Becoming a Slut Couple Martin/Jean


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"Yes ma'am."

"There, that wasn't so hard, was it?"

It was a long day at work and I wasn't sure I even earned my pay as my mind was elsewhere. It was on my life and where it was going. On Jennie and what had happened between us. On what I had done to make the change in her. How had she gone from a missionary only prude to having an affair or affairs? Who had been the one who caused her to do something about her appearance? Who? Why? I wanted to know. I needed to know. Jennie had called twice that day and I told her that I wouldn't talk to her until I came home that night to pack. She had cried, "Pack?!! Oh God no Rob, ple..." and I hung up on her.

The answers to the questions that I had to have answered were at the house, but by the end of the day I had to force myself to go home to get them.


She had screwed up and she knew it. She had no one else but herself to blame and she knew that also, but she loved Martin and she didn't not want to live without him in her life. How could she save anything out of the mess she had made? Her only hope was that he would listen to her as she tried to explain what had led her to do what she had done, believe her when she told him how much she loved him and that he would give her the forgiveness she would beg for.

The one thing she did know was that she had to be completely honest with him. She would not sugar coat the pill on what she had done with Frank. She would not tell Martin that she was just having dinner with a friend. No, Martin would get it all, no matter how bad it made her look. She owed the man she loved that much at least.

She knew that the mood when Martin came home was not going to be good so she didn't bother with making dinner. There would be no sitting down, eating in silence and then going:

"Okay, what would you like to talk about?"

If she wanted to keep Martin she was going to have to do something to blunt the anger he would be bringing home with him. She would have to distract him long enough to give her time to get it all out before he went on the attack. She thought long and hard on it and finally decided the best thing to do would be to do the last thing he would expect.

She was sitting were she could see him when he pulled into the drive. She was as ready as she could be. She took a deep breath and prayed that it would work and that she could get Martin back before she lost him.


I still had no idea of how I was going to handle it when I opened the door and walked into the house. I stopped in my tracks at the sight that greeted me. Jennie stood there in a sheer black teddy and 'Come Fuck Me' pumps with four inch heels and holding a filled martini glass out to me. Dumbfounded I reached out and took it from her hand.

"Would you like your blow job before my explanation or after?"

My mind wasn't working. This wasn't my Jennie. I stood there holding the martini as she said:

"I'll take that to mean you want it first" and she knelt down in front of me, pulled down my zipper and had a hand on my cock before I got myself together enough to say:

"Damn it Jennie, this is no..." and that was as far as I got before her hot mouth enveloped me. "Oh shit" I thought as I felt her tongue work on me, "It is the only blow job I will ever get from her so I might as well enjoy it." I looked down to see her looking up at me as her head moved back and forth on my cock. I saw her hands undoing my belt and my trousers fell to the floor. She took her mouth off of me long enough to pull my briefs down and then her mouth captured me again.

With my briefs out of the way her left hand fondled my nuts and I moaned as she took my cock all the way to the back of her throat. Her right hand went to my ass and she teased my butt hole with a finger and I groaned as the cum rushed out of me and into her mouth. She didn't pull back. Both of her hands gripped my ass and she held me as she swallowed my discharge and then she held me in her mouth until I became limp. She stood up, took the martini from my hand and took a sip and then handed the glass back to me.

"I want very much to kiss you right now Martin, but given what I just did I don't want to gross you out. You might not like the taste of yourself."

"What the hell is this all about Jennie?"

"I wanted to relax you Martin. I wanted to relax you enough that you will sit down and give me a chance to save my marriage. I heard you introduce me to your boss last night as your "about to be ex-wife" and I want to change your mind if I can."

"Why the hell do you want to save our marriage Jennie? You have spent the last couple of years not showing any interest in me whatever. Why, after I find out about you having other men in your life, are you suddenly so interested in keeping me?"

She knelt down in front of me again and said, "Step out of your pants Martin" and then she pulled the out of the way as I lifted my feet. As she stood up she stuck her tongue out and licked my cock and it twitched. It wanted her mouth again.

"Take a sip of your martini Martin and come sit down and I'll tell you everything."

I followed her into the family room and sat down on the couch. She took the easy chair across from me and said:

"I want to save our marriage Martin because I love you. I have never loved anyone but you and I want to stay with you."

"What about Frank?"

