Backdoor Man


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"I missed the big unveiling. Is that the suit that caused all the ruckus?"

Nancy lifted her head and saw Jake in the doorway. She froze, embarrassed. She was next to naked with him in her bedroom. Once again he had surprised her in a compromising position.

"I - I just ..." She stammered.

"Wanted to see what all the fuss was about? Me too. I mean, there are women down there poking out their husband's eyes with plastic forks." He said.

He moved closer and sat on the end of the bed, just feet away from her. Her arms were at her side and she wanted to cover herself, but they wouldn't move. He looked her up and down, paying particular attention to the parts covered, or not covered, by her suit. The lightning bolt was like a neon sign saying - cunt this way.

"Very nice. Turn around." He ordered. Moving his fingers in a circle.

Without knowing why, Nancy did. Her feet betrayed her as they slowly turned her so that her ass was presented to him. She looked in the mirror and watched him smile as he stared at her butt. Nancy could feel his warm breath against her thigh. She got goosebumps. She mustered the courage to speak.

"I think you should go." She said, half hoping he wouldn't.

She didn't turn. She wasn't sure of her reaction if she let him stare at her front again, although he could plainly see her in the mirror. He stood up. Her heart started beating faster. She both feared and hoped he would touch her. He leaned in close to her ear. She felt him breathing. He still smelled like wet leather. His voice was deep and husky.

"Maybe you can tell me where to get one of those suits. I know you would like to see me wearing one. I caught YOU checking ME out the other day. Can't hide anything in one of those."

She waited for his touch. He left her standing there trying to catch her breath. Her nipples were so stiff, they hurt. When she changed into a pair of her standard short shorts and a shirt, and got the courage to return to her guest, she got a round of applause.

"Ha ha." She said. "That's the last time any of you will see that suit."

Nancy grabbed a beer and made the rounds. Apologizing to some, laughing with others. The spectacle of the paint-on suit was soon dismissed as people got interested in other things. She did get some creepy stares from a couple guys she didn't know. Must be Doug's coke connection, she thought. She spent time with Linda and Frank and tried to avoid Jake.

As the sun set, people started leaving. Nancy spent most of the next 45 minutes saying goodbye and showing people out. When darkness came, the party dwindled down to just 9. Four couples and Jake. The booze was flowing and everyone was feeling no pain. Especially Doug. It was getting chilly and Nancy went inside for a sweater. When she came out, Jake was sitting with the others. Linda was asking him why he didn't have a date.

"He's too old to worry about all that dating crap." Frank said.

Everyone laughed.

"That's just about right." Jake answered. "I've got a good 15 years on most of you and I just got tired of all the - where are we going? - conversations."

"Here here." Doug slurred, almost asleep. Nancy play slapped him in the back of the head. Meaning it more than she thought. He glared at her.

"Maybe he's just too old to cut the mustard." Nancy teased as she sat beside her husband.

Everybody went -oooooo.

"If a guy can't cut the mustard, doesn't mean he can't still lick the jar, and sometimes a taste is just as good." Jake countered.

Everybody went -ooooooo again.

"Burn." Don said. Looking at Nancy

'Son - of - a - bitch He upped me again.' She thought.

Don and Frank grabbed the fireworks. Doug crawled over to crash on a lounger. The other guys joined Don and Frank.

"What is it with men and blowing things up." Linda asked.

"I don't know. Must be a testosterone thing. They love their explosions." Nancy said.

"I wish Don could get me to explode more often." Don's wife, Betty, said, laughing.

"If he had a tongue like Jake's, maybe he could." Linda said.

All the women laughed except Nancy. She blushed.

All the guys returned to the table. Linda went inside and cut the patio lights. They each took turns going to the center of the yard to set off a banger. Nancy watched Jake in the light of the explosions. His face was turned slightly but he was watching her from the corner of his eye.

The party lasted til around 10. Don and his wife left. Then Mary and Phil. Doug was passed out on a deck recliner. Frank and Jake were talking and Linda was talking with Nancy. Something in the other conversation got Nancy's attention. If she hadn't had more drinks than was her limit, she might have kept her mouth shut. But she was more than tipsy and had had enough male ego today. The patio lights were still off and the darkness sparked her courage.

"Hold on. Just hold on." She interrupted.

Both men looked at her.

"Did you just say that you can bring a woman to orgasm in three minutes?"

