Banished Pt. 14


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I took a nipple into my mouth and sucked on it, but as Molly grabbed a handful of hair and grasped me roughly, I really bit down on the stiff nub, and Molly let out a scream, before reaffirming her grip, and slamming onto my rod now with abandon.

Her moans quickly escalated into an orgasmic wail, and as she came, she went still for a bit, then continued to ride me a bit slowly, as she worked herself through the waves of pleasure.

Then the door across the room burst open, and Evie looked in at us for a moment, before pulling the door shut.

"Fuck, did she look mad?" Molly asked.

"I don't even know if you look mad right now," I commented, panting a little, and she smiled happily.

"I was, but this calmed me right down," she said. "And you didn't even cum yet."

I tutted at her.

"I'm having enough children as it is," I replied, and she smirked as she climbed off of me.

She eyed my cock, but I quickly tucked myself back into my pants.

"Are you and Evie having a fight?" I asked, and she shrugged.

"I haven't spoken to her since yesterday. It's not that I'm mad I was just..."

I nodded, offering her a sympathetic look.

"I think she needs you. She's been accumulating feedback to treat the princess," I explained, and she sighed.

"You want me to 'wife' her?" she asked, laughing a bit, and I shook my head.

"I'm letting everyone do what they want a bit, because I know that it's tough dealing with everything. But if Evie needs support and you can't offer it, then I'll probably-"

"Oh, shush it, will ya? I'll go take care of her; I promise. I was just being... a little insolent," she explained, letting out a sigh. "Where the fuck is a smoke when I need one?"

As she got her clothes off of the floor, I studied her for a bit.

"You know... there's three unclaimed Kobalt girls looking for a god... or maybe goddess, to serve," I began, and she eyed me.

"What would I do with a servant?" she asked, and I smiled.

"I dunno if you've noticed, but the Kobalt have... let's say, dated ideologies, when it comes to sex."

She shot me a teasing look.

"Oh~; how so?"

"Like, thinking that sex only serves the purpose of reproduction," I explained. "I mean, I went down on one of them, and it blew her mind. I wonder how she would react to a girl doing that to her?"

"Are you suggesting that I take a sex slave?" she asked, and I shook my head.

"Not exactly... but maybe they could learn from an experienced Goddess? The beauty of the female orgasm..." I suggested, and Molly smiled.

"A real service to their kind, huh?"

"It has more value than they could possible imagine," I answered, and Molly moved over to kiss me.

"You know, Evie and I were kind of pissed at you. She told me about Cameron's pregnancy, and I was like, 'what the fuck is his problem?' because Francesca's a doll, and she deserves better. But yesterday, when we were discussing Leanna, she said, 'Nate's thinking about all of us all of the time.' I thought maybe she was getting sweet on you or something, but now I think I get it."

I chuckled at Molly, and she kissed me again.

"Trust me, I'm enjoying the hell out of all of the sex," I said, and Molly shrugged.

"You'd be a fool not to... it's just, maybe your intentions are still kinder than I first thought."

She kissed me, and this time I noted that she closed her eyes as our lips mashed together, and as we broke apart, her face seemed a little flushed.

"Guess I better go check on Evie," she said, and I nodded.

We headed for the door, but before we stepped outside, she turned and kissed me again.

"Introduce me to these servant girls some time, will ya?"

I nodded, and as she turned and headed down the corridor, I stared after her, a feeling of tiredness suddenly washing over me.

Maybe I need some time away from here too, I thought, but as I turned to the entry hall, I found myself staring right at Casey, and she studied me, a knowing look in her eyes.

I just stared, an awkwardness forming between us as there was nowhere for me to go, and she wasn't moving.

"Can we talk?" she finally asked, and I nodded. "Somewhere more private."

She looked at me expectantly, and I quickly shook off my stupor, moving to her side.

We walked to the entry hall of the grove tree where our rooms were, but she led me to my room rather than hers, much to my surprise, and as we stepped into the room and I closed the door, Casey looked away, and I sensed an awkwardness forming between us again.

"Cameron said you're going out tomorrow?" she asked, and I nodded.

"Are you gonna advise against it?" I asked, and she shook her head.

"There's a wide-spectrum medicinal cocktail that you can get at the guildhall. It has several different types of painkillers, muscle relaxants, anti-biotics, immunosuppressants, anti-viral, and anti-inflammatory drugs. Jordan's nymph buddy might be able to pick up on how we can replicate them if she has access to the batch."

