Backseat: Sister Seduces Brother

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Virgin teen sister's birthday wish: first time with brother.
3.4k words

Part 4 of the 5 part series

Updated 05/09/2024
Created 12/15/2023
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Author's note: this is the fourth installment in a series. In chronological order:

Backseat Ride: Sitting on Son's Lap

Backseat Ride: Son's Sex Education

Backseat Ride: Fucking Sister / Mom

Backseat: Sister Seduces Brother


"... birthday to YOOOOUUUU!" My mom, Aleja, sang in a pitch-perfect bright soprano voice. My brother, Lucus... let's just say his rumbly bass voice was endearingly off-key.

Lucus pushed the chocolate coconut cake, with eighteen small candles lighting up the softly lit room, toward me. "Got a birthday wish?"

I watched the candle flames reflected in his handsome green eyes, his pupils wide open in the dark.

I wish I could have a perfect boyfriend like him, I thought, gazing into his eyes. Handsome, tall, a sexy deep voice I could listen to all day, and that adorable awkward kindness to most everyone. On our first day in high school (I'd skipped a grade, so we started on the same day), I watched at lunchtime as the leader of the cool kids offered him membership in their clique:

Tiana: "Hey. Come sit with us."

Lucus: "Why?"

"Cause we're awesome."

"Why? Because you're the smartest kids, too?"

"We're not fucking bookrooms, if that's what you mean. Speaking of which, why are you hanging out with that fat dork?"

"You pronounced 'hanging out with my beautiful sister' wrong."

* Rolls eyes * "Her? Beautiful? Please. You're gonna have to ditch your sister if you wanna join us and not be a social pariah."

"If you're at all indicative of the members of your clique, why would I want to sully myself by sitting with the boring and mean kids?"

"Oh, you're SO gonna regret this."

"Already regretting these squandered minutes I'm never getting back."

So Lucus spent his years in high school hanging out with me and the other smart outcasts, a gorgeous Adonis amidst a sea of nerds and aspies and awkward kids that didn't quite fit the image needed to get socially 'promoted'.

Re Tiana's 'fat' comment: I'd gotten my mom's curviness -- huge breasts, a relatively slim waist, and a ginormous booty. Plus I'd doubled down on her Cuban heritage, with dark skin and eyes, and black curly hair, visually straddling the line between Latina and Afro-Caribbean. Thus, my name Ciara -- 'little dark one' in Irish.

Not quite the Cool Kids Template for beauty, where the acceptable feminine body types ranged all the way from thin to borderline anorexic, and thick coke-bottle lens glasses like mine were Not Done, even ironically.

I popped out of the weird conversation in my head I was having with the imaginary readers of my imaginary autobiography, realizing my silence was on the verge of being awkwardly long. "Yeah, I know what I want for my birthday."

Lucus raised his eyebrows questioningly.

"It's a secret." I blew out the candles extra hard, on the wildly unlikely chance that lung capacity and air pressure applied to lit candles were bizarrely correlated with obtaining one's deepest desires.


After I had opened my presents, my mom gave me a big hug. "Wish I didn't have to leave my baby girl so soon. But I gotta drive back tonight - that damned divorce deposition."

"I love you, mom. Wish you and dad could stay together."

"Was that your birthday wish?" she whispered. "Because, trust me, staying with a man who can't help cheating on you ain't much of a present."

"Naw. Something else."

"OK. Love you too, Ciara."

Aleja gave Lucus a big hug also. A curiously long, intimate hug, their bodies pressed tightly together.

Whaaaaat? Nah. Can't be.

My mom wiped away a tear and left.

My brother and I watched through his apartment door as mom climbed in the Toyota Sequoia she was sharing with Lucus, an older SUV that looked absurdly large against her five foot frame. She fired up the big V8 engine, waved goodbye, and left as we waved back.

"Soooo..." I said, stepping back into the dim room illuminated by several strategically placed coconut scented candles, a feminine touch undoubtedly chosen by mom. 'Cause Lucus was fucking clueless about interior design, judging from the bedroom he'd had back in Austin: Yang Central. Manliness incarnate. Terrible feng shui.


"About that hug..."

He stared at me. Didn't reply.

Holy fuck, I thought.

"Are you and mom... you know..."

I could see in his eyes that he didn't want to answer, but couldn't lie to me. Seriously, even if he wanted to, he couldn't pull off a successful lie with me. There's a reason I was gonna be an eighteen year old junior at UT Austin - you don't rack up over a year's worth of Advance Placement credit by being slow-witted.

"... fucking?" I said, finishing the sentence, since apparently I had to be really explicit here to drag an answer outta him.

"How did you know?"

"Cause you just told me."

He rolled his eyes at being so easily outmaneuvered.

"And that hug. I mean, get a room."