"Or less." Jake said.

"Bullshit." Nancy snarled at him.

Jake shrugged his shoulders. "Well, that's my story and I'm sticking to it."

Nancy glared at him. He was so smug it pissed her off.

"Prove it." She ordered.

She leaned back in her chair and put her feet on the table about four feet apart and looked at her watch. The full moon offered enough light for a great view of her legs.

"Come on. Let's go. I don't have all night."

"Ahh -- no." He answered. "I think it's time for me to get home. Us old coggers need our sleep. Later guys. Tell Doug I had a great time." He nodded to Linda and Frank. He shook his head at Nancy.

"NAN!" Linda said after he left.

"He bugs me sometimes. I wasn't going to do anything. I just had to call him on it. GOTTCHA!" She shouted as Jake opened the gate to his yard. He waved his hand at her without looking back.

"We need to go too. Need help with him?" Frank asked, pointing to Doug.

"Naw. Let him sleep it off out here. Serves him right."

"See you tomorrow." Linda said. "You better take more than three minutes with me, mister." She said, as she and Frank went to their own house.

Nancy was still pissed. At Doug. At the guys who leered at her. And that brute who thought he had her number. She grabbed her crotch. "You ain't getting none of this, buddy."

Nancy was cleaning up and she kept glancing at the gate. He was probably over there jerking off thinking about her. Pretending he was fucking her. Jamming that big cock in her little hole. The bastard. She dumped the paper plates and cups in the trash can. Who did he think he was? God's gift to women? Well he wasn't. Nancy didn't remember walking the 50 yards across the lawn. She opened the gate.

"You don't know me."

She shouted as she burst through his door without knocking. She was hoping to catch him in the act. Then she could call him a lonely, pathetic old man. He wasn't in the living room. She saw the stairs. The bedroom. He was in there, pulling it, wishing he was with her. She went to the stairs. He surprised her by coming in the front door.

'Godammit.' She mentally cursed. Can't she ever get one up on this guy?

"You don't know me. You don't know anything about me." She ranted at him

"Whoa. Slow down lightning bolt."

Nancy looked at him. She was too mad to be embarrassed by the reminder of her display in her bedroom. "You. You. You are an asshole." It was the only thing she could think of. She turned to leave.

"Maybe, but I can still make you cum in three minutes."

"You ... ohhh. Gggggah." She stamped her feet in frustration at not finding the words she needed.

"A hundred bucks says so."

Nancy glared at him. "$500."


Jake went for his wallet on the end table in the livingroom. Nancy followed him but when he moved to the table, she kept walking into the kitchen. The backdoor was in there. Jake smiled. He had done it again. His smile dropped when she came back with the egg timer from the stove. She set the timer for three minutes. It started clicking off the seconds. She sat on the couch, with her arms folded.

Jake heard the timer clicking and looked at the woman on the couch. He was sure she would cut and run as soon as he tried to get her pants down. If she didn't, then he was eating pussy. It was win - win for him.

Nancy couldn't believe what she was doing. She was just so mad at him. She wanted to prove him to be a blowhard and a braggart. He wouldn't do anything. He was like other men. All talk. She hoped. She jumped when Jake put his foot on the coffee table and shoved it out of the way. She shivered when he dropped to his knees between her legs. Maybe she was wrong. He put his hands on the sides of her shorts. He began tugging them down. Nancy figured it was time to end this. He had won.

"Okay you proved ..."

She never got to finish. She was a bit drunk and her reactions were slowed. She didn't realize until it was too late when he lifted her hips up by her shorts and then quickly pulled them down. In a flash her pants were halfway down her thighs and her legs were up in the air. The blood pounding in her ears almost drowned out the sound of the timer, as it clicked the seconds away. Her pussy and ass were naked for him. Exposed without even a thin suit to protect her.

Jake didn't waste the precious seconds he had left by getting her shorts off her legs. He held them both upright, which left a space about two inches between her thighs. He smiled at the brown fur around her snatch. He had guessed right. He buried his face against her twat. He licked furiously at the little piece of her pussy he could reach, while he used one arm to keep her legs up and the other hand to work the shorts closer to her feet until one leg was free. Her legs parted and he now had complete access to her cunt.

