Bad M.I.L.F Vol. 03 - The New Batch Ch. 04


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"Wine?" Catherine appeared at the other end of the office holding a decanter and two glasses as I abandoned the window taking in her appearance. She had cleaned up, adding a bit of makeup wearing only an embroidered muumuus. I chuckled remembering the trick her granddaughter Crystal used to get me involved with her mother.


"Oh, just admiring your dress, ma'am." She flushed touching a hand to her cheek as she poured two glasses.

"Crystal purchased it for me during a short jaunt through Arizona; glad you like it. Have a seat here, young man." Catherine reclined back looking comfortable on the antique love seat as I squatted down beside her. The Rubenesque mature seemed comfortable enough as I perused the various odds and ends on the cluttered coffee table. We toasted taking a drink looking at one another for a few seconds as I realized I was in unfamiliar territory. I wished my ex-girlfriend Crystal had taken me to see Catherine instead of her mother, but that wasn't part of the plan.

"What's on your mind?"

"Your daughter, your granddaughters Catherine, I'm caught up in a situation."

"Yes, I'm aware and I'd like to apologize for my daughter; she has a terrible temper which I must culpability for fostering in her formative years. We clashed terribly during her youth, she felt I was too harsh blaming me for an assortment of personal issues up to and including her body. God, how I miss those days."

"I don't understand."

"She was bullied for being overweight and her father was less than understanding of her situation. Her father was less than compassionate, agreeing with the general consensus that my Carry Anne was the problem, not fitting in with the other girls. Thusly, I was tasked with whipping her into shape with no option for failure. Bastard was already seeing someone else behind my back, and what not. I'm afraid my methods formed the basis for who she is today."

"Catherine, what did you do?"

"Hired a revolving door of physical trainers to put her through the paces, forced her to endure a number of diets before sending her on sabbatical to one of those uh, "fat farms" after a particularly harsh row with Mr. Brennan. He'd chided my failure at a dinner party in which me and Carry Anne were in attendance in public fashion."

"That sounds horrible."

"Yes, my daughter became severely ill, dropping so much weight that doctors were called in to evaluate her; keep in mind that she was barely south of sixteen at this time. At this time, we introduced a therapist as part of her daily routine which seemed to do the trick. Mr. Brennan decided to terminate that relationship feeling that Carry Anne was cured, which of course had the opposite effect as her weight ballooned again."

"Sounds like you should have put "Mr. Brennan" out."

"She was bigger than before and different...Angry, surly and ill-tempered to a point that I took to buying things as a resolve to regain her good graces. The only thing that made her happy was a horse I'd purchased for my daughter on her seventeenth birthday. She took to riding the poor beast about the grounds at all hours even dropping some weight in the process, but then her father..."


"Carry Anne had dropped a lot of weight, but certain parts of her figure remained rather prominent; Mr. Brennan once again joked in front of family and friend that riding that horse had made her rear as big as one. This was a family get together celebrating her eighteenth birthday. My Carry Anne did her best to compress the matter, keeping it to herself, but I knew different. Then one afternoon, I found out just how different." Catherine sat on the couch lost in memory prompting me to fill her glass.

"As you have learned by visiting me today, I am partial to horticulture. Back in the day I had a number of green houses around the grounds and such. I was making the rounds one Saturday afternoon when I discovered my daughter's horse tethered to a tree; my Carry Anne in said glass house-with our handyman. HE WAS TAKING HER FROM BEHIND!!" The wine glass hit the carpet as Catherine's sudden outburst caught me by surprise as she covered her face with her hands.

"You sent her away and now she's mad at the world; what're you gonna do about it?"

"Leave her alone; I've done enough."

"I'm going to be honest with you; I have been made privy to the article she's using to blackmail you. Are you really going to sit around while she tears down everything you've built? Your tenure, your relationship with all of the students that look to you as a role model, your relationship with your family?" Each of my words seemed to cut deep into Catherine's psyche.


"I can't honestly tell you that, but I would like to apologize for getting you involved in this mess. Sleeping together, fucking you so viciously like I did; it was wrong, and I am truly sorry." She sat staring at me, quietly pondering my words.

