Backdoor Man


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"Allow me." He said, as he extended his hand to her. Nancy grabbed his hand and noticed how thick and meaty his fingers were. His thumb was almost as thick as two of her fingers together. She thought how tiny her hand looked holding his.

"Thanks." Nancy said.

She held his hand and just before she pulled herself up she looked at his eyes. She followed his gaze as if lasers were coming from his eyes. It pointed directly to her crotch. If her effort to stand, she had spread her knees outward and her shorts were stretched tight across her pussy. The seam of her shorts ran right along her slit. Her pussy lips bulged on either side creating a very obvious and obscene camel toe. She looked at his face and there was not an ounce of discomfort at being caught staring at her intimate area. In fact, there was a tiny smile curling the corner of one side of his mouth. And he kept staring at her crotch, even after she caught him.

She pushed with her legs to pull herself up. She was almost lifted off her feet as Jake used his powerful arm and pulled her up. Nancy stumbled and fell against him. Her shoulder bumped against his chest and her palm pushed against his gut. It was surprisingly firm. She could smell his scent. It wasn't offensive, like BO, but it wasn't the usual perfumed aroma of her husband or the men she worked with. She couldn't tell what it was exactly but it was a musky kind of smell. It unsettled her. Everything about him unsettled her.

She apologized for bumping into him and he said it was okay. She turned to call her husband and realized he was still holding her hand. It wasn't a threatening grip, more like an 'I don't want to stop touching you yet' grip.

"My hand?" She said.

"Oh was that your's. I thought it was mine." He joked, and released her.

She introduced herself and called her husband, just to let this guy know she was married and already had a man taking care of her needs. Not really, but he didn't know that. Doug came outside, waving and smiling. He and Jake hit it off right away. Nancy was sent inside to get a couple drinks while Doug escorted Jake to the table on the pool deck.

On the way into the house it came to her. Leather. He smelled like damp leather. What was the expression? She didn't know why but, her mind went back to a crude saying her older brother use to tell his friends. When he was all sweaty he would say he smelled like a horse that's been rid hard and put away wet. No, not a horse. A CUNT. That was it. He said, he smelled like a cunt that's been rid hard and put away wet. She was just a kid and didn't get the full meaning but she knew it was dirty. Now, she knew what it meant. Nancy felt her face flush. She looked in the mirror and saw she had turned beet red. She held a cold washcloth to her face before she went back out.

When she got back outside, Doug and Jake were talking and laughing like old friends. Doug was inviting him to the bi-weekly bar-b-que next Saturday. It was a little something they did and invited a couple friends and neighbors to. Jake eyes locked onto Nancy's and never left as he said.

"I'd love to Doug. Your wife looks like she really knows how to host a - spread and I bet the eatings good."

There was something about this new neighbor's attitude that caused Nancy to blush like a school girl. The way he paused before he said spread and the way he talked about 'eating'. It sounded dirty, like her brother's expression. She wondered if Jake would put her away wet.

At the bar-b-que the next week she thought she caught Jake trying to look up the leg of her shorts when she had crossed her legs. She boldly walked over to him. He was sitting off to the side so the conversation was fairly private. Her hushed tone also added to the seclusion.

"Did I just catch you trying to look up my shorts." She said, trying to sound angry.

"No." He whispered.

She looked at him, waiting for the rest of his response.

"Just now I wasn't. However, I have been drinking. A little too much, I think. So I suggest you go join your husband before I say something I shouldn't."

Nancy turned to go back to her chair. She was fuming over his arrogance. He was so rude. She stopped her turn. "I know you are friends with my husband, but ..."

Jake interrupted. "I think you are very sexy. I have from the minute I saw that sweet, sweet ass in those shorts. When you were on the ground with your legs spread, I just wanted to drop to my knees and lick you until you screamed. I have been looking at your pussy all day, in fact, but you never caught me. And you won't. I have been looking at your cunt every chance I get, imagining what I would do to you. My cock is hard right now looking at your sexy mouth. Given the right man, I think you'd be a wild, crazy fuck. " He said confidently.

Nancy just stared at him. No one had ever spoken to her in such a way. So filthy, yet self-assured. He talked to her like they were lovers. He had no right to be so intimate and use those words. How do you answer something like that? Was it an insult or a compliment? Was he dangerous or just horny? She could make a big scene, but would then have to explain why.