Nancy struggled to get free. She felt him licking her. She jumped when her legs parted and his tongue touched her slit. Her knees were now on either side of his head. She struggled weakly to get free. His tongue did the standard licking up and down her slit. It had been so long since she had been licked and even though she found nothing special about his technique, it was having an effect. She struggled harder to get away.

She jumped in surprise when his tongue quickly found her clit and made little circles around it. It usually took her husband several minutes to find her clit, if he found it at all. Okay, so he had some experience. That didn't mean she was going to climax in three minutes. She felt a moan starting. She looked at the timer, but her eyes wouldn't focus.

"Oooohh." Escaped from her lips. "Oww." He bit her. He bit her on the clit. "You bit me." She complained.

"Just a little. To wake you up." Jake answered.

He lifted his face to look at her. Nancy noticed his chin was wet. She tried to sit up. She had to leave now. He put his hands under her knees and lifted. This made Doug's wife fall back against the couch. Nancy felt his thick, bottle lifting tongue enter her hole. It jabbed in and out like it did with the beer bottle earlier. That was new for her.

"Oh shit." She called out.

His tongue was twisting and twirling like a snake in her pussy. It went deeper and deeper inside her. She was almost as full of tongue as her husband could manage with his dick. It even felt thicker. The tip of his tongue licked parts of her pussy that had never been licked before. Jake's upper lip was pushing and rubbing against her clit. Nancy twitched involuntarily when his lip moved sideways across her clit. How was he doing that?

"Oh Christ. Oh God. Ooohh. Oohh." She moaned. She was panting.

Nancy was past trying to escape. He was so goddamn good at eating her pussy. She was close to orgasm. She put her hand on the back of his head and tugged his hair as her hips rose to meet his probing tongue. She felt him push his face tighter against her crotch. God, could there be more tongue going in her?


It was like an electric shock when the sensations quickly stopped. Every nerve was ready to fire the big one. She was tensed for an orgasm and then nothing. Jake lifted his face.

"Wha - wha - wha..." She said between breaths. Nancy tried to ask him why the fuck he stopped but she couldn't get the words to form.

"The timer went off. You win."

Nancy looked at the smiling face between her legs. Her legs were still in the air and he was just poised there with a stupid fucking grin. He was such a bastard. He planned it. He tricked her. What woman could stand a guy licking her to the edge of climax and not let him finish. Three minutes or three hours, she didn't care. She was going to cum. She grabbed his hair.

"You fucker. Finish me."

Jake resisted her pulling at his head.

"Oh please." She begged. "You win. You're right. About everything. I'll say anything you want. Just make me cum. please."

Nancy bounced and wiggled her hips. It was wrong. So wrong. But she needed this. It had been too long since she came from anything but her own hand. She ached to have him take her over the edge.

"Ooohhh yesssss." She hissed through clenched teeth when his tongue started again. She closed her eyes and gave herself to the feelings.

Jake lifted her legs up over his shoulders. He had her. Now for the finishing touch. Earlier, he had been talking with her husband about sex and Doug said he ate pussy if he had to, but didn't do any asshole play. Jake licked around Nancy's clit a little, until she was moaning and wiggling and then slipped lower.

'What the fuck?' Nancy's brain asked. Her eyes flew open and she looked down. 'Oh my God. He's licking my asshole.'

This had never happened. In 30 years a tongue had never touched her there. She tensed. She didn't know what to do. It felt funny. Good funny, but she wanted what she was familiar with. Then it was gone and back where it belonged, taking care of her pussy. She relaxed. She was just moments away from cumming. His tongue licked and pushed and wiggled her clit. He pushed a finger into her sloppy cunt. Jake licked her while he finger fucked her. She closed her eyes waiting for the explosion.

Suddenly little sparks exploded behind her eyelids. Not orgasm explosions but little, different ones. He was still licking her but he was also ...??? what? He was sticking his finger in her ass. That had never happened either. He pushed it further into her.

"Ohhhh yes." She groaned. It felt so good. It was hitting virgin nerve endings. He double finger fucked her asshole and pussy, while he licked at her clit. "Oh. Ohhh. Ohhh. Ohhhhhh." Nancy moaned.

The sensations from the front and the new sensations from behind, met in the middle and shot straight to her brain. Her body tensed.

"Right there. Lick me. Lick me faster." She begged.

Jake did as she asked. He stuck another finger in each hole. He jammed his hand in and out as fast as he could.

