Becoming a Cuckold Ch. 12


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"What favor?" I asked.

"Could you go to a sperm bank and leave a couple sperm deposits with them? If anything happens to you, I'd like the option of having a child with you anyway."

"I suppose I could take the time for that."

William gave me some numbers for people he knew who could help provide what we needed. He called Regina into the office to help and told her to provide anything we asked for, whether it be food or drink, rub our shoulders, or whatever. We gave her some of the easier phone calls. All four of us started making calls, asking they call us back as soon as they could. Bill started converting some of his assets to cash, figuring to provide Joshua with 400 million dollars to do with whatever he wished. The thought of spending nearly a half billion dollars was amazing to Master.

"It's only money," William said. "I can always make more. They don't make friends like Joshua. I suppose it's easy to say that, rich as I am, but I treasure people more than money. I'll give more if I have to, but it will take some time to convert more of my assets to cash. These were easy; stocks, bonds. Property and the like take time. This should be good to get him started."

One of our earlier calls got back to us. He said he could line up an older military transport with jump capability. William told him to fly the plane to Rabat and notify Joshua's Rabat office when it was there.

Bill made the calls to the Pentagon, alphabet agencies and foreign governments himself, knowing it would mean more coming from him and not his lackeys.

I called Armand.

"Armand Depardeau, please," when his office answered the phone. "Please tell him Richard Farber is calling."

I waited a couple minutes. "Richard, good to hear from you. Making plans for the weekend you wanted to include Colette and I in?"

"No, sir, a business matter. You said once if there was anything you or the French Government could do to help with human trafficking, to give you a call."

"Of course."

I explained what had happened and what needed to happen in order to arrange a rescue.

"Mon Dieu! The man is a monster."

"He is. Does the French government have any sway over the leadership in Algeria or Morocco?"

"More Algeria than Morocco, though either might entertain a request for assistance if we ask nicely."

"It may not be necessary, and we don't want to give away more than minimal information in the event other government officials or police organizations have corruption as New York City did, and Interpol probably has, but could you make exploratory contact with the right people and explore what type of assistance might be available, and what would be needed to make it occur if it was. At some point, the American government, or members in it, and several powerful business leaders may have reason to repay their kindness."

"I understand. I will do as you ask."

"I'm probably going to be leaving town shortly to assist with the rescue attempt. Andre and Marnie will be taking my place. Please contact either of them if something arises calling for our attention."

"Of course."

"Merci, Armand. Our thanks for your assistance."


We were making phone calls all over the world, so we worked late. Bill had us sleep at his place the first night, in shifts, so someone was always available to take calls or make calls. Lists were made of the type of supplies Joshua would need for a training facility and what we'd need to create it, from generators, to food, to lodging, to training weapons. A man named Smitty, who was one of Joshua's security team leaders, provided lists of the weapons they'd need for the recruits, as well as the other specialized equipment like ballistic vests, infrared and low light vision gear, gas and flash grenades, the list lengthy and expensive.

As soon as Miranda informed us of the Bahamian governments support of the use of their country for training, we started buying up supplies to be flown to Florida, and then helicoptered in to Joshua's island, along with a fifty man construction crew to start work. Someone on Joshua's ship sent the likely plans and dimensions of Mahmoud's hideout and they were turned into rough blue prints. Huge, semi-rigid tent structures were flown in, first for the construction crews sleeping quarters and mess hall, but also for the men who would eventually be training there. A dock was built to support boat transport. Fuel depots were set up to support the boat and helicopter traffic going in and out. That was in the first few days.

"Richard," Marnie said, "This is your appointment at the sperm bank tomorrow morning first thing." I started to protest and she cut me off. "Master and I can handle what needs to be handled until you're done. You'll be leaving soon anyway, and this is going to be our job. Let us learn it, even if we make a couple mistakes. If we have questions, Bill can answer them."

"She's right, Richard," Bill said. "You're also leaving here early tomorrow afternoon. I want you to get a good night's sleep after packing what you need for an extended stay away from home. You'll be flying to Tangier on my private jet the day after tomorrow and someone will meet you there and chopper you to the American Entrepreneur. Joshua's ship has laundry services, but plan on at least a weeks worth of clothes, including a suit or two for meeting dignitaries."