"By the way." He whispered a bit louder. "I like those blue panties."

"Well, keep your eyes to yourself. I'm married, in case you forgot. And those things you said - will NEVER happen." She stomped back to where she was sitting.

She took his remarks as a challenge. That she could never catch him staring at her. Over the next month she flashed more and more flesh whenever Jake was around, in an effort to catch him and call him on it. There were more than a few times she felt someone staring, but every time she looked, Jake was looking away or talking to someone else. It was so damn frustrating. She was cute and sexy. She noticed every other guy and a couple women taking peeks at her. But never him.

It was a couple of their backyard get togethers later that she thought she had him. Nancy felt the thrill of victory when she caught him blatantly staring down her top when she bent over to give him a beer.

"Ah ha!" She said gleefully. "I just caught you staring at my boobs."

"That doesn't count. You wanted me to." He said, catching her off guard.


Jake looked around to make sure he wasn't overheard. "After what I said before, you must want me to look if you come near me dressed like that, bending over. Besides, I said you wouldn't catch me trying to get a peek at your cunt. I never said anything about looking at your tits. I can't quite see your nipples. Could you lean a bit more?""

Nancy couldn't believe he said that to her with all these people around. She blushed again. She did that a lot around him. Was it true? Did she want him to look at her? He kept staring at her chest, even after she straightened up. He smiled and raised his beer bottle.

"The difference in men is that some, like your husband, like to finish their beer as soon as possible. No finesse. No style. As for me, I like to take my time and enjoy the taste."

He looked her in the eyes and then lowered his gaze to her crotch then back to her face. He obscenely stuck the tip of his tongue in the bottle opening. He jabbed it in and out a couple times before he raised it to his lips and took a drink.

"Oh god that's good." He groaned nastily. "You know." He said. "I'm thinking of doing some redecorating. Is it important if the carpet doesn't match the drapes?" He winked.

Nancy walked away on shaky legs. He was the most vulger man she had ever met. It gave her stomach butterflies. She knew her face was red but there was another part of her that was hot also. She was very aware of the seam in her shorts and how it split her pussy lips as she walked into the house. She went to her bathroom.

She spread her legs and grabbed her hand mirror. She tried from several angles and could not see anything. He was bluffing. He hadn't seen her pussy. Had he? He was guessing. How many bottle blonds were there? A Lot. So the chances were pretty good that she was one. Still, it bothered her that he might have seen her snatch. It was not his to look at. When she came back out, Jake was sitting with Doug and a group of guys and their wives.

"Honey, get over here. Jake just bet Frank he could lift a full bottle of beer with just his tongue." Doug laughed, half in the bag himself.

Nancy stood behind her husband and watched as Jake positioned his thick tongue in the bottle neck. His head was down but he lifted his eyes to hers. Like the private show earlier, he jabbed his tongue in and out a couple times. Then he pushed his tongue in about an inch and a half, raised his arms to the side and lifted the bottle.

Nancy and the other wives watched in stunned amazement as the bottle slowly lifted. First, level with the table and finally, upright. He was facing in her direction and she thought it looked like a thick green penis getting hard and pointing right at her. After a few seconds, Jake grabbed the bottle and twisted it back and forth to release it. There was a 'pop' as his tongue escaped the vacuum of the bottle. Everyone, but Nancy, clapped.

"Oh wow. Can I take him home with me." Frank's wife joked.

Everyone laughed. All the guys and a couple women tried the stunt, but failed. Frank took 20$ from his wallet and put it on the table.

"Bar bets." Jake said. "You've got to have a thick enough tongue that it fit nice and tight into the hole." He looked at Nancy. "I guess I'm fortunate that I've been blessed with thick appendages."

He held up the money. Her eyes followed his hand as he put it in his front pants pocket. He usually wore loose slacks or shorts and even though she tried, Nancy had never seen the bulge from his cock. Until now. When he put the money in his pocket, he lifted his hips slightly and his hand stretched the material tight across the front. At first she thought she was seeing a shadow image. But when he moved his fingers to release the bill in his pocket, she realized that one of the huge bulges was his wrist and the other was his dick.