"How much is it?"

"Five hundred credits," she replied, and I nodded.

"Definitely sounds worth it," I replied, and she nodded in agreement.

"Well... thanks for letting me know," I offered, but even as the conversation seemed to come unceremoniously to an end, she stood there by the window, staring off into space and unmoving.

"I was wrong," she finally said. "And I lied to you."

I bit my lip, as I processed her words.

"What were you wrong about, specifically?"

"Leanna," she explained. "You were right; imprisoning her would have been the same as sentencing her to death."

She still didn't meet my eyes, and I licked my lips, a little uncomfortably.

"And what did you lie about?" I asked, and Casey sighed, looking out the window, as she let the question hang in the air.

"I know something about your unique skill that I didn't tell you about."

I moved to the bed and sat down, thinking about it for a while.

"And you still won't tell me?"

She cracked a wry smile, then shook her head.

"Can you at least tell me why?" I asked, and she let out another sigh.

"It's a problem with no solution... and I'm afraid of what your solution might look like."

I thought about it for a while.

Casey had always viewed my solutions as risky, hadn't she?

But her solutions were usually too timid to get us through the really tough times.

Was this something like that?

"Help me to understand this, then," I said, and she turned to me, a nervous look on her face.

"Back when you first rescued me... and you found out about the bounty on my head. If you found out that the tracker was in my heart, what would you have done?"

I bit my lip.

Removing it was out of the question.

And bringing her back to the group would have put everyone in danger.

I thought about it for a while, then nodded.

"So... you're saying I have to die?" I asked, and her eyes went wide.

"W-what? No, don't even think about-!"

"Hey, relax! I'm not gonna do anything without knowing the full story," I said, raising my hands in surrender.

Casey moved towards me for a moment, then stopped, holding her own hand awkwardly at the point where it'd been severed.

"I really fucked things up, huh...?" she asked, turning and moving to the window again, looking outside with a wistful expression.

"You know... if you wanted to be my advisor again, I'd be glad to have you," I offered, and she laughed, then shook her head.

"Cameron deserves the position. I know I boasted a lot about my abilities, but it was really hard for me to manage everyone... I'm just not cut out for it. Not the way you two are, anyway."

I bit my lip, as I studied her.

"You still have a lot to offer me, you know. Maybe not in managing things, but in-"

"I know," she replied. "I know... but I still don't know what I want yet."

She laughed, then shook her head before continuing:

"I blamed this hypnosis for so long, but I was wrong. I still want your arms around me," she said, hugging herself a little, "and I still spent all day thinking about you no matter what I tried to do, and it scares me. I mean, I almost condemned a girl to death because I was afraid that you'd fuck her."

I studied Casey as she spoke.

"So, what do you want, then?"

She sighed.

"I want to earn your trust again," she said. "I want to be able to offer you advice without you having to wonder if I'm advising you based on the best course of action, or my own feelings for you."

She turned to study me, and I smiled.

"I'd like that," I said, and she nodded, a determined look now on her face.

"I'm gonna figure this out," she said. "And I don't just mean my feelings. This... thing, that I don't wanna tell you about yet. I'm gonna think about it, and work out a way to deal with it," she affirmed, but I shot her a worried look.

"This isn't something that puts everyone in danger or anything like that, is it?" I asked, and she shook her head.

"It's not something that's gonna affect anything in the immediate future," she assured me, and I nodded.

"Okay. I trust you," I said, and she teared up a little, as she smiled.

That's a first step, I thought.

She turned and headed for the door, but as she got there, she hesitated just a little, and I moved over, and wrapped my arms around her, pulling her into a hug, and she relaxed in my arms, letting out a satisfied sigh, before turning and heading out the door.

As I came out of the room, however, I found Cameron there waiting for me further down the corridor, just at the entrance to her room, and I walked over to join her as she went in.

"How'd it go?" she asked, and I smiled.

"Good. I think."

"Good would have been me coming upstairs to screams of, 'fuck me harder, Nate!' or something like that," Cameron teased, and I shook my head at her.

"Well, by your definition, I guess it just went alright," I replied, and she smiled.

"Talking about screams, though... Lucia seems to be coming up here every night, huh?" Cameron said, as she shot me a suggestive look. "Do you think we could get some alone time in now?"

"Well, I am going to be away for a few days," I replied, and Cameron smiled.

She quickly moved in and began to strip away my armor, before stripping off her own pants.

"Remind me to make sure someone invents locks before you get back here," she said.

