Becoming a Cuckold Ch. 12


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"I'm sorry Hannah was taken," I said. God, Angelique was beautiful, and so tall, taller than I was. "We'll get her back."

"I hope so," Delphine said. "We miss her so much." Her clothes were coming off as well.

"Who's first?" I asked.

"Angelique is senior slave," Delphine said.

I left them both as satisfied as the others, then Delphine wanted me to fuck her while she and Angelique sixty-nined. I felt guilty doing a wham-bam, so took some time despite my fatigue. Delphine seemed to appreciate that as well. Angelique cleaned up after us.


I had time to exercise the next night after work. Sahar was down in the gym working the heavy bag again. Pop, pop, pop, staccato bursts of sound as she battered it.

I started in on weights. After twenty minutes or so, Sahar came over to watch.

"You're not as good as Beth, no matter what the others say."

"I'm sure you're right. Beth was extraordinary."

"They just forget what she was like."

"Have you forgotten what she's like?"

"No. I'll never forget Beth." A tear started to fall, which Sahar hastily wiped away.

"I don't think the others have forgotten Beth either, nor any of the others who were taken. Beth seemed universally loved."

Sahar nodded. She watched me continue to lift. Five minutes later, she said, "I want you to lick me."

I was so surprised, I almost dropped the weight on my foot. I looked at her, expecting to see a smile on her face because she was joking with me. She looked dead serious.

"You don't have sex with men," I pointed out.

"I don't want your cock anywhere near me. I'll hurt you if you try. Only your mouth. In fact, I don't want your hands touching me either. Just your mouth."

"Are you serious? I don't want to do anything which will make you uncomfortable or upset you."

"I need to see for myself."

I nodded. "I probably can't do as well without my hands. You know how Beth used everything she knew to make you experience pleasure?"

"Only your mouth. If you can do anywhere close to Beth with only your mouth, maybe I'll reconsider."

"My room?" I asked.

"Right here, right now."

I looked around and got on the mat on my back, putting my hands under my butt. She looked at me and nodded. She pulled off her pants and panties, then squatted over my face, hot, and still dripping sweat from her workout. Despite that, she still smelled deliciously like a woman.

"You can't orgasm as soon as you want, if you want the Beth experience. She would tease your for a long time before you were allowed to orgasm," I said

"I remember what Beth was like. I haven't forgotten, not like the others."

Sahar lowered her pussy to my lips and I got busy. Every time she got close, she rose up, just enough I couldn't lick her clit, but near enough I could reach her inner thighs and the honey dripping from her sheath. For twenty minutes, she rode me like that. I kept my hands to myself and she controlled everything, including deciding when she was ready to cum. She'd been close several times, so she'd waited as she needed to, before letting it happen.

Sahar moaned, her pussy fluttering against my tongue as she released, fresh fluids flooding my mouth.

"Again, use your hands," she whimpered. "That was so close."

"Lie on your back," I said. "Really relax and let yourself go."

"No cocks."

"I'm not even taking my clothes off. It's not necessary to give you pleasure."

She got off my chest and lay on the mat, her legs parted, closing her eyes. Forty minutes later, I gave her what she wanted, a Bethgasm. She screamed, even squirted a little, not much, though my face got drenched. I gave her three more quick cums, a way to bring her down slowly after the intensity of the first.

I moved away, giving Sahar space, letting her catch her breath. After a minute or so, she opened her eyes.

"The other women didn't lie. They haven't forgotten."

"I'm glad you liked it."

She lay there, limp, hardly moving, her legs still splayed, her pussy moist.

Edgar stuck his head in the doorway to the gym, shouting "Sahar, are you all right? I heard you scream."

He quickly noticed her condition, sprawled on the mat, legs akimbo. He glared at me.

Sahar bent her head back and looked at him, not bothering to cover herself. The crew of the American Entrepreneur used to nudity to one degree or another.

"I'm fine. I asked Richard to show me what the other women were enjoying. He didn't hurt me at all."

Edgar looked stunned. "You don't have sex with men, I thought."

"I know. I don't. But all of the others were saying Richard was as good as Beth. I asked him to show me. They weren't lying."

He lost some of the glare. "You're okay then?"


"In that case, how would you like to meet your old friend, Fritz Schultz?"