Nancy quickly looked away. She caught Frank's wife, Linda, looking away also. Their eyes locked and they both raised an eyebrow. It was a sign they had both seen the same thing and were both impressed. Linda giggled and jumped up to go inside. She grabbed Nancy's hand and tugged her along.

"What the hell's got into her." Doug asked.

"Too much beer." Frank answered.

"Oh my gawd. Did you see that?" Linda asked Nancy in the kitchen. She was giddy. "It's like a third leg. And his tongue?"

"I don't know what you are talking about." Nancy said. She tried to hide the tremor in her voice.

"Bullshit. I saw your face. You saw what I saw and probably wondered the same thing, too."

"And what was that?"

"How any woman could get that monster into her pussy." She laughed. "It would feel like someone shoving their arm up you. Especially one of Doug's skinny arm." Linda was moving from foot to foot. "God, I'm itching just thinking about what that tongue could do to me."

"Stop that." Nancy said. She picked up the cake for dessert. "Size isn't everything." She said as she cut the cake. "You want a big one?" She looked at Linda and they both laughed. They were still laughing when they came back out.

"Well someone is having a good time." Frank said.

Nancy looked around and saw that Jake and a few other people were gone. "Is the party breaking up?"

"We should go too." Linda said. She grabbed Frank's arm. "I want you to try that bottle thing on me." She giggled as she dragged her husband home.

"Take some cake with you." Nancy said.

Linda grabbed a napkin and picked up a small slice. "I'll leave the big one for you." She laughed as her husband slapped her ass and chased her home.

That night Nancy played with herself in the tub thinking about Jake's bulge. She looked at her loofa sponge and thought it was about the same size. She put the end against her pussy. No way, she thought. She angled it upright between her legs and rubbed it against her clit. It was rough and coarse, like Jake. He scared her. Not because of what he would do, but what she would do. What she would want him to do. To her. She bit her lip and whimpered as she came.

That was the last time they were all together before the big bash. She had seen Jake a couple times in his yard and he always waved. She couldn't get the image of his bulge out of her head. It couldn't be real. It was a trick of the fading daylight. That's all.

Now it was time for the big 4th of July pool party, bar-b-que, fireworks bash.

"What the hell's bothering you? You know I always have a party on the fourth." Doug said as he sat at the table making his list of supplies.

"I just don't feel like having a bunch of people here. Can't we just go to one of the fireworks displays by ourselves? Just the two of us?"

"No. I'm having my regular bar-b-que. Jesus, who put a bug up your ass?"

Nancy almost laughed and said, "No one. That's the trouble."

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

It was the morning of. Nancy had been on edge the past few days and was finding it more and more difficult to be civil with people. Even at the bank she had been asked by her manager if everything was okay at home. How do you tell your boss that you're tense because your husband isn't fucking you on a regular basis and you're obsessed with your neighbor's big dick? Or that you're having a party and are afraid of getting drunk and letting him use that dick on you?

She knew Jake would be at the party. Nancy had bought a new swim suit months ago. It was perfect for her small frame. The top was two little triangles connected with string. The bottom was the same only the triangles were larger. It was dark red with a yellow lightning bolt across the front of the bottom piece and a lightning bolt striking the ground, with a little explosion, on the back piece. That was before Jake.

Nancy put on her suit. She looked so cute in it the other times she tried it on. She was waiting for this party to debut it. She knew it would get oohs and aahs from their friends and her husband would be mad. He would think it showed too much skin. Her ass looked great in it. She thought about Jake's reaction and suddenly felt very naked and vulnerable. She felt more naked than if she had nothing on.

She had done a very careful bush trim the night before. She didn't want any stray hairs peeking out. Nancy adjusted the bottom. She didn't remember the waistband being so low in the front. The back was even with her hips but the front dropped down. She pulled it out a bit and looked down. It was barely an inch above where her trimmed pubes started. She also noticed the bolt in the front pointed to her slit and in the back, the explosion where the bolt hit the ground lined up with her asshole. Oh man, she was asking for trouble if she wore this.

Nancy put a wrap around her waist and a loose shirt on top. Let's see if Mr. 'you'll never catch me' was so confident now. She was sure this would give him an obvious boner. She brushed out her hair and put on enough make-up to look like she wasn't wearing any. It's my day today, she thought. No mercy. She slipped on her sandals and went downstairs to finish the food prep and meet the early guests.