"I-WANTED it, NEEDED those moments of true womanhood; you gave me something I'd rarely had in life and I wouldn't take that back for anything."

"But I lost everything." I got up looking down at her for a few moments.

There was something facing me that was impossible to ignore, drawing me closer like moth to flame. It was a small photo on the cluttered wall standing pout amongst the others. Carry Anne's photo depicted a morbidly obese blonde whose figure had been hidden away behind the many ruffled layers of something that would draw comparisons to a saloon dress. I recognized the harsh, angry emotion in her eyes having seen it a lot recently. Catherine was still occupied with her own self-guilt failing to notice the two or three photos I snapped with my phone.

"What will you do now? I caressed her slightly jowly cheek before letting myself out. There was really no need to answer the question. Halfway down the corridor, I heard a door open behind me knowing it wasn't Catherine Brennan.


"So, did you do some stuff with grams; not trying to be nosey or anything." She most likely had been listening outside the door, but I didn't care.

"I'm leaving."

"Wait!" She took my arm gently pressing her lush body into me as I regarded her. Her nipples were plainly visible poking against the material of too tight gym shirt covering her bare breasts. My thumb rubbed one of them as her eyes followed its movement. Courtney stole a few glances over her shoulder towards her grandmother's den but otherwise didn't stop me. My hand sought the feel of her bare breast, kneading and squeezing as she stifled a gasp. Something was welling up inside me in the narrow corridor that might overtake both of us as my hand slid into waistband of her gym shorts to the impressive swell of her thick butt.

"Uhm, we can't; just-uh, come with me." Courtney suddenly pushed away from me, one hand covering the breast I'd palmed.

There was no doubt between us that Courtney would have been royally fucked right on the spot had she not put a stop to things. My eyes were roaming her body from her youthful face to her pronounced camel toe. She reciprocated in kind, biting her bottom lip before taking my hand to lead me out towards the pool. I still couldn't take my eyes from her wealth of jiggling, rear cleavage finally giving in, allowing myself a handful, which she nervously chuckled away. She gently pried my hand away directing me out to the pool as she retreated back into the house.

The pool was bigger up close as I took in my surrounding noticing the gazebo that wasn't visible from Catherine's office window. There were a few tables and chairs set up for guests; there was a laptop and some paperwork on the furthest table as the incessant splashing of an accomplished swimmer filled my ears. She was swimming back and forth barely coming up for air, gliding right by me to the far end of the pool where her head broke the surface of the shimmering water. A white swim cap covered her platinum locks as she climbed out of the pool methodically. Statuesque would be the best term to describe what was standing a few feet away from me as the form fitting cap was peeled away freeing her shoulder length locks.

"Ms. Frakkes."

She turned regarding me as coldly as our first meeting in that police interrogation room a day earlier. I couldn't help the internal reaction to her unrealistic figure covered in the skimpiest of metallic, reflective material keeping her barely honest with three perfect triangles covered her lightly bronzed skin. This woman was put together with almost heroic proportions. Her large, full bust sloped down over a tight, defined abdomen. Another way to describe the physical anomaly in from of me would be akin to an obscenely shaped Barbie doll. Ms. Frakkes ran her fingers through her tresses staring pointedly at me before surprising me by turning her back. The effect was immediate as I began diamond hard in seconds, my burgeoning tumescence threatening to breach my slacks. Both perfect globes were undeniably comparable in size and width to my torso, leaving a visible undercuff that even left a slight shadow over her shapely, long legs. My constricted cock pulsed inside my pants at the sight making me uncomfortable enough to look away. I glanced back finding Ms. Frakkes looking over her shoulder, more specifically down at my endowment.

"I we finished, or would you like me to remain this way while you unzip and finish." Every word uttered was infused with this encompassing sense of arrogance that was stifling.

"Ms. Frakkes."

"Karen, with a K, for your information; I was informed of your presence and since you were already here, I had Courtney toddle on into the house securing your presence for this meeting." There was something about her that infuriated me, something innately unlikable digging into my synapses as she strolled by giving me this challenging glare. I couldn't tell if she wanted to fuck or knuckle up in the worst way. Unsaid or uttered was the mute dare to find out exactly where she was coming from.

