Bad Medicine Chronicles Ch. 02


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He shook his head to clear his mind and yawned. The fading memory of the faceless woman made him smile.

"Damn, what a dream," he said.

Oddly, it made him think of his mom. His quirky grin downturned.

He looked towards the empty kitchen. He was concerned. She was normally at the stove fixing breakfast by now.

Pushing back from the table, he stood and yelled, "Mom?"

He heard a muffled voice resounding from down the hallway.

Watching her shuffle slowly from the bedroom, he raised an eyebrow.

He gasped at her disheveled appearance. She looked rough. Her face was red and her eyes were downturned towards the floor. Her hair was frazzled and her robe was haphazardly secured at the front.

"Gosh mom, you look like you hadn't slept."

She mumbled something incoherent and then turned from him.

For a moment, she stood on wobbly legs. Her body swayed as if she might tilt over.

Worried over her behavior, he said, "Mom, is everything alright? You don't seem—well, like your normal self. Are you sick?"

She reacted to his question with a short jerk before moving towards the stove.

He moved a few steps from the table. He said, "I can tell something's wrong."

It was then that she lifted her head and turned towards him.

Her eyes moved no higher than his crotch and became fixed.

He was unnerved by her twinkling gaze. It caused him to look down at himself. His pants were bulging.

He yelped and then rushed back to the table to sit. Hiding his shame from view, he said, "Mom, geez, I'm so embarrassed."

Karen attempted to speak, but her voice cracked. Emitting a horse like wheeze, she worked to clear her throat.

She reached up with a thumb and finger.

After pulling at a strand of dark hair from between her teeth, she wiped it on her robe.

Her wary eyes caught him staring.

She turned away and shuffled to the stove. Reaching up, she struggled to open the cabinet.

While fumbling with a frying pan, she said hoarsely, "Andy, I'm fine. Don't worry about—" She coughed. "I'm sick. Throat's sore," she croaked.

Relieved by her response, he replied, "Ah, that explains it. Sorry to hear it. Rough night?"

Upon hearing him say, "Rough night," she cocked her head to look at him.

She gasped for breath. A moment later, she stuttered out a response and then coughed into her hand.

After steadying her breathing, she said, "Enough about me, I'm curious as to how you're feeling?"

Andy's grin broadened. It took her off guard.

He cheerfully replied, "I feel fantastic. I haven't felt this good in weeks. I think those pills really do work. I've got pep. Almost like an energized bunny with a nuke pack."

The frying pan dropped from her hand and hit the floor.

The metallic boom jolted him. "Mom! What's wrong?"

She became animated.

Frantic, she thrust both hands up to her hair and began pulling and twisting.

Hysterical, she shouted, "No pills. Never again. Hell no!"

Pacing back and forth, she cried, "I can't go through that again. Andy, give me those pills! Never take those pills, do you hear me? It's so wrong, so nasty. You don't know. It's bad medicine. Sinful. Where is it? Tell me!"

"Mom, your rambling and speaking nonsense. Calm down, your acting like a crazy person. This isn't like you. The bottle is in my—"

She barreled from the kitchen in a frenzy and down the hall.

He wanted to follow her but was too stunned by her behavior. He sat and tried to make sense of it.

The chaotic noises coming from his room sounded like she was dismantling it. My god, what's wrong with her? Her behavior was so irrational.

He feared to see what she'd done to his room. It was befuddling as to why she hadn't found it. The bottle was in plain sight. Hitting his fist on the table, he yelled, "It's on my nightstand!"

The rampage ended.

She returned by shuffling her feet like a mental patient on drugs.

He couldn't help but notice her smiling.

She strolled into the kitchen with arm extended holding the bottle in hand. It gave him the impression of someone holding a rotten banana that sat out for weeks.

"I found them," she said gleefully with a tinge of relief.

It wasn't her sudden change in mood that stunned him.

It was the visual display before him that left him speechless and gawking.

Her robe had dislodged and was draped over both shoulders.

This left her nakedness exposed.

Captivated by her nudity, he daydreamed once again. He unknowingly rubbed himself through the fabric of his jeans.

Karen furrowed her brow in confusion. She locked her stare with his and a tingling jolt shot down both legs.

Her jaw slacked and became ajar. She'd become transfixed to the spot as if silently commanded.

