Beauty Meets her Beast Ch. 07


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"We have so much planning to do. I don't imaging they'll want to wait long."

"No, I should think not," responded Mary dryly.

Margaret and Father came into the kitchen together then, both all smiles.

"Have you decided when the wedding is to take place?" I asked.

"Soon, I hope," said Margaret shyly. "Stefan is expected in the next town the beginning of next month, and I'd like to be there with him from the beginning."

"Well we've no time to lose! We've a wedding to plan." Father was jubilant, and I felt relieved that at least one of his daughters was able to make a proper marriage, in the usual manner.

We spent the next couple of weeks hastily throwing together plans for a small and simple outdoor wedding. I spent hours in the garden tying up my wisteria and trying to train it to grow over an arch which Margaret and Stefan could say their vows under. I was quite sure I was only succeeding due to stubbornness; every day I was out there in the garden prodding and poking at it, coaxing it onward and upward. Mary and Margaret busied themselves in the kitchen, baking up treats and jams for the wedding guests, while Father was on a mission to deep clean the whole exterior of the house and stable so it would shine and gleam. I was constantly weeding the garden and improvising a little pebble path from the edge to the arch in the middle. By the time the wedding day drew near I was quite pleased with my work.

Margaret was up early that day, too excited to sleep, no doubt. Mary and I put the finishing touches on her wedding gown, which was the same scarlet gown I'd worn my last night in the castle, made over and pinned and re-tucked. Father had fretted about a bride being married in red instead of a nice sensible color, but it was the nicest piece of fabric we had in the house, and with the lace touches Mary and I added, it was practically a new gown, elegant and fit for a fancy event such as a wedding. Margaret was stunning in it, her face aglow with happiness. I was glad for her, but on this day of all days my heart couldn't help but remember how happy I'd once been with Lord August, and how things had once been between us. I shook it off as best I could and focused on Margaret. It was her day, after all. Stefan was banned to the outside of the house lest he see her, although he'd arrived early to help Father set up. The table was brought outside and laden with the goods Mary and I had been slaving over, and I cropped several beds of my beloved flowers to make bouquets for Margaret and the general décor.

We hadn't invited too many people, just a few close friends and of course Stefan's family, but it was a pleasant gathering, made even more so by the genuine happiness everyone felt for the bride and groom. Tom from the mill had brought his violin, and as we all assembled to watch the gathering, he played a soft, sweet song. Stefan took his position up front near the preacher, and Tom began to play the bridal march as we all turned to the door of the house, waiting for Margaret to come out. She emerged smiling and graceful, her face positively beaming as she locked eyes with Stefan alone and strode towards him. He looked no less happy, and we all silently watched as they exchanged their vows. Mary and Father were blinking back tears, and I was very nearly there myself. They were pronounced man and wife and we all clapped and made free to wish them joy.

Margaret and Stefan were clearly ecstatic, barely noticing as we crowded around them. Tom struck up a dancing tune, and before long all present were dancing around in some way. Mary and I held hands and paraded up and down the garden, giggling like children. She twirled me, and I twirled her. My peonies took a slight trampling but I paid it no mind as Mary sent me flying out in a whirl -

-directly into the arms of Lord August.

My mouth fell open as I looked up. There was no mistaking his large, imposing stature, or the solidness of the chest I now found myself pressed against, but as I raised my eyes higher - to the scars on his neck and then to his face - I knew who it was.

"Belle," he said, as his arms closed around me, Mary having dropped my hand in shock.

"Adam." My hands crept up his chest to entwine around his neck, without my bidding. "You came."

"I told you I would." He gave me one of his smirks, the corner of one side of his mouth drawing up. "Did you doubt me?"

"I thought you'd just have too much to do..." my voice trailed off as I stared at him in disbelief. He was here. He'd really come!

"Is your father around? I need to speak with him about something," he said. My stomach became a raw bundle of nerves.

