Bad M.I.L.F Vol. 03 - The New Batch Ch. 03


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"Uhm, sure ladies." I stuffed my hands in my pockets as both giggled at my predicament. I glanced over my shoulder at them conversing. They were holding court at a series of standup tables just outside the outlet. The mall was crowded with wall to wall people as my phone began ringing inside my pocket.

"Courtney, you've got to stop calling; your mom was real clear about us not contacting one another." I wanted to be rude, but I was out in public with my gaze occupied by a staggering beauty.

"Yeah, I know what mom said, but you really need to call her up and apologize."

"Why, what's she gonna do; beat me up, shoot me or something, huh?" I was irritated at the assertion that I should be afraid of Carry Anne.

"I don't know, but she's been oddly serene today and keeps watching her watch."

"So, this is like fucking high noon or something."

"I just wouldn't want her mad at me like that; you don't understand that when she's getting ready to do something crazy, she gets real quiet."

"Maybe you should follow her lead; I'm a big boy, I can handle myself just fine."


"What, Courtney what exactly do you think is going to happen? Carry Anne gone drive all the way from her house in the sticks to do what, exactly?"

"We're still at the hotel; we haven't checked out yet and-MMMRGGGHHH!!" I pulled the phone away from my ear staring at it with the realization that someone had muffled her midsentence.

"Courtney?" There was no answer.

"Courtney, you there?" I put the phone back to my ear hearing nothing but dead air for a few seconds.

"Carry Anne?" A heard some sort of frenzied movement and a pronounced thud.

"It's-IT'S OKAY, I DROPPED MY PHONE ON THE FLOOR; I'M FINE, SO BYE, OKAY?!!" Courtney's voice suddenly boomed through the receiver of my phone nearly blowing out my eardrums.

"Hey, is everything okay?"

"YUUH-YEEAHHHH, I'M GONNA HANG UP NOOOWWW!!" She sounded distressed as the call ended abruptly leaving me affected by the tone. I was legitimately worried about Courtney, wondering if I should phone the authorities. A few seconds, later I received a photo message opening it to find a photo of Courtney's huge ass staring me in the face. Her panties were cradling the under cuff of her enormous butt with the double paw print tattoos on full display.

"What the fuck?" I glanced over finding a couple looking at the face of my phone before quickly pocketing it.

"WOULD YOU LIKE TO ORDER, SIR; WE GOTTA LINE OUT THE DOOR IF YOU DON'T MIND?!!" The server, this morbidly obese, bespectacled grease ball was mad dogging me at the counter while some teen redheaded girl glared also. The couple behind me were already spreading gossip as I secured three overpriced drinks making sure to keep my eye on them while my order was being prepared. Malaya walked over intercepting me only to snag her latté.

"Hey, I've got cut out real quick; hang out with Gen for a minute; I think she likes you."

"Shenanigans again, Malaya?"

"Get over yourself; I have a few errands to run for your Sexagenarian jump off if you don't mind. I thought you might like to spend some time with a bonified runway model. Besides even though you're good looking, when would you ever get this chance again?"

"Oh, tell me how you really feel."

"Butthurt much? Watch yourself cutie; Gen's not that easy, so don't go trying to get her into your bed, alright stud?"

"Ah, whatever."

"You owe me one big boy." Malaya covertly closed the distance between us giving me a kiss on the cheek while covertly cupping my package. My eyes followed her curvy butt as Malaya strolled, casually window shopping before disappearing into the crowd. Gen was looking at her phone as I sat her drink on the table, smiling nervously.

"So uhm, this is a little awkward, right?"

"For who?" She answered taking a light sip of her macchiato, never taking her eyes off me. Though big and expressive, her dark eyes never left mine.

"Me; I'm trying to make small talk but falling flat on my face. Maybe you could help me out a little, Gen."

"Why, I like watch you squirm."

"Thanks." Her smile was warm and reassuring as I wondered if I should try to initiate something in earnest. Maybe get her number or try to get her to commit to another coffee date. I was starting to feel like I was attending one of those mass dating events almost wondering if a timer was going to go off in the next few seconds.

"What is in your mind?"

"I don't know how to answer that, Gen."

"Are you nasty in the mind?"

"HUH, NOOO! I mean, no nastier than anyone else." Her resultant laughter put me at ease for a few seconds as she took another sip watching me like a hawk. A question was right on the tip of my tongue, but I struggled for some way to properly phrase it.