Dreamily, she dropped both hands to her sides. They shook and the contents of the bottle rattled. The robe fell to the floor at her feet.

Her bosoms drooped and jiggled. Encircled by dark areolas the size of a sand dollars, her thick nipples stood out predominately from her breasts. Hardened by lust, they pointed towards him.

Like a Greek statue, she exhibited herself to him.

Her eyes followed his as they shifted down to ogle her bare mound.

She was aroused over him seeing her naked.

Her slit parted and two meaty curtains unfurled and thicken. Moisture glistened on the petals and beaded to form a sticky film. Her clit grew and extended a welcome. Her vulva flushed a tinted red.

At that moment, Andy was too fascinated to be freaked out. He'd seen pictures of naked women, but viewing one for real was a different matter. His gawk was a young man's curiosity over something new and forbidden.

He'd become so absorbed in the fantasy that he begun overlaying his mother's face with the faceless woman from his dream. Envisioning his mother's two heavy knockers swaying above his face caused him to sweat. A sticky wetness formed at the slit of his cock and blotched his underwear.

Karen's nervous shaking became a minor quake exhibited from the inside. A tingling chill surged through her extremities. Still unmoving, she stood like a sex object for his amusement.

It made her feel naughty and that emotion took her to the precipice.

She opened her mouth to speak. Her first word was a syllable that morphed into a pleasurable moan.

Immobilized by his stare, she stood like a totem for him to masturbate to.

As wetness trickled down her leg, she felt mild humiliation and that increased her excitement.

It was a congruence of emotional contradictions.

She felt like two distinct people trapped in one body. One mourned and inwardly wept at watching him rub the elongated ridge of his jeans. The other yearned to dive under the table and take him in her mouth.

Fight it, she told herself.

She whimpered. The need grew.

Her tongue slithered hungrily around the circumference of her lips.

She muttered, "I need your d—"

Swallowing back her tongue, she bit her lower lip and then expressed that torment as a loud wail of anguish. Her pelvis began moving of its own accord.

Her loud screech woke Andy from his odd fixation.

He shifted his gaze to her face and then gulped.

Blushing from embarrassment, he immediately averted his head and said, "Oh my god, I'm so sorry."

Placing a hand over his eyes, he used the other to wave at her.

Peeking through two fingers, he noticed her standing naked and moving her hips in an immoral manner. Although shocked by such behavior, he was more concerned about his own.

He yelled, "Geez, Mom, forgive me. I couldn't help but stare."

Taking another peek, he glimpsed her dancing seductively in place and thrusting her mound towards him.

His dick throbbed.

Feeling awkward, he snapped his fingers and waved his hand. "Your robe—you're naked. Please, cover up."

Again, he peeked.

Whatever had overcome her had dissipated. She appeared disorientated. Grasping her robe off the floor, she covered her indecency and clinched the flaps tightly closed.

Relieved, but worried, he sat silently and waited for her response.

There was an expectation that she would chastise him for what he did. Instead, she gave a halfhearted smile and said, "Baby, no worries. It's just tender skin and a few curves. Nothing to be ashamed about. It's not your fault, its mine. I—I'm just not myself today."

That was obvious. However, his thoughts were fixated on his own behavior. Why did he stare lustfully at his mom? He couldn't get the image of her out of his head.

The faceless woman from his dream now looked like his mom. Perverse images of her straddling his dick flickered in his mind. It gave him an erection and that fact alone was troubling. It was one thing to jerk off to some taboo fantasy, but to experience a boner over her in reality—well, that meant he might have a serious problem. He needed to see his therapist.

In thought, he sat quietly to observe her.

Karen went to the sink and made a frantic attempt to open the safety proof cap. She struggled with the lid and became flustered.

She began mewing.

It reminded him of a wounded animal caught in a trap. It was too painful to hear.

It broke his heart. He could no longer silently observe. He immediately went to her side and placed his hand over hers.

"Mom, give it to me. I'll open it and dump the pills in the disposal if that's what you want."

She sheepishly nodded her head.

He opened the cap and discarded the contents into the sink. Running the water, he flipped the switch to engage the garbage disposal.

He turned back to look at her.

He saw the overlaid image of his mother with a cock in her mouth.

He groaned and then shook his head furiously to discard the vulgar image from his mind.

She was silent and her head tilted awkwardly to the side to stare at him.

