Bad Medicine Chronicles Ch. 02


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"Hum. . . Now that's the feisty woman that made sluts eat cum from her twat. It turned me on then and it turns me on now."

He delved his hand through the opening of the robe and touched her pussy.

She squirmed. "Bob, stop, it hurts. I'm not in the mood."

He pulled back his hand and brought a glistening finger to her face.

"What the fuck? Not in the mood? You're sopping wet. Not only that, your cooch is smooth like a baby's butt. We do that to humiliate new recruits. Again, what's happened to you? Why are you acting like a new whore? Is this a fetish? Are you seeing someone behind my back? I'll kill the son-of-a-bitch. You better tell me."

Agitated, she reached out and grabbed his hand.

Thrusting it between her thighs, she yammered, "Yes, a fetish. I did this for you. I've been waiting to show you. I'm in the mood. Humiliate and use like a new girl. It turns me on. I thought you'd like it. You spend so much time preparing sluts for their new life. I thought that if I acted like one you'd spend more time with me."

He slathered his tongue up her sweaty neck and pumped his finger into her roughly.

She flinched in pain.

He moved to kiss her on the lips.

She turned her head to the side and grimaced.

He pulled back and removed his hand from between her legs.

"Your lying to me," he said.

She yelped.

Slamming her back against the fridge, he said, "Remember, I'm a cop. I know when someone's lying to me. I saw disgust. Did you think I wouldn't recognize it? You're not pretending."

She couldn't look at him.

He laughed and then said in a tone meant to hurt, "Kristy had the same look when I forced her to worship my cock. Just like her real mother, the drug didn't affect her like the others. Had to break her the old fashion way. Oh, and know this—I took my sweet time with your so-called daughter."

Karen wailed.

He grinned and continued by saying, "I tamed her in the end. She became a primo cock sucker. However, she never acquired the taste for cum. Pissed me off. Regardless, I regretted shipping sweet-cheeks to the Island. She was a keeper. Wasn't my real daughter anyhow, so I had no problem degrading the shit out of her. Do you want to know what became of the bitch?"

"No, Bob, I'm sorry. I've told no one. I'll never tell. Please, forgive me. I'll do whatever you tell me to do."

"That's better. But understand, this conversation isn't over. I'm going to figure out what's going on and why you're behaving this way."

She reached out and put his hands on her breasts.

He pulled back and said, "No, I think not. I picked up a new girl last night. Started breaking her in and I'm spent. The woman exhausted me. I'm behind on quota. Out-of-town pussy is slim pickings these days. If I don't find another, you might be joining the new girl. Heck, you're practically trained already. I can send you straight to the whore-ship."

He squeezed her jaw and roughly shoved it away.

Poking her between her breasts, he said, "Keep your fucken mouth shut."

With a shrug, he unbuttoned his shirt, turned from his wife and strolled down the hall.


Rash Actions

Andy couldn't get the image of his mother out of his head. He also had another problem. His dick had a mind of its own. It kept getting hard every time he thought of her.

He pressed his foot on the gas. He was in a hurry.

He used his free hand to shift the ridge of his cock to a more comfortable place in his jeans. With each beat of his heart, his prick throbbed.

School wasn't important anymore. Getting help for himself and his mom was.

Upon parking his car, the door to the office opened.

A heavyset woman stood at the door waving. Like his mother, she looked weary as if she hadn't slept. Unlike her, this woman was joyful and bounced as she waved. It gave him the impression of someone seeing a long lost loved one for the first time. It was creepy.

Guiding the young man into the office, she said, "Oh, Andy, I had an expectation that you'd come see me today"

He said, "Where's the receptionist?"

"Why? Do you have an interest in my employees?"

"Ah, well, she reminds me of my sister. I use to talk to sis a lot. Sort of miss her is all. I could really use her now."

"Andy, listen, you can always talk to me. That's what I'm here for. My door is always open to you."

A loud crash reverberated from the adjacent room.

It jolted him.

"You asked about my receptionist. She's in the next room letting off some steam."

"What?" he said. He immediately turned to walk to the door.

Anxious, she replied, "Andy, no, she doesn't need help. The door is locked from the outside for her protection. Trust me, she's more than okay."

The sound of glass shattered against the wall followed by a string of curses.

