Bad M.I.L.F Vol. 03 - The New Batch Ch. 04


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"ASSHOLE!!" Big Ham's fist came blasting through the air in this sloppy, heavy handed attempt at a sucker punch. The momentum took him into the housekeeper's cart upending everything in a loud, messy display probably heard several floors down.

"Fuck are you doing? Get your big ass up off the floor, Earnest!!" Chrystal's contempt for her new boyfriend was palpable as the oversized athlete wallowed about on top of the cart to the screeching cacophony provided by the horrified room attendant.

"You know, you guys look really good together."

"Motherfucker, you gots some fucking jokes, huh?" Before I could retort, Chrystal began screaming bloody murder at the top of her lungs as some other guest doors opened.

Big Ham was scrambling around on the floor, bare assed as the towel came undone. I noticed all of the prying eyes partially coming to my senses as Chrystal continued making a ruckus. I was already backing away as the room attendant ran by me screaming something in Spanish. I stared at Chrystal seeing nothing I remembered other than her generous curves. Some old woman was trying to cover her nude lower half with a towel, but she swatted the towel away staring daggers through me. Big Ham managed to get to his feet snatching that towel as he barreled towards me with murderous intent. My finger was on the elevator button pushing incessantly.

Fortunately for Big Ham and myself, a full contingent of six security guards emerged from the open elevator car with two restraining me against the adjacent wall while the rest had their hands full with Big Ham. I was shoved into an elevator taken to the lobby while the rest of their team struggled to deal with the giant simpleton. Some jarhead manager was yapping about a trespass warrant as I was walked through the lobby. I was mentally numbed by the sudden appearance of Chrystal and her complete transformation into a T.H.O.T. That smiling, free spirited girl I'd met so long ago had been nothing more than a social construct, something convenient for that given situation. What should have been a one night jumpoff ended up becoming this faux-relationship. I wondered if the thing that appeared in that corridor was closer to the true person or was this another façade designed to mimic the persona of her trap artist beau. The manager's stern sounding chatter faded into meaningless droned out mumbling as the door opened with another shock in store.

"Great, just great." Carry Anne and an entourage made up of three older couples and one innocuous looking biracial female were standing in front of the open doubled doors. She was dressed in a cream colored business suit with butterfly shades covering her eyes. I was shoved unceremoniously hard in front of her entourage, stumbling before the group, embarrassed.

"Careful dear, just some thug." Carry Anne commented within earshot of me using an arm to usher the young woman away from me and the security guards.

"You would know!!" I replied as another guard took liberties, shoving me towards the hotel entrance.

Some chatter and entitled sounding laughter followed my comments, filling my ears as I was escorted out onto the sidewalk. My phone was ringing simultaneously as I stared back at a united front of rent-a-cops fortified by more running security who took up post in the lobby. I caught a glimpse of Carry Anne entering the lift last with no regard for my situation. My phone continued ringing but I ignored it noticing another unknown number. I went across the street staring back at the hotel like it was some medieval fortress.

"SPEAK!!" I answered finally after my phone blew up again, thirty minutes later.

"Tonight, at approximately eleven thirty. We'll have that final meeting before you sign the agreement after I give you that "Come to Jesus" moment you've been begging for all day."


"I know that you've visited my mother's hotel today; I've received two or three calls from my sister and mom has texted her displeasure as well. So, we will make the hotel the sight of your defeat."

"I got kicked out and banned."

"No one will stop you; eleven thirty sharp." Ms. Frakkes ended the call leaving me with my thoughts.

I worked my way back across town to campus feeling confused and lost scrolling through my text messages until one caught my eye. It was a text message from Malaya inviting me to an outdoor gathering with the promise that I 'd be able to see Gen. I almost deleted the message, catching myself before severing my connection to the beautiful European model. I wanted to see her own more time. The text had been sent before I'd known Malaya and Gen's role in my current fiasco. I wanted to see if I could find the deception in her appearance. Malaya Padilla had been beside me the whole time, watching and likely reporting my actions. It partially explained Chrystal's radical change in behavior, her downward spiral after I'd refused to answer her desperate question. My indifference practiced or not, led to this situation but that didn't explain Carry Anne's sudden flip of attitude. It was more than my screwing of her two daughters, and she'd seemed evilly glib about my episodes with her own mother. I'd been with Jong Park, who'd sounded the first warning bell by warning me to keep Malaya at arm's length. And then Malaya as I recalled, had never answered the question about her suspected involvement. I wanted to know the reason for her interest in the Brennan / McIntyre affair and that necessitated one more engagement before that meeting with Ms. Frakkes.