He had no frame of reference that allowed him to decipher that glossy wide gape. The very idea that his mother expressed longing was incomprehensible. Whatever it was, it made him uncomfortable.

For moments, they're eyes fixed upon each other.

He watched the heaving of her chest as it rose and fell. He observed her mouth quiver and separate. He saw her tongue skim across her bottom lip and that made him jittery.

He saw her tilt her head further to the left and advance forward in an arc.

He hadn't expected her to lunge with parted lips.

Their mouths met and her tongue thrust outward to force his lips open.

He panicked.

Grasping her arms, he thrust her away at arm's length.

She looked at him as if she'd been slapped. Her chin crinkled as if she were about to cry. Her eyes were wide, confused, and indecisive.

Andy retorted, "Mom, snap out of it. What's the matter with you? This is so wrong."

After exhaling a deep breath, he said with frustration, "I don't know what to do."

His words triggered a deep emotional response in her.

She burst into tears and then whimpered.

Those words were familiar to her. She'd spoken the exact phrase throughout the night. She desperately needed his guidance.

She cried, "I don't know what to do. Please tell me what to do!"

He swept her into a hug and held her tight. "Geez, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you. It's obvious you're not well, but you're not sick-sick. Something else is wrong with you. You need to tell me."

Holding her tight, he felt her nipples poking at his chest. Again, his dick hardened. Frustrated at his own lack of control, he arched his hips back, hoping she hadn't noticed.

After blathering out a heavy sob, she tilted her mouth to his ear and whispered, "Baby, please don't make me tell you. I know I'm acting strangely. You won't understand, but please don't command me again. I'm barely holding on. I won't be able to stop myself from answering you. Trust me, sweetie. You don't want the answer."

His mother's words were obscure. It made no sense to him. Would she tell him if he asked again? She was already a nervous wreck. He wanted to avoid upsetting her further.

He'd ask later when she was calmer.

That's it. He knew what she needed.

He smiled and then said, "It's okay. I know what you need to do. You need to drink the tea the therapist gave you. It'll calm your nerves. It helped yesterday. You had a few cups and it mellowed you right out. That's what you need to do."

Her eyes brightened and her mouth upturned into a smile.

He saw her reaction and continued by saying, "Heck, you're so strung out, I suggest you drink a whole pot this time. It might be enough to put you right to sleep. I can tell you really need it. Don't worry about breakfast, I'll grab something on my way."

Karen was pleased. Yes, a whole pot of tea would steady her frazzled nerves and put her right to sleep. It also tasted good.

Smiling, she reached up to him and placed a hand on each cheek. She said, "Baby, I love you. Your suggestion is wonderful. I like when you give me instructions. You're so smart. Yes, the tea will calm me down. I simply need sleep and I'll be back to normal."

Now happy and relieved, she wrapped her arms around his back and hugged him tightly.

With a grunt, he uttered "Mom?"

Again, he felt her soft breasts and their hard nubs poking him in the chest.

Hearing her pant next to his ear made his eyebrows arch.

She whispered something unintelligible and then nibbled his ear lobe.

Congruently she thrust her hips forward causing the sash of her robe to dislodge and part.

Her breath was heavy and rapid at his ear. It gave him a creepy chill.

She thrust her pussy against the bulge of his crotch.

He jerked.

Karen gyrated her pelvis while grinding her splayed slit against his boner.

Unsure how to respond, he stood frigid and shocked.

She moaned softly into his ear.

A pleasant tingle ran downward along his spine. Her actions urged him to impulsively reciprocate with a slight tilt of his hip followed by slow upward thrusts.

His thoughts raged. This is like the dream, except I'm awake. It's a god damn day-mare. What the hell am I doing? For Christ sake, I'm humping my mom. She's mentally ill. It's the only thing that explains such behavior. She sick and needs help. This is so wrong on so many levels. The therapist will know what to do.

She nibbled his ear and then whispered, "I need your dick, son."

That was the final straw. His mother would never say anything like that. This woman was bonkers and needed psychiatric help.

He cried, "Mom, you need to let go and stop rubbing against me! That's what you need to do."

She ceased her immoral movements and moved back from him. Expressing confusion, she cried, "Andy? Oh, my... I—I couldn't help myself. Oh lord, I'm losing my mind."

It was at that specific moment that Bob Baker walked through the kitchen door.


Infertile Bitch

Bob stood motionless while taking in the scene.