His brow arched.

Ruby shrugged and said, "It's part of her therapy."

"What's wrong with her?"

"It's nothing really. She simply heard something on TV that's got her riled. The medicine I prescribed has made her on edge. I'm also striving to improve her attitude."

"I don't think it's working."

"It's a work in progress. I assure you, she's getting better. Won't be long before she sees things my way. Let's change the subject to your problem. You're my focus this day. Come to my office. It's much quieter and less distracting."


She sat across from him.

In silence, she gazed with intense interest.

Again, he felt uncomfortable. Her look was quite like his mother's from earlier this morning.

He coughed to get her attention.

She twitched and then her mouth upturned into a pleasant smile. "Andy, so sorry, you remind me of someone. Like you, I daydream. I guess it's like your infatuation with my receptionist, huh."

His mouth opened, unsure how to respond.

She said, "It's okay. I'm simply teasing you. Let's discuss your problem. Did the medicine work? Are you still experiencing anxiety?"

"Oh god, I don't even know how to explain any of this."

"It's simple. You speak. Everything we discuss is confidential. We can talk about any subject matter freely, no matter how personal in nature. No judgment. Forget I'm a woman. I'm your therapist and my job is to help and offer guidance."

He blurted out, "It's my mother. I'm fantasizing about her."

"In what way?"

"Ah—sexually. I know how that sounds, but since this morning, I can't get her out of my head. Does this have something to do with the pill?"

"Perhaps. Have you had these fantasies before?"


"Have you told your mother about this."

"Are you kidding? Doesn't matter anymore. Somethings wrong her. She's acting weird. She wants to fu—"

"Go on?"

"She wants to have sex with me."

"Oh my, that is serious, but I'm already aware of that. As of yesterday, she became my client. Usually, patient's cases are strictly confidential. However, both of your problems stem from the same tree. I can share what I know. By helping you, I'm helping her."

"I don't understand. She only met you yesterday."

"Oh, dear me. I've known your mother for over twenty years. She simply didn't recognize me and I didn't let on that I knew her. Understand, time changes people. I'm a hefty mature woman, but I wasn't always this way. I was once quite beautiful and slim in my youth. I served your mother a long time ago. I'm quite aware of her problems. She and I were once very close. She confided with me in all things intimate. You can say, I know her better than she knows herself."

"You know my dad and sister?"

"Yes. I was present when you and your sister were born. However, your dad and I never got along. As you know, he's difficult to deal with. On that subject, I ask that you not mention me to him. If he were made aware of my presence, things would get much worse at home. For your mother's sake, keep this between us."

"I hate him. He hurts us."

"I'm aware. He's not a nice man. I wouldn't fret too much. People like him sometimes disappear. Their presence is never missed. Yet—sometimes they return remade. Their life altered by events that change perspective. Given effort and patience, any man can be made to see life from a woman's point of view. I foresee a time when such justice prevails."

"What do I do? The drug gave me sexual dreams. Now I'm daydreaming nasty hallucinations of my mom and my dick keeps getting hard. I feel so dirty. I don't know how to deal with either problem. My anxiety's back."

"Your illness has to do with your mother. It's apparent that she's the source. When you sat in my office yesterday, I sensed sexual tension within you both. The drug must have locked onto it and manifested an unusual side effect. It's driving your awkward desire."

"It should have worn off by now and it doesn't explain why my mom's acting so strange. She didn't take the drug."

"Oh dear, I should've told you. Your mother was uptight yesterday. I felt it necessary to medicate her. The tea's a herbal remedy. When I said, it was a unique blend, I didn't lie. It has multiple effects. It's obviously changed her in unexpected ways. Her sexual problems and the possibility of some undiagnosed condition may be influencing such behavior. I suggest she cease drinking it immediately."

"Stop drinking the tea?"

"Andy, I see fear in your eyes. What's wrong?"

"I told her to drink more tea. A whole freaking pot! Oh, Jesus, she'll do it too. She's doing everything I tell her to do."

"Oh my, a patient should never drink that amount. It should always be measured. It usually wears off. If she was acting strange this morning, it wasn't the tea. It's possible the chemicals sequenced with her specific biology and made alterations. Her abnormal behavior is a result of it. I fear to tell you this, but I'll never lie to you. Drinking an excessive dosage might lock her with those behaviors forever. Her condition would become permanent. Perhaps you should check up on her."

