Bang, You're Dead


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"Well, at least we know he took the bait. Now that he's cased the place I'm sure he'll be watching tonight. You don't think he'll make his move during the day?"

"I don't so. He knows my car was here late at night. I'm pretty sure he'll watch tonight to see what time I leave. When he realizes I'm here all night he's got to figure it'll be easy pickens."

"Okay, you're the boss," Lafferty joked. "I'll come by about eight-thirty like we planned. Don't forget to make sure the front door's unlocked. Be careful, perps don't always do what you think they will, you know."

"I will. I'll see you tonight, thanks."

Well, now he had all day to kill. He really wasn't worried that Ingstrom would make the hit during the day and he was hungry. Denny's was right around the corner so Denny's it was.


Morgan woke up with the feeling her life was over. Ian had been gone most of the day before. She knew he was seeing a lawyer but he didn't talk about anything when he came home because of the kids. She knew he would be laying out the termination of their family as soon as she got the kids off to school. He might even move out. She thought for a minute that maybe if she just lay in bed and didn't get up she could prevent it from happening. Of course she knew it was going to happen whether she got up or not.

She rolled over and looked at Ian's partially uncovered back. She didn't know if he was awake or not but she leaned over and lightly kissed him on the back of the neck. "I'm so sorry, my darling," she whispered. "I love you so much. I'm so sorry."

He was facing away from her so she couldn't see his eyes open. He was in no hurry to end their marriage either but the more he thought about reconciliation the more he knew it would never work.

He felt the bed move as Morgan got up. He closed his eyes as she through on her housecoat and went to get the kids up.

After getting dressed, the kids noticed their dad still in bed and asked if he was sick. He was usually at work by the time they got up. She told them he wasn't feeling well.

Ian came down to the kitchen when he knew the boys were headed for school. This was going to be a hard day for both of them.

"Good morning," she sniffled. " want sausage with your eggs?"

"Yeah—please," he replied. "And then we have to talk."

Those words felt like an arrow through her heart. They both eat breakfast in silence then had a second cup of coffee before Ian told her the divorce papers would be ready in a couple days. He also let her know where he would be living. The only thing left was split up the money.

As he printed out a spread sheet of all their accounts, Morgan had to make one last ditch effort. She knew it was useless but she had to try.

"Ian, please, I beg you, give me another chance. I...I can't explain why I did what I did but I can promise you it will never happen again. I love you and I can see how much I've hurt you. I would cut my arm off before ever putting you through that again. Please, honey, please."

Her words were sincere, at least as sincere as they could be. The problem was he no longer had confidence in that sincerity. "Morgan, I'm not going into this lightly. I've given a lot of thought to us staying together. I've even tried convincing myself to forgive and forget, and maybe I could. But that's not enough, Morgan.

"I've tried putting myself in your place; tried to come up with a circumstance where I would cheat on you. I thought about going to bed with my dream girl knowing there was no way you'd ever find out.

"You know what I came up with? If Angeline Jolie fell to knees in front of me and begged me to fuck her there is no way I could. Knowing you'd never be aware of my infidelity wouldn't make any difference...none. I simply couldn't betray you like that. I love you too much.

"I had assumed you loved me the same way. I now know that's not true and if you don't love me like that after thirteen years there's no way you ever will love me like that. The thing is, Morgan--I'm a good man. I deserve to be loved like that. Whether I'll ever find that kind of love or not is anyone's guess but I've got to give myself a chance."

Morgan sat there crying. How could she argue with him? Her actions over the last two years proved him right.

Ian allowed her time to recompose herself then poured them each another cup of coffee and laid the financial spreadsheet out on the kitchen table. "I want to pay off two of our joint credit cards," he told her. "That will leave one for you and one for me. You can use yours for a while but you'll want to get one in your name only. That way you can start building your own line of credit."


Bob spent most of the day wondering about his future. He started the agency by himself but it didn't really take off until he took Troy in as a partner. Then there was Angie...huh, he didn't know how he'd ever replace her. She was invaluable to the firm. She did everything but field work and Jimmy—well, he was probably better and tailing people than he was. For a decade he'd had the sweetest little detective agency in the city. Now...?

He made one last venture outside to the restaurant for dinner before hunkering down in his temporary cave for another night.

He was nervous. He hoped to get Ingstrom talking and admit to killing Troy but who knew if he could do that? The guy might just come in with guns blazing.

Lafferty showed up right on time. "Any sign of him?"

"No, not yet, but you know that feeling you get when you think you're being watched?"

"Oh yeah, I know it well," Lafferty responded. "You want me to stick around a while?"

"No. I'd like to get this over with. I know he's out there. Hopefully he saw you walk in the front door without a key. I doubt he'll strike tonight but I wish he would. I'm going stir crazy in this place."

"Okay. You want me to hang close by at least...just in case?"