Sahar jumped up, still bare below the waist. "I can go?"

"He can't see you until he gets on the helicopter, but yeah. I think you should be the one to question him. Apaches, right?"

"Apaches. I can kill him after the questions?"

"If we've got all we need."

"He doesn't have to die quickly?"

"I can't give you a couple days, but no, he doesn't need to die quickly. Why don't you shower, grab some gear and meet me out on the Helo deck in forty minutes."

"I'll be there." She turned to me. "Thank you, Richard. That was wonderful." She rushed off without bothering to get dressed, carrying the rest of her clothes.

As soon as she was gone, Edgar said, "Don't hurt her, Richard."

"I would never do that."

He nodded and followed her out the door. Since I'd spent so much time with Sahar, I called it a night and went to my room. Roberta was waiting for me. She's the first woman I ever had full blown extra-marital sex with. She'd fucked me when Marnie was undergoing her anal train. She was naked in my bed.

"I want you to fuck me," Roberta said, "after you lick me to orgasm."

"Do I have time to shower?"

"Don't take too long. I heard Sahar scream. I want to scream like that."

"Try to scream quietly so we don't wake Joshua."

She smiled at me and held up a pillow.

I took a shower, and later, Roberta screamed. She screamed again when I fucked her, both smothered in the pillow. "Can I spend the night with you?" Roberta asked, drowsily.

"No problem."

We fucked again in the morning, this one more rushed, the day already intruding.

"I'm leaving for the training in a couple days," Roberta said. "I'd like to do this again before I go."

I was cleaning her pussy at the time. I stopped momentarily. "I'll help if I have the time," I agreed.

She dressed and slipped away.

When I showed up for work, Joshua looked at me. "You had sex with Sahar?"

"Oral sex, yes, sir."

"And she asked for it?"

"I would never do it unless she asked, sir. I'd be afraid she'd kill me."

Mom smiled at me. "All the women are saying Richard is a lot like Beth, Joshua. Apparently, my son has mad skills. Everyone has been curious after Yasmine said he was so good. Sahar didn't believe it."

"A man of many talents, then?" Joshua asked me.

"I try, sir."

Joshua smiled. "Morale has definitely improved among the women on my crew."

I smiled back and went to work.


That evening, I got a text from Master. It had a brief movie of him fucking Marnie. "Your wife misses you, Richard. I'd have to fuck her twice as much if we had the time."

I sent back a smiley face. 😀 I watched the movie a couple times, jacking off as I watched.

An hour later, I got a text from Marnie. Do you miss me?

I answered back. You know I do. I stroked a couple off watching you and Master fuck.

Alexandra said you're fucking your way through the women on the ship. Your mother said your talents are in high demand. I guess I didn't drain you thoroughly enough. More people I need to worry about, I suppose.

LOL. Mostly just oral, though they make sure I'm not suffering.

Master has put Connie and Serena and their husbands to work with us to give us some breaks. It's almost the only reason we had time to send you a movie.

I'm busy too. I've got several people working with me as well. Only reason I have any time.

I'll need to tell Joshua to work you harder😜💋.

I love you.

Love you back twice as much.

I went to sleep, without another woman coming to my bed for the first time. I wondered if they'd been told to lay off. It was okay. I needed the sleep.


It was a couple days later that Joshua told me a particular place had to burn down. I remembered Edgar giving me the phone numbers of some sketchy individuals who weren't too fussy. I called one on a burner phone and gave them the address. I explained what was needed and got a price.

"No deaths, not even animals. I understand the owners won an all expense paid trip to Italy and the house is vacant. The barn structure should be empty as well, except for the DNA that needs to be destroyed. Leave a stack of money to compensate for the building you burn, and anything of value inside. You'll be contacted about where you can pick up your fee in untraceable bills."

"Aye, matey."

He ended the call, no idea of who he was or where he was, just the way we'd like it.

Edgar and Sahar and some hacker named Anatoly returned several hours later. Sahar had an extremely satisfied smile on her face. Anatoly and Edgar immediately joined us in the war room around eight PM.

"We need to go through this data fast," Edgar said. "We need to identify the bad eggs in the various countries that have been protecting the human trafficking operations. We don't want to go after them until we're ready to take out Mahmoud so he doesn't get wind of what's happening. We'll decipher some of the prior communications so we can send out coded messages saying all is well. Have they started overflights of Mahmouds headquarters yet?"