"Wow. I pity any guy reckless enough to be your boyfriend, cause he ain't gonna have ANY secrets with your mind reading abilities."

"You're pronouncing 'smarter than me and really observant' wrong. No such thing as mind reading. Anyhow, enough with the deflection: You. Mom. Fucking???"

When he didn't answer, I said in a soft voice, "It's OK. I'm your little sister. Someone you can be completely honest with. And vice-versa."

I saw the moment of surrender in his eyes.

"Let's sit." He sat on his thrift store couch, upholstered in a godawful fish scale pattern.

I sat close to him, squeezed his knee, and cocked my head a bit sideways in an 'I'm listening' gesture. "Tell me everything."

"Uh... it started on the ride from home to here, when mom sat on my lap in the back seat rather than sit in stony silence with dad in the front seat. And... well... that big booty of hers was kinda wiggling and bouncing from the rough patches on the road. Then my... stuff... got ha --"

"Stuff? THAT's your euphemism? Try 'penis'. Or 'dick'. Not gonna shock me."

"Fine. FINE. My dick got hard. Happy?"

"Sounds like your dick was plenty happy, sir."


Five minutes later, I had scooted next to Lucus, our sides and thighs touching: "... and then, driving through Waco, when I was trying so hard not to cum in mom's pussy 'cause of all the noise I'd make, dad had to swerve to avoid someone's car damn near hitting us, and was cussing kinda loud. And that's when we both came."

"And dad didn't hear that? Or notice the scent of sex?"

"We tried to be as quiet as possible, considering. I think dad suspected, from the questions he kept trying to ask. 'Cept mom kept deflecting to the topic of him cheating on her." He looked in my eyes, worried. "So, TMI? Mad at me? Grossed out?"

I leaned my head against his chest. Inhaled his intoxicating scent, his part-woodsy, part-flowery cologne melding perfectly with the fragrance of his skin. My heart beating madly, I looked up at his handsome face. "I could never be mad at you, big brother."

He put his arm around me. Hugged me. "Thanks for understanding."

I could feel my pussy getting wet from the delicious contact with the most desirable man I'd ever known. "Do you think mom is attractive?"

"I love her curves. And her voice. She's beautiful."

"Do you think I'm pretty? I mean, not like mom, of course, but --"

His eyes grew soft, and his pupils dilated even more. "You're fucking gorgeous. The sexiest woman I know."

"Please don't lie to me like that. I know you're trying to be kind, but I'm pretty big --"

"I fucking LOVE your curves. Why do you think I'm exaggerating when I'm telling you exactly how I feel?" A little heat in his voice. Not quite offended at having his veracity questioned.

"I -- uh -- do you know how many times kids in high school called me 'fat ass' and 'four eyes' and the N-word? And worse?"

"Fuck those ignorant jack--" He paused, reining in his temper at me being mistreated. "If I had a machine to create the sexiest, most desirable woman, tailored to my exact taste... she's come out looking and sounding and acting just like you."

"Really?" I was trying not to cry. Not entirely succeeding.

He gently wiped the tear off my cheek. Kissed the spot where he'd interrupted its progress. He whispered, "It's such a shame you're my sister." Stroked my hair, his fingers slowly rubbing across the black loose curls I wished were straight and light blond like his hair. "You've got such perfect hair. So soft and curly. Bet woman get hair envy, seeing you."

Ohmygod, I thought. All these moments I wasted, wishing I looked different... when he wants me just the way I am.

"Kiss me," I whispered.

"I can't," he said, his eyes so sad,. "You're my baby sister. I can't hurt you like that."

"Do you want to know what my birthday wish was?"

"Sure. Tell me."

"How 'bout I show you?"

" 'K."

"KISS me."

His eyes widened. "Oooohhh."

I flashed my eyes. "Still not a kiss."

He leaned down, brushed his lips against mine, like soft pink pillows you could sink into.

I slid my hand around the back of his neck, gently pulled him closer for a proper kiss. When he gave me that velvety caress of skin on skin, lingering this time, I parted my lips and teased him with my tongue, slowly sliding and licking and pushing between his softness, into his hot mouth.

His tongue met mine. Danced with mine in an eternal moment I wanted to never end.

I paused the kiss long enough to whisper, "Whatever I do to you, do to me."

He nodded. "OK, birthday girl." His hungry mouth reclaimed mine.

My heart hammering wildly at this invitation, I slowly unbuttoned his shirt and took it off. My hands roamed over his hard masculine torso. I kneaded the six pack muscles of his abdomen, then I felt up his hard pecs while lowering my mouth to a hard nipple with tiny pink areolas.

Lucus lifted my sundress over my head and tossed it aside, leaving me in just a black bra and underwear. His surprisingly soft hands squeezed the brown skin of my soft belly and sides, his fingernails scratching and whispering oh so sexily over my skin. He unhooked and slipped off my bra, then cupped my full heavy breasts, sending a thrilling jolt into my head while my pussy got even wetter.