"No, you go home to your wife and kids. I've got everything set up here. If he comes after me he's done for. By the way, it's not that I don't trust your men to hit the record button but I don't. I set my laptop up to record as well so if something goes wrong make sure you take it. It's that one on the desk. "

"My guys will hit record, don't worry," he confirmed with a smile.

Lafferty left and made sure he made a show of leaving the door unlocked as he walked out.

Unfortunately, the night turned out to be very much like the night before, boring. Bob even managed to catch a few winks of sleep on the couch. He awoke with the morning light streaming in through the partially opened blinds. He checked his watch. It was only a little after six-thirty. Thank heavens for Denny's, he was starving.

Again he killed time most of the day. That night Lafferty showed up right on time again. They talked for only a few minutes before he left for home. Bob settled into his leather chair. There would be no solitaire. He was riveted to the CCTV coverage of the parking lot. About twenty minutes after Lafferty left the cameras picked up a man walking across the street and into the lot. He headed straight for the front door of the building.

"Show time," Bob nervously told himself. He reached under the desk and hit the only button that wasn't taped. He had it set to speed dial. He knew the burner phones he and Morgan used would come in handy. The other one was sitting on a desk in the fifteenth precinct squad room. As soon as it rang several of the men jumped into action. One hit the record button on Bob's spare laptop and started recording on four separate channels from four different cameras in Bob's office. Within seconds after that there were three squad cars racing down Milwaukee Avenue. Lafferty got the call on his car radio before he got home and turned around.

Bob looked up at the figure standing in his doorway pointing a gun in his direction. "Jack Ingram, I presume."

"You presume right. You're pretty stupid for P.I. But then the other guy wasn't much smarter."

"That other guy was a good man. He was my partner."

"I know, that's what you told my cousin."

"I talked to you cousin? Who was that?"

"The sheriff."

"Ah yes; he would be the one who helped you covered up the murder of Julia Giovani."

"See, you're not as dumb as you look, are you." He smirked before taking another couple steps closer to Bob. "Now, where's the girl? I know you must have her stashed someplace. Tell me and I promise to kill you quickly; otherwise I'll shoot both your kneecaps and watch you scream in agony for a while. Then I'll blow off both elbows."

"What are you going to do with her?"

"Kill her, of course...but not until I have some fun with her," he snidely revealed with a grin.

"You don't have that much time, Ingstrom."

"No?" He looked from one side to the other. "I don't see anyone around. Who's going to stop me?"

"The cops. They're on their way. You see this whole thing is being recorded at the police station. Smile, you're on candid camera." Bob looked into the man's eyes. He'd killed twice before that he knew of and maybe more times than that. His blood ran cold at Ingstom's expression.

"You're so full of bullshit." He started to raise his gun. "Fuck it, I'll find her myself."

As the killer fired, Bob felt a tremendous thunderbolt to the side of his head. As he dove from his chair he grabbed for the gun he had taped under the desk as he hit the deck and rolled. Before he could get a bead on his target a piece of the hardwood flooring exploded next to his ear from a second round. A third caught him in the hip before Bob got off his first shot. It hit Ingstrom in the chest and caused him to stumble backward. Bob immediately fired two more shots just as the police entered the building.

Both men were sprawled out on the floor. Ingstrom wasn't moving but Bob was moaning in pain. A uniformed officer called for an ambulance. "This one's gone," he said, checking Ingstrom's neck for a pulse.

Lafferty was pulling in the lot as the paramedics were loading Bob into their vehicle.

It was late afternoon before Bob opened his eyes again. He was surprised. He remembered thinking he wasn't going to make it as they were carrying him out the night before.

He could hear soft voices over the beeping of some infernal machine and looked around the room. He was hoping it would be his wife and kids but no such luck. "Hi, Jimmy."

"Hi Bob, how you feeling?"

"I'm not feeling anything right now."

"Yeah, I imagine they have you pretty doped up. You got it once in the head and once in the hip. The one in the head was a glancing blow. You'll have a pretty wide part in your hair from now on but that's about it. The one in your hip is a little more serious. The doctor wasn't sure but he said you'll probably need a cane to walk. They had you on the operating table for six hours last night."

"What about Ingstrom?"

"He's dead. You got him twice in the chest, one pierced his heart.

Bob looked around the room. "I thought I heard someone else. Who were you just talking to?" He was praying it would be Cindy.

"One of the nurses. She just came in to check on you. She was cute too."

"You..." he was having trouble talking. "You got a date?"

"Nah, didn't try. Actually, now that this is all over, Andrea and I have a date. She's really a neat girl. I like her a lot."

"She...she needs to talk to her dad."

"She did already. That whole deal was screwed up. Her old man was so afraid of what she would think of him for cheating he almost lost her for not telling her. She was disappointed in him but I think they'll be okay. I'm sure I'll find out more Friday night. That's our first date.

