Bad M.I.L.F Vol. 03 - The New Batch Ch. 03


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"Yes, mommy; I'm dropping her over at Dean Brennan's place."

"What-Excuse me, but you aren't fucking her again are you? You really had to get some "consolation pussy" because you struck out with Gen, huh brotha?"

"No, I'm just helping..." Courtney snatched my phone once more.

"HE DOESN'T HAVE TO EXPLAIN ANYTHING TO YOU!!" The driver looked in his rear-view mirror shooting us both looks as I shrugged it off motioning towards Courtney and hunching my shoulders.

"Excuse me, Courtney." I struggled with her slightly before getting my phone back.

"Let me talk to her for a minute." Malaya said in an emotionless tone.

"What's going on, Malaya?"

"I'm talking to Courtney McIntyre; please-return-the-phone to her for a good minute; then we'll get back to our regularly scheduled programming." I found Courtney glaring back looking a little pale in the face before handing her my phone. She slowly placed it to her ear, listening.

"Kayo ay maglalagay ako at iniwan sa akin upang dalhin ang sisihin para sa lahat ng na bandalismo na ginawa namin sa campus!!" Both the driver and I did a doubletake as Courtney started speaking full blown Tagalog with no problem at all.

"Hindi mo talaga naiintindihan kung ano ito ay tungkol sa mga batang babae, kaya huwag ayusin ng iyong bibig na nagsasabi ng mga bagay tungkol sa akin na maaaring magkaroon ng malubhang kahihinatnan. Tandaan ang video ni Courtney!!" I could hear Malaya speaking noting the harsh, even tone even in her native language.

"Uhm, right okay Malaya." Courtney slumped in her seat handing the phone back to me.

"What the fuck was that all about?"

"Nothing, are we there yet?!!" Courtney leaned forward sounding agitated as the driver pointed to the GPS mounted on his dashboard.

"How about you Malaya?"

"Don't trip, it was just girl talk, baby. So, how'd you like to hang out for a few minutes, handsome?"

"I don't know about that, you got me a little weirded out, Malaya." I was honest.

"You gonna fuck Courtney? That's the last thing you wanna get into, my friend. She's a fucking goofy and a poser, but you just want some fat ass when you could be sitting with me and some of my sewing circle. Low hanging fruit or are you gonna "man up" to some real pussy?"

"Wow." It almost felt like I was talking to a telemarketer as Malaya simultaneously ran down Courtney while talking herself up in the process.

"Don't even go there, you might see Gen if you take option A."

"Who the fuck is Gen?" Courtney blurted out, becoming a little more animated after being deflated by Malaya.


"You already fucking somebody else; really dude?! I'm getting my ass kicked by mom all day while you poking some other bitch, huh man?"

"We're not dating Courtney."

"OOOOHHH WELL, uhm so what man; still fucked up how I had to take all that shit for nothing when it didn't even mean anything to you."

"I came to pick you up, didn't I?" She was already pouting looking out her passenger side window as Malaya's laughter resonated from the face of my phone.

"Shut up."

"So, you gonna be babysitting all night or are you coming downtown to hang with me; besides, I don't have a problem sharing." Malaya was still half giggling at my exchange with Courtney while I tried to figure out how to answer her without further agitating the teen. The mention of Gen already had me wondering if there was still some way of bedding the beautiful model.

"I'll call you back." I hung up before she could tease me further as the Uber pulled into a gated community. Courtney had to verbally vouch for me and the driver before the security gate opened allowing us inside the elite community.

"You going out with Malaya, aren't you?"

"Stop it, she just invited me to a lounge, that's all and for the umpteenth time, we're not dating Courtney."

"So, that's a yes, huh fucker man?"

"Don't start that "fucker man" shit again with me, Courtney." We pulled up in front of a big, strange looking McMansion that was a testament to modern architecture. The massive wood and glass structure was bordered at its entrance by huge hedges taller than me which left me intrigued enough to almost want a tour of the place.

Suddenly Courtney's tote bag came flying at me prompting me to think fast catching it as she jumped out of the car with more energy than I seen since picking her up. Courtney slammed her suitcase on the guy's trunk as he half fell from the driver's seat in response.

"HEY LADY, WHAT'RE YOU DOING?!!" Courtney popped her suitcase open tossing some of her clothing onto the pavement in front of her grandmother's home as I looked on dropping her tote to the sidewalk.