I leaned my head back, baring my neck, submissively signaling my vulnerability. He licked and sucked my breasts, so unlike his pecs, soft large globes with big dark brown areolas, and large erect nipples that looked like twin oversized clitorises. His mouth roughly latched onto a nipple, causing me to gasp with pain and oh so much pleasure as he bit and sucked like a baby would.

"My baby," I murmured, stroking his straight dark blond hair. "Ooooh, yes."

He bit harder, causing me to cry out then sigh. He sucked and nursed, one breast then another, endless minutes of joy and pain.

His wicked green eyes watched my arousal spiral. His mouth moved off my breasts to sample the softness of my throat, then the curve of my clavicle and my shoulder, causing me to shudder with pleasure.

In my excitement at the unpredictable roaming of his lips, I found my hand, unbidden, unzipping his jeans and freeing his hardness. I squeezed his thick shaft and his cockhead, rubbing his precum over the soft skin of his helmet.

His hands reciprocated by roaming up my thighs. A quick cry escaped my lips as he slipped a hand under my panties to cup my pubic mound, touching my wetness, rubbing and teasing my pussy lips. I trembled and moaned as his long fingers slid into the hot wet velvet of my vagina, ready to be taken, his fingertips pressing against my hymen.

He looked at me, puzzled, as if he'd never touched inside a virgin, didn't understand the unexpected resistance.

I moaned. "Stand up."

He looked puzzled, but complied.

I sank to my knees before him, never breaking eye contact. Yanked his jeans and underwear down to his ankles, then lifted his reluctant legs one at a time and took off the bunched up clothing, leaving him naked.

He looked stunned at this forceful undressing, even though you'd think he'd have anticipated reciprocation after he'd casually stripped me down to just panties. "Uhh... Ciara... you really shouldn't..."

"Part of my birthday wish," I whispered.

He blinked. "I... uh..."

Since that wasn't a 'no', I leaned forward and licked the tip of his cockhead.

"Jesus! Fuuuck!" he said.

"Take control. Guide me inside. Please."

He stared at me, speechless, then slowly stroked my hair.

I looked up at him, wanting him so much, my heart hammering so hard it felt as if it would burst out of my chest.

His big hand slowly, almost reluctantly, grasped the back of my head while the other hand caressed my cheek, his fingers still wet from my vagina. He gently pushed my head forward, an invitation rather than a command.

I wanted him inside me so much. I opened my mouth and enveloped his cockhead, my hand still kneading his shaft and preventing him from going further inside. Teasing him.

In that sexy perfect moment, his musky oh so male odor intoxicating me and mingling with the scent of my pussy on his fingers, I felt so much love for my big brother. I wanted to give him my body, give him all the pleasure I could offer. My tongue and lips slid over his big mushroom head, and looking naughtily into his gorgeous eyes, I swallowed his deliciously salty precum and sucked harder. Wanting more.

His eyes widened at this preview of what I wanted to do for him. His hands gave me the slightest pressure on my head, and I released my blocking hand from his shaft and slid all the way down to the base, deepthroating him.

I'd never done this before -- my skillfulness stemmed from a theoretical knowledge gained from watching 'how to' porn videos. I'd started college when I was barely at the age of consent in Texas, and I'd seemed younger yet with my baby face looks. And for those few men - boys, really - who might have been recklessly undeterred by my dangerously young looks: my conspicuously feminine curves, dark skin and nerdy shyness kept the pursuers down to a manageable number, easily rebuffed.

And, of course, I was in love with Lucus. It would have felt like cheating, letting another man inside me. Was that weird and wrong? I didn't fucking care -- I wanted to be true to my feelings, instead of surrendering to the tyranny of society's inflexible rules meant to prevent inbreeding. Even though Lucus and I looked like opposites - I had gotten my parent's short dark tropical genes, he had received their tall paler European genes. Effectively an interracial couple, the opposite of inbreeding.

Or was that just me rationalizing breaking a taboo, surrendering to my desire and lust for my brother?

As my mind roamed down the rabbit hole of the convoluted causes of my virginity, narrating for my imaginary audience the autobiography I was mentally composing, I kept bobbing my head up an inch or so of his shaft, then taking him all the way back into my throat. A couple of tears slid down my cheek.

"Fuck! Please stop. I didn't mean to hurt you." Lucus looked distraught.

I reluctantly slid all the way off his shaft. "I'm not crying because I'm sad," I said softly. "It's because I'm happy. I've wanted this so much."

"From wanting to give... a blowjob?"

I blinked at him. Every now and then he could be a bit thick, emotionally. "To give YOU that pleasure. I'm crazy in love with YOU..." Diplomatically, I left off the exasperated '... idiot' that would have completed the sentence.