"Ah, there's something else you should know. I was in the office this morning. A guy came in looking for you. I'm sure he's a process server. I told him I had no idea where you were but I'm sure he'll catch up to you sooner or later."

"Ha," he faked a laugh, "I can't run from him, that's for sure. Thanks, Jimmy. I...I don't suppose you've changed your mind about quitting."

"No, Bob. I've actually signed up to join the Chicago P.D."

"I hope you trained him well," Lafferty blustered as he walked into the room.

"Hey, when you see how good this young man is you'll want me to train all your guys," responded Bob with a chuckle. "Did you get everything recorded?"

"Sure did. Your system worked like a charm. The D.A. already saw it and said he wasn't filing any charges against you. The shooting goes in the books as self-defense. The Indiana state police arrested Ingstrom's cousin this morning. They're going to charge him with conspiracy and covering up the murder of the Giovani woman."

It was good news. Bob had avenged the murder of his partner and reunited Andrea Murphy with her father. He should have felt some sense of accomplishment but he didn't. He felt completely empty inside. There was simply nothing that would ever make up for the loss of his family. He almost wished Ingstrom had been a better shot.


Friday also marked the day Ian picked up the divorce papers from his attorney. He hid them in his briefcase until the kids had gone to bed. He knew she'd recognize the envelope if she saw it and start crying.

Morgan could tell from his demeanor that the hammer was about to fall. It was no surprise when pulled a large manila envelope from his case and laid it down on the kitchen table.

"Morgan, I stopped by the lawyers today and picked up our divorce papers. Have you decided whether you're going to get your own attorney yet?"

Tears were already building in her beautiful eyes as she slowly shook her head and answered him. "I don't need a lawyer, Ian. I know you'll be fair, if not for me for the boys."

"We'll have to tell them this weekend. I can't move into the apartment until next week. I think telling them over the weekend will give them time to get used to the idea before I leave."

Morgan agreed. By Saturday afternoon Adam and Landen already knew something was up by the way their mom and dad had been acting but they were still shocked by the news. They didn't understand. Their folks never fought like other kid's parents. Adam got mad while Landen went to his room, crying.

Morgan and Ian spent all day Sunday with them and assured them that their dad would still be in their life and always be their dad. By the time he moved out that following Thursday they had at least accepted the situation, although it would take a long time before their relationship with either parent would return to normal.


Bob Sanders was released after two weeks in the hospital but the coming years would not be kind to him. Even after months of grueling and painful physical therapy he needed a cane and walked with a pronounced limp.

Trying to replace Angie and Jimmy turned out to be impossible and business was getting slower and slower.

His ex-wife came after him with everything she could during the divorce and the court, even in spite of his wounds, took no pity on him. He was forced to pay their medical insurance, alimony, child support, and half of the household expenses for two years. It left very little for him to survive on but that wasn't the worst of it. A couple years after the divorce Cindy met and married a great guy. His name was Gene and everyone liked him, especially Bob's kids. It was like slow torture for him to watch as his own kids pulled further away from him and became closer to their step dad.

The only bright spot that kept Bob afloat was the promise of his reward money from the IRS for the information he gave them on Bracken. It took three years of audits and court actions for the IRS to get what was coming to them and; hence, pay Bob his due. The problem was, by that time he was so far in the rears with his child support that the court took the money and placed it in an escrow account to be doled out monthly until his kids reached eighteen. He was left with less than three thousand dollars. That was just about enough to pay his bar tab.

Morgan made out a little better but never forgave herself for losing the man she loved. Ian was a good man and made sure the boys never suffered as a result of their mother's infidelity, even if it meant she also benefitted in a small way.

Determined not to take advantage of his generosity, she found a job and paid her own way except for the boy's child support. She felt it was the least she could do after destroying their family.

Bob and Morgan never talked to each other again. The last time she saw him was when she was forced to testify.

Ian waited a couple years before jumping into the dating pool again. By that time he already had several admirers all hoping to be the first when he was ready. As it turned out he met the new woman of his dreams by accident...literally. She rear ended him at a stop light. They both got out of their cars to exchange information but she was so shaken he suggested buying her a cup of coffee and giving her a little time to calm herself. That turned into a first date and two years later they were married.

Her name is Marilyn. Ian's two sons took to her immediately. They spend every weekend together as a family and were especially excited with the news that a new addition to the family was in the near future.

The End.

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Cracker270Cracker2702 months ago

Good piece of work I hated the family breakup but that’s real life. It was very well described.

TG700TG7003 months ago

Good stuff. Enjoyed it immensely.

oldtwitoldtwit3 months ago

Long story, for once nobody really won in it, personally I like more sex in the stories, I can find this sort of more hints at sex in a book store.

Nice enough character set, plot was good.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Writer tried to make bitch Bob shine by avenging his partner but he was still a cheating asshole. Ian seemed like a weak man, so gentle with the cheating slut

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