liked the story even though I despise the main characters.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
me thinks

dear ralph might be in for a surprise...what will he do if he finds out his wife has cheated with his son in law ...i also think if that did happen susan might then worry more about her own marriage than her daughters ...unless peter would then marry her ...ah the tangled web we weave when we plan to decieve...i hope susans happy little life takes a path south ...she sure deserves some of the happimess she has given her daughter husband and her ex son in law ...dont you think they used to say on laugh in sock it to her well close ...and as they say on the soaps we will return another day as the world turns

DoctorWyldcardDoctorWyldcardalmost 17 years ago
now that is a thought...

Erehwon and wetapap.... I think we have something here.<p>

Probably not but let's let the theories fly.<p>

What if Peter is Susan's son.<p>

They got in contact, Susan doesn't like Chris.<p>

Now lets say that Molly is ADOPTED, we have no evidence for this but also none against.<p>

SO, Susan sets Molly up to cheat. Tells Peter all her faves etc.<p>

Then works to separate Chris and Molly.<p>

WHY? So that she can have HER family together...son and adopted daughter and grand kids.<p>

Interesting twist. I like this better than the Susan is screwing peter bit because, well, how evil CAN we make Susan? Seriously... IT seems to me that soon ALL blame will be on Susan the great evil.<p>

When Molly has her great share to carry.<p>

NOW for Nightowl.<p>

I have a bone to pick.<p>

YES Chris shut the door...but lets look back in time shall we?<p>

Molly cheated, Chris found out.<p>

Went away to get his head on straight.<p>

Do you think this was a bad thing? Was he to stay and hear more and more about how 'WONDERFUL' Peter is.<p>

Because that is all she talked about, how great of a person he is.<p>

Then when he returns, it turns out that SHE IS STILL SEEING PETER.<p>

Hell, she broke her husband's heart and well, kept DATING her lover.<p>

We know that ain't true but to Chris that is what it looks like...and well is true. to Molly they where just meetings, to everyone else...Dates.<p>

Then Molly tells him that she is getting married to Peter as soon as the divorce is over.<p>

WOW, guess Chris is an ass for thinking that she didn't love him anymore...MAN all the work she did to prove that she did is just ...overwhelming!!<p>

Does Chris have SOME fault? Yes.... about 15-25% share of all the crap between the two.<p>

MOLLY carries the rest. YES Susan set her up, but MOLLY is the one who said 'OK ' to everything, dates, sex, divorce, remarriage, EVERYTHING.<p>

SalamisSalamisalmost 17 years ago
Are there worthy villians?

<p>The only frustrating aspect of this story is the wait between chapters. I will probably feel a sense of loss when you do finish this story. It has been a very enjoyable ride through 13 episodes.</p>

<p>At this point in the story, you have positioned both Susan and Peter as the villains. However, I cannot help but wonder how Susan got this label since in my mind she has very limited capacity to be a villainess. Her opportunities to influence Molly, both in frequency of contact and nature of contact, are very restricted.</p>

<p>If Susan’s behavior is intended to justify or absolve Molly in her behavior then I think there is a very high bar for her to breach. In other words, Susan’s behavior would have to border on a criminal act before I could feel any sympathy for Molly. Susan may have lied to her daughter, but that just makes her more proactive than the rest of the cast of intrusive relatives and friends who happen to be on the opposing side.</p>

<p>In order for a villain to be held in contempt, don’t they have to show flashes of brilliance over their opponents? Don’t they have to be more devious than their victims? Should we as readers sometimes view them as more capable than their targets? Moreover, does Peter fit into this category with what we have seen of him?</p>

<p>If there is, any character that I want to see much more of, it is Peter Davies. If he is as bad as Chris, Piers, and Carol believe, then he deserves at least a chapter or two. That is the only way to truly establish him as a villain.</p>

cloacascloacasalmost 17 years ago
Interesting balancing act

I enjoyed the prior chapter a great deal because it showed Chris in a different light as a man. With this one, we're back to "everyone talks about Chris' love-life". What's lacking, to me, is that Molly has no real way of explaining nor, it seems, of understanding what she's done. It's not the sex with Peter but, as Chris notes, marrying him and staying married for years while he lived his life. She hasn't said one word about how her confessed idiocy kept a father from his sons for most of several years. Seeing your boys on trips is not the same as being there as a parent. That was a cruel thing to do to Chris. Taking away his children because she didn't have the nerve to apologize . . . you'd think she might feel terrible about what she's done to Chris and her children, but it seems she's more concerned about herself. Now he's supposed to think about the boys and how it's his duty to give them a home but in his mind shouldn't he be asking "Where the hell was Molly about her duty to her sons and to us as a family?"