"I love you too, sis."

His penis had wilted a bit from all the talkage, so I wrapped my plump lips around his cockhead and flicked my tongue on the underside to quickly bring him back to full hardness. I took my mouth off while gently kneading his balls. "Is there anything... extra... I can do that you want?"

Lucus moaned. "Oh my god, that feels amazing. It's your birthday wish... you can do anything you want to me."

"ANY thing?" I said, a wicked gleam in my eye. I'd watched a LOT of how-to porn videos. I knew... stuff.


"Role play I'm your girlfriend. Tell me what you want."

"Can I... cum in my sweet girlfriend's mouth?"

I took him back in my mouth. "Umm-hmmmm," I said, plunging and taking him all the way inside my throat while squeezing his balls. Wanting so much to make him cum, make him my boyfriend, if only for the night.

Lucus gave a strangled moan. "Fuuuuck. Yes. Like that. Hum some more."

"Mmmmmmmmmrrrrhh," I obligingly growled onto his enveloped dick. I looked up at him as I clenched my throat on his shaft, kneading him -- milking him -- with those muscles.

"Oh, fuck, keep that up and you're gonna make me cum, baby. Can I cum in my girlfriend's mouth?" He grabbed my head with both hands and started facefucking me, growling and moaning and grunting oh so sexily, never breaking eye contact. "Is that too rough, baby?"

I grabbed his bare buttocks with the hand not holding his balls, and helped him thrust, since a verbal answer was out of the question. I felt and heard him get close to an orgasm as he roughly facefucked me. Oh, it felt so good to be taken like that by my boyfriend, my pussy throbbing and wet.

I gave him a wicked look and took my free hand off his buttocks, since he didn't need coaxing any more to fuck my face. I slicked up a finger with the excess saliva and precum oozing out of my mouth onto his plunging shaft...

then jammed the finger between his cheeks and into his butt.

He gave a startled look and yelped, then grunted and said "Oh. My. Fucking. God," and came in my mouth, hot spurt after spurt of cum filling me.

I gazed lovingly into his eyes. Swallowed his salty sweet cum with just a tang of coppery acridness, taking him, making a part of him mine.

All mine.

"Fuck yes, swallow it baby. Oooohh, so good. Fuuuck."

I took my finger out of his butt as I stole all his cum, milking the last dregs of it out of his cock after he finished spurting.

He stroked my hair and my cheek lovingly as I swallowed most of the remaining cum, saving a little surprise gift for him. His strong hands were no longer being rough now that I had satiated him. "That was so... nasty and hot and amazing. Such a good girlfriend."

"Mmmm." I stood up, then tilted my head to be kissed. He leaned down and accepted my kiss, letting me dominate him now. I slid my tongue inside his mouth and returned the bit of his cum I had saved for him. I felt him jolt and stiffen in momentary surprise, then relax and accept my gift.

Our tongues and lips caressed each other for a long time as I pressed my panties-clad body against his nakedness and hugged him tight. I whispered in his ear, "You make a pretty good boyfriend."

"Only pretty good?" he murmured back.

"Mmmm. Pick me up and carry me to your bed, and maybe I'll upgrade you. If you accede to all my twisted desires."

He grabbed my large buttocks, a soft layer of padding over my strong butt muscles, and lifted me up. "Anything you want, sis."

"ANY thing?" I wrapped my legs around his waist and resumed kissing him as he staggered toward the bed.

"Any gotdamn thing you want, baby," he said between kisses, then roughly tossed me onto the bed. I bounced once, laughing.

"How 'bout you start by licking and sucking my clit, the way I did you?"

He yanked down my panties and tossed them aside, leaving me naked as I opened my legs for him, inviting him to give me pleasure... lust in his eyes... or maybe love?

Embrace the power of 'and', I thought as he buried his face into my musky, sopping wet black pussy hair, my heart pounding with delight...

"Oooohhh, fuuuck," I explained, or perhaps ordered, as his tongue slid inside me, my hands gripping the hair on his head, roughly demanding more more MORE...

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ScottishTexanScottishTexanabout 1 month ago

I especially like the Texas setting. Your knowledge about the age of consent in Texas being 17 leads me to believe that you live here, or at least grew up here.

I'd love to exchange emails with you if you're interested. Maybe bounce story ideas back and forth to each other. I'm your newest fan. 4/5

cursrahcursrahabout 1 month ago

more of this story please

I_lOvE_GiRlSI_lOvE_GiRlSabout 1 month ago

MORE... We need more please 🙏? Please continue this story to its forgone, super hot, sexy, naughty conclusion!

Dang you really know how to write a story that gets a person hot and bothered and keeps us sitting on the edge of our seat begging for more. Great job

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