I thought about the key that Garbung had used to lock the door to his room back when we'd spoken on that first day, but that was the last time I'd seen anything like that.

As Cameron lifted off her shirt, and her breasts came into view, along with that telling sign of a bump in her stomach, my mind immediately focused on what was in front of me.

She led me to the bed then climbed on top of me, and she kissed me only once before positioning me, and easing herself down onto my cock.

Her hand trailed one of the fresh bruises that Molly had left across my chest, and she eyed me teasingly.

"Somebody's been a naughty boy tonight," she teased. "Who was it?"

"Molly," I replied, and she smiled.

"Jeez. Did you two fuck, or fight?"

"A little bit of both," I answered, letting out a satisfied moan as I felt myself slip deeper inside of her.

She leaned down to kiss me, and kiss the spot where I'd been bruised, before focusing a bit on moving against me.

"Mmh. I missed you last night," she said, and I leaned back, enjoying the familiar sensation of her insides wrapped around me pleasurably.

"Well, just so you know, by your definition of 'good', last night was just okay," I said, and she smiled.

"Wait, I'm not sure if that pisses me off or not," she said, pausing in her riding to shoot me a teasing look, but as she leaned down to kiss me, she continued to move once more.

"Do you like it rough? Like what Molly did?" she asked, and I shrugged.

"That can be fun sometimes, but mostly it just reminds me of Julie," I said. "And this is way better than Julie," I continued, placing a hand on her hip, and caressing her curves appreciatively.

She cooed, increasing the pace of her riding a bit, but as she let out a louder moan, the sound of footsteps padding toward the door drew my eye, and I froze as the door burst open, and the little package we'd been trying to avoid stood staring right at us, frozen as we were, in the doorway.

"Lucia-" I began, but the child took no more than one look, before she charged at us.

"Stop fighting!" she yelled, shoving Cameron off of me and flailing at her a bit, and in the commotion, I quickly located my clothes and pulled them on, before turning to restrain Lucia.

"Hey, calm down. No-one's fighting," I said, as Cameron quickly pulled a shirt on, and moved off of the bed to our side.

"Look, see? Everything's fine," she reassured the child, taking my hand in hers, but Lucia was staring daggers at the two of us, and shaking a little bit.

"What do we do?" Cameron asked, and I chuckled a little.

"We might have to give her the talk," I replied, and she stared at me with shock.

"Is she old enough?"

"Still fighting!" Lucia said exasperatedly, and I quickly shook my head.

"We aren't, I promise," I said, as I sat Lucia down on the bed. "Lucia. Cameron and I love each other very much, and what we were doing just now is something that people do sometimes when they want to express that affection for each other in a physical way."

Lucia stared at me.

"Why screaming?" she asked, pointing at Cameron, who went red.

"Was I really that loud?" she asked, and I snickered a little.

"Well, sometimes when something feels really good, Cameron might... make sounds like that," I explained. "And that's normal, although... usually we do it in private, because expressing affection like this is something... very personal, very special, and not something that other people are meant to see. Or hear."

Cameron shot me a wry look, and as Lucia looked at me worriedly, I nudged her.

"Nathan is right," Cameron said, clearing her throat a little. "What we were doing feels... good, and that's why I was, uh- making those sounds," she concurred, and Lucia stared at us.

"Lucia doesn't like it," she declared defiantly, and I chuckled a little.

"I know this is probably difficult to understand. But what we were doing is something... perfectly natural, between adults, or... mature people? Like Cameron and me," I explained, and she studied me. "I'm sorry that you saw it, because we shouldn't have let that happen, but it's something that we do because we love each other very much, and we'll probably want to express that love for each other like that from time to time."

Lucia frowned, but her curiosity at the very least seemed to be appeased, and as she clung to me, Cameron shot me a teasing look, before slipping back on her pants.

"You in dad-mode is major sexy," she said, and I smiled, but Lucia made a whining sound in protest, and Cameron rolled her eyes, before climbing into bed.

Lucia quickly curled up onto my lap as soon as I joined Cameron on the bed, and we studied her for a bit, as she lay there quietly.

She was going to have a little sister or brother soon, wasn't she?

I began to wonder if we'd need to give her the 'where do babies come from?' talk as well, as Cameron's pregnancy progressed and became more noticeable.

"What do you prefer?" Cameron asked, as she leaned against my shoulder, caressing Lucia soothingly. "This, or being the God-king that everyone's throwing themselves at?"