"Ohhhhh gawwwwwd." Nancy's hips bounced against his face. "Ga - ga - ga - ga." Was all she could managed. Then it hit.

Nancy saw a huge burst of light behind her closed eyes. Her neck and arms went rigid. Like a wave it traveled through her. Her stomach and hips lifted as her leg muscles contracted. She was lying with her head against the back of the couch and the rest of her body two feet above it. Her knees were on his shoulders but her feet were straight out in the air.

"Uuuuuuunnnnnngggg." A long drawn out groan was the only sound she could make.

Jake kept licking at her until she was finally able to move her hand and push his head away.

"Ssssstopppp." She panted. "Enough." Huh. "Stop." Huh. "You're ..." Huh. "... killing me." She gasped between breaths.

Her body relaxed and she lowered her feet to the floor. She slid down and her ass was on the edge of the cushion. Jake had been sitting on his heels while he licked her. He lifted into a kneeling position. He slod his hands up her body to hold her face. He lowered his upper body and kissed her.

Nancy opened her eyes when she felt his lips touch hers. She tasted herself on him. He pushed the tongue that had just pleasured her, between her lips. Nancy let him kiss her until she felt something spongy bump against her cunt. She put a hand against his chest. He let her push him away. His hips pushed forward and she felt the head of his large cock touch her pussy again. He must have pulled it out while he ate her. His stiff dick slid up along her wet slit. He rubbed it up and down against her pussy lips a couple times. Nancy felt a familiar tingling down below. She had to stop him before he fucked her. She shook her head no at him.

"We can't." She muttered, her voice was slurred from her climax. "I can't. Please, no." Her eyes pleaded with him.

"What about this?" Jake asked, pointing to his erection. It wasn't a desperation tone. Just a matter of fact, hey I've got a boner, what are you going to do about it.

Nancy was knew he was right. She had started this. She had hers, but wasn't willing to let him get off. She hated when her husband did that to her. She had to do something. After all, he did just give her one of the best orgasms of her life. She knew she shouldn't be thinking it, but she was willing to give him a blow job. To pay him back.

"Just stay there and let me jerk off looking at you." Jake offered. "You are so beautiful and sexy. It won't take long." He moved his hips back and began stroking himself.

Nancy didn't answer and she didn't stop him. She was flattered. How exciting to think she was sexy enough for a guy to want to jerk off over. She looked at him and nodded. She spread her legs wider to give him a better view. It was the least she could do. She felt his hand bumping against her pussy as he pulled his cock. Like someone knocking on a door that won't open. Nancy looked at his hips and thought he was too far away. She looked down. No. He wasn't too far away. It's just that he had more dick to work with than she was use to.

Jake's face turned red and he moaned a bit as he stared at her exposed pussy lips. They were still parted from his previous finger bang. He rubbed the head of his cock up and down her slit, parting her even more.

Nancy flinched when his cock hit her still tender clit. She closed her eyes trying to block the sight of his dick. Jake was having none of that. If she won't watch, then she can touch. He took her hand and put it on his erection. Nancy opened her eyes.

"Just hold it." He said.

Nancy was stunned. It was a very large penis. Seeing it was one thing but actually feeling it's girth was a surprise. Her thumb and finger barely touched. Jake began moving his hips. It slid between her fingers.

Jake took her hand and rubbed her palm against her wet pussy, getting it slick with her juices. He put it back on his cock. Nancy tightened her grip.

"Yeah, like that." Jake said.

'He's fucking my hand like it's my pussy." Nancy realized.

His strokes increased in speed. His cockhead pushed against her snatch. Nancy was getting the familiar tingles she got when her husband fucked her. She was getting turned on again. She heard Jake's breathing get heavier. He pushed harder and half the head went into her.

"Ooohhh." Nancy moaned. It felt good. She looked at Jake.

"Oops." He said. He pushed hard again.

Nancy felt her pussy open for him. The large mushroom head went in. She felt her pussy actually close around it. Shit, it felt bigger in her pussy than in her hand. She shook her head, but kept her hand on his cock. She knew it was wrong but it felt so good. She felt it slide in her hand as he pulled back. The head popped out and it was like her lips slammed closed. She knew she should move it away from her snatch. Did she want him to fuck her?

"Oooohhhhh Ccccchrist." Nancy moaned when Jake pushed forward again.