Risq_001Risq_001almost 17 years ago
And with one "little" paragraph...........

<p>.....Chris suddenly becomes the new ultimate bad guy.</p>

<p><i>"But you should think things through a bit better. You have to realise, whether you like it or not, several peoples' happiness is <b>dependent</b> on you."</i></p>

<p>Regardless of "Molly's", "Peter's" or "Susan's" actions, the happiness of three family's now <i><b>totally</b></i> now rest on Chris's head. That paragraph made me feel that a victim (in this story) continues to be victimized not only by his wife's original actions, but now by the situation that everyone continues to place him in. And Molly <i>still</i> hasn't done a single thing to make me feel that she's done a <i>single</i> solitary thing to try and redeem herself after her brief afair and destruction of her marriage. But everyone from Chris's family, Molly, Molly's family, and now friends and co-workers are telling him what a jerk he's not being for not taking Molly back. The only thing that I've read so far that hasn't totally killed respect for Chris's character in this story was this line:</p>

<p><i>As I drove home I thought: I want to find just one person who would be on my side. Someone who would say, 'Reconciliation? You must be fucking joking. Steer well clear of it. Build a good relationship with your sons and just get on with your life.' Just one person like that would be nice.</i></p>

<p>Intresting job though on continuing to build up the mother in-law as the total and complete villan she is. It has me wondering about the state of her and Ralph's marriage. I just wonder if their marriage will survive, or will everyone at the end will just have a mass forgive and forget session, and then pretend it all never happened? I'm not trying to insult, but with all the peer pressure placed on Chris to forgive and take Molly back, it would seem unfair that one of the persons who contributed to most of the pressure (Ralph) didn't follow his own advice.</p>

<p>Regardless of how well the story flows and is written, it feels like an exercise in peer pressure to make the victim rebuild a family, and a marriage, destroyed by the other marriage mate because all the bystanders who wittnessed it's destruction want it to happen, regardless of the toll it may take on the victim or how the victim might feel about it.</p>

<p>I just hope that once the reconcillation happens Molly's character has done something to make me feel she's earned it, other than something along the lines of "Chris was sick, hurt in a sporting accident, or Peter tried to cripple him and now Peters in jail and Chris needs someone to sit by his side". Helene would do all of that in a heart beat, and she's (so far) never cheated on Chris and just wanted to chance (as stated in the story) to make Chris happy. Molly, so far in the story, has thrown it all away (with free sex), let herself be manipulated, and tried to play on her ex/husbands sympathy to make him take her back. Helene is the far better, and likeable, canidate for wife material than Molly could hope to be.</p>

<p>I just hope that somehow along the way I start to like Molly's chracter better than I do now. Because as it stands her character is paying a lot of lip service to what she would "like" to do so Chris would take her back. Even "after" marrying another man.</p>


<p>PS: Anon, what company (or court for that matter) do you think would entertain a court case where one man convenices a married woman to sleep with him, breaks up her marriage to her husband and family life, marries her, and when she decides she wants her former husband back again will award him anything? I would love to watch that court case for a 1/16th of a second. I need the laugh. (^_^)</p>

Kanga40Kanga40almost 17 years ago
This story is fast going downhill in my estimation

Gary has now spent far too long leaving Chris indecisive in his personal life. Okay, maybe for a while, but now we are right on the cusp of complete disbelief.<BR>

And, please people, don't blame the characters in the story for what they do - they are merely puppets, directed in all they say and do by Gary.<BR>

I can see possible reconciliation or not for these two - depends how Gary writes it. The really big probelm Gary now has, is he has thrown so much bullshit at us, so many part clues or red herrings, so many arsehole characters wanting to run Chris' life, I think most of us would just like an ending, any bloody ending, just as long as it ends!<BR>

Gary wrote the words:<BR>

"As I drove home I thought: I want to find just one person who would be on my side. Someone who would say, 'Reconciliation? You must be fucking joking. Steer well clear of it. Build a good relationship with your sons and just get on with your life.' Just one person like that would be nice."<BR>

And with that he nailed the precise reason the story has lost credibility - it is so unbalanced it has now gone past fiction and soap opera and is merely a farce waiting for a manufactured ending.<BR>

I hope I am wrong, and some glimmer of credibility will return in the next chapter, but Gary has dug himself a hole so deep here it will take a real miracle for a recovery to occur.<BR>

A shame really, Gary is a good writer, and the first ten chapters showed real talent, and promise for a wonderful story.