"I wasn't aware we were having another meeting."

"Tragic, did you lose your short term memory proving your manhood in jail; or are you completely enchanted with my ass?"

"Get over yourself."

"You first." We reached the table with the laptop computer; there was more paperwork than I initially thought along with a satchel bag I recognized from our initial meeting. Karen took a short robe from the back of the chair covering her body and giving me some visual relief. Karen motion for me to have a seat, her demeanor made me feel like I was applying for a job and I resented that. Yet I found myself sitting in front of her anyway.

"So, Karen; how is it that you avoided a name that begins with a "C" like your other sisters?"

"Legally I changed it when I became a partner in my first law firm; on second thought, call me Ms. Frakkes."

"Karen Frakkes, great" I smirked finding humor in what I believed was a stupid sounding name for so serious a person. She took it all in typing away at her laptop with no hint of emotion. It was like staring at a brick.

"I must admit that you are making it hard for me to remain impartial; what my mother saw in you apparently lies below your beltline. I find you mundanely exhausting."

"Yet, you had Courtney bring me back here so you could show off."

"Yes, that is correct." Ms. Frakkes didn't even try to deny her actions, continuing to tap away at her laptop.

"You're supposed to deny it, Ms. Frakkes."

"Why, I'm enjoying the mounting frustration my body fosters in you; tell me, is your penis still hard?"

"I don't have a penis, I have a cock."

"Ah yes, so I've been told by a surprising number of my family members; you must be pleased with yourself managing a revolving bed. Now because of it and multiple indiscretions, I'm tasked with managing-you."

"I don't need a manager, Ms. Frakkes." She looked up from her work studying my features intently.

"Oh, then explain how mother was able to turn you into her plaything."

"I didn't know the rules beforehand." She cupped a hand over her mouth stifling some laughter at my expense before composing herself enough to answer.

"You don't know the rules, now. Fact of the matter is; you're in way over your head and this will not end well for you. Do yourself a favor right now, sign the nondisclosure agreement as it stands, and the original deal will apply. There will be no need for an attorney to work out what will obviously end in some manner of plea deal, stay away from the aforementioned family members and lastly, apologize to my mother, Carry Anne McIntyre."

"It's important, the apology isn't it?"

"I did mention that you will be compensated for your troubles; we can negotiate a bump up in that final figure." Ms. Frakkes had already leaned over retrieving my paperwork from the satchel bag.

"Answer the question."

"Consider your situation for a moment; everything could go back to normal in an instant. The criminal charges gone, academic probation up in smoke and more than likely, you move right back into your apartment. Some simple words you don't mean, REALLY WORTH IT; your masculinity so fragile that you won't metaphorically "Bend the Knee", think about it seriously?" There was an underlying intensity behind her words that wasn't lost on me.

"You can't control her; can you?"

"No, you must capitulate; the money will be doubled."

"But you can't guarantee that she won't keep stalking me; that's the issue on the table and for the record, you haven't even mentioned your sister Chrystal. I've been getting some REVEALING text messages from her; as the family lawyer, you should talk to your little sister about sending explicit information over the net."

"So, you want to get my ATTENTION as WELL; let me school you on something; my actual job is to BREAK PEOPLE!! I'm very, very good at what I do, I'm well compensated enough that I don't have to touch my own personal wealth."

"So, why're you here, Ms. Frakkes' isn't something like this beneath you? Couldn't you just refer this to an associate of yours; what's under the table?"

"Take the deal."

While we were speaking Courtney walked out poolside casually glancing in our direction as things got heated. She seemed indecisive looking between us and the shimmering surface of the water, pulling at the hem of her t-shirt. Courtney appeared peevish to some degree regarding her older sister before turning again to the pool quickly slipping the shirt off. There was a certain impish quality to her actions as she peeled off the canary yellow gym shorts. I tried to keep my head on a swivel as she playfully cannonballed into the pool splashing water everywhere.

"Take the apology off the table, then I'll sign."

"I make the deals."

"It's my decision to make; I will never apologize to Courtney McIntyre in this life or any other." Courtney was happily splashing about in the pool making as much noise as possible.

"Eyes forward or you'll never see it coming." Ms. Frakkes warned.