"Frank was a mistake Martin, a stupid mistake made by a stupid woman who was upset because her husband ignored her and wouldn't have anything to do with her. A woman who thought her husband didn't want her any more. I was vulnerable; Frank saw it and he took advantage of the situation. I could have said no, but I didn't."

"Why would you think I didn't want you anymore?"

"When was the last time you made love to me Martin?"

"I don't remember."

"Exactly my point Martin. Oh I know why you lost interest in me. I know that I didn't look all that appealing and even when we made love I was a prude. Making love felt nice, but it wasn't all that big a thing to me. It was something that I could take or leave and as I let myself go you didn't push for sex and since I was so-so on the subject anyway I said nothing and things slid away from us.

"It wasn't until I joined that book discussion group at the library and was befriended by Alice and the others that things changed for me."

I sat there and listened as she told the story of the video tapes and how they made her want to try things with me, of looking in the mirror and suddenly realizing why I didn't bother her for sex anymore and how she set out to bring me back to her.

"I worked hard Martin, I busted my ass to make myself appealing to you, but you never noticed. You never commented on the change in me, not once. All you had time for was your job. Other men were looking at me, other men were making passes at me, but I couldn't even get you to acknowledge that there was a change in me. I got bitter Martin. I did all that work to make myself better for you, but you couldn't be bothered. I made up my mind that I had worked hard enough to get myself in shape for you, but I'd be damned if I was going to crawl to you and demand that you look at me. By God, you were going to have to come to me. I know now that that was stupid of me. If I had forced the issue we wouldn't be where we are now."

She told me how Alice had noticed her being out of sorts and how she had told Alice everything and how Alice had come up with the phone numbers plan. She told me of the night at the bar and how she had gloried in the attention she got.

"They wanted me Martin; every one of them wanted me, but you didn't. I was primed and ready Martin. The tapes had set me on the path to wanting to give you the love life you deserved, but you didn't seem to want me. You just didn't seem to care about me at all. I'm not blaming all the drinks I had that night, although they probably had something to do with lowering my inhibitions, but I was primed and ready to be fucked Martin and I let my good sense get away from me and Frank was there to pounce.

"I knew it was stupid and when I got home I was sorry as hell that I'd done it. The next morning I made up my mind to force the issue and while you were eating breakfast I took a quick shower and then hurried naked back to the kitchen, but you had already gone. Last night I was going to meet you at the door the way I did tonight, but then you called and said you were going out of town again. I asked you to come home and I told you that I needed you and you pushed me away again. Five minutes after you hung up Frank called and I thought, "At least someone wants me" and I agreed to have dinner with him knowing that we would probably end up in a motel. We went to the restaurant and the rest you know."

"Why would you go to a motel since you knew I wouldn't be coming home?"

"Your house and your bed Martin. I couldn't do it here, I just couldn't."

"So you are saying that this is all my fault? That I caused you to do fuck another man?"

"No, that isn't what I'm saying. I accept that I'm responsible for what I did. What I'm doing is explaining how it happened and I'm hoping you will understand why it happened. I made a monumentally stupid mistake and I'm begging you to forgive me. Please Martin I love you, God knows I do and I hope you do to. Just give me a chance to prove it Martin. That is all I'm asking for, your forgiveness and a chance."

I stared at her and thought about our situation. I had thought she was disinterested when what she was doing was waiting for me to say, "Wow, what have you done to yourself." I had noticed the changes and thought they were for someone else. Talk about two people lacking in communication skills. And what about what I had been doing. A pot calling the kettle black situation if there ever was one.

I loved her; I had always loved her, even when she had seemed disinterested. Should I tell her what I had been doing? Show her that we were even? No, I didn't think so. It might not make things better and in fact it could make things worse. I wanted to give her what she wanted, the forgiveness she was asking for, but first I had to know.

"Was Frank the only one or were there others?"

"There was no one else Martin, no one!"

"And Frank got all the benefit of your newfound sexuality?"

She blushed and then she said, "No, not all of it. He got my first blow job and it was a pretty poor one since it was my first, but I learned from it though and the one you just got was a lot better. And he did get me into some positions other than missionary. He wanted all of it, but I did save one thing just for you."


"He wanted my ass Martin, but I told him the only one who would ever go there would be you."