"Yeah, yeah, here it is!" She began yanking on some pink flimsy looking material until she managed to pull it free, nearly falling backward to the street from the momentum alone.

"WHAT IS THIS, YOU CRAZY BROAD!!" Courtney ignored him kicking off her white sneakers leaving them where they fell as she frenetically fumbled with the button at the cinched in waist of her Capris. We were both momentarily entranced as the thick, curvy teen struggled and shimmied out of her jeans like a second skin placing a hand on the driver's trunk until she managed to kick the pants into the street.

"OHHHH SHIT LADY; YOU CAN'T AH DO THAT OUT HERE!!" Our eyes immediately dropped down to the stark white panties failing miserably to cover her huge butt. They were of the high waisted variety emerging from the top of Courtney's deep gluteal cleft, as she stripped off the long-sleeved V-neck shirt, she'd been wearing revealing her bare breasts to anyone who happened to be in the area. She just tossed the shirt over her shoulder onto the street behind her.

"What, you don't like titties; this is like a sort of tip, dude." Courtney stopped momentarily regarding the Uber driver, an elderly man of either Spanish or Italian descent.

"Courtney, what the hell are you doing?!!"

"Shut it, you're buying me a fucking drink buddy; I think I deserve it after today!" She worked the pink material over her head pulling it carefully along her pear-shaped figure until it was revealed to be a sheathe like cocktail dress that barely managed to hide the paw print tattoos on the back of her thighs.

"Wait a minute, I just said I'd drop you off; nobody said anything about going out!"

"Yeah, but look at me; I DESERVE a NIGHT OUT; you can't at least buy me one beer, huh?" Courtney snapped her fingers at the tote bag on the sidewalk prompting me to pick it up as the Uber Driver fretted whether to toss her suitcase from his trunk.

"HEY LADY, I GOTTA GET OUTTA HERE!!" He was holding his phone in one of his outstretched hands as Courtney rummaged through her bag using me as a stand-in for her dresser. She removed a pair of wedge sandals from her bag tossing them to the ground quickly stepping into them one at a time.

"Yeah, I'm really, fucking grateful to you for waiting, old dude; we need to go! "She'd also removed what looked like a small, greenish purse with a gold zipper and chain strap.

"WHAT ABOUT THIS SUTCASE?!!" Courtney responded shimmying over to the trunk grabbing the suitcase in her arms only to toss it into the hedges leaving a visible hole that would be noticed come daybreak. Her panties were plainly visible through the material almost appearing as lingerie. She had this kind of quick stutter step as she walked by me slapping her own tote bag to the ground causing a portion of its contents to spill out onto the pavement.

"Come on guys, we ain't got all night!" She hopped right back into the back seat leaving the door open so that the overhead light of the driver's Prius would illuminate the car as she began doing her makeup. I exchanged glances with the driver as he grumpily resumed his seat behind the wheel.

Courtney was doing her lips with a kind of dayglow looking lipstick after finishing her smoky eyeshadow as the driver looked on. She even blew a kiss in the old man's direction making him facepalm. I had to admit being amazed as Courtney McIntyre showed just how much she'd inherited from her mother's lineage taking over a situation at a moment's notice.

"Where's the bitch?"

"Yeah." I instinctively looked at my phone finding a text from Malaya with her location. Courtney took liberties snagging my wrist looking at the information on the face of my phone.

We ended up in the downtown area at some hole in the wall, pub that was stuffed to the gills with students and other patrons of various ages. I was leery of the place worrying that it would play havoc with my finances. I maintained a paying internship at an office while my parents picked up the tab for my apartment and some utilities. Courtney eyes lit up at the scene before her almost leaping from the car before it had come to a complete stop. I had to grab her, directing the excited young woman to a side entrance off the alley where security would allow us inside with a password Malaya detailed in her text. The interior of the club was low lit with wall lamps, built at an angular L-Shaped floorplan that terminated at a small raised stage for the DJ. It was wall to wall people, Courtney could've cared less pushing and shoving her way towards the bar leaving me behind.

I found myself feeling strange looking over my shoulder finding Malaya a few feet away up against one of the club's brick walls holding her phone in front of her face appearing to be talking to someone even though the loud, electronica styled music and chatter was deafening. She wore the same collared dress we'd been formally introduced to one another while I lay stoned in my bedroom. The exotic Filipina had taken the opportunity helping herself, apparently liking me enough for a second encounter on my apartment floor. Malaya Padilla was a bit of a mixed bag, tough to figure out with several agendas going simultaneously as she lowered the phone glaring at me across the dance floor. She was on me before I even had a chance to react.