"You're kidding...right. If she's like earlier, I can't go home. What if she's even worse than before. Look at me, I've got a damn hard-on just thinking about her. Why?"

"Honey, listen to me, having incestuous fantasies are indeed unusual, but having an erection over them is quite normal. Yours maybe a bit excessive, but rest assured, there's absolutely nothing wrong with you."


"Befuddled by the diagnose I see. You expected me to say you had a problem. On the contrary, the urges you feel are manifestations of your love. Your mother's expressed sexuality has stimulated desire and that's represented as an erection. In other words, she turns you on."

"That's just wrong. She's my mother. You're telling me to accept it."

"Indeed, I am. To help her, you must take charge. She'll be incapable of making decisions on her own. She'll need guidance. Telling a woman what she needs to do is a man's job. Use her condition to your advantage. She'll willing accept your charge."

"You're insane. You're telling me to use her like a whore. What kind of therapist are you? I can't do that."

"This is the remedy that'll solve your problem. It's only a suggestion. No doubt, it's too late for her. Her condition can't be fixed. This is my prescription for you, not her."

"...but, you're responsible for all of this. She wouldn't be this way if you hadn't drugged her."

"Andy, I'm not the responsible party. You'll come to realize this one day, but what's at issue is your current predicament. If left unaltered, you'll both be stuck in this perpetual state of lust without conclusion. Given no course of action, your mother will resort to acting upon those urges and drift onto the streets."

"I don't understand. What are you saying? She'll willing give herself to other men?"

"She'll have no choice but to seek intermediate satisfaction. Her craving will grow and her life will spiral into depravity and degradation. Imagine what happens to an immoral woman that does everything she's told. She'll be lost forever to the perversions of deviant men. She'll disappear and become some disgusting fat man's fuck puppet. Only you can save her from such a life."

"I don't know. This is crazy. I want to protect her, not use her as a slut. She's a 40-year old woman. I'm eighteen. I want a normal life. For Christ sake, I'm still in High School."

"As I said, you're protecting her. Without you, she'll become a whore for other men and your father will find out. How do you think he'd react to her condition? She worked to give your existence some semblance of stability. Without her ability to curb his violent nature, will either of you have normalcy? The truth is, your life has always been a farce."

Andy began flicking both hands erratically at his side. "Too much. I need to go. Please—no more—I can't take it."

Ruby didn't fake her expression. She was legitimately concerned over his reaction. She'd played her hand too soon. He was a good man. He truly cared for that deplorable woman. He simply couldn't accept the diabolical act she'd proposed.

She should've listened to Richard. He'd told her it was a mistake to use the young man in such a manner. She'd disregarded caution for the sake of a vendetta. To rush that woman's demise, she'd been too rash.

At that moment, she wanted to embrace him and blurt out the truth. End her revenge and tell him everything. Instead, she paled and her words bottled at her mouth. She was left gaped and gasping for breath.

He stood and approached beside her. She tried to grasp his arm. It stayed limp and unmoving on the armrest.

He didn't look at her as he walked from the office. He simply fidgeted and left without a word.

Her weak heart pounded. Seated in the chair, she was incapacitated. Unable to move, she silently wailed and wept. Seeing the boy's pain caused tremendous stress. It brought on memories of her past and those horrors triggered her condition. Everything stemmed from her past captivity at the hands of brutish men. Like days of old, her cries for help were unanswered.


Feeling Flush

Rhonda said, "This is delicious tea. You're right. I can't stop drinking it. It calms my nerves."

"Gooo—not guuud day," Karen stuttered.

"You invited me, remember. You hung up last night and it worried me. Then you called this morning, told me to come over, and then hung up again. Figured I'd check on you before going to work. Good thing I did. You're a mess. I've never seen you like this. Your hands are shaking up a storm. Drink more tea."

Karen wanted to scream. She hadn't called the woman. Her friend was talkative and commanding. Unable to control her action, she grasped the handle and guzzled down another cup. There was an urge to pull her hair out, instead, she plead, "Leave. Beg you."

Her friend seemed oblivious to her condition and continued talking.