"This. Not even a contest, really," I said, kissing Cameron, and she cooed happily, as she leaned on me again.

"Would be nice to have just this, huh? With no monsters and fighting to worry about..."

I nodded in agreement.

"We could always elope," I suggested, and Cameron swatted the suggestion away.

"I don't think you could do that. And I don't think I could let you, either," she said. "Everyone's depending on you."

"On us," I corrected her, and she smiled, kissing me again, and prompting Lucia to let out another whine in protest.

We settled in together on that little bed, and while there was barely any room to even move, I felt quite content and happy with the company around me, and as I slept, my dreams were filled with images of babies, and having a regular life with Cameron and Lucia.

I woke up with a groan, and Cameron let loose a similar complaint as she got up.

"That was a happy sleep," she said, "but my poor old back does not agree."

I shot her a quick look, wondering if her back pain had come from our cramped sleeping arrangement, or from the progress of her pregnancy, and she caught my look, and brought my face to hers for a kiss.

Lucia stirred beside us, and Cameron frowned.

"Kids. The original c-blockers," Cameron whispered conspiratorially, and I snickered a little in response.

It wasn't light outside yet, but I felt well rested, and as Cameron joined me, we quickly washed ourselves, then headed down to the entry hall.

As I got there, however, I was surprised to find Francesca already there, while Gisela oversaw as our supplies were prepared.

"You're up early," I said, and she rubbed the back of her head nervously.

"I was a little bit excited," she admitted, and I shook my head at her.

"Got enough sleep though, I hope?" I asked, and she nodded.

"My core is at full capacity," she assured me, and I ruffled her hair, before looking over the supplies.

We were carrying enough food to last us a week, easily, as well as enough supply packs to carry any other miscellaneous things that we might need to bring back from our trip away from the grove.

"Do I need to wake everyone up to see you off?" Cameron asked, but as I spotted Casey coming down from the rooms above, I shook my head.

"Was there anything else you thought I'd need?" I asked Casey, and she shook her head.

"Wait, are you taking Jacinda's core with you?" she asked, and I nodded.

"I was thinking to get it appraised, just to see how much she's worth," I explained, and she nodded.

"Just... don't try that thing again out there, okay?"

"Will do," I said.

"And be careful," she said, and I nodded again.

"You know, if we both kiss him on the cheek at the same time, I think he'll definitely make sure to come back," Cameron teased, and Casey blushed a little.

She shook her head, and Cameron shrugged, before moving in to kiss me openly.

"Get your ass back home in one piece," she said, and Francesca pouted.

"Hey, I dunno if anyone noticed, but I'm going on this trip too," she said, and Cameron eyed her, smiling.

"Oh please. Your reward is going on this trip with you," Cameron said, nodding towards me, and Francesca smiled, but to my surprise, Cameron came over, and gave the girl a hug.

She seemed to whisper something to her, and Francesca went a little red, nodding, before turning to set off.

"Are you ready?" she asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be," I said. "Oh, make sure Bianca and Lucia deplete their cores as much as possible!" I called out.

"I've got it," Cameron said, rolling her eyes a little, and I waved as we turned to leave.

Francesca shot me a smiling look as we stepped onto the road that led from the grove, an excited expression on her face, and I nodded.

"Let's go," I said, and with that, we took off at a sprint.

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sabrinamoanssabrinamoansabout 5 hours ago

love the premise of this and the writing. Thanks for creating this lovely world.

xhristianjxhristianjalmost 2 years ago

It's really tough putting up with all the Femdom crap in this story. This 'Guy' will basically roll over for anyone geez even the little girl bosses him around FFS

LooselyhumanLooselyhumanalmost 2 years ago

Ugh he's so bad at managing his harem. What's this "most important person" and one true love crap with Bianca? Why go there? Harem MCs set expectations that they're all important etc. I'm forcing myself to keep reading past her scenes. /pointlesslatefeedback

MDR1986MDR1986almost 3 years ago

Lucia has really become my favourite character. It is so rare on this site to find a fully flushed out child character - instead its usually just an annoying sibling or a perfect child etc... most authors seem to think that because site rules (and, ya know, human fuckin decency) prevent children from sexual acts that they are therefore not worthy of a complete character. So it is really refreshing to read your development of this character. Her absolute determination and dedication to what she wants reminds me of my cousin's daughter.

Son_of_BattlesSon_of_Battlesover 3 years ago

Dad mode was the best part. Fuck Dexter, Nate is America’s favorite psychopath!

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