"There's so much more to be done."

"I just received word the use of a tracker on Beth failed. It was discovered and Mahmoud's men dumped it. They didn't recover Beth and the others before they disappeared into the mountains. The assault is going to happen. Joshua was devastated. They still don't know where the hideout is. He's not functioning at peak efficiency anymore. We've got this end handled. Joshua needs a lot done on his end as well. He needs you, Richard. You've got everyone off to a good start here, now it's time to take over for Joshua."

"I can imagine he was devastated," I said. "I don't know what I'd be doing if it was Marnie taken. The things they did to those poor women. I saw the scars on their backs from the stingray barbs. The people on the ship were all wonderful people, they must all be hurting."

"You'll get to see your mother again, Richard. I'm sure she'll be happy to see you," Marnie said.

"Yeah, you're right. It will be good to see her."


The assistant at the sperm bank with a name tag saying Rayanne, handed me three sample cups. "Your wife wanted you to provide three samples. Will you have a problem with that?"

"It will take me longer than one for sure. Should I give them to you as I finish?"

"It would be best. They should be frozen quickly. Are you having fertility problems? Mrs. Farber didn't say."

"Not to my knowledge. I'm just going somewhere in what might be somewhat of a dangerous situation, and she wanted the option of carrying my child if something should happen to me."

"That's sweet. She must really love you if she wants a child with you, should you be injured or killed."

"I suppose it is." Although if anything happened to me, Marnie could have a child with Master. She loved him too.

I took the cups and she led me to a room with assorted girlie magazines and a couple porno tapes. More important to me was the fact I hadn't had sex for several days, being constantly busy, or asleep, or my sexual partners asleep. For someone who'd been having sex several times a day to none for several days, made my balls feel full of sap. I filled the first sample cup easily, returned it, and started on the second sample. That one took me around ten minutes.

When I handed the second cup to her, she was a little surprised I gave it to her so quickly, which caused her to comment.

"I'm fairly used to frequent sex and haven't had much lately due to the situation causing me to need to leave town," I said in response. "I'm usually having sex three or four times a day or more."

"I'm impressed. Most husbands complain their wives don't have sex often enough."

Not all of my sex was with my wife, but okay. "That's not my problem. My wife provides me with lots of sex."

I disappeared again and returned a little over fifteen minutes later with my third cup, surprising her more. "Pardon me for asking, but you aren't a premature ejaculator, are you?"

"That's not a problem either," I said. "My wife is very happy with my performance. I'm in a hurry, though. Thirty or forty minutes is my usual recently."

"Too bad you're happily married."

Was there a slight question in that statement. She looked as if she was wearing a wedding ring herself. That probably wouldn't be an issue, but I was leaving tomorrow. "I am happily married." It's all I really needed to say at the moment.

Did she exhibit a small pout? Maybe when I came back, I could explore if that was a pout. Master did enjoy new women to fuck and new men to cuckold.

"Thanks, Rayanne, it was a pleasure meeting you." I took her hand, kissing the back of it.

She smiled at me. Perhaps it was a pout.

I stopped off at the shelter where Malai was staying on my way back to work. I told her I was leaving town for awhile and couldn't check in on her for a few months until I got back. I'd try to call, but I'd be far away and I wouldn't have a lot of time. We still had to use the translation app for half of our conversation, but her English was improving rapidly.

"Why are you leaving?"

"Some more women were taken by a slaver, the one who brands his women. They need to be rescued and all of the women held by him need to be freed."

"You will save them as you saved me?"

"Not me personally. I'm not a warrior. But I do know how to help, so the warriors can rescue them."

"It is good you want to help them. Those are the ones who suffered the most. Some of the branded ones still have nightmares. I'm glad I was not one of them and my mother sold me instead. The ones who were taken, will probably not be the same when they are found. I'm sure they'll have nightmares too."

"That is our fear. Or that we will not be in time and they will be sold and never found again."

"I wish you well, Richard."

