Bad M.I.L.F Vol. 04 - The New Batch Ch. 04


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Malaya wouldn't be denied slipping behind me digging her hands into my pockets to rack her nails across my pelvis. I yelped as she pressed against me trying to roll my hips to the music. I spun around finding her rocking to the music with a grin on her face. This girl wanted to party as I realized I was the only one not dancing. Malaya knew how to dance swaying and rolling her hips to the oppressive music. She looped her pointer fingers into my front belt loops directing my movements until I caught the beat. Just like that we were dancing hard in a mini-sea of people. I didn't know what the fuck I was listening to, trap, electronica or even some hybrid rap crap; it just sounded good. Before I even realized it, another girl had joined in, but she was dancing more with Malaya than me. Other people seemed to be getting into our little groove as we seemed to be at the center of the multi-colored maelstrom. The air smelled of marijuana, nicotine and other rougher drugs. I kind of got lost in the living forest of people, finally realizing just how lost when I accidentally slammed into the vine covered brick wall on the opposite end of the yard. I tried to catch my footing but was slammed into the wall realizing that I'd lost sight of Malaya.

I pushed through a row of people anxious and worried finding a group of semi-dressed men who tried to form a circle around me. Someone bumped me from the back, causing me to turn fist raised finding a cowering pink haired guy. I motioned an apology with both hands navigating the crowd as several bubbles hit me in the face. The air was full of bubbles, emanating from some kind of machine I couldn't see. My heart was thumping hard in my chest nearly to the point of bursting as I fought my way into the back of the Brennan estate. I couldn't believe Catherine allowed something of this magnitude to occur in her home. Just getting inside the door was a herculean effort with opposing music blowing out the inside of the house. There were uber cliques of people talking, dancing and making out, but Malaya was no where in sight. I wondered if she were still outside pulling out my phone to text her. Instead I found a message from her which simply said "UPSTAIRS". This weird feeling crept over me as I remembered my date was a certified "Agent of Chaos" and likely up to more toxic shenanigans. I stumbled into the corridor which led upstairs only to be nearly trampled by a host of stampeding guests.

"HEADS UP!!" I barely had time to roll out of the path of a love seat barreling down the stairs with three juvenile assholes riding it beer bottles in hand. The adjacent walls were scratched up with torn wallpaper and deep grooves dug into the wall. There were cheers as I cocked a fist intending to paste the nearest near do well, some goofy looking white guy with a ski cap on his head. Some instead grabbed my arm in a vice like grip forcing my fingers unclenched only for a large slice of pizza to be deposited in my palm. The culprit was some giant, Viking looking motherfucker who had an opposing slice which he was snacking on. Laughter filled my lungs as I killed the slice in my grasp. The tall, Viking guy suddenly motioned behind me pointing a warning. I turned finding this really chubby redhead with these immense knockers jiggling right in my face. Her breasts were wedged together with a full champagne glass of wine held in her cleavage and nothing else. I looked up at her smiling face and around to some of the other guys who were egging me onward.

"CHUG!! CHUG!! CHUG!! CHUG!! CHUG!! CHUG!!" They yelled and grunted in unison as I looked back at the nodding redhead. I was surrounded by chanting people, even noticing the complaining neighbor I'd seen earlier, amongst their number. I let go mashing my face into the girl's huge, creamy white cleavage for one of the best drinks I'd ever had. Little more than a third of the glass found its way into my gullet, but it was more than worth it as her huge breasts were purposely mashed against my face. Before I even realized it, I was falling through the crowd, lust drunk while applause rang out amidst the thumping music. Some thin looking Latina stole a kiss before disappearing into the crowd. I found some other bearded guy trying to kiss me but pushed a hand into his lips as throngs of people laughed and continued having the time of their lives. Somebody just out of my eyesight had shaken up a bottle of champagne spewing foam all over the crowd. Navigating the stairs was severely problematic as I stumbled a number of times bumping into descending guests also fumbling down into the growing deluge. There was an even narrower corridor at the top of the stairs filled with people waiting for one of the bathrooms. This rail thin sister was putting her cigarette out on the wall as her friends guffawed like jackals. The disrespect of the Brennan house was staggering and well plotted out. Just walking a few feet was like running with the bulls. It was a little less friendly as some of the patrons seemed to think I wanted into one of the restrooms. The smoke was thicker and acrider as I found myself in a corner. Someone grabbed my shirt from the back yanking me into a bedroom.