"It's okay, say it."

"Did uh, Malaya say "something" about me or like uhm, anything else?" I was twisting in the wind and this European woman was enjoying every bit of it sitting quietly for a few minutes afterwards, simply sipping her drink.

"She tell, everything." Gen relayed to great effect as I glanced away feeling exposed. There was a light swath of perspiration on my forehead which I carefully wiped away with a hand looking over to find Gen bemused at my predicament.

"Yeah, I know; awkward much, right?"

"Walk together with me." She got up tossing her empty cup before handing the untouched one that had been sitting there during our conversation. I hated myself for feeling like a lovestruck high schooler as Gen took my arm walking beside me as if we were a couple. I actually felt this sort of electric charge as she snuggled up beside me. I looked around noticing a few stares from some of the other patrons and bystanders giving testament to her uncommon beauty. This beauty had some very expensive tastes as we visited a few jewelry stores and some boutiques before Gen decided to speak again.

"I am told you are a man of the women."


"Excuse me, you have lots of women; is this right?"


"So, it is lie that you sleep with Malaya?" Her casual question felt like a knife twisting in my back.

"Not exactly."

"You sleep with her then; make fuck on the floor, is right, yes?" Hearing this model use a blue word sent a resultant jolt to my crotch. The way she stared made me feel as if she could see my rising tumescence.


"You make fuck with chubby friend as well?" The way Gen asked said she already knew the answer.

"Okay, yeah I did, Gen." It was like she was pulling teeth as I saw an opportunity being snatched away with the revelation of my status as a resident man-whore.

"So you tell me something, yes?"

"What, anything you want, okay?" I was shriveling up inside as she stopped walking turning on her heel directly in front of me as we slightly touched chests.

"How would you fuck me?" I was bowled over by the aggressive nature and the sharp, womanly tone in her question.

"Uhm, yeah okay Gen; I usually kind of just go with the flow, if you know what I mean."

"That's is no answer, but I gift you anyway."

"Huh?" Gen Novak took my arm leading me further down the corridor to this large women's boutique that was sparsely populated with patrons due to the expensive nature of the clothing sold there. There were a few decidedly well-established couples there amongst them, one senior pair engaged in perpetual bickering. The loud argument between the two was exacerbated when the elderly husband glanced at Gen longer than his wife was comfortable with resulting in a purse strike to his back. I watched amused as the old woman shoved the poor put upon gentleman out of the store. Gen directed me to a bench adjacent to the vacant women's changing rooms making me a little nervous as well.

"I have contract with store; I work, model sometimes for them." Gen explained before disappearing behind the curtains of the changing booth.

My phone began ringing in several extended intervals until I was compelled to look at its face finding more messages and unanswered calls from Courtney McIntyre. I found an inordinate number of photos focused exclusively on her huge butt from various angles and at least two videos of her twerking and jiggling her cheeks. She seemed desperate for attention, so much that I was wierded out accidentally clicking on one of the abundant phone messages.

"I uhm, I-want your...BIG, BLACK COCK!! Yeah, eh uhm, WANNA FUCK YOU-GAIN!! FUH-FUH-FAAAWK MY MOM!!" Her voice was distressed mixed with muted sobbing as I discontinued the message wondering what would happen next.

"You are taking calls the minute my back is turned." Gen's voice surprised me as I glanced up at her face sticking outside of the dressing booth curtains.

"It was an accident; not uh, intentional, sorry."

"Relax." She suddenly drew the curtains back.

An audible gasp escaped my lips and a few other bystanders as Gen stepped out of the dressing room in a light blue bra and panty lingerie set revealing a slim and stacked figure that was a revelation. She was long, lean and elegantly built with a small, compact set of breasts and prominent hips over legs that seemed to go on forever. Time seemed to stop for her as my troubles drifted away with her appearance.

"Yes, you like it, no?" I shook my head like the village idiot almost brought to savant like clapping as I peered around at some of the other onlookers similarly affected.

"You like this, but you will also love this as well."

Gen turned around earning more gasps as she revealed a tight, compact bubble butt that was amazing with only the light blue material of her thong panties covering the tiniest portion of it. That butt wasn't large by any means, just two perfect handfuls.