"Thank you. Study hard. Perhaps when I return, we won't need to use your iPad to communicate."


As directed, William sent me home early. I spent a couple hours packing, then ate a light supper. I was getting ready for bed, when Marnie came home, rushing into the bedroom.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. "I know there's a ton of things left to do."

"Bill and Master sent me home for a couple hours. I'm to fuck you senseless. You can sleep on the plane tomorrow."

"What about the work?"

"Evelyn and Regina are helping. They'll get by."

"Fuck me senseless, you say. How long do you think that will take you?"

"Probably impossible, Richard. You have a lot of sense."

"But you'll do your best?" I asked.

"Absolutely, Richard. If I can't fuck you senseless, at least I'll leave you drained. Hopefully, it will be a week before you'll have the juice to fuck one of the women on Joshua's ship."

"I'm sure they're all too busy for sex right now."

"If they aren't, please fuck them. I wouldn't want you to get out of practice before you come home."

I laughed. Looking at her now as she stripped, her chains connecting her neck, breasts and pussy, my cock sprang up like a weed.

"God, you're a slut, but an incredibly sexy slut."

She smiled and ran her hand over my already throbbing erection.

"Show me how fucking sexy I am by fucking the shit out of me."

"The lady at the sperm bank was surprised at how easily and quickly I provided her with three sperm samples. I didn't even tell her I didn't use any of their porno. All I had to do was think of you, my cock and Master's cock in your cunt and ass, moaning as you orgasmed a half dozen times."

She pushed me flat on the bed. "If I don't cum a dozen times, you'll have failed miserably to give me what I want." She mounted my cock, already wet for sex.

I wasn't senseless when she finished with me, but I was pushing empty in the fuel tank.


William's plane left at seven the next morning so I was up at the crack of dawn. I was still the only one in the house. Master and Marnie had done another all nighter. Robert drove me to the field.

"Good luck, young man. Give them hell from me, would you," Robert said, carrying one of my suitcases to the jet. I carried a garment bag for my suits and another suitcase.

"Did you know any of them?"

"No, but I saw what was done to the ones you rescued. If I was younger, I'd be going myself."

"I don't know about hell, but I damn well want to see them rescued," I said.

"Be careful."

"I will."

I climbed aboard and a lovely young lady showed me a seat and how to lower it to a bed if I wanted to sleep. She fixed me up with a bottle of water and some food, prepackaged and heated on board.

"I know this is a Gulfstream G600," I said. "Do you know the flight time to Tangier?"

"It will be approximately six hours flight time at.85 Mach or roughly 647 miles per hour, Mr. Farber. There's also a six hour time difference from New York. We'll be arriving in Tangier at 7 PM local time, approximately 1 PM New York time. One of Mr. Greenbriar's men will pick you up there and take you to his ship. I understand that's roughly another hour flight time."

"Do I have internet service on the plane?"

"Not during take off and landing, but it will be available mid-flight."


"Let me know if you need anything else."

"Of course."

I hadn't gotten a ton of sleep last night. A nap sounded good to me. I ate my breakfast and drank my water, adjusted my seat into a bed and went to sleep.

They woke me up for another meal about an hour out of Tangier, getting me in an upright position and ready to strap in for landing and more water to stay hydrated.

When I landed, I thanked them, and got off the plane with my luggage. A Moroccan official glanced at my Passport and Visa, then escorted me directly to Joshua's waiting helicopter, my arrival expedited by someone. There were four armed men on the helicopter. I believe one of them had fucked Marnie in the ass when we first submitted, but he looked different in combat gear than naked with his cock in her ass.

As soon as I hopped on, the pilot was spinning up the rotor. "Richard, good to see you again," Leo said, "though I wish it were not under these circumstances. We can use you. You never know how much a good Personal Assistant is needed until you don't have one. Hannah made things run like clockwork. Our current clock has a few gears missing."

"Pleased to help. I've got some ideas in mind. How's Joshua doing?"

"He was a fucking mess when Edgar told him we lost them. Sahar slapped him across the face and told him to get his ass in gear or he was going to lose Beth forever. Sahar gave us a new lead. You'll be briefed when we get on board."