"BE QUIET, DON'T SAY SHIT, DON'T SAY SHIT; QUIET!!" Malaya was suddenly in my face planting kisses on my face concurrently pushing and shoving me into a long rectangular closet. She frantically shoved the sliding venetian blind doors closed leaving a slight crack that allowed me to see the cramped bedroom. Malaya backed away with a finger to her plump lips as Courtney walked into the room looking visibly disturbed.

"I don't know about this; you're not supposed to be here." She sounded sullen and a little nervous.

"Oh that's how you're going to treat me after all I've done for you, bitch?"

"You're not supposed to be here, Malaya." Courtney was struggling hard to maintain her faux stoner accent.

"Alright I'll leave then, so uhm, you gonna turn yourself in or what?"


"The police bitch, you know about that shit you did to that stupid statue on campus, right?"


"Well if you're fucking me over, I'm just gonna get a plea deal with the cops; they already took my phone and shit. Oh-wow, I forgot about that video of you raping your sister's boyfriend, sorry." I noticed that Courtney looked a bit addled figuring that she'd been imbibing a bit much on the weed.

"I-didn't... Hey, what the fuck?"

"Girl, I'm sorry that I even saw you taking advantage of a drugged student; that's pretty fucked up though. What are you gonna tell your mother, bitch?!!" Malaya's body language was aggressive and active in keeping Courtney's attention on her and nothing else.

"I-I don't know."

"THINK COURTNEY; GET IT TOGETHER!!" Malaya peppered the confused girl's cheeks between her hands. This continued for a few seconds before she got irritated enough to grab Malaya's wrists.

"I didn't rape-We like, uhm, did some bong hits..."

"OH I SAW YOU SUCKING HIM OFF, FUCKINFG GUY WAS DRUGGED BITCH; YOU WAS RIDING HIM REAL HARD, TOO!!" Malaya badgered Courtney mercilessly going so far as to physically jostle with the larger woman.

"But we fucked a lot after that-uhm, but I kind of tricked him into it. Shit uhm, mom's gonna be so pissed; can't you just get your phone back from the cops?"

"No fucktard."

"Well, maybe it ain't that bad."

"You committed a crime you fucking doofus, the cops got my phone and what're you gonna do about all this shit, huh?!!" Courtney was visibly shook trying to get a handle on things as Malaya continued bullying her. The nineteen year old goof was wearing a simple white baby-t and some cutoff jean shorts. Her inherited figure, huge, pale cheeks filled out her simple ensemble spectacularly hugged tight to her pear shaped body.

"Well maybe we can get him to say he wasn't raped."

"REALLY?" Malaya glanced back over at me almost losing her composure. She looked like she was about to burst with laughter.

"Well, yeah...could work. Oh shit Malaya, I did something, kind of bad."

"Oh, and what was that?"

"Well, my sister wanted me to say that he did the same thing to me-like in front of a camera."

"You talking about when you raped him, right."

"Yeah, uhm, no. I-I mean..." Courtney just stopped talking frustrating Malaya who was leading her verbally.

"Like when you drugged him and had non-consensual sex with him, right? Your sister wanted you to lie and you went along with it, right?"

"Yeah." Courtney finally admitted sitting on the edge of her bed looking down at the floor. I couldn't see what was going on because her back was to me, but Malaya sat down beside her draping an arm around the girl.

"Courtney, you know we're cool but I can't see myself going down with you for vandalism and shit. Even with all your money, you'd probably still do some time for fucking up that stupid ass statue. Girl, you know I love you, but you've got to make this right." It was silent for a few moments as the nineteen year old thought it out.

"But we made a tape and everything; how do I take that back?"

"Gee Courtney, I don't know either; maybe make a new kind of tape-taking it all back?" Malaya was completely trolling the clueless girl who didn't seem to have any idea that her older sisters had nearly had me tortured and killed.

"I-I don't know about that?"

"So, you're okay with going to jail and getting ran through, huh? Think about what's going to happen when all those inmates get their hands on you, Courtney. You like eating pussy, huh bitch? Wanna have a big, black girlfriend that looks like fucking Kodak Black, huh? Lick some nappy pussy and rim some nasty butt holes, that's cool right?!!" Malaya was laying it on thick, but I could see that Courtney was cracking.


"Come on, don't cry about it; you might actually like it. Just make sure you find the manliest butch bitch to go down on, you know; so she can protect you, right girl? I'm sure your snooty mom will put some money on your books. It's not like they don't treat you like shit all the time, right Courtney?"