JennyBearJennyBearalmost 17 years ago
Molly has grown as a person!

I had hoped I would not have to be the person to bring this up, but I am happy to do so. There have been comments to the effect that reconciliation would be difficult to accept because Molly has not grown as a character. I beg to differ, today she showed considerable growth. She is submissive by nature no doubt about that, and her mother used that against her own child. CCM called her the Mother-in-law from hell, no she is the mother from hell.

Despite Peter being thoroughly prepped by her mother in his reconciliation attempt, Molly stood her ground. It was not easy but she dumped the piss ant. Then the same day stood up to her mother! To finish the day , she held her own against Chris. (OK, it was kind of subtle but still counts) It has taken a while but she's coming around. I can only imagine how difficult it is for her to accept the fact her mother sold her out.

GenghisKhanGenghisKhanalmost 17 years ago
I have to almost reluctantly agree with JennyB

I think Gary has had Molly mature slowly over the last 13 chapters; as JennyB said, Molly is no doubt a submissive person. She seems almost mild tempered and devotional to her two kids; but her submissiveness coupling with her mother's and Pete's scheming nature --- but mostly it is her submissivness --- got her into a lot of trouble. <p>

Through the whole series, I think Gary has consistently have Molly re-affirm her wrongheadedness; she knows she has strayed and strayed too far --- even at her own evaluation --- to allow her to turn back; but in her heart, she knew fucking with Pete and letting Chris go were terrible mistakes; and yet she was willing, she said, to pay her crimes. Twisted logic, but at least there's some honor in such twisted sense of self-imposed penalty. <p>

Asian cultures, traditionally, were big on such a philosophy. Especially the more strict ones like the Japanese, where if a persom made a mistake, esp. if it's really terrible or dishonorable, they either bannish themselves, commit suicide, or punish themselves by living out the "sentence" they themselves have sent them to, when the commit the crimes against those who loved them and those they actually truly love. <p>

And, yes, this WAS/is a "crime of passion." <p>

Molly, although I've always called her an airhead from the beginning, probably among all the major characters, has been given BY THE AUTHOR the most opportunity to grow and mature and learn from her life altering mistakes. <p>

Chris, the author has allowed Chris the self-awareness that the "change" that took place in him --- due to Molly's betrayal --- has not been for the better. Whereas before, he was not only hard working but gentle, faithful, and considerate, now he is hardened, calloused, promiscuous, selfish, and scheming. But, despite his self "talking to", Chris is not ready to let Molly go and simply be "friends" with her; Gary will have to take the Chris character to another level, for him to truly be able to say, "Okay, I truly no longer care about Molly, even if she's my sons' mother." At this point, Chris doing mostly tough talks; inside, every thing Molly does, or does not do, still affects him deeply...<p>

Oddly enough, Ralph turns out to be the guy among the major characters who got hit over the head with the biggest 2 by 4. "That stupid cunt..." the mild-mannered grandfather went off in his head, when he first started to realize what his wife's been doing. Right after that out-burst, he spent a few hours to go over old records and, surely enough, Susan seemed to merit those terrible descriptions. <p>

The other character, a lesser one, who got the shaft from their creator/God is Helene. I think of all characters, Helene is the most likeable one. Of the three women whom Chris has spent substantial time with and has known, Helene is the most loyal, most trustworthy, least scheming. She's probably not as intelligent or accomplished as Myra, but she's nowhere as airhead as Molly, either. <p>

The only thing I wish for was that the author had made Pete into a more formidable adversay; a more deviant character. As it is, he's no more than a womanizer whose half-hearted attempted at building a family imploded onto itself, with him, presently at least, being a tragic figure but not that fearsome or frightening...

studebakerhawkstudebakerhawkalmost 17 years ago
What a ride!

IMO there still hasn't been anything revealed that would justify a reconcilliation. Molly cheated on her husband for the murkiest of reasons, chose to continue the affair and her husband's humiliation, announced she would marry lover-boy as soon as she possibly could, split her husband and her sons apart, and couldn't be bothered to apologize for any of it. Why in the world would Chris want to rekindle his love for such a self-absorbed, immature little brat? Molly is only now (FINALLY!!!) beginning to stand up to Peter and Susan. She has yet to give Chris a reason that he should want to get back together. Apparently, she feels that the fact that she has decided her 'unfortunate incident' with Peter may have been a mistake and she now wishes to reunite with Chris is justification enough. She even seems to be miffed that Chris would actually need time to consider the issue. I can only believe that Gary still has a trick or two up his sleeve. I still feel a reconcilliation coming on but, for the life of me, I can't see any justification for it. I also believe that Molly is going to end up with pierced ears, but that will only be the icing on the cake. Pretty soon here, Gary is going to send us another curve ball. Is Peter Susan's lover? Her son? Is Ralph Susan's first husband or only the most recent? Gary's got us all so hooked we'll be going through withdrawal when this story ends.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago

Why - with all his money and influence doesn't our hero put a Private investigator on Susan and Peter? Get all the skullduggery and their cheating on film and tape, and blast it to the whole world! Get back together or not - get all the cards on the table.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
crazy bitch of a mother

If all the effort and scheming that dear mother Susan have been doing to wreck her daughter's perfectly good marriage was because of her fear of air travels then she should have been put into Flight MH370 and sent off from KLIA airport. That would have solved father Ralph's predicament!

KarenEKarenEover 9 years ago
Peter A Player?

I am NOT a fan of Peter, and definitely agree that Molly should dump his ass.

I do NOT believe that he IS a player.

I believe the story from an earlier chapter, I don't remember who was relating it, probably Piers, where Peter WAS a player, WAS playing Molly, but then truly fell in love with her.

That is the only realistic explanation for his falling apart when losing her. If he was truly still a player, he'd just shrug his shoulders and move on, probably happy that he didn't have to deal with her kids anymore.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Great stuff

Congrats. Great stuff. Five out of five. Loved Myra's story about her friend going thru hell and not changing. We got to the bottom of the zoo mystery. And Molly finally, finally, did the right thing with Peter. I was really worried she was going to slip up. The only thing missing was Chris telling Molly about the grappa so she would know what Peter did to her on their first date. Tell her Chris! Cheers Steve

MullendersMullendersover 8 years ago

i still like to know why ben and jamie think he should say he is sorry for running of woth his secretary it never got sorted out! the only thing on the matter that was spoken further was when he told her he never cheated and she run of crying

so yeah would still like to know whats the deal with that

telboy17telboy17about 8 years ago

As he is single there is no issue with going out and getting gratuitous sex but rubbing her nose in it is callous.

He is lying as much as everyone else in the story. One example - he keeps wanting to know why she married the prick. He knows from Molly and Ralph backed up some of it and he said he believed her. So why lie.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

Very well written.

Chris is faced with the dilemma of giving up his newly found bachelorhood (the lifestyle he keeps on referring to - he's a slut and loving it). Reality is he has a family and a wife who was tricked by a lothario, but he is willingly overlooking reconnection with Molly as he will lose his sluthood as well as have to face the future of fulltime fatherhood. Being a weekend dad is not being a full time father and head of house. He sees this and is frightened (not that he can't do it but that he is too self centered and selfish to admit to these failures). again, great story!


AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
How do you trick someone into adultery if they don't want it?

After something you might call a mistake she continues to see him.

The rest is pyschobabble excuses wrapped in pretty prose..

He is evil for being emotionally destroyed and living a single mans life?

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

The conversation about tilly... Was sheer writing excellence... You are an amazing wordsmith...


AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Anonymous 4/9/18

Easily. Pheromones in cologne. She's already well weakened by alcohol, she said his cologne was strong, maybe freshened up so the pheromones would be strong... Nature takes over, like she described.

49greg49gregalmost 5 years ago
Intricate plotting.

A really involved story. It's way past my bedtime so I'll stop here and continue next time. I've read published books that were lest interesting than this.

I've met people that are afraid to leave the location they live in, I've also known some very very vary manipulative and conniving people. And I've had two mothers-in-law, but none would would do that much manipulation in their daughter's life just to make sure that the daughter didn't leave the area. But you know, I think that there has to be a least one real person who would do it.

As for Chris, well he does seem to have changed his outlook, but I am a little concerned that he's having a hard time deciding what to do, when he is so positive about what to do with the company he's managing. Well, OK, personal lives are a mess compared to a straightforward business decision.

Anyway, I'm tired and want to go to bed, So far every chapter is a Lit 5 star one. Can't wait to see the end. Maybe I'll give in and skip to the last chapter when I start up tomorrow.

Artie88Artie88about 4 years ago

Twists and turns to the 'plot' (double entendre intended).

Still, unanswered... why did Molly marry Peter so quickly?

Mind you, why the roundabout route to the reconciliation?