"The spy satellites have already started. We should start getting photo's soon," Joshua said. "Both private and government satellites. We've got a team of five men with four drones, parachuting in a few miles away and hiking close enough to Mahmoud's to get within our drones range to begin making nighttime overflights. All footage captured will be stored for later review by you or anyone else you designate."

"I'd like Buck, Rafe, Thomas, Shed, Oz, Simple, Palmer and Smitty to start reviewing the footage for the next several days when it comes in. I want them to pay attention to whether any operational things start to change as we get closer to the go date, or if things remain the same. I'm heading out tomorrow to Florida along with Sahar and a few others to get the training started. But those are the people I'll be seeking input from when we start finalizing plans."

"I'll add their names to the list," I said.

"I'll need the freed slaves to review the mock ups. That means I'm going to need Fatima for a little while."

"We can manage without her for a few days," Joshua said.

"It's possible the women will be affected by seeing even the mock up," I said. "Make sure you've got a shrink there to help calm them after they check the place over."

"Professor Kline?" Mother said Joshua.

"Good idea, and he's in Florida," Joshua replied, "close to The Bahamas, and he's worked with several of them before."

"I'll make the call," Mother said.

"William will fly him over," I said.


That night I went to the gym to work out some more. Sahar was down on one of the treadmills, running with a forty pound pack on. I hopped on the next treadmill to put in a few miles. She ran beside me for awhile, just pounding away. I kept pace a while before Sahar looked at me, running beside me and came to a stop.

"You're in much better shape now than when Lynn got married."

"As a submissive to my mother, she ordered me to exercise."

"You didn't have sex with your mother, did you?"

"No, it was only to ensure that my wife followed certain rules. She was my first true Mistress."

I hadn't gone far enough to be breathing hard, but it's relatively hard carrying on a conversation while running, so I stopped mine as well when Sahar asked the next question.

"Does your wife know you are fucking other people?"

"Yes, she fucks other people as well. We both have a Master now. It's part of our submission, we fuck other people."

"So if this other man is your Master, does that mean you fuck him?"

"Yes, I also have to fuck him. He enjoys sex with men, and it's part of my subservience to him to have sex."

"Do you like sex with men?"

"Not as much as sex with women, but I'm becoming used to it."

"Why submit to a male if you didn't enjoy sex with them?"

"Because my wife didn't want to be a Dominant. She's more submissive herself. She wanted to submit to a male and for me to join her in her own submission. I did it so I could continue being with her. She wanted me to be an equal partner in our submission, not for me to be submissive to her. While she enjoys sex with women as well, she feels more submissive to Dominant men."

"So you did this because you love your wife and wanted to be with her?"

"More or less."

"Do you watch your wife have sex with this other man?"

"Nearly every time. At the current time, I can't have sex with her vaginally, until after he's done so first and left his sperm in her."

"How does this make you feel?"

"I don't feel all one way. I enjoy seeing my wife receiving pleasure from sex with others. It's part of my love for her that I know she receives enjoyment from her sex with other people, that I'm somehow providing her with that satisfaction by allowing her to do so. On the other hand, I was raised to believe in the sanctity of marriage and that two people should be happy with their spouse and no one else. So it's upsetting to see her with another man, to know I can't provide her with everything she needs. I wish I could be that person, but I'm not."

"Does she love this other man, or is it just sex, like it is for many on this crew?"

"I know she loves him. I also know she loves me. I accept that it's possible to love more than one person." She nodded. "What about you? Do you love anyone?"

Sahar started to cry. I didn't even know she could cry. I'd only ever seen her angry, primarily. Fierce, blunt, hard; a lot of other similar words, but tender enough to cry wasn't one of them. I didn't know what to do. I know she didn't like to be touched, especially by men.

"Would it be okay if I held you?" I asked.

She shot into my arms before the words barely left my mouth. Holding someone still wearing a forty pound pack is strange. She was sobbing hard against my chest and I loosely held her there. I wasn't sure why she was crying. Had she lost someone she loved? A family member?

Suddenly, her near anger at thinking anyone could give pleasure like Beth made perfect sense.