"HELP ME, DON'T LET THEM TAKE ME TO JAIL!!" Courtney cracked leaning into Malaya drunkenly sobbing onto her windbreaker. Malaya reached down on the side of the bed retrieving a can of beer plying the distraught young woman.

"Hey, we can just make our own video."


"Yeah girl, just make another one." Malaya's hand was already under her shirt rubbing the girl's back. Courtney sat hunched over with her hands interlocked behind her head. Malaya ran her fingers through the girl's short haircut reminding me that her mother had shorn the girl's formerly bicentennial hued locks off in a fit of rage. Courtney glanced up into Malaya's eyes for reassurance receiving it in the form of a soft kiss.

"Okay." Both girls started making out in earnest as I realized Courtney had already recorded the video Malaya wanted. I remembered that she was still wearing the glasses with a cam hidden in the frame. The slight, athletic Asian leaned into her larger friend's back, her other hand disappearing down the front of the girl's jean shorts.

"Malaya?" Courtney whispered softly, just audible enough for me to hear it. Both girls started going at it hard. Courtney leaned back supporting her weight on both palms as her sex was worked. I couldn't deny the effect their coupling was having on me, wondering if I'd been secreted away inside the closet to eventually join them. Malaya was still fully dressed methodically working the stressed material of Courtney's jean shorts past her wide arching hips until they were on carpet. Malaya retrieved the open can of beer sipping from it before allowing the curvaceous moron to down the can. Malaya leaned over letting the beer in her mouth dun down into Courtney's. Three of her fingers were already inside working her channel steadily. The oversized t-shirt followed those jean shorts onto the carpet as Malaya crawled between her thick, shapely legs pushing them up into her flat chest. Courtney moaned as Malaya mounted her fully clothed grinding against her as if she had a cock.

My breathing was hard and labored watching the two women hook up. Courtney tried to reach under Malaya's hoodie finding her arms pinned back onto the bed. They seemed to struggle against one another until Courtney was subdued with a passionate kiss. I knew that my exotic cohort was hiding her injuries as she sank fingers deep into the squirming girl's snatch. Malaya humped down on her own hand driving it into the curvy teen's slit rhythmically. Courtney's legs flailed about on the bed almost knocking her lover's from the bed. Malaya doubled down mounting her chest using her knees to pin the girl's head between her thighs.

"We fighting or fucking, huh Courtney?"

"We're doing it, I-uhm, it just feel funny when you tickle that little part inside. You know I can't help it when you do that." Malaya looked annoyed at her difficulty controlling the larger girl; I knew she was still weakened from the abuse she'd suffered.

"Where are they?" Both women shared a knowing look saying volumes about their recent past together. Courtney motioned towards the bedside dresser.

Handcuffs were retrieved from that bedside table making me recall their episode when I'd inadvertently brought Courtney to a dive bar where Gen was working a modeling gig. Malaya seemed incensed during that time due to the intrusion of the younger McIntyre quickly separating us. Now I knew she was worried that her cover would be blown. My abrupt exit from that venue had to have allayed her fears, but even then, I found it strange the way she'd taken charge of Courtney. Another puzzle piece appeared right before my eyes as the voluptuous bubble head was cuffed with her arms behind her back. Malaya retrieved a moderately sized, pink dildo from the dresser as Courtney knelt bending over in a doggy position with her head resting on the mattress. Malaya knelt beside her facing her feet as she locked her right arm around Courtney's small, slightly doughy waist using her other hand to push the toy inside her snatch. Once it was inserted, a switch was flipped letting me know it was one of those battery powered toys as Malaya began fucking Courtney with the toy handling it like a dagger. The effect was immediate as the young, pawg began gasping and whining barely able maintain balance. The pink toy was worked in and out meticulously with a twisting motion as Malaya looked right at me. She wanted me to join them, but I shook my head reticent. Malaya left the toy stationary, imbedded in Courtney's cunt opting to spread her huge butt cheeks revealing both of her openings. I still shook my head in the negative, unsure of myself.

Malaya twirled her tongue on the Courtney's backdoor, wetly rimming the squirming girl before sliding the dildo out of her pulsing cunt only to push it into her backdoor. The youngest McIntyre yelped almost screaming as the fake cock was shoved halfway into her ass. Malaya mounted the large girl sitting on her back like she was on a sawhorse facing me. She used two hands fucking the dildo into Courtney in an overhanded stabbing motion. She mouthed encouragement for me to join them, but I didn't move. It was part anxiety, part enchantment at what was happening in front of me. Malaya seemed to find my hesitation amusing, looking over her shoulder at the prostrate trust fund baby under foot.