"Yes, of course, yes, he's here." I pulled back from him only to find that we had become the center of attention. Not surprising, given that he was an extraordinarily tall man, an uninvited guest, and bore large scars across his face. Our guests stared, no doubt wondering who he was, as few if any in the village had ever seen his lordship. I stepped over to Father, whispering into his ear. He nodded, and he and Lord August disappeared into the house. Tom struck up a jaunty tune and everyone resumed dancing. I took Mary's hand again, but my heart wasn't in it; it was pattering fiercely against my chest, waiting for Lord August to reemerge. I fumbled through some dance steps, barely paying attention. Mary was speaking, no doubt asking questions, but I couldn't hear over the ringing in my ears. The whole world was a silent blur, in a pause that would only be undone by Lord August coming back out for me. Tom played a new song, and Mary dragged me into a circle dance, the person on my left dragging me one way and Mary dragging me the other. Finally my agony was ended, as Father and Lord August came back outside. I dropped hands and ran to him, heedless of the stares.

"Belle," said Father, "His lordship has asked for your hand in marriage, and I've given my permission, if it's acceptable to you. Think truly about how you feel and answer."

"Yes," I said. "Yes, yes, of course!" I knew my reply was hardly that of coy, elegant woman, but my enthusiasm was impossible to deny. Adam smiled and took my hand.

"Everyday I shall endeavor to deserve you." He raised my hand to his lips and kissed it, and I closed my eyes in pleasure. It was finally going to happen!

Adam stayed and danced with me for the rest of the day, indulging in our home-baked goods as if they were the finest concoctions a chef had made. He held me close and whispered that we would be married as soon as possible. For the sake of propriety I would stay with my family until the wedding, but after that I would live with Adam in his newly rebuilt home. The evening passed too quickly and all too soon he was taking leave of me, promising to send a seamstress by in the morning to make me a wedding gown. I fell into bed in a giddy haze, dreaming of our wedding. Margaret left earlier with Stefan, but not before she stopped to wish me good luck and promise that she and her husband would surely be at my wedding.

As promised, the seamstress was there in the morning, and I allowed her to guide my choices, with input from my sister Mary. A tailor was sent for Father to make him a new suit for the wedding, and Mary was measured for a new gown by the seamstress as well. The generosity of Adam went a ways with Father to earn his lordship a margin of respect. The new housekeeper, Mrs. Kettleton, also stopped by for my preferences on decoration. Warm and friendly, she was everything Mrs. Delvers had not been, and I looked forward to having her around the castle. She took notes on my desires, though they were few. What did I care about sashes and wreaths when the actual event of the marriage was all that mattered? On one point only did I make a firm demand: I told her flowers everywhere would be lovely, of all sorts, but never any roses, ever.

Time seemed to drag by and yet zip by at unfathomable speed all at the same time, and then suddenly the day before the wedding was upon us. Adam sent a carriage for us, and one for Margaret and Stefan in the next village, and we stayed over in the castle that night. He threw an enormous dinner, just for us, and we laughed and drank wine till it was late. Adam gave me many a longing glance across the table and I found myself blushing fiercely as he complimented my beauty and grace to my father. Eventually Mary and Margaret hustled me off to bed, insisting that it was bad luck for Adam to see me at all that day and that I needed a full nights rest, which I didn't argue against. I was back in my old room for one more night. It was entirely redecorated, as apparently it had been one of the places paid special attention to by Mrs. Delvers. Hardly surprising, given her hatred of me. The bed was less massive, and the new wardrobe was empty save for my own meager belongings. I felt a moment of silly sadness for the frocks I had worn that were now nothing more than ashes, but it was swift and fleeting, replaced by joy for the wedding. I slipped into bed, reveling in the feel of the luxurious bedclothes, and slept.

The morning dawned clear and bright, and I bounded out of bed, brimming with energy and excitement. There was a tray waiting for me on a nearby table: toast and boiled eggs with a steaming pot of tea. Too nervous and excited to eat, I poured out a hot cup of tea and sipped it slowly, savoring the day. There was a tapping on my door, and I crossed the room to open it, revealing Mary and Margaret. Giggling, they burst into my room, nearly as excited as I was and gushing about their luxury accommodations.

"Such a large bed," mused Margaret, and Mary and I both laughed as she turned red after realizing the implication of her statement. She was a married woman with a husband of her own now, after all.