Mushy happy ending is in sight, but the road keeps twisting on itself

management91399management91399about 4 years ago

Dropping another comment in here as I commented on Part 10 I think, the one with the locked room. I cannot for the life of me see how Peter would want to sign on for this life. The way the incidents are playing out he bedded Molly once and then went on a full on PR campaign to marry her. But I imagine his life couldn't have been that terrible being good looking and hooking up with women, married or otherwise. What is it about Molly that make him so in love with her, he seems off to me. getting married to a distraught housewife with two young boys seems like it would be the Mt Everest of relationship challenges. This part of his character, from whats been revealed up to this point baffles me. I would think he'd want to be having Chris's single life instead.

silentsoundsilentsoundover 3 years ago

Oh it's everybody else's fault!

She loved her husband but fucked an asshole while she was still married to him, divorces the man she claims to love and marries the asshole she fucked on the side and continued fucking him in the marital bed for years and made the asshole the full time dad of the children who belong to the man she claims to love?

But it was everyone else's fault.....

Such bullshit. Good writing though.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago


NOOOO WAYYYY!!!! /sarcasm

"If I'd known then what had happened, well I guess it would have been my job to get over it."

So he's a cuck.

He's going to cuck and brush her slutting and whoring under the rug isn't he?

PowersworderPowersworderover 2 years ago

"How do you trick someone into adultery if they don't want it?"

Peter befriended Molly, then spent several weeks getting her used to being relaxed around him. They went out for an "innocent" lunch and he basically got her drunk off her ass.

Molly had a large gin and tonic, most of a bottle of wine, then two large glasses of grappa. Grappa is very strong... 40%-60% alcohol content. After that much booze, she would've been too drunk to give proper consent, which means it wasn't so much adultery and more like a date rape.


This mess is still all Molly's fault for getting much too friendly with a guy that was obviously trying to seduce her. However, Peter was a manipulative predator that got her so drunk she wasn't in control of herself... then raped her.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

So she cheated on her first husband and she cheated on her second husband. She's a real catch.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

For an MD who is supposed to be able to have hard discussion and look at thinks carefully he sure is a moron. Sorry but this story is going stupid and vapid.

Helen1899Helen1899about 2 years ago

I hope his decision making at work is better than in his personal life

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I'm reading this story with real interest. Its been a little tedious, sure, but I predict an unexpected and shocking twist, or two. This series gets way too high ratings to have the story meander off into the weeds. I will wait till the end to rate it.

greenbeardlkgreenbeardlkabout 1 year ago

Current husband worked for several weeks to seduce her, when he succeeded she married him. love the writing ,but it feels like cuck shit.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Have felt for several chapters now that Peter and Susan are having an affair of their own.

Guess i'll keep going to see what's next. Carole's right, this is better than daytime TV.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I have to agree with anonymous from 1 day ago. I too feel like Peter and Susan are having an affair. If they aren't, it sure sounds like they are and were having one. Susan was definitely meddling in Molly's marriage, and now the actual proof is coming out. That should start a few rows (fights) between family members.

silentsoundsilentsoundabout 1 year ago

Molly is still a pathetic cunt.

xhunter4uxhunter4u5 months ago

Whenever a man and a woman show this level of subterfuge there is a lot more going on between the conspirators. Susan is utterly immoral and unfortunately Molly was mentally weak and subject to doing what her dominant mother wanted her entire life.

At any rate, I wanted to say that I'm really liking the writing and editing, and of course the entire story, and that I've only found a few things such as spelling and/or context errors. I usually have trouble staying with a UK author due to the language differences but this has been very easy to keep reading. Getting Molly and Chris back together might just be a bridge too far, though.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Still Here, Is it back on track? a bit wobbly there at one stage. Enjoy you writing.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Anonymousalmost 2 years ago wrote: For an MD who is supposed to be able to have hard discussion and look at thinks carefully he sure is a moron.

In reality his work life is pretty stable and he has competent people working for him which makes work decisions easier. His private life is a mess, and finding new things each week seems to just make it messier. Life isn't just black and white, it's also red and blue and other colors, sometimes all at the same time. What he really needs is a councilor or therapist to talk to, but Chris doesn't want to do that. He really needs someone he can talk to, and get it all off his chest, but doesn't seem to have that person.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

@anon 27 days ago. The very last thing he or anyone needs is to see a therapist. This whole story hinges on a lack of communication. Typical soap opera melodrama. You don't need a therapist to tell you to listen and comminicate before jumping to assumptions. A therapist obviously isn't going to be able to fill in the missing information so really they're no use at all.

PrincessNutNutPrincessNutNutabout 1 month ago

I'm sure there must be something in the comments, but I'm not going to expend the energy to go through all of them. Molly was systematically seduced. Peter was a serial seducer. Their sex life during marriage wasn't a lot to write home about. Nobody seems to be asking what Peter was doing with his Wednesday, day or afternoons off. When is this shoe going to fall?

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