"I seem to be doing okay so far."

"But you're not paying attention, sir." Ms. Frakkes lowered the laptop revealing her bare breasts. I hadn't realized her top was off as she stood, allowing me full view of her lightly furred muff. Karen was standing nude before me and Courtney might as well have been invisible. Karen took her time walking around the table until she was behind me. I could feel the weight of her large, sloping breasts as she leaned over my back draping her bikini top over my shoulder.

"When you're finished playing at the kiddie table, I'll be waiting for that signature. Don't fuck with me, I promise you will be on your knees the next time we meet, and you know what question I'll ask when that happens?"


"Do you still want to FUCK me?" Her hands cupped the side of my head, directing my attention towards her little sister Courtney. She'd only taken three steps before I looked getting the Full Monty of her outstanding backside right before she rounded the corner into the house. I stood up quickly, accidentally knocking over the chair. Something caused me to glance up finding Catherine Brennan in her office window staring down at me. Courtney was swimming about in the pool waving me over, but I knew time was up. There was an envelope on the table apparently left for me and I snapped it up walking to the front of the house before opening it.

"What the fuck?" I found myself looking at a photo of Gen, it was one of those head shots you see at a modeling agency.

It hit like the worse blow to the stomach taking me whole as I struggled mashing the buttons on my phone desperate to get the hell out of there. I was overcome with this staggering rage, wanting something to punch. I felt like an idiot dialing back my memory to all of our interactions, checking and rechecking the minute details looking for clues of her duplicitous nature as it was revealed.

Malaya Padilla had played me like a fucking harp, and I wanted her head on a pike. But first I had a burning desire to go to the source of my discontent and give Carry Anne McIntyre a piece of my mind. Before I knew it, I found, myself in the lobby of her luxury hotel. Luckily, no one stopped me from reaching the elevator because I don't know what I would have done. I was so angry, I felt radioactive. I was having an out of body experience watching my own fist banging loudly on the door of Carry Anne's suite.

"WHAS UP HOME BOY?!!" I found myself looking into the naked, hairy chest of Big Ham. Unfortunately, I was witness to a view of his lower half wrapped in a towel. The hemp stench about his person was stifling coupled with his stringent body odor.

"I'm looking for Carry Anne."

"I don't think so, bruh; you have yo'self a real nice day. Me and Chrystal in love with each other, so you gonna have to kick fucking rocks." He was a head and a half taller than me packed with muscle and dumb as a brick.

"Uhm, good for you; tell Carry Anne, her mother, that I am standing out here."

"Hey dawg, you AINT hearing me right; KICK ROCKS UP OUTTA' HEAR, BRUH!!" His already beady looking eyes became even smaller as he bodied up to the door. I pulled out my phone pointing it in his direction.

"Oh, so you filming me, cuz?"

"Not exactly, I have this app on my phone that might help me understand what you've been saying; we're definitely speaking two different languages." I held my phone aloft pointing it in his direction like a tricorder from that old Star Trek series, as Big Ham face palmed stepping out into the hallway.

"YOU GOTS JOKES, BRUH?!!" I was already sizing him up noticing that it might be problematic trying to launch my fist into his Adam's apple because he was a head and a half taller. I didn't want to take those big, wrecking ball fists but it seemed that was going to be par for the course. I figured a punch to the throat followed up by a groin kick and haymaker would suffice. Hell, another stay behind bars was an iron clad guarantee which was probably what Karen intended.

"What the fuck is this hairy horseshit?"

Both of us were distracted looking back into the presidential suite at my ex-girlfriend, Chrystal McIntyre clad only in a black t-shirt. It was one of the Pan African t-shirts with the large red, yellow and green cannabis leaves on the front. It was the only piece of clothing on her thick, voluptuous frame. Her shaved muff bare before our eyes.

"Trying to crawl back, huh?!!" Chrystal inched towards the door pointing an accusatory finger. Her blonde hair had been half braided while the other portion jutted out from her head in a jagged mess. Shitty trap music flowed through the air into the corridor along with the heavy stench of weed.

"Do I even have to answer that?" A housekeeper was pushing her cart up the corridor as I stepped back to allow her passage.