"Naughty, you've brought an uninvited guest." Malaya hissed not making eye contact as she watched Courtney talking with a trio of overly interested suitors near the bar.

"I didn't have a choice."

"Save it for when I'm sitting on your face later." She left me gliding effortlessly between the surging throngs appearing at Courtney's back. Before I even realized what was going on, both girls disappeared into the ladies' room. One of Courtney's hopefuls was left holding the Heineken he'd purchased for the thick teen. I got a quick glimpse of Courtney's worried face as she was half shoved through the thick wooden door.

Without either of the women I felt out of place looking around at the multitude of unfamiliar faces, left to navigate the surging crowds. Even back in the day when I was dating Chrystal, we rarely went out to clubs like this one. Even when we did, she would always take the lead, guiding me around venues while playfully berating me for being what she called a stuffed shirt. The animosity displayed earlier on my phone between the two women left me wondering if I shouldn't somehow intervene. I didn't know if they were talking or slugging it out. I felt heartened that no security guards were running back into the area. Someone tapped me on the shoulder turning out to be some strange purple haired guy dressed in all black.

"Excuse me, you've been summoned." I half flinched when he leaned in speaking directly to my available ear.

"What?" He motioned with a nod to a table surrounded by several circular cliques of chattering people. This guy, some sort of valet by his own actions led me over to a table where I found several people congregating at a booth, all of whom seemed to posses some sort of celebrity. There were a lot of sycophants milling about doing their best to speak with some guy who was the center of attention. This man was a dark haired pretty boy who wore a lethargic mask presented to the outside world. There were a few attractive, model types sitting with the rest of his associates. Gen was amongst them leaning against the edge of a booth looking similarly bored to distraction. I was that distraction and damn happy about it.

"So, I invite, and you bring date." I seemed able to hear her above all else around me. Malaya left that detail out of her texted invitation.


"I see the stupid girl with big, big ass; you still deny it?"

"Her name's Courtney; I was just helping her out." Gen was leaning against the exposed red brick of the club's walls with her arms crossed in front of her slender figure looking demure. She was wearing this one piece sort of dress that looked like a miniature muumuu adorned with some sort of Versace-like designs. It looked like a high end poncho being so short that it terminated just below her crotch. I could barely take my eyes away from her long slender, yet shapely legs. Her feet were covered in spike heels that left her nearly a head taller than me which was no small feet given my height. She was a vison trimmed in gold that took my breath away.

"The way you help Malaya and her fat friend?"

"Gen, I haven't had sex with Courtney, today. I admit that I've been with her two times, but you can ask Malaya about that if she hasn't told you already, because she was there when it happened the first time." I chaffed feeling like I had to go on the offensive.

"'You are mad?"

"Well, yeah I'm a little hot." Gen motioned towards the purpled haired guy who immediately poured me a drink from one of the bottles on the table, before doing the same for her.

"Have drink." She lazily clinked her glass against mine as I responded a second later still entranced drinking the champagne.

"We talk, you don't have to be mad for making fuck with dummy." Her assessment of Courtney was harsh, but I kept silent not knowing the untold story behind her animosity.


"I can't talk about girlfriend?"

"You can do anything you want." I was still on the ropes as she regarded the snapping fingers of the celebrity guy as well as the other model types. I watched Gen plant that bubble butt dead center in his lap as the other girls positioned themselves for a photo-op. several pictures were taken with some of the patrons taking their own with various phones. I watched Gen pose with the guy in a few semi-intimate poses that left me wondering if the guy was her boyfriend or something. The valet poured me another glass offering me a handkerchief as well. I downed my glass before taking my leave giving one more glance towards Gen as she kissed the pretty boy on the cheek as more cameras snapped away. I pushed through the crowd finding Courtney and Malaya at the bar. The thick teen was sitting on a stool at the far corner of the bar; Malaya had her boxed in leaning over with a hand seemingly barring her from leaving the stool.

"I'm going." I had to almost fight to get over to the women.

"You were gone before you got here, stud." Malaya still sounded angry with me for showing up with Courtney.