"You love it in your fat ass, don't you bitch?"

"You know I do, Malaya." Courtney moaned wagging her hips as she was fucked hard with the pink toy. The view of her big, juicy cheeks cradling the dildo had me extremely hard almost tenting my pants. Her double paw print tattoos on the back of her big thighs added to the allure as I considered unzipping to take care of myself.

"Nothing like taking a big, manly cock in this asshole, huh Courtney? A toy is okay, but a thick fucking dick would be even better, wouldn't it bitch?"

"OOOOOHHHHH YEAAAHHHH, I'D LIKE THAT!! I'D LOVE TO GET SOME COCK BACK THERE!!" Courtney unexpectantly climaxed, spraying in several bursts as her huge butt jiggled uncontrollably. Malaya continued working the nineteen year old coed twirling the dido inside her backdoor as Courtney whimpered.

"Want some cock in this fucking, fat ass of yours, huh?" Malaya was unrelenting, merciless as she screwed and gaped the voluptuous girl. I noticed that Courtney's wrists were reddened from the tightness of the cuffs.

"Yeah, sure; you know I do, baby...AAAAWWNN, I'M GONNA CUM SOME MORE!!" Her inherited multi-orgasmic heritage reared its head over and over as Courtney was fucked into submission.

"Well, I have a friend..." Malaya suddenly pulled the dildo out of her backdoor leaving Courtney gasping.

"Is he cute?" The younger McIntyre didn't miss a beat.

"Come on, you know me slut; but he is a little bit shy though." Courtney was facing away from me allowing Malaya to motion for me to join her once more. When I didn't come out, Malaya pouted before snatching up the t-shirt tying it around the teen's head as a makeshift blindfold.

"Hey what gives?" Courtney questioned hazily.

"Like I said, he's REALLY shy."

"Well, what's he look like; he's not ugly, is he?"

"Come on Courtney, bitch he has blonde hair and the brightest blue eyes you ever saw." Malaya humorously lied resuming her intense reaming of the thick pawg's backdoor.

"I don't care about that shit Malaya, what's his cock look like; is it small?" Malaya didn't respond looking intensely at me like some stern drill sergeant pointing downward art Courtney's huge butt pulling the toy out revealing its gaped nature.

"You tell me." My cock bottomed out inside her with a little still left outside.

"AAAAAWWWWHHHH SHIT, AWWWNNNN IT'S REEEEALLY BIG!!" Her massive cheeks cushioned my endowment in lush fashion attesting to the intense preparation Courtney endured at the hands of Malaya. I doubted there had been any real number of people inside her backdoor because of the tightness which had changed little sense I'd been there so long ago. Her guttural cries of painful lust charged the atmosphere in the room while my cohort decided to gag the thick poser with the business end of the pink dildo making her sample the taste of her own enormous ass. I was old hat at handling the McIntyre women knowing exactly how Courtney liked to be taken. It mattered not that her enormous butt was wider than my torso. It was the slight differences that you noticed once you were with any combination of these extraordinary pawgs. Courtney McIntyre's ass was just slightly smaller than Chrystal's who just barely matched their mother Carry Anne's monster. Her rear individuality came in the slight forty-five degree angle with each of her cheeks pointing away from one another leaving her peach fully exposed and accessible. My balls were slapping against her rounded butt as Malaya matched my cadence pumping the dildo in a forceful manner with her left palm flat on Courtney's spine. The thick teen gagged, drooling frothy spit onto the bedspread trying to work her hips and butt with me. I noticed Malaya's nostrils flaring as she breathed through her mouth. She was seriously getting off on using the trust fund poser as a plaything. Her rear tunnel tightened up signaling an other orgasmic burst as goosebumps appeared all over her reddened back.

"WHAT-THE-FUCK; HOLY SHIT WHAT WE GOT GOING ON UP IN HERE?!!" Several guests suddenly burst into the room encountering us and continued pouring in as I dismounted, quickly facing the wall. Malaya tossed up a big middle finger as more partygoers clogged up the doorframe. I was facing a window looking down onto the backyard which was at this point a veritable sea of undulating, dancing people worse than before.

"FUCK OFF BITCH BOY!!" Malaya sounded infuriated as I zipped up almost cutting myself in the process. I noticed some camera flashes from cell phones as Courtney rolled on her side managing to stand up still blindfolded and cuffed.