"He's so generous. You're so lucky! I should have been the one to ask for rose seeds," laughed Mary, but I could tell she was not truly bitter. She might have found the whole thing incredibly romantic while it was happening to me, but had it been her she would probably have lost interest very quickly. She liked the excitement of going into town and flirting with every male she came upon; the castle and its stark inhabitants would have been dreadfully dull for her.

We spent a lazy morning giggling together and reminiscing over our childhood days. The wedding ceremony was not until late afternoon so we had plenty of time. Around midday Father put in an appearance and Margaret and Mary begged off, Mary to explore and Margaret to see her husband. Father sat heavily on the bed and was silent for a few moments before he began.

"Are you absolutely certain this is what you want, Beauty?" I smiled at the nickname. This was not the first time we'd had this conversation over the last week, but I was certain it would be the last. Father would not approve of divorce for me, he would expect me to make the best of things if Adam and I were wed.

"I am."

"And you are sure that he can make you happy? You do not think him onerous? Your debt has been repaid in full, you need not marry this man to save me, you know." Father wearily ran a hand over his temples.

"I know, Father. I understand that it must seem strange to you, since you hardly know him aside from your terrible first impression, but if you knew him as I do, you'd realize there's so much more under that gruff exterior. His deceased wife had a hold on him that made him bitter and angry, but now she's gone and there's nothing holding him back from getting what he wants. He loves me, I know he does, and I love him." My voice was clear and strong, lending credence to the words I spoke. I believed them to be true with every fiber of my being.

"I worry for you, child. I hope you are not biting off more than you chew, but I will not stop you from this if you have your heart set on it."

"I have. Please, Father, give him a chance. When you know him better you will understand."

"I hope so." Father sighed. We let the silence hang thick between us. "Well," he spoke up finally, "I believe there is a whole host of maids outside waiting to do your hair and whatever else it is fashionable young ladies have done before their wedding. I hardly think they can improve upon you, since you are already beautiful, but we will let them have their fun, eh?" He gave me a tired smile.

"Thank you," I whispered, and embraced him. He hugged me tightly, then stood, slightly misty eyed and declared he was in the way of the eager hand-maidens and must be off. I watched him go fondly. I hoped the passing of time would put his concerns at ease.

No sooner was he around the corner of the doorway when a crew of maids swept in, bearing hot curlers and ribbons and sashes. They descended on me en masse, and before I knew it I was in the tub, my skin scrubbed till it was pink and glowing and my hair expertly washed and dried. I was tugged this way and that by them, and cinched into corset. My hair was swept up becomingly in a mass of curls and my cheeks were ever so slightly rouged. They pinned and tucked me into my wedding dress, a gauzy white confection of lace and silk. When I finally saw myself in the mirror I hardly recognized myself. At last they declared me finished, and just in time, too. Surprised, I realized the sun was beginning its descent across the sky and it must be nearly time for the wedding. My stomach flopped in anticipation, and my heart palpitated in my chest. It was finally happening.

I was hustled down the ballroom. A crowd was already gathered inside. I knew Adam had invited a few members from his elite social circle, and a distant cousin, while my own family and a few of the townsfolk would be there as well. Father was waiting for me outside the doors.

"Are you ready?" he asked me, as a girl made last minute adjustments to my hair.

"Yes, I'm ready." I was nervous, but I was beyond ready. The musicians struck up the familiar march, and two footmen pulled open the great double doors for Father and I. We swept into the room amid sighs and whispers from those gathered. I caught a few comments about the finery of my dress, but I hardly paid attention. My thoughts were focused on one thing: the man waiting for me at the end.

Adam was waiting at the end of the aisle they'd constructed, looking very handsome in a new suit coat and breeches expertly tailored to highlight his muscular frame. He smiled at me and all my nerves melted away. There was nothing to be nervous about, only joy that my love and I would be joined together at last. Father and I reached the end, and he gave me away properly, whispering that he loved me before he left my side. I responded the same, then focused my attention wholly on Adam. I scarcely know what was said by the pastor, I was lost in Adam's eyes and smile. We said our vows, and I wanted to cry from happiness. At last we were pronounced husband and wife, and Adam kissed me, restraining most of the passion I knew was there and keeping the kiss short and delicate. It was still enough to make me weak in the knees.