"I love it; I REALLY LOVE it, Gen." She smiled genuinely at the comment doing a full runway walk towards me only to turn back inches from my grasp striding back into the changing booth.

Gen modeled two more outfits giving me a semi-private show as more bystanders appeared just outside the glass walls of the boutique. Two of the retail clerks were busy trying to shoo away the gathering crowd as Gen appeared in a beige one-piece teddy that clung to her body like a second skin. Another boutique employee even went so far as to provide matching shoes for the outfit. I looked around noticing more people as Gen emerged in a glittery, intricate set of French styled underwear that blew everyone's socks off in the immediate vicinity. I was smitten with the celebrity aura that surrounded this beautifully slender woman.

"Your mouth is being open for last twenty minutes." She bent perfectly at the waist as a number of camera phones snapped photos using a single finger to close my gaping maw.

"SHOW'S OVER!!" Six security guards appeared clearing the boutique as Gen provided one last tantalizing look at her perfect looking peach of a butt. I would've been ejected from the store if not for a timely finger snap by my lovely friend. All of them just seemed to react to her almost magically with the spell being broken once she disappeared behind the curtain.

I didn't know what was going to happen next as images of her thighs wrapped around my face danced about in my mind like so many sugar plums. I had my fingers crossed that we were going to get it on in the worst way vowing to screw her pretty, little head off and then some as she reappeared in her civilian gear wrapped in her bomber's jacket. She stood in front of me for effect taking it all in as I wondered what she was thinking.

"You okay or you fried in brain?"

"I think I'm a little fried Gen; I'm two fucking eggs over easy." Her smile was infectious leading me to smile like some overexuberant puppy dog.

"You are funny." She took my hand leading me to a fire exit that had been deactivated by one of the aforementioned friendly security guards. We walked down to an outdoor exit at the rear of the mall as Gen took a moment to have a cigarette.

"You mind I smoke?"

"I'm good." It was the first really normal thing she'd done humanly relatable since we'd met that afternoon. Gen still watched me closely to effect as I felt a sense of anxiety creeping through my being as took a few puffs.

"It's okay to admit you don't like smoking."

"I won't." She took another puff before putting out the butt on a planter she was leaning against. I figured it was my chance to make a play sink or swim.

"Hey, you wanna; uhm, would you like something to eat?"

"No." Gen replied harshly still smiling at me as she fished some Listerine packets from her purse taking several to counteract her smoker's breath. She followed this up with a vial of Chapstick as I looked away from her face embarrassed.

"You did not purchase anything for me inside, did not offer and we had a coffee. I am not so easy to fuck, my friend. You are very handsome, I like your face; but I must be careful." With those words, she became even more human in my eyes as she listed the manner in which I categorically struck out.

"Well thanks for the 411; I'll be sure to get my credit checked before we meet again."

"Don't make it bad; I don't like that way." Her arms locked around my neck drawing me in for a kiss that was full of promise. It was decidedly middle of the road as an Uber pulled up to the curb.

"Sure, whatever you say." Gen cupped my cheek for a moment before leaving in her cab. I was left with only my intentions to keep me company as I watched the car disappear into the city streets.

Disappointed I sat there for another twenty minutes weighing my options before pulling out my phone finding even more messages. It was ringing even as I palmed it staring at it's face.

"Look, I know you don't want to talk to me, but I really need you to just listen to me even if it's just for a minute. Don't hang up on me, I don't know what I'll do." Courtney had been talking even before I picked up.


"Oh, its really you; I can't believe you actually picked up. Wow, I was just talking to your answering service because I don't have anything left. Gee, it's really kind of windy out here."

"What's going on; what happened?"

"Hey, it's okay, I'm okay alright? Just do me a favor and apologize to mother, will you?" Gone were all traces of her faux-stoner accent.

"Is it really that important to you?"

"Yeah, just trying to even out my karma, you know? I just want things to get back to the way they're supposed to be, but mom doesn't and now she's focused on you. It's not fair that I get treated like shit when her and Chrystal do whatever they want." I could hear the streets in the ambient noise as she spoke in a tone that touched my heartstrings despite our past differences.

"Where are you, Courtney?"

"Sitting down."


"Outside-the lobby where shuttles pick up." I was already committed to finding out what was going on with the McIntyre women but resolved to stay somewhat off her radar.

"That same hotel?"