She looked at him, unable to read what he was thinking by looking at his face. She had deliberately lied in indicating that she and Frank had only done it the one time. That was confession enough she felt. It wouldn't help matters any for Martin to know of the other times and he didn't need to know how far she had gone on those times and he sure did not need to know that any of it was in his house and on his bed.

Let him believe he would be the first on most of it. If he stayed she would make it up to him. She promised herself if he stayed he would never regret it, not for one second. She had painted herself as a cheat and she knew she had shocked him by being as forward as she had been, but she didn't know if it had worked. "Please God" she prayed, "Let him forgive me."


"Hey girlfriend, how we doing" Alice asked.

"Not bad," Jennie said, "I'm hanging in there."

"The reason I'm calling is to let you know that Tina won't be playing cards with us tonight. She's coming down with something. She thinks it's the flu. I've lined up a sub for her though. We still on for seven?"


"What's the matter? You sound a little down."

"Every once in a while it catches up with me. The things that happened and the way things went."

"Buck up girlfriend, you'll survive. See you tonight."

She put down the phone and got busy cleaning the place up and preparing the refreshments. The doorbell rang at six forty-five and she answered it to find Alice and another woman standing there. The woman looked familiar and it took her a second or two to recognize her.

"Oh my God, it's you, it really is you."

"Surprise, surprise," Alice said. "Norma, meet Jennie. Jennie, meet Norma, also known to us as Angel Dust. She is in town to visit family and I asked her to fill in for Tina."

"Well come on in. Don't just stand there, come in, come in. Honey, come here a minute."

"What" asked Martin as he walked into the room.

"Honey, I would like you to meet Norma. Norma, this is my husband Martin and next to me he is one of your biggest fans."

"I am?"

"You sure are. You watch her at least once a week."

"I do?"

Alice laughed and said, "Try and imagine her without her clothes on."

He stared at Norma and suddenly the light bulb went on over his head and he stepped forward and extended his hand as said:

"Welcome to our humble abode."

Jennie took Norma's hand and said, "Follow me into the kitchen and while I'm making you a drink I'll tell you how you almost ruined my marriage and then saved it."

As Jennie led Norma away Alice asked, "What was that all about? What did I miss?"

"Long story, but you will have to get it from Jennie."

"You two seem to be getting along fine."

"We are. By the way, I never have thanked you for trying to help. Even though Jennie never did get to use the phone number ploy you did try to help and I appreciate it."

"Hey, what are friends for? So, how does it feel knowing that you are going to be a daddy?"

"It still hasn't caught up to me yet. Come on. Let's get the other two and play some Euchre."

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GuyfromShadesGuyfromShadesabout 1 year ago

Thanks for your writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

To be honest, and this is really rare for me, I strongly side with Jeannie here. All she ever wanted was Martin. Yes she should have been more assertive and less passive, but she tried to get his attention for a long time and he completely ignored her while he was banging away at the office. The long disconnect was not just poor communication, Martin checked out of the marriage way before she went to Frank. Her affair with Frank was at most several weeks (remember Beth saying since end of last month she was not in thr PI report). Yes she had sex with Frank probably a half a dozen times and did a lot of new things with him. But shit she felt guilty about it andnjept pining for Martin to come to her and all he did was rebuff her or lie about work and kept banging away. I am glad they got back together and are happy but I see Jim raising Frank's child, which is implied by the following passages:


"What's the matter? You sound a little down."

"Every once in a while it catches up with me. The things that happened and the way things went."


as his price to be paid for never coming clean and being a cheating slut husband. While Jeannie cheated her husband (plus the tapes and the ill planned phone number ploy) drove her to it. All Martin had to do was make love to her one in all that time. He didn't. In reality she would be better off with someone else but she is so devoted to Martin and seeks to make it up to him with no knowledge of his adultery and why he then had no interest in her, that she will stay with him. Her price is that she will spend the rest of her life making it up to a loser who was largely responsible for her fall from grace. His price is he raises another man's child. It is too bad because she could have had better if she been able to learn the truth of Martin and divorce his ass.

usaretusaretover 2 years ago

The first chapter and the third chapter [both the wife] were exactly the same, real bummer. But oversall a good but, towards the end, almost boring story.

whateverittakeswhateverittakesabout 3 years ago

Uh huh and just who is the daddy, dearest?

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