"You love Beth, don't you?"

She didn't answer me, but her increased sobbing and greater pressure she exerted hugging me, gave me the answer.

"I'm sorry," I said. "I know it must be hard for you."

She cried her heart out for ten minutes or so, her sobs eventually dwindling to sniffling hiccups. Her grip loosened on me.

"Please don't tell anyone I cried," Sahar whispered.

"Never be ashamed to love someone; to cry over the loss."

"Beth can never love me back. I'm empty inside."

"If you were empty inside, you couldn't have cried," I said. "You hold love in your heart for someone, and that's a start."

"Beth can never love me. She loves another. She loves her Master."

"It seemed to me, Beth loved a lot of people. She understood love is not singular for all of us. She loves Joshua, she loves her sister slaves; to a certain extent she loves everyone she's with. It was what made sex with her so special. She was focused on providing the very best of herself to anyone she was with. Even when she was captured, what she told Hannah and Jìngyi sounds like the words of someone who loves and is trying to protect her loved ones."

Sahar was silent, thinking.

"I can see my Mother loves Björn, but she also loves Sherry and Manuel. She's not limited to loving one person. Perhaps not equally, all the same, but she loves all three. My wife, Marnie, loves more than one person. I know this. I see it. If you can accept that Beth loves more than one person, there's no reason she can't love you. More than you might believe possible. If you had children, you don't love one more than the others. You're willing to give your life for all of them. It's perhaps the greatest fallacy we're raised to believe, that there is only one person we can love in our lives. I don't believe that anymore."

She finally released me and looked up at me. Her eyes were still wet with tears and I wiped them from her cheek.

"Have sex with me," Sahar said.

"What?" Those were the last words I ever expected out of her mouth.

"If I want Beth to love me the way I want to be loved, I need to love the things she loves. She loves and enjoys sex with men. If I'm willing to have sex with men, I can spend more time with her. Those who have sex with Joshua, got to spend more time with Beth. She was with her sister slaves the most because they shared Joshua's bed the most. I need to prepare myself."

"Why not have sex with Joshua then?"

"Because he's the one Beth loves the most. I think Joshua is a good man, perhaps one of the best men I know, but I also hate him because Beth loves him. He is not the first man I should climb into bed with. I'd want to knife him because Beth loves him. I want to knife most men if they touch me, but him, maybe most of all."

I could understand that. It was part of my dichotomy with Master. I cared for him and sort of hated him both. Hated him for having something I didn't, primarily Dominance, I suppose. He sort of loved and hated me as well, hate born of envy, for having something he'd never had. Relationships are complex.

"Why me, then? Why not someone else you know better?"

"Because you lick cunt like Beth. Perhaps the rest won't be as bad."

"You don't plan on knifing me, do you?"

"I think I can restrain myself." She smiled as she said it, so I suspect it was half a joke, but partly serious.

"Still, I'd appreciate it if you didn't bring a knife to bed with you."

"Smart man. Take me to your bed."

Was I crazy? I wanted to. She'd disavowed sex with men until asking me for sex, but she still wasn't sure how she'd react. I wasn't sure how she'd react, but I wanted to.

She left the pack in the gym with the others left for training purposes and we went to my room. We both showered, separately. I let her go first. If she changed her mind, she could be gone before I got out of the shower, and I'd never say a word to anyone. She was waiting naked in my bed when I finished, though she looked nervous.

"I have a suggestion," I said. "We start with oral sex, because you've already enjoyed that. After you've had a couple of orgasms, you mount me, so you're in control. I won't touch you with my hands until you say you want me to."

"It's a good plan."

I did what I'd done the first time for her. Took it slow, gave her one monstrous orgasm, followed by two more quick ones designed to let her down slowly after the first. It took me thirty minutes. I'd been hard from practically the moment I saw her in bed, so I figured I might not last too long, although I expected her to stop if she got jumpy and I had no problem with it if she wanted to quit.

I got on my back, put my hands underneath me again, so I wouldn't be tempted to use them and let Sahar proceed as she willed it.

She touched me for awhile. Just put her hand on my cock and hold it, or stroke it. When she held my balls, I momentarily thought she might want to crush them, and felt a frisson of fear, but she never put undue pressure on them, merely rolling them in her hands, then releasing them.