"Pretty much living here for the last few days; called dad but he's on one of his business trips outside the country."

"Courtney, are you okay?"

"I'm hanging up now; apologize to mom." I hopped into a car taking it over to the hotel but jumped out a block before the property. I walked over to the outskirts of the property glancing over at the shuttle bay finding a single woman sitting there with a scarf tied around her head. She was wearing a white, V-neck long sleeved shirt and some powder blue Capri jeans and white sneakers. Upon closer inspection, I realized I was looking at Courtney McIntyre. There was a small pink suitcase and tote bag on either side of her on the ground. She looked truly discarded and alone steeling my resolve to approach her.

"Hey Courtney, how are you doing?" She looked up at me wide eyed.

"What are you doing here; you shouldn't be here." Her words were heavy with emotion as she nervously tugged at the scarf hiding her hair.

"Carry Anne put you out, huh?"

"She was a little pissed off when she found me talking to you."

"What happened?"

"Stuff." She lazily untied the knot under her skin pulling the scarf away from her head to reveal a short-cropped pixie cut that had been dyed brown. I was startled at the sudden change in her appearance. Courtney noticed my reaction looking down at the cracked pavement.

"She said I looked like an asshole; said she was making me presentable as someone who could possibly be her daughter. Then she told me that if anyone ever asked to say I was adopted."

"That why you're out here." She looked away towards the city streets silently bristling.

"Seemed like the only way to get away from the crazy; she made me take all those booty pictures and sat around with my phone going through it and texting them to you when she felt angry."

"That's fucked up, what are you going to do now?"

"Well, they say a shuttle pulls up here in ten minutes; I'll just tell the driver to take me to my grandma's house."

"That's not how it works; you have to take a cab."

"She took my black card and all of my money; told me to find employment on the streets like the harlot I am; look, you need to get out of here before mom see's you; seems like she is losing her fucking marbles or something."

"Why didn't you call Catherine?"

"Phone died, right after I got through talking to you. Mom took my charger too." Truthfully, I considered storming up to Carry Anne's room, but that would have been playing into her hands.

"Hey, I'll make sure you get to Catherine's house."

"But mom..."

"I'll worry about that, you have the address?" Courtney just nodded looking like she'd been taken to hell and back again. I gathered up her things looking around for anything odd. Even though I didn't see anything, a feeling of uneasiness passed through my body as if I were being hawked.

Courtney sat in the cab quietly alone in her thoughts still absentmindedly rubbing the back of her head were her hair had been sheared off. She looked defeated sitting there immersed in her own thoughts so much so that I could sense this sort of invisible barrier.

"Hey, everything's going to be okay."

"How do you know that and why would you even care?"

I didn't have an answer for Courtney, instead pulling my phone out noticing a few calls from some friends and Malaya. I glanced over at Courtney dialing up my recent hookup and her temporary handler.

"Hey, you called, what's up?"

"Heard you struck out with Gen; wanted to see how badly your ego was damaged. You crying into your pillow or jerking it to her cute, little bubble butt?"

"Ha ha, very funny; you left me with her, and what was that all about?"

"I told you she wasn't easy; girl gets a marriage proposal almost twice a month from ugly guys with more money then you'll ever see and don't get me started about Dubai." Malaya glibly made me feel one inch tall and out of my league.

"I got a kiss at least."

"You know how many people she kisses? And that's just talking about the modeling business, my friend. I hope you weren't expecting some action because I left you alone with her."

"I was a perfect gentleman, but I'm sure she told that after she did her little runway show at the mall, huh?"

"Don't be petulant, Gen said she likes you."

"REALLY?!" Malaya started laughing loudly into the phone unwittingly attracting Courtney's attention.

"Who's that?"

"Ah, a friend of yours."


"Malaya, Malaya Padilla." She suddenly snatched the phone away from me, yelling into it startling me and the driver.

"HEY BITCH, WHAT'S UP WITH THAT SHIT YOU PULLED, HUH?!!" Courtney was holding the phone with both hands yelling into its face like she was talking directly to the woman in question. I quickly snatched my phone back, glaring at Courtney.

"Sorry, what's up with you two?"

"You're hanging out with Courtney McIntyre? Is that what you're doing, man?" Malaya's voice went tonally ice cold. I found my nineteen-year-old passenger angrily glaring in my direction as well.