"Are you coming, Courtney; I'll get you home." She strangely looked over at Malaya before answering. Her face seemed crestfallen and distressed as she nodded in the negative.

"No toys for you tonight, but I'll be in touch later."

"Save the call; your schtick is getting tired."

"Oh, don't you worry about that dick boy, you're dismissed." We glared at one another as confusion mixed with apprehension and remembrance of the muted warning, I'd received from Jong Park. I started to let the inrush of the crowd consume me as Courtney yelled after me.

"DON'T FORGET TO CALL MOM AND APOLOGIZE!!" I just nodded finding my way back onto the evening streets.

It was still crowded outside with a line descending down the pavement. There were little cliques of people talking and smoking on the streets. I was really sweaty and itchy feeling as the night breeze caressed by face. A group of three coeds walked by with one girl taking my gaze with her glued to her prominent backside. I walked along the sidewalk until I was standing adjacent to a bus shelter. I genuinely didn't know what to do with myself for the first time in weeks as I watched traffic. There was a persistent buzzing in my pocket which turned out to be a call from a blocked number. I ignored it finding a seat on the bench, still slightly feeling it from the champagne buzz. The calls continued in frenetic intervals as I weighed my options and the continued warnings from Courtney McIntyre. I checked my phone finding several attached messages from parties unknown.

"Fuck it."

Another photo of a big, pale ass was waiting for me, but at closer glance it didn't belong to Courtney as it lacked the paw print tattoos on the back of her thighs. I stared at the picture feeling almost punch drunk before opening a second message with a video file attached. There was little surprise at the twerking video as I noticed pronounced tan lines denoting missing fullback panties.

"Carry Anne." There was no doubt about it the more I stared.

The video was made using a selfie stick with her small waist also visible in the frame as she flexed and clapped her cheeks with a high degree of skill. I couldn't really recall Carry Anne twerking all that much as I opened another video file.

"DDUH-DAAAMNNN BITCH, YOU GOT HELLA ASSSS!!" It was a point of view shot letting me know that she hadn't let the grass grow under her feet as A huge, black cock could plainly be observed spearing her huge, jiggling butt. The short video was shaky and badly focused as I surmised the identity of the guy finding himself in the inviable position of being her plaything for the moment.

"DUH-DUH, DAAAAAMMMNNN BAAABY; YOU GOTS DAT' CAKE FO'REALS!!" Another clip was obviously taken from his point of view as Carry Anne bounced savagely on his unrealistically thick penis, squirting in a nearly continuous deluge. A milky sheen coated his member as her massive cheeks slid along his length. There were two more videos with one being her fingers furiously masturbating as she squirted again in fits and bursts. I looked up as a bus approached, waving the driver away when he opened the doors to let a few passengers off. My brow was glistening in sweat, my slacks tight against my erection as I opened the last video file.

"YOU SO SWEET, SWEETEST PUSSSY BAAABBYY; THIS SHIT THE BEST I EVEEER HAD, OOOOHHH FAAAWK BABBBBY!!" I wasn't expecting the severe closeup of Carry Anne's puffy looking muff as this guy's junk obscenely plunged in and out of it making me rear backwards from the initial shock.

"You gonna cum?"

"YEEEAAAHHH, I'M GONNA CUM ALL OVER THIS BOMB ASS PUSSSYYYY!!" I surmised the identity of the unseen stud to be the muscle head guy I'd seen all over Carry Anne at the hotel pool. He was whined and squealing almost overselling the situation as I uncontrollably bristled.

"No... DO IT ON MY FUCKING FACE!!" The video became visually unintelligible as he struggled to pull out holding the phone as I realized she had her legs up in a familiar position, locked around her back in a human pretzel. His cock dipped into frame as he nearly toppled from the bed acquiescing to her wishes.

"...ultimate combo." Several ropes of thick, milky jizz, hit Chrystal McIntyre square in the face in repeated bursts until she was covered in a disgusting mask of semen. She was smiling up at his camera phone the whole time. My stomach dropped as I put my phone on the bus bench backing away out into the street. I was glaring at it like it was some sort of explosive device. I had to jump back up onto the curb to avoid being struck by a speeding vehicle as a few horns blared their contempt for me disappearing into the night. I sat scooted over from my device for a long while just processing everything. Chrystal was already back in town, probably came home early to see me but ran into her mother first. This situation had Carry Anne's finger prints all over it as I finally picked up the phone calling her.