It was roughly forty minutes before we touched down on the American Entrepreneur. Mom, Bjorn, Yasmine, Edgar and Joshua were waiting for me. I hugged my mother and shook the others hands, though Yasmine also hugged me when I tried to shake hers.

"How was the trip?" Joshua asked.

"As good as money can make it. I'm going to hate flying commercial in the future. Mom, you're looking good, as good as I can remember."

"Generally speaking, it's happiness. I've never been happier and it shows." She squeezed Bjorn's hand.

"How's everyone doing?"

"We could be better," Joshua said, "but we've got someplace to start. Come along, we'll brief you on what we know and suspect. I'm going to put you in Beth's old room. It's got a fully decked out computer system and it's right next to my quarters where we'll be doing most of our work. Do you need food?"

"I ate a couple hours ago, but I'll need something else at some point, maybe in three hours."

We got to Joshua's cabin and Bjorn and Yasmine left. Joshua asked me to sit down in front of one of his large monitors. Mom and Edgar sat down as well.

Edgar started the briefing. "You know we lost Beth and the others, they disappeared to we don't know where, a mountainous region which we had narrowed down to several hundred square miles. We were beginning to despair we might find them in time. Sahar recognized one of the Interpol Inspectors we had suspicions about, a man named Fritz Schultz. He was her first owner. So now we've got someone we're almost certain is behind at least some of the trafficking, but it's hard to just snatch Interpol officers off the street. We caught another lucky break. He contacted Miranda and asked to meet her while they're at a Human Trafficking conference in Geneva. We think he was making a probe to snatch Miranda. Your New York sting might have pissed him off, given him a reason to go after her since she was a driving force behind that. That gives us the opportunity to set up the meet and grab him as well, although we'd like to do it without any bloodshed.

"If he's got men with him, it could turn into a bloodbath and get Miranda caught in the crossfire. It might be the best way to bring him in, and we think he'll know where Mahmoud is. Might even have details on all the other human trafficking operations as well, but at least Mahmoud's because he's the one investigating him and we can't believe he wouldn't have better intelligence on the man after being after him for a couple years without getting a sniff. Man's got to be incompetent as hell or helping him out. We don't know if he's the only leak, but he's definitely one."

"So the ideal situation would be to bring him somewhere you have control of the surroundings, he wouldn't feel it necessary to come with a large contingent of armed men, and/or no time to get them to the location in a short amount of time, and preferably, come with you without raising a fuss?" I asked.

"Pretty much," Edgar said.

"Someplace like a small restaurant in an isolated location, not near anyplace where he could be stashing a bunch of men. Perhaps we could make it look like she only had a couple of people guarding her, but replace everyone in the restaurant with your people, have a bunch more nearby. No advance notice for him, last minute meeting place you've picked out for security reasons. Some kind of threat, where someone like the FBI would need to come get her, and he might like to catch a ride. You'd want him up in the air and out of the area immediately, with no way to access help from either Swiss authorities or his own men. Perhaps something like a bomb threat, where you're not sure of the exact location of the threat, but where getting the Congresswoman up in the air would neutralize any bomb threat against her."

"I think you're on to something, Richard," Edgar said. "Something he wouldn't want to remain on the ground for himself and would like to hitch a ride. He walks out with us, gets on our bird, we knock him out, take him someplace for a friendly little chat. I like it."

"You'd need a helicopter similar to ones the Feds use, perhaps painted with FBI logos. No men he'd recognize from his prior contacts with you, wearing FBI gear and carrying standard FBI weapons. They'd need to look and act like Feds, maybe someone with prior law enforcement experience. Not a large bunch, nothing to scare him off, maybe three or four men there to take her away.

"It would be nice if his own agency wasn't looking for him. Maybe give them a reason to think he's crooked and left on his own, perhaps even successfully kidnapping the congresswoman. Put government pressure on Interpol and get everyone to keep them out of the loop. Maybe leave the trap he hoped to set on Miranda in place and capture the men who came to kidnap her. Question them and let them believe Miranda was taken and Schultz has her. Try to get her current location from her supposed kidnappers, where they'd planned to stash her.