Rhonda said, "I thought this stuff was supposed to mellow you out. You're agitated. Perhaps you need more. Here, I'll pour you another cup. Drink up."

"Argh..." Karen grumbled. It was like being trapped in her own mind. Fully conscious, yet incapable of restraint. Every cup she drank worsened the condition. She felt like a horny bimbo with a limited vocabulary of words. She couldn't form complete sentences anymore. She whimpered, "Go. Ezzz."

As if directed, Rhonda stood and then said, "You're probably right. I need to go. Don't want to be late."

Karen exhaled a sigh of relief.

Her friend said, "I'll stop by on my way home. Then again, I'm feeling flush. Hope I'm not coming down with what you have."

Karen watched her go and then fell to all fours.

On her belly, she crawled slowly to the living room. Extending her hand to grasp the sofa seat, she tried to pull herself up and then slipped. With a grunt, she resigned herself to the floor.

Along with the drug coursing through her system, weariness from her ordeal and lack of sleep had finally taken its toll. She curled, slept, and then dreamt of herself performing sexually deviant roles. Such nightmares would forever plague her.


Your Worries are Trivial

Vincent said over the phone, "Ruby, what the hell are you doing? You gave Opal the drug. Why would you do that? Richard will be angry."

Ruby sighed and then replied, "He suggested it. Opal's worthless if she's susceptible to its effects. We need to be sure that she's immune like I am. Sending her to the Island will be a costly mistake if the drug affects her. He's already lost one daughter and a wife. He won't take the chance of losing her also."

"Losing her?" he said angrily. "Neither of you cared to know her. She's never been more than an instrument in your aberrant war. You've both forgotten that she's human. She's not just a chess piece on the boss's board. I warned you—keeping information from her was a mistake. This weapon can easily turn against you."

Ruby paused in remembrance of what occurred earlier with Andy. "Okay, I admit to mistakes. We should've told her. We're not infallible. I also regret using the young man. I rushed the plan before he was ready. However, my game is in play. Regardless of my personal feelings, I'm determined to see it through until it's concluded."

"I question whether your both insane. Opal was right. We're just as wicked as our enemy. I can't differentiate anymore."

"To fight evil, one must become equally so. Being good isn't effective when fighting such a foe. Do you think it was easy for any of us? We've suffered at their hand. They're a blight. We're determined to annihilate them at any cost."

"Even if they're defeated, what becomes of us? This organization will still exist. No doubt, Richard will continue his perverse businesses. I have no problem with what he does to guilty people. That was never an issue with me. But, I question, how long before that line begins to blur?"

"Your worries are trivial. I'll remind you that we saved your mother from those fiends and you swore an oath. You've been successful in training Opal, but you failed her in the end. She's impetuous and disrespectful. She curses fluently. You didn't teach her manners. In addition to being a test, it's also punishment for being a bitch."

"What now? You've sidelined our mission by drugging her. She's in no shape to do the job. I can't return, not when she's in that condition. You could've waited until we had that despicable man off the streets."

"You have another problem. Rhonda, the friend of Karen, paid to visit. After several cups of tea, she went to work."

"What the hell have you done? I've read her dossier. She's a freaking teacher that specializes in teaching English to adult foreigners. Without someone guiding the hallucinations, there's no telling what will happen. You want me to rescue her?"

"No. I want you to save Opal. I sent her on the mission to recover the woman."

"What? How could you? I see what you're doing. You're playing a morbid game for laughs. Placing two lustful women in a classroom full of immigrant men is not funny. It's a catastrophe."

"No doubt, it's too late to save the teacher. She's collateral damage. However, if Opal yields to the influence of the drug, it's possible to rescue her. Of course, she'll need to be locked up until the effects subside."

"You're laughing. You engineered all of this. You're corrupting an innocent and testing Opal at the same time. This is wrong."

Ruby ended her chuckle and then said, "Yes, I manipulated events. The teacher was needed. Besides, she's far from innocent. Her problems can be remedied with lots of therapy. This is a test for Opal. If she succumbs, our primary goal is over. I'd hurry if I were you."

There was a click as the phone purposely disconnected.

He gave a groan and dashed to the car. His thoughts were troubled.


Sweet Dreams

Rhonda swooned and the hand holding the chalk grazed the board.

It elongated the tail downward on the letter Y.