The party started around two and would go till dark when they shot off the fireworks. Doug was at the grill and bragging about his cooking skills, with a beer in his hand, of course. There were two long folding tables set up near the patio doors so people could eat when they wanted, buffet style.

By 3:15 the party was in full swing. Food and alcohol were flowing freely. There were about 30 people there. Some close friends. Some not so close. Several people were in the pool. Music was playing, people were laughing. Frank had even pulled his wife's suit top off, but quickly gave it back when she screamed at him. She was laughing though. Nancy noticed that Doug would disappear inside every once in a while and then come back rubbing his nose.

"Motherfucker." She muttered.

"Hey Nancy, when do we get to see the new suit?" Don shouted from the pool.

All the regulars knew she always bought a new suit for this party. They started shouting. "Take it off. Take it off." Doug turned from the grill to watch her. The center of attraction. For a brief moment, she thought maybe the suit was too much.

Jake had not showed up yet and Nancy was disappointed. Maybe he wasn't coming. She had wanted to wait for the big unveiling until he was there. Well, his loss, she thought. She unbuttoned her top and some guys hummed a stripping tune. She held her shirt in front of her and then flung it to a chair. There were hoots and catcalls from the men. She untied her wrap and sexily did a little dance before she held it high in the air. She did a turn for the crowd. Halfway through her turn, when her ass was to the group, she noticed it got really quiet.

She finished her turn and looked at her guests. Some were looking at her but most were looking at her husband. They knew he was stupid jealous and this suit was just the kind of thing to set him off. It did. Doug threw down the barbque fork so hard it stuck in the deck. He stormed into the house. There was quiet for a moment until someone drunkenly yelled.

"Fuck him. I think you look great. I'll take you home."

There was a splash as the woman with the man who yelled pushed him into the pool. "Cool off Casanova." Everyone laughed and cheered. The party was back on.

Nancy was feeling the heat of too many male stares. She dove into the pool. Her boobs were small enough she didn't have to worry about anything popping out of such a small suit. One thing she hadn't counted on. In all the practice times she put the suit on, she had never gotten it wet. When she surfaced and ran her hands through her hair, she looked at Linda. Her friend's eyes were opened wide. She mouthed the words.

'Oh wow.'

Nancy looked at her chest. Nothing had popped out, but the the suit was intended for sun bathing, not water. She didn't even notice it had no lining. She didn't even think about it. She only used the pool maybe four times a year. The wet suit was plastered to her flesh like a thin coat of red paint. Every ridge and bump of her areolas could be seen. The material even molded around her erect nipples, that were sticking out about a half inch. Again, showing every nook and cranny. She could only imagine what the bottom looked like.

Suddenly, Frank popped his head out of the water a few feet in front of her. He saw her blushing and knew why. "You should see the view from down here." He laughed. "Turn around." He submerged again only to have his wife pull him up by the hair. "Okay, okay." He laughed. "I'll stop looking."

"I had no idea."

Nancy said as she moved between Linda and the side of the pool. She was now very aware of how many eyes were staring. Mostly male. A couple even had their mouth hanging open. Linda blocked her friend from other prying eyes.

"Go get her a towel." Linda told Frank.

"Okay, but we are so getting you one of those suits. Wowie wow wow wow." He said shaking his hand as he went to the steps.

Nancy felt something touch her shoulder and was ready to swat whoever it was. She looked back and then up. Jake was standing at the edge of the pool holding a towel out to her. He got her again. She grabbed the towel and covered herself.

"Thanks." She said.

Nancy sloshed through the water to the steps. The wet towel draped around her as she walked up the steps. She picked up her top and wrap and went into the house.

"Tramp." Doug drunkenly sniped as he passed her to go out.

Once upstairs, Nancy dropped the towel and looked at herself in the full length mirror. She looked fucking amazing. If she was a guy, she would want to fuck her. Every hair on her pussy was visable as was the slit between her legs where the lightning bolt pointed. She turned and her ass was the same. As if she had just applied a coat of paint and that's all. She was looking at her ass, which, she had to admit, did look great.