He widened his eyes at his wife's appearance. "Karen, you're naked in front of the boy. You look horrid. Close your damn robe. What the hell's going on?"

Andy became immobile. How does one explain such a compromising situation? At what moment did his dad walk through the door? Was it when they were grinding against each other? Or, just after, when they broke apart? Had he been standing there the whole time? Then again, with his mom flashing herself, did it matter?

"Either of you going to answer my question or just stand there like I just caught you fucking? Damn it, one of you better answer me!"

Andy reacted by rushing past his mom while saying, "She needs psychiatric help. That's what's wrong." Snatching up his backpack, he moved towards the door behind where his father stood.

Karen turned away from both men, placed her hands on her face and weep.

Bob stood at the door in his uniform and closed it as Andy approach.

Snatching the boy's arm in a painful grip, he said, "That's not an answer. Why is she crying? Explain."

Their eyes fixed. Each man gazed with hate for the other.

Andy said, "Something terrible has happened. She won't talk. I don't know what's wrong with her. Remember, I have school. Damn it, you're hurting me, let go of my arm."

"Listen up chump. If you've injured her, I'll fuck you up. Do you hear me?"

"I've done nothing to her. I'd never harm her. Why are you such a bastard? I have classes."

It was too much for Karen. She screamed, "Let go of him! He's done nothing. Andy needs to leave. We need to talk."

The father released his son's arm and flicked his wrist to opened the door.

Andy dodged through. Turning back, he faced the man down. He bellowed, "It's you that better not harm her. I hate you!"

The father simply slammed the door.

Strolling over to his wife, he said, "Perhaps the kids got my blood running through his veins after all. Thought he'd end up being a pansy with how you've pampered him and all. Now, I question whether you're teaching him other things. You must admit, standing naked like a whore and showing him your wares isn't your norm. The boy says somethings wrong with you, what is it?"

Karen's eyes pivoted at his approach. There was true fear in that gaze.

Pinning her firmly against the refrigerator, he said angrily, "Do we have a problem? What is it we need to talk about?"

She said, "God's punishing me for what we've done. My sins have damned me."

"You're talking nonsense. The boys right. Something's wrong with you, that's for sure. Don't cast your eyes away from me like one of our sluts. Your acting and shivering like one of them also. Are you playing some game? I don't like it."

Sniffing her, he added, "What the fuck? You smell of sex, like a newly broken whore. Who's done this to you?"

Her body trembled with deep emotion. In a fit, she blathered, "You did this to me. Why did you do it? Kristy was our daughter. You took her from me. You made her like one of them and gave her away like trash. I should've stopped you."

"But you didn't. Where's this coming from? That was over a year ago, I told you never to bring it up. Is this guilt? You know why. Somehow, she found out the truth. What did you expect me to do when I found her snooping in the basement? I had no choice. Even drugged and mastered, she wouldn't talk. Stubborn as her real mother, before I broke the bitch."

"She's my daughter!"

"For crying out loud, you're demented. She was never your fucking daughter. I thought this was behind us. Now you're worrying me. It was you that grew a conscience and wanted to leave the business. You wanted to raise a family, so I gave you one. Have you told anyone? I swear, if you've been blabbing, I'll send you directly to the farm. If you're not already crazy, fucking pigs for pleasure will drive you insane. You'd wish I'd killed you. That's where they send non-conformist and betrayers. I'll easily turn you over before I'd kneel beside you."


"What about him? Did you tell him about this? I warn you, if he finds out, you'll lose him. He'll end up like his sister. Is that what you want? I don't understand why you're acting this way. You're becoming a liability."

"He's asking questions. He wants to know why his sister hasn't come home. People are noticing. She can't attend college forever. Even Rhonda's asked about her. You messed up and made an impulsive decision. You can't erase a person when they're close to you. Those were your words. She had connections to people we know. You can't make her vanish like all the others. Why is it so easy for you to harm children?"

"Why? Because they aren't ours. You're an infertile bitch and can't have children. Breeding captives was your idea. You got off on it. It was your grand scheme. Let me remind you, Andy's not your biological son. He's mine. I bred him with that bitch's meddlesome sister."

"He's my son! I raised him since he was a baby. I don't care who birth him. That makes him mine. I failed to save Kristy, but I won't forsake Andy. I'll never, let you harm him."