Amid much clapping and cheering, we made our exit from the ballroom and headed to the dining room, where a banquet was set up in our honour.

"If your family was not here and waiting to see you, I'd take you upstairs and bed you now," growled Adam in my ear. A shiver of anticipation swept through me. We were alone in the dining room for the moment, the wedding-goers not yet caught up to us. He pulled me close against him, the truth of his words evident in the hardness he pressed against me. The sounds of voices drawing near caused him to pull back, but not before he gave me a look burning with desire.

Margaret and Mary ran to me, making a great fuss over the elegance of my hair and dress, each declaring me the most beautiful thing they'd ever seen, till I blushed red and shushed them. Guests came by and congratulated us, many complimenting on how fine a couple we looked. If anyone felt Adam's marriage imprudent so soon on the heels of Regina's death, they did not say so. He stood nearby me, holding my hand in the crook of his arm as he greeted our wedding guests and family. Once the musicians had reassembled they struck up a tune and the dancing began. Adam held me close, a surprisingly graceful dancer for a man of his size.

"I cannot wait to get you out of that dress," he murmured in my ear, and I flushed red again. I'm sure all the guests were wondering why the bride was turning red. Then again, perhaps they could imagine well enough what a husband might be saying to his new wife to cause her to blush. "Tonight your whole body is mine," he said, his voice low and only for my ears. His hand clasped my waist tightly, his thumb stroking softly against my hip bone through the layers of fabric. I found myself as eager as he was to escape the festivities.

After a few more dances, dinner was served, and wine was poured. Many toasts were made to 'his lordship and his lovely new bride', and we sipped wine after each. By the time the toasts were finished I was feeling warm and fuzzy around the edges. I nibbled at my food. It was delicious, but my thoughts were on the marriage bed, and not food. I hoped Adam would not be disappointed after waiting so long.

Soon enough the dancing was struck up again, and Adam danced with me again, like a good husband. He steered us over toward the door, and then out of it. As soon as we were outside of the dining room he took my hand and led us to the stairs.

"Where are we going?" I asked. I knew, of course, but I was suddenly a bit scared at the prospect of losing my virginity and was trying to stall for time.

"Upstairs, and to my bed," declared Adam, not mincing words. "They will expect it, and there is wine and food enough that they will not miss us. I have to have you." His voice was thick with longing. I glanced over my shoulder and saw that no one had followed us, so evidently it was expected, or at least not surprising, for the bride and groom to disappear. Adam was hustling us up the stairs at a rapid pace and we reached his room quickly. I had not seen it before, and paused in the doorway, admiring the splendor.

The room was richly decorated in shades of red and gold, all the furniture large and masculine looking. The bed was as large as the one in my old room had been before the fire. It was also a four-poster, though the posts were larger and thicker the wood appeared to be the same. I thought heatedly of how we might make use of those posts in the future. Adam led me over to the bed, turning me so I faced it. Breathing shakily, I waited to see what he would do next.

His hands encircled my waist, drawing me close against his body. He bent his head and feathered soft kisses from behind my ear down to my collarbone, and I shuddered with pleasure. His lips were warm against my skin, hinting at things to come. He leaned down and removed his knife from his boot.

"I haven't the patience to untie you," he said. "Shame about your dress." In one deft maneuver he had sliced through all the laces at the back and my bodice fell forward, nearly exposing me. I gasped and held it to me, covering myself out of habit. He reached around me, gently taking my wrists and pulling them away, so that the bodice fell to the floor along with the remains of the corset, leaving me completely topless. My nipples grew hard at the sudden change in temperature. He dropped my wrists and slid his hands from my waist to just under my breasts with agonizing slowness. He kissed my neck again, his breath hitting my ear seductively. At last he lifted his hands to cup my breasts, his thumbs drawing across my already taut nipples. I moaned and leaned back against him. A wave of heat swept through me, settling between my legs. He continued to caress them, then dropped his hands lower and began to undo my skirt.