The event was being held in this outdoor pavilion that was some sort of evening soiree of the wealthy connected and their assorted minions. Definitely fashion related with scores of models moving about as walking advertisements for their respective designers. The event was cordoned off with metal gates and security in yellow jackets. I had to give my name at the entrance finding out the event was called Titania after the female character in "A Midsummers Night Dream". The event was decorated in overwhelming floral fashion offset with gazebos set with tables filled with big wigs. Other patrons were seated on blankets in picnic fashion. Each blanket had a stocked basket with wine, cheese and assorted baguettes. I'd changed into a casual suit sans tie, but still felt out of place amongst these seemingly happy people considering my current situation. "Venus as a boy" by Bjork wafted softly through the night air as I received a glass of red wine from one of the servers. I honestly didn't know where I fit in opting instead to walk the event looking for Malaya or Gen. There were scores of attractive models moving about from area to area. Each more beautiful than the next. None had my eye as I made the rounds more than once.

I found myself off on a small hill near an elderly couple leaning into the fork of a thin tree, enjoying my second cup of wine wondering if being invited to the event was some sort of rib by Malaya when the music changed. "Choke" by this group called Hybrid caught my attention as I looked up finding a runway show starting at the center of the event. People were flocking to the area in droves and I followed as a golden hue emanated from the main pavilion. All of the models were working the runway power walking back and forth surrounded by strobing lights and the ethereal sound of the booming music. I arrived in time to get my wish as Gen appeared walking up the runway in this diaphanous, one piece dress that left nothing to the imagination. It was almost like she were wearing slivers and odd shapes of precious gold draped about her slender, yet shapely figure. There was some reflective material interwoven throughout her brunette locks that caught the flashing light. I stood three people back in the crowd taking it all in with the wide eyed look of an innocent. I don't think I even noticed anything of detail about the other models. The lights suddenly came up as quickly as they went down as the host, some chubby, bespectacled redhead talked on the mike thanking the crowd for attending. All of the models were standing in a horizontal straight line behind her as applause rang out. I could tell you what else was said because Gen was staring down from the stage looking me directly in the eye.

"You come; that make me happy." She appeared before me at the small hill I'd made my base carrying two glasses of champagne.

"I couldn't stay away."


"Yeah, I wanted to see you." I was honest, my heart thumping in my chest wondering if she were playing me even now. I wanted to ask her about Ms. Frakkes and the head shot I'd recovered from the Brennan home, but found it difficult standing in front of her, now.

"That good, I like that." She poured one of the glasses of wine on the ground before downing her own. I was puzzled for a second as she wrapped her arms around my neck kissing me. The wine kept in her mouth flowed into my own followed by her tongue.

I lost myself taking her by the hips as we soulfully made out for what seemed like an eternity. "Infidelity" by skunk anasie flowed through the air accompanying our embrace along with some flashed from a few photographers. Gen's big, expressive eyes were closed, her body pressing against mine. There was this sort of shared aura between us that shut out everything else until she broke our embrace looking into my eyes with this elated expression. That look hit me in the gut with the force of a wrecking ball. That feeling read on my face as hers changed, noticing it.

"Why the face of sadness?"

"Man, I've been wanting that kiss since we met; I've been dying to kiss you all this time."

"We kiss, why you sad?"

"Not completely sad, that kiss was all I could have dreamed of and more than I ever hoped. I just-wish it were real, Gen." She looked a little confused, half smiling as she struggled to understand my meaning.

"What wrong?" She softly rubbed my forearm through the sleeve of my jacket as I cupped her soft cheek looking woefully at her beautiful face.

"You are beautiful; it was a pleasure meeting you Gen Novak." I wanted to kiss her again so bad, but I felt like I'd been gutted in the worst way. I'd fallen hard at first sight and it was distinctly disorientating and distressing to me knowing that she'd been a paid participant in my life. I reached down softly disengaging her thin hand from my arm.

"What wrong?" Her face was equally clouded with a manufactured grief.

"Let me just have this perfect memory; tell Malaya to stay the fuck away from me." I pulled the headshot from my inner suit pocket tossing it onto the grass. It was the only thing I could manage at that point.

"MÔŽETE TO TAK TI TO UROBIŤ! MÔŽETE TEĎ MOJI SRDCE VYVÁŽIŤ PO TOM, KTORÝ S VÁM VÁM MILUJEME!" Gen called desperately after me in her native language, her face drenched in tears as she retrieved her headshot looking at it before regarding me as some bystanders ran to her aid.

It was eleven in the evening as I walked the streets lost in thought and emotional despair. I just had to put some distance between me and Gen, between me and all of the lies that had become a part of my life since meeting the McIntyre family. It had been a rollercoaster of one crazy situation after the next since I laid eyes on Carry Anne and I was tired of the bullshit. There was my former girlfriend Chrystal who'd knowingly passed me off to her own mother for sexual gratification. I'd been dealt into a tryst with the neighbor Tammy Drysdale by Carry Anne before the sordid truth of the matter was revealed. I was this living sex toy for my girlfriend and her mother, unwittingly played into this weird rivalry that existed prior to my appearance in their lives. This rivalry swept across all of us taking Courtney McIntyre and their own mother Catherine Brennan up in its scandalous wake. Catherine was being forced out of her tenure as the Dean of Students because of this rivalry and now a new member of the McIntyre clan had emerged adding exponentially to my misery. Ms. Frakkes wanted me to sign a non-disclosure agreement, but more importantly she had come all the way from Germany to make me "Bend the Knee" to her mother, Carry Anne McIntyre.

I declined signing the agreement to maintain some semblance of control and give a little back to these women who'd made me their play thing. Even Courtney had manipulated me into an afternoon tryst by stealing my phone and clothing. Carry Anne walked in at the tail end of that coupling none too pleased with the visual, striking her daughter and abusing her for days afterwards. Malaya Padilla had been exposed as an "Agent of Chaos" directing traffic and partaking of my wares herself. She seemed almost the cruelest of them all other than Carry Anne herself who seemed intent on moving heaven and hell to get what she wanted from me at any cost. She wanted everyone to know how powerful she was at all times, being verbally abusive and willful enough to go outside of the law to make her presence felt. My apartment was trashed, my reputation impugned through a leaked article falsely implicating me in some fabricated affair with her mother, Catherine Brennan. I started to recall the anger being present from the first moment we'd met in her kitchen so long ago. Carry Anne McIntyre was full of piss and vinegar angry at the world she'd been born into before her time. Her world view shaped by an intolerant father and uptight mother who'd forced her to bend with the wind. She'd been sent away at the cusp of her womanhood and determined to reclaim her power by dominating her husband until he'd become a willing cuckhold.

"I ain't signing shit."

I arrived in the lobby finding security waiting to escort me upstairs. This was no surprise after my earlier conversation with Ms. Frakkes. I noticed one of the guards had a CCTV photo of me for reference noticing that no one was looking at my face. I was taken to the atrium at the top of the hotel where a number of conference rooms and banquets areas were situated. I was shown into one of these spacious rooms where Ms. Frakkes sat waiting for me in this makeshift office that had this panoramic window at her back. Her laptop was on the desk along with three others that were closed. A small, plastic chair sat a foot away from her desk as the obvious place for me to have a seat. One of the guards presented me with a clear box that was meant for my phone. I noticed Ms. Frakkes phone inside the box, glancing over at her before dropping my own inside. The guards left us alone as I regarded the platinum blonde uncharacteristically reclining in her leather seat. She had some earbuds in, which she slowly removed as I took stock of my surroundings.

"Tell me no; tell me you're not signing the non-disclosure agreement." She said with a sigh at the end of her sentence.

"No, I'm not signing, Karen." I watched a wide smile form on her beautiful face as she leaned forward resting her chin on her interlocked fingers. She was wearing a simple white blouse and gray skirt with matching heels. Her jacket was draped over the back of the seat.

"I'm going to break you now." She leaned back pulling some files from her suitcase.

"Well, its pretty obvious you were being watched the minute I put feet on the ground. I'd really hoped you were some petty stunt cock we could offer an easy payday to and be done with it; hell, I was even willing to overlook the fact that you screwed my grandmother. But you had to go and be difficult, now here we are in your no-win situation. I've gone to the trouble of looking up your background which appears squeaky clean. Mother, a respected English teacher three years into retirement and your father owns a modest construction company. He's had to make a few sacrifices over the last year or so, your college education factoring into that as well. So, it looks like a financial hit would pretty much do him in and that's tragic considering he's well into his twilight years. "

"Are you threatening my parents?"

"God no, I don't have to resort to such crude tactics; just pointing out the strain you'd put on their situation hiring lawyers and the such. They're already paying part of your rent with incidentals and you have a part-time job as it were. Look, I think you're a great guy but you're a little bit stupid. You really want to drag your folks into the mud with you over some pussy?"

"I keep my affairs private; I'm a grown man."

"Past tense, on the affairs part and I just want to say that its really no fun being under acute media scrutiny, sir. Would you just take your mother's feelings into consideration when she finds out about the first round of allegations?"

"Really, you're going there?"

"You're primed for positioning as an Apex-Predator; impropriate relations with all these girls. All that rough, nasty sex with rumors swirling about in a sex for grades scandal. Then there will be the pending indictment for multiple counts of sexual assault and battery. Man, the media will eat this shit up considering the prestigious college you're attending. We both know there's really no basis in fact but these days you just lob a few little creative narratives onto social media and Walla -We've got ourselves a genuine new ready story with a mainstream acceptable boogieman."


"Hey, check it out." Ms. Frakkes opened the closed laptops on the tables revealing the faces of two girls I didn't recognize, but the center monitor held Courtney's paused likeness. She was sitting in some room against a brick wall wearing what looked to be a blue, ratty sweatshirt. Ms. Frakkes activated the monitor.

"I invited him up because he was going out with my sister; but he held me down and did it to my butt. IT REALLY HURT BACK THERE!! HIS THING IS REALLY BIG!!" Courtney started fake-crying as I watched rolling my eyes at the fake story. Ms. Frakkes activated the second laptop.

"YEAH, I KNOW THAT FUCKING GUY; HE SHOVED HIS HANDS DOWN THE FRONT OF MY PANTS!! TOLD ME I WAS A CARPENTER'S DREAM!!" The minute she started talking, I remembered her as the girl I'd ditched the night I ended up with Crystal. Bitch was lying through her teeth or course as Ms. Frakkes activated the last laptop.

"He-he made me give him a handjob. I just did it because I wanted to get it over with; I-I mean he's a big guy and I was scared that he would you know "Do More" and shit." I'd never seen that woman before in my life.

"So, there's that and I have some great prospects here on the desk if you want to have a look." Ms. Frakkes motioned towards her glass topped desk. There were numerous photos on the desk including another headshot of Gen as my stomach turned.

"Framing me, that's how you break people, Ms. Frakkes?" It was all I could do to keep from throttling her on top of that glass table.

"Low hanging fruit; I'm just here to get the job done." I was already sweating profusely sitting there in front of this power broker.

"Yeah alright Ms. Frakkes call them in here. Let's just get this over with; I want my life back."


"Your mother and that bitch you hired to lead me around by the nose."

"Oh, such language." Ms. Frakkes looked stereotypically like the cat that had eaten the canary, visually reveling in her apparent victory as she picked up her phone sending a text. I glared a hole right through her wishing I had access to a pistol. My eyes returned again and again to the photo of Gen sitting on her desktop. Moments later the door opened behind us. I faced forward feeling the utter humiliation creep through my body. Truth be told, the revelation of Gen's involvement had taken the piss out of me before Ms. Frakkes leveled that Cosby shit in my direction. Carry Anne walked into the room wearing this beaded dashiki styled top and some form fitting pants. She still had a stark, emotionless expression on her face as she walked around into my field of vision standing to the right of her daughter. The second person followed suite with the same movements standing